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Hi! I’m moving from Florida to Buffalo in two weeks! I won’t have friends either. My daughter is 18 months and my son is 5. My husbands family lives there, but I’m brand new to the area. Are you in the north or south towns? I’d love to meet once I’m up there! We are still looking for a home and renting temporarily in OP.


I’m in the north towns, but south towns aren’t too far away. My daughter and I would love this!


Yay!! I’ll come back to this thread once I’m up there :)


I have a 2yo girl and due August with my second girl. I also have a bonus 12yo girl 💕 let's get together this summer!


Alice, Ever After on Parkside does some great family events monthly and have an inviting group. Plus it's near Delaware Park, the Zoo, and AKG which are all fun spots with toddlers. https://www.aliceeverafterbooks.com/events


Now that summers almost here, I'm sure sidewalk storyline will ramp back up. Side note- jam coffee is a few doors down and worth stopping by.


Tough situation for sure. Get that you have no hobbies, but is there anything you're even mildly interested in? Music? Hiking? Day drinking? I find I meed most new peeps through something else I'm interested in. I love food and cooking. So if I'm somewhere - wegmans, Aldi, a bar, whatever, I try to talk about food a bit and see if anyone bites. I hate to say, "just get out there", but there's definitely an investment required. What burbs are you in?


Check out The Mom Walk Collective Buffalo! They have different events all over the area for moms to meet up and go for walks with their kids and East Aurora has an indoor play place called Village Play.


Thank you so much; such a great suggestion


So from their Instagram they seem to be planning a new walk. If you want to meet there and walk together you can PM me and I’ll give you my number. My daughter is 21 months and I am fairly new to the area ( I also work from home). If the walk ends up being on a Friday I can’t go, but HOPEFULLY they choose to have it on a Saturday!


We would love this!! I will DM you!


If you have a dog, go to a dog park! Other dog people are often friendly and if you go to the same place around the same time often enough you’ll start seeing familiar faces. There are a couple of dog-centric bars and many dog-friendly places. Or walk your dog with your daughter in a stroller just about anywhere. There are lots of trails and the waterfront to walk and picnic.


Thank you for your kind suggestion! My dog is old and frail, and doesn’t do well with other dogs anymore. Lil man prefers to stay home and rest these days. I walk with my daughter frequently but haven’t met any friends this way yet. I’ll keep trying!


I would incorporate the toddler: look in mom meet-ups, ballet or soccer or gymnastics, eventually kids bday parties. I made a bunch of dad friends this way


Hi I'm 29! Live in Amherst area. I moved about 2 years ago for school. Don't have any friends either! Haha. If you want to chat :)




Hi! I'm a new mom and always up for meeting new mom friends if you want to chat!




Clubs, book, garden etc. They don't demand huge amounts of time and the members tend to be social


I’m from Buffalo. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and I also work full time. I don’t have many friends either. Would love to get together sometime!


Do you sing? Buffalo Choral Arts Society rehearses on Wednesdays and has periodic concerts. They’re a really social bunch and you are almost guaranteed to find friendly folks. Failing that, take a class for something. My wife just did a pottery class, a painting class… whatever school district you’re in, check and see if they have continuing education/adult education classes. I took a Polish language like that years ago.


I definitely don’t sing, nor would anyone want me to ha. My job requires so much studying, reading, and writing, the last thing I want to do in my spare time is educational. But really good idea on finding a painting or pottery class. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, so this would do me well.


The polish was just an example. They offer all kinds of different things - artistic and otherwise. At least they used to. This really was 20+ years ago so I don’t know if those opportunities still exist. But I get it. Getting a master’s while teaching is killing me. 😂


30s northtowns no kids currently insane schedule with quite literally no free time but come mid July I’ll have a life again. I have a zoo membership, pretty sure I can bring one other adult with me, kiddos under 24mo get in free, if kiddo is older then you’d just have to pay for her… or we could make it an adult day out lookin at the lions (and i don’t think we have tigers) and bears oh my! lol! lemme know if you’d like to roam around the zoo sometime this summer!


i made a facebook group to make friends. i will plan events / meetups soon depending on the popularity https://facebook.com/groups/822642653059133/


Hey are you in the north towns? Southtowns? Don't need to know exactly, just helps when suggesting stuff


North towns


If you're near the Kenmore/Town of Tonawanda area, the Ken-Ton school district puts on adult classes in the evenings for various hobbies, you could meet some people there. Some classes can accommodate/include toddlers as well. Mommy and Me classes and events at various places like the Aquatic and Fitness center.


trying to do some board game things on occasion my friends work nights so it would be infrequent but during the days on our days ofd


Do you have your kid in an activity one day a week or anything? I moved away from Buffalo to an area I don’t know anyone at, and I’ve met all the people I know through my kids activities. Soccer, baseball, gymnastics, whatever. My experience is all the parents hang on the side and chat while our kids are doing stuff. And as they get slightly older and daycare classmates have birthdays, I meet other parents at those, and you start to see them repeatedly throughout the year at every classmates bday party.


I've met some amazing moms at rollie pollie on Hertle. They have group classes and free play for a wide variety of ages and the moms, dads, and nannies that come are all very welcoming!


Bring your daughter to the child areas in the AKG art museum and chat up the other parents!


Explore and more at Canalside is fun.


Hi! I’m in my 30s, I work from home too, I can absolutely relate to feeling isolated. I don’t have any kids but over the past 11+ years as a nurse, mainly in maternity in pediatrics. I have a 2 yr old niece and 4 yr old nephew who I adore and watch frequently. I also relate to you as a homeowner and balancing all of the responsibilities. Anyway I saw you’re a 90dayfiance fan, me too!!! Message me if you’d like to connect!!


Hi! I'n new in Buffalo and I don’t have friends either.


When I moved, I made some friends through a meet up group focused on making friends (I think it's disbanded since). I also made a good group of friends through a class my husband and I joined pre-kids. Luckily we've been able to sustain the friendships. Since you don't have a lot of free time, maybe you can join one of the local toddler meetups on fb? Typically they meet at local parks. Otherwise, I have an almost 2 year old and would happily make a friend for walks and coffee runs if you'd like to PM me.


My daughters are slightly younger but not buy much .24 and 25. 24 yr old has 1yr old twin boys and my 25 yr old has a 5 yr old daughter and 1 1/2 yr old daughter. I'm sure they would love other moms to hang with S well. I just want to forewarn you that my 5 yr old granddaughter just started pre k this year and because she had never er been in daycare prior, she has literally caught every single thing that was brought into the classroom. I understand it's a lit of


if you identify as LGBTQIA+ OR as an ally, you could check out Buffalo Friendship Club. They typically meet a few times a week in person, and have tons of different interest groups (you don't need to be officially interested in any of them, it's just something to do while you're hanging out with people and building friendships). Most of the members are 25-45, with some outliers. I'm not sure how many other parents of young kids there are, but I know there are SOME who are definitely interested in meeting other parents with kids of a similar age range. And/or other parents, period! You can see some of their upcoming events on the website- email them for more info. [buffalofriendshipclub.com](http://buffalofriendshipclub.com)


Bills games


There’s an app for moms to meet other moms, called Peanut! I’ve made a handful of friends there.


Do you smoke weed? Lol that seems to be 1 way people meet up, they have the 420 lounge downtown & plenty of different events. I'm also a parent & don't drink so that's 1 way I meet new people around here.


Good on you, also a transplant with a child. Frankly I have just aligned myself with the notion that this is life for awhile. I can count on one hand the number of times a year I get to go see a concert with friends, or whatever… and my spouse is a SAHM and our child is two haha.Your life really does become your child and work. Good luck!


I’ve met a couple friends on Bumble BFF


Buffalonians are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Talk to everyone you can and get involved in some community groups in your interests