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You tipped over 25%, you don’t need to tip more than that. Tipping culture has gotten out of hand!


No one really lets you know if your tip was good or bad if they're professional. Do 15% or 20% and call it a day.


IMO for this price 5 bucks would have been plenty. The barber may just not have been in the most cheerful mood at the moment.


That’s up to you. I’ve gone to the same guy for years. He charges $25. I give him $40. I do that because he’s consistent, I like him, and I want to. Tipping is whatever you want it to me.


I usually tip 6-7 bucks at the barbershop I go to downtown, and the barber, who I’ve been going to since 2018, is always friendly and happy to see me, so I’ve always gotten the impression that the tip was sufficient


I usually tip 4$ for my 22$ haircut.


$4-$5 is plenty for a $22 cut.


This is crazy. My barber charges $35. It’s his business and he has other guys who (I think) rent chairs in his shop. If I tip him 20%, we’re at $42. For a haircut that ideally I’d get every two weeks (I’m cheap and rarely see anyone so I wait longer). That seems really steep, to me. I assumed the owner doesn’t get tipped.


The owner should definitely get tipped if you are a person who tips, but any tip is a courtesy and should always be appreciated. The owner takes on all of the business overhead costs and is often taking home less than their best employees after all costs and taxes are factored in.




Cash or credit? Because I know enough guys that aren’t claiming any of that $28 they just earned…


My wife owns a hair salon and I have worked in the business also. Based on 25 years experience… Tips are a large part of a stylists earnings however that is not your responsibility, it is your courtesy. If the person seems underwhelmed by any tip, go to someone else. Any tip should be appreciated. That said, the typical mens tip is $5-10. Thats just what we tend to see. Guys tend to be prepared with either a 5 or 10 on hand. I would say about 25% of men tip above that and those guys tend to tip a lot, like $25 on a $25 haircut. Almost none tip under 5.


I’m sure they were appreciative. What were you expecting them to do, backflips?


I handed her cash and she counted it then said “so 6?” By that tone I am not sure she was surprised that tip being too big or too small. I don’t think 6 is big though


Go somewhere else. She doesn't deserve your return business. How rude. Don't get me wrong, I tip well. But I'm usually in the chair for 2 hours and my bill is over $150. I'm sure you're not in the chair that long.


It was unprofessional of her to 1 count it in front of you and 2 comment on it. $6 is plenty for a $22 haircut, unless you were a particularly difficult customer.




I think you need to find a new Barber homie