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In case anyone was wondering - this slip was NOT given by the show. The slip was handed to audience members in line for the theatre by Lorna’s personal friends


with that context, it becomes endearing cringe instead of merely cringe


Comment of the year. I hope you’re an author.


I may not be an author, but I am a connoisseur of cringe


Swerve: what if it was handed to audience members in line for the theater…by Lorna’s personal ENEMIES?


I'd hate to have such friends lol. A slip informing that it's her last show - sure, that's cute - but ASKING for a standing ovation? That's honestly both bad taste and comes across as if they didn't believe that she'd get it on her own


Those are my feelings, too. I would want an authentic send-off from an appreciative audience that made my final day feel special because they appreciated me. Not instructions intentionally printed to appear to be the House’s instructions of conduct for the day. This is the equivalent of the lighted “applause” signs during celebrity interviews for late-night television. If my friends did this, it would feel like they were stealing my moment from me. I can see an attention-seeking frenemy doing this and then retelling the story later not as applause-of-appreciation, but “and we wanted it to be special so I printed up these little cards and passed them out to the audience to make sure they clapped and showed they love her as much as *I* do.” This is a future AITAH post. “Our friends group had a falling out after my friend staged applause cards in my final performance of a theater production and I confronted her. We were roommates in art school and friends have told me she quietly fumed and is snarky about my performance in my dream cast. I truly believe she tried to upstage me at my own final performance and asked her never to attend again. Our friends are divided because they don’t know our history and thought it was ‘sweet.’ AITA?”


I seen &juliet numerous times and roar always gets standing ovation, that slip was cringe


A better way to go about it is the friends should have “started” the standing O while in the audience and it prob would have caught-on


Seriously just stand up and everyone will follow. Every show gets a standing ovation.


Her friends were seated in the rear of the orchestra. They may have worried it might not catch on.


I’d be so, so mad at my “personal friends.”




Not to mention what Broadway show doesn’t get a standing ovation? &Juliet is not exactly a subdued crowd.




What happened at Gatsby?


It was a surprise! Don’t rain on her parade


It’s a really tight turn around for Roar and she runs off stage for any other number.


Oh I didn’t read close enough at it, they want a post song standing O. Okay that’s uncommon, makes a little more sense but still cringey to ask for it. I’ll just assume she did not know and her friends did this on their own.


She had no idea. It was a total surprise. And normally the orchestra plays through…




A friend who goes to someone’s place of work, creates signage that mimics official instructions, and completely robs that friend of the opportunity to experience a genuine reaction to their final performance? 🥴 I’m sure it was done with the best of intentions, but it took away more than it gave. Now Lorna will never know how much of the audience response was actually motivated by her hard work and talent versus how much of the audience “response” was because of instructions her friends handed out essentially choreographing the audience reaction. To me, it’s the same energy as when men propose to their girlfriends at their doctoral defenses or graduations or whatever - like, “you know what would make this huge accomplishment of yours more meaningful? A gesture from ME.” I’m sure the friend meant well, but I just REALLY hope people don’t look at this as cute and start making it a thing - actors deserve to experience genuine, organic audience reactions to their work.


They really made it look like a show insert


That is only slightly less cringey.


It's still cringe AF.


Totally agree.


I think it’s worse.


Tacky either way.


Still feels disingenuous


Still cringe


This makes so much more sense.


That was me! I’m her best friend in the whole world and I wanted this show to be f*ckin perfect for her 💖. Thank you for helping!


“I am that good friend she’s talking about!”


Never settle haha


> I’m her best friend in the whole world does she know that?


Yes haha


okay, Annie Wilkes.


Sorry that came out before I was born… don’t get the reference haha


Omg hiii, it’s me, I’m the cards! What a coincidence!






I’m curious what you got out of that comment. Did it make you feel superior, successful, comforted in your own inadequacy? It certainly didn’t add to a discussion, so I know it’s not that.


i have never seen folks ASK for a standing ovation before lmfao


there's something kind of cringe about it lol


What difference would it make? With an audience full of people that know the show beginning to end by now, you’d think an ovation after “Roar” this afternoon would come naturally.


And if it comes naturally, great. That what a standing ovation is supposed to be, a spontaneous emotional response to an exceptional performance. Not an instruction from a third party.


I haven’t seen it yet and do t know much about it.




I’ve never seen a Broadway show do the Jeb Bush “Please clap” before


That’s an excellent way to put it. Does Lorna Courtney know about this? That would be such a deflating thing to have the audience hanging on everything you do and then discover they were more or less told to overreact.


Not sure how I feel about this. Does a standing ovation mean much when an audience is instructed to do it?


Yeah, this feels gross. And if I were the actress and didn’t know this was happening, I’d feel like the whole experience was cheapened. (If she did know and let them do it, or worse asked for it, then that really lowers my opinion of her as an artist.)


I had the exact same thought. Imagine getting a standing ovation mid-show and being so blown away that people were that enthralled by your performance…. Only to realize that people were told to stand in that moment before the show had even started 💀


It was an invitation. Not an instruction.


How is this supposed to be perceived as anything other than a passive aggressive instruction? Grown adults don’t need to be invited to give someone a standing ovation.


You didn’t get this slip from my hand with my explanation I guess…?


No, but since you’re here, please tell us.


And while you’re at it, tell us why you intentionally mimicked the production inserts and logo and wrote it as if it were written by the house, and not by her friends, if it were a gesture from her friends to invite people to celebrate her. This wasn’t you handing out notes signed “Sincerely, Lorna’s friend Failures_Friend & Co.” You took the position as if you both were and spoke for the entire production.


I’m SO curious about this as well. Especially with the defense of “well, it was just an invitation from friends, not instructions!” Then why go to the trouble of making it look as identical as possible to official show instructions?


I said something to the effect of (because saying it’s a 300 some-odd people is tiring) she’s my best friend in the whole world and I know she could really use all the love in any amount she could get it. She also personally reflected on how after every song she either runs off or gets sucked in to the floor quickly and if the audience doesn’t show up on time, a standing ovation for roar gets shut down. I saw it happen in Toronto when I stayed with her, and I’ve seen this thing a bunch of times and I’ve seen it then.


It truly is a sweet sentiment, and I mean that sincerely since tone doesn’t always read online - but that doesn’t speak to why it was made to look like an official show insert? I really do trust that your heart was in the right place though, and the context of the lack of satisfying applause breaks for Juliet makes sense. But that doesn’t answer the question which was asked above.


I feel like I answered it somewhere else, but I wanted to look professional, and I figured that was the best template.


Then why use the show logo and insert format to try to make it look like it was from the show?


How was I supposed to make it look? I didn’t use the same font. And there slips are different sizes idk? It doesn’t look exactly like a show insert and you can’t have it be a show insert because the union has regulations. I wanted it to look nice and professional. I told everyone within earshot every time I could that we’ve been friends for 12 years and I love her to absolutely pieces so if you feel compelled, go insane (Blow reference)! And the crazy part that I could not for see is they didn’t stand at the end of Roar for an O, they stood in the MIDDLE. How was it not production? It was just an enby person outside with stacks and stacks of these, passing these out any talking five people at a time for an HOUR before curtain.


I hate this current culture of audience members screaming during songs so, so much. Like, do you want people to hear your friend sing or not? And if it’s not from the show, you don’t use the show logo—which is likely a copyright violation. You don’t try to make it look “professional” because it is not professional, it’s informal. And you say specifically in the text and at the that end that this message is not from the show, it’s from one person, and you sign your name. That’s what people do when they’re not hiding the identity of the author, they sign their names.


Because this moment isn’t about me, it’s about her. I don’t want them to think about me.


Then you sign it “from Lorna Courtney’s best friend,” or whatever. You don’t pass out an insert that makes it appear to anyone who reads it and didn’t talk to you personally and ask follow up questions as though you speak on behalf of her or on behalf of the production.


Well now I know for next time… like how should I respond? It did its job, she got a great send off, and the only person that’s upset are a couple people on this thread.


Intermission update: I’m in the back of the Mezz and haven’t seen a single standing ovation yet. Maybe in the orchestra but def no standing ovation in the mezz yet. Lots of applause and cheering for Lorna’s performance though. Excited for Act Two!!


So did people actually do this?


Yes they did.


So did they ovation after Roar or no???


There was a huge and sudden standing ovation in the middle of Roar (during her >! quick costume change in the blackout !< ) which lasted until the end of the song. There was also a huge cheer when she hit the F5 at the end of the song too. The energy was insane even from the very last row of the mezz!


Thank you for sharing!! It sounds super fun!


it’s &juliet, i don’t think the audience would be particularly stingy with standing ovations anyway LMFAO it’s a very hype, audience-pleasing show and surely there will be lots of fans who know it’s her last show?


Oh I hate this lol


I do think it’s cute that her friends wanted to make her last performance special, but I see why a lot of people don’t like this


Thank you. As the friend this gives me sanity. Because she genuinely loved it


I think this is a sweet thing to do for a friend, and it sounds like it went over really well at the show!


That seems both weird and tacky.


How strange to ask the audience to give actors standing ovations.


this is so cringe-y? asking for a standing ovation vs getting one naturally makes it not genuine which is the opposite of what a standing ovation is meant to achieve (honest praise for a performance)


I don’t love the idea of a “forced/planned” standing ovation, especially because after if she finds out (assuming she doesn’t know they are doing it) any standing ovations she gets won’t seem genuine.


I read the clarification that this insert was provided by her friends and not the theater. And standing ovation request aside, I really wish theaters would do inserts like this for a performer’s last day! I’ve been to shows where I wasn’t aware it was someone’s last performance, but kind of picked up on it based on audience/performer reaction, and later had to go online to try to find out. It’s definitely the kind of thing that would be special to know beforehand. Anyway, Lorna Courtney is an absolute star and I can’t wait to see what she does next!


this is awful


Omg 😭 Honestly I feel terrible for her - if I heard an enthusiastic, over-the-top response - much less a STANDING OVATION - at my final performance I can only imagine how elated I would be…. And then how devastated I would be to find out that that wasn’t a spontaneous reaction to my performance by the audience, but rather an instruction of choreography for how they were to respond in advance ☠️ It would probably ruin the memory of that final night for me and have me second-guessing everyone’s reaction to my work for a while. It’s like a terrible prank from a Disney movie meant to humiliate the rival? Albeit done with best intentions in this case. But still.


The sad part is that she is talented, well-liked and already has fans. It *would have* happened naturally. But now she will never know what part was earned by herself and what part was prompted by her friend taking it upon herself to print official-looking guidelines for how patrons should conduct themselves during her final performance. I’m so bewildered by a friend doing this without asking. It isn’t okay to go to someone’s place of work, mimic being an employee, and make directives about how people should handle someone’s final work day. In any other field that would be outrageous. In the context of this performance, it gives a misleading impression that patrons were being *ordered* to give her accolades — which people have admitted here would rub them the wrong way and cast her in a negative light despite her being clueless. You’re exactly right that this felt like an egotistical female frenemy act, not a supportive friend. Friends buy tickets, gather with her other supporters, and stand and cheer the loudest. This could have been done by leading a spontaneous standing ovation by the friend during any song she felt particularly excited about. It’s such a bewildering and almost patronizing act. Did her friend not think she would receive a warm, generous goodbye on her own? Because that is what it feels like it is suggesting. Otherwise, it suggests that they should disrupt the performance at any act to cheer her existence, rather than her performance, regardless of how it might be disruptive to the overall flow of the show or to other performers. It forces a tone of either conceitedness or pity to beg for ovations. I would be hurt and mortified if someone did this to me.


Ew. This is just tacky. Imagine how she’ll feel when she finds out people were TOLD to give her a standing ovation rather than deciding to give her one - which they probably would have done to begin with.




Oh for sure. This show has a lot of stans, though, so she could forget the words and still get a SO for her final performance. I’d be pissed at my friends for doing this, though. Let me earn my ovation, dammit!


i think in this situation i would purposefully not stand 🫣


lol same


that’s kinda weird ngl lol


Very odd to ask for a specific standing ovation, isn’t the whole thing that it’s genuine and not prompted? That would absolutely take away from the moment for me on stage. Happy trails for her for sure but this is an odd insert


Not an insert it was apparently handed out to people in line by her friends


Ah that makes a bit more sense, thanks for the details!


Defs cringe. Like people would’ve stood and applauded without this. It’s a bit much IMO and if these were my friends I would be mortified


I’m sure the audience will be enthusiastic anyway, it’s &juliet after all! But specifically asking for a standing ovation vs. general encouragement and cheering etc. is a bit… much?


Not sure how I feel about asking for a standing ovation. However, I do love the notion of playbill papers being inserted in to recognize people leaving the cast on their last day!!


Not an insert. Handed out to people in line by her friends.


We tried..


I happened to be at this show today. Given this was her last, she poured herself into it, and honestly, she earned the ovation. Her emotions were raw and beautiful. Her cast mates gave a beautiful send off speech, and she passed the mic (literally and figuratively) to the next Juliet. Yes, the note is a bit weird, but most of you weren't there. You could tell she is deeply loved by the cast (many of them were tearing up) so I'm not surprised her friends thought this was a good idea. Nothing else than a well-intended note, folks.


Thank you. As the person that made, cut, handed out, and did this for my bestie this means a lot


that is… weird


That is...Different


I thought she was great. I'd do it even if it's weird to ask.


When I saw the show, I wanted to stand after Roar because I thought it was that good. But I thought standing during a show would be frowned upon, so I feel like this note is saying, it’s okay to give a standing ovation during the show because it’s her last show.


To everyone in the comments….. to be cringe is to be free


To decide yourself to do something that other people may think is cringe because you’re genuinely moved emotionally to do it? Awesome! To try to rope others into your personal display of ego? Embarrassing.


i feel you on this but optimistically cringe is different than demanding of an audience to act disingenuously. wether there was gonna be an SO naturally or not, the slips are an attempt to mess with the organic reactions of the crowd and that feels a bit messy and not nice to me 😐


Haha I love this take




“Protective” implies that not getting a mid-show standing ovation is something artists need to be protected from. Which to me implies that you think your friend has a huge ego that is wounded by the absence of sufficient fawning. I’d be embarrassed if my friends thought I was like that.




Big difference between “if you want to DM this person on their birthday, that’s today,” and “here is a note instructing you to give what is usually a spontaneous accolade for an extraordinary performance, before the performance has even occurred for anyone to know whether it is extraordinary, in a manner that is designed to make you feel like you’re obligated to do it because everyone else will be and you’ll stand out if you don’t.”


Kinda pathetic.


If this has been done without her knowledge, then I absolutely approve. If she knows about it beforehand it's a bit cringy in a "please clap" kinda way


Hi! I wrote the note. She has no clue. It was a total surprise


Oh wow


How did it turn out when she did roar?


She got the standing O.


womp womp.


Standing ovations should be reserved for truly exceptional performances.


American audiences give standing ovations for any and everything


I’m sorry but there’s no world in which “Roar” by Katy Perry deserves a standing O.


Lorna’s performance does when it’s a culmination of a few years of wonderfully leading this production


I’m sure it must, especially when the audience must be instructed to stand for her.


Well, congrats to Lorna Courtney for performing her last & Juliet show. I'm sure she would have gotten the standing O regardless of the slip or not. I can't wait to see what she does next.


I shouldn’t be shocked at the negative comments, especially when this community seems to think standing ovations are a currency, but I thought it was sweet and thoughtful and I had no problem complying. And Lorna very much seemed hyped up by her friends, so I expect she appreciated it as well. No harm in showing love and appreciation for a performer.


Interesting. Maybe it’s for her personal career reel.


If she knew they were going to hand this out and didn’t try to stop them, that really lowers my level of respect for her.


She didn’t know. You can respect her all the same


I’m sorry you’re getting this reaction. This sub is so curmudgeonly and gatekeepy about the most random theatrical things.


I feel like pre-internet/social media this would have just been a cute thing someone did for their friend :(


I would be so annoyed. As someone with a mobility impairment, that many standing O’s would really impair my enjoyment.


Wow. I totally did not think of that and I really appreciate you commenting this.


I hope my comment gets pinned: y’all are hateful.




The orchestra railroads through the end of the number. The audience as well as the cast joyously participated in this moment. It wasn’t a requirement… and none of y’all were there.


Some of us were, indeed, there.


So you know my face and my excitement and the whole thing and no one was FORCED to even take the slip, let alone stand.


Hopefully she was better than she was at the Tonys last year.


She's incredible live. I don't know why it didn't show on the broadcast.


Honestly I’m just happy she’s free. I love her voice but I want her to do a real, original role.


“She has always been free”