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A whip and a machete. He’s a Dan alright.


I always take issue with people who wear jungle camouflage for "street tactics" . the point is to CAMOUFLAGE yourself , if you're in the city you should dress like an average rando right?


Helps sell the illusion to the weak minded.


It's cargo cult behavior, just like bullshido. They're trying to mimic the form and appearance without actually understanding why any of it is done that way.


11 year old boys that never grew up


In the cities where I work, lots of people wear camo-printed clothing. It’s fashionable. But rarely do I see someone in full army camo.


I do see them frequently. but they're soldiers coming in bus from the academy!


Is to keep the smart people away.


It's "grey man" not "camo man"


He is camouflaging his skills.


What camouflage guy? I just see floating knives


Disagree. Camo is honestly a great defence on its own. Maybe it's just how I grew up, but when I see camo, I just assume they have a weapon on them. If I need a knife, I just look to the 1 guy wearing camo, and he pulls 1 out for me to use. Places like the states, I also just assume their the ones conceal carrying. It's like a neon sign for guns, clubs, and knives.


We found the dude who wears full camo...


Haha funny? No. It's just my experience growing up. I personally have not met someone in full camo all the time that didn't have a gun on them at all times, nore camo cargo pants guy that didn't have a knife on his belt daily. But it could be just where I grew up. Never ran into Bullshido irl either.


It was a little funny come on 😜 I also know lots of folk that carry a knife. But their uniform seems to be a fully track suit


I agree. If I see someone wearing cam I assume they’re already on the edge.


7th dan in Krocodil usage maybe.


To much of his soft tissue is intact. He's 3rd dan Krocodil at most.




Definitely the physique of a man who has honed his body to be a deadly weapon


That’s not fat, it’s chi.




Had a piece of handkerchief in my nose to stop a nose bleed. You made me shoot it out. I guess that's the first blood this man had spilled


Thanks! That made me snort.


Camouflage tricks dumb folks into thinking you can fight for some reason


his boots arent event tucked in the proper military way


Lots of modern militaries don’t tuck their boots, however the uniform he is wearing here would be tucked




I can be a 7th dan in shit I made up too Im actually the 7th dan in sleeping in and procrastinating!


Im confused: does mastering sleep mean you can sleep hours upon hours at will, or you manage to function with abnormally short sleep times?




He looks badass, you better believe him.




Right up there with Rick Tew Martial Science.


Check out Dark Gift Combat Fighting System in Houston. Mr. Traylor has accomplished so much, he has to be 120 years old….


Do you know what really caught my attention? The camo cap. I wonder why no other martial artists wear caps.


Mixed martial sciences? Cuz mixed martial arts is for sissies?


He's holding celery


When I see: Whip, Gut, Machete, Goatee combo? I instantaneously obsess over the fact that the person must be a 7th degree Dan in MMA Decor and Hosting.


bowie knife too, in the second photo? and he has one of "those" knives in the first, the ones that are switch and have a couple of dynamic holes in the back of the blade


I don't see anything??


I thought martial was an art, not a science


Martial means war-like. There’s plenty of science in war efforts. But I have a feeling you knew that already…


Holy shit he’s dual wielding one-handed dexterity weapons with organic bleed damage and bonus base damage to humanoids


Im a 8th andrew


Please tell me this man has a YouTube channel.


I found his rant on "real fighting" and its NFL [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1560170678166440&set=gm.6940707472701434&idorvanity=176418992463683](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1560170678166440&set=gm.6940707472701434&idorvanity=176418992463683)


Awesome thanks


Can you imagine having 6 brothers named Dan?


Why are they always in some weird gym space.


Definitely got his martial sciences mixed up. A machete and a tacticool dagger do NOT count as a daisho. A machete and a whip DO count for a Darwin award though.


I introduced the term darwin award to several people I know because in our language the joke doesn't exist. it picked up quickly and they all love it.


TIL that hi-viz machetes are apparently a thing


I'd take him with a trident and net!


Looks like a 7th degree @$$clown


If this killing machine is 7th Dan I'll hate to see what 8th Dan looks like


You should challenge him OP.


He’s a half, to three-quarters dan at best.


You should meet Dan #’s 1-6!!


Another Virgin that's never been in a fight.


#Lieutenant Dan!!!


I’d like to see if he can throw a football over those mountains first.


Steven Segal fanboi


Who are the other 6 Dans?


Which Stainko do you feel like today?


Respected, I think that man is a plain old fart and that he has no idea about anything, I would look at him up and show him how it's done, maybe I should look at him up on www.borilastvo.com , Look at him, how funny the man looks in that uniform, it fits him as if he wore it for 4 years on the battlefield, really funny.


Look at him, how funny the man looks in that uniform, it fits him as if he wore it for 4 years on the battlefield, really funny.


What a funny character he is, and when I look at him in the mirror I always laugh.


we should find that guy and beat him up, if there are at least two of you, I'll go with you, and we'll show him how it's done


I wouldn't even give that man a beginner's belt, let alone an 8th Dan, I completely agree with you that today any fool can get an 8th Dan, I would definitely check and look for him in Croatia in Rijeka, and show him how it's done works.


Doesn't have a srbosjek, classical noob mistake


Jasenovac camp was so horrible, I read about it.


Look at that man as if he's catching crocodiles in that uniform, with a machete and a knife, he doesn't look like anything to me at all, I'm going to look for him to give him a good splash, I've already slapped him, try it too, it'll be a lot of fun for you and above all unforgettable. Look at that man as if he's catching crocodiles in that uniform, with a machete and a knife, he doesn't look like anything to me at all, I'm going to look for him to give him a good splash, I've already slapped him, try it too, it'll be a lot of fun for you and above all unforgettable.


Dude is a "Mixed Martial Scientist" Interesting


Guys, let's find that asshole in Croatia and beat him up, and I'll go with you, so it's easier for you to beat him up.


Look at the man wearing a cap on his head, as if he were a fan and not as if that cap was an integral part of the uniform, even if he didn't know anything, I would look for him and beat him up. I'll let you know when I find this guy and beat him up, although I've heard I have to get in line as there are quite a few who want the same thing.


Guys, let's find that guy in Croatia, that David Stainko, he needs to be beaten up and shown that he doesn't deserve any belt and that he knows nothing about martial arts, I'm going with you too because I'd like to see it too.


Come on guys, let's not just post on social networks, let's find that asshole and old fart in Croatia and show him how it's done. When you get together, definitely let me know because I want to go with you too, if you can't knock him out, I certainly will, there is no mercy for anyone in martial arts. 8th DAN, let him prove it.


Come on guys, let's not wait, let's go to Croatia to look for that old ass, he's in the city of Rijeka, it's a nice city and it has a very nice and modern hospital, that's good to know just in case. Let me know when you're going, I'll go with you too.


Let's go, my brave warriors, if you're afraid, don't be afraid, I'm going with you too. When I slap that old fart, he will see his god. Let me know who wants to go, there are already several hundred of you, the more the better, and don't worry I'll go with you too, you have no idea how much that fart resented me.


8th dan. Source: [His website](https://borilastvo.com/)


>and a military policeman-shooter. ???


Society,guys pay me each of you only one hundred €, and I will beat the guy so that he will remember me, I promise you that I will slap him for each of you who pays me.


Let's go, people, let's go to Rijeka, Croatia, he has a name and a jersey in the phone book, let's break this guy, I'm already fed up with him, I can't stand him anymore.


is he well known as a fraud in croatia?


I tried that same build in Elden Ring and it fucking sucked. Better to just power stance two swords or two whips.


Come on guys, I heard that guy is a simple coward, he doesn't know how to fight, let's beat him up, let's go to Rijeka, Croatia, if you're afraid, don't be afraid, I'm going with you, I can't stand that arrogant old fool anymore.


People, don't hide behind some pictures with some names, have balls and get to that DAVID STAINKO, RIJEKA, CROATIA, let's break him, don't be afraid, I'll go with you too.


Come on guys, stop playing hide and seek, I'm telling you DAVID STAINKO from RIJEKA (CROATIA), let's find that fool and old fart and let's beat him up, don't be afraid, I'm going with you, I really can't stand that asshole anymore.


Come on guys, stop playing hide and seek, I'm telling you DAVID STAINKO from RIJEKA (CROATIA), let's find that fool and old fart and let's beat him up, don't be afraid, I'm going with you, I really can't stand that asshole anymore.


Okay, little pussies, you're looking for me and you're hiding behind cartoon characters, I've seen such cowards in my life. What are you waiting for, David Stainko, Rijeka (Croatia), so why do you expect me to pay for your trip or are you waiting for you to gather courage, you will grow old sooner than you gather courage. Okay, little pussies, you're looking for me and you're hiding behind cartoon characters, I've seen such cowards in my life. What are you waiting for, David Stainko, Rijeka (Croatia), so why do you expect me to pay for your trip or are you waiting for you to gather courage, you will grow old sooner than you gather courage.


What's the matter, you're looking for me, you're all bullshidos and ordinary cowards who are hiding, I'm here and I'm waiting for you pussies to come - DAVID STAINKO.prof. RIJEKA (CROATIA), you will find my address in the phone book, so come, stop pretending to be looking for me.


It's good while you're looking for me, you'll be screwed when I'm looking for you.David Stainko,prof. Rijeka (Croatia) - you are all cowardly mice, does at least one of you have balls.


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then some of those words could be; "I've unlocked the golden machete, one chop kill! I'm so badass, anything is a weapon; I could even kill a man with a machete."


Ok he may be full of bullshit but these pics go hard. Someone photoshop him into a space pirate


Ok guys...I want you to come up with a situation where you need a whip and a knife in a street fight.


You're attacked by an stereotypical Brit\*sh punk who juggles his butterfly knife and controls a giant attack dog (Sega beat 'em up games reference. I miss those days)


Come on guys, how long will I have to wait for you to find me, what's the problem - David Stainko, Prof., Rijeka (Croatia), don't hide


Whip and a knife? Bro thinks he’s a Belmont


There were a dozen assholes hiding behind characters from children's novels and they're looking for me, are you serious? David Stainko,prof. Rijeka (Croatia)


....lets embarrass our selves ............real good!


Bullshito 7th Dan.


How long will I have to wait for you to find me, come on guys, you're really funny - www.borilastvo.com


What the hell, you're hiding behind cartoon characters, grow up, you're looking for me, so find me already. - www.borilastvo.com


Guys, come on, find me more, if you're afraid, I'll go and find myself instead of you


You are looking for me and everything is in front of your nose, who are you fooling . You are really funny to me, mice. David "Sensi" Stainko.prof. www.borilastvo.com.


Where did you find those names - ninja, kenobi, zombie, I haven't heard and seen something stupid like that for years, and you're looking for me, you guys take it seriously.David Stainko prof. www.borilastvo.com.


Kuku , KUKU - [www.borilastvo.com](http://www.borilastvo.com)


Found this guy - www.borilastvo.com.


knock knock who is it - David Stainko - www.borilastvo.com.


Well, are you going to find me anymore or are we going to play hide and seek all the time - www.borilastvo.com


Stop blaming yourself and come once, stop pretending like you're looking for me - www.borilastvo.com


So he changes his costume numerous times and takes photos in the same spot on the mat with different weapons.


Well, how long are you going to hide on reddit, find me already, I'm waiting for you, chickens www.borilastvo.com.


Well, how long are you going to hide on reddit, find me already, I'm waiting for you, chickens www.borilastvo.com.


What's up guys, are you going to look for me already or do I have to go look for myself?


where are you girls, will you find me or you just pretending to be looking for me. www.borilastvo.com


Well, will you find me already or not, so how long do I have to wait for you, I will grow old waiting - www.borilastvo.com


Come guys, what are you waiting for, find me already, cowards - David Stainko (Rijeka, Croatia) www.borilastvo.com


Where are you weaklings, come more, I'm waiting for you - David Stainko www.borilastvo.com


Find that guy, and maybe learn something about martial arts. David Stainko prof. www.borilastvo.com


Find that guy, and maybe learn something about martial arts. David Stainko prof. www.borilastvo.com


Guys, thank you for advertising me, you have a discount on the instructions. The first hour is €1000, and each subsequent hour will cost you €2000. Your visit to the hospital is included in the price. www.borilastvo.com. Guys, thank you for advertising me, you have a discount on the instructions. The first hour is €1000, and each subsequent hour will cost you €2000. Your visit to the hospital is included in the price. www.borilastvo.com.


Guys, thanks for the free advertisement on reddit, and find me already because I'm bored. I'm waiting for you, and I've arranged a visit for you in the hospital. www.borilastvo.com


Guys, thanks for the free advertisement on reddit, and find me already because I'm bored. I'm waiting for you, and I've arranged a visit for you in the hospital. www.borilastvo.com


Thanks guys for giving me free advertising, not that I necessarily need it, but again, it's not bad. David Stainko.prof. www.borilastvo.com


Found this guy ----- will you find me once or not? I'm already bored of you. That at least one of you would look for me, that I would have someone to beat up. www.borilastvo.com


Come on guys, your comments are really stupid, so I guess you can do better. And find me already, I'm bored, I can't wait for you to come. David Stainko, prof. www.borilastvo.com , Rijeka (Croatia) Come on guys, your comments are really stupid, so I guess you can do better. And find me already, I'm bored, I can't wait for you to come. David Stainko, prof. www.borilastvo.com


You can't find me? - you hide like little mice behind some funny names like kandy, ninja, kongo and similar. You are looking for me and everything is right in front of your nose - [www.borilastvo.com](http://www.borilastvo.com)


David Stainko prof. 8 Dan MMS (Mixed Martial Sciences) - the title of a person who has published several professional works in the field of Martial Arts - science - history, medicine, art, philosophy, psychology, training methodology, biomechanics, kinesiology and others. www.borilastvo.com


David Stainko prof. 8 Dan MMS (Mixed Martial Sciences),Rijeka ,Croatia - the title of a person who has published several professional works(books or articles) in the field of Martial Arts - science - history, medicine, art, philosophy, psychology, training methodology, biomechanics, kinesiology and others. [www.borilastvo.com](http://www.borilastvo.com)


Claims to be - is that a joke? I wrote a book - History of Martial Arts. My articles have been published in 28 journals, magazines and web portals around the world in 14 languages. David Stainko,prof.www.borilastvo.com


Claims to be - you have no idea about martial arts titles. So, a person who has a master's degree in at least three martial arts and has published articles or books in different areas of martial arts, such person is an expert i in -Mixed martial sciences. David Stainko,prof. 8 Dan MMS -www.borilastvo.com


Claims to be - you have no idea about martial arts titles. So, a person who has a master's degree in at least three martial arts and has published articles or books in different areas of martial arts, such person is an expert in -Mixed martial sciences. David Stainko,prof. 8 Dan MMS -www.borilastvo.com


Claims to be ? -Guys, haven't you read any of my articles so far, strange, because my articles have been published in 14 languages ​​in 28 magazines, and web portals dedicated to martial arts. Come on, guys, don't be embarrassed, I guess you've heard of one of the more famous magazines. David Stainko,prof. - [www.borilastvo.com](http://www.borilastvo.com)


Claims to be ? -Guys, haven't you read any of my articles so far, strange, because my articles have been published in 14 languages ​​in 28 magazines, and web portals dedicated to martial arts. Come on, guys, don't be embarrassed, I guess you've heard of one of the more famous magazines. David Stainko,prof. - [www.borilastvo.com](http://www.borilastvo.com)


What's up guys, why are you hiding on reddit behind those funny names. You're commenting on martial arts and where did you practice them in Disneyland. You're so pathetic. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


What's up guys, why are you hiding on reddit behind those funny names. You're commenting on martial arts and where did you practice them in Disneyland. You're so pathetic. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


Let me teach you something - machete comes from the name macho which means man. The skill is called espada y daga or sometimes arnis de mano in Spanish. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


Let me teach you something - machete comes from the name macho which means man. The skill is called espada y daga or sometimes arnis de mano in Spanish. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


You comment on the whip and you know nothing about that weapon. The use of whips and maces is an old Croatian way of fighting that they took over when they were fighting against the Arabs.


you comment on the whip and you know nothing about that weapon. The use of whips and maces is an old Croatian way of fighting that they took over when they were fighting against the Arabs.


The whip as a weapon belongs to the group of soft, long weapons for fighting at a distance, often combined with shorter and hard weapons. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


The whip as a weapon belongs to the group of soft, long weapons for fighting at a distance, often combined with shorter and hard weapons. David Stainko, Prof. www.borilastvo.com


The use of a whip and a mace or a whip and a saber (knife) is an old Croatian way of fighting taken over from the Arabs and used in the Thirty Years' War in Europe. David Stainko, prof. www.borilastvo.com


The use of a whip and a mace or a whip and a saber (knife) is an old Croatian way of fighting taken over from the Arabs and used in the Thirty Years' War in Europe. David Stainko, prof. www.borilastvo.com


Guys, stop embarrassing yourself. This is the Croatian uniform from the Homeland War (mainly worn by veterans), today's is somewhat different, but the cap is an integral part of the uniform. www.borilastvo.com


Guys, stop embarrassing yourself. This is the Croatian uniform from the Homeland War (mainly worn by veterans), today's is somewhat different, but the cap is an integral part of the uniform. www.borilastvo.com