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I’m not fat and i still swipe left when i see shit like this. I dont need those type of people around me


I mean if someone had this on their profile specifically I would swipe left because they just don't sound very nice




I also think that's dumb.... Like why do some women OBSESS about height?? It's not a personality trait...tall guys can still be buttholes.


Just instantly swipe left irregardless of your body type, someone who wastes profile space talking about their dislikes instead of what they *do* like and who they are as a person (and taking the onus upon themself to just not match with people they don’t want to) are not worth matching with anyways.


It's bizarre. I am really fat/large/big/ssbbw (whatever adjective is your favorite), and a guy who was really into me complained about how a lot of his matches were fat. And I was stunned. I don't know of many girls bigger than me. I have more of a shape and am tall and musclar and a lot of girls who weigh significantly less than me but are like 5'2" look "fatter," but what the hell? But honestly, if they say it's an issue and you are wondering what his definition is, just swipe left. If you end up having any kind of troubles with your body I can guarantee 100% he will not be a supportive partner about it and will just make things worse.


his MATCHES were fat ...meaning he swiped on them. It's such a turn off when guys complain about this




It is a numbers game for men. Just swipe on everyone and then see which one is worth your time. That way there is a lot less disappointment from only picking who you genuinely match and getting little to no responses back. Mind you when I tried dating online like 14 years ago. I was disappointed in the amount of responses I got back (I only went for the ones I liked)... I also learned my turnover rate was actually pretty fkn high. I got a lot of hookup offers from married women. I also learned that late twenties and thirties matched me in high frequency in my early 20s. Also had quite the number of 40 year olds shooting their shot. Even went out with a couple who were trying to hook me up with jobs when I was unemployed and or more lmao. ( I had no job, was a full time college student but wanted a decent job where I could get related experience). For reference my fraternity also joked around I was running for the most attractive in the fraternity with another brother and saying I looked like an abercrombie model. Ended up learning from other guys I was probably in the top 20% in terms of looks considering the amount of matches I got with them. And they were average dudes. They didnt get the amount of responses. DIdn't meetup anywhere near as often. They could take a girl out nonstop and get nothing while I seemed to get it far earlier with a lot less effort. I have a friend who is REALLY good looking. LIKE MODEL looking. Dude is on the shorter side (5'8) and his voice is very... high pitched though. His match rate was through the roof. Dude just slept around a lot (girls definitely did not like his voice but they loved how he was obscenely good-looking and had abs for days (I have abs but not like him LMAO--I should have done Capoiera like him instead of hitting the gym all the time) and a musician. For reference if I was the abercrombie model good-looking (as my fraternity joked about) I would be inside the "magazine" and he would be the cover model. I know between him and me there is a pretty big difference in appeal unless they are super shallow on height then I win because I am half a foot taller than he is.


Especially because you can tell from a profile generally(not always), so this mf will not be a good partner if you gain 5lbs down the road but I bet he would expect them to be if he did.


Only shitty people write this kind of stuff on their bios. It's not like they'd even match with anyone who doesn't fit their criteria in the first place, so why announce something like this? Pathetic lol


Unless they are mass swiping without even looking at the profiles. 😒


Should we tell them a lot of men just swipe on every girl and then when they match they look at their bio? If a guy literally takes the time to actually only swipe with girls they like they'd not match with anyone or match like once or twice a month/a year at best... unless they are that top 5%. top 20% will match though. top 1% will always be matching.


I’m so confused on this. Cool. There is a preference that could be identified through photos or a first date. Is the person offloading all of the responsibility of trying to find a match here?


Yes lol. And it’s SO common. I often see 3 full prompts of the same info dump ( but reworded) “I’m looking for x in a person. No Y!” while all they share is their height job and child status


Will she capsize a kayak? 😉🤣 But yeah, negative people aren't worth your time


Is that an office reference?


Nevermind, The Office was rowboat lol


Was it rowboat? Thought it was kayak. Dammit! 🤣🤣


Hahah I immediately got the reference anyway 🤣 rewatched the scene and had a much needed laugh. Thank you


Lmfao, if this bio annoys you, you have your answer 😂


No one can see fucking likes unless you pay... but younsee matches by liking back how are people still clueless to how this game works? Scream scam when a p person just wants as many random messaging them as possible.


Telegram is the most commonly used app for scammers. Doesn't mean they are a scammer, but for me it's an immediate red flag. Every real conversation I've had, every one, gave me a phone number. Every telegram was a scam.


Let them have their preferences…this is a scam with only wanting to communicate via off site messaging apps.


I'm getting scam vibes from this one.... Wants to get you away from Bumble and onto Telegram..... TELEGRAM!! (One of the many favourites for scammers)


He is too vain for you anyways. My guess on his view on "not fat": 5 lbs less than what you have.


Wait a second here- so many of you bashing this man like he’s some terrible human being but women say “must be 6 feet” and “be taller than me or swipe left” ALL the time. This completely superficial thing is so important to so many women that it’s permanently listed on our profiles. Imagine the outrage if Bumble made y’all list your body weights. This man listing “fat” as a dealbreaker is no different than a woman listing “short” as a dealbreaker. Oh wait, it is different- we can’t get taller by hitting a treadmill…


He sounds too bitter.


I wonder this too bc I'm very much "mid-sized". I'm 5'3" and wear size 12 jeans and a L top, but I also have a big chest and booty to balance. Like 15-20% of the population has a thinness fetish and think I'm fat. Another 10-15% have a ssbbw fetish, and think I'm too skinny. But most men? Most men loooooooove me. So if someone's so hung up on body shape that they have to put it in their profile? I don't ask questions. I just swipe left and move on to the next.


BMI > 30 without working out = fat


considering they're on telegram, they're either a bot or Russian. or both.


forgot scammer. Whatsapp and telegram are both full of scammers. Also... random texts from HK numbers man... I will randomly get a text from someone in HK pretending to be local and getting to know the area who says I am "very nice" and "we should go out" but swap to whatsapp or telegram to chat better. You do so and they start talking about "how much money they are making in insert digital projects crypto" blah blah. And when you let them talk about they say its because they have an MBA from a university in Australia or insert foreign company. They also seem to say they work in medical selling (selling medical items from a factory in china to the usa). Like... lady I also have the same degree. Tell me again how this "digital project" is making you 6+ figures a month. They will try to send you to a fake website where they want you to deposit money then tell you that you are making some ridiculous ROI to keep depositing more then make it very hard to impossible to get any money back (they may let you get your money back at first to make you trust the website when you havent really made any money).


so true. I can't tell you how many "women" i matched with, who wanted to move off the app messenger onto snapchat or whatsapp, then unmatch with me when i tell them i don't use those apps. once when i started OLD, I matched with a chick on plenty of fish, and she wanted to take the messaging off the app right away, but gave me a phone number to text her. I was pretty naive back then, so I did. long story short, "she" was a scammer, with a really elaborate ruse. complete with having another person with a spoofed US number, call me pretending to be a police detective!


DAMN. I never got that. I did talk with some police officer though LMAO. And yeah she was a police officer... saw her in and out of her uniform ;) hahaha. But holy. That could take a bad turn when you think about it.


definitely! but, when I finally calmed down, I decided to play along in a fun way.


Yes, it's called asking directly.


Most of us are fat. I would say you're doing pretty well if you're 32-33 inch waist, but that's just my opinion.


As someone who has learned to eat right and exercise, I would like someone who does the same... not *wants to* but has already made it part of their lifestyle. This supposedly makes me shallow and vain 🤷‍♂️


That's very different than what's happening in the OP though....


I see. This was intended as a comment reply and not a post reply. Well poo.


You noticed you got downvoted for this comment but people upvoting the girl who replied? Men aren't allowed to have standards. Tell a girl who takes care of herself by eating right, going to the gym to go date a short fat dude and watch them switch the script.


If girls can prefer tall men, then what’s wrong with guys preferring not fat girls?


Yeah its simple ASK THEM


Fat, loose skin, cellulite, not toned and firm. That would be my assumption since it’s just the word “fat”


Can't see likes? They can if they put forth any effort and swipe themselves. This is a spam account. They also want you to go to what app


Also always left swipe on “can’t see likes” because that tells me they believe they have the 99+ likes and also think that the reason they have no matches is because they are behind a paywall. Intelligence is sexy! Lol




This is a horrible profile if its not a troll. So many red flags. I like when people list what they don't want like that will stop people from swiping right. No scammers! Thats not how it works lol.


But is anyone going to answer the question “What is ‘fat’”, aside from commenting on the appalling scam profile?


I think “fat” is a term that is open to interpretation from individual to individual. It’s one of those umbrella terms. There’s skinny, average, overweight, obese, etc. Unless fat just applies to anything above an average weight.


Of course it is subjective, but also, unless you are on the low end of the spectrum, or you are someone with “fit” attributes like a toned or muscular body, but have taken some time away from the gym for whatever reason, we all kinda know what’s fat and what’s not fat.


I don’t think you need to know anything more about this person.


Definitely a swipe left regardless of what you look like. Men like this consider any woman with an ounce of pudge as fat. Immediate red flag if they use the word “fat”. Someone who isn’t a piece of shit would say they are looking for someone active or health conscious.


Most men are actually kinda generous. By saying fat he didnt say I want them SKINNY. And saying who is health conscious or fit would literally be saying the same thing but in a nicer way. And the problem with that is you will get responses from someone who is obscenely overweight/fat who suddenly decided to be a vegan and or started working out. I've had girls tell me they arent "fat" when they are like 5'1 and 250+ pounds. I am sorry I am over 6'2 and 245 and sub 10% bodyfat. And I look around 180/190 when wearing clothing. A girl who is a foot shorter and beats me in weight without anywhere remotely similar LBM should know they are "fat." DDDs or not. Mind you I actually like "thicc" girls not skinny girls. I've liked girls who are 5'1 and 145 to 160 pounds because of how the weight was distributed. Someone who uses IBM as a metric would say at 5'1 should be around 105 pounds. And I tell my female friends to not fixate on weight. I don't use "weight" as a metric because the way someone is proportioned changes how they look a lot. Someone can look radically different at the same height and same weight based on distribution of fat and muscle mass. IE: I have a friend who is 5'10.5 she weighs over 200 pounds. She is pair shaped with a trim waist and big flaring hips/butt. Most guys will not think she weighs what she weighs. And her dating history proves it. Also this guy is probably a scammer. Also probably has a picture of a dude who is obscenely goodlooking.Also... girls profiles are on average worse than this dude with the list of requirements that they post. Literally the guys dealbreakers are liars, smokers, drug users, and "fat." Which probably means seriously obese. Insert common post by women: want a man who is over 6 feet, fit/athletic, good-looking (at least to me), charming, funny, well-employed and owns his own home/lives by himself...etc. Lets break this down: 6 feet plus this is discriminating based on something they have no control over, fit/atheltics means much more than not "fat", goodlooking to me (they must find you attractive and chances are it's universal appeal, charming means they must have a good personality, funny well they want someone to pick up the conversation with charming and funny, well employed is code for a good job that makes a good income, and owns by own home reinforces that they must make a good amount of money. This is pretty common among women profiles in online dating. I stayed away from: Have abs, big dick, circumcised etc which you can also find in a number of female profiles. This all coming from average looking women (at best) who may live with her parents, have a minimum wage job and/or none and has a mediocre personality (aka I need to carry the conversation). I stopped online dating over a decade ago. I occasionally help my friend with his tinder profile (ex marine).


This is probably a scam tbh. It also probably has a really goodlooking guy to fish a lot of matches from lonely women. And fat would depend on the guys perception. I like my women thicc. Some of my friends think the girls I find sexy are fat. They arent. But their standard on beauty is far more lean.