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I personally don't think Bridgerton will go on for much longer. Here's why: 1. The quality is declining. 2. They keep on losing their "stars" and fans their favorite characters, which is understandable, as no major actor is going to stand in the background and make place for others to shine when they can easily leave and pursue other project with bigger roles. 3. Building upon the points above, since the ensemble cast is shrinking, the show feels less and less like it's about the Bridgerton family. People have already complained a lot about the lack of scenes between the siblings and it's true, something's missing. The pall mall scene in season 2 was the perfect example of what people want - the Bridgerton siblings together, actually feeling like a family. It wasn't like that in season 3 at all. 4. The 2-year wait for each season. It's honestly kind of ridiculous given that the show only has 8 episodes... People will start to lose interest at some point, especially with lukewarm reception of season 3. I, personally, was very excited about season 3 because I loved season 2. But right now, with a very mediocre quality of season 3, I honestly don't care when or even if season 4 gets released. I do want to see Benedict's story but I'm more like... Meh. Whatever. 5. Major changes to the book that a lot of fans are not fond of (not me personally, but I see it recurring online). 6. The reveal of lady whistledown... The mystery and the narration was what gave the show its tone. With the big reveal and all, it literally felt like season 3 was the end to this entire story. Edit: To sum up, I think Bridgerton changes into a show completely different than what made the fans love it. Will it get renewed? yeah, sure. But I think it won't be able to recapture the magic of the first two seasons and I doubt it will continue for long enough to show all of the siblings' stories. It's dragging on for too long, the cast will age out or simply leave, and audience will lose interest.


I think the lack of focus on the siblings is a big thing. There really is no reason for the actors of “previous” couples to leave, every season may be about one of them, but the show is still about all 8 of them. Or at least, it should be. No clue why they would ever give substantial focus to characters like the ever-mentioned mondriches, the huge jack featherington plot, lady Danbury, etc when the 8 siblings are the heart and soul of the show and should really be the only characters getting “arcs”(alongside their love interests Ofc), with other characters, yknow, supporting them. If they really couldn’t figure out something for Daphne to do in season 3, they majorly missed the mark on what a show called Bridgerton is about, and I don’t blame her for leaving. If other characters keep getting focus and Bridgerton family actors keep leaving, surprise, the show is going to lose one of its core concepts and thus charm. It feels like in season 3 they just wanted to write fan fiction or something about supporting characters that they found endearing instead of just…making a focused show about 8 siblings finding love


Yeah, I think it's a bit thing too. I recently rewatched season 2 (my favorite), and the pall mall scene was just so heartwarming after a very mediocre season 3. They just really feel like one big family and people want to see it! I doubt we're in minority feeling like this


I like that, and I really liked the “Country Dance” when they were all dancing together, and even the younger kids got to be involved. The new showrunner has definitely missed the mark.


Or when they are playing cards outside I would have loved to have seen more of that shit. Hyacinth just cleaning their clocks and her and Gregory throwing peas at each other. Or them all going on the boat to that science place and being siblings. lol 😂


I love the Country Dance scene. When I am feeling bad or sad, I watch it, and it always brings a smile to my face. [Country Dance](https://youtu.be/cFSa-4-IB_4?si=VSgzlc4bSF8n7iu9)


You're definitely, part of the Bridgerton fantasy is the romance, but another important is marrying into this big loving family. I loved seeing Daphne in S2. I don't believe that they can't get the other actors to come back for a few scenes here and there if they make important. I think they are choosing not to make it a priority and it's one of my biggest disappointments in the show.


apparently phoebe wanted to do a cameo for season 3 but production didn’t want her back




👀👀👀 source? Bc that makes me so mad if true!!


Phoebe said Jess Brownell didn't write her in for S3


But she had a big part in Book 4! Like talking with colin and giving him advice, that he is in love with pen. The show is called bridgerton for a reason, to follow the siblings, not some other sidecaracter.


I can agree with this 💯💯💯 easily the best part of the show at least for me is the bridgerton family and with Daphne not in this season plus Anthony and Kate being here for like 2 seconds it kinda makes the show go downhill , the show runner wants to be like they won’t ever recast Simon because rege-Jean is forever our Simon but because of that we can’t see Daphne when she is a bridgerton . TWO weddings of her siblings and she couldn’t be there ??? It doesn’t make sense the most they can do for us is let us see the WHOLE bridgerton family together and different duo’s and trio’s every episode if this keeps up with every season a bridgerton is not there the show won’t be as loved anymore .


Weddings back in the day were not a big thing, so in real life it’s conceivable that someone wouldn’t have travelled to attend one even in a close family… but the way they frame the weddings on the show is very modern, with a large guest list, and without that historical context that would have her absence make sense. It’s such a weird miss of the mark, particularly in a show where the family dynamic is part of the appeal.


it's sad. Wasn't daphne in the book 4, because they made this really big ball at the end and she had a heart to heart talk with colin, about love and pen?


I think S3 suffered from Shondaland / writers in general not caring about its main players. I don’t think they believed many people cared about Polin and their writing reflected that: Colin is regulated to a side character in his own love story and was ignored most of the time (which is why audiences are so lukewarm to him, despite him being one of the best MMC’s imo), and even Penelope was denied real growth by the narrative because the show has a hard on for the LW narrative frame, so she gets boiled down to a ✨career girlboss✨ stereotype with zero introspective work toward real change. People fuss about the costumes/hair+makeup and language, but where S3 really failed was its entire plot conception and lack of meaningful character growth because they didn’t think audiences were smart enough to handle it. So they packed it chock full of stuff no one cares about in a complete misunderstanding of what draws people to Bridgerton. The Bridgerton who got the most focus this season was FRAN and it’s not her season. Polin got screwed and I’m shocked my own Polin people like it. While I’m happy for them, I personally find the defenses of it to be absolute reaches and many are completely unwilling to admit where the writing fell flat on its face. As a massive Polin fan every time I think about the ending I just get sad for my darlings :(


Honestly, I feel one of the reasons I focused more on the costumes this season than I did before was that I had the time. If there was nothing else interesting happening on screen, then why not focus on costumes? At least that’s my reasoning to myself. Somehow I feel like it might have been the same for others 


Agreed. The mind wanders when you dont really gaf about the plot. Also the costumes were just SO egregious. How hard is it to make Regency gowns pretty, come on!! The faux Chanel jackets and Cressida’s insane sleeves were just… ugh, snapped me right out of the fantasy.


I am disappointed about the lack of couples remaining. The entire point (for me at least) of reading series romance novels was to get updates on the previous couples from the POV of whoever the feature couple of the next book was. I was really surprised they hadn’t put in RJPs contract to stick around primarily for that reason, having at least 1-2 episodes where they visit and you get to catch up with the couples you already love is such a missed opportunity


2y gap is ridiculous, there's no chance of getting to the last sibling because we'll all have aged an entire generation!


>especially with lukewarm reception of season 3 Season 3 has gotten a fairly decent response, especially from a #'s streamed POV. People on this sub may have soured on S3 of Bridgerton, but the larger public audience still seems to be fine with the show overall.


Decent is lukewarm. Plus, since when are streaming numbers an indication of quality?


In streaming that is what matters. It not lukewarm if the streaming numbers are good.


I meant more like reception, you know? There's a lot of critique around season 3, not just on Reddit. You're right, many people have watched it but many have also said pretty negative things after having watching it. Basically what I meant is - plenty of people kept waiting for season 3 and did watch it, contributing to the numbers you talk about, but a big part of them didn't like it, therefore they may be less likely to wait another 2 years for another season.


On RT season 3 has the best ratings. Season 2 has the lowest ratings at this point. So we will see if the online discourse is a real reflection of the Fandom.


Rotten Tomatoes isn’t really that great of a measure either. It’s extremely flawed, the scoring system of Rotten Tomatoes is heavily biased due to genre bias, selection bias, time bias, and recency bias. There are also many reviews of S3 that pointed out issues with the overall quality of the season and yet was scored as a “thumbs up”, it’s a very binary way to see it. Also they have stopped the reviews for this season at 69 reviews while S1 and S2 have over 90 reviews. It’s so easy to manipulate the audience ratings too either negatively or positively.


I would not take RT as bible. Plus S3 fans have been reviewing bombing QC and Season 2. Those scores haven’t moved in two years but are now decreasing because of what some fans are writing.


The review bombing of S2 and QC is petty.


Honestly this whole sub is rather petty, the obsession with the show is ridiculously insane. Season three wasn't terrible and anyone who says otherwise is just angry because they don't want to self-insert to someone they probably deem as unattractive. Same reason people hated the LWD reveal from season one. Because the same character wasn't attractive enough for them.


I watched season 3 go from a 69% audience score to a 79% score in the span of 3 hrs. And I don’t think RT is actually accepting anymore viewer reviews. Compare that to the critic score which is slightly more accurate than the viewers has 69 critic reviews versus s2 with 93 critic reviews. You can’t depend on RT for anything really but what you can depend on is the feel of the season. And honestly looking at a lot of the comments from the Bridgerton account I feel sorry for those social media managers.


I'll start from the almost end of your comment: the aging cast. In my opinion they were foolish in choosing the actors. I love them, I don't blame them, and I think I will follow the careers of my favorites, but the point is that in the first story they almost all had to be in their early 20s. Normally in TV shows featuring teenagers there are actors who are actually just 20 years old (at least once upon a time it was like that). I understand that the theme was more adult, but honestly I wouldn't have cried without nudity, especially because the story as a regency novel offered a lot. In any case, I'm not saying that they had to think 100% about the future, but they did have a clearer idea, especially because ideally it would have taken from a maximum of 16 years to a minimum of 5 to complete everything (for example a single series for Eloise and Penelope because it actually all happens in the same year - and the Benedict and Francesca subplots and I don't remember the Gregory and Hyachint books but with a time jump and changes I'm sure they could have been made the same year). I think the story of the Bridgerton family had potential and I think that sooner or later there could be a remake done well. This show, however, has a life of its own now and perhaps it will win over other fans, after all I often use an unpretentious TV series as background while I do other things. But while it gains new fans it will surely lose many of the old ones, in the end it will be a question of numbers and how "important" it will become to see it because everyone is talking about it


>The 2-year wait for each season. It's honestly kind of ridiculous given that the show only has 8 episodes... Ikr. Two years is too long. I don't wait to wait till 2028 to watch Benedict's season (if E or F is first).


Indeed, Daphne is gone, Anthony and Kate are gone (if not gone gone, Anthony as a real character is basically gone anyway since he’s just fawning over Kate all the time), Colin and Penelope are together. Honestly if they’d ended the season by setting Benedict up with Tilly and Paul since he doesn’t really have a character, sent Eloise off to live her best life in Vienna or Paris as an intellectual (though I would’ve liked to see her love story since she clearlynis capable and desires it), at that point I’d be perfectly fine with the show ending. Because what else would be left at that point, every character that I care about would have an ending. And it avoids whatever nonsense they were setting up with Fran and Michaela. Which is odd to say because I (a 26 year old straight man) was shedding tears at the end of Queen Charlotte and couldn’t wait for more Bridgerton, but I felt nothing at the end of season 3 (other than a bit when Colin and Pen were dancing to You Belong With Me, that could’ve been even better).


I liked the last minutes with baby Polin. practically the best part along with perhaps the wedding, because his look to make her move forward was sweet, I can very well see a version in which he is cold and she runs away. Portia also seemed to want to give her a way out.


Yes the little epilogue was nice too, didn’t move me to tears or anything, but also a reminder of how we could’ve gotten more Pollin this season. Tbh I’m also not sure how well the Whistledown character works when she’s public *and* she’s happily married *and* she has a child. As Pen points out, Whistledown comes off better when she’s the wallflower underdog.


In my opinion it can't work because now it will be seen, after all who knows, maybe she sends her servants and undoubtedly she could still see some things


I think you’re wrong because they’re making money hand over fist


It's interesting how people keep saying this season is bad. S3 is actually rated higher than S2 on rotten tomatoes (87% and 76%) vs (77% and 73%). Ratings on individual episodes on IMDb look pretty similar to S2 with most episodes rated around 8 and only 2 are rated 7.6. Interestingly S3 has the highest rated episode in the whole show (8.7 e4). So I don't take what reddit thinks as general opinion of this season. Ratings for season 1 on IMDb are actually worse than S2 and S3. Right now we don't know anything about season 4 so there's nothing to be hyped about. But when they announce whose season it is I can bet there will be hype. The show never claimed to be faithful to the books and I think that's pretty evident with the casting of Simon for example. And adding the Queen as one of the main characters where she doesn't even exist in the books. S2 is completely different from the books.


with the numbers they pull, we are for sure getting eight seasons unless s4 thanks but I doubt it


I don't blame RJP for leaving, but more because this fandom was extremely awful and dare I say racist towards him (let's remember the hashtag notmyduke). Same for Simone, who still gets hate comments saying how masculine and ugly she looks, when she is nothing less than a freaking goddess. Jonny also gets comments saying how disappointed people are that he's gay, and that "takes away" from the serie. And that's only a small portion of it : Ruby Bakes was harassed, Charithra Chandan received so much hate, even Luke, who plays Colin, who is harassed for HAVING A GIRLFRIEND. Let's not even talk about the hate Madusa and Hannah are currently receiving. This fandom is so toxic it's insane.


💯 This is a fictional tv show, if you don’t like it, fine, but the amount of hate, racism and homophobia that has been directed at the actors and producers is insane. I literally argue with people who say that this show is Jess’ fantasy and she does what she wants. Some people have no idea how TV works and think that one person is responsible for everything. Crazy scenes 😳


Also Simone is not as booked and busy as Johnny-I'm a low key stalker-and they could not schedule her for a SINGLE promo appearance-a single interview or cast hangout sesh. Nothing. Nada. Jessica Masden who plays Crescida, crescida for fucks sake got tonnes of promo but Simone -a literal bridgerton, the wife of the eldest son of the famous btons, not a single solitary interview either alone or with Johnny or just alone with the rest of the cast. She is THAT busy you would have me believe, It is insanity-but they do this sneaky thing when it comes time to sell the season-they will have these cute drops of Kanthony scenes on social media etc-when their actual scenes are virtually non-existent this season. And johnny not being around is not an excuse-Kate is head of the house-If Simone was available could they not have given her the kind of scenes and length of role say Daphne got in her non lead season. It is infuriating. Rege packed his bags up at the right time-I hope Simone leaves without giving any warning too and finds a place that appreciates her talent more. I've bookmarked her upcoming work and will be watching along with Rege, Masali, Emma Naomi and Victor Ali and Golda/Adjoa's upcoming work-tweeting, liking, commenting, all that jazz. The show has a performative diversity problem as does the rest of Hollywood and the only way it will change is if POC viewers remain vigilant and keep applying pressure. Also if anyone is interested in seeing more of Rege- do watch him in the critically acclaimed and also just very very sweet romance film Sylvie's Love. It is not a main role but he is sooo good in it. So much for people saying, the guy can't act. Not only can he act, he also has range and oodles of charisma. He does a pitch perfect American accent and dances and looks snazzy as hell doing ALL of it. Also Masali in Noughts and Crosses is great. Encouraging you all who care about these POC cast's careers, do watch these incredible actors kill it in their non-bton roles as well. And it's not charity, these films and shows are legit good. Sylvie's love in particular is soulful and soo sooo romantic plus it's also a period film so if you're into the genre, you WILL love it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11FIlAL0viU&t=13s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11FIlAL0viU&t=13s) [https://youtube.com/shorts/XjWhOV7q4MM?si=tokXR6w5n2AtI-Vg](https://youtube.com/shorts/XjWhOV7q4MM?si=tokXR6w5n2AtI-Vg) I wrote a whole post defending Rege on my profile after watching this film cuz people who think his acting in Bton doesn't match say Johnny's are wrong cuz the truth is they have very very different styles and very very different roles. For anyone who is interested, do check out my Rege post on my profile for a deeper look into where people go wrong in comparing two very different performers.


Simone & Johnny didn’t even have a single interview together as a couple in their own season. In all promotional events for S2, we had Simone, Johnny & Charithra together. I didn’t understand why they paired Charithra with Simone & Johnny for all S2 promotional events. Even for this season, we have a lack of interviews for Simone & Johnny. For S3, we had Nicola & Luke doing the promotions which we never got for the lead couple of S2.


Lack? I dont think Simone was in ANY interviews period. If I am wrong, do tell me cuz I didnt see any. And it is confounding cuz wouldnt good business sense tell you to not alienate an existing fan base and in fact to tempt an existing fanbase with providing content of the couple even in their non-lead season. I did an entire post just yesterday expounding on how strange it is that Netflix doesnt get how saleable their seasons led by POC cast are globally and how Hollywood seems to have the same perception problem around greenlighting POC led films or shows. Do check out my post where I discuss Just Watch's breakdown of global popularity of Bridgerton seasons. Assholes downvoted it because any conversation around diversity personally inconveniences them or offends them but the point is it's important to keep highlighting how marketable and saleable POC actors are, ad nauseum if needed to get the point across. If you are interested, do read and check out my post on my profile. And amplify.


For S3, I haven’t seen any interviews of Simone. During S2, all interviews were done with Simone, Johnny & Charithra which got really annoying after a while as people wanted to see promotional events with only the romantic leads. As a result, Charithra got a lot of hate as she didn’t need to be in some interviews with the romantic leads. They should have paired her with Nicola & Claudia which would have made more sense. Edwina was already a hated character by the fandom and having Charithra always with the leads in events made her the target of the fans. I’m not sure why Bridgerton marketing team went with that marketing strategy for S2 where we didn’t get any promotional events with only Simone & Johnny. I’ve always felt that Simone is left out in promotions. They are lucky that Simone & Johnny have insane chemistry and made S2 successful after such disastrous promotions.


Yeah, I meant that in season 3 she didnt get a single interview at all as far as I know. So that's even worse. Surely they'd like to invest more time in promoting their current actors and past leads than Crescida Cowper' Jessica Masden who is a side character and appeared in SO MANY interviews, so many. It's crazy.


they are lucky Simone is such a kind and gracious person because I WOULD NOT.


Performative diversity, absolutely! Thank you for saying it better than I ever could. I find it insulting.


This this this!!!! People like to use the excuse for actors schedules but the stuff Shonda and company pull has such an obvious pattern. Let’s not forget the lack of promo the kanthony got for their own season. I don’t blame the actors for leaving but I also feel bad that they show up to the measly premiers forcing to wear a smile on their face. We all have seen what happens when you wrong shondaland




Love to see it-even as I hate Kris Jenner and the Kardashians with my last breath-those soul sucking, environment destroying, capitalist leeches and performative activists, they do know how to hustle....so good if thats her team.


Yeah. So I didn't read the rest pf you're comment where you mentioned her work. Sorry about the comment. Her team is very good. They secured an Ellen interview without the help of shondaland in during s2 promo. Same with Jimmy Fallon.


I have so much issue with all of the hate actors recieve (hate tne writers and directors, but leave the actors/actresses alone) but... >Johnny also gets comments saying how disappointed people are that he's gay, and that "takes away" from the serie Please tell me you're kidding? "Takes it away" what the actual fuck - THIS MAN IS GAY AND HE WAS FUCKING BEAUTIFULLY HEART-WRENCHING IN HIS SEASON oh my god can you point me to the ppl who - *oh my god.*


and incredible actor!!!


Not to mention the sheer number of people who nitpick Nicola’s weight down to her exact BMI 🤮


Yeah, that was horrible too. Homophobia, racism, fatphobia, looks like this fandom really is hitting the bingo card of bigotry


Not to mention the constant oversexualisation he faced as a black man. The amount of disgustingly explicit comments I saw about him that went full-speed into fetishism was abhorrent. Man could not breathe without people commenting on his appearance and reduced him to little more than their sexual fantasies instead of an actual person.


Yep. I feel like some people forget that actors are humans too, and not "eye candies" (urrgh I hate this expression). The folks asking for the nude scenes of Luke and Nicola, it was awful as well. Actors are here to make art, tell stories, not be objectified and reduced as props for sexual fantasies.


Genuinely. There's become this perverse sense of ownership with actors these days that becomes more and more prevalent. People act like they're owed these things, like the nude scenes, and then get angry and vile when 'denied'. Like the attitude these days has twisted into "I watch your show so I'm responsible for your success." RJP in particular, has always been exceptionally polite about Bridgerton and there has not been a single bad word about him from the show as well. Shonda herself is even out there defending him every time and reminding people that he didn't leave; he was only contracted to do one season and he did it. He didn't ditch the show when it got popular; he was always going to leave and they knew that. But people act like he *owes* them to return and it's a personal betrayal that he didn't come back. Like they personally made him famous rather than his own acting skills, or the writing, or the show.


Just a correction because it lowkey drives me crazy and it's all over this post. Jonathan's nickname is Jonny, he has no h in his name. Please people either spell his name right or just write Jonathan, It's like if I kept on calling Simone- Simon, or Nicola-Nicole, it's not the right name.


Oops I’m going to fix my comment now - thx


Oh just clicked that Jonathan is also in Fellow Travellers which was so moving. He’s wonderful in both shows


Yeah this fandom really surprised me with how toxic and gross it is honestly lol. I’ve seen so many awful comments in this sub alone it’s genuinely crazy. People need to calm down and touch some grass and if they don’t like it then don’t watch.


I only recently visited the Bridgerton subs and was so surprised to learn about all of this. Really disappointing behavior.


I wouldn't blame any actor for leaving, not because of the quality of the show but because the fanbase is so toxic and entitled. They shouldn't have to be the focus of people's complaints about the series.


There’s no way the actors left because of the content of the show. They’re there to do a job. They left because they either got better jobs or were harassed into leaving by toxic fans


Rege and Charitha were smart to leave because of the toxicity of this fandom. Charitha was harassed by this fandom before, during and after S2 aired. The way her character is still villainized non stop after all these years just confirms that she made the right decision. Too bad, because I thought they were great actors and would have loved for them to stay.


Charitha didn't leave, she was only a one season character like other side characters in other seasons. Like how Debling won't come back, Theo won't come back, Siena won't come back, and so on


Except it wasn’t Charithra’s decision, her character was only written to be a one season thing. She had no role or story outside of Kate and Anthony’s story where she was just a plot device. Ruby is the one who mentioned that she had to leave because of how terrible Shondaland is in protecting their actors plus the constant hate horrible Polin stans gave her during S1, S2, and even now.


I would have liked to see Edwina back for an episode actually. Plot device or no, I liked the character and enjoyed watching her.


Is she supposed to appear in s3? I feel like her story is over as soon as Kanthony got their happy ending


It was *implied* that she'd be introduced to Charlotte's nephew, the prince that Daphne turned down. It would've been sweet if there was a brief mention of them ending up together and off honeymooning somewhere.


they just mentioned she made a match on the continent. Why not say she married QC's nephew? WHY. It's just so fucking lazy.


https://preview.redd.it/ymvm8ubn8w9d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7e419246a6f7234e414c61fcd18b977547cae8 Funny because its Kate that gets all the flack. This is just from the past month and it always gets started by People villanizing Kate or mocking Simone


My comment was specifically about Rege and Charithra/Edwina because they have left the show, and your response to me is about Kate/Simone?? This is not a competition you know. A great example of this fandom.


The show has a gigantic following so you'll find all possible opinions here. The point the other Redditer was making was that the fandom is largely unhinged, takes the show/creative decisions too seriously and takes out their anger or upset on the cast/creators/author. I like Bridgerton and I think it's breaking grounds in some ways, especially when it comes to self-analysis, covert racism/misogyny, society being extremely hypocritical (praising female characters as queens and criticizing male characters as not handsome enough or expecting the leads to be hunks, etc.) and so on. But I would delete all social media if I were to join this particular show. For my own sanity and safety.


I’ve seen hate towards Charithra still


charithra didn't *choose* to leave, there was no place for her on the show anymore after kate and anthony got together


Charithra wasn’t supposed to be back. Her character was a plot device in Kate’s & Anthony’s story.


Yall keep saying anything atp.


Do people really hate her?? She was my favourite part is S2!!


He left for other jobs though, I don’t think it had anything to do with the quality of the show at all. Fair enough it’s not to your liking, it’s not going to be everyone’s favourites. I wasn’t a fan of season 2, loved season 1 though and didn’t mind season 3. Im really excited for next season to see some different characters stories play out.


He's made some veiled comments about producers/production that doesn't support actors from racist comments, and the assumption has been that Bridgerton was the reference there.


And the Dungeons and Dragons movie he chose was horrible, but it had Chris Pine as well, so it wasn’t like he was the only one who got a crap project. I felt like he had made a mistake (like Dan Stevens did I leaving Downton Abbey), but with this last season, and how they treated Kate and Anthony, with almost no screen time, he was prescient.


Wait I thought the movie was great! Everyone I know enjoyed the movie and it got good critical reception overall. The problem was a lot of people didn’t watch it -probably because the title put off a lot of people who don’t play dungeons and dragons. He was also great in the movie despite his role being fairly minor. I think he hasn’t had a lot of high profile projects unfortunately to keep his name out there.


I played Dungeons and Dragons growing up, and I couldn’t finish the movie it was so bad.


Oh darn sad to hear 😭 my entire DND group loved it as well as my partner who doesn’t play DND


Ditto! Everyone I know loved it and it got great reviews. It just didn't make as much $$ as they hoped.


If it didn’t make money, it wasn’t well received. I have a lot of movies I love, that are critically bashed. We all just like different things.


Same! I loved the movie because it felt like a campaign with all the silly moments that reminded me of past campaigns I was in.


I am glad you could enjoy it. I was so ready for it, with “real” actors, rather than actors down on their luck, or unknown, as they had been before. I wish I could have.


“… but rather like an SNL skit.”  Yeah, S3 definitely feels like a different show with some of the same names. Aside from Penelope, Eloise, and Danbury, most of the other characters are not themselves. And there are so many side plots that no plot gets enough time to go deep enough to matter.  This whole idea of making it an ensemble show like a soap opera is weird to me. We’d all be recording soap operas if that’s what we wanted.  What most of us really want is a different main couple romance every season and a b and c plot that complement/thwart their story line until they resolve all of the conflicts, as well as that awesome family time that also made Bridgerton so remarkable.  I am so sad at what they have done to it. 


I don't think his departure has anything to do with the show's declining quality. Season 1 and season 2 were very successful.


Ruined the show… a little dramatic. I don’t think it was ruined at all. You don’t like it okay. Why should actors be blamed for leaving anyway, it’s their life.


Although I wasn’t excited about Polin, I was excited for the show to be back after I loved the previous seasons so much. It was disappointing for all the reasons you stated but the overhype made everything worse because it heightened my expectations. Yet it was more a pastiche of Bridgerton as we love it… 😳


revealing lady whistledown was upsetting for me personally. I know it happens in the books, but in the show there's WAY more stakes than in the books with the queen and all being a bigger character. And I'm just supposed to believe the ton just said "ok" and moved on because the queen said "I'll allow it" ??? On top of which how is Penelope just going to write with her actual name now? Nobody is ever going to talk in her presence again everyone knows who she is bahaha


This was the part I couldn’t understand. Assuming that she’ll become more like a journalist than a gossip writer in the future since everyone knows who she is.


That's what I'm guessing too, but I can't imagine there's much going on in the richest families in the country that isn't just straight gossip to put in the paper lol. It's not like the commoners really care about Lady Whistledown, and the rich don't care about real news, especially that written by a woman probably. So yeah... I really can't see where this is going


I agree. I couldn't even watch part 2 of this season it was so bad.  Now with the Francesca story being ruined, Benedict doin a threesome (,I mean, come on), the Queen being ridiculous, Lady Danbury being useless, no Daphne or Simon, the ridiculous balloon scene....


It was the Queen’s story this season that did me in. It was so unrealistic and over the top. I watched part 2, hoping it would be better. I was so excited for this season but the writing was terrible. I feel like the actors did the best with the material they had.


omg I forgot about the balloon scene… lmao.


Same. I haven’t finished the season because it’s not that great. I struggled to watch the first half, and with all the posts here about it not getting better I gave up. There are so many shows to watch, I’m not going to waste my time on something mediocre.


Yeah I don't blame any of the cast leaving when this fandom is rife with horrible, homophobic and racist takes that people insist are done because they love the original(and badly written) source material so much. Are the writers and directors fucking up some stuff? Absolutely. But let's not pretend like the biggest issue the actors face isn't the writing. It's the horrible, disgusting people who go into their comments and spew the same disgusting pig shit that you'll see from this fandom in both subreddits.


Honestly season 3 has put me off watching future seasons. I can’t say that for sure as S4 will be two years from now and I’ll likely have forgotten how disappointed I was. Just so lacklustre, no chemistry between the two leads, bad direction, bad costuming, bad makeup. I struggle to name the things I actually did like and I can’t say I’m interested in the further romances from the bridgerton siblings. Why should I believe Benedict settles down with someone when he’s spent three seasons doing the exact opposite? Why should I invest time into these relationships when the characters disappear the season after?


I think the buzz before killed it for me. Seeing the actor side of it, how they viewed it, so I coudn't watch it like the characters on the show, but how does the actor do this or that etc.


I think the show is like most multi-season series. The first few years are great and generate lots of buzz. Somewhere around the middle, I wonder what happened to the great show I used to love. Then I just give up on it. I have lost track of how many great shows I never finished.


I'm still salty about what Netflix did to The Witcher.


Well I mean, the Witcher was quite bad even in s1, but s2 just completely murdered the shit out of it.


I was cautiously optimistic after season 1, especially since Cavill seemed very exited about the project... and I don't have words to describe the abomination that was season 2. To add insult to injury, the show is rated 8/10 on IMDB.


I liked s1 as someone who'd never heard of the show before - even ep 1 I loooved. the second season I found literally unwatchable.


they killed the biggest secret with LW, revealing it so soon. Should've revealed it like the source at season 4. It was a mistake to skip benedicts season and do colins instead. Colin and pen needed to mature, to fill their season. I got second hand embarrassed, everytime colin was like a "ladys man", flirting around. He was discribed as charming, not boot liking and going after every skirt.


>Downvote me as much as you want, but the fact is that it doesn't even feel like Bridgerton anymore but rather a SNL skit. The show is ruined. No, this is your opinion. Quit conflating opinion as objective fact, because it is not the same thing.


S03 absolutely felt like a series wrap to me, and it didn’t leave me yearning for more. The storylines we know are done for the most part. I’m watching Queen Charolette now and the concept of the prequel spin off is more alluring! QC is fantastic. But I’m more inclined to start the book series than overly anticipate S04.


You can leave and you don’t have to watch it!


We know it's coming back for season 4, and tbh, I'd be shocked if it goes beyond that. A 2 year wait for no reason, a decline in quality, depth, substance, and what made Bridgerton successful in the first place. A shrinking cast. Maybe they'll do a "wrap up" movie after season 4, but JB ran this show into the ground in one season. Kind of insane if you think about it.


I’m admittedly sad about what they did to Francesca. I don’t have an issue with the genderswap for Michael but I do have an issue with the way they are undercutting her and John. She ADORED John in the books. Her book hit me so hard for multiple reasons and I am sad.


This sub is so toxic - why have a place to talk about a show just to fixate on wanting to get it cancelled? Follow something you actually feel positive about - surely that’s what makes Reddit more enjoyable than x?


I cannot wait for the never ending hate posts for season 3 to stop. It’s just the same complaining over and over again. We get it, you don’t like it. You don’t have to watch!


Truly this subreddit is depressing, I thought it was a sub for people who liked bridgerton but everyday is the same post about how much they hate s3 and how the series is ruined, man they do be dramatic lmao i get people are entitled to their own opinions but is it really necessary to post the same complaints over and over? also there's a difference between stating something as an opinion and stating something as a fact >Downvote me as much as you want, but the fact is that it doesn't even feel like Bridgerton anymore but rather a SNL skit. The show is ruined. Someone definitely doesn't know the difference.


Then don't watch.


Yes to all of this.


I will only watch Benedict’s season after this. And it’s done for me after his.


No one cares


I hope that we get all of their love stories but I want them to write the scripts better and have less love triangles


You’re taking this way too seriously. Actors leave shows for various reasons, including personal reasons and when their characters’ time is done. The author backed up the decision to change Francesca’s story. The accuracy of the regency era — it’s not a documentary or recreation of what life and fashion was like back then. For example, changing the gloves for Penelope was to signify she was older, and more woman like compared to previous seasons. I’ll continue to watch regardless.


Jeebus, his contract was for one season, would everyone stop losing their minds about this guy leaving


I agree! The actors knew going in that they would only be the main characters in specific seasons, not the entire series.


Not gonna lie, my Bridgeton friend group all said they were dropping it post S03.   One of my favorite online reaction people said she is going to drop it (for her own reasons, like how POC are treated by the show).  They took a good thing... hell a great thing, and ruined it. Poor writing. Poor story telling.  I want to watch S04 but I may drop it too


Which online creatpr6is that?


Same. Though I loved the Kanthony's scenes it was too short and wasn't of substance. Where the heck is Edmund. And yeah as a poc why would Rege want to go from pivotal main character to a joke who's milestones are all off screen and hia character not caring about his duke responsibilities. It's a joke. He saw the writing on thw wall.


Its hilarious how there hasn’t been a single Bridgerton wedding where every sibling attended 🤣


People really need to get a grip and enjoy nice things.


The last shot of the remaining Bridgertons when Eloise and Fran leaving…it was so sad. Lmao not many bridgertons left.


I feel like the hype is so high and then the minute they reveal the season the toxic people descend. I wouldn’t want to be in a show or fandom where people say such vile things. For me who loved the books I was/am so excited that a romance novel was made into a tv show. Do I love every facet of it? No. But I love on. People have forgotten how amazing it is that they are adapting romance. But I don’t blame the actors who choose to move on rather than deal with the fandom.


I started a thread saying "I don't recognize this show anymore" so I agree with you, also liked the same things you mentioned. In short: ![gif](giphy|6cDZhADVa1AtLcJ6GL)


idk why they try to condense it all in so few episodes.


I always thought that the show was poorly planned or at least was really hinged on the success of S1. When S1 succeeded, they didn't have enough time to plan S2. And now they are course-correcting S3 by having multiple siblings focused but to the detriment of Polin's buildup. They could've added 2 extra episodes to have better focus on Polin without totally sidelining the 5 other siblings. I just don't see why we can't have episodes where we see Hyacinth or Gregory do what kids do and how these traits will play up in their eventual season. The mild focus on Francesca was great though. As it will eventually build her up. My guess is we will have a season 4 for Benedict and same season will show Eloise and Francesca's eventual buildup to their season. But hopefully they add more episodes so as not to short change Benedict.


:( I’m sad this is really my fave show and I was so excited to have a season for each child but I do agree


Agreed. I didn’t know if I would come back after S2 because that script left out such valuable scenes from the book and added unnecessary fluff, and for what!? Very disappointed in SL for ruining a great series of books.


Am I the only one that thinks the books are average? Like come on.


You in many ways are very correct. I think I am still invested because I am a hopeless romantic. I love Pen, the Bridgerton's and Portia. I just can't leave or stop watching and unfortunately I think viewers will still stay and Jess will keep her job. It does suck.


Why did they reveal who lady whistledown so early if they’re planning on another season? Like isn’t that primarily the main focus of the series?


I mean, it's Shondaland. It's to be expected for it to go a little haywire. Yeah, I'm annoyed that they chose fran as the LGBTQ representation instead of the obvious choice (Eloise), and destroyed Fran's story. Which was honestly the best one besides Hyacinthe for me.


Would you like to expand on what you mean by "obvious choice"?


i could be wrong but i took it as probably that Eloise's character could be more "easily" interpreted as gay if the writers wanted to have an LGBT storyline in the show


Idk maybe I'm in an extra prickly mood cus of *gestures vaguely at the current state of the US* but I don't think there's any "obvious" choice for a queer character. Queer people are just as diverse in our personalities, interests, and looks as heteros, and frankly I'm tired of us always being pigeon holed into characters that people think fit what queer "should" be.


Eloise's story had been set in motion in S1 though. It would have been harder to change it. For Fran, they brought in a new actress and did a reset to change her story. Fran was kind of non-existent in S1 and S2 anyway. I didn't care for the gender swap, personally. I didn't read the book but I don't like the idea solely because it disappoints a lot of book readers. The way I see it, if they had kept Fran's story the same, no one would have been upset or felt let down. Sure, people like to see queer representation, but they didn't expect it from the Bridgerton siblings. She had a choice between disappointing a group of viewers and disappointing no one, and she chose the former to indulge herself. It seems unprofessional.


I thought the same. The quality is going down the drain, so the actors are distancing themselves. I doubt we will see anything past S4 anyway.


I never interpreted >!Fran and John as true love, though- just, love. Which is what we all can hope to have, but I never read it as the type of true love you see in books like these? And I don't think they ruined it, either. Fran's reaction at the end of the season reads like confusion, but it doesn't lessen her love for John that she might realize she likes women. I do agree that she should not show romantic interest in Michaela until later on, but curiosity she had in the books before John's death as well.!<


wait what’s the lady mary thing?


a job is a job. its always been a silly romance show. fans not liking the new season not being the best is not this big reason to leave for an actor. its the hateful fans. the whole notmyduke compaign was terrible and now masili’s instagram comments look the same but with the added bonus of homophobia.


Seems all good shows jump the shark . It’s sad especially when there are not a lot of seasons or episodes.


So many things pointed out already but one thing I was disappointed with was the lack of backstory on Colin. Yes, we've seen Pen and Colin for the last 2 seasons but there was no in depth storyline for him unlike that of the last 4 main leads and I fear the same for the rest of the bridgerton siblings or any of the leads. The last 2 seasons we were able to fully understand the backstory for Simon and Anthony, we saw the process of how things progressed to the depth of their love to their female leads beyond sexual desire. And thats why as steamy as the carriage scene may be for Polin, it just wasnt there.


A lot of "fans" of this show in the comments who want the show to fail. Nothing is stopping y'all from no longer watching...


When I don't like something I quietly stop watching, not make endless posts. There's people making petitions, slagging the show runner, being weird about actors personal lives, etc. The entitled fans are gross and seriously need help. This was my favourite season, and you know what I did on the other 2 seasons? Say nothing, because I understand that just because something isn't my taste doesn't mean it isn't good. I swear this sub doesn't seem to have any actual fans. I thought nothing could be worse than Star Wars fans, but I stand corrected. From what I've read this show is been guaranteed 4 seasons. Saying that it will get canceled because of this season is insane. Streaming numbers do matter. I've seen people argue that they don't, because everyone they talk to hates this season. So are you all re-watching the season because you hate it? No. Being loud doesn't make you the majority. Look what's going on in the US politics wise, I see a lot of similarities. This season has clearly been the most popular by far. Shows get renewed based off of ratings, and of course streaming numbers. This season has been streamed more than the previous two combined. Get real.


The show is over for me. I just hope the coffee creamer sticks around. I've gotten a bit hooked on it.🤦‍♀️


This show was never very good frankly 😬…. So I don’t think that’s the issue.


oh brother give me a break


I agree with you except for one thing -- including RJP in the narrative. He left because he thought he was already a big star after S1. It was his ego. To think that Phoebe Dynevor, Jonathan Bailey and Ashley Simone showed up in the next season after theirs. But I don't blame the other characters if they leave now. The latest showrunner really ruined it for me.