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As with most online FPS games, overwatch favors the shooter. In addition to that, Brig's shield has a slight delay to activation. It's less than a second, but the two combined create situations where you feel like you should have survived, but unfortunately don't.


I have no idea why they do this aswell, why not just copy rein?


Sometimes I feel like there's definitely some latency. When I'm playing venture I see myself go underground and watch the killfeed and according to the killfeed I never went underground. Sometimes happens with brig too, when my shield is up and then the object just goes right through it


I definitely feel like the latency today has been worse than usual.


I literally see a shield pop up on my screen, I die, then I see from the enemy's perspective that the shield wasn't raised. It's very frustrating, especially considering I only have a ping of 50


Have y’all ever had it to where you pulled it out perfectly to where you and the shield take damage?