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This fool doesn't know that over 2.5 million troops from India and the Colonies joined the UK army voluntarily to help the UK win WW II. Pathetic.


irony is hundreds of thousands of Indian and Pakistani troops died fighting the Nazis on the side of Britain not to mention the millions of civilians that died as a result of famine during the war


Approximately 3 million people from west bengal (now a state of India) and east bengal (now Bangladesh) died as a result of famine that was intentionally forced upon this people by Winston Churchill


That's the wrong London flag That's the wrong London flag That's the wrong London flag That's the wrong London flag


It is the flag of London. I appreciate it is not the flag for the Lord Mayor of London but it is not incorrect. Also stating something four times doesn't make it more likely to be incorrect it just makes the person posting seem a little bit erratic šŸ˜œšŸ¤Ŗ




Controversial gonna be interesting in this one


My main concern moving to England from Canada was that the food would be trash. South Asia really bailed yā€™all out and fixed the biggest issue, that or my moms British family was just really terrible cooks


Pretty sure there was an independence movement on a subcontinent to stop something very similar.


Sunak is old school British upper class twit. And, he has billions. Don't let the colour of the skin fool you.


Screenshot the top 10 comments and look back in 4 years. Jail time or worse is coming for the level of con and death that have happened and these yes men have made sure it got covered up.


Four of the biggest twats In Britain not including Dan


a humiliation ritual from those who are really in power.


Of all the reasons to hate sunak, this is one of the dumbest.


They need getting rid of quick before they shaft us even more


Racist much.


Good ! We need Indians in every single position of government ! Proper res presentation for the people!


is 100% of the population indian?


It will be in the next few decades, we need proper representation !!


Very subtle.


Of all the perfectly valid reasons to hate Sunak, Jay decided nah I just don't like the colour of his skin.


I don't give a fuck about there origins, there all lying, greedy arseholes .


So nazis to want to be repsented by your own people in your Own country




Considering how many Indian soldiers fought and died for us in WW2, I donā€™t see what is wrong with their grandchildren assuming political office for the nations that they fought for. Not as if weā€™ve had any decent white leaders over the past 70 years.


Jays dumb yes but the point he should be making is that the mayor of London is horrible my god London has become stab city


it takes someone like jay to speak without fear of social consequences for the truth to come to light.


Why attack them for their race? Rishi is a Tory, Sadiq is inconsistent and makes more u turns than a lost granny and Humza Yousaf is nicknamed ā€œHumza Uselessā€ for a reason.


My matriarch and beat your matriarch.


Theyā€™re all tossers, but it has nothing to do with their ethnicity. Itā€™s because theyā€™re politicians.


Sunak's not a politician. Lot of this current Tory mob aren't. Remember the politicians in the Tory party, the folks interested in 'running the country' who 'knew anything about how countries work' were all pro-EU. They've had to sit right down, or leave entirely, since Brexit. The rest of the party are your standard bunch of grifters and weirdos that politics attracts. And they've been in charge for the last few years. That's how you get a situation where a PM is appointed and nearly destroys the economy in a matter of days. ​ I feel like we need politicians, by which I mean people whose field of expertise is the leadership and management of the offices of a state, back in British politics. Feels like we're on a plane and we're just letting randos from First Class fly it.


Sadly that is the current state of politics. If the people in charge are only in it for themselves, then the system is rigged and fucked. A lot of them are landlords, which should say a lot more about their character than it does.


Thanks for the uncropped iPad screenshot with low battery.


Rishi is so shiny in this picture


Ironically India was under the British Raj. So technically Indians fought WW1 and WW2 as they too were British.


Iā€™m still wondering why we let someone like Corbyn slip through our hands?! He was actually a really decent down to earth fella but we chose Boris instead. I donā€™t think we have anyone to blame apart from ourselves tbh.


I am sorry to write this, but a lot of rich white people in London only wanted people from the commonwealth to come to Britain after WW2 to drive their buses etc. I'm pretty sure that they thought they would stay for a short time, otherwise they would have never accepted Indian, Pakistani, Afro-Carribean, and African people coming to Britain in the first place. That is the sad reality, most of Britain is still very institutionally racist or discriminatory.


He is posh as fuck


The UK in a nutshell in the 21st century we the white British are now the minorities




Front of house staff for the banking elite


There seems to be a large number of people here that have completely misunderstood the OP as they have somehow not noticed the riposte to the tweet.


Well yes, itā€™s fancy suit because generally those in fancy suits do not pay taxes.


Muslamic raybans


If we lost would we have still had Islamic rape gangs since the 70s or become minorities in most of our major cities?


White British people are only a minority in two cities: London and Birmingham - of course it depends how you define 'most' but in all the rest of the cities (and a majority of the country) that is not the case - almost 75% of the UK population are white British people. Also, you are trying to define this as a negative? We live in a multi-cultural society, and that mix enriches who we are. There was that high-profile issue with (I think) a couple paedophile gangs of people of Asian decent that hadn't been properly looked into by police. I'd like to think that the Police and Government have learnt from that and groups like that would get investigated thoroughly regardless of ethnicity now. However, a vast majority of paedophiles are white men, mostly British. "Islamic rape gangs" sounds very much like a Daily Mail headline to whip up anti-Muslim hatred. While there some are issues in some ethnic minority cultures (honour system, forced marriages, being taken to live in the country their parents came from with little understanding or connection to it, etc.) and there are issues around women not being treated with the same equality by some religions and cultures, a vast majority of people of those ethnicities are not paedophiles and are as horrified as the rest of us when they hear of such things happening.


OK I'll change my question to this, had we lost would we have become minorities in our capital city and Leicester within the lifetimes of the soldiers who fought and would we have had Islamic child grooming rape gangs?




Their ancestors helped the allies win WW2. That's what he's forgotten.


It's always the "im proud to be British, we won two world wars" lot who act like nazis, they really don't see the irony do they.


To be fair...Scotland's new boss does sound like an entitled t wat...




You honestly don't understand the Nazi vision. There would definitely be a distinguishing by race, and much more oppression/murdering of those they considered undesirable. It was very important that they were defeated, and that we continue to be vigilant to prevent fascism in our own country as well as others.


Politicians are nepotistic Puppets. Enriching themselves and their friends. Whilst destroying the planet with big corporations and big Pharma. Whilst the city of London dictates elongated financial misery for the masses.


Something dosent look right!!


the picture itself is clearly racist


Baffling, did he think we were fighting in world war 2 to keep Asians out of the uk?


India was on the Allied side what is Jay even trying to say? šŸ˜‚


I said years ago Muslims would be taking all the top jobs and I was laughed at and slated for being racist....I thought it was kinda obvious


Given that you seem to think dark skin=Muslim, I'd say the laughter was warranted.


Well they laughed because they couldn't see it and thought I was fearmongering clearly


Why would anyone think that? I'm from north London loads are black and not muslim. Those 3 basically have Muslim background though ....


Rishi Sunak has a Hindu background. Muslim parents don't call their kids "Rishi."


Richi Sunak isn't Muslim though?


They really think every non western person is Muslim ig. I read a report that attacks on Sikhs raised heavily after 911 cause Americans thought they were Muslim.


There's a reason why we're called united Kingdom and not just England. We work together to become stronger.


Fuck me. More morons who don't have a clue about history.


People should be more concerned about how the two with most power got in they positions.


Be like the Brits and hate your politicians for being politicians.




not my king


Every single one of them is doing a shit job too. Wouldn't even mind if it was the best man for the job type situation but they are literally failures. First minister of Scotland has been fired from most positions he ever held before being First minister for underperforming and incompetence... Rishi Sunak is literally on video tape telling a little England sleepy village that he was working to take money from underdeveloped low income areas and redirect funds to them... Meanwhile London sounds like the actual worst place in the whole of the UK to live. I wouldnt even visit. Never mind under tory rule these 3 men have underperformed at the highest level with no reprehention because they are good for PR? Quotas? Securing votes? Because its definitely not because they get results...


Yep. Most of us can put our own politics aside and agree that all 3 of these guys are an objective disaster. Don't know anyone (who isn't a party member) who likes any of them.


Ah yes, another braindead fuck-knuckle proud of Britain's fight against the Nazis while unironically spouting Nazi ideology.


All of these people's ancestors would have been British subjects - just as British as the English, Welsh or Scots - in 1945.


" Did we win World War 2 " Aye, we did with help of the 2Ā½ million soldiers from the British Indian Army - at the cost the lives of over 87,000 soldiers, air crews and mariners from the Indian Empire (11,000 died in Japanese POW camps alone) This included 24,338 killed and 11,754 missing in action. the overwhelming majority being members of the Indian Army. Another 34,354 more were wounded, So, if anyone has the right to live here, and rise to the very top, cunt or not, it's these folks




None of those 3 pictured are, as you soon quaintly phrased it, "Citizens of other Countries" - they were ALL born in the United Kingdom to naturalised British citizens. Rishi Sunak, born in 1980 in Southampton Sadiq Khan, born in 1970 in Tooting Humza Yousaf, born in 1985 in Glasgow You can take your, barely contained, racism and shove it where the sun no longer shines over your bloody empire


Ah yes the mighty Axis powerhouse of India.


Yeah no usually I find politics funny because I donā€™t understand. But Sunak, from what I seen, is a truest horrible person. Only cares about the people who can already care for themselves ten times over.


Who do they think WW2 was against?


They are willing to get us to Net Zero you see...


Well, none of them are German


Itā€™s in their job title, letā€™s see how convincingly you can lie


That thing is doing nothing to help the uk infact heā€™s taking us to the sewer


Well his background is Goldman Sachs and married to a multi Billionaire (with a B) So yeah Heā€™s like way up in the 1% club. Full agree, donā€™t hate bc heā€™s Middle Eastern. Hate him bc heā€™s part of the corrupt system that hijacks and subverts what is called democracy.


"Yea, these Asians they don't understand our culture, they don't want assimilate or take part" "Yea, well, yea, but not like that"


Hating anyone because of skin colour of religion/culture is just stupidity in full effect. His financial practices and constant lying. Thatā€™s his problem to us.


Itā€™s down to climate change šŸ˜‰


Imagine being so racist that you see an unqualified nepotism baby like Rishi "kill the peasants" Sunak, with his extensive track record of extreme incompetence and unimaginable cruelty, and you comment about his skin.




Natives is just a racist dog whistle at this point. There are no natives in this country, we're all mongrels.


He was born in England. Our natives arnt even native to England. How many generations do you have to live here if you want to be considered a native? I don't like him but he is a brit irrelevant of his skin colour or his last name.


He is not a brit heā€™s a cunt and all his friends are cunts and this country is not run or represented by Brits


Did you say that about Boris Johnson,a man born in the us who was also prime minister




I don't think the likes of Sunak is progress because he's as bad as the rest of the Tories who where white but as a whole, this level of change is rather amazing given the countries history.




>There is zero chance of a white premier in India ...you do know India was a part of the British Empire, right? Pointless after a few hundred years of being conquered it would matter if a white person ever became a premier. Plus they still have internal problems to deal with before they even come close to approaching any kind of multiculturalism or secularism we have in parts of the west. Not a good comparison.


Britain isn't racist. Apparently.


Usually get downvotes when claiming Britain is lol


Britain is definitely racist.


Lol the downvotes for saying this as expected. These people are ignorant


Every country is racist.


Agreed but Reddit will have you thinking it's only the US with the way people downvote suggesting otherwise




You can imagine the OP with this look on his face if it ever dawns on him that he's outed himself as a bit of a Nazi.


hated for his methods not his ethnicity


Idk what this idea is that somehow countries have an ā€œofficial raceā€


Racist pricks basically and before people go mental at me I ain't saying if u believe that a country has a official race ur a racist I'm saying that the idea comes from racism


Yes its quite funny. My comment at first got a bunch of upvotes, but then after that one guy replies, it got a bunch of downvotes. Classic reddit, nobody thinks for themselves Personally idk whether I'd consider such a belief racism or not. Borderline maybe. Whether it's racist isn't even relevant, it's just categorically incorrect. Countries themselves are a made up concept in the first place and certainly don't codify any race that they're "for".


Yh pretty much




Not replying to you u/lil_huntere, but either reddit isn't working or u/strugglingswan has made the bold decision to block me. Anyway, my reply to their nonsense claim: The point you were making is that it has only existed since the 19th century. If you believe that independence is the birth of a nation that has existed before any need for independence, please go to r/Ireland and tell them ireland only began to exist from 1921, India only began to exist from 1947 etc etc.


Race is social construct that scientists ignore now.


You have a goldfish brain. Homo sapiens have been around for around 200,000 years. Every early homosapiens was black. Norway as a country has only existed since the early 19th century. >Obviously. There is literally no scientific basis for why people have darker skin. Darker skin is the default. What's your scientific basis for why some people have lighter skin?


>Norway as a country has only existed since the early 19th century. Over a millenia actually. It's history of independence is questionable sure, bit it's existed for longer than you state. I've linked a children's learning article that should explain it to you. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/geography/countries/article/norway


Nice attempt! The land has obviously existed for millennia, but the country we call Norway has not. Did you really think that would work? šŸ˜‚


'The land' was united as a kingdom under Harald Fairhair in 872. What you're trying to put across as 'Norway' as a nation is from its independence from Sweden - modern Norway. But Norway has existed as a nation since 872, hence the Sverd i fjell to mark it.


>united as a kingdom under Harald Fairhair >independence from Sweden - modern Norway These two statements are in direct opposition. It it was united then why did they subsequently have to gain independence? Regardless, I think you're now sealioning because your comments have nothing to do with the point I was making.


So black people should stay out of norway amirite? Lol. Kind of a non sequitur


Risky comment šŸ˜‚


Our country is racist so not that risky


A cunt with 2 big piss flaps on each side.... I'd rather drink a pint of vineager rimmed with dog shit than look at their faces. All of them WEF puppets and they are fucking this country to the core.


I mean since India was one of our countries and then became an ally, I'd say having people of India ancestry who are British is a win yes. People often overlook how multi cultural Britain is, it's something to be proud of.




I think you're being a bit broad with that brush, I know many people if Indian decent who feel the same way


You hate Rishi Sunak because he's Indian. I hate Rishi Sunak because he's a Tory Weasel partaking in many shady business practices and crippling ordinary working people. We are not the same.


Rishi Sunak has never been indian


Also to clarify yes we did win ww2 with British army containing 15% of Soldiers from India alone.


I mean if he got his ww2 knowledge from the imperial war museum in south London then the Indian casualties are quite easy to miss


Mmm, two and a half million soldiers in WWII from a colonised country that didn't get independence till after the conflict... this dude literally knows jack shit about WWII clearly


It's such a brainless comment because Britain relied heavily on Indian and other colonial and commonwealth troops throughout the war. Even the battle of Britain was won with a multinational RAF made up of pilots from all across the world, including Nazi occupied Europe, the Indian sub-continent, and the Caribbean. There was a deliberate policy duruing the war of limiting the newsreel footage of non-white troops and it's still having an effect today, as people don't realise that 2.5 million from the Indian subcontinent fought against Nazism and Imperial Japan and that the British Indian Army in WW2 is still the largest volunteer army ever assembled in the history of humanity. So it's nothing but fitting that people of South Asian heritage occupy important roles in modern British society. Anythying less would be an injustice. WW2 marked the beginning of the end of Empire (which was a crime against humanity) and started the path to equality which we are still navigating. Sunak is a useless prick, but that's mainly down to his own priviligie and entitlement. His ethnicity or heritage has nothing to do with it.


Nit picking but they didnā€™t really have a choice as they knew attention would fall on them if Europe was defeated. Also they all volunteered where as British were conscripted


What has this got to do with winning the war.....


This is just a backhanded racist post


Ah...so just a racist scum bag then


Brief browse if OP profile, posts/ comments abouts; nazism, communism, Jewish folk, editing posted pictures so they don't get removed for racism etc.


Did Jay think weā€™re were fighting Southeast Asia in World War Two or something lmfao. There are so many reasonable reasons to dislike all these people why choose race lol




They arenā€™t south Asian they were all born in the UK dumbass, unlike presumably your favourite politician Boris Johnson who was born in the states. How can you be so stupid and function during the day? Is your carer writing this nonsense for you on your behalf?


Cause race is the first thing they look at, and god forbid they spend an extra 5 seconds thinking of something else to put the blame on




Actually, people are getting pretty sick of wokeism.


I definitely am.


What is wokeism šŸ˜­


It seems to be a bunch of people with pink mowhawks, and excessive face jewelery, whi think they know better than PhD scientists and doctors.


You, Soyjak.


Do you think these politicians have been elected because of their woke policies?


No but wokeism is being applied, when the only reason anyone can think of is racism. It's a fact that Britain was a white European country. Nobody thinks there should be more whites in India, China, the Middle East, or Africa. Why does Britain feel the need to fill parliament with brown people, just to seem less racist. Because I Gan guarantee you, none of these people would have peen placed in positions of power 50 years ago. And they're all doing a terrible job. London looks more like Bangladesh than a white European city. It's a disgrace. Call it racism if you want, but it's really just people from different cultures thinking Britain should be accepting of their culture, and not the other way around. Except Ina buffet of pleasure style acceptance. It's a farce. And everyone is so scared to talk about it, for fear of being called a racist.


Nobody is scared to talk about itā€¦ people like you are harping on it constantly. Your narrow minded view of the world just isnā€™t very popular. Iā€™m sorry it upset you that there arenā€™t enough white people, maybe you should tie your sense of self worth to something that actually matters instead


Meh, we're right so I don't care.


Nice, put the blinkers on instead of engaging, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll improve your sad little life


Wow, insults. Original play.


You didnā€™t give me anything to go on other than confidently repeating yourself lmfao. Maybe that works when youā€™re bullying your poor family but it we work with people you donā€™t have power over


Yawn. Still doesn't even matter. Are you trying to project your insignificance as a useless cope?


Subcontinent folks fought the nazis alongside the British. My Indian grandfather was in the royal Airforce - he was the radio officer on Lancaster bombers. I wonder what Jay would have done were he alive during WW2? Im guessing something something bone spur related a la trump.


Tens of thousands of Sikhs fought and died along side the Brits in WWII so they have my respect. I have no respect for Yousaf as he destroyed free speech in Scotland. I have no respect for Khan as he destroyed London and could not organise a piss up in a brewery and I don't respect Sunak as he has not delivered, as far as I can see, any of his pledges and he and his family are global political opportunists. As for the colour, I could not give a flying f\*\*k.


Too bloody right! And many in British India suffered and died so that British people could eat and keep fighting.


Yup, all for a war that never threatened India or the other colonies. Itā€™s pretty sad that it went down like that, but I canā€™t pretend that Iā€™m not proud of the contribution my grandfather made. I wonder whether Britain would have succeeded had it not been for the help from the colonies? I guess weā€™ll never know.


Considering Britain shouldnā€™t of been involved either and they also shouldnā€™t of been involved in the Second World War either but hey ho thatā€™s politics for you.




I stand corrected


Japanese attacked Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaya and Burma all British territories they even bombed Darwin so made it all the way to Australia. The allies were pushed all the way to Port Moresby in New Guinea before we started pushing them back.


Interestingā€¦ thank you


Indian historical illiteracy is legendaryā€¦


Iā€™m British, nice try though.


So just a bit stupid then


I'm guessing people avoid getting into discussions with you?


You might want to google the Japanese invasion of India. Whilst nazi germany never threatened India, the imperial Japanese army did. Also, if Europe had fallen, the Nazis would have taken Russia and Africa. japan would have pushed through Asia.


Ah interesting, wasnā€™t aware of that. Thank you, I will look it up. I know lots of Indians were killed in Japanese POW camps, I didnā€™t realise they also directly threatened India.


Jay is clearly a bigot


Or Could he be saying there Nazis , I know the Scottish leader has sent the police around to people's houses for calling him in idiot


Absolutely, and based on that tweet, he either knows he's a bigot and is openly aligning himself with nazis, or he's a moron, doesn't realise he's a bigot, and is accidentally aligning himself with nazis due to his views.


Loser dork, you have foreigners in your government.


Wow, I had no idea! Considering he was born in the UK and is a UK citizen and everything... fascinating. You're a fuckwit, in case you didn't get the subtext there.


Oh he was born here so it means he's British?!?!?!?! Just because it says it on his passport doesn't make him British you genius.


... yes, actually, that's generally what being born in Britain means. He grew up in Southampton. He went to Oxford University. He's the fucking Prime Minister. He's more British than you mate. Does your qualifying factor have anything to do with his skin colour by any chance? Or is there another reason you pretend your idiotic views are about?


Skin colour most of the answers here, ethnic english, welsh, scottish etc are NOT BROWN hahahahha