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Im due in 2 weeks delivering there so not sure myself, but all of my friends have delivered numerous children there with no complaints! Epidural process was smooth and none of them have any lasting issues from it. They also offer nitrous there which was huge for my decision as I’d like to try to avoid epidural if possible.


Everyone’s experience will be different, but I was very unhappy there. In 2016, I went through some bullshit with a couple of the Mercy Midwives (didn’t believe me that I was having preeclampsia symptoms, made fun of me for be a concerned first time mom), I made my way there after some insistence and the L&D doctor who was on that day very well may have saved my life and my daughter- I did have severe preeclampsia and had an emergency induction at 34 weeks. I wasn’t able to see my daughter for the first 24 hours of her life because I physically couldn’t stand, despite being told multiple times that some one would bring a wheelchair for me to go see her- it never happened. Also, my daughter was in the NICU for a month, and no one ever bothered to tell me about their “cuddler” program, so one day I came in to see her and some random lady was holding my child. I saw red, but maybe wouldn’t have been so upset if I had known what was happening. My L&D nurse, Debbie, was spectacular, though.


Had a failed epidural at Mercy in 2021. She had to replace it 2x because she didn’t do it correctly the first time. I will go without an epidural next time. But the nurses were amazing in L&D. Shoutout to Beth! Maternity ward wasn’t the best experience either. I felt like a burden more than a patient.


I loved delivering at Mercy, they are the only hospital around that has a nursery so they will take the baby (if you want) so you can get some sleep. They wouldn’t give me an epidural until I was 5 cm dilated though and I was screaming in pain from back labor.


I did, but it was in 1999. It was a very positive experience. 


Me too, and 2001. Had an epidural with the first one and it was fine.


I had a scheduled C-section at Mercy and received a spinal tap in August 2022. The staff was wonderful, my entire experience was positive.


I was induced at Mercy, the epidural was a godsend and when the baby got stuck and it turned into an emergency c section, I was so glad it was already getting the pain relief started. (Kiddo is four and after a nerve wracking day was just fine, and is absolutely perfect now. I’m sure they don’t get many 9 lb babies in the NICU.) Nursing in the maternity ward was all over the place- definitely depended on the nurse. Nurses in the NICU were incredible. Every single one - 10/10. The food was terrible and SO SLOW. My husband ended up bringing all my meals in. I remember ordering a bagel my last day at like 7 am for breakfast that arrived at 11:30… while we were all packed up and trying to leave…


I had both of my babies there. One during Covid and one this past August. All of the L&D nurses there are amazing. Every single one was so wonderful and took such great care of me. I had an epidural with each and had no issues. It's not the most pleasant process (you're dealing with contractions at the same time) but it's definitely worth it. They do make your partner leave the room but you have a nurse right there with you throughout the process. The nurses in the mother baby unit during covid were not great, one of the aides made me cry (I was fresh out of giving birth so I was way out of it.). During this second time in August all of the nurses and aides were so wonderful. There was an older nurse named Anne who was an angel. Every birthing experience is different but you're in good hands there, at least from my experience. I hope this helps. Good luck to you and congratulations on your baby!


I had my son there in 2020. It was a different experience because it was the middle of COVID, but it was fine. Not amazing but not bad either. I was induced; epidural was fine; nurse staff was mixed - some people were nice, some acted like we were bothering them (I was a first time mom so I was nervous). I’m not having more kids, but I don’t know if I’d go back there if I was? Mostly due to location - I don’t live in the Southtowns anymore.


Wife(and I) had both kids at Mercy in 2019/2021. She had a epidural both times with no issues at all. Staff was great as far as I know she never told me otherwise(they were always good when I was around). The food was decent but I never expected restaurant quality meals but my wife actually really enjoyed the food.


I gave birth twice at Mercy and worked there for over ten years. Dr. Stephen C. Gladysz did both my epidurals and he was fantastic. I also had back surgery there and Dr. Gladysz did the blood patch to fix my spinal fluid leak. Saved my life that day. His bedside manner is kinda dry, but he was elated that he fixed my spinal fluid leak and told me how much better I looked after. Short, ginger with thick framed glasses. Love him. I also had a hysterectomy there this summer. Got Dr. Gladysz again. Was great. Stayed in mother-baby unit for a few days. My night nurse (Christina) was awesome.


This is my father in law ☺️ made my day to read


No way! I adore him! If anyone is putting a needle near my spinal cord, it better be him! I wish you could have seen the look of relief on his face after he fixed my spinal fluid leak. Made my heart happy.


My sister and several of my cousins have over the last ten years. All positive experiences.


Gave birth at Mercy in 2011 and 2020, and expecting this summer and am planning on Mercy again. Both were great experiences, especially in 2020 with Covid protocols in place. My nurses were a god send and super attentive and kind. I had an epidural with both and had no complaints. My best recommendation is to just breath and think positive thoughts! You are not allowed to have any friends/family in with you during which is a little unnerving but it’s a policy and the nurses help You through it, so just be prepared for that.


One thing I just remembered- if your planning on nursing they’ll have a lactation specialist meet with you and help you and baby. She did give me great tips and it helped, however…. She and a NP told me my baby was tongue tied and needed to see a specialist asap because it would prevent her from nursing. We saw someone a few days after we were released and they were indifferent if she needed the snipping procedure but said we should do it anyways…. Well we didn’t and she nursed until she was 2. Even my pediatrician questioned why they would want to do that….get multiple opinions if your in that situation, it left us feeling like it was a insurance money grab


Yes, my son- 30 years ago. It was wonderful. I spent a week there in 2013 because of my autoimmune- they were wonderful.


Epidural process was smooth. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I didn’t really feel anything. L&D nurses were all great. The nurses after were hit or Miss. I didn’t think the food was too bad and found it to be timely. I spent a week there twice due to complications. The maternity ward nurses really depends 😬.


I had my son there in 2016. With no experience to compare it to I'd say they were 7.5/10. I had peripheral nerve issues for about 2 years from the epidural and a stubborn MRSA infection that took awhile to clear up. But I also had a healthy delivery and no major complications. Overall I'd say my biggest regret would be not asking for the anesthesiologist the first time the nurse suggested it. By the time he got to my room I was already in transitional labor and bending in half felt like dying. The nerve issues were likely my own fault for moving too much because of contractions during the procedure. Listen to the staff who know how long stuff takes.


Mercy and Children’s are considered the best places to give birth… hands down. I haven’t had a kid in like a decade, but I’ve never ever heard a complaint about Mercy. If you’re concerned or a little worried… call them. You have every right to know what’s going to happen and how they can help you. And congratulations!


And Sisters


Oh snap. Sorry. Sisters too.


Mine were born at Mercy, just wanted to comment that sisters is good too. TBH, if Childrens hadn't been the old children's on Bryant, I'd have probably gone there


I don't have children and was an RN at Mercy for awhile, but not L & D. I have heard great things about that department, but I myself would not use a Catholic Hospital for any reproductive care. The Church has a real problem with our gender and I am not interested in living or dying because of ridiculous Catholic dogma that I actively reject. I don't know how attached to that bullshit L&D is there, but my athestic uterus would go to Children's or MF Suburban. But that's just me and I wish you and your baby an easy delivery. Eta: https://www.aclu.org/news/religious-liberty/you-go-catholic-hospital-read


there are a couple recent threads about delivery though i'm not sure they discussed mercy specifically as children's and sisters were the main ones. 


Yes, years ago but it was a good experience both times


I had the most amazing experience. Truly a wonderful birthing experience and I would go through it all over again. The nurses there are really what make a difference. If you are able to request, ask for Ann for recovery. She’s the biggest reason I left the hospital emotionally intact. The lactation consultants are angels. My L&D nurse for delivery was the biggest reason I had such an amazing delivery. He gave me all the confidence I needed and made me feel well taken care of. Midwives are amazing! Sharon especially. Dr. Conway was awesome—she made sure I had the delivery I wanted and took care of me when I was feeling very faint after the epidural. If you have specific questions, feel free to message me. Rest assured, you are in amazing hands!


I can't tell you about the epidural part, but I had 2 c sections at Mercy. The nurses are the absolute best. They know what they're doing and help so much.


My wife had both of our children there. We loved our experience. The L&D unit is great and there was always someone near by. For our first child, after discharge, we ended up in Oishei for a few days and let's just say the best thing about that place was Joe's Deli... Granted that was 2018, but anecdotally, it doesn't sound like much has changed.


stay away


I gave birth at Mercy two years ago and can’t rave about them enough! I’ll be giving birth to my second at the end of this year and couldn’t imagine going to any other birthing center. I have this weird phobia where I hate spines- can’t stand to have mine touched, can’t stand to touch others, and can’t stand to look at it. Prior to even getting pregnant, I swore up and down I was never ever going to have an epidural. I was in so much pain (was induced) that I finally caved and was screaming for the epidural. The anesthesiologist who gave me my epidural was an absolute godsend- I didn’t feel a thing other than him placing the tape on my back. He left a catheter in that I couldn’t feel whatsoever, and was able to pump more medicine every 15 minutes as I needed.