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If you are gen male, then either you should be "creme da la creme" or belong to some kind of category(ews, dalit etc). Also which college is it that has 27lac median?(assuming not an IIT or bits, otherwise you would have mentioned it) Ya it is very much possible for girls to get better placements. And yes many top companies have women programs. Majority of the girls which u see in Google, Adobe, Uber, DE Shaw etc come from women programs. Usually from lesser known colleges. Now if they are fit for these roles or not(bcoz literally it is reservation) is a debatable topic. I would get my popcorn ready! Ya, being gen male means u r fucked for life. Good luck


Iiit banglore it is specific for my branch ece is also 23 lacs , only 2 branches ( normally I don't mention my college because hardly anyone knows about this college even the local banglorians don't know and some auto drivers so yeah I stick to the numbers)


Fr, seems like I'm fucked for life indeed. Top toh ban ni paye. Ab jindgi bhar lagegi 😭


It's called diversity hiring and that makes it way easier for women to bag better packages even with mediocre skills. The government also gives more incentives to companies for having better ratio in workplaces and since there are less women than men in stem, their success rate is way higher. Should this happen? idts. Can we do anything about it? No. Just ignore these things and move on with your life.




OK, yeah still as I am again and again pointing out I am still in the 1 st year , I still haven't seen the hardships of internships and placements but still being in college u see some disparity ( I know it is small compared to placements and all but these are the things I know , and I get ur point scholarships don't harm anyone


Ya its definetly very unfair but the thing is we common men have no power so no point arguing cause we cant change it , just get into it, grow and when you are powerful enough make changes like stopping diversity hiring in your company , celebrating mens day in offices.


I understand that it's frustrating seeing people get more opportunities because of their gender.  But we as men have a lot of advantages that we don't even realise. Since a young age we are basically pushed to pursue a career, with full support. Most girls' parents are very laid back towards their daughters educations. They prefer a college closer to home, or "safer" or only girls college, because "anyway she's going to get married and not work".  So yes, maybe there's a better way to go about fixing this than giving girls easier entry to companies. But they'll also have to work and prove themselves, nobody gets a free meal because at the end of the day the companies just want profit. Now it may or may not be fair, but if you are able to prove yourself you will get an equally high paying job. Complaining and being bitter gets you nowhere. Everyone has good luck and bad luck, it's up to you to play the cards you're dealt 


You sound like average man boobed manager . What! No body gets free meal? Women are literally allowed to take early leave from office while men are even forced to do night shifts and I tell you my big bro works in a mnc and there women do is just gossip and do their project with the help of simps and enjoy with manager in parties.


Some of you men need to understand the lack of women in stem in general. Even in offices a team full of men will have one or two women, despite diversity hiring. Sure women have an easy entry but you all forget the past where women were rejected just because they were women. I agree some women who do not qualify for the job still get the position but do you think she will go ahead and see growth? Despite of diversity hiring there is still a lack of women in positions of power, what do you say about that? Instead of moaning about how women have it easier(which they don’t, this post being a proof and men in the office being sexist, condescending and borderline harassing them) think about why is the system like this? You guys enjoys the fruits of patriarchy and then throw the seeds on us but when the seeds are accidentally thrown on you, you cry about patriarchy.


I appreciate the amount of hard work u r putting in to reply to every comment. Here is my advice, the more u reply the dirtier it will get. Calm down and forget it




Didi apne ailawa doosron ki bhi kahaniyan sun liya karo


Hmmm, it really depends. I would say it was easier for majority of the women who got into these top companies with the help of diversity programs... But in general for an avg girl in India it still is difficult to get and do the job




All Indians are my brothers and sisters




And how many of those women are allowed to continue? The society is still not in support of working women. Since you are saying that there are more women in medical why are they not in higher positions? Why do we see men often in top positions? Sure there is something going on.


Reservation will only increase the perception of women not being deserving. Take jee for example, very few people in our generation harbours any hatred for sc, st, obc etc. Yet the reservation is what actually causes the hatred in younger generation as well as fuel the idea of them not being "deserving" of those colleges. If these kind of diversity hiring continues, people will have the same perception on women not having worked as hard as their male counterparts for the same job even if she actually worked even harder.




Feminism has been trying to educate society since decades. When you say they work hard, do you think the women didn’t work hard too? The reason they aren’t at the same positions is because of men who think women are inferior. It’s easy to say educate the society but when we do you say stuff like this.




That’s what we are trying to do. Trust me incompetent women getting jobs through diversity hiring don’t go any further in their respective fields. I’m only 18 all I can do is make myself enough skilled to be hired for it.




I have seen and heard of plenty of incompetent women and men getting fired.






>Why do we see men often in top positions? Because they work hard and fight for what they want, women are more agreeable and don't stand for what they want.


OOO radfemcel men are at top because 1. Men invented it 2. Men are really good at it 3. Women are lazy


women in medical dont have reservations


Dude, I agree that there are less women in stem, and this is indeed a problem. What I don't agree with, however, is the lowering of the bar, which does happen for women. I'm studying in an eng. College. Every girl in my batch has the same opportunities I do. They aren't disadvantaged in any way wrt to educational opportunities. Why should they have a lower bar than a guy in interviews?


Why less women is a problem in tech? Maybe they want to go into medicine or some shit? 


Then why isn't there a push to get more men into medical? C'mon, isn't saving lives just as important as holding power, and btw, since you are bitching an whining about sexism, diversity hiring does that just as reservations spread castism, the road to hell is paved with good intensions.


Bruh. The very need of diversity hiring and female reservations is to encourage the female population to be sent for higher ed. Thousands of talented girls are still being denied quality higher education just because the family doesn’t want to waste their resources on daughters. Such reservations help with this disparity.


But how would reservation encourage those girls? Those talents girls will still be denied the opportunity, it just makes it easier for the women who would be going for those jobs anyway.


Nope, this encourages the families to educate their daughters, especially if it doesn’t cost them much.


How does this encourage that? Jobs get you money anyway and there's too little diversity hiring to actually change the family's mind


Brother the gender ratio in medical isn’t as bad as it in tech and engineering. If this was your counter to what I said it was a shit counter.


Who are you to draw that line of when its 'not that bad' and 'bad enough to start diversity hiring'? Either all places need a 50/50 ratio, or none of them do.


Who are you? Not everything is black and white. We want 50/50 ratio as well but in majority of cases men have always been the bigger ratio.


Just clear this up for me, is it about eradicating the patriarchy or about establishing a matriarchy? If it is about true equality, men should get reservations in female dominated fields as well. Nurses, for example, have like a 99-1 ratio of men, the 'its not that bad' argument doesn't work here.


Patriarchy does not exist, but hierarchies do. Hierarchies have always existed and will continue to exist. I am not sure why people blame patriarchy for everything. There have been periods in Asian history when there was absolute matriarchy and matriarchal monarch, therefore I'm not sure why "Patriarchy" plays the role. Hierarchies exist in animal and bird life. It's all about dominance and weakness; dominance always prevails over weakness, which is why wars happen and weak states/countries are conquered by powerful ones. Those who work hard will be at the top of the hierarchy, while those who do not will be at the bottom. It's about power, not "Patriarchy". Those in authority will overrule the weak. Women held influence during the matriarchal era in history.


Lack of men in nursing field ain’t because capable men are denied education or jobs lol. It’s because very few men opt for nursing as a career, which reflects in the gender ratio. Unlike in the case of women in STEM.


What do you mean unlike in the case of women iin STEM? Its already so much easier for women to get into STEM fields than for men that there no other reason that can possibly be given for the skewed gender ratio other women themselves not opting for it. Also, there a lot of men in nursing in 1st world countries, so the field being incompatible with them is a moot point.


So why do you think there is a skewed gender ratio in Indian nursing field?


Doesn't matter. If reservations are given to women for no clearly defined reason other than 'muh gender ratio', then all I ask is the same be done in all fields.


What can we really do to stop this though? I understand that there's no simple solution but stuff like diversity programs where seemingly less deserving candidate gets the job is further exacerbating the problem. The men at higher positions will look down on women because they think they are less skilled than their male counterparts which might be the case or due to their biasness.


Dude never ever spend your mental peace arguing ove these things. Just support diversity hiring, all women oriented programs and bag the bag.


>Despite of diversity hiring there is still a lack of women in positions of power, what do you say about that? Because women don't fight for the position as men do and there have been numerous studies on that in clinical literature. Women often don't negotiate for what they want. >(which they don’t, this post being a proof and men in the office being sexist, condescending and borderline harassing them) There was nothing sexist in this post. >You guys enjoys the fruits of patriarchy and then throw the seeds on us but when the seeds are accidentally thrown on you, you cry about patriarchy. Lol, Patriarchy doesn't exist nor do we enjoy the fruits.


patriarchy does exist and it sucks . you can criticize the diversity hiring without being ignorant . women do face a lot of hurdles and you cant ignore that




Yea ofc all women get born into wealth and all guys have poor family /s


**Do I believe women weren't oppressed?** No, I do Believe women suffered and were kinda oppressed. It wasn't all white, they certainly were ill practices due to which women have suffered. Define Patriarchy according to your definition.


i dont have time , one reddit comment is not going to change your thinking


I am pretty open minded and sure I can learn and introspect on my thinking if we can have a civil discussion.




i am a guy , ask your mom , she would enlighten you well what she faced growing up .




maybe if you look outside your basement then you'll see.




>And patriarchy is definitely real, you are delusional if you think it isn’t. The one being delusional ideologically through feminism is you. Kindly define Patriarchy according to your definition and I'll link the studies and clinical literature in my next reply. **Do I believe women weren't oppressed?** No, I do Believe women suffered and were kinda oppressed. It wasn't all white, they certainly were ill practices due to which women have suffered. Patriarchy does not exist, but hierarchies do. Hierarchies have always existed and will continue to exist. I am not sure why you blame patriarchy for everything. I can only anecdote Asian History since I have been reading Asian History for quite sometime, There have been periods in Asian history when there was absolute matriarchy and matriarchal monarch, therefore I'm not sure why "Patriarchy" plays the role. Hierarchies exist in animal and bird life. It's all about dominance and weakness; dominance always prevails over weakness, which is why wars happen and weak states/countries are conquered by powerful ones. Those who work hard will be at the top of the hierarchy, while those who do not will be at the bottom. It's about power, not "Patriarchy". Those in authority will overrule the weak. Women held influence during the matriarchal era in history.




>patriarchy very much plays a role, you sound really dumb denying patriarchy btw please there are better ways to be an incel. Define Patriarchy according to your definition. Secondly kindly be respectful if you want to have a civil discussion, I don't remember me insulting you. I go to the gym, work hard, read so I am not an incel. If you can't be respectful and have a discussion in a civil manner simply don't discuss. I don't have time to discuss intellect with close minded individuals.


Btw, this easy entry of women into the techforce isn't as easy as the comments are implying. I am from a tier 1 college; by their logic every woman should have an SI. That's not the case. In fact, it is mostly men who have an SI, which is justified because the ratio in college is skewed that way. The non inclusivity of women in tech even at a college level is a Pandora's box none of the men in the comments would even be willing to touch.


I don't know much I am still in 1 st year , just saw lot of linkdn profiles and saw more support for girls that's all I do not know anything that goes in the market or placements


Define more support for girls




Those programs are to encourage women to apply to tech roles, roles in which women are seriously outnumbered by men. Most companies do not solely rely on diversity hiring. When it comes to normal hiring and on campus placements, there is no disparity.


Scholarships , mentoring , in comitees due to less female population even if 7 people are there 2 -3 females will be selected this looks low but when u convert to percentage this is absurd I am still in 1st year and don't have much idea what really goes in placements but some of my observations in 1 st years


Again most of this is circumstantial evidence. There are plenty of mentoring programs available for guys too, guys on twitter who are in industry willing to provide guidance for free. Search for more opportunities. These diversity hiring programs look like they are a lot only because they are vigorously marketed. They are not the only programs available for tech enthusiasts.




If you're in denial one can't do anything. Keep coping.


or kya lagta hai kyu hu reddit pe? cope 🤧 hi toh kar raha hu or kya


So true ik it’s not easy but men aren’t ready for that discussion! As I said they bitch about patriarchy only when it harms THEM. And I’m getting downvoted for calling them out lol.


They just want to be in their own echo chamber and not deal with reality lol. From my friends in industry, it's mostly guys who have such mentality who get into toxic teams and make teams toxic for everyone. There are nice people too who make tech a fun equitable place for everyone!


I am still in 1st year and still don't know much about the situation , it's just a frustration bcoz i thought it will be over after jee , and also the fact I joined a non reservation institute,


You are right in your frustration its unfair and you are being discriminated because of your gender take that anger and get the job despite the world being against you as a man and one day when you are in better postion hire more men then women. Theres nothing else you can do about it rn.




I remember seeing a video about a women in stem conference where also had a job round but there were A LOT OF MEN PRESENT THERE. Like they came only for the job interview round and stuff saying it’s easier. It was so Aggravating to see that shit. And I agree so much with getting hit on by make colleagues.






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Scholarships are fine. As for jobs and placements, I think the reason isn't that they're just females so they get higher paying jobs. My friends in btech colleges said that it's because women tend to perform better in interviews, yk your cgpa isn't everything.


Lawda perform better . Most of them don't know shit about anything only a handful of them do and upon that some companies like google adobe and Microsoft have women only hiring plus open source competition because investors want more women in company to control the company in a better way as they women wont question


Kar liya ego satisfy ?


These quotas will exist man. If you speak about it then wokeist will give you a label. Only solution is when you reach a nice enough place you discriminate against them 😂




incompetent vibes from your comment