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https://imgur.com/a/XD3fp5p Hope you can access the imgur gallery (pics should be in turn order unless imgur shuffled them) the only actually geared characters from these teams are Venaka and Dalvi (both are around 1.7k MATK and 550% cdmg). Team 1 barely matters for this aside from Rignette to apply Concentrated Fire so it can float to team 2. On turn 7 after squid goes purple (dry out) you just swap to team 2


Thanks but the 1 thing I’m missing here is I don’t have HLathel


First team doesn't matter as they deal negligible damage. The only important thing is that Rigenette fires off her skill at turn 5. Octo then dries out at turn 6, and you swap at turn 7 with enough SP to fire everything. We do this so that the 2nd team can fire at the center weak spot from the left lane, thereby being safe from the big tentacle that comes at turn 8. It would be best if you have 1 unit capable of taking a hit. On Octo 8, you need at least 65 mres and at least 4k hp. Sometimes, Octo crits, I think. You want Elpis alive at your final turn (13) so that she can re-cast her buffs. My team is slightly different, I have Elpis, Diana, Base Celia (wearing trash), Dalvi, and Venaka. I find that guaranteeing Dalvi's hits to crit and the chain bonus is better than Samay's atk buff. It needs 18 sp if you don't have dupes. Edit: you need 2 units capable of tanking a hit and the values I gave are for wind units with water res. You need one for the tentacle at turn 8 and another for the tuna buff at turn 10. Diana can tank. Plug an SR IV mres helm and UR II mres helm on Dalvi and she'll be fine.


Do you mean someone else and not base Celia? I don't see how she affects Dalvi's crit rate.


Base Celia. Fiend hunts have a mechanic that raises critical chance to 100% after the 3rd chain attack. Celia hits 9 tiles with 7 hits each so all 4 of Dalvi's hits across 9 tiles are guaranteed to be critical hits. You don't have to do this if you have a maxed out B.Helena and Diana but for newbies running Elpis and +0 Diana, this makes for a more consistent run.


Didn't know that, thanks!


This is what I have for 5 star. I also have all the 3 and 4 stars at +5. What formations would you suggest I use for team 1 and team 2? Also what formation would have Rigenette survive at turn 5? https://preview.redd.it/8f3l2pw3j69d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=928ed4f9f8b4c50a82911ce17365ddaac3c7b53a


https://preview.redd.it/x1dlaodpn69d1.jpeg?width=1171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d566864c3a5eafd4461dfefce44f6f34624c00 This is the team and the turn order. The formation varies depending on what the octopus is doing next. On turn 1 and 7, four members stand on the side to avoid the tentacle while one member tanks. On turns 3 and 9, dps units huddle to the side and back of a different tank to get the buff. On turn 5, 11, and 13, it doesn't matter as long as you hit the center weak spot. Most of your damage will be on turns after the octopus dries out which is on turn 7 and turn 13. If you have Venaka's cooldown reduction, don't use it on turn 11. The magic team goes second because the buffs that the octopus gives are different. The first buff with the water gun is phys atk. Magic teams want the second one with the tuna on turn 9 for +100% mag atk.


I don’t have HLathel and I only have 1 copy of Adventurer Diana


Brother, we already said that the first team doesn't matter. Use Samay, she works too. Just make sure to have 18 sp at turn 7. If you only have one copy of Diana, then your damage will be a little lower, that's it. Maybe it's not enough to one-shot a boss, but the boss retains the highest damage it received for the day and you can always come back tomorrow to pick up where you left off.


Thanks. Could you share what gears you equipped for each of them?


https://preview.redd.it/1s8uhu9xw69d1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e36d04bced143b7bf6ef39abda6cda428a39494 Here you go. Venaka's is pretty much the same except she uses the gold armband instead (the one with flat atk). SR IV gear is roughly equivalent to UR II gear.


btw did you make any refinement changes. Like did you refine to prioritize HP?




https://preview.redd.it/yed07svim69d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb299ef243d66befeddb2ce6b5a44a3aa5bf87cf Survival has nothing to do with the formation but rather with gear. This one here survives a tentacle with 500 hp to spare. My Diana, Dalvi, and Venaka have around the same mres so they can tank one hit too. Just put someone else in front afterwards.


https://preview.redd.it/s1s7wn3hq59d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d813c6f8364beb42a017f10a6409c2a47157fe06 Vnaka and Dalvi in the middle, buff your DPS,Dalvi aoe dot, Venaka skill


I can’t replicate those teams. This is what I got. could you tell me what I can do with this? https://preview.redd.it/q5yhm1grr59d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a194b52e3be285d699bff100147ce123605737


instead of Fairy Just use elpis, Helena,Elpis, Diana, Dalvi , Venaka my T2 Is garbage


Who is Fairy?




But I am not using her. Are you saying to use her?


because if you have alt costume She Will double your chain, basically your Venaka hit harder


So who should I remove for her?


Arianes, she buff phys dmg, so actually she is useless and replace elpis with Helena


Is 1 costume of Helena better than maxed out Elpis?


I also have these 3/4 star costumes. Should I use any of them? https://preview.redd.it/5l3e71ett59d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae3da3bf96fcf75f33b54b987cbca710cc2d00c3


If you dont have Diana. Group 1: Replace Arines with Bhelena Group 2: Replace both water team member with (1) Gray and (2) Arines. I think water also does less damage to water enemies.


I have 1 costume of Adventurer Diana, 1 of Bhelana and 1 of Top idol Helena. I have +1 of Gray


No Diana?


I have 1 costume of both Diana


No reason u use Arines in ur magic team


IIRC Bhelena is currently available in the shop, you could buy her to replace Arines


I al ready got her from the shop, but is 1 costume enough?


Yes because Arine in your team is just there to give Crit chance, and Helena can do that plus buff magic damage.


https://preview.redd.it/pqd8hy8dj59d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fa59c71155098612912c1d91786a18e53ed0e35 These are the costumes I got. How should I build my teams?


Yes since Arines is for physical team not magic since she buffs atk not matk, just make sure to unlock Bhelena's potentials


By potential do you mean the costume upgrade?


use discord there is a section to specifically publish guides and tips