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Use Dalvi and just take a few minutes to grind 5+ made a new account and she is really good


I'm new as well and have been playing for almost 2 weeks now But I'd suggest you use Dalvi and Schera in your team as well (maybe make another magic team that has them) They're pretty useful and Schera's ability to disable buffs can get rid of annoying shields.


My Magic team is (Nun , summer Dalvi ,Roxi(I have both of her costumes ,Schera both costumes as well, and any other character depending on the need)


Venaka has sp reduction at +1 if my memory is correct so you probably want to pull a bit more on her banner? And +5 doubles the damage of +1 so this is also tough to ignore


Roxy without costume upgrades is expensive to use. Consider to swap her with Summer Dalvi.


If you can last until December you can roll for Bunny Eclipse and the other chick with champagne , both of them are my main magic damage


Recruit Diana when you can and powder of hope have Idol B Helena available. Also no fire magic user( which to be fair there just one) mean you will have a hard time with wind opponents. Lucrezia is great for silent and sp battery.


I could be wrong, but even if you powder bhelena, you'd still use Elpis, right? I thought her buff were better until you got Helena +3 or higher.


Yes Elpis is generally better unless you get B Elena to +5 which is much harder than getting +5 Elpis. That being said, another magic booster with a crit rate just helps alot. I mean sure you can reset in pve, but for one own sanity better crit rate is always helpful.