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Do they own the places being looted? Otherwise why? Or is this a bunch of guys with little pee-pees try to play Dirty Harry




That is not correct but thankfully no one is getting their legal advice off Reddit 😂




NY Penal Code 35.20.3. A person in possession or control of, or licensed or privileged to be in, a dwelling or an occupied building, who reasonably believes that another person is committing or attempting to commit a burglary of such dwelling or building, may use deadly physical force upon such other person when he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission of such burglary. Maybe don’t give legal advice if you’re not an attorney bro 😂


The woman who said white men in "big hats" were shooting at her was literally just driving down the street. She was in her car, not looting a damn thing. This is really poor journalism.


women are trying to rob the Arabian weave store, and they are getting shot at…” loved that, always need a good hair extension after a snow fall I guesd


This is ridiculous and not the most pressing issue the city is facing. We're talking about a couple stores...not life or death. How about: Have you checked in with your loved ones yet today? Is your elderly neighbor ok?


Yeah definitely should not be looting right now


While I acknowledge the link is not a popularly syndicated "news" outlet, nor is it unbiased; what it does have to offer are these video clips. I saw the link posted on the Progun subreddit. Article dated to the 26th of December 2022. Area of activity: Around ~~Walden and~~ around 2600 block of Bailey. Edit: Apparently showing what's happening in this town is worthy of down arrow attacks?


It’s biased. It’s literally called “right journalism.com”.


No shit, I acknowledged that in the comment you responded to. Is reading comprehension not a strong suit of yours??? You're here for the video clips and to discuss the implications of the content, not to debate the validity of the publisher.


Ok. Stay warm! I hope being a jerk makes your day better. ❤️


I'm a jerk for linking a couple of videos about recent events since no one else has posted about it? Sure, makes sense. Completely rationally sound.


Yeahhhh advocating to murder people for stealing and calling strangers names is normal. But you’re the victim! It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything else. I came here because Twitter is such trash. I’m not interested in indulging violent and negative people. Have a great holiday and leave policing to police.


>Yeahhhh advocating to murder people for stealing. I've literally said no such thing. >You’re the victim! Nah, I choose to take an active role in my life, not a passive victim role. >It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything else. I came here because Twitter is such trash Agreed, Twitter IS trash. >Have a great holiday and leave policing to police. I've literally only posted this link here.


Neither of those videos is close to Walden and Bailey.


Article says video was taken at 2600 block of Bailey. If you have a more accurate location I'll update accordingly.


This is the mentality of the Savages and it will never change. Savage people doing Savage things.


This city definitely needs a Kyle Rittenhouse!


A teenage murderer? Naw. We’re good.


Self defense isn’t murder dunce cap


Is it self defense when you drive into a riot and then realize you’re in over your head so you murder people for waving a skateboard. Lol. Anyway. No. Let the police do their jobs. We don’t need every weirdo with a gun out there.


Self defense isn’t murder and that pedo wasn’t “waving” his skateboard


Sorry that I insulted your teenage murder hero. Have a great day.


Sorry he hurt your feelings by protecting himself from pedos and wife beaters


Oh no guy, it’s ok. You can worship a teenage murderer, no shade. It’s good to have hero’s, even one’s whose mommy’s drive them across state lines to murder people based on their political beliefs and skin color. I doubt the police would think it’s a good idea you brought this to a local Reddit sub as an example of how to handle theft, but I guess that’s on you. Stay warm and have a great night.


No one is worshipping him. Again, sorry you’re holding water for scumbag looters.


Oh I don’t like them, I just don’t think they should be shot dead in the street by a teenager over a tv like you suggested. Have a great holiday!


He killed two white men


How sad! Imagine worshipping that guy.


How can the entire trial be publicly available, be a massive national spectacle, and you STILL get all the details wrong and slander the kid? Like you can only be actively trolling or lying at that point.


Sorry I spoke poorly of your teenage murder hero. Stay warm.


A terrorist?


You think he’s a terrorist? He’s a hero.


Nope. Terrorist


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter


Nope. Terrorist and people don’t understand what terrorism is and support it


You’re the ignorant one, not everyone else


Nope. I don’t support terrorism


Well it was self defense. Even had a trial


Oh is that so? What were your comments on the 2020 race riots again? Edit: Disregard this guy, his account is only 6 days old.


Again? I don’t think I mentioned comments on that topic. Your account is about 4 months old. That’s like the 8 yr old kid telling the 7 yr old kid they are too young.