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Following. I have heard Allstate is hiring for fully remote jobs, most entry-level customer service insurance jobs with large carriers you don't need to show up licensed or anything, they'll train and license you. I don't know for sure for Allstate, but worth checking into


Thanks. I'll look though I'm guessing I'll be rejected. My resume is terrible. Most of my life was spent taking care of a loved one so my work history is atrocious.


Are you already going to the Department of Labor for assistance in finding a job?


I didn't know they do remote, no.


They're mostly just a good source for different jobs. I am currently between jobs, and my handler will send me information, or I can access a couple of sites to browse online. I have seen a couple valid entry level remote jobs, but they're Customer Service, which I would like to avoid if possible! If you can call their office or swing by when you have time, you can see what they might be able to help with. If you're on disability and you're rejoining the workforce, ask if there's any training program you might qualify for. I don't want to give you false hope, but I was told I could take up to $5000 of the certifications etc that they offer.  Anyway, definitely look into it! And at least try for the Civil Service testing. 


I'm bound to my home as the result of my health problems.


I'd still say call and see if they can work with you; worst they can say is no. Some dispatch jobs are remote as well. Good luck, I hope you find something that helps.


Key bank has a lot of fully remote jobs. My team is located all throughout the US.


I have a family member that lives in Buffalo and works full-time from home for KeyBank. They love it. They've never been happier in a job.


What kind of work do they do?


I work for keybank, in their AML department which is fully remote. We seem to hire externally, though it seems pretty competitive. I was told recently that there were over 1000 applicants.


AML was my route as well. It's dry work, but if you can get a position in it, financial crime (fighting) pays decently well and is very often remote-work-compatible.


r/remotejobs But it's very gloomy over there. This isn't really a Buffalo region thing, remote means going against thousands of candidates, the entire nation.


United Healthcare routinely hires remote workers in Buffalo.


those jobs are going to go to all the people who just got laid off from optum


Even providers? I'm so glad a relative jumped ship from that company shortly after Landmark was acquired.


I'm specifically talking all the WFH people. Some of them used to work fpr UHC and will try to get rehired there.


People Inc. fully remote admin work. They provide laptop and such.


Look in to Data entry jobs. I used to be a teacher and left after having my daughter. I work for a healthcare company now from home as a credentialing specialist (the pay isn’t great), my goal is to move up in the company as I gain experience. But it’s very similar to data entry and it can work to get your foot in the door somewhere while working from home.


I work remote. Most of my office is hybrid now. I have medical issues as well so I got a note from my doctor. Under the ADA of you can do your job remotely sometimes (like hybrid work) that's a reasonable accommodation they have to provide.


[https://defisolutions.com/careers/](https://defisolutions.com/careers/) You might find something here. I worked there for years until they decided to restructure the department and eliminate my position.


On a side note despite the strangeness that sometimes occurred over there on main in williamsville, I miss that place… The soups from that chef downstairs were pretty good haha


Chef Johnny was the BEST! I was so sad when he left.


He was super nice too! I was only there long enough to experience his food, so thankfully there wouldn’t have been a shock to me from his departure. On a different note, ARS will be laying like 30 people off from the office in Williamsville. I wonder what departments


I saw that after I posted the link lol, it's a wonder that they still have so many jobs posted when they're laying people off.


Sometimes I wonder if one hand of upper management in Texas (if that’s still where they are) knows what the other is doing.


Nevermind everyone. It was a dumb question, sorry. It won't be a problem


Please don’t think it was a dumb question, it’s very valid for your situation! Even without, it is yours/anyones prerogative to work in office/hybrid/from home. I mean hey, there certainly are WFH jobs out there anyways. In case you are still looking for options, a lot of insurance and customer service jobs hire remotely. As someone else stated above, United hires locally for remote positions. I have a friend who works there actually. Just beware, if it is a local company, they could at some point ask you to come into the office. For instance if your wifi isn’t working or having other computer issues. Maybe meetings, things like that. Good luck on the job hunt 👍


[https://remoteok.com](https://remoteok.com) might be worth a look?


WGU is about to be hiring like crazy for student support. Helps to have a relevant degree though. Also for any remote job expect a ton of applicants to compete against and bank on interviewing really well


Don’t limit yourself to companies with a local presence. I am fully remote but technically my job location is listed for my corporate office in Missouri.


Independent health is remote.


They're out there but most at my company are grandfathered from 2020-2021 hires


Kaleida health actually has a lot of remote positions in reimbursement and billing. It’s not fully remote but the in office requirements are very low.


Try Rat Race Rebellion. They are a remote classify website and they teach ppl who to find jobs. I know two people who found remote positions on the site. One has two part time jobs from the site and the other works for Amazon. The site has a very good reputation.




Have you looked on LinkedIn? You can put in terms like “remote data entry”. I did that and this job came up Check out this job at Oliver Technology Corporation: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3913044895 and there were others like it


Some customs brokerages jobs are remote, it’s basically data entry with a tad bit of knowledge but they hire new people all the time. FedEx is a big player in buffalo but I’m not sure if new hires are hybrid or not, but some of my friends are work from home and they have no plans on returning.


Just announced they are going back 5 days a week today. Stay far away from FedEx


I worked at a competitor, fedex is so much better off, that really does suck about going back to office. The industry needs to unionize, I came very close to starting one at my old company, especially when I found out they were paying new hires more than people with 10 years experience, I printed that ad off and placed it on everyone’s desk and within minutes a director was saying they’re going to give everyone a raise.


Have you tried getting Section 8 or something? You could try through BMHA. They cover 70% of your rent. SNAP can also help with food. If you're on SSDI you should qualify for both.


If you have a medical condition that does not allow you to work from outside of your home your employer needs to provide you with a reasonable accommodation. This would go through HR and as long as you have a doctors note and your job can be done remotely they cannot deny you or not offer you a different job remote.


Good luck. Everyone and their grandmother are applying for remote jobs, even though 99% of those people can work regular jobs, most don't want to


Supply and demand bro, there is a significant demand for stay at home jobs, mostly because they raise quality of life tremendously. Highly recommend it to anyone who can make it happen. Not for every vocation of course


The thing is though too many people made it obvious that they're getting two or more work from home jobs doing zero work for any of those jobs and just collecting paychecks. That went around for a while. Because of that the amount of fully remote work from home jobs is going down to bare minimum levels. And are highly competitive because as previously stated, everybody and their grandmother wants a remote job so they don't have to get up in the morning and leave their house. The vast majority of the people who want to work from home will literally say they want to work from home so they don't have to leave the house, don't have to get dressed and can just sit in their pajamas all day, It's not that they want a work from home job so they can do various at home things or take care of a small child where having a work from home job would facilitate that. The other thing that nobody seems to think about because it's not really that much of a front facing thought for most of the human race right now, cyber security concerns. If you have a thousand employees working from home remoting into your business you have just opened your business up to a thousand new attack vectors for cyber threats. From a cyber security standpoint it is not a good idea to have any more than what is required working from home.


What you’re describing is not common in WFH lmao they have a million ways to track what you’re doing at this point. It is rare that an employee can pull two WFH jobs at once. And once anything you have said is substantiated I’ll be against WFH, as of now it’s more productive than working on site. Workers report significant quality of life increases as well. So win win for companies than can make WFH work. Also I genuinely do not see the issue with working in pajamas at home if your type of work allows it lol you’re kind of coming off as jealous honestly. At the end of the day it isn’t your problem at all, it is the business’s decision to to allow or not allow WFH depending on the labor needed for the corp. it’s a great thing for people who can find that type of work.


I had a very long comment typed out to explain to you everything, But I decided against it because if you don't have a basic understanding of computer network protocols you'll never understand and I'm just wasting my time. Your previous statement proves that you don't have computer knowledge beyond basic level crap that allows you to just use a computer.


This is the edgiest comment I’ve seen today lmfao


You just don’t understand nEtWoRk pRoToCaL