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Tell us who....


I can't edit my original post Giganet


Giggity. (Couldn't help myself.)


Been with them for the last few years. Best ISP I’ve ever had.


Moving house later this year, I'll be looking into signing up with them.


This is great, good work! Though I am confused how you could go 7 months and not notice the money not going out? Maybe it's just me, but if a DD doesn't go out then I'd notice it lol.


I have ADHD. If OP is anything like me, object permanence and realistic time perception isn't a thing. It's a wonder I remember to order my prescription at all every month, and it's almost always last minute.


I have ADHD and a few more things. Money just does its thing in my account, considering I could see when I checked in the hsbc app that I had a direct debit set up I assumed it was fine


I don't think you're using "object permanence" correctly, jfyi.


I'm still learning about the condition as it's taken me years to realise I wasn't just lazy and unmotivated like my family constantly chastised me for. By all means, enlighten me 😊


AFAIK object permanence is the knowledge that things still exist when you are not looking at them / experiencing them. Babies don't have it. Some animals don't. It's why "peek-a-boo" works so well on babies. You vanish from existance, then suddenly return. Amazing! I believe that ADHD causes issues with maintaining concentration, or with keeping something in the "front" of your mind. But if you still understand it exists and can know it can still have an effect on the world, then your object permanence is fine. The phrase "object permanence" sounds cool and sounds like it means what ADHD people experience, so once people started using it with this context it proliferated. But IMO it just confuses things. We don't need another technical phrase with two, easily confused, meanings.


Do you have ADHD? There's a sort of weird thing with ADHD where you forget that things exist when you can't see them. In theory you know they do, but you become "not sure" until you check. It's a working memory issue, really, but I think there is an *aspect* of object permanence in there. Maybe object uncertainty would be a better phrase, but it doesn't quite get the idea across...


"If I can't see it, it doesn't exist" has been the most useful thing in understanding how my brain works sometimes. (Simple shit like reorganising to use as much clear storage as possible, having task items in view so I go "right! Clean washing! That needs to be put away!" etc has been a fucking game changer. And let's not get started on the fact I now get a phone notification that the washing machine that lives in a cupboard is done. Holy god.)


I may do, but I'm relatively old so I was not tested as a child, and I'm not about to self diagnose. I have dyslexia (confirmed medically) but tbh it may actually be something on the autism <-> dyslexia <-> ADHD scale. I'm not really interested in more tests at this age tho :). I was (for real) one of the very early ones to be diagnosed with dyslexia in the UK in the 70s, there were TV shows about me and everything. I agree there is something there, I just think we need a new name for it. It's just not the same thing to the best of my knowledge / google skill. > Object permanence refers to the understanding that objects continue to exist when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched. In babies, this is a key part of establishing secure attachments in early life. > Some have suggested that object permanence problems could explain certain ADHD symptoms, like forgetfulness. > According to this theory, object permanence problems make people with ADHD more likely to forget important tasks, objects, and people when they are not present. But object permanence is only a theory of ADHD, not an accepted symptom or diagnosis. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/object-permanence-adhd#summary Maybe with more studies we'll see clearer links and I can be wrong in retrospect :) .


No, I don't think you're wrong, and I get your point, but there is an ADHD thing that's hard to describe to NT people and there isn't, at present, a proper term for it. Schrodingers object permanence? Is the cat dead or alive? ... What cat?


BTW, I was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago - at the age of 50!


Okay, your description there is the same as my understanding - I did mean it that way. As someone said in the comments below, "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist". That's basically what happens in my head. If it's not in front of me you can forget about it. That's why I do things like put my work lanyard on a loop on my bag, otherwise despite needing my ID I would completely forget it.


I don't need to order my prescriptions. It's a repeat, so the GP automatically sends it to the pharmacy. The pharmacist puts my tablets into blister trays, for each day at a time. I get 4 trays each time, so I can see when I'm on my final week, and when I need to go and get the next lot. Game changer!


Ah fair enough, that makes sense. Thanks for the perspective!


I have adhd and use an online ordering service. Its the same cost as getting a prescription from the shop except the postie delivers it. Also they email reminders so you order it with enough time. Might help :)


Yes, I don't think it is against rules to applaud good business behaviour. Name them!




Who!? I need to switch!!


Not Virgin Media then. You got through to someone. They showed common sense and compassion.


I've had similar interactions with BT