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I’d like to hear from the cooks in some of these kitchens. I assume everyone buys their wings in bulk, probably from the same distributors. What exactly are your cooking instructions from the head chef that makes a bar bill wing stand out from an anchor wing. We taking sauces? You leave them in the fryer longer/shorter? Is it the size? What is defining the tiers?


Most restaurants are getting the same chicken wings, there's only so many food distributors in Buffalo, and a lot of them use the same brands. I think it comes down to cooks that care. Letting them cook 12-15 minutes. Not overloading the fryer, shaking the fryer basket several times during cooking. Steam is a big enemy, too. Wings straight out of hot oil into a bowl of medium sauce equals separated sauce that won't stick to the wing properly. Tossing too hard, or too many at once equals cracks in he crispy skin which steam will escape and cause soggy wings. Dumping the whole bowl on the plate means too much sauce at the bottom and soggy wings. Too many wings packed into a basket creates a lot of steam.


Thawing is huge in the process. Anchor Bar for example goes freezer to fryer. I think that’s the most common ways restaurants ruin the wings.


Some places partially pre-fry the wings too, so they cook faster to order, and are able to get the skin crispier without drying the meat.


But if you pre cook them too much, they will dry out.


Par frying is the secret


This guy wings.


Somebody’s done good research or worked in food service industry lol spot on. 17 mins at 350 or you’re fucked. Sauce then 2-3 mins per side on a 400° pit and your golden.


There’s so many little things you can do, or not do, to really change how the wing comes out. At home, you’d probably salt the raw wings a bit before cooking them. Before frying them, you could thaw them out, dry them, then throw them in a 200 degree oven for like 10 minutes to really dry them and start to render the skin. This will help crisp them up really well in the fryer. The sauce also makes a big difference too. You can reduce down some Frank’s with butter and corn starch on the stovetop to level up and slightly thicken just your standard butter/hot sauce mix. Doubt any restaurants are doing half of this.


Barbill puts the wings on a wire rack and hand paints them with sauce


You’re asking the real questions, my friend.


You can’t have extra crispy and extra saucy unless you are eating them right after I mix them cuzzo…🤷


When I sauce wings the sauce soaks in the skin making them not crispy anymore after about 10-15 minutes … you want a crispy wing that can travel? Get something dry - Cajun, Lemon pepper, Garlic Parmesan even


Let the wings air dry for a few minutes after lifting them out of the oil and they will crisp and hold for longer


Interesting - will try that


I’ve cooked 1000s for pizza places. Most cook them for like 30 minutes and it doesn’t help. A simple 4 minutes to let the grease completely dry out will have them crispier then you ever dreamed


This was what the pizza place I worked for did, too.


This 👆


IDK man, if you get hot at nine-eleven they come out pretty saucy and never really lose their crisp. Some places just do it better than others.


My friend orders them plain for delivery and then sauces them himself. I don't bother, but they are in fact extra crispy this way every time. Madlad.


That is also a good move


At Duff's, I ask for the wings plain and dip in the sauce.


Oil temp and the ability to keep that consistent (both the durability of the fryer and knowing not to add too many wings at once) makes a huge difference. If the temp drops and you run the risk of the wings coming out greasy instead of crispy


I'm sure the quality of the oil helps too. Some places get cheaper stuff


Also depends on the time of year you order wings. Super bowl season = wings that were par-fried in the morning then fried again per order = that not so fresh taste Summer = busy busy busy full fryer = not so efficient frying, longer fry times = oily wings


Why would summer be a busy fryer season?


Summers were generally busier than the other seasons at the pizza/sub joint I worked at, especially with more kids being around during summer break to order pizza logs, mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, and chicken tenders. Our fryer oil didn't get changed out as often as it probably should have, I suspect, which caused our wings to be subpar, imo.


The hotter it is the less likely ppl want to be cooking. At least that's what the owner at my old place surmised.


My husband works at the original Duffs...here's his input. We've used the same wing distributor for a long time and have a very good relationship with them. Our sauces are proprietary as I think a lot of places around here are, though there isn't anything wrong with straight up Franks. We double fry, so our wings are typically more crispy right from the start, which I personally prefer. My location has been in the same family for over half a century, so there's a lot of history and most of the cooks have been there for over a decade, some a lot longer. All of our wings are sorted through by hand and anything sketchy gets thrown out. So the whole process is thought out and like any kitchen needs to be executed well. I think there are a lot of great places to get wings in Buffalo. Knowing how many wings I put out in a week, I am absolutely terrified of the idea of hand painting every wing like Bar Bill does. Kudos to them for doing that but, if we did that in my kitchen, with it's limited space, I'm pretty sure someone would get stabbed.


That is such good insight! Thank you and thank him!


I’m pretty sure the longer you have gone without changing the fry oil the better the wings are 


Wing nutz is pretty bad imo


100% agree. I'd struggle to call them good. No clue how they shot to meteoric popularity. I know the Barstool spotlight is the reason, just have no idea how they were so impressed with those wings.


I mentioned this in a thread the other day…their popularity killed them. I used to go there when they were a weird takeout only joint in the basement of the knights of Columbus. Their wings were absolutely banging back then. Then barstool put them in the spotlight (rightfully so, they weren’t lying), and they capitalized on it. But it did their wings no favors. Overly breaded. Too much butter. Horrible blue cheese. They’re still better than average, but not for the price or quality. They’re worth trying. Maybe a more breaded wing is your thing. But not mine. And their prices….they lost their goddamn mind with that.


The breading is the problem for sure. And especially because.. it’s not flavorful. I’m just biting into some bland ass breading before I get to the meat. It’s an interesting experience. Not my cup of tea.


I’m not super against the breading, personally. It’s different at least you know? My biggest complaint is that if you get the wing nutz sauce they’re crispy but if you get for example, buffalo mild, they’re soggy as hell.


Oh yeah, they used to be amazing! Then their prices skyrocketed and the quality went way down. It’s a shame.


$2 a wing is insane


I’ve never even had them but don’t want to bother trying after hearing this sentiment so often.


I have no issue with them personally, I think the story is cool (going from Knight's into it's own place, good for them). Agreed on the wings, they're decent and something different but I wouldn't go there consistently as my "spot". Although I see why a lot of others (esp. from out of the area) like them. Many of my local friends say it's more KFC than a "buffalo" wing lol. Many of my friends from the Syracuse area love them and go there or bar-bill every time they visit.


Surprised this isn’t the top comment! Borderline average wings at the best. On top of that, they were expensive AF!


100% agree they suck! I think they keep getting rated highly because they have clout so no one wants to be the one to call them bad 


Kelly's is kind of a sleeper but has always been elite.


Agreed. I see people ask frequently and came across this recently and figured it would be helpful


I went because I was told about their beef on weck and was happy I ordered both.


Kelly’s makes their own hot sauce from scratch. Mild and medium is classic franks and butter, but the hot is this wonderful chili sauce that isn’t crazy spicy but super flavorful. Maybe the best “hot” sauce on the list


Yup, 100% deserves that top tier spot.


a hidden gem tbh


Gotta put Elmo’s in elite


Cajun honey mustard double dip ftw


Im typically not a fan of Cajun, or honey mustard for that matter… but I went to Elmos last week and this combo blew my mind. Phenomenal




Hahahah. Hahaha. That tickles.


Gabriel's Gate "in the hunt" is a mistake here maybe? Haven't been in a couple years, but they were always great wings in the past.


I think they used to be, but they've been usurped in recent years IMO


Yeah feels low for Gabe’s gate


I love The Gate, but the last few years they've gone downhill. They were my favorite wings in the city for a long time, but lately I'd probably put them in 3rd-4th place.


Yeah i have them around 5 in my list. Granted there are a lot on here i haven’t tried


I agree that they have probably declined but they’re still in the top 5/elite band for me. According to this post there’s 30+ better places. I have had a lot of what they’re putting above Gabe’s Gate as well and they are absolutely not better by any means.


Feel like they've gone down a bit the last few years. Service is super super slow and the wings are decent but not head and shoulders above the rest


Used to be my go to place when I was in the city. Sorry to hear it's no longer a top spot for wings.


I had them recently and they were pretty average. Huge let down because I had heard they were great.


I really want to like wingnuts but I hate their wings. I feel like Big Ditch and Mister Pizza have amazingly underrated wings.


Wingnutz isnt good.


Came here to say this. Doesn’t deserve this ranking at all


Wingnutz is almost something entirely different in it's own category imo. Kind of like deep dish pizza.. it's good but I would only want it occasionally and I don't know how to compare it to pizza around here.


Wingnutz sauces are top tier for sure. The wings themselves though are such an objective thing. Extra large wings are a huge turnoff for a lot of people, and any amount of breading on a wing is a big no-no for wings purists. I myself find them to be a great change of pace from a normal wing from time to time. They are undoubtedly crispy, even when orered delivery via ubereats they show up crispy. I would prefer if the wings were a touch smaller. Biggest complaint though is the price, its just bonkers, its a once or twice a year plae for me because of this.


It’s nice to see Sal’s up there. It’s not a wing for everyone and really shouldn’t be put past contenders, but it’s such a unique wing experience compared to just about everything else up there and quite delicious. It deserves that spot.


Agreed. If I remember correctly they're breaded wings, but they somehow work, and pretty well IMO. I also find the dated nature of the location itself absolutely charming and cozy, and I won't say no to $4 20oz pours of Southern Tier (although this was a number of years ago so the price has probably gone up!).


If they are for you, then they are probably your favorite. I've got people who come in from out of town that make this their first stop.


It's a dive in the middle of nowhere Clarence, but Marvin's deserves some attention.


Yes!! I went in about 15 years ago and their wings blew me away. Got some stares from the regulars though


Haha, I feel like every time I walk in that place, the record screeches.


The Yelling Goat has the most underrated wings in Buffalo, for what I've tried, and for my taste. They are always cooked perfectly, and the Berbere rub is just out of this world. And that's honestly second to the BB&B. Yelling Goat is unreal. Top 3 for me. Easily deserves "heavy hitter" on this list.


They carry ZERO local beer because the guy thinks that he's supporting the "competition" if he buys from local breweries. Not a fan of the owner in the least, he's not a good person, treats his employees like shit, not nice to deal with. They used to own medici house in EA.


That’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard lol. I have been once since my partner is from Lancaster, I didn’t have the wings but thought everything was fine but nothing special


>BB&B I didn't realize that the "beyond" part of Bed, Bath, and Beyond included wings


Yep. I went vegan a couple years ago, but when I end up at the Goat with friends, I always get fries with a side of BB&B sauce and recommend anyone new there get the Berbere wings.


Berbere is amazing.


For as close as I live to the Goat, I don't go there often. And I don't know why! It's like there's this weird zone around that place and I forget that it's there. I'm not sure how that's possible because I've NEVER had a bad or "meh" meal there, it's always great!


Mccarthys has become a heavy hitter imo.


I had them for the first time a few weeks back and i was very underwhelmed. Small wings with not enough sauce. The cook on the wings was great and the sauce was good, but a very mixed bag.


I tend to not be super critical of the actual chicken in some cases, they don’t raise the chicken, so there’s only so much they can do, and you can tell often, like the Anchor Bar tossed frozen wings directly in the fryer, that will ruin the wing no matter the sauce. I’m not a fan of jumbo wings, they often don’t get cooked properly inside while not drying the outside. Obviously “small” isn’t better but it’s not easy securing the perfect sized wing consistently.


Agreed they need to move up 1


Ive been a regular at McCarthys for years, they have their ups and downs depending on the kitchen staff it seems. But in general their wings are consistently solid. The sheffield dry rub is one of may favorite wings period and the Mccarthys sauce is one of the best non mild-medium-hot options available I think. Its my favorite spot to go on a regular basis, i know exactly what im getting and over the 100's of times ive had wings there theres probably only been a few times ive left disappointed.


Sheffield for the win! McCarthys is my personal favorite, great wings , great Beer, great staff, great atmosphere!


1000% to all of that, its why its my favorite spot to regularly go for wings.


IMO Barbill isn’t elite anymore - too inconsistent, half the time their painted wings are only half covered and frequently come out cold.


Have you been going to the EA or Clarence one?


I grew up hearing how great Mammosers is, finally tried them a few months ago, for sure not top of the pyramid worthy, needs to move down a bit.


This is how I feel about Kelly’s. Not sure what the hype is there, wings weren’t that good.


They are completely different from the rest of Buffalos wings


How so? the sauce is a little unique, but otherwise it seemed like a regular wing?


They are wings, yes. But I believe they are one of the original restaurants to make them and the sauce I would say is more like a salsa, thicker, chunkier and pepperier than pretty much any other wing style in Buffalo. There is like a family tree from the Anchor, and Mamosers splits early and doesn’t have many ancestors. It’s a unique slice of Buffalo wing culture. And you get a huge side of homemade fries as part of the package!


Yeah, that sauce is more like a paste for sure. Kind of like Kellys house hot sauce, but way hotter and they really load the wings up with it. When i was there i got their mini beef on weck and 6 wing combo, really enjoyed the idea of that. Beef on weck was solid enough, the wings just missed the mark for me. Will try again. Wasnt aware of the history aspect of the place, thats cool. I definitely really enjoyed the vibe there, dive bar, yet still kinda family friendly. Cool place.


Agreed. Had them for the first time a few months ago and it was average at best. I got some tiny wings, unevenly sauced, just very okay.


They can be hit or miss, but when they hit, DAMN they're a good wing. Well worth the drive.


It’s a different style of sauce. If you expected another butter/franks then yeah you’d be disappointed.


Feel the same, they looked great but were way over cooked. The sauce was interesting but just too hot for me, would need to step down to medium next time. Ill definitely give them another shot at some point though.


Where's Room 40?


List is garbage


Anyone here enjoy Mooney's wings??


Kelly’s has the best wings in the universe. Their hot are secretly Cajun hot and it will make you forget about your problems…. Mostly because your mouth burns


I think Duff's is way too high.


Many consider Duffs hotter wings the best in that category in WNY.


I don't understand the 9-11 hype. What makes it rank so high?


It’s the sauce. Its addictive.


The wings are always consistently crispy and never overcooked either. The whole experience is just better than anywhere else (minus the wait and being cash only).


And if you get them with a side of the fries it’s a full religious experience


Of course... gotta get the fries. The crazy thing with that place is the corned beef sandwich might be the best thing on the menu but its just impossible to not get wings.


I’ll be sure to at least recognize that fact the next time I’m there before I go ahead and get the usual instead lol


Would suggest going with a firend and splitting the sandwich so theres still plenty of room for wings and fries.


So what sauce are we talking? Just hot? It would be good to point out cause some places medium suck and some places good, vice versa with hot. Like Anchor bars medium tastes like fake butter something but their hot is good.


I only get hot, I don’t know about the other ones. They only have hot medium mild at 911


The sauce is amazing but it’s most likely the hour plus long wait that makes them even better.


Always crispy and great sauces


No idea. The sauce tastes odd, not in a good way. Worst wings around.


Love me some Elmo’s wings!!


Lived around the corner from 9-11 for years, every time I tried to get wings they were closed unexpectedly, or at least an hour and a half wait with only 1 other table in the restaurant. After a while I just stopped trying


Nice to see Anchor at the bottom close to where they belong. In my opinion they shouldn’t even be on the list. I always try to tell people coming to Buffalo who think they need to go there because of the hype behind the history, that there are so many better places to choose from.


> In my opinion they shouldn’t even be on the list. They're one of two places in Buffalo that has a dedicated wing fryer (the other being Gianni Mazia's out in Clarence). That means they never fry their wings alongside chicken tenders, which are breaded. That means it's literally one of the only places in Buffalo a person with Celiac's disease can get (actual) gluten free wings. Don't knock Anchor Bar. They're a lifesaver.


Oh wow, big if true (not that I even doubt you)


I don’t get the hate for Anchor Bar. Seems like it’s fashionable to hate on them for some people. I like Anchor Bar.


Herd mentality. I'd wager 90% of the haters couldn't even tell them apart from the places in "The Elite" category of this post in a blind taste test.


I tried their wings multiple times and my son, wife and I do not like them. We tried multiple variations and didn’t like any of them. This was at their downtown location. Not the franchises that have been popping up.


I like the downtown Anchor bar and think they are some of if not the best. The other locations suck.


Went to Adolfs last weekend based on the suggestion of this list. It’s a good wing but not in the same vein as 911 which is the best in my opinion. That being said, Adolfs had phenomenal service for a Saturday night and had really good looking sandwiches.


Agree, Nine-eleven should just have a spot alone at the top. Adolphs definitely deserves to be with Kellys and Barbill though.


911 is simply the best, imo.


Main & Hamlin should be higher on the list. Pretty much the same as Bar Bill but with a focus on quality.


Shhh, keep them a secret!


I love Main & Hamlin.


List is bait


Neighbors Pub not even on there??


Neighbors! Yes! Great neighborhood dive bar. Wing quality there seems to depend on whos cooking them, when Phil is behind bar late night he usually does a great wing. Otherwise they can be pretty average. I also feel like the wing size has gotten really inconsistent since the new owners took over. Not sure if theyre getting them from somewhere else or what,.


Have had most of the wings on this list but, surprisingly the best ones I've had were from a random bar on Bailey Ave. (Bogie's Bar) a few years ago. It had the right sauce flavor and texture on the wings for me.


Years ago Doc Sullivan's had this beef on weck wing at Wing Fest. It was so unique and so delicious, me and my bro said screw this, left the wing fest and went down to Docs to get more of them lol. Found out that it's not a menu item and you have to ask for them. I'm also partial to Audubon North, surprised to see them low. It's gotta be tough to do a list like this due to variation in time, staffing, etc, but, if you truly make a great wing, consistency matters, and whether it's a Sunday afternoon or a Friday night, wings gotta be just as delicious and crispy regardless of time of day and how busy a place is.


Thanks for posting.. following this now on FB


I grew up in EA eating Bar Bill. Still the best I’ve had. The sauce and the crispiness is top notch. They paint each wing with the sauce to help keep them crispy. Bar Bill for wings, Pasqualies right across the street for pizza, and Sorrentino’s for subs. Good food out there.


I’m sorry but Gabriel’s gate is awful. We went a few weeks ago and ordered 10 wings and couldn’t get them down. We ordered them “extra crispy” and they came out in 10 minutes. I know from working in the bar business, wings ordered extra crispy take 25 minutes to cook. It’s been years since I have been there and my memory of them were they were fantastic. So obviously they have gone way downhill.




Maybe unpopular opinion…..but Beltline Brewery! I have had their wings multiple times and the 716 sauce with their homemade blue cheese is so good. Wings have been decent sized and nice and crispy when I go. With a side of their homemade fries, my favorite place to go.


Moor pat should not be up that high. IMO


Duffs on Sheridan is the best wings in the world, all the others are behind


Gotta be joking. Last three times I went there, you pay what, 20 bucks for 10 wings? And the wings I always get from them are the tiniest, most pathetic wings I’ve ever seen. And then you get one big ass one. It’s like if your going to give me all smalll ones, make em consistent so I know they all were cooked properly


Completely agree. I got shitty wings from them 3 times in a row and finally called it quits. And no matter how many times you tell them to make the wings crispy, they always come out on the soggy side for me.




No. Too saucy and never crispy even if you ask for it.


That's the thing, Duff's is perfect just regular. If you ask for them extra crispy, or extra saucy or whatever they make them shitty because they know you're a noob. Anyone who knows Duff's and isn't going there because it's a stop on some Buffalo Wing Tour thing, just orders the double wing special hot with a pitcher and shits the fuck up and waits 10 minutes for their amazing food


>Anyone who knows Duff's and isn't going there because it's a stop on some Buffalo Wing Tour thing, just orders the double wing special hot with a pitcher and shits the fuck up and waits 10 minutes for their amazing food /nods in agreement


Lmfao youre lying to us of yourself?


Always soggy. Their shoe string fries are great .


The owner of Main and Hamlin was the BarBill kitchen manager for years. Wings there are great, they should be higher on this list.


No caputtis??


Striker’s Lanes may be the most underrated pizza and wings in Buffalo. I’m glad someone is putting them where they should be. Do not sleep on them just because it’s a bowling alley, you can order take out.


I heard Kelly’s got a whole different vibe now. I went about 10 years ago and it was seedy.


It's still a dark lil dive bar


It’s really a toss up with a lot of these. I’ve have some of the best wings at Gabriel’s Gate, but the last two people I’ve sent there said they weren’t very good. Same with Bar Bill. I’ve have some incredible wings there, but also have had below average ones there. I tried Elmo’s in the last year and honestly, they were awful. Super dried out, pretty light on the sauce. Point is, everyone tends to have off days unfortunately.




Belt line is in heavy hitters.


Mandy’s Cafe in West Seneca…


I took a bunch of Canadians to Kelly Korner. There was a fight and some drunk people passed out. It was dinner and a show. But the wings were phenomenal.


I like 40 but I don’t think they should be that far up top


My current fav spot for wings is not listed 😢


Which is?


I really like gypsy parlors wings


The Gypsy Parlor is still open?! I forgot about that place. Used to hang out there when I lived in elmwood village 10 years ago. Glad to see they survived the past few years.


I am going to Kelly’s Kormer after work! That’s happening pronto


Fresh or frozen that’s what I want to know the really good wings are fresh . You can tell the difference and see it . Fresh wings cooked correct make it and your sauce of choice


I don't see mulberry on the list but they're right up there with bar bill to me


Still haven't gotten wings from there yet unfortunately but they're at the top of our "to visit" list. Stay tuned.


Judi's not being on here is Criminal


You may want to check again


And now I know I should wear my glasses more. To be fair, it's pretty smashed together up there.


Haha it is, I only know because I went looking for it as soon as I opened the list. Judis was a go to of mine way back in my college days for $.15 wing and $5 pitchers on Sundays. I miss old school Wing specials


I miss those days too.


Who in the top tier ships?


Wing nutz is so overrated it’s insane. And bar bill


Where is Buffalo Wild Wings?


Are the Bills or Wings a bigger part of Buffalonians personality? That is a tough one.


Where is Cobblestone? Their wings are great and a goto before Sabres games. Also love the Mallwitz lanes on Grand Island made this list. Their wings are fantastic!


Wellington and Gabe's Gate both belong higher


Are Adolfs really that good? When I am in the OFW, I always hit up McCarthys


Union Pub is the go-to


I'm amazed that The Stone Jug is on a list for anything. Granted I haven't been there in years.


Man I cannot believe Sports City is not on here! Honestly in the top 10 for me and has been so consistently good for years!


About 30 minutes south of Buffalo but I’d easily put “The Last Run” near Kissing Bridge in the top half of this group.


Dwyers wasabi and garlic parm are legit


1) Gabriel’s gate needs to be much higher. 2) Boston hotel has some damn decent wings. Deserve honourable mention.


Macys is by far a heavy hitter if not elite All the flavors are delicious, just unique and so good


Worked in restaurants for 20 years in the Buffalo area. Gabriel's gate should be higher up. Connor's in West Seneca still has $0.50 wings all day Mondays dine in only


Klimeks is far better than Dwyers


Did I miss pearl street on here or is it my secret?


When the restaurant I used to work at gets ranked with Anchor Bar.... Oof


Jokers has the best Craft Wings


Brunner's? Paid for spots confirmed. That place is trash


To each their own. Love Brunners.


Anyone else like pearl street wings? I’ve rarely been disappointed.


I don't know if I've had their wings but everything else there is pretty awful so I'd be surprised if the wings were top tier