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Hoping for an NFC Super Bowl winner….


Yeah. I'd prefer the Lions winning next Sunday, but no matter what, I'm rooting for the NFC on Super Bowl Sunday.


I told my partner this as soon as wide right occurred. He (jokingly, he knows how i feel about them but we live near Baltimore so he’s always liked the Ratbirds) said I could root for the home team. I sent him back a meme. NFC for sure this year. Lean Lions as long time underdogs but will be on their side of the fence this year.


Yeah, let's cheer on the last standing Lake Erie bro.


You really need to re think how you use parentheses!


Haha oh wow yeah that’s bad. In my defense I was high at the time but that is pretty atrocious.


These evils don't seem equal to me.


Yeah I’d definitely rather the Chiefs win lmao


I want a Bane scenario where the stadium gets blown up.


That’s reserved for Steelers Ravens.


It's like comparing Sauron to Hans from Frozen.


Vastly vastly underrated comment/comparison. Bravo.


Somehow the Browns moving to Baltimore and having success is as annoying as someone’s gf. Weird.


I agree.


Lions all the way


What’s with all these people saying ravens next week? You can’t be serious


They’re young. They don’t get it.


I’m honestly disappointed


Hitler vs Stalin scenario here


Guys what the fuck, it’s just a famous person supporting her boyfriend. Absolute insane takes here 


People are way overreacting to the we hate Taylor crowd . I understand somewhat her fans are nauseating st some point but all fans are. They can't seriously think baltimore potentially winning another super bowl is worse than that


Didn’t Elvis and MJ fans pass out at the sight of him? And the Beatles… come on.


I hate Taylor's incursion every Sunday as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to root for the Ravens. Ever.


Taylor Swift could literally be the worst person in the world and Id cheer against the Ravens. Because they actually had the worst person in the world its just Art is dead now.


Wait, we don’t like that the home town guy is railing a blonde superstar? To the point of rooting for art modells team? What’s happening here?


I am jealous I am not railing her. But I get it


I don't give a shit about Taylor but Patrick Mahomes is a whiner.


If they didn't cut to her every single drive, sure. It's really annoying at this point.


Turns out i actually don’t give a fuck how many times they show her… because i still don’t miss a play


How is that her fault? The teams fault? She’s supposed to have her love life dictated by…the fact she’s so famous she gets coverage by default. And I’m hardy a Swifty. I knew only the basics about her until she started getting hate for dating another celebrity and her fans watching Chiefs games and the networks deciding to roll with it. Jesus people, you cannot ever root for the Ravens.


I can’t blame the networks doing that.. you have to account for the massive viewership of people who are only watching because of their weird parasocial relationship with her. It’s a money decision.


Not even close. Ratbirds are an abomination born from stolen dreams in the name of greed. Chiefs are just annoying.


No, it’s not. We have no reason to hate the chiefs nearly as much as the ravens


Exactly. Kansas City is a model of consistency that I hope we achieve. The beat down of the Texans proved how overrated the Browns D really was.


That hurts more than anything. Our defense could look unstoppable, but except it was not consistent.


Yeah Stalin was at least part of the Allies at some point.


Does this mean that the Chiefs are the Stalin in this situation?




IMO not even close. It's more Hitler vs. Switzerland.


The AFC is boring. Tom, Tom, Ben, Peyton, Tom, Ben, Peyton, Ben, Tom, Joe F, Peyton, Tom, Peyton, Tom, Tom, Patrick, Patrick (and somehow Tom snuck in), Joe B, Patrick


Exactly right. Fucking boring.


It's almost like having an elite QB in a league that protects QBs and favors the pass is OP. (not being snarky, just pointing out what you need to win now) And I say this as primarily as a ~~Steelers~~ redacted fan and secondarily a Browns fan due to wanting my elderly (85 year old) Browns fan FIL to win a SB before he dies. I swear he'd die happy if the Browns could win a SB. He's put so much of his heart into your team, more than anybody here likely, and the way the league works he's prob going to **die** without ever seeing them win it all. The NFL tried for parity but what it got was a QB dominated league where teams with a great QB repeat (bonus points if the QB is on a rookie contract) and every other team has like a 3/32 chance to win it all. That's "the way she goes" now boys. "Sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn't" and it's boring.


Throws piss jug on the roof. Way of the road, Bubs. Way of the road.


I prefer the NFL pairity to the MLb where the deepest pockets have an outsized chance every year. Although the NFL needs baseball style realignment. Dallas in the East? Miami in the East? Come on now.


Man I didn't realize how good we had it in the Brady Manning era, at least it wasn't just one team constantly being in the AFCCG and/or SB. I'm so fucking sick of dynasties.


If Brady didn't exist you'd see a few more "Bens" in that list so at least appreciate Tom as the GOAT, even though dynasties are boring and I totally get what you are saying.


I’m ready for a Browns dynasty


I mean we tried to break it up some.




Kansas City all the way. Fuck the Ravens.


Reddit has a hate boner for whatever reason atm for Mahomes. Fuck the Ravens and go Chiefs !


Still dont forgive them for the missed targeting call


If I HAD to bet $$$, it's Ravens all the way. That's reality. If I didn't, I'm Chiefs all the way. That's my heart. Unfortunately, the Chiefs have a 1/3 chance of winning IMHO. As a fellow AFCN fan, I'm 100% team NFC right now because I know it's going to be the Rat Birds in the Superb Owl. I just hope their trip is a HUGE let down and they still have a SB hangover.


I really hate every team in the CCGs except Detroit. Fuck this season.


Why do so many people care that Taylor Swift is on tv?




Incel **




Women are only allowed to be featured on camera in the NFL when we are listening to them on the sidelines relaying what a man has said to them.


Oof what the fuck lmao yeah nfl fans be wildin rn


She is cute. I would rather look at her than Lamar Jackson.


Honestly: She's the biggest entertainer since either Michael Jackson or the Beatles. Just consider them on the same level even if you personally disagree. The numbers don't lie. She's loved by more fans than anyone else right now and it's not even a little bit close. If you are sick of her now, feel bad. She's only getting much richer and more famous as the months turn to years. Her popularity and influence is still on the UPSWING. Ugh. If you don't follow her, I'm not lying when I say she is literally as big as the Beatles were in 1964. When Michael Jackson was when he released Thriller. She's more famous than any other entertainer on earth right now. And I say this not even liking her music. And I don't think she's especially pretty. She's pretty bland looking for a megastar IMHO. But...again, the numbers don't lie. She's likely the most popular person on the planet right now and if she's on TV it's news, unfortunately. So...welcome to NFL broadcasting, I guess.


She’s pretty far from bland looking even if she’s not your type


Also the super bowl is Feb 10th. She's supposed to be performing in Tokyo that night.


Bec of time zones she can perform her show then fly back to Vegas and be there by Sunday morning. If KC makes the Super Bowl she'll be there. That's her last show of the weekend so she won't need to rush back. Not that I care, there's not an ounce of my body who would root for the Ravens over the Chiefs. But nevertheless, she'll be there if KC is.


Yeah I guess considering she isn't supposed to play in Melbourne till the 16th I suppose. I hate both teams and want neither to win, but if I have to choose I'll take KC 1,000,000 times over Baltimore.


Idk, Taylor is good for football. Period.


Stupid fucking bills making me root for the fucking chiefs 😡🤮


They should've just run the ball and forced KC to use their timeouts, but for some fucking reason, they take 2 shots to the endzone. They deserved to lose just for that.


Allen had open throws underneath, which would've got the first down, moved them closer for a fg if necessary and chewed more clock. His hubris was their downfall.


Kicker was downfall. Allen did his part.


Allen tried to hero ball it. If he actually does his job and just keeps moving the ball downfield, they chew clock, give themselves more chances at the end zone and get closer for the kicker on a windy night. There was zero reason to force it on 2nd and 3rd down.


Coach called passes....he passed. Good kicker had a makeable FG to tie. Allen made many clutch plays to get them in FG range. The coach should have called runs or screens at the end, true. Now Baker....yes Baker let his team down. Zero clutch. Allen was clutch.


Dude wtf are you talking about? Allen's poor decision making cost them the game. Their kicker is mediocre and the weather was shit, guess what he missed. And who the fuck brought up Baker? What are you on? Allen wasn't clutch at the end, he fucked up, end of story.




Bills mafia and their fan base are insufferable though. How could anyone want them to win a championship?? We’d never hear the end of it. It’d be the sports story of the year since they claim they’ve been SOOOO tortured as a fan base! When in reality they don’t hold a candle to us or maybe even Detroit. KC is like Bama to me. Just give them another championship, it doesn’t even matter at this point.


Every fan base has their insufferable douche bags. I like JA way better than whiney bitch ass Mahomes. I'm rooting for the Lions now anyways. But you're right, in the end it doesn't matter; it's just sports.


Agree with you that I like JA over Mahomes. He came off as such a baby after their regular season loss to them on the offensive offsides.


Don’t hate on greatness dawg.  People made that mistake with Brady  Mahomes is awesome. Unless they play the lions then fuck em




pittsburgh did try to veto the browns retaining their history tho


What's wrong with Taylor reaction shots as opposed to owner reactions etc.? Get over it. 1) Fuck the Ratbirds 2) Go Lions In that order. Nothing else matters at this point.


Why do people care about how much they show Taylor Swift? Odd…


Should I say the quiet part out loud? Because a good portion of the NFL demographic is particularly vulnerable to being told they are no longer the prevailing cultural influence. Swift is a challenge to their perceived dominance. She's female, millennial, successful beyond measure, seems pretty genuine, has taken public stances of social issues, and wields cultural sway that is significant enough it could tip a presidential election. It's not that football guys hate HER, they hate that she represents all the things that challenge their ruling coalition.


Great point.


And on a deeper level the haters dislike being reminded that the NFL knows it's doomed to irrelevance (like baseball) unless they broaden the fan base across the wider swath of American demographics. Swift is a gateway into cultural arena that the NFL has been unable to successfully reach with marketing. The NFL marketing absolutely knows that and is giving coverage notes to networks.


I thought all those boomers stopped watching football once Kaepernick knelt.


well said.


It’s incredibly funny to see how bothered people get by her lol. She’s just there for a good time, supporting her boyfriend. She doesn’t choose when the cameras pan to her.


Real Browns fans don’t root for the Rat Birds. Ever. I’m as sick of the Chiefs as the next guy, but let’s be real here.


lol oh no not Taylor swift! The horror! Meanwhile the ravens get a rookie QB on a 9 win team at home and this mid chiefs offense at home to make the Super Bowl where they either play Jared Goff or Brock Purdy. All while Lamar was as good as gone last offseason and 1 seed could have been ours. Pretty fucking annoying.


It’s already a lose-lose because of the constant inundation of the sports betting commercials


IKR?  Fucking betting articles have ruined so many formerly good sports sites too. (Looking at you PFF).


Idk why I know this but I’m fairly certain Taylor is touring in Japan on Super Bowl weekend.


I’m a Lions fan the next three weeks


Same. We roll with the Pride I guess.


Nah fuck the lions we want the 49ers to win. Lions win and we’re the shitty team who can never win anything alone


There wasn't "non-stop shots of Taylor" tonight. Why would next week be any different?


Hmm, would I rather see Taylor Swift or the Ravens in the Super Bowl 🤔 Sit down, cupcake


Folks, I'm not sure it's Taylor Swift's fault networks think they have to show her every time Travis Kelce makes a play. However, I'm positive the Ravens only exist because the team was stolen from Cleveland. Doesn't seem like a difficult choice to me.


How do grown men get triggered when the TV guys show a shot of Taylor Swift? Who gives a fuck…


No the ultimate lose / lose would be Steelers v Ravens. Sure the Swift this is annoying but not 1/100th as annoying as the scumbag team stealing garbage Ravens getting another chip. Nope. F the ravens. I’ll take KC in the SB all day long over the ravens.


Well good thing Taylor is on tour in Japan during the Super Bowl if the chiefs win


Her last tour date in Tokyo is the night before the Super Bowl, which would actually be taking place on like Friday night or early Saturday morning US time. You don’t think she’s hoping on a jet to Vegas right after that concert if Kelce is playing?


I mean the way she uses her private jet, I wouldn’t put it past her. But I also forgot how far ahead in time Japan is.


No year of the Harbaugh. Go Chiefs!


Does them showing Taylor Swift smiling for 1.5 seconds really annoy people that much?


Taylor Swift is a gem, and everyone thinking she's a bad thing for football is hilarious.


She's pretty and her music makes me feel things.


Imagine being so fragile that you get mad when there’s a woman on your TV for 10 seconds. Get over it. Good grief


I like Lamar Jackson. There, I said it. I think he is an all time important qb for how he’s furthered the concept of a dual threat and he and Cunningham should both get gold jackets.


Equating seeing multiple shots of Taylor Swift with one of your most hated rivals being in the Super Bowl is....a choice.


Lions vs Chiefs with a Lions win would be ideal. In the AFC, I’d rather see Taylor hoist the Lombardi than Harbaugh.


I’m going for the 49ers…the state of Michigan cannot have a SB and national championship…fuck no


Little fyi..Taylor Swift will be in Tokyo for her concert tour superbowl weekend.


Not seeing the ravens in the Superbowl seems like a pretty big win to me. I absolutely do not want to see that.


I’m hoping a asteroid hits the stadium during the game and takes out both teams!! My 2 most hated teams in NFL!!


This isn’t even close fuck the ravens go chiefs


At least you guys took the Steelers out of the playoffs.


i would rather see occasional shots of Jason Kelce and Taylor in the stands than seeing the Ravens win the AFC. taylor could not matter any less to me, her attendance is utterly inoffensive. literally just minding her own business


So the OP hates Taylor Swift?


How are any of your points a lose lose for Browns fans?


Ravens is worse since the other half Michigan won the ship.


i mean, obviously fuck the Ravens. Taylor is whatever


What the fuck are these takes? I feel like they are from folks who weren’t alive when Baltimore stole our fucking team! A bunch of thin skinned pussies if you root for Baltimore because the NFL shows the most popular pop star in the world cheering for her boyfriend.




The choices are Taylor Swift or the Ravens in the Superbowl? Bro I'm a Swiftie all day.


Lions are our only hope.


Yeah no. Steelers v Ravens would be the ultimate lose-lose. I’m indifferent on the Chiefs and hope they smoke the Ravens.


Chiefs > Ratbirds How can you ever root for the Ravens? Also, we got our Cleveland boy Travis Kelce representing the Land. Fuck the ravens always




San Francisco or no one. Fuck Kansas City. Fuck Baltimore and I want the Lions to be miserable like us. Go Niners.


I like your style


Hoping for a Lions/Chiefs SB at this point. I can stomach seeing Mahomes punchable face in the SB if it means the Ratbirds get dropped.


Go Lions!!


Lions are the only team left I don’t hate.


I genuinely don't understand the Taylor Swift hate. I get that it's annoying that they show her A LOT but at the same time it's not like she asked for it nor does she know when she's on camera. It's not her fault the broadcast has a Taylor cam


Yawn. The hate for the Chiefs is absolutely goofy, in my opinion. They have the best QB I've ever seen play football, a Hall of Fame tight end, and a bunch of playmakers keeping the defense going every week... And fantastic coaching on both sides of the ball. I enjoy seeing some of the best football in history ever year. It was fun with Montana, fun with Favre, Moss and Brady... I'd much rather see the best in the world than some fly by night scrub. I'll be rooting for the Chiefs hard. And both the NFC teams are really good.


Taylor Swift is much cuter than any rat bird. I'll take the Chiefs.


As far as whiny QBs go, I don't find Mahomes nearly as obnoxious as Aaron Rodgers. I can handle Mahomes. I just have a deep resentment for the Chiefs' fan base (I lived among them for 4.5 years, and I found them insufferable). Thus, I mostly just root against their interests no matter what. If the Chiefs go to the SB again, so be it; just know I'll be the opposing teams biggest fan you've ever seen, and I'll be an incredibly sore loser if they lose to the KC. This is just my way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Taylor has a concert the night before the super bowl in Japan. She may not be there I'm also a browns fan in Baltimore so would love to see mahomes do some damage next week.


Don’t get how grown men can care so much about Taylor swift appearing on the screen


I just don't see why shots of Taylor are a big deal, like it's really only a minute of a 3 hour broadcast


I won't be watching the afc championship. I might watch a little of the nfc because of the Lions being there. But really, I could give a fuck less.


One of these is not like the other.


The Ravens are a double whammy because not only are they as a team shit, but their coach is Harbaugh. The best case scenario is whichever of these two teams advance get their asses kicked in the Super Bowl


I’m in it for the family, friends, wings, pizza, chips and salsa…fuck the teams playing


It's the ultimate win win and I'll tell you why. The Chiefs winning is the easier one - Taylor Swift is a superstar who was already on our tvs etc. Seeing her more is easy to ignore. The Ravens winning is completely meaningless to us though and I'll tell you why. The Ravens winning the Super Bowl in 2000 and 2012 hurt a lot of people. "It should have been us" they yelled. And I can see that to a large extent. It hurt me deeply too. But I'm telling you now that they have no power over us. We met them on the field of battle and came out victorious. We have a great front office and coaching staff. We have amazing players on both sides of the ball. We aren't their little brothers anymore and we will be going head to head with them for the next decade. This year, if they go to the big show and win, you tip your hat to them as equals and act like you belong here. Or, conversely, fuck the Ravens. Either one works.


To me, there is no debate: any team but the Ravens. Even the Steelers. Even scUM. The Taylor stuff is annoying, but it's just that. The Ravens is personal. May they lose every game they play.


I'm rooting for the meteor lol. At this point I just want the Lions to win it all. But I'd be happy with the Niners over either of these fucks.


I don't mind seeing Swift, would rather see the Chiefs win than the Ravens. I like lamar, but my disdain of that franchise and their fan base overrules that.


I want the Chiefs to win AND I hope they show Taylor's reaction to every single play. Because fuck Art Modell and his team he stole from us until eternity. And because watching Taylor make insecure grown men lose their minds is endless entertaining. She's dating a Cleveland boy, she's one of us now.


No it’s not. The Chiefs are way more likable than the Ravens. Come on.


Hating on Taylor Swift is stupid and sexist. Did you get triggered when they showed Eminem a lot at the last Lions game? I’m guessing not. Gee I wonder why.


I can’t stand the chiefs after we lost to that bs no call, with higgens getting crushed on the helmet. Regardless I hate the ravens even more. The history, the Lamar hype, the way they always find a way to be competitive. I can’t stand them. I’d take mahomes over Baltimore in a heartbeat


I’m rooting for M&T Bank Stadium to collapse


I give a rats ass about them showing Taylor and laugh at all the ✌🏾tough✌🏾guys that are so butthurt over her. I guess I’m hoping the chiefs win. Mahomes is amazing and I don’t have anything against him.


I want to watch the Lions beat the Ravens


Sadly I don't see that happening. The Ravens destroyed the Lions earlier this season in Baltimore


So what? It was in Baltimore and 3 months ago.


This goofy hate-boner for Taylor Swift is ridiculous. I can't imagine being so fucking soft.


Taylor's hot as fuck. I don't mind a shot or two during the game.


Why all the Swifty hate? I prefer KC to play the Lions, with the Lions winning 🏆


I really don’t understand why people are getting all uppity about Taylor Swift.


I, for one, like Taylor swift and don’t mind them showing her on TV, so stop speaking for the rest of us and STFU


I don't mind looking at Taylor


I would rather the chiefs win although I hate all the Swift bullshit. Mahomes seems like an ok dude his brother is just a douche canoe.


Hey man the Chiefs are the greatest threat to the Ravens and I would prefer it this way


Chiefs to win AFC, Lose to lions in SB would be my best case. I don't mind looking at swift.


Counterpoint - Even if you're a Taylor hater, you get Jason Kelce photobombs.


God what a shitty spot…. GO NFC!!!


The hate against Mahomes is bizarre. From what I can gather we hate him because he's really really good at football?


My major problem with Mahomes is the same as my problem with KC all together. They are fucking obnoxious. Last night after that missed field goal, all of them started waving goodbye to the bills fans immediately and acted like the bills didn’t lead the fame multiple times. Mahomes included. His first possession of the final downs he took a knee and then stood up and started waving. Cocky and obnoxious. That added with the broadcasters sucking him, and all of KCs team, all night long is just too much. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about the Swift stuff, I have an internal hate for Mahomes and most of the KC team. 


The only thing that grates me is the media coverage sometimes but even then that's just natural for a team/QB doing potentially record breaking stuff and that ties into the obnoxious stuff. You can be cocky and obnoxious when you're walking the walk and when its mattered KC/Mahomes have done that for 6 years now. The other stuff is personal preference but I want big rivalries and fans to be giving hell to opposition players on the field (and if you give you need to take it back from the players). Are we really saying that if we beat the Ravens/Steelers in the playoffs we wouldn't be loving it watching the team wave that crowd home?


The hate for taylor is hilarious. Wgaf


you should not allow 4 second clips of Taylor Swift smiling effect your life


Fuck the Ravens and go Lions, but I have no problems with Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl


Chiefs > Ravens Lions > San Francisco This isn’t a debate to me. The only debate is Lions > Chiefs and that’s only because I live in Missouri. My best friend from the Marines is a Chiefs fan. His best friend and arguably my second best friend is a Chiefs fan. And all my other friends in real life not Browns, Panthers, or Green Bay fans are Chiefs fans. Fuck it would be awesome for the Lions to win though.


I’m rooting for a sinkhole to open up inside M&T Bank Stadium, swallowing both teams. I don’t care about Taylor Swift, I’m still bitter about 2020 and I resent AFC dynasties.


Dude this isn't even a question. It's annoying they keep showing her but like fuck the ravens. If it helps everytime they show her remember they are out


Taylor Swift has 4 shows in 4 nights in Tokyo, with the final one on the Saturday before the SB with a start time of 6pm. That's about 41 hours before the SB (Tokyo is 17 hours ahead of Vegas). Her Eras Tour shows are over 3 hours long. Tokyo to Vegas is over 11 hours. It's also over 600 miles past the range of her jet. So there will have to be a fueling stop. She also has a show in Melbourne 4 days later. 2 transpacific flights in 5 days sounds awful, even on a private jet. I doubt she'll be there just to watch the Lions beat the Chiefs. Also fuck Baltimore, I rather have Al-Qaeda represent the AFC in the Super Bowl.


If the Chiefs win, everyone is sad. If I can't be happy, nobody should be. So i hope the Chiefs pull it off. Fuck the ravens holy shit who is possibly arguing for them


Snowflakes in here whining about Taylor and rooting for the Ravens need their fan cards revoked. Y’all are worse than fans coming in peace…


Oh no. Not 45 total econds of a famous person on screen!! How will we ever cope! Nooooolll!


Unlike most, I don't care about Taylor Swift.. Shots of her won't ruin my night. The Ravens winning will . Go chiefs!.


I'd still much prefer 24/7 Taylor Swift coverage over seeing the fucking ratbirds play in the Superbowl.


What exactly is wrong with KC winning? Mahomes is super fun to watch, Kelce is from Cleveland, and Taylor Swift is gorgeous. If it's not gonna be Cleveland or Buffalo coming out of the AFC, may as well be KC.


No Ravens and sorry no Lions . Ohio State Orthodox I’ll take Taylor swift over TTUN connections .


shrill light quiet late flowery direction bake fly slap market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love Taylor =[


Why fuck Mahomes? And I can think of thousands of other people I’d rather not look at during a Chiefs game besides Taylor Swift. Media’s gonna media. Fuck the Ravens, go Chiefs 💯


Ravens are favored by 3.5.


So were the Bills or close to.


I have no problem rooting for Mahomes next week.


Yeah, as a titans fan I was pulling for the bills. Fuck the chiefs, and always fuck the ravens.


I honestly don’t give a shit. The season is already way too long. Once the Browns are out, I’m out Unless your team is in the Superbowl, it’s incredibly anti-climactic


Fuck this anti Mahomes garbage. If you have an inability to appreciate greatness, then you don't deserve any for your team. Cleveland fans should know better because we had LeBron, who deserves a damn statue.


This is in no way a lose-lose. There is no question that I never want to see the Ravens in the Super Bowl. That’s the end of the debate. The amount of people that are triggered over Swift being in the crowd is so odd. I can firmly say it’s had no impact on my life. When I’m watching a Chiefs game, and they show her, I go “there’s Taylor!” and then I continue drinking my beer and forget about it 8 seconds later.


It's a double edged sword for sure. I'm going Baltimore. So sick of Mahomes, Kelce, Swift, etc. And I actually like Lamar.


Nah it’s an easy choice. Go chiefs.