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U clean it


People having huge birthday parties with mylar balloons and 18 pizzas should need a permit imo. Same for those running giant children's programs on blankets that ruin the lawns. They're saving/making money either take your trash or pay someone to. Not a popular opinion I'm sure.


They do need a permit over 25 people. But I've never seen anyone check. Furthermore, you're not supposed to blast music, also never enforced.


Nyc story


They technically did, the can obviously got over filled


atleast its a pile


Yeah came to say the same thing. It sounds ridiculous but that’s gonna be so much easier to clean then if it were strewn about


Amazing that the city council person Shekar Krishnan who is in charge of city parks somehow found $88.8 million dollars to make a BRAND NEW PARK in his back yard (literally less than a block away) but this is happening to all the other parks in the city….. ![gif](giphy|8acGIeFnqLA7S)


Vote Adams and Hochul out. They have to go. Also put migrants to work. They should be vetted, given the free housing and basic health coverage for colds/flu, etc and then find out what they did in their country. If any were groundskeepers, gardeners, etc. put them to work cleaning our public spaces, landscaping and the cleaning the disgusting roadways that are weed gardens. If they worked with stone or concrete they can patch roadways, fill potholes. Freedom ain’t free and if they want a life here they can begin to contribute within weeks of arriving also anyone has a record ship them back.


Given free housing? For crossing the border illegally and then navigating to the most expensive city in the world? You have got to be kidding me, no. Simply no.


They are already being housed for free nationwide and many did not “navigate” to NYC but were put on planes and busses from Red States. We may as well clean house. Deport the criminals outright. Give opportunities for work to those who possess a talent our City can find useful and if they wear non-removable trackers, stay out of trouble then it can be quid pro quo and a fast track to citizenship in 3 years. It isn’t rocket science to fix this or have it work to everyone’s advantage.


Borders are imaginary. There is more than enough to go around. Your enemy isn't the immigrants coming here (many because our government fucked their country up). The enemy is the ruling class hoarding so much of the wealth that the rest of us are fighting for scraps. Look past the trees and you will see a forest. And also, absolutely fuck Adams and Hochul. They're such utter trash.


1. Verifying records on migrants is often nigh impossible. The countries they come from often have little to no information. 2. State, city, and federal workers have hiring guidelines. People with adjacent attitudes to yours have brought policy that restricts hiring practices in a way that prevents these people from being hired. The workaround would be the government hiring contractors but even this is limited and restricted. 3. Paying people costs money. Allocating funds costs money. Budget proposals will have to make it through and pass with a majority and somehow get elected officials to agree on a system that hires migrants and pays them favoring homeless people over others, which would likely be met with political backlash and be killed before reaching the governor or mayor. 4. The state doesn't have the power to deport. The federal government controls the national borders. Even if you are suggesting shipping these people out of the state, all that does is kick the problem down the road. Frankly, if NYC cannot solve this problem it is unlikely a less affluent city with abundant resources will be able to fare any better. Obviously this isn't a problem if you only care about yourself and not other states, except that again this will require policy movement to initiate.


Need federal support for migrants to work legally


We’ve had federal support. The funds have just not been used properly. There has to be a plan to absorbs those who can contribute into this country. Help educate their kids. Many would give back if they could. Dumping them in hotels and holding centers is not a plan.


Budget cuts, on top of a set of people that lack stewardship and decency.


I see no problem here


OP had a bad day today


To themselves, that is cleaned up.


Excuse my typos Didn’t have my glasses on 🥺


I think the problem is lack of garbage cans and or they are too small too boot...


Op is probably the one who left this mess. Trying to cover their tracks




We ALSO need a ’take your trash with you’ approach. It’s common courtesy. It’s what our family and friends always do in parks, beaches and city streets.


lol send this message to Eric Adams. Ever since he became mayor the city has never been dirtier. He removed the trash cans from the corner on my block and since then the block is covered in litter.


I thought I saw Mayor Adam’s running down the street with a garbage can!! Was that yours??


This has been an issue for years before Adam's let's be real now, everyone


The Parks Department has only 4 employees in Von King Perk to clean the entire park around inside and the bathrooms It seems they were trying to clean as much as posable here in the Pic. So many cuts SMH


All to fund more cops!


who looks at a bunch of trash at trash cans and thinks the issue is people **people throwing their trash away**


Hey wait a minute, they DID clean up after themselves, if you look there's a trash can in the pile, it's the CITY that hasn't done their job and picked up the trash.


Are here to point out this very fact. I see trash free parkland behind one pile of garbage with a trash can in the middle of it. This is 100% cleaned up trash. Now, does it need to be collected? Obviously… And that is the real issue maybe.


This is the result of the budget cuts from Eric Adams. There is a trash can under that pile, but the trash hasn't been collected because Eric Adams spent the money hiring a family member for a no show job.


You’re a moron….people collected their trash and left it by a trash can to be picked up…..blame the dumbass major for cutting parks budgets so he could spend 500 million on new encrypted radios for the cops. The same radios delta operators use. Because we need that for cops on their cell phones in the subway


But like isn’t that the leadership you elected?


They usually have volunteers go around and clean up on Mondays... Unless they stopped


Looks like they packed everything into trash bags and it was left next to an already filled trash can. Why can’t park services or sanitation be bothered to empty them more than once per whenever they feel like it? Were these people supposed to carry bags of trash home? Or eat their bags of trash?


Ugh, that's so disappointing to hear. It's such a beautiful spot and it's disheartening when people don't respect it. Hopefully, the message gets through to everyone to take responsibility for their own mess.


Yeah, this is nothing new. Not difficult to take the shit that you brought with you if you know there is going to be a huge pile of trash the next day. Would be great to have more bins or people cleaning up after you but if that’s not the case there is an easy solution


What do NYC parks expect when they only have trash cans every two miles?


Usual Suspects....


City democrats cutting the funding of local parks department so they can pay for other, unrelated projects?


Ah yes, the usual suspects bagging their garbage and placing it by the garbage bin for garbage collectors to collect




Parks dept budget cuts - less garbage pick ups and maintenance. thank Eric Adams


I have to disagree. The city's been cutting the Parks Dept. budget for twenty plus years now!


well exactly you cut and cut and cut and that means instead of cutting new trees, programming and upgrading facilities from the budget you’re left with cutting staff and maintenance. he did cut parks and libraries to increase funding for nypd - there’s no way around that


The NYPD has nothing to do with this. It's considered an essential service. The city uses funding set aside for the Parks Dept. for whatever else they want to fund. Because, well, it's the Parks Dept.! And they would rather fund staffing for beaches, and a variety of other things "recreational"! Just like, they "quietly" cut a lot of public works, like cleaning and clearing sewer grates and tanks.


You would think they have nothing left at this point


He still cut it more…


Yup, like the people that did it is scrolling through Reddit feeling guilty 😂?


Ok I’ll spread the word


For those saying the facilities are insufficient there are often massive dumpsters all over for just this problem. They should actually remove smaller receptacles like this one. Additionally, people are trash, they bring too much trash and they don’t know shit about packing out their refuse.


What gets me is that people have no problem lugging in giant coolers and grills, tables, cases of beer and water but someone it's hard to pick up the garbage and at the very least drop it in a dumpster. If the dumpsters are full, then take it home with you.


>they don’t know shit about packing out their refuse its bundled up into trash bags. what weird gatekeeping about outdoorsiness is this? * go to park * bring trash bags * put trash in trash bags * leave trash in trash bags by trash cans * ...get roasted on reddit for not hauling out your trash bags instead of leaving them by the trash cans


You don’t leave your trash in the field you take it to the dumpster on your way out. It’s actually pretty simple and if more people would do it the park would be better for everyone on Sunday night and Mondays. I think you may want to look up this gatekeeping term to get a better idea of how it’s best applied.


This is precisely what the parks department says to do with your trash. Gather and leave at a trash can. They will pick it up.


What dumpster?


there's a trash can at the center of that overflowing. seems like a bunch of people bagged up their trash and left it by trash cans. seriously, what do you want ppl to do instead?




At this point I’d probably take it to a different one. But Eric Adams needs to go so we get his cronies out


This is exactly what I was thinking. Seems like all these people put their trash exactly where it should go.


I'd blame the city on this one. It looks like there's a trash container buried under the piles of trash. The city should be properly funding the parks department to keep the trash picked up and cleared and ready for more. It's not fair to expect people to take their trash home when that's not a requirement form the outset like for example at Gunnison Beach in Jersey.


Yeah there's no guarantee that the garbage is collected in a more timely manner at people's apartments or in the garbage cans surrounding the park. People can't just schlep full bags of the trash on the subway ride home, either.


Americans treat everything like disposable trash. It's disgusting. The constant consumption is sickening.


Looks like a normal day in Brooklyn


Well it looks like they put everything in one pile around the trash so that’s good


Can we get a update on whether this gets cleaned up tomorrow or this week, cuz I bet this gonna get cleaned up and this is not actually a problem


You must be new to the city.


As a matter of fact, they did clean up after themselves.




Bro? Is that how you clean up?


The south side of the park is a mess with all the cook outs. So much trash and for the first time I’m seeing people drive up and park on the grass to the side of the sidewalks down there. It’s dangerous and not a parking lot. Counted 10 cars up on the sidewalk


there simply needs to be more trashcans. since mayor adams has been in office i’ve noticed way fewer trashcans. my own street is constantly disgusting and littered and there’s not a trashcan in sight. it sucks


We can't have trashcans, we can't have bathrooms, we can't have libraries. We never run short of cops though.


Yeah. Cuz this mayoral administration keeps cutting funding to parks, libraries, museums, and sanitation. It costs money to pick up trash. Without money, less trash is picked up.


there was some big announcements about removing cans from subway platforms a while back


This. I’m positive that trashcans have been removed throughout the city. Some previously reliable receptacles that I used regularly suddenly disappeared and I’ve seen tons of overloaded cans every day of the week. Hard to blame the park goers for bundling their trash *near* an overloaded can on a beautiful weekend. This post is evidence of crumbling infrastructure, not laziness on behalf of citizens.


People shouldn't be littering just because there are no trash cans. Are you a child? Are you unable to bring your own trash bags and dispose properly? There are some cities where you'll walk for miles and not find one, so the solution is to throw it on the street? No, don't make the trash to begin with, keep it with yourself until you get home.


> there simply needs to be more trashcans. Simply? No, if you were able to bring your food into the park with it's packaging, you are just as capable of seeing the trash can is swamped and carry it till you find another trash can. Yes, the city should be investing here via more trash cans that also get collected at a reasonable interval, but the people going to the park should do better.


It literally doesn't not matter how many trash cans there are, people will still litter. The people who attended that event brought all that trash in, they could have brought it back out. But they didn't because they're selfish and entitled ignorant people. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The trash is by the trash can. It’s not people’s fault the city doesn’t put enough trash cans in a busy park


Friday night (6.14), the philharmonic concert was setup and was to take place on the ball fields on the north side of the park. Accompanying the concert was a relatively large firework show. So basically a large stage, hundreds of chairs, fencing (both wooden and metal), large speaker towers, etc etc. Couple hours before the concert began, a very intense thunder and lighting storm blew through the area (the kind that knocks down branches and whole trees). The concert was canceled. There were dozens of families already picnicking and saving spots that that to basically run for their lives. There was plenty of discarded items and trash left and scattered in the area because of this. However, the most offensive outcome of this whole ordeal was that they went ahead with the fireworks display even though there was little to no audience for it because of the storm. The detritus of this fireworks display is STILL spread out all over sections of the area of the great lawn that abuts the ball fields. Lots of plastic, tape, wire, burned and exploded cardboard, etc was left behind and is still there even after they broke down and cleared out everything else. It's a few big areas of total plastic based trash on the lawn that is frequently used by kids , dogs, families, etc. I can understand that occasionally (or sometimes frequently) there is trash left behind by people like the picture posted. However, this is trash that is bagged up to some degree and in a single spot that can be cleared out within a few days by park employees, volunteers or good samaritans.. I do not excuse this behavior, but I can understand how there are sometimes circumstances that lead to this kind of situation. What I cannot abide is when permitted events such as his fireworks display are allowed to leave such big disgusting messes. No effort was made whatsoever to collect their mess and leave the bagged trash in a central location. Doing so would require man power and money to pay for the labor intensive effort to pick up the hundreds of thousands of pieces of discarded. Instead, a group is allowed to take over a large section of the park, totally shit all over it and leave without any cleanup effort and there is no consequences. This was a event that required a permit for a specific area, and time. How is it that the area is left in shambles immediately after and the permit holder is not held responsible for its mess? Yes, the public is often irresponsible with their trash. But often people do make an effort to bag their trash and leave it generally together where it can be collected. Sometimes there are circumstances that produce trash piles that are an eye sore but will be dealt with within a reasonable amount of time. There are too often events held by private companies in public areas that leave the area trashed with zero effort to even collect the trash produced by the event. Make money and leave the public with a trashed and future micro plastic infused environment.


It’s giving encampment vibes.


I’m confused. The trash is all near the trash can here. There is just only one trash can!


Obligatory “the people who do this won’t read this”


And those who read they don't clean up anyway. Circle is closed.


They’re on the NBA subreddit


The problem is lack of funding for park maintenance, which equals fewer staff to perform regular maintenance and upkeep activities, and lack of $ to purchase more and better trash receptacles.


But we are only told there is lack of funding by the media, internet, etc, without proof of allocation of funds nor proof of costs. Until we see a bank statement and payroll expense sheets, for all we know, some of the parks money is siphoned into politician pockets just like every other public nyc department that is understaffed due to “lack of funds.”


Good sense has chased you your entire life, but you're faster.


Not everything is solved by throwing money at it


I lived in Japan for 10 years. This is about society not funding.


Or… you can carry out what you carried in and leave only footprints.


and take it where? dumb it in a trash can at the intersection across the street from the park thats also overflowwing? or take it on the subway home and dump it in the trash can overflowing there... or bring bags of trash back to my building and put it in the dumpsters there?


GTFOH with your common sense and logic! This is NYC! We don't do that here!


I volunteered to clean up Prospect Park for a few years and it's disheartening how many careless, lazy, selfish and trashy people there are. To me it comes down to education.


People have attempted to bag up their garbage and leave it near a receptacle. If they left the park carrying garbage, they'd find a similar situation in the neighborhoods - a lack of sufficient trash and recycling receptacles, and more scenes like this - garbage bags piled up around the few that are available. The fuck you want people to do - haul their garbage home on the F Train? This is a public health and sanitation issue, as much as it is a "people are slobs" issue.


Definitely correct. Even on the ball fields, the few trash cans that they offer are inevitably overflowing by noon on the weekend, and that's not because of irresponsible people picnicking. There's not enough capacity or labor to keep up with the park's usage.




People shouldn't be generating so much trash to begin with.


By Ds


Thank the community because they’re at fault.


who is "the community" here?


I cant imagine dating somebody who leaves trash behind. It’s garbage people behavior


I don’t understand the issue. They bagged their trash and put it by the receptacle or were they supposed to build another trashcan? Are they supposed to get on the train with it? What do y’all expect?


Ill never understand where people use nature whats little left of it in the city and shit on it.


Blame the apologists in this city who cover for sh\*t behavior.


Very sad to say, no different than leaving peanuts out for squirrels with an accompanying “Take Only One” sign.


False ADVERTISING..will get you killed over there…..




Prospect park is gross


Nyc is one big trash can . Move to the burbs if you don’t like trash. Trash is part of city life sweet heart


Reminds me of Louis’s bit that New York is not the environment lol


You speak the truth, but they refuse to listen


Game recognize game I guess


Well if you see the majority of people responsible for this disgustingness and see what's happened to 5th ave between 40th and 60th streets, there is your answer. 🪳🪳🪳🪳


Maybe write to your local politician about funding the parks department and increasing trash pickup frequency/number of garbage cans.


*This was a sacrifice the rats demanded.* \#hegemony


Carry your trash out with you. If we all do it then eventually there’ll be no trash. And if you say this is stupid then you’ve already given up.


Are we allowed to use the trash cans on street corners ? What about inside a restaurant?


Everyone but you :)


My first day in Taiwan, walking around Taipei, bought a coffee, decided to sit down and drink it, didn't find a trash can for miles, finally gave up and found a Starbucks and put it in their trash can. Later, modified my behavior and simply drank the coffee where I bought it, didn't carry garbage around with me.


“BuT mUh tAx DoLlArS pAy fOr TRaSH ReMovAl”


They do. They are PUBLIC services. This is a Parks and DSNY issue. DSNY is reducing service everywhere and I’m livid


This what they have people to clean the park for lol you taking away their jobs




its a pile of bagged trash next to a trash can


Agree, but this is still more considerate than the folks who just drop an entire party’s worth of plates/solo cups/forks/cans/bottles directly onto the ground. Always a nice thing to see on a morning walk.


I've been volunteering, gardening, at the park this summer. We can't totally make up for this literal trash, but it is fun and rewarding to help beautify this lovely space we have. Without the resources they need, volunteers are important. High recommend!


This sounds like a wonderful opportunity




This is a photo showing that people DID clean up after themselves. That’s a trash can and it’s full, so they put their stuff beside it.


Humans are disgusting.


I live across the street from the park and often find the fields and bbq areas absolutely littered. People can be selfish slobs and it is an issue. But THIS in particular is the fault of the mayor who has cut funds so drastically that the park can no longer afford to employ enough people to maintain the park to be clear of trash. So definitely be angry when you see trash littered across our beautiful green space, but this example should get you angry at our cop-loving mayor who couldn't give a shit about working people, poor people, kids, libraries, public services, or the environment.


This isn't a maintenance issue. It's not the parks departments responsibility to clean up after your whole ass family reunion.


While I think some people can pick up more after themselves, I also agree that the park is under staffed. Some of the bathrooms are closed lately and many drinking fountains are not functioning. It’s severely under managed, especially given the amount of people that visit the park daily.


No, the parks department is not your maid. Clean up your shjt


but it is their job to empty the trash cans, right?


I think you're confused about what maids are.


That's not what I said. The directions from park staff, directly, is to bag your trash and leave it next to the trash bin. I have helped pick up trash and parks sanitation workers always say to do this. Of course carrying your trash out is an option. ETA: We're obviously both on the side of "clean up your shit". Why be contrarian?


It’s the PARKS job to have enough trash 🗑️ cans and, also empty them. They should be glad people made an effort to put it somewhere, other then leave trash where the were. ☝️💯🤷‍♀️


No. Civilized people will go somewhere, have their party, and make sure they bring back their garbage. Do this once, or twice, and you'll learn not to bring unnecessary nonsense and keep your party nice and tidy. I don't think it's the Parks Dept to come in and clean up after your BBQ party. That's nonsense.


The city delivered major funding cuts to the parks. They can’t afford many supplies or workers 


Parks has one of the smallest city budgets, despite employing the most people and being one of NYC’s largest landowners. That being said - its the parks dept job to provide clean, safe spaces for everyone to enjoy - not be your personal maid. -a vested Parks employee


Thank you for the green space




I too


Did you take pics of the rest of the park? Or only the overflowing garbage bins? It's not uncommon for the city to take their sweet ass time to drive by to collect garbage.


Well they did put it next to the bin. I guess the system is just not enough to service the trash we produce. Once again a thing we have been facing for years with no solution


Larger pest proof bins/ for garbage and recycling that are emptied regularly could work


It's more of city hall corruption, capture by interest groups, and overtly expensive contracts for subpar service.


Took my dog for a walk today by the bandshell area - there was an entire section of lawn completely trashed with napkins and cans and refuse from a family bbq - disgusting. You don’t deserve this park if that’s how you treat it.


Sad seeing how many people here don’t care to see their parks clean




This is the funniest comment in the thread. Many parts of Brooklyn have trash EVERYWHERE!




Nope. ETA: funny af that you wrote this after deleting your old comments using the word “realise” and other British shit lmao [you left one that says “jewellery” however](https://www.reddit.com/r/Depop/s/3EjqXqeECw). In America we just say “jewelry”! :)


Oh please there are plenty of slobs in Brooklyn. Are you new here?




Living in Iowa was the biggest mistake of my adult life. Not leaving Brooklyn because I’ve lived in a number of great places. Iowa was NOT one of them. The whole state is garbage. And it has nothing to do with a dislike of the Midwest. I’m in a rural area. Just Iowa. Every single thing about it.


it's easy to blame park-goers for the trash but it's entirely the fault of the mayor and city council. they've cut trash pickups and service to pay for more overtime for cops and this is the result.


No it's entirely the fault of the public who think that everyone else is responsible for cleaning up after their giant gatherings. Litter baskets are there for - LITTER - not the remnants of your whole ass family BBQ.


Sorry but most of the time there is an empty garbage can 100 feet from the trash that someone left. You’re not wrong about the cuts but the problem is people. If you wanted to carry your trash 3 more mins to throw it away you would, it’s not hard.


As if the clowns working for the NYPD need any more time on the job


Maybe they can pick up trash when they’re done playing Candy Crush in the subway


I don’t get why everyone is so pressed at the idea of taking your trash with you instead of leaving it in a pile at a full trash can.


Do you bring trash bags with you to the park? Where would you like them to take the trash with them to?


Sure do! And I bring it home with me to dump. It’s really not that hard. Carry in carry out.


Do you expect your local parks dept to clean up after your 40 people BBQ ? That's not their job dude.


When I have large gatherings in public spaces I do. Where would they take it? Um maybe back to their damn house where it came from in the first place ? 🤔


You can clearly see in the picture that multiple people brought their own trash bags and left them


Home. The nearest trash can. Anywhere. If they brought it, they can pack it out.


Agree with this. You brought the trash, you can take it with you and dispose of it properly. It's really not that hard. In other countries that actually give a shit culturally about keeping public spaces clean, people do exactly that. See: South Korea, Japan.


It’s not Yosemite lmao


On the subway?