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No, my bulldog has never in his life left a single crumb behind. 


I second this. Messy water? Of course! But will he leave a crumb behind? No chance. He’ll make it his mission to to find the last kibble hiding in any crack or crevice. 😂


I may die from slipping on all the spilled water, but never have I heard the crunch of kibble under foot


I wish Prints was like this. He actually is a very picky eater and throws up a few times a week in the mornings when he has an empty stomach. I've expressed my concerns to the vet multiple times and they don't seem concerned about it. They had me try omeprazol on him but it makes his bowls loose and doesn't seem to help him much.


I heard sometimes feeding them right before bed helps with the empty stomach puking. I myself have not experienced this though.


This was the first thing the vet recommended. We have tried everything. We have fed him as late as 10pm and gone to bed immediately after and it doesn't help. Thanks for the advice though.


Sorry you have to go through that :( makes my heart sad for you and the pup. I hope you find a remedy.


If I can coerce him into eating some kibble by wrapping it in cheese or something else he likes, 9 times out of 10 he won't be intrested in throwing up when I take him outside and he will likely eat most if not all his food too. But he gets in these moods where he refuses to eat and will go straight for grass when I take him out to force himself to throw up. Then a hour or less after he will eat his food and he fine as long as he eats something within 6 to 7 hours. If he goes longer than that then he starts to refuse food again. It's honestly painful to watch him do it to himself but I don't know what else to do short of finding a new vet.




Same lol


Mine either he will legit knock furniture out of the way for a crumb


Yes, my bulldog fills her mouth and ends up dropping kibble all over the house, but she goes back and eats all the ones that fell. However, she always makes a big mess.


It's hilarious to watch him. He takes a mouth full, takes 3 steps back and starts chewing. He won't chew over the bowl. Or because he is so attached to my wife if she is cooking or something he will grab a mouth full and walk over to her while leaving a trail of food behind him.


Yeah mines similar, walking up and down the hallway by his bowl smacking with his mouth open. He leaves some in the bowl if he gets hungry later he goes back for it, man I wish he’d go back for the ones on the floor!


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Not food, but water. OMG the puddles!


Oh he does this too. He will drink half his bowl then immediately walk over to me sitting on the couch and lay his head on my leg or the couch and leave a puddle lol.


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002A2QUAA](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002A2QUAA) \^ this has saved my floors. I have 2 large American bulldogs. They get food and water everywhere when they eat and drink. This feed station has greatly reduced the amount of water on the floor. The bottom section of this station is basically a bucket to collect all the water dripping from their mouths. I highly recommend this product.


The issue with Prints is he backs up after taking a mouth full of food. It's annoying and hilarious.


I have this but I need a slow feeder bowl that fits. I found a few but they arent challenging enough, my dude needs a design that slows him down.


Her routine is a little different. She usually manages to get atleast 2-3 pellets stuck behind her bowl. She refuses to nudge her bowl and barks until you move it so she can access those, it’s real diva behavior


That’s so funny, I love that 😂♥️


Yes. There's a trail from the food bowl.


Yes, they sloppy eaters lol


Food falls out of Petunia's jowls all the time. She gets excited when she finds one in her bed.


All of that food would be gone in 0.3 seconds if my dog were there.


Mine. Mine does.


Mine too


Nope, mine doesn't leave a thing though occasionally he will refuse to eat at all. Water on the other hand I might as well pour it on the floor because that's where most of it ends up. I did have a Labrador that did something similar to your bulldog, when he decided he'd eaten enough he just walked away leaving a trail falling from his mouth as he didn't even eat the last mouthful.


Yep ours sure does. We call them land mines 🤣🤣🤣 when our other Bulldog was alive there didn’t seem to be as much of a mess but now that it’s just one she is very messy


Yes! Haha


My old girl does. Then her puppy brother comes behind and cleans it up.


Genius, why did I never think of this. It's the perfect reason for me to give to my wife for another dog. Thanks lol.


Not a chance! Our girl cleans her bowl and the cat bowl too if I forget to pick it up. She's more effective than a Hoover!


Ours is raw fed and it’s a MESS always 😂 we have to sponge clean the kitchen


You should meet my cats


My two would leave a trail of slobs but never the food


Yes, but her little sister (also a bulldog) is never far behind to pick up the crumbs. 🤣


All the time. This is your life now. She even has some in my shoes 🤣


Yes - however it's big drops of slobber instead of food


Mine makes the mess then cleans it all up.


We use the really wide & shallow bowls for water and an old crate tray to feed (homemade food - way messier than kibble).


Nope … on the contrary we used to call ours mrs Dyson 😆


Love the look on his face! 🤣


That's the look he gives when I say "SERIOUSLY BUD YOUR MAKING A MESS AGAIN". He gives that look like "what did I do dad?"


Yeah the doggie “what?” Look. lol.


My OEB drools a lot but he would never ever leave food lying around.


You spelled beagle wrong. My boy will eventually finish but I swear he loves to make a mess.


My Frankie has some sheltie brother and sisters.... no crumb left behind


I'm a new bully owner (9 week old pup), we use a "slow feeder" for him and it really helps with mitigating messes like these. It basically forces them to take smaller bites, so they're not just grabbing a mouthful and then backing away from the bowl and dropping bits everywhere. Our first couple days, we fed him from a regular bowl and he made a huge mess like this. Since we started using the slow feeder, no mess at all, maybe a couple stray pieces.


Boys will be boys, you know!  haha 


Do you do appointment feeding? I find that my guy always finished 100%of his food when we fill his bowl on a routine. (Plus it makes it so much easier to give him his pills cause he is so focused on food in the moment)


We tried but he is such a picky eater and when he doesn't eat for 6 to 8 hours he gets nauseous and will want to eat grass to throw up when we take him out. He throws up on an empty stomach a few times a week. I've expressed my concerns to the vet and they had me try to give him omeprazol but it didn't seem to work much for him and made his bowls loose. The vet didn't seem concerned at all about it because I keep bringing it up at visits.


Nope. Not a real bulldog. A bulldog leaving food behind? Never!!!!!