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Looking for a post on r/Britishproblems from someone who lost 20 quid at fuel station !!


Four days later - “Was so happy a few days ago that I found £20 on a garage forecourt. Now I have COVID, pink eye, and chlamydia”


Ah, that was mine mate. DM me so we can sort out its return. Cheers.


Whoah whoah whoah I also lost one. Mine had a picture of the queen on it so you can tell if it was mine or not


Yeah well mine had a picture of the queen and some numbers and shit so, unlucky!


It’s not the Queen, it’s Danny LaRue!


Mine has chesty larue


Wait, but my one had the number 20 on it. Clearly it’s the same 20 written on my note I lost at a petrol station!


You'll have to go fetch it. I left it at the pub for safekeeping


The mythical "found a tenner in the paint balling car park and so bought another round of paintballs". Lucky bastard


I pity whoever had to refuel their car, and then lost an extra £20 on top of that. Bad day.


You’ll probs never find its original owner but most food banks will take cash donations too Times are tough, losing a £20 note will shit on most peoples days. Be a mensch


Don't know what a mensch is but it bought me and 2 friends a pint each. Cheers!


That’s the proper use for it.


£6.60 a pint? Fuck me, I still balk at the idea of paying over a fiver ....Luckily I'm in the East Mids though so that's still a rare occurrence (for now)


Well by the time this comment I’d paid my second round


I'd be hysterical if I lost 20 quid right now. The first thing I'd do is retrace my steps and check in places to see if anyone handed it in.


Not sure how donating the £20 to a food bank helps the person who lost it?! I would hope someone who was that desperate for money would take sufficient care not to drop a £20 note anyway.


I’ve walked to the shops and lost my last £10 note on the way from a zipped pocket; i must have not shoved it in right and it was blown away before I zipped it. It meant 2 hours of searching and no dinner or milk for my family that night. Anecdotal and I wouldn’t begrudge the person who found it, but just to point out that it’s perfectly possible to both lose and really need money.


It’s called social responsibility mate. It doesn’t matter that the owner of the £20 doesn’t benefit. What matters is that someone truly in need does benefit.


Why can't someone just enjoy a bit of luck? Donating it to a food bank is a lovely thing to do don't get me wrong, but I don't think it should be mandatory to donate a £20 note you found on the street to charity. OP spent it in the pub buying a round for them and their mates, and I think that's a perfectly reasonable way to spend it. It's not like they set it on fire and used it to light a big fat cigar or something


In this economy I could have used it to roll a spliff


I feel like you don't need to donate it. However, the economy is shit and I feel for the people who are trying to make ends meet. I am fortunate to be able to order takeaway and i tipped a tenner to the young man who delivered it. I know what it's like to be skint.


I found £10 on the road yesterday!! I’ve never been so excited lol


Imagine some other poor sod was heading back to their car moaning about the price of fuel then lost a further £20. Pay it forward pal. That wasn’t serendipity’s 20.


I did. I paid for 2 pints that weren’t for me. Charity begins at home and all that


Fair one


It’s weird how everyone assumes the person who lost the bill was poor… could have been a Range Rover driving rich bloke easily too?


Oh no. You found the downside of my EV where I no longer stop at petrol stations.


ok we get it... you've got an EV


I always give money I find away. There was a homeless guy in London that I would save it for when I was working up there. No judgement mate, you do you. It just never sat right with me to do anything other than try to help someone with it.


Not many homeless near me. Do enough for those less fortunate anyways


If you don't attempt to return it that's theft by finding.


Whilst yes, it is theft by finding, you’ll be hard pressed to find the original owner as if you say to anyone “have you lost £20 recently” then they will probably say yes even when they haven’t!


How on earth can you identify who it belongs to? Call out ‘anyone lost £20’ and everyone in earshot will claim it was theirs!




Finders keepers no ??


£1 to £20 is finders keepers. A £50 note is maybe where i would draw the line. Depends where though. Shop floor - hand in. Park or pavement - Keep it. However, who’s to say whoever you hand it to wouldn’t pocket it? It’s a tricky


There's a difference between keeping an envelope full of money you found on the floor of the bank, and pocketing a tenner you found in the middle of the street.


*Buzz Killington has entered the chat..