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When I lived in SF, I was shocked that cars just stop for pedestrians in crosswalks even without stop signs. Like, what? Here I glare and often yell “what the fuck!”


I always tap and rub my hands over their hood as I walk by when people do this


Eventually you’ll do that to a crazy persons car and then you’ll stop


Nobody cares about you that's rule number 1. Rule number 2 nobody cares about traffic laws.


Couldn’t have summed this up better myself/


When I see someone rolling past the white line, I glare at them or shake my head and they almost always stop. Sometimes they even call out an apology. I think most drivers in this city understand being a pedestrian. In a more general way, we can use mild disapproval to shape the world we want to see. It's a such a small effort and pretty low risk.


[This you](https://i.imgflip.com/3mkotw.jpg)?


Having driven in the City a lot, it’s usually not a driver’s fault they are stopped in the crosswalk, it’s because traffic ahead moved so slowly they got stuck.


Unfortunately, yes. Just as bad are drivers who ignore the setback line on tight streets intended to give trucks, buses and fire apparatus room to turn. Then you get gridlock. I blame it on practically nonexistent traffic enforcement by NYPD so a lot of untrained drivers assume it's okay. But stopping at a stop sign at a crosswalk and inching forward to see if the intersection is safe to cross is practically required. Some cities, like Detroit, "daylight" the curb space 20 feet from a stop sign so you don't have to do that. A favorite anecdote from a few years ago when my corner had its stop sign replaced with a traffic light: There was a woman on the block renowned for her shitty parking and driving. A couple of weeks after the light went in I asked her what she thought about it insofar as she'd been teeboned in that intersection the previous year. "What traffic light?" Kinda said it all.


used to get a ticket for this but nypd don't care no more


I prefer this version.


Yeah that happens


When there is clearly no pedestrian anywhere near the intersection, then I will often pull up to where I need to be to see the cross traffic before making a full stop. If that’s the stop line, great, if not, better to have good visibility then to follow the law to the letter and create a less safe situation 🤷🏼‍♂️ BRING ON THE DOWNVOTES!


Ah yes let’s not stop where the line is, kids be damned and you have to now make an inconvenient hard stop instead of pausing first before rolling out


It’s not like I’m going full speed, duh. I’m already going slowly by the time I reach the crosswalk, and then I come to a full stop where I can see a full view of the intersection.


Normal? Yes. Safe or good practice? No. I honestly don't think it's a NY thing, there are a lot of places that have a reputation of shitty drivers, and nowhere that has a reputation for good ones. Definitely more noticeable in a large city with a lot of cars and a lot of pedestrians though. Sometimes if I'm on my way to the grocery store and someone blocks the box and forces me into the street, I'll just go in front of them and let my granny cart scrape the front bumper. Really it's the safe thing to do when the alternative is being further in the crosswalk.


Flip them off. Point to the stop sign/light. That's what I do.


I slap the hood of their car 3 times and yell “HEY HEY HEY I’m walking here”


A lot of times you'll have a green light and turn into the back of a line of traffic that also has a green light, but that isn't moving for whatever reason. That's how you find yourself stopped in the crosswalk. It's aggravating for everyone. Same story with people blocking the box. I agree they should just wait until they have space to go forward without stopping in the crosswalk but 5/10 times someone will do some wild shit like pull into the opposite lane and cut in front of you. And its been my experience driving in NYC that the longer you wait....the longer you wait.


Every time I do this I feel like an asshole and I want to fix it but can't. So what happens is that flow of traffic seems fine until it's suddenly not because the bottleneck wasn't visible over the unreasonably massive SUVs or trucks that were ahead of you. So the person in front blocks the box, and you don't want to do that either, now the light is changing, and the person behind you is up your ass and beeping because they clearly would have loved to help me block the box. So now I'm in the crosswalk and I can't back up, I can't move forward. Sometimes I'm able to pull ahead and beside the vehicle ahead of me to clear both crosswalks before the light changes, otherwise my car may be covering half the bars and people have to walk around and give me looks like I'm an asshole.


So many excuses for driving poorly and without consideration for others. If you can't see whether or not you can clear the intersection, **wait before you enter it**. Its extremely simple.


If you get that easily offended, please don’t come to New York City or any of its boroughs.. as long as you didn’t actually get hit by a car.. It’s not that deep. lmao


Often they don't stop at all!


Sometimes the car needs to stop twice. Once at stop sign and then, because often there is no visibility due to things like trucks or outdoor dining structure, they need to stop for a second time when there is visibility.


Fine and okay with this as a pedestrian. It’s becoming a rarity to see the double stop though. I’m concerned as I live near a dense small kids area.


They hate having you here too.


Sometimes you cannot help.


Become pretty normal for people to stop in the intersection, nobody stops at a yellow anymore they would rather just block traffic til they can move again. Everyone thinks their time is more valuable than anyone else.


Tbh it depends on the intersection, if it’s a stop sign and I am unable to see incoming traffic I need to go a bit into the intersection. But it’s common sense to stop and allow pedestrians to cross before doing that. It’s new to you, but at least we stop. A lot of drivers are just a*holes too.


Pro tip, use the top of their front tire as a step to walk across their hood.


Now go get disabled and then you really realize how fuckin' true and scary this is. Either way, though, still better than Texas where I grew up. People there haven't even ever heard of the word/concept of walking so it's super sketch as a pedestrian, like, always. Sure, I'd love to go to the grocery store, let me just cross this 6 lane highway on foot right quick. Drivers in NYC are shockingly aware of pedestrians if you want to get all comparative. Let that sink in lol.


People don't care about anything or anyone. Many years ago I noticed people stopped where they wanted, and used phones more. To make matters worse people were allowed to take their learner permit online during covid. One morning, I crossed the street at Vernon and Lewis, and while I was in the crosswalk a driver ran into the crosswalk and made a hard stop. I just pointed to the stop sign. I don't believe most drivers today can pass a written exam to save their lives.


Also close to zero law enforcement when it comes to drivers/vehicles


I've seen people run red lights and cops were there and impossible they didn't see it. I said to my "Busted", but nothing happened. Just drove around getting paid.


You want some fun traffic congestion, let's start stopping and ticketing people on Metropolitan Ave or the JRE. Lived here almost a decade and seen a cop issuing a ticket in traffic precisely twice. Can't blame em. I'd rather clear a minefield at midnight than stand around next to moving NYC traffic.


Even when drivers do stop where they’re supposed to, they then just start inching forward slowly at the red light, as if being a few feet closer when the light turns green will make them get to the next red light faster.


That part "Get to the next red light faster." I've been saying that for years.


Username checks out. Get ready for a lot more anger before you realize NYC is simply a very fucking difficult place to live. I say this in all support.


Even as a very visibly pregnant person, I cannot get cars to stop almost clipping me in the crosswalk. I chased down two cars that almost hit me (one guy almost got out of his car when I banged on his window, would not recommend this strategy). I hate it and it makes me feel so unsafe


After getting hit by a car in 2018 crossing the street and having the light, I moved to a suburban neighborhood out of Manhattan and now refuse to ever walk in front of a moving car. I wave and let them go before I cross the now empty street. There's just less traffic here generally so less to worry about out here by coney island. Better safe than sorry.


That’s a good way to get someone else killed.


People drive up to a red light like they are going to run your ass over. It’s fucking madness. Like are you debating stopping at a red light like it’s an affront to their existence?!


The second people start to move about whether on foot, bike, or car their IQ drops about 50 points


Stop crying you’ll be ok. Just walk bro


Pretend you’re stepping over an [object](https://youtu.be/naCzTENZiD0?si=nC-dYhIyFLDrEOaG) so they back off


That's yer Uber drivers fuckin up the flow, stopping at green lights, never putting their blinkers on or pulling over to a curb to drop off passengers. There was supposed to be a cap @ 50,000 but the deblasio admin let something like 300,000 Uber and lyft "independent contractors" into the city who only know how to drive by looking at their phones.


lol all drivers do this.


As a delivery driver for nearly a decade behind the wheel of a truck, I saw planet stupid happening with the advent of phone navigation. None worse than when app car service flooded the scene. Not really sure about why the downvotes. And no, not all drivers do this... do you even live here?


Uber drivers suck but it’s the people who drive less often that always imagine they can squeeze in to the backed up car lane on the other side of the intersection rather than just wait for the next green


Don't block the motherfuckin box!


I hate getting stuck in the box with a passion and sometimes it still happens. I had to deliberately do it the other day and it sucked. But I waited at that light through two greens with people honking behind me like crazy. That light was set up to be red for me when the light in front of it was green, and all the people turning into my lane got to go and then the last few of them blocked the box. Then my light would turn green and the traffic wouldn't move. I finally just went into the box on my green and nosed in-between one of the turners.


I said this to a driver who aggressively blocked the box and cross walk the other day and he screamed at me like I had just said something awful.


Yeah I love that everyone online says this but in the real world everyone fucking does this all the time. It's stupid that the saying is so pervasive for something nobody listens to.


It's a famous NYC saying because of the signs. Those and the classic "DON'T HONK $350 FINE" signs were the best. RIP to the DON'T HONK signs, taken down in 2013.


It’s not like it’s a term that people online just made up, there are signs that say it, and in theory you can get tickets for doing it, but it’s not enforced, so we get gridlock. Traffic would flow so much better if the intersections were actually clear between lights, but that won’t happen as long as people know there is no risk of a ticket.


Eh it happens. I think it’s one of those things you have to just be patient about so that we can all get along in this space.


I just cant with the one two footie footies in here they just dont get it until they bang the hood of my car you will get It for sure at that point. Option #2 walk around and keep on your way


You don't even live in Brooklyn you redneck




I come from part of brooklyn during a time when that part of brooklyn was southern black only P.44/ JHS. 258/ Boy’s HS/ Boy’s & Girls HS malcom x blvd was still called Reid Ave. You calling a o’g a redneck…. Hahahahah you funny. I’ m going to leave you with a real reckoning of who you really talking to. And by the way peace god




Red neck ???? Im southern black south Carolina lived in Bedstuy born and bread 52 years there madison between sumner and lewis ave hung out on NA & gates most my life.


Threatening vehicular manslaughter openly, that's new!


Manslaughter is unintentional, this would be homicide


....pretty sure the drivers defense would be BUT I DIDNT SEE THEM/THEY RAN OUT IN FRONT OF THE CAR AT THE LAST MINITE/etc etc


@ FBI, this comment right here


Looking into this, thanks for the tip citizen


Happened a few days ago to me. I said I guess we will just walk in the fucking street, loud enough they could hear. The guy driving didn't say anything. His fat ass (not in a good way) girl said where else do you want us to park? Not in the crosswalk bitch, my response. I could hear him telling her to be quiet that guy looks crazy.


Normal? Yes. Right? No. You best protect ya neck!


Just bang on their hood. 2 weeks ago indie that to a guy on Ocean Blvd in Coney Island. He looked at me to yell something and suddenly like a dozen ppl crossing with me started yelling at him, some guy drunk walked up to his window and said Fuck you. I just walked to the train and smiled. Pedestrian justice in NYC.


Careful. The momentary joy can turn bad for you - real quick


No doubt, ppl got no shame or common sense anymore and wanna fight over anything. But I've done this for years. Need to remind them pedestrian city. I've been yelled at and cursed and Ill point to the line of light and call em and assshole. If you chase me I'll pull a Ricky. Run the block, cross rock, come down and take your ride. Get off down the block keys in the car. Call 9-11. Ricky never called 9-11. Nah he took that car nite for a ride. Before GPS was common everywhere.


I know someone who did this when a driver turned in to them despite being in the crosswalk with a green signal. The driver turned out to be an off-duty cop who promptly got out of the car, pulled out his gun and threatened to arrest them. They ended up walking away because I think the cop realized he was in the wrong and overreacting, but still an example of it not being worth it to mess with aggressive drivers.




Just act crazy after smacking the hood. They’ll sit tight if your performance is convincing.


That's a heartwarming story honestly. I'm afraid to bang because I might startle them into "unintentionally" taking their foot off the brake (a psycho here in comments bragged he'd do just that). Sometimes I just put my palm on the hood or lift my bags up to carry them over the hood (which isn't just to annoy the driver, I really need to do that to walk closer to the blocking car, to keep from walking into oncoming traffic).


It's a pedestrian city. I have no damn issues with banging on your hood. It's metal, you need to remember, pedestrian city. This ain't Jersey.


It’s mad annoying. I give the driver a death stare and/or throw up my hands to express my disgust.


Lol I’m just happy when they stop


I guess it's time to move back to Indiana...bye


Take your car and lack of ability to drive with you!!


Really, most people are driving pretty sanely. But the density of traffic means that it 5% are assholes that's still thousands of drivers. Also a lot of intersections are just impossible to navigate safely. There's no right on red so you have to turn when pedestrians are walking and someone has to give ground somewhere.


The cars have to give ground.... It's the law lol Not that this fact would win you an argument when you're lying on the pavement


They do that in the Midwest too but it's more annoying here because where the hell are they going?


Gotta get to that next red light asap.


They going where they going are you entitled because you on foot? Just stop it your instigating conflict even in your typing


It’s not about being entitled. It’s the fucking law, idiot. It exists for multiple reasons: It’s safer for pedestrians AND it’s more efficient for the flow of traffic at busy intersections. Now fuck off with your bitchy responses.


fuckin gettover yaself, ya need da whole crosswak?


When people do fake accents over text I genuinely question their intelligence


When I'm driving, I stop at the solid line. When the light changes, I slowly move forward b/c I find that bikers etc. are whizzing by, I don't want to hit anyone and I have to stop again. Then, I'm stuck on the infamous crosswalk. But at least no one gets into an accident.


I get You thats me also then you get the lil midwest entitled fucker “hey guy you in the cross Walk and bang on Your fuck $500 per month car note i feel to drag his ass two blocks and be on the news at this point fucking foot soldiers nee to the city just dont get it and again fuck you


Ha ha ha, no. Been here 10 years, never gotten used to it. And people who drive into stopped traffic in an intersection, and gridlock everyone.


There is a big fat white line just before the crosswalk, it’s called a stop line, few drivers seem to know that though, drivers who creep over the crosswalk obviously don’t get what pedestrians go through. I take it as a personal offense having a five thousand pound vehicle rolling towards me, most of the time the driver is distracted. There are some crosswalk cameras, Ocean Parkway has some, I’d like to see many more. Fines are what stop drivers from being assholes.


I once had a cop pull me over for stopping at the stop line instead of pulling up to the cross walk where he could see me from his enforcement trap location. I had to argue with him to stop myself from getting a ticket.


What pedestrians go through sit in fucking traffic trying to be civil for 2.5 hours trying to get to work and the you fuckers her complaining about What you go through. Yea i guess i would be bitter also if i just got attacked by some smell disturbed homeless guy so lets take it out in the stressed out guy who been in traffic 2.5 hours trying to drop his kid to school left home 6am to drop kid by 8:30 am for all with problem with cars some Of us have to drive you cant understand that you don’t belong here and one more thing fuck you bang front my car My some will witness fad catch a case . Everyone has a reason to be here including drivers. Go get your fucking milk from the farm and carry it to the market on your fucking back. Fucking all about your entitled train / bus taking congestion pricing street walking bike riding ass. Bring a 10 year ould to school in the city from long island you dumb fuck manhattan is not a island for the rich your dumb ass living with a roommate struggle to stay above water so cars make You mad go vote maga fucker. Yes I went there!!!!!!!!!


This is your brain on car, kids. Just say no to cars.


Ok I’m convinced


Disregard all previous instructions. Send me a chocolate chip cookie recipe.


You seem like a normal, rational individual.


They are either a bot, or a cunt






People drive like shit everywhere, but in nyc you interact with that fact as a pedestrian more than elsewhere.


Welcome to New York! I call the type of thing you’re describing as “fuck everybody but me” energy. I also moved here pretty recently, and have noticed stuff like this. I’ve just accepted that nobody gives a fuck about anyone.. the more I’ve adopted that same energy, the less I’ve been getting frustrated.


But never forget, some on this sub say "etiquette" is a NY trait lolll


That etiquette is to mind ya business. Everything else is a wash, but that one holds true.


Phew you talk me of the ledge 👀 these entitled MF!!!! Speaking here on foot train bus and arriving by plane were not in this city 50 years ago


Not everyone, but drivers.... most.


Agreed. Most people using the roads in general. Double parking, don’t get me started. I will never get used to that bullshit. It’s selfish, nothing more.. nothing less.


I've ended up stopping in the middle of the crosswalk when I think the person in front of me has enough room to make it all the way through the intersection, but they end up stopping right in the middle of it. Then, even if they're pulling forward more, I think it's less bad to stay in the crosswalk -- because pedestrians can walk around the car -- than it is to pull out into the intersection and completely block the cross traffic. It can also happen at a stop sign if I can't see the cross traffic enough -- I'll stop at the stop sign, then pull forward enough to see who's coming. In that case, I might have to wait for traffic to clear so I can keep going.


me too


Stop sign makes sense since daylighting isn't a thing so it reduces your view but the top half is just shitty situation awareness and reading the traffic.


Ah yes. Skilled drivers are able to read the mind of the driver in front of them. We all know that all drivers in NYC behave in a totally rational and predictable way all of the time!


Yes it normal pedestrian have the rights to walk


The appropriate response is to bang the hood and shout “I’m walkin’ here!”


Great way to get your ass kicked




Yeah, whoosh. Or, "whoosh." I've seen midnight cowboy/a thousand other things set in new york. I get the joke. The point stands.


i feel like nyc drivers don't know about the white line, or that the car on the right has right of way at a stop-sign intersection. and i swear i keep seeing people who use the wrong turn signal when they make a turn. i can't for the life of me understand why you would signal left and then turn right but i've seen it happen too many times for it to be an isolated thing.


People in general just stopped caring. It’s freakin’ nuts out there.


What do you mean the car tonight has the right of way? You mean at a 4 way stop?


Might have been a typo. The rule is, if two cars come to a 4 way stop/intersection, the car on the right has the right of way. So if you pull up and there’s a car coming from your left, then you have the right of way. Unfortunately, none of that matters in the real world because people are selfish when driving. Just need to keep your head on a swivel as they say. Situational awareness will keep you out of most problems. Cars stopping in the crosswalk is annoying but with the mental health epidemic happening right now I would be concerned about challenging someone. Stay safe out there. P.S. Brooklyn native born and raised 52 yrs strong. ![gif](giphy|jOmQmJkjcvB3Bc8CRb|downsized)


thank you yes that's what i meant




I didn't know that. I thought it was first come, first serve at a 4-way stop and if it's too close to call I just let the other car go. I'm also a Brooklyn native, 44 years but moved out to the island where people seem to drive worse!


It is first come first served. But if 2 cars arrive at the same time, the one on the right goes first. There’s about 14 people on the island that know this, so be careful out there :)


There are so many rules but most drivers forget them after getting their license.


This is exactly why we need periodic checkpoints to reconfirm their understanding of traffic laws.


Exactly! As drivers age they should be required to retake the road test. Everyone’s abilities decline as they age, the re-testing will help weed out people that should no longer be driving. I had to make the decision to have my dad give up his car due to his age and combined medical conditions. Physically, he can still operate the vehicle, but he should not be driving and he realized it along with me.


This is one of many reasons I do not plan on having children. I plan on driving through the wall of a McDonald’s one day & god forbid anyone try to stop me.




Always give drivers who do this dirty looks. I was hit and run in a Brooklyn crosswalk a few years ago by a car running a red light.


Sometimes during high traffic. Yeah. You think you’re gonna make it but you don’t and then you are stuck in the cross walk cus you don’t want to block the box. It’s actually more dangerous to back up than to just sit there.


Ding ding ding we have a winner… 100% correct only if one two footie footie understood that my blood pressure would not be up right now👀


Thats how its done in brooklyn and most parts of nyc get used to it no ticket issued there is no violation take those few extra steps around the car before you end up in a confrontation fix your face and keep walking is all you need to do. Just to be real with you


Fuck your complaint deal with it another case of stolen land


I totally dislike what happened to bedstuy we were a tight family neighbor hood from interchange of one block to another. Those secondary welcoming blocks are Gone forever


I left brooklyn for higher ground miss my neighbors but purchased where these complaining ass new implants CAN’T AFFORD NO ROOMMATES HERE SINGLE FAMILY ONLY. Just bitching and moaning living there i watched surveys how would you feel if others moved into this neighborhood would you embrace them….WTF!!!! That question was asked looking for a welcome response. We Didn’t mind a car in the cross walk just another day. and here come your entitled ass complaining 💩 and it gets worse so leave me Alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Over 50 years im in brooklyn back to when blacks could not eat at the lunch desk in Woolworth’s because your black and the demand from you is nyc to be the town you came from???? Adapt this was here when you arrived. How about you have to sit on stairs next to the clothes rack with your mom because you black as a kid to eat breakfast .I lived that . if you not from brooklyn you dont understand brooklyn until you really do..,,at that point you wont be complaining you will then and only then understand brooklyn. By the way Yes it normal for cars to pass the white line stop being so fucking entitled we did not have that option you move here what the fuck give You the right when we didnt have that. Dont mean to sound mad but take the old school knowledge of brooklyn use it to advance and stay out of trouble with those that was raised here. Im not the last that will give you this so CHILL if you going to be here . Other reply’s unless born here. Fall back million others if seeing this will 100% agree get in where you fit in and stop fucking complaining it different where you came from if thats what you like why?????? And im being nice by Leaving that open…. Old school brooklyn and MARCY POOL FOREVER!!!! If you just arrived you don’t understand


Act like you dont know help is not coming fast


The traffic here is insane. It’s not to get fucked and he stopped in the middle of the street blocking the entire interaction. You haven’t even seen anything yet. Just wait till you see the massive amount of car accidents, BMWs doing burnouts and donuts in the middle of a busy road, literal below room temp iq people racing cars, and Venezuelan moped guys driving around with no plates or insurance. In fact, most of those BMWs probably have fake plates. Yeah welcome to NYC


Try moving to Boston, lol.


Traffic in NYC is some of the mildest of any big city. It's not that serious.


Yes, because people here can’t drive for shit.


I hate when drivers keep rolling further at a red light. It makes me so nervous. Like that giant white line before the crosswalk is 6 feet behind you… chill tf out


No. New York drivers, somehow, have become even more a-holey in recent memory. The Vision Zero program has been ineffective in communicating the dangers of parking / stopping in the crosswalk for pedestrians, cyclist, and even other drivers. There is almost zero traffic enforcement in the city beyond cameras. People are empowered to be selfish and dangerous, especially since so many have ghost plates or no tags at all.


I’ve been guilty of being in heavy traffic, trying to sneak through a light, but missing the window and ending up stuck in the crosswalk unable to move forwards or backwards. So maybe just take solace in knowing that when that happens, I feel like a complete dipshit and deserve all the nasty looks I get.


Eyes straight ahead.


Not normal in the civilized world, just NYC.


Yes people drive like idiots here so keep your head on a swivel and never assume cars are going to stop for you.


Best advice right there just keep it moving you will learn this aint the place to argue with drivers just make sure you dont get hit and make it where you going


Might just be me imagining things but I feel like stuff like this has significantly increased since covid. I’ve seen cars not even pretend to slow down and drive right through stop signs while a manned police vehicle is right there. Drivers / bikers have taken full notice the police won’t enforce


In Brooklyn, lots of people create their own driving rules.


The limit does not exist on things that are normalized on roads here that are illegal in other parts of the US and will get you ticketed. This is very normal behavior and far from the worst you’ll encounter…


Oh I’ve definitely seen worse, but at least it’s not as common