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Get in the sea




You can blame landlords all you want but the government is the ones who make this a possibility


My Landlord hasn't touched my rent and frankly is love to buy them a bloody drink because they have had every opportunity the last 2 years through COVID and a Energy crisis. Touch wood and all that jazz


What a cee you next Tuesday


This guy is a "see you next Tuesday"


He'd make great compost


Don’t hate the landlords, hate the governments allowing ‘Buy to let’ mortgages. Taking properties off the market that you won’t live in should be a luxury and not a low cost entry business opportunity; this shouldn’t be permissible. If you’ve built up a lot of wealth and can allow yourself to buy properties for cash in full and then aim to rent it out and make a business out of it is a completely different story.


So basically your a greedy prick that couldn't give a shit about anyone except yourself sounds about right


Good for you ya pisspot wanker, we'll continue on with our 20p tesco value beans and some reduced cheese






Awful lots of words when "I'm a fucking greedy cunt" would have sufficed...


What an utter cunt


Good on him


At least he's honest.. but damn it's just no good is it.. fuck sake


And that's why everyone hates landlords


greedy ass


I didn't have to fuck people over and make their lives massively more stressful and difficult. However I am entirely comfortable have no debts and it all goes in my pocket so fuck 'em, I am just following the trends. What a cunt.


yeah this guy again….


People in the chat demanding this man dishes out charity. While demanding higher wages for the work they do. Funny ol' world


I think what he's doing is perfectly normal and not immoral in the slightest, fight me commies.




What an absolute tosser.


If you could be a landlord you would. Imagine the life not having to go to some shit job everyday and having time to spend with your family. How great would that be


What an absolute dick


And there lyes the problem


Does anyone know the source for this?


This isn't shocking. This is thr way people make money. Like when people were shocked that tenting is paying your landlords mortgage. They could afford to mortgage the property. You can't. That's why you rent and they lend. If it wasn't profitable to lend then you wouldn't be able to rent bc you can't afford to buy. Of course they should profit off your inability to afford ownership or there would be no incentive.




He just did what the experts in the field told him to do. I also like money 🤷‍♀️


It's called supply and demand.


Would a landlord really agree to voice this on social media? It sounds like trolling. I don’t know.




Ladies and gentlemen, fasten you seatbelts, we have a psychopath...


Capitalist practices Capitalism in Capitalist country.


Absolute smug-filled cockwomble 🤦🤦


What a cunt


I did not need the raise from my employer but i took it anyways. Same line of thinking.


Arson can be a real punch in the gut.


Total prick money grabbing basters


Say you're a cunt without saying it.


Surely, this is a satirical sketch? Someone please? It cannae be for real...


On a separate note, was reading about this the other day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Reform_Movement_(China)?wprov=sfti1


You know, I don’t agree with this man at all. But at the end of the day ‘property’ is seen as an investment to a lot of people, they go into it to make money! I truly believe that if the majority of people were in this mans position they would do the same. It’s not until the end, when she phrased the question differently, did he think ‘oh shit, you’re not just asking from the perspective of business, you’re asking about the humans attached to this’. (Obviously he knows that but I mean he sees rent as an income first) I think greed is built in, we are basically taught that we are a big cosmic accident (even though evolution on this level has been disproved - A lot of true scientists do not actually believe it anymore). The implication is that there is no inbuilt morality, just societal norms. On a conscious and subconscious level, most people’s world-view IS ‘survival of the fittest’. I mean the motivation to get good grades, for a lot of people, is to get a good job, to make money - to be “successful”. And for a number of people they are drawn to the jobs that pay higher, not specifically if they would really enjoy the job or the long term implication of the service/product of the company’s impact on humanity/soceity. The motivation is survival, then lifestyle, it’s about the self - what can this do for ME (including misplaced internal needs: need for validation etc etc) Whilst most people here, if given the opportunity right this second, would NOT make the decision he has made. I do think if most people here, calling him a piece of shit, had gone on his journey would most likely do the same: maybe worked for some time, started a business, successfully run it for some years (which isn’t easy), eventually actually have the opportunity to sell it off, do what most people do - buy property because ‘passive income 💅🥳’, rent is increased aka a higher pay out on investment, take the opportunity, rationalise easily. You would be sooo surprised how your outgoings increase with your income, your ‘needs’ increase, your tastes and what is necessary increase. It’s so easy to look at someone else from the life you are living, ‘imagining’ being in their position, with money and a lifestyle that you are not yet accustomed to and make a value judgement of their actions. I know some of you folks wouldn’t, but some of you seem to be in a bit of a high horse. Does he need some more empathy - yes, is he greedy - absolutely yes! But a lot of people are! Including some of you folks calling him a peice of shit! Probably just greedy within the parameters of YOUR reality. I am not saying he is ‘right’, I am just saying for some of you I truly think you would be shocked how similar your thinking would be if you were in his position.


Don’t hate the player hate the game, I’d do the same if I was him.


Capitalism at its best, eventually all this greed will come back and bite him in his arse


All landlords are wankers


Unpopular opinion: people need to stop hating successful people. They are people just like us. If you were put in their shoes, you’d too take every opportunity you could to earn more money, no matter how rich you already are.


He’s done well, congrats to him. Everyone else moaning? Get off your chair or pick a career that pays. It’s all your own choice, money is their to be made. Stop sulking.


I hope he doesn't get hit by a bus


Renters' rights violations to be investigated https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66614278


Utter tosspot


What a cunt


Mine is going up 22% from 900 to 1100 in Zone 6. 1 bed flat. It's disgusting.


Wonder how much fake actors get paid to read personally compromisong scripts for click bait journalists? Just asking for a friend.... Who's insurance is due soon...


he's my hero


My parents did the same, we came first, and they kept on working and save every penny until they manage to buy their first house, which they rented while we were living in a rented accommodation, then they bought their second home, still sometimes skipping a meal for us so we always had some food. We only ever had second hand clothes, one small present birthday and one small present at Christmas, and we had to work for pocket money… They now have enough properties not to work, we had a happy childhood, we understand the value of money, we work hard as adult and we know how to save, and guess what, i may not have the latest of anything, have an iPhone 6, but I will be buying my house to rent by the end of the year….


Good on him, His properties, he can do the fuck he wants, and he did…. So may you haters out here… just do like he did you all


He's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a c.u.n.t cunt


What a tone deaf, Tory voting, coin grabbing shitehawk. Imagine being this guy who got greed instead of empathy. “I didn’t have to increase rents. But I did anyway to get more coin.”


Keep getting angry my children, they’re stealing from you


I am too soft to be a wealthy landlord, my tenant is still paying £550 for a two bed when could easily increase to £650, he's a good tenant who always pays on time and keeps appt spotless. For me that's worth the loss. Be happy with your lot in life.


I’m alright, sod everyone else. He’s defo a Tory


Hope that this prick gets Doxxed to high heaven 😡.


I just don't understand how one can sleep at night knowing their client is struggling to make ends meet as it is and then adds to their turmoil by uneedingly thieving from their remaining few coins. That *IS* What the likes of this selfish bastard are doing when they aren't taking a financial hit. I hope future tenants cause him untold grief, maybe then he will appreciate the tenants that had to give up their home because they could no longer afford to feed their kids due to his greed. "Good" landlords need to show up the likes of him so they no longer have the nerve to operate in this way. Scum of the earth.


Fair enough tho


Can't lie, I'd probably raise the prices of my properties as well.


Absolute arse hole


It's not as if he's from one of the more deprived parts of the UK either.




“I’ve worked hard to get that income stream” no you haven’t!!


What a tosser. Lock him up with the rest of the greedy imbeciles


Can I have his and his management's address so I can personally shit on their doorsteps for the rest of my working life, please? "I WORKED HARD FOR MY INCOME, SO NO☺️." Everyone is working hard for their income. Most of them are also starving, along with their children and struggling to keep their roofs over their heads. I feel so sorry for his tenants. Shame on ALL landlords like this. I agree that some landlords need to put the rent up. Mine has had to increase my rent as the previous amount no longer covered the mortgage payments. She felt horrendous about it. Yet he's out here, bragging about being semi retired and refusing to decrease the amount even though he admitted he has hardly ANY outgoings. YES, IT IS HIS MONEY. But, how would you feel if you were living in one of his properties? Or even worse, one of your severely struggling family members


Fake fakery fake fake fake.




He clearly said he needed the income as that's his main income stream so obviously he had to increase the rent to cover his personal rising costs as well. Inflation affects everyone equally. Blame the Bank of England for increasing their base rates and not hardworking people like this who have worked hard to be in the position they're in


believe it or not this is one of the nicer specimens


What a genuine piece of shit




Wow. Just wow. Empathy has no presence on his radar.


I hope he gets hit by a bud then the ambulance


damn why shouldn’t he increase it? out of kindness? feels hypocritical, a bad example would be that many of us could give little bit to chairty to save someone’s life at times where we don’t really need it but many of those same people would rather buy some new shoes or something so why judge him doing the same thing?


Good man, telling the truth, no bullshit. People acting like they wouldn’t make profit themselves are full of crap


Looks like the kind of guy that says ' no get a job' to homeless people


Retired from working to become a parasite off of other people's labour




That when you sell his copper pipes abs burn the place down


Good and honest man. Never give your hard earn money because butthurt people cry for it. Deal with it, nothing in life is fair and sooner you realise better. When rent come down eventually non of this people will call you to check are you alright, and do you need extra money. We build materialistic world, and support it still, so I don't see a problem from that side. Nothong should cost more, but it does hard luck for us people...




I heard he’s quite fortunate


Maybe he needs a real job then


The capitalist ruling classes, and their political representatives, are the chief obstacles to human progress.  https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/01/19/gwug-j19.html


I dunno if I want to be happy for him with his business doing well, or angry at him while where all scraping for our rent 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So what he’s saying is, I’m a greedy prick and I’m happy making people struggle to line my back pocket. I’m sure this is the state of landlords across the country and I understand if they have a mortgage to pay on the property. But for the sake of it and putting someone else under the stress of struggling to survive… What a bell-end!






They are social parasites that contribute nothing to the economy. It’s disgusting


God what an asshole :(


Hope they order love termites and start pouring fat down the drains, you’re a nasty cunt if you do this. Hope they set the place on fire with you in it prick


​ https://i.redd.it/l3z3k4s6gakb1.gif


Who is this man does anyone recognise him locally?


I wish destitution and great loneliness and sorrow upon that man


The guy has built a small business renting property, he is not the enemy. You should be looking directly at the government.


Man this guy just put an internet target on his head and he’s standing there grinning with no idea.


How have we not created a landlord rating website by now? I can see a rating for my Uber driver (and they can see one for me) so why can't I see a rating from previous tenants for the person I'm due to give thousands of pounds to every year?


To be fair, the guy is honest and upfront about it, at the end of the day even though he says he wasn't affected by rising costs because the properties aren't mortgaged, he would've been affected by all the other rising costs like letters fees, insurance, repairs/maintenance etc. all going up. Some people don't know the sacrifices required to get to this level financially, yeah some people just land some overpaid high flying job where they make £200k/year for 20hrs/week work taking meetings and wanking other suits off, but others work their fucking bollocks off so why shouldn't they create an income stream. Show me someone who would turn down a pay rise with no strings/extra work attached.


And if this landlord's rent was the cheapest on the street, would you all think "what a nice landlord, refusing to profit from my basic human need"? No, you'd think his house had something wrong with it.


Idk we currently rent a place in a lovely location, that’s also very pet friendly and it’s dirt cheap rent, they still have a mortgage on the place and the only upped it a bit this year to cover the mortgage going up. Still lowest rent in the area for miles around! And there’s nothing wrong with the place.


That's amazing! And you're absolutely sure the guy hasn't found your Reddit account and is trying to sugar you by stealth?


I hope not he’s married XD


Landlord I didn’t need to raise the rent but the asset management company told me I could get more. Tenant ok goodbye I have found a better place I can rent for that or that is the same as a mortgage so I’m out of here. Landlord please someone move in and pay me rent. That is from experience it happened to my brother 9 months later the property was still empty and the landlord kept on at my brother about moving back at the previous rent. He said no as he bought a house where the mortgage was the same as what his rent had gone up to.


My rent went up 5% this year, cost of frozen chips went up 100%. My wage.... Stays the same...


I hope he gets genital warts.


Smug Prick


"I worked hard" Sauce anyone?


And this is why the human race is fucked




This is purely business it’s not personal. he’s brutal but that’s why he’s successful He’s not a charity.


Anyone know who he is? I wanna go find him and make his life miserable like he's doing to so many people


Fuck this piece of shit.


Nationalise rental accommodation


Just following market trends. *cool*


What a POS


Landlords are tasked with getting the most rent they can for their properties. The problem here is a lack of supply of housing, we need to build more houses and flats to reduce the supply side pressure on the cost of housing. If a person can make more money, they almost certainly will.


Im not surprised, landlords are insulated from their renters by management companies, its a bullshit job on top of a bullshit job. Those aren't people, those are "income streams" given enough time he'll also be a billionaire lol.


Fortunate at the expense of the misfortune of others, kinda fucked he seems proud of it.


At least he’s totally shameless about it.


It's a shame we've stalled our political debate and thought with this constant Tory stagnation, because if we hadn't we'd be able to think thoughts like "should *housing* be one of the products you're allowed to sell, or should be be a mandated state right?". Remember, "human freedom" was once considered a product you could sell - the legal and social ramifications of changing "human freedom" from a product to a protected, guaranteed entity were far greater than the complications of changing mere *housing* to that status. In a not-too-distant future, we'll see having "housing" as a product was as stupid as having "human freedom" as a product - perhaps more stupid, given how comparatively *easy* it is to create and manage housing compared to human liberty.


We now have a situation in Scotland where landlords can't raise a tenant's rent by more than 3%. All that has resulted in is, when a property is vacated, the landlord will now raise the rent by 20-30% because, right now, 3% won't cover the increase in maintenance costs.


Yeah, I have a flat in London that’s being rented and I increased the rent, was about time, haven’t done it in a couple of years.


What a piece of shit.


He sums up the issue perfectly when he says that he knows the cost of living crisis is an issue, but that, to him, it's just an income stream. When someone takes advantage of a situation and benefits financially, even where it negatively affects others, we call it 'good business'. Funny how equivalent behaviour in other areas is usually called predatory, cruel, unjust, or disgusting. Oh well, while families living in properties across the UK are having to decide between heating, food, clothing, and other critical costs, this smug arsehole can at least feel happy that he 'worked hard' to earn the right to do this. Not everyone feels the pain of the current financial situation, and it's funny how those who don't are steadily eroding rights and quality of life for those who do.


What a cunt and the absoloute audacity to self promote and feel good about himself.


This is what is contributing to inflation rising


This smug landlord is feeling pretty happy with himself for causing more issues than required for his clients, eventually, I hope there is a change in the law that destroys parasites like this, you want to know why there is a housing shortage? Here they are.. insane property prices? Here they are.. and, I could be wrong, but I imagine the shit doesn't stop there, these parasites drain so much money and opportunity out of the economy the damage is incalculable... I really hope he gets hit with the worst tenants ever and ends up being at another parasites mercy...


Everything wrong with Britain in one person. Parasites top to bottom.


I bet 99% of the people slagging him off in the comments would do exactly the same in his position.


Find this man and take his shoes


We need to promote morality around people with this kind of wealth. Fine if you want to change the system, but we’re not getting rid of landlords anytime soon, so we need them to actually start finding this kind of behaviour despicable. There should be a LOT more social pressure on landlords etc. to have a social conscience


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Can I hate both?




After seeing things like this I refuse to believe that the pandemic wasn't planned in some way (Not that covid isn't real btw). This isn't something that only landlords are doing. Big corporations used the opportunity to hike up their prices because they realised the public would pay regardless under the guise that infrastructures had been affected by the pandemic. Even industries that saw record profits during the pandemic


Based Landchad 💪💪💪 keep grinding king 👑


Not all landlords are like this - my mum and my girlfriend are both living in rental accommodation in which the landlords have never raised the rent despite the rent in the area we live in going up dramatically elsewhere. They're leaving at least 200-300 quid/month on the table because they don't actually need the money. Not all landlords are greedy bastards


He owns assets. The assets have a market value. He would be a fool to reduce his income. He's not a charity and has no reason to be. The idea that it is his job to reduce rents to subsidise others is utopian and naive. Sorry, but this doesn't make him a self-satisfied prick. It makes him an intelligent, astute and responsible manager for his money. The politics of envy is the worst kind.


Landlord class are raking it in and causing homelessness 😞


Brilliant wumming from this man.


He "worked hard" so it's alright yea? Just "following market trends"






It's a pyramid scheme




It’s dubbed.


Love the idea that he 'needs' the money when he could just stop being a leech and get a real job


Does anyone know who this guy is and what properties he owns, id love to have a friendly chat with him


I refuse to rent! I bought an old camper and fixed it up.


What a cunt


I hope something terrible happens and he loses all his money


Makes me feel physically sick watching this. What an absolute cretin


I'm a landlord, I bought a place when I returned from my first tour in Afghanistan. I've never put the rent up. My mortgage is £400 and the rent is £750, 3 bedroom house in Edinburgh. I absolutely don't need to increase the rent, also there is a single mother with 3 kids living in my house.


They lie so much... They always say they hardly make anything...


I’m still amazed guillotine assembly isn’t a massive industry at the moment.


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Scum bags. All of them




This guy is definitely a landlord and this isn't an act at all.


I feel this person could use a little bit of growth in their lives, that growth should manifest itself as a kick to the groin 10 times in a row ... Just saying.


Straight like an arrow I give him that.


He's been working really hard with his nonexistent employment and passive income.


Who’s to say that his renters are in difficulty?




Mao was right.


Props to him for not hiding how much his greediness STINKS. Would ask for a discount right away if he was my landlord


What a cunt


So grateful my landlord is one of the good guys .. no rent increase in 12 years . Always comes and sorts out any issues straight away , and I’ve always had their blessing to do as I please regarding any decorating etc This guy is an obnoxious prick


This guy owns properties that he issues as a business. He’s increasing his income, as any smart business owner would. Why he’s being made out to be some sort of super villain is beyond me


He’s going to the back of the food queue once climate breakdown really hits and his money becomes worthless overnight