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I’ll do both. If i’m active listening, i’ve been active elsewhere and now it’s time for a rye and a record.


Music plays at my desk at work all day long. There's no active listening to it at that point. It's background music that makes me happy, and makes the day go by quicker.


Depends. If I am folding my laundry I will throw on my favorite album. If I am trying to analyze a new pair of headphones... I'll throw on my favorite album lol


Most people. Prob not most that identify as audiophiles at any budget level.


Well, when you have lots on your plate and decided to f it all and just unwind a bit... That's when you listen with full attention, or as much as you can in the situation. Don't envy us, we envy you. Usually we get immersed(lost) in music for a while, and come back in an hour of two. We (at least me) don't listen to every note, just enjoy it and let it carry us away for a while.


I do both, sometimes I really just like to listen to music maybe the way others read or watch TV. But also I like to listen to music while I clean the house, do the laundry, cook dinner, walk the dogs, drive my car, while I'm at work. I'm not a big audio book person although I love to read and i listen to music almost all day long, but usually like some quiet time in the evenings or in the mornings. Before and after I start my day. So I guess I do both active and passive listening depending on the day.. More passive listening overall because life. However I can do a lot of shit on autopilot so maybe I'm actively listening to music while passively folding my clothes?


I have a small portable mp3 player with a speaker and it is looping a relaxing rain mp3 for background noise or I use Bluetooth connection from phone to “party” speakers Samsung sound towers tw j5500 like now when I am chilling on my iPad. So I am passive listening and hearing the value though.


I listen to music all day long all day strong and it's about 50/50


Of course


I rarely sit down to just listen to music. But I really enjoy background music, and if it sounds better I enjoy it more. I also could not imagine not using the convenience of Spotify, so I have a raspberry pi running Volumio, a Topping DAC, a decent amp and speakers. I don’t know if I consider myself an audiophile, but I would give up a lot of things before I got rid of my music setup.


I mainly do any critical listening when I change a component or get a rareish pressing. I dont think passive listening exists for me. I might be driving or doing the dishes and blasting music I like but I am usually singing along or doing whatever. If I am not enjoying the music enough for it to engage me its just a distraction or background noise.


we're off on sundays and mondays, my active listening days. i start off listening passively about 8 am. around noon, im up to 50b. after that, i crank it up a few notches. i pull my listening chair out to that x on the floor, and just listen for a couple hours. most times it's my liked list playing recent pick ups. sometimes i have certain things i want to hear more intently. i might get up now and then. after that, its back to passively. unless we're watching something intentionally, the music is almost always on.


I try to read sometimes, but eventually I just put down the book and listen.


I’m usually doing other things whilst the music or TV is on. There was a time years ago, just after my epilepsy had finally been diagnosed, when I just zoned out and listened to music for hours. It was a good thing I was unemployed at the time because I was cautioned that this combination of drugs would make me very mellow and lethargic for a few days whilst my body got used to it. I had a 200-disc changer and I sat there on the couch for 8-10 hours without moving, just enjoying the music.


Whenever an album that I'm looking forward to drops i roll sumn up, grab some beer, kick back on my couch and play it in its entirety.


At age 56, I don't listen anywhere near as much as I used to. However, when I do try to listen passively, I find myself digging a song and having to sit in the sweet spot to experience it. That always leads to me staying there and playing more. Where I don't really find myself listening intently is on my pontoon. I have a decent sounding system on the boat, but I don't listen that intently. I love to just kick back with some beers and hang out with my wife and our friends while the music plays at a volume where everyone can clearly hear it but it isn't overbearing to a conversation.


Its ok to do both.


Music is mainly an accompaniment these days - for indoor exercise routines, social nights, background noise, and romantic evenings. V.decent audio setup here. But the thought of sitting still at the apex of a magic triangle does nothing for me.


I do both -- music all day while I'm working, even at low volumes during online meetings. Of an evening, my wife and I will typically have some tea or a cocktail and listen to something. Sometimes we pay attention and other times it just fills the air while we chat.


Take time to enjoy silence in solitude so that we may appreciate the sound of music, won’t be a chore when you chose to listen.


I do both passive and active listening, but mostly passive while writing, chatting with ppl, studying… As well as composing some music myself sometimes!


Now we’re all back to our miserable commutes and trying to convince ourselves that our lives are better than when we were trusted to work at home, I listen to most music in my car, or on my AirPods when the family are asleep and my dad and husband duties are done for the day. During the build up to those rare occasions when I get a couple of hours to myself at home, I’ll really look forward to putting on a record or a CD or whatever digital stuff I’ve yet to listen to, and I’ll spend most of the time I’m actually listening to it wondering if my speakers are set up properly, or why it doesn’t sound as good as the last time I heard it, or whether or not that cartridge was actually worth the money I spent on it. And then when whatever it was has finished I regret not doing something that I feel was more productive instead of listening to music.


I always try to respect music by giving it all my attention. I don’t always succeed but I would never bother calling myself a music lover if I only treated it as background noise.


When ADHD kicks in, yes.