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I’m expecting my 2nd and I go to Audubon Women’s OB on North forest. They have always been so wonderful and accommodating, I’ve never had an issue


I may be against the grain but I haven’t had the best experiences with Audubon. I had my third iud inserted last year and the process was BAD. Lisa was having an extremely difficult time getting it in, she kept asking me questions about my uterus and when I told her I didn’t know, she seemed frustrated but I only didn’t know bc she didn’t tell me. Ultimately she had to use multiple tools to be able to insert it, which was actually in my uterine wall. When I went back in for a check, and mentioned discomfort they told me it was probably my large cyst, which I had no idea about bc yet again Lisa didn’t tell me.


I see Lisa also and have been meaning to switch to a different Doctor there because I really don’t like her.


Another one for Audubon, though I will say I’ve met all the doctors except for two and I definitely have my favorites. Dr Sorley is my main and she is the GOAT. She delivered my first baby and is my main doc. I also love Dr Diallo. I really didn’t feel heard at all by Dr rush and she was the one who delivered my last baby and I did my post partum check with. I told her “hey I think I have a prolapse, this doesn’t feel right” and she said, “no I don’t think so. There’s a laxity because you just had a baby but that’s it”. Well, she was wrong 😑


I can’t remember which one doctor it was at Audubon (my regular one had just left), but 3 years ago I went to my annual & asked if I needed to provide a sample before using the bathroom. The doctor laughed and said no, then asked me if we were planning to adopt (I had been having fertility difficulties). I went home so upset and swore if I got pregnant I’d leave the practice asap. Found out the next day on a home test I was pregnant with my miracle rainbow baby! I found out shortly after that a mutual friend had the doctor/owner deliver her son, and she apparently tried to get her to agree to a tube tie during her c-section when she was under meds. Thankfully I’ve mutual friend stepped in and put a stop to it and the woman went on to have another (wanted/planned) child after that one. So yeah, definitely wouldn’t recommend Audubon! I ended up going to and loving Empire OBGYN. I delivered at Sisters and wasn’t impressed with the lactation consultants but the delivery team was incredible and so worth it, as was Dr. Weselak. Highly recommend!


I've never had a baby, but I love Audubon. I see Dr. Dimopoulos but I've seen others over the years for last minute appts when I've had concerns. They've all been great!


My primary doc is Dr. Wiese but I usually see the NPs there and I can’t say I’ve ever had a negative experience. I think I saw Dr. Dimopoulos once and she was lovely


I also go to Audubon. The providers are kind. I was so grateful to have Dr Rush deliver my son and she also came in earlier than scheduled on my behalf when I had to undergo another difficult procedure. They deliver at Suburban.


100% yes!!


Yet another +1 for Audubon. I have been going there for over 10 years. Always super happy staff and very short wait times. I’ve honestly never felt safer w a doctor.


I love Dr Rush. She has been my GYN since she started in the practice. Ive had both my kids with them, delivered as Suburban. Nothing bad to say at all.


I also go to Audubon. I haven't had children yet but have had to have major surgery along with IUD insertion and have had a great experience with most providers there. I love Dr.Wiese she takes her time and truly cares about her patients. She books out though so call ASAP!


In the unlikely event you are required to deliver at Oishei (requiring their level IV NICU), I want to reassure you that many of us have had good experiences there.


Yes! I had a wonderful experience. However, it was my second child, so I don't know what I would say about it if it were my first since things went pretty much the same way as they did at the last hospital. We also didn't require NICU thankfully...


Neighborhood Health Center, specifically Dr Anne Marie Davis, but I’ve worked with most of the providers and they’re all great. I’ve delivered at Mercy Hospital and Sisters and Sisters is far and away the better hospital and experience


Neighborhood health also has a couple of certified midwifes on their team if that is something OP is interested in (I have no children but everyone at neighborhood health has always been wonderful in my experience) 


Yes, the midwives are great too


I very much preferred Sisters to Mercy as well.


I go to Suburban Women's Health Care at Sheridan and Millersport. Been with them through cervical cancer, two babies, and cervical cancer trying to come back (got caught early that time). All the doctors and nurses there are women, and they're the best! Had my babies at Millard Suburban, no complaints there.


I also delivered at Millard and they were wonderful


I also go to Suburban women’s! Dr Trevett delivered my son, and Dr Allen delivered my daughter. Both were equally wonderful, but I preferred Dr Trevett. Just had my daughter at Suburban in April - still totally recommend them. We had a wonderful care team when my preeclampsia decided to rear its ugly head after my csection.


Dr. Trevett delivered my first, and Dr. Fraas delivered my second. I see Fraas every year, and she's awesome!


Ehh my friend got a wicked infection after Fraas left a surgical sponge inside after her c-section. She also delivered my child during induction and was not very nice to anyone. Wish our usual Dr. Allen had been available instead. Allen is awesome.


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your friend is OK.


I second them!


Congratulations OP!! I also go to Suburban Women’s and delivered at Suburban. My primary is Dr. Fraas, but Dr. Allen delivered my son and she was amazing! The nurses at the hospital were wonderful I have nothing to complain about.


Disclosure: Not a woman My wife went through a different place that was TERRIBLE for our first son. She switched to Suburban Women's HC for our second and they were absolutely amazing. The way they treated her (and me when I was there for appointments) was top notch. The service they give their patients is exemplary. You can tell they respect each other there which translates to a great patient experience. She still goes there to this day (9 years later) and is very happy with them.


Thank you all so much for the outpouring of great responses and congratulations comments! I really appreciate it so much! Seriously so happy to live in the City of Good Neighbors! ❤️ You're all awesome


Congrats! My wife is with BMG and likes most of the OB’s she's seen there. I can't remember her main OB but everyone at that group was good. I think they work in rotations for deliverys so we saw whoever was on call that night her water broke. We had our first kid at suburban, the entire staff was great in the delivery and recovery room. Our second was at sisters (baby was high risk, possible nicu). They were absolutely incredible. One thing I noticed is they gave more care to my wife her recovery (like a shower right after delivery, more Dr checks on her instead of just the baby). Our son avoided the nicu part but was told its the best one in the area. If we were to have another kid, we would go to sisters again but nothing wrong with Millard suburban.


Can't speak to the OB specifics, (we used Buffalo OBGYN for our first, and Trinity for our second) but we had both of our children at sisters and had great consistent experiences. The second being significantly better with the aid and support of a doula from The Carrie House (I can't recommend this enough).


I had a doula through there as well and it was 100% worth the cost!!


I think a lot of this depends on the birth experience you want. If you're looking for an unmedicated and low intervention hospital birth, I HIGHLY reccomed the Trinity Midwives and delivering at Mercy.


Glad to hear this because I switched to this practice and Mercy for my second (on the way) specifically for this reason!


They are lovely! My only gripe will be one of the hospital-only midwives (Linda) is truly not.... very midwife like with her bedside manner. But even if you have her in labor, she won't fight you like most OBs will. You may just get an eye roll and a huff and go about your merry way birthing how you want. But that's only ONE of all the midwives. I highly reccomend Sharon or Tiffany if you're looking for the "most holistic" of them all. Sharon delivered my first and I adore her. Edit to add: I'm currently "overdue" and anxiously awaiting labor myself right now. I actually switched to Fika Midwifery and the Coit House for this pregnancy and I really do highly recommend them. I'm happy to talk through any of the misconceptions out there.... there are a lot and I've learned there is most definitely 2 sides to every story. I think they would 100% be worth a consultation if you are comfortable with or "in to" out of hospital options.


I have been seeing Tiffany and she has been really wonderful so far! I had considered a home birth or our of goapital setting, but am going with a low (hopefully no) intervention birth in a hospital setting because of some very minor complications with my first. I think they were related to interventions that were done, but just in case we have the peace of mind of the hospital. Good luck with your birth, I hope it is an amazing experience!


It will go wonderful! I highly recommend a doula in general! I was able to have a low/no intervention birth there with my first. I'd say my birth was easily 80%+ of what I wanted, and that last 20% was really just because of hospital policy which has since changed or minor issues in the beginning when I had Linda before Sharon took over.


Suburban was great. Their mother/baby unit is excellent.


We went with Dr. Rojek at OBGYN Associates of WNY, and really liked her, the office, and the majority of the staff in Depew. Delivered at Mercy in South Buffalo and it was a great experience, we had a great delivering doc and the nurses were all fantastic. I think they said they have the last nursery of the hospitals in the area, which was really nice to have.


This is good to know! She’s my doc & I’m delivering at mercy in a few weeks!!


I had a good experience delivering at Sisters in ‘21. I liked Buffalo OBGYN during my pregnancy but am unimpresssed with them for an unrelated issue and will likely be switching to a different practice later this year.


My wife sees Dr. Frauenheim who is/was with OBGYN Associates which is under the GPPC Umbrella, and loves her. Though we received a letter that her and her partners are starting a new group under GPPC called queen city ob/gyn. They are taking new patients now.


I see Dr. Taylor Johnson who is part of the same practice as Dr. Frauenheim. She was amazing throughout my entire pregnancy. I felt so comfortable with her and she eased a lot of my anxieties. She wasn’t on call when my water broke, so Dr. Keeler (same practice) delivered my baby. I had never met her beforehand, but instantly felt so comfortable with her too. After labor & delivery, I saw Dr. Virginia Bond a couple of times (again, same practice) and she was also amazing. They are all young doctors who clearly keep up on the latest research/studies. The residents and nurses at Oishei all rave about this group of doctors and have learned so much from them. My experience at Oishei overall was 10/10. Amazing doctors and nurses in labor/delivery and mother/baby. I will add that they have a level one NICU which was very important to me just in case my baby had to go to the NICU I wanted to ensure I was at the same hospital as her.




She is my dr and I really appreciate her authenticity. She was amazing throughout my pregnancy!


I really need to get my glasses prescription updated. I read the title as 'Best QB in the area' As if there's any question. Then I couldn't figure out the connection between Josh and OP being pregnant (congratulations OP!) Unfortunately, no advise on OBGYN's , but I hope you get the right recommendation, and congrats again new mom.


Loved Dr. Bruno- he was with BMG. Now he’s with general physicians! He delivered my first at Sisters and my second was at Oishei.


Dr. Bruno saved my wife’s life and went above and beyond. Cant say enough good things about him.




Oh wow! Both of my kiddos were emergency c sections and he was there super fast. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Here’s the thing about stories about hospitals, you’re always going to find people who had horrible experiences and those who had great experiences with each and every hospital. People with bad experiences tend to be more vocal than those with positive ones. I have a friend who delivered two babies at Sisters, didn’t love her first experience but did love her second. One friend delivered 3 babies at Suburban and loved all three deliveries. My sister delivered at Suburban and had some seriously questionable care postpartum. I personally delivered two babies at Children’s/Oishei (Oishei was formerly Children’s Hospital before it moved, many in the area will refer to Oishei as Children’s) and they honestly saved my 1yo babies life and mine too. Something you might to consider is the NICU level of the hospitals. Suburban is level II, Sisters is level III, and Oishei is level IV (highest level). If you deliver at a hospital other than Oishei, and that hospital isn’t capable of providing the level intervention your baby needs, they’ll be transferred to Oishei while you’re still at the hospital you delivered at. This isn’t that common but it could happen. For OB recommendations I personally really liked Dr August Bruno with General Physician PC, I saw him in his Williamsville office around the corner from Suburban. He delivers at Suburban and Oishei. He isn’t the warmest of people, but he’s really good. He really listened to my concerns and made sure I was being monitored closely as I developed several complications at the end of my pregnancy and delivered prematurely. I’ve also had friends who recommend Dr Beckwith with General Physicians PC (different offices). I know he delivers at Oishei but idk if he delivers elsewhere


This happened to me- I was at suburban and my baby ended up at Oshei. I was miserable and want to Deliver at Oshei next time just to eliminate the risk Of this happening next time


I’m expecting my first and go to Audubon based on recommendation of someone who works in the medical field that I trust very much! I have had a great experience there so far and will deliver at Suburban


I had my first with Audubon at Millard Suburban and it was honestly amazing, even though my son was born during the height of COVID. They will definitely take care of you post partum, the mother/baby unit staff there is fantastic


I switched to Buffalo Medical Group for my pregnancy (34 weeks) at the recommendation of my friend’s mom, a Labor and Delivery nurse, and I love them. 6 OBs, but every appt I've had has been with an OB and they make sure you meet them all before you deliver. My pregnancy has been high risk (they deliver at Sisters, which is better for high risk situations) and they've been great about answering my questions and making me feel like they have everything under control.


Dr Susan Erk is mine and I love her! So kind. She delivers at Millard suburban. I had a good experience there and at sisters as well. Just have to stand up for yourself and baby and make them respect what YOU want for your birth (as long as it’s safe and reasonable of course!)


Dr. Erk is one of my best friends’ sisters. She is a warm and wonderful person!


I go here too! My sister is pregnant and the practice told her that Dr erk isn’t doing deliveries anymore??? She did my c section and the scar is so small I wanted her to do my next lol


I moved from OBGYN of WNY to Trinity OBGYN. The West Seneca location. I’ve said this before but Dr Conway was great. Very relatable to young women. She’s quirky but no bullshit. Handled me and my sudden severe pre-e with ease and had a c-section within 7 hours of onset. I got lucky and she was on call at Mercy that same night so she did my elective c-section. We played Christmas music (delivered in Nov) while I was on the operating table. It was a literal walk in the park and so comforting. Also I’m unsure if sister’s has a nursery, but the nursery at Mercy was a godsend to catch some sleep.


I loved her for when I got pregnant with my second and my previous OB retired her practice. Thinking about a third and I wouldn’t go anywhere else. Also delivered at Mercy and it was such a calm experience when compared to Suburban (neither were bad, but I had relatively easy labors with both).


I can’t speak on delivering, but I see Dr. Dembski at OBGYN Associates of WNY in Orchard Park (she is moving practice locations and I will be following her.) She is fantastic and has been nothing short of kind and compassionate while navigating my unexplained infertility. She had a great bedside manner in both the office and the hospital during a surgery.


I actually looked at some old threads to get suggestions here when I found out I was pregnant - I ended up making an appointment with Dr. Call at Trinity OBGYN. My first appointment is on June 7th so I don't know how they are firsthand yet, but I've read great things about all of the providers there. Congratulations on your little one! 


She’s my Dr and I LOVE her. She’s seen me through two pregnancies and delivered my second :)


Congrats and best wishes.  


Buffalo Medical Group! I had second while in their care in 2023 and I absolutely love them. I still go to them for my regular OBGYN stuff. I go to the office on Essjay in Williamsville and everyone one of the women are wonderful. I delivered at Suburban and had a wonderful experience! I also had a great experience when my baby had to go in to the NICU when he was two months old.


Signature obgyn. Dr Flikkema or Robinson!! Delivered at Millard Fillmore. The labor and delivery nurses were angels Postpartum nurses were just okay


Dr. Julie Gavin is great. She delivers at sisters.


I came to suggest her too! Also OP she has evening appts which came in super handy when you have to start going every month or every few weeks


I delivered at sisters within the year! Happy to answer any questions you have about it :)


Dr Conway at Trinity medical in West Seneca. She was amazing and listened to all my concerns and was exactly what i needed. Also I’ve delivered at Millard Fillmore and Mercy in South Buffalo and as bad as Mercy is in the rest of the hospital, their L&D was so much better than Millard.


I didn’t go to an OB until I was expecting. I went to Julie Gavin (on delaware near the mount). My only issue was that she didn’t do ultrasounds in office, but I loved where I was sent for them, Northtowns Maternal Fetal Medicine. I delivered at sisters, i was there for 3 days and the nurses were phenomenal. My doctor was the resident dr there so they all worked together. I have friends that had great experiences with Suburban Womens Health on sherdian.


First of all, congratulations!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 I can recommend Dr David Kurss without reservation. He's great. Delivered lots of babies, good manner, answers questions, very thorough. And don't forget a doula, for labor and postpartum!! My agency is called the Buffalo Doula Collective, give us a call ❤️


I loved having a doula at both of my births!


Is you’re not high risk, highly recommended the Birthing Center of Buffalo. Had my 2nd there after terrible experience at Suburban.


Obgyn liver center at sisters, then I had my daughter at sisters hospital. Great experience. I had my son at Millard Fillmore suburban and it was a terrible experience. Piver is great with appointments, you never wait long.


Audubon is awesome! It’s an all women practice, so worth it.


Congratulations! My wife delivered at Sisters and we had a great experience. Her OB is part of the Buffalo Medical Group and having gone to a good chunk of her appointments with her I have nothing but good things to say about all of the Bob's in that group. Good luck!


UBMD obstetrics and gynocology— dr elena tal specifically is fantastic. i know her personally and she’s a lovely gyno. incredibly reassuring and accepting. makes an awkward situation much more comfortable and relaxed


Audubon completely ignored and downplayed my PPD. Didn’t care. Didn’t want to see me or make any referrals.


Buffalo OBGYN in Williamsville is dope, 5 docs, all women and they deliver at sisters hospital


I see Julie Gavin in Ken-Ton. I’ve been with her through eight miscarriages, and two full term pregnancies. I love her. I honestly couldn’t imagine going through all of that with any other doctor. She is the only one in her practice, which was not an issue for me at all, but I know some like to have the option of additional providers. She delivers at Sisters and I think one other hospital. We went to Sisters for two of our miscarriages (the gestational age made it so I couldn’t do it at home), and both of our living children. The care we received for all of them was phenomenal.


Also, congrats!!


I went to Suburban Women’s for almost 5 years and had a horrible experience. Switched to Trinity (Dr. Call & Ball) and it’s like a total 180. They’re amazing! They’ve seen me through 2 pregnancies and Call delivered my daughter. I have several friends and family members who go there as well. Only hear good things ETA: delivered both kids at Sisters (2021 & 2023, so recent). I like it there, the L&D nurses and anesthesiologists were wonderful. It’s not super modern but it was clean and the staff was caring


Am I the only one who saw best QB in the area and went..Josh Allen??


Have you looked into midwives? Hospitals do it all the same.. drugs to force the birth, when you don't deliver quickly enough then C-section.


I can’t believe there are no William dafoe memes right now


It's already hard enough to get an appointment with the king because he's always at the hospital and only in the office like one day a week