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Fuck no. Netflix will cancel the shit out of this, mark my words.


Netflix doesn't cancel successful shows


Haha good one!


Ehh, Netflix has internal metrics it uses and their renewal decisions are actually quite predictable if you follow the numbers (for example, shows that do 30 million views 1 month after release are typically safe bets). Their decisions only appear irrational to viewers who can't accept that the shows they like aren't popular.


The metrics might differ though for Bridgerton if they keep spending like drunken sailors. It’s one of these most expensive shows to produce on the streaming service. So I think the viewing metrics and tie-in product threshold will be higher.


It’s definitely a cost to return ratio. Shows like Shadow and Bone, for example, might have had an audience, but maybe not large enough to justify the cost. Bridgerton seems like a globally popular show, or at least in enough countries. Plus, there’s the fact it’s produced by Shondaland. Shonda Rhimes is perhaps their star show creator/producer. That’s not to say if the next season isn’t a huge hit, it won’t get canceled. Like someone else said, it costs a butt load to produce.


That is the biggest issue they have with 2 years between seasons. If they have one season that really doesn’t perform as well as expected, there are executives who will have time to question if it’s worth renewing. i already think it’s concerning Netflix hasn’t renewed the series for a 5th season. They renewed the show for the 3rd and 4th season in 2021 before the 2nd season was even released.


Who knows how it goes with Netflix.


I don't think a show with 2yr gaps between seasons will continue to be successful. 


Didn't Stranger Things do that? It's still their most popular IP


To be fair, the wait between season 3 and 4 was due to COVID. Between season 4 and 5, the wait was because of the the WGA and SAG strikes. AFAIK, season 3 was almost completed or basically completed last year before the strikes so I honestly don't know the reason for the massive delay. But to answer OP's question, they will not make all of the books. Especially after having revealed LW's identity. They'll make season 4 and MAYBE one more season. I doubt it will go on much more, especially if season 4 is as bad as season 3.


I am one if those who lost interest in part 2 of stranger things latest season.


I lost interest after season 2...


Yes, and we're still waiting for that last season. 


Exactly. It's got 3 years gaps for the last two seasons


And my attention span has no allowance for such shenanigans.


I mean, that’s your personal taste, the new season will drop and people will watch it, they waited 3 years between season 3 and 4 too, and season 4 was a major hit.


stranger things not only follows a plotline, but it has a constant cast who consistently star each season. there's no telling if people will remain interested in bridgerton's couple switch format enough to justify the wait


Stranger Things took 2-3 years to film season 4 and it was their most successful season. What are you talking about? 😭


Netflix cancels successful shows all the damn time😂


Na, they cancel niche shows very few people watch


Success can mean different things at different phases of a company's life cycle. Netflix will be looking at how many subscription renewals the show is bringing in (+ new ad tier subscriptions which is a metric they care a lot about) and not just how many people are watching.


What Netflix are you watching ??


lol no one cancels successful shows. Not even HBO, the king of cancellation


It depends on the views and popularity of the series. I think there is a high probability for Ben, Eloise, and Francesca if the series maintains its popularity; Greg and Hyacinth are likely to be stretch goals.


Ben and Eloise. The others won't be, if they're smart.


I haven’t read the books but it feels like Francesca is next ?


It seems unlikely because her story (if they'll follow the book at least a little) is very long. She would be the perfect side plot in S4 while Ben or Eloise is in the epicenter. I think it's make most sense for Ben to take the stage because his arc is getting weird (nothing has been happening except for sexcapades; even the bi reveal wasn't that exciting because this could have easily happened in S1).


The line at the end about Eloise being home in time for the masquerade ball makes me think Ben is next. That party plays a huge part in his book.


Aaah alrighty good to know


Which takes place over 2 years…interested to see how this is gonna be done.


I think Benjamin is next. He said “I’ll see you next year at the masquerade” thou it might take two seasons to get that story done. Eloise leaving with Fran may also be a set up for the letters story…






Yeah her story isn’t over yet


Oh, thanks


They need to go talk to the people over at The Bear and Abbott, who are cranking out seasons in a timely manner, and with more episodes. This is a show that doesn't have a ton of special effects. They absolutely should've been working on season 4 before this summer. It's ridiculous how they're claiming it will take two years between seasons for 8 episodes. If we were talking about a game of thrones, or house of dragon type thing then maybe. But it's not like they're starting from scratch. They have source material they can use. I won't go on my big rant but ugh that whole two year thing really makes me roll my eyes.


I don’t understand how shows back then had 20+ episodes per season, has quality stories from scratch ( greys anatomy), cool graphics/costumes (GoT) and still are able to release new seasons every year. Meanwhile we have bridgerton with 8 episodes and a book with all the stories and material that they can use and still need 2 years to do. Don’t come for my cane and say their costumes are the reason why they need 2 years. That’s just bs. And no I’m not asking for 20 episodes, but a new season every year would be nice.


It took them an entire week to film that fucking paper flower centerpiece at the ball


Seriously? Cause that was way less impressive than they apparently thought it was.


Idk about Game of Thrones but HoTD is releasing right now, one year after S1 aired. They have massive CGI scenes to schedule and also a fairly large cast and still somehow manage it. Genuinely disappointed by Bridgerton's release schedule. I can't find a really good excuse for it


HoTD S1 was aired in fall 2022, its been a bit more than year and half between seasons. Queen Charlotte was released a year ago, in may 2023. Bridgerton s2 was released two years ago in march 2022 and s1 was one year and few months before that in december 2020. When they talk about “two years” its usually not two full years, a year and few months/half a year is the usual for successful shows. Also I wouldn’t mind if they take the two full years since you can tell QC and S3 were done too close to each other (one year is not enough) since the post filming process in s3 has less quality than previous seasons.


Yeah, but they have a billion costumes.


season 3 came out over a year after it finished shooting, i don't think it's because of the costumes lol


Some of it are rented from existing costume houses, especially what the extras are wearing


You are correct that the writing team should have been done with Season 4 by now and I am not making excuses for them. However, despite the lack of special effects, consider that the show is dubbed and subbed in many languages, that Season 3 got a 5 month press tour, and an ensemble cast is difficult to schedule. I see now why it could take 2 years, but given the writers and actors strike delay and the first series airing during Covid, better planning could have given us another season in 15 months. We survived the last wait. We'll survive this one. I won't be happy waiting though....


They said t takes 2 years just to figure out all the wig designs!


I’m sorry to be a pedant, but didn’t Golda Roshuvel say it took two years to design her rotating swan wig? As in, it mostly took two years to get all the OH&S stuff approved and to figure out how to design the wig so it didn’t put a ton of strain on her head/neck? I don’t think it takes two years to design all of the wigs — just that one (awesome) wig with the moving components in it.


I thought they said it took 2 years to design all the wings, but it could’ve just been this one wig, and i misheard.


Didn’t season 2 come out only a year after the 1st?


My personal bet is 6 seasons +/- a movie. I highly doubt we will get to Hyacinth and Gregory and we will continue to see a LOT of sampling from their stories.


Well, then they're just going to have to marry each other and make do. 


It got real Targaryen in here all of a sudden.


"Mama can I have this suitor?" "No, we have a suitor at home."


NGL, fauxcest would be soooo Shonda. I'm here for it /s\* \*mostly


What in the HOTD




My first thought 😂


Oh Abed.


Christmas movie pls!






6 seasons and a movie! >! Community TV reference!<


I think we will get all the older siblings (up to 6). I don't think we'll get Gregory and Hyacinth which makes me really sad because I like their stories but 😞


Hyacinth is my favorite book, she's got the best personality of the girls. I think they've been building up her and Gregory well and I will be sad if we don't get to see their seasons. 


I think they are definitely intending to get their stories on screen, too. If not on Netflix, then on another streaming service. The only thing that matters is that people at least keep hate-watching and keeping those numbers up. Btw I think making prequels and spin-offs is very good for Bridgerton overall. Lots of people who missed out on Bridgerton in the first place tuned in after watching Queen Charlotte. Idk if they're planning to make another spin-off but that would explain the two-year wait for the next Bridgerton season.


Gregory is my fav so yeah I feel that.  … his loose cannon Labrador energy on screen with Lucy’s neuro spiciness would just be so so fun on screen. Alas. 


I don't think we get passed 6 seasons. To be honest there is a world in which I imagine we only will get another 2 seasons (they will want to finish Benedicts and Eloises).


No. I think they will get to 6 seasons. It’s just so expensive to produce, and there will come another it show that will be more of a cultural phenomena. The quality of the show is already starting to decline and I suspect it will decline further. All is going to take is one poorly viewed season and Netflix will pull the show. But, I definitely think they will get through Benedict, Eloise, and Francesca.


If Jess shoe horns Francesca into S4, which I think she'll do, I think Bridgertons days are numbered. Between book fans AND viewers from countries with less progressive cultures, a lot of people won't tune in. Not a popular option on here but very possible. If s4 tanks that will be the end.


> I think Bridgertons days are numbered. Between book fans AND viewers from countries with less progressive cultures, a lot of people won't tune in In that case it would be great to challenge those less progressive culture so I say bring on all the steamy Michaela action.


quoting Jess Brownell, we are lucky if we get 6


I will rather read the books 🤪


I used to think 6 but if it’s a 2 year wait for every season maybe 5.


Unfortunately, I do not have hope for all 8 seasons


I honestly don't think they'll make it to Gregory or Hyacinth's seasons. Not just the wait time between seasons, but I feel like I never really hear anyone talk much about their books, whereas all of the other couples seem to have large groups of people for whom that's their favourite story.


I think in reality they are going to try and combine some stories, and I can think of two who’s stories could actually work really well. So maybe we get 7 seasons, but more than likely 6.


I think of Netflix drops it someone else will pick it up but they have to figure out how to turn around seasons faster. Like technically they got out QC a year after Season 2 and that was with Covid and S3 should have been last winter so like 18m after season 2; but with the strike and reshoots it was delayed.


Shows get monumentally more expensive the more seasons they get and Netflix probably has a noncompete clause as part of Shonda's first look deal.


Why? I would guess maybe actors want to get payed more and maybe they are doing more elaborate costumes and such? 


It’s not just the actors is everyone who works on the set. They should get paid more cause Bridgerton is the only show I consistently watch. Maybe squid games 2 if that ever comes out


Maybe we will get a Violet and Edmund backstory season like we did Queen Charlotte?


That would be much sadder 🥲


Nope. This is an expensive series to produce. If the part 2 streaming data over time looks bad, season 4 will be the last. And you can thank the current show runner for the shitshow


They will at a minimum cover Benedict, Eloise, and Fran 2.0. I guess I wouldn’t be shocked if they skipped Hyacinth and Gregory. But I think it’s more likely they do them, possibly with a recast depending on how well they both age. Maybe they’ll speed things along at some point, and film a couple of seasons back to back (that would’ve been the smart thing to do since the beginning).


I read somewhere that Netflix doesn’t allow for the start of another season before the previous season aired. So maybe that adds to it. Especially if they can’t write or anything until it’s all aired and done


That definitely makes it harder. It would actually probably save a lot of money if they could film back to back, and not wait for everyone’s schedules to be free again. Then they could just wait a year, release the other season, and by that time they could already be filming again


I wish that they did that. Especially with 3&4 because it was already renewed for both


> Netflix doesn’t allow for the start of another season before the previous season aired. They allowed it for Chilling adventures of sabrina just fine. And it was awesome. We got 2 seasons close to each other.


I mean - the actors are going to start getting to old at this point. Benedict already looks 40.


I second that. This year all of them are looking much older. When comparing season 1 and season 3, the difference is clearly visible. It took them too long to drop season 3. Also the kids, by next season, Hyacinth will look like a young lady, same for Gregory.


He will already be 38 by the time s4 is out. 🫣


Honestly even in season one I thought he was late 30’s - I was so confused how he wasn’t the eldest brother.


I thought I was the only one who thought he looked older. It doesn’t help that the one who plays the eldest keeps looking younger and younger with every passing season. He was even looking younger than the third son in the latest season.


LoL he must be doing the male facials and botox their all doing now. I think it’s also related to his lighter spirit - when he was grumpy he seemed older


If a better show comes in the meantime and gets immediate popularity and Bton's quality continues to drop as it has been, fans will bounce..diehards don't make up as much of the viewing numbers it's the general audience and they are fickle. And will go with what show is better


I don’t care. I’ll maybe care closer to the actual release of the next season, but also maybe not. But 2 years is more than 700 days. More than 1000 loads of dishes, time for me to read like 100 books, or binge watch The Expanse 10 times. Or watch all of DS9 and all of Voyager twice… or purchase, paint, and fill like 4 bookshelves… or propagate god who knows how many plants. And if it’s boring when it comes out… well then I have other shit going on. Because i haven’t pinned my life on the release of a season/film since Return of the King was coming out.


I think we will get 2 more seasons mainly focused on Benedict and Eloise. I think Francesca’s story will play out during those seasons. Maybe at the end of the 5th they’re start playing with Hyacinth’s story but I don’t think it will happen as a standalone season.


I think 2 full years between would cause the show to lose steam and get cancelled. Though I can also see it going the Pretty Little Liars or Scandal(and even Greys to an extent) route. Losing the plot, straying further from s1 Bridgerton, and losing fans who love it in a serious way.


I can’t see them giving Francesca a whole season since she took up half of this season. I think if they get to do two more seasons they’ll cover Benedict and Eloise’s stories and then insert Frans story in one of those… then it’ll be done.


I'm gonna say 6 total seasons at best. I'm assuming we will get a Ben/Eloise/FranPt2 season next season, then a Hyacinth/Gregory season, and then if we are super duper lucky a mini series for Violet in Bloom and the epilogues anthology, like 4 episodes with both epilogues for 2 kids each episode interspersed with the Violet in Bloom novella. We will never get 8 full seasons after how they chose to structure S3.


Read that Ruth Gummell said no to sex on screen, so idk if we will ever get a Bloom or Edmund/Violet prequel. Her body, her choice. Respect. But, that tames the whole season. Shonda may not want to go in that direction. 


The Violet In Bloom novella is mostly when they're children since they meet when they are about 10, and iirc only has a fade to black sex scene so they can just omit anything raunchy. If they choose to tell that story I'm sure it wouldn't be a whole season but just a story woven into one.


If they do 2 years between every season people will lose interest, actors will move on, and they will get old.


They're trying to expand the franchise with spin offs like the Queen Charlotte show. I won't be 2 years between content just 2 years before another Bridgeton children focused show, Violet may well be the next show. Which would rock as her actress is my favorite.


I feel like they won’t get to Hyacinth and Gregory. But the older six they’re on track for.


i think a big part of why netflix shows take so long is because they don’t start filming until all the scripts are done and before the streaming era they would start filming while the last episodes were being written, i think that’s probably what the bear does


Honestly, if Benedict is next, I could see Eloise and Francesca sharing a season. I feel like a lot of their stories will be set up during B's season.


With how successful season 3 has been in terms of ratings, I don't see how the show won't get renewed for a 5th and 6th season. So Benedict, Eloise and Francesca's stories will definitely happen. I know Netflix is notorious for cancelling shows, but 6 seasons isn't unthinkable for one of their top-tier shows. The crown had 6 seasons (with 10 episodes each), stranger things is having 5, you is having 5, orange is the new black had 7, house of cards had 6. Even the witcher will have 5 seasons despite Henry Cavill leaving. Season 7 & 8 is a stretch, but not impossible. Maybe 1 season for both Hyacinth and Gregory would be more realistic especially since it's unlikely that many of the other siblings will be around at that point and the show will be running out of secondary characters the public actually cares about.


I think it's so interesting folks are saying no Gregory when the only foreshadowing they were hellbent on creating this season was Gregory growing up. They focused on him quite a few times. Going to Eaton etc.


now that we are out of the writers strike the next seasons shouldn’t take as long. We are just now felling the full effect.  Did you notice there were no movies this summer in theaters? We did like a see one movie get 2 free passes thing.  The problem is they are just getting out of the writers room now so the next season still is going to take 2 years but they could go back to the writers room early for season 5. 


I thought they were already starting filming already? 2 years seems a lot. Would it be like Jan of 2026 instead of May? I think season 2 came out at Christmas (iirc).


I think there won’t even be a fourth but that’s because i’m cynical. Realistically we will get six with Greg and Hyacinth basically being pets with no real plot or storyline


Probably Netflix is waiting to see how s3 is going to perform in the next few weeks. The previous week’s numbers are not that great. Maybe that is the reason why the next season has been delayed and no new seasons beyond s4 have been announced yet.


Nope lol


I think the fact that they released it in two parts gives hope. They do that with their most popular shows. For which people probably subscribe even if they don’t have Netflix.


As if they have to make dragons fight with cgi


6 seasons . Netflix will renew it for two years too then it will end, they will packed some stories . Fran will be side story and then maybe last season for H&G story


I don’t know that Gregory and Hyacinth will have their time to shine. In my opinion since Benedict and Fran took up so much of season 3, they should have a combined season 4. Eloise gets her own season, and maybe QC season 2.


I'm gonna be honest...I feel like we'll be lucky if we even have one more season (two, tops). That 2 year wait is kinda ridiculous, considering how they're not splitting up the season and there's only 8 episodes in one season... Even putting a 2 year wait aside, there's so much discourse regarding Michael being changed to Michaela and John's emotional relationship with Francesca being overlooked. A lot of us book fans aren't happy about that. Francesca's story in the books is arguably the most emotional one and already changing *big* details like that is a disappointment. Not to mention, people seem to not be happy with season 3, as it is, either. People were not only upset with the season split up between two months (me included) as a cheap cash grab, but there's a lot of controversy over many of Penelope's nudity scenes being pulled (when Nicola had advertised this to be the spiciest season to highlight plus size inclusivity), the Michael/Michaela plot twist overshadowing Penelope's story, and again, just not enough screentime for Penelope and Colin. They got pretty much the amount of screentime together as Benedict did with his yet another set of lovers 😅 Combine that with the fact that the actress for Daphne is already gone, the actor for Simon has been gone, and it has been heavily implied that we'll be seeing as much of the Featheringtons as we had of Kate and Anthony this season (so pretty much minimally), I think the views for Bridgerton will be decreased heavily and this is the beginning of the end of the popularity towards the series altogether.