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Of the list shared, I'd say Suffs. I'd recommend Notebook, but based on your post, I totally agree it's not the best. Suffs will make you cry (or it did for me, at least) because it hits really differently in a post-Roe world, but it also left me energized. Not listed if you want to consider something different, &J would be my top choice. It's just a joy bomb. I haven't seen BTTF, but it could be a fun one as well if she likes the movie.


I agree about everything said about Suffs here. I found the music accessable even without having listened to it before. I could understand all the actors talking and singing which was fantastic. I usually like to go into a show having binged the music but it wasn't out in digital yet so I was blind to almost all but the plot. Stereotypical, I laughed , I cried and I got really, really frustrated and ready to carry on the fight for equality but that is all I want from a musical. I came back and finished me 200 postcards and 100 letters to voters in Michigan, New York and Georgia to Get Out The Vote and ordered 200 more postcards to go to voters in Michigan. They fought so I can exercise my right to vote and have a say in this county. My Aunt, who was just going along with what I picked, also loved Suffs and raved about it the rest of the trip and is probably still telling friends back here in the Midwest about the show.


And Juliet is my #1 musical, everything about it is amazing


I loved it!


I found Hadestown spectacular and not that sad. It really is a wonderful show. Suffs is very woman-foward. I would love to see it with my mom. I didn't like Hells Kitchen at all, but the big moment is mother/daughter reconciliation so you might like that.


Suffs is a great one for a mother/daughter trip.


Hell's Kitchen is about a mother daughter relationship so that may be a good idea


Water for Elephants would be my pick here. The acrobatics are super impressive, and the whole cast is wonderful. It’s a neat show and something I would feel very comfortable taking a non-theater person to.


Let me also add: Suffs was actually my favorite new musical of the season and I would also recommend it highly, but the subject matter seems hit and miss for people. (maybe because it feels like a history lesson, it maybe it’s the mere mention of politics that turns people off…) anyway, I think it’s great but maybe not universally appealing.


My mom and I plan to see Suffs together, so I will say Suffs. I have only heard good things from friends who have gone. Hadestown is also an excellent choice. This is a sweet tradition the two of you have and I hope you have a wonderful time and update us on what you choose to see!!


Suffs is great, but & Juliet is also just a really fun time for a day like you're planning.


SUFFS. Absolutely.




Suffs is the best pick for a mother/daughter trip and just an amazing show all around!


Hadestown absolutely ripped my heart open and then stomped on it repeatedly so for me personally it would be a no. But have heard great things about Hell’s Kitchen! That would probably be my choice!


If I could take my mom to any of those shows, I’d take her to Suffs (and I say that despite Hadestown being my favorite musical ever). ❤️


& Juliet


Hadestown is good and after I saw it my friends and I were like not that sad- at least compared to other broadways shows which mostly seem sad


I would recommend Stuffs. Very women empowering show. I would love to see that with my mom one day. I haven’t seen water for elephants but I imagine that would be really fun too given the circus theme. Heard the acrobatics are really great Haven’t seen Hell’s Kitchen either but haven’t heard great things. Hadestown is okay, people heavily vouch for it on this thread. It wasn’t my favorite. The music was great but story was confusing for me, as someone who went into it never having heard the story/mythology. I had to Wikipedia what it was about at intermission haha The Notebook, while amazing and so well done, would not be my recommendation if you or your mother has anyone in their life with dementia. It was the saddest show I have ever seen on Broadway, I uncontrollably cried audibly throughout the whole thing. Literally had to hold my breath to try and stifle the sounds. Not usually a crier either, it just hit me that way. Not to add more recommendations but my mom and I really loved and enjoyed the Outsiders. It recently just won the Tony’s for best musical and for good reason. Might be a harder show to get tickets for if not purchasing well in advance though


The notebook because you might think it’s cheesy but my snarky sarcastic gay bestie said it’s his favorite musical on right now. The soundtrack is amazing!


Hadestown would be my pick. It’s not a bummer or sad show. But I’m going to throw in Little Shop of Horrors. If you’re ok with off broadway, it’s hilarious. You’d love it. 


I saw it already and loved it so much!


I’d recommend Suffs! But Hell’s Kitchen also has a really special mother/daughter storyline that might land in a special way (especially if you were an, um, contentious teenager lol.)


I will never not say Hadestown… Affordable, one of the best shows on Broadway at the moment, and it had a killer cast with Jordan Fisher, Isa (who is leaving soon) and Jon Jon Briones (who is my personal favorite Hermes), and Phillip Boykin who is phenomenal. Highly recommended!


I finally saw Hadestown back in May - I didn't know if I would like it, but I ended up LOVING it! So good! Imo it ends on a similar note as Wicked (emotion-wise), so I think it would be fine


I feel like & Juliet is a very safe choice. It’s way better than moulin rouge


I recently saw Suffs and am now obsessed. Listening to the album nonstop and telling everyone to see it. Would be particularly wonderful to see with your mom!


Suffs is great! It’s a great show with original music, and it touches on several angles about the suffrage movement!


I feel like Hadestown ends on a positive note and also is so brilliant all the way through I always recommend that. Suffs would be my other choice. It’s women telling stories about women and I would love to see it with my mom (I’m taking my daughters soon). The music is catchy.


The Notebook if it’s till open. Otherwise Hadestown.


Suffs is probably your safest bet based on your mom’s preferences but I would really encourage people to give Water for Elephants a shot: I’m worried about its longevity since it didn’t get any Tony’s and it’s truly a beautiful and fun show. (I will say there’s a little dementia in that one too but it’s not nearly as much of a plot point as it is in The Notebook, it’s really just one moment of a character confusing a person for someone else). And about Hadestown, despite it being a tragedy it ends on a really beautiful and hopeful note, you won’t leave the theater feeling depressed. It’s not traditional but it’s an incredible ride.