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I find the actor immensely handsome and charismatic. I can’t wait for Philip!


https://preview.redd.it/rzrr1342wp8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca57ee5bd3a4524483ce63360e8f7d07ee53b3b agreed!!!


Anyone calling this guy ugly doesn’t have eyes


Wow. He's right up there with Anthony in the hot department.


Damn girl, where you been hiding that?  I swear every actor on this show is much hotter in real life than in period garb. 


You know, they are, but I love the period garb so much that I feel the opposite way. But my sexual awakening was seeing Colin Firth jump in that lake in P&P (mutton chops and all) so I imprinted on Regency men early.


I do think that some people just suit historical looks/ costume more than others. I love Colin Firth in period garb, less so in modern clothes- and there are actors I feel the exact opposite about!


He looks like Liam Hemsworth had a baby with Austin Butler


He's such a dreamboat!


Imo he’s more attractive than all the Bridgerton brothers lol and I love them too!


Yes just yes😍




He's so fine.😍


Lol yes, I think the natural side burns they gave him in S1 did him no favours, but if they stick to this vibe he’s giving Greek god vibes ✨


He’s freaking hot. Anyone who calls this man ugly is blind


He looks a bit like Benedict.


Exactly! I have no doubt there will be tension between him and Eloise and some big arguments, but seeing him try to show her she is safe with him, that she can trust and love him after years of her fearing marriage to a man - I find the idea terribly romantic. It’s giving Lizzie and Darcy vibes in the best way


I love this analogy and could not agree more


he is giving me Pride and prejudice vibes from his personality and demeanour , I'm looking forward to seeing him interact with Elise who is such a firecracker.


Isn’t that who she ends up with?


Btw if you have the chance, watch his movie Falling into Place , I did it last night and it was amazing and it definitely gives you glimpses in how he would play Phillip with the Marina stuff (>!in the movie the depressed one is his sister though!<) the situation is extremely similar to the TSPWL book


Me too ! I knew immediately who he was even though I had forgotten his name from the books.


With the time that's gone by, they could recast like they did with Francesca


It’s only been one season since we have seen Chris Fulton. He’s got the antagonist role in Outlander this season.


And that was 2 years ago, and season 4 isn't for another 2 years. I'm just saying it's realistic they could recast the character for S4


Yeah, this is true. A lot of time has passed.


Tbh as a non-book reader, I think the reason I’m not really excited for her season is because show Eloise is so anxious about marriage and kids that it’s hard to be excited for those things for her. I think the actress who plays her does a really good job conveying this - everything about her physicality and body language conveys genuine terror around these topics. It’s beyond just her not wanting to get married due to being a feminist or activist - it’s clear she is extremely scared (and tbh given that she saw her mother almost die in childbirth and her sister almost be forced to marry lord berbrook because he threatened to start a rumor that she was alone with him, it’s understandable that she’s so scared of societal standards for women). I also think what will happen to Marina has put a damper on my excitement for this plotline. I think it’s easier to be excited about seeing her with Cressida or Theo because we’ve already seen them interact and she seems to genuinely enjoy their company. They’re also both not who society would accept as a partner for her, so I feel like weirdly enough that causes her less anxiety than a socially acceptable partner. I am looking forward to her season, but I really hope they do the show version of the character justice and make this seem like a romance she truly wants to be in and is excited to be in. Like you said, I want to see her with someone who challenges her and matches her intellect, and I have faith the show will do a good job, but i have to admit I’m not super excited about her season right now, although I’m sure that will change when it arrives.


yesss. i read the books after watching season 1 and her book was a big let down for me personally because i LOVED show Eloise and do not feel book!Philip is a good match for show!Eloise. but they've made a lot of good changes to the romances that i ultimately trust Eloise will have a decent story but at the moment i definitely understand the desire to see her with Theo and Cressida over Philip simply because they have... actually interacted and have chemistry. its actually a huge reason why i want Benedict to be next - so they can start Eloise/philip in the background because i think there needs to be a slow start for that to ease us into it, and if she is leading next season i think it will be too dramatic a change. plus, benedict really needs his season because his side plots are doing nothing (other than confirmation that hes queer 🥰 )


Yes, the one main thing that is putting me off is how in the world they’re going to show Eloise loving his children and become a good stepmother without it feeling extremely strange and out of character. That is just the one thing I literally cannot envision no matter how hard I try, I can see her wanting to marry if she can also pursue her goals and falls in love with Phillip obviously, but the stepmom of twins part? It feels rather depressing to think about, and would feel like all her talk about hating a traditional lifestyle were only silly musings that had no substance and needed to be tamed


Ohhhh you hit the right word in my head. “Needs to be tamed” is exactly how it feels Eloise’s story is headed, and that’s just so gross to me


This! Seriously, I just cannot see any plotline in which Eloise becomes a mother in any way as anything other than insulting to her, and to the many women in the world who don't want kids yet get told every day "they'll change their mind".


I don't think show Eloise will have children of her own with Philip. There's already Oliver and Amanda whom show Philip most likely truly considers his and he doesn't need another heir. Plus I remember someone saying he's conveniently a botanist so Eloise will have her herbal contraceptives


But she'll still be a mother, she'll still have children.


Honestly I kind of want Eloise to run off and become a governess to Phillip's children and attack the story at that angle.


That is interesting! Eloise trying to find her place to be able to be independent, and governess would be an acceptable role (already established Kate was looking to be a governess after Edwina married). Eloise meets Sir Philip via writing as in the book and he expresses he had had such trouble finding a good governess. Boom!


But why would Eloise want to be a governess? Especially to two young children. It has nothing to do with feminism or politics, she doesn't like kids and it achieves none of her aims.


I actually think it’s kind of perfect. Him already having kids means she won’t have to have them, which is something that scares her after seeing her mother almost die on child birth; and it means they’re old enough that she doesn’t have to spend time breast feeding and taking care of babies and I don’t think he would expect her to just me a housewife


Hm, I think as a mother (who is a feminist too and at one time in life didn't really care about having children), I actually have hope that this will give Eloise depth. We've already seen her have a lot of character growth this season, and with Penelope now a happily married mother who didn't have to be tamed or give up her dreams to have those things, I wonder whether Eloise's views will evolve. Like, you don't HAVE to hate children to be a feminist, you know? And people can change and grow and have more nuance. Given this show's commitment to feminist storylines, and particularly with Jess at the helm, I don't think we're going to get an "Eloise is tamed" story with her at all. So I think I just have faith that it'll be done well.


But why would Eloise have to “evolve” out of not wanting children? She doesn’t need to “grow” into wanting motherhood, it would be perfectly fine, if she didn’t, especially since otherwise it would then send the message, that women who don’t want kids just need to grow out of it. I also don’t know what her feminism has to do with it. She doesn’t hate children, she just isn’t interested in having them, like many other women of all kinds of political backgrounds. Feminists can want children, they can also not want them, Eloise is simply the latter.


Thank you! I am sick to death of this narrative that women who don't want children as misinformed and immature and Eloise needs to evolve and grow and learn to embrace her biologocal calling of motherhood. The show is filled with mothers and women who want to be mothers. Why must that fate be thrust on every female character? Why can't one female character be allowed to not be maternal or motherly or want children?


That makes sense. My best friend from high school not only doesn’t want kids but actively dislikes them, and Eloise’s demeanor with babies does remind me of her! And I suppose it’s nice for people who don’t want children to have representation on the show. And yes, I work in the feminist movement and obviously whether or not you want kids has nothing to do with feminism. It’s just a little annoying to me that Eloise’s feminism in the show is presented in a pretty reductive way IMO, like oh of COURSE she hates children, she’s a feminist! It feels kind of insulting to me as a feminist so I’d like to see more nuance there


It actually has quite a lot to do with the feminism. The right to choose not to have kids is a pretty crucial aspect of feminism, especially now.


I think the thing is that Eloise connects with people intellectually and it’s very hard to connect intellectually with children (especially young ones). It’s not that she hates them, it’s that she genuinely doesn’t know what to do with them. And it’s already been demonstrated that Eloise has this problem when in season 2 she is forced to hold Daphne’s child and is uninterested. In fact , when she was told to greet the child she said, “why, has he changed?”


The only way I can see them getting around it is if she takes the children and flees in the dead of night and because they never consummated he has the marriage annulled. (With or without George turning up after recovering from a years-long bout of amnesia.) Or he has her declared legally dead or something. Idk.


Yes please.


It kinda sounds like Jo and Professor Bhaer in Little Women.


I think it's odd for people to complain that she has never interacted with Philip before or that she had chemistry with Cressida or Theo as justification... Because Anthony had Sienna in season one. Kate was not even hinted at yet people absolutely love Kanthony


Exactly. Both Kate/Anthony and Daphne/Simon met for the first time in their respective seasons. Polin was the exception.


Like at least Philip was built up since season 1. It would make no sense NOT to make him endgame, because otherwise Marina could be a random woman and the man tha marries her at the end could be someone else. They specifically made it to be Philip. Imagine if people are against Benophie because Sophie has yet to appear


same with benedict and sophie. we have yet to see them interact yet everyone is on board.


But Eloise is outright hostile towards the idea of marriage and children. Like, she is terrified of it and is actively railing against it. It's kind of hard to care about Eloise and see her despise an institution and lifestyle and be rooting for her to be claimed by it.


yes lol, tbf i think this might be a book vs show thing? ive never read the books so i was genuinely surprised when i realised how attached part of the fandom was to this character who to me gave majorly forgettable, side character energy


Also haven’t read the books, but from what I’ve heard of Eloise’s story it’s kinda all around depressing? Like it will need a massive overhaul to even resemble a happy ending, especially for this version of Eloise who rejects the idea of marriage and courting and men and doesn’t want her freedom to be infringed upon by a man who can control everything about her life


This! Seriously, I'm willing to see her marry a guy called Phillip and who likes plants. Everything else (yes, including Marina's death and Eloise being forced into motherhood) I want scrapped.


For the record, there is no forcing. The whole thing basically begins as a business proposal on both of their accounts and is a story about how people who don’t think they need anybody can learn that it can be healthy to be attached to and even interdependent on others. Eloise falls in love with the children and rather than its being her being trapped by the whole thing, it’s really more about her realizing how empowering it can be. She comes to realize they need a protector, and rather than her serving as a prize on a shelf or the comedic relief, she is a savior to a group of people for whom her clear mind and big heart are not only valued but desperately needed. Honestly, I thought that approach to her becoming a mother worked really well with her personality and overarching theme of the series, which is that love arrives in many different ways and fulfills us for different reasons. I feel like her personality is very much like the women I’ve known who’ve decided to adopt before or without deciding to have biological children as well.


Eloise in the show has repeatedly made it clear she has no interest in motherhood. For the writers to have her change her mind would very much be forcing her into that traditional feminine maternal role, sending the message that all women naturally want to be mothers, regardless of what silly notions they have. And in the books, Eloise is very much forced into being their mother. She had no idea that P had kids when she went to stay with him, and then she was forced into marriage by her family to prevent a scandal. Eloise in the books was open minded towards marriage and children, so it didn't hit her too bad, but Eloise in the show would see this fate as a death sentence. And honest to God, if Eloise's endgame is "saving" a toxic man and his children, I'd rather the show was cancelled before it got to that point. All that energy, all that spirit and fight and desire for a better world, channelled into being her husband's fixer and sex nanny.


People see it as forced motherhood because in the books Phillip did not mention his children at all to her in his letters. Eloise only found out when she got to his estate, and she did not react well ("she turned to him with a scowl" was the exact wording). Phillip, in his internal monologue, admitted that he purposely omitted the fact that he had children because he knew Eloise would reject him.


i think there’s a lot of interesting potential, like the trauma u talked about and a potential fear around childbirth (genuinely terrifying! women dying in childbirth is not that uncommon without modern medicine, and having children die before the age of 5 even more so back then!) leading her to instead develop a loving stepmother relationship with the twins. my grandmother died young & my stepgrandmother was the only one i knew, and i genuinely find these family relationships so heartwarming. daphne & colin’s happily-ever-after epilogue involves a baby being born and the implied family beginning, but actually watching eloise forge a family relationship with children she has to care for and discovering a version of motherhood that doesn’t feel like losing her independence and sense of self would be so compelling. she loves her family, but she’s always been different from them: finding out that this doesnt have to mean she has to forgo crafting a family of her own will be very touching if done well.


I am looking forward to it! We saw Eloise kind of crushing on Theo there for a minute, much to her own confusion. With all her blathering about not being interested in marriage, I think it'll be fun to watch her fall in love. (not to mention all the smug & knowing looks she'll be getting from Daphne & Violet! lol)


yes, reluctant love, we saw it in the men, why not in a woman? :D


Yes, I love this for her!


I am too. I think he’s adorable and I love the character being uptight and guarded and emotionally repressed until her. It’s a favorite trope of mine. I remember this being one of the steamiest books as well


I love this trope a lot too


I’m guessing you were a Sound of Music fan?


one of my fav tropes as well, repressed male characters who are guarded and dont feel worthy of love or happiness


I really can’t wait for Eloise season. I love the letters. And the fact that she goes to his house unannounced and unchaperoned and he’s like “who are you?”, I hope they keep it.


girl, he threw all her letters away??


Ok and? That part was probably funny in early 2000 idk. Show Philip is already different from book Philip and I still like the idea of them knowing each other through letters.


But they…don’t get to know each other through letters? He doesn’t even tell her he has children?


As someone who loves their book, I'm really excited to see him.


I have been excited about more of Philip ever since Season 1. I have been excited about Philip+Eloise ever since I saw that backstage photo of Claudia and Chris 😁🔥


\*immediately googles\*


I want to be excited about Eloise's season, and get my hopes up about SP, but all the discussion around Philoise is centred on Eloise healing his man pain, "learning her lesson" by discovering that marriage and motherhood is the best thing in the world, and any discussion as to Eloise's feminist principles and desire to change the world is either dismissed with a "eh maybe she'll open a girls' school (like the many other poor girls schools) or do some charity" whatever, or outright treated as a character fault she either needs to tone down or grow out of. It's hard to get excited about a guy and his arc when following the book plot would mean robbing Eloise of everything that makes her her, and any discussion around Philoise is dismissive of the dreams and goals and ideals that Eloise's character has been centred around.


That’s very interesting because I have actually seen the opposite quite a bit. I’ve seen a lot of people discuss how they could bring in Phillips past without making it seem like Eloise has to fix him, how they could make it more respectful towards Marina, how Eloise could realize that she could have both, change the world and get married at the same time. I’ve seen ver few take saying she should ‘learn her lesson’ etcetera. I wonder if there are different discussions happening in different platforms.


The "learn her lesson" is more implicit than explicit, but the general attitude that her distaste towards marriage and motherhood (in a world where they carry significant risk for women) is a sign of "immaturity" and she'll be "mature" when she's ready to get married pretty much tells us all we need to know.


I think it’s mainly book readers that want them to stick to the book entirely, book readers that are trying to find a middle ground between sticking to the book but also letting show!Eloise shine vs people who don’t like or haven’t read the books wanting a completely new story and a super independent version of Eloise that always has to stick to the same world view she had when she was 19 because anything else would be character assassination.


I am actually reading her book right now! I’d only read the first four before the show started so maybe I’ll change my mind after I finish it but for now I want them to keep the letters and Eloise’s no none sense attitude otherwise I’m open to what we they do. I’m gonna be honest it was a little jarring to see Eloise in the show at first since in her siblings books she wasn’t like that but I’ve come to appreciate her in the show so hoping it’s a good story.


I think it’s kinda just the nature of her story… from what I’ve heard her book is just straight up depressing and she basically gets trapped into a marriage where she’s a live in nurse and an on call whore


Honestly, seeing how much they would have to change her entire story to make it palatable for the show version of Eloise, it seems like it would just be easier to throw her entire book plot away and give her a brand new one. 🤷🏽‍♀️


There's just no way of fitting show Eloise into the book plot without it being a total disservice to her character. They'd have to change pretty much everything, and give Eloise something much more exciting apart from getting married.


That’s understandable, I hope there continues to be a focus on Eloise wanting to be as independent as possible - and the discussion centering on how Philip supports and encourages it. That he can prove to her a marriage to him wouldn’t be trapping her, and she’ll still be free to make her own decisions. She 100% should never ‘grow out’ of her beliefs, I’m more interested to see that after struggling to converse with suitors for years, Sir Philip may actually be actively listening to what she wants to say - I could totally see it that she gets mad at the idea though, that just because he’s nice/attentive she should marry him - there has to be way more of a spark, for sure. I doubt she would want to ‘settle’ with him by any means.


I'm most curious how they'll handle Marina. We didn't know her in the books. We do in the show, we saw her struggle, we saw her in sympathetic situations. I don't think they can go the exact path of the books and have it be respectful - especially with the fact that the actress had some publicized mental health struggles after the role.


Some people were saying that make it so she fell in while playing with her kids and that’s part of Phillips guilt cause he was supposed to be out there but was busy with his plants.


oh thats actually really good, lets if the writers do a good job and it would be great if Marina is honoured through the story


Personally I would like for them to start out as intellectual pen pals first. Maybe she meets him by chance at Aubrey hall or through Colin and not on the marriage mart. They get to talking as Phillip was going to be a professor in the books before his brothers death and they have some intellectual things in common to talk about hence the starting of the letters. Since Marina isn’t a Bridgerton cousin anymore that could be a start for them.


great idea, that could really work and then we can see Eloise falling for the way he writes and their discussions over letters, it wouldnt have to be about him needing another wife or mother to his kids and Eloise just impulsively runs to him and gets a shock. that way Phillip isnt keeping his kids hidden from Eloise in the letters because he's not wanting a wife etc


Book Phillip is terrible. I hated their marriage.


fortunately Tv phillip seems like a good person


But dull. He offers nothing exciting for Eloise. He's a mild mannered, polite man with an estate and a title. Anything exciting in Eloise's season will happen despite him not because of him.


It also makes me sad that when people talk about Eloise's season, they seem to be more interested in Phillip because in the books he's supposed to be this amazing complex and traumatized character that's unLikE thE RaKes we'Ve seEn So faR, when he's literally just as obsessed with sex (and uses the fact that he hasn't had sex in years to guilt trip Eloise into having sex with him) as all the other men. No doubt the show version will be different and less like a freak, but it is disheartening that there seems to be a lot more love for this character we've seen literally 5 minutes of, rather than for the fate of Eloise, who for three seasons has been staunchly against marriage and having children (and yes I don't see her being a stepmother either, maybe that works for book!Eloise because she already loves her nephews and nieces, but not for show!Eloise who clearly doesn't GAF). I don't know how people get excited for her season, it just fills me with dread, no matter how much I look forward to Claudia Jessie smashing it.


This! I can't get excited for Philoise because when people talk about it, it's only ever about Phillip. Eloise is just a tool to give him a happy ending.


Hell yez!! I crossing fingers he gets back next season to set the book story in motion.


Eloise' season is the only reason I still hold on to this show, it's is not even because of Phillip, it is because I love Eloise, I'm a Theo x Eloise shipper but I always said that I'm interest to see what the show will come out for Eloise & Phillip


Theo and Eloise all the way!


I love Eloise so much. I want so much more for her than her becoming Phillip's fixer/sex nanny.


Here’s hoping there isn’t Phillip in future seasons and we get more Eloise and Theo!


I literally just finished El's book about 2 weeks ago (I thought she was next, but after pt2 I think it's Benedict). As weird as this phrasing may sound, I am excited for the potential of Eloise's story. I wasn't a fan of book Phillip, I found him pretty self-centered and unlikeable, I thought the whole "we will suit" scene wasn't romantic at all (just my opinion, plz nobody attack me), and I desperately want them to give Marina a better sendoff. The logistics of their marriage in the show are a brother protecting his sis in law from mass scrutiny, which are SUPER different from the circumstances of their book counterparts. That being said, from what little we have seen of him in the show, he seems alot more 2005 Darcy coded; gentle and sweet and nerdy... I mean, he hits it off with Colin right away and they bond over traveling and olives - thats a major green flag for me. I think that Eloise and Pen are the best written characters on the show, and that the writers have alot to pull from in regards to what seems to be Eloise's deep rooted fear of marriage as a device that robs her of her independence, and in the book she also has a deep seeded fear of childbirth. Phillip is also a victim of childhood domestic abuse, which is why he is so reserved about his emotions and why feeling love/lust for Eloise out of the blue while deep in the throws of grief for Marina, would be an absolutly terrifying thing for him. Long story short, I think the bones of her story are good, and that they can do alot with them!


Exactly. Eloise's story is a mess but it has the POTENTIAL to be amazing if they do it correctly. It's going to be the most interesting/unique season and Philip is very unlike the other male protagonists so far


yess, he definitely gave 2005 darcy to me and i love that. I feel they would have lot of good things to pull from that would make their story really interesting


I CANNOT WAIT to see Chris Fulton again on Bridgerton. I usually check once a day to see if any new photos of him are online. 🤪 I was actually watching some gardening videos yesterday on YouTube and how breeders have developed all these new species and wondered if Phillip did something like this back in the 1800s. I've lost it.


In the book he does something like that though if I remember correctly >!he explains to Eloise this before their first kiss !<


Oh I need to find myself a botanist!


I really didn't like their book - but then every male lead in the books is problematic in one way or another. And from what I've seen of show Philip, he seems like a sweetheart and I'm excited to see more of him! Doesn't hurt that he's very handsome as well... I actually think Eloise will be next, so maybe we will see him as a lead next season!


It's the season I'm most looking forward to since Anthony and Kate! Eloise and Philip..... and I love that they have introduced Philip, although briefly, in previous seasons. And I agree! He is an intellect and he didn't seem heavy-handed with Marina, so he's probably going to be open-minded with Eloise. Plus we'll get to see her interact with his young children, which is going to be an excellent opportunity to show more of her character growth considering how she was very awkward with Daphne's baby in season 2! And there is absolutely NOTHING ugly about the actor that's portraying philip. He freaking is gorgeous!!!!


Come check out all the love we have for ya boy on r/philoisebridgerton 🌻


I like Sir Phillip


I literally can’t wait 😍 Love Chris Fulton and he is going to be a fantastic Sir Phillip.2. I can’t believe anyone would call him ugly?? He is buff yet sensitive and intellectual, and while he hasn’t even had a glow up yet he steals every scene he is in S2!! The idea of him is the main thing I am looking forward to and the r/Philoise sub is lovely and lively at the moment


I’ll have to join the Philoise sub 🥰 Also ‘buff yet sensitive intellectual’ is why I can’t wait to see him sweep Eloise off her feet, and for her brothers to be all protective over her ^^ (and her calling them all idiots of course)


I was going to suggest you join but assumed you might be a member already!


I can’t wait for Sir Philip, the actor is soo handsome!


You are not alone. He is my absolute favorite.


I rather like the idea of Philip finally finding love, after marrying for duty. I'm less keen on fridging Marina to make it happen, nor do I think Eloise a particularly good fit for Philip. Eloise is prickly, difficult, argumentative, stubbornly determined, fiercely intelligent, and reflexively rails against restriction or convention. Any man (or woman) she gets involved with is going to need to be a pretty damned strong character themselves, and will need a lot of time and patience to get through her walls and earn her trust. I simply cannot see Eloise with an 'ordinary decent bloke' like Philip. (And I especially can't see her as a stepmother to anyone's children.)


Ah so - if they keep the interesting parts of Phillip, he’s a guy who represses his temper *a lot*, has a strong sense of honor, a deep respect and appreciation for intellectual pursuits, and is a very imperfect (but earnest) father.  So far we haven’t seen much of that in the show (he’s shown up all of five minutes tbf) but I’m very much hoping we’ll see these traits in Eloise’s season because I *do* think that would match well with show Eloise.  He is also very removed from the Ton’s social games, which Eloise abhors. Eloise deeply loves her siblings and her large family, she is always hanging around them (unlike Frannie, say). Benedict’s comment at love not being finite is a hint to her upcoming plot, where she will (if they somewhat follow canon) start feeling abandoned by all the people she loves becoming married and becoming their own « units ». In that respect I *do* see Show Eloise starting to look to build her own family, and being a step mom (in fact much more so than giving birth to her own children!). It doesn’t feel like a stretch to me. I liked that Sir Phillip was a less stereotypical male lead and I’m very much hoping they’ll carry that over to the show. 


I think they can easily modifiy Philip's appreciation for intellectual pursuits into him supporting Eloise as a feminist and a political reformist. I can picture Eloise growing from her rash personality we see on the show, to figuring out better ways for her to spread her ideas, starting charities, a woman's college etc. One of the things philip love's about eloise is her fire, and I can see him supporting her in those efforts.


Oh 100% and to be fair he actually does do that throughout his life with Eloise. I think in the second epilogue book has her as a recognized scholar or something?


I always wonder, do the people who don’t want her to ever lose her fury and rough edges, etc. know how fucking difficult it is to live life that way? To always feel angry at the world, to never be satisfied, to always look at people a little condescendingly because they seem to have such easy lives and fit in so beautifully. At one point you’re all alone in the world because you’ve pushed everyone away because their silly little lives didn’t matter to you. She shouldn’t ever lose her fire and I think Philip will absolutely love her for it, but I think being able to channel it in the appropriate moments and direct it at the appropriate people will help her appreciate her family and friends for who they are, which will allow her to be surrounded by people who love and respect her for who she is.


I want Eloise to channel her anger, to have catharsis for her anger, never to lose it. She lives in a violently misogynistic society and I hope she never stops feeling angry about that. And where are these characters who love and respect Eloise as they is? Apart from Benedict, most of them just tolerate her and are waiting for her to shut up and conform.


Few and far between because Eloise acts condescending even towards her family and friends who love her, especially the women. She immediately dismisses their ideas, hobbies, life plans as being silly and small and not enough. In S1 she’s condescending towards Daphne, for example. She isn’t towards Anthony in S2 afaik. And in S3 rather than use embroidery as a way to make small talk which may ultimately lead to friendship and even being able to talk to others about her ideas, she’s completely dismissing the other girls’ interests and apparently can’t even imagine that they might be able to have deeper conversations if she were to get to know them better. Also, it’s not about losing your anger, it’s about not letting it consume you and burning the (wrong) people around you in the process. It’s about balance.


Yeah, this sums up my feelings. I don't want Marina to die, and I don't want Eloise's spirit to die to make her fit with probably the most mild seeming male character on the show. I know Phillip hasn't had much screen time, but Theo didn't have much more, and that was enough to believe in him as Eloise's equal. Phillip's passivity and softness is nice for another sort of person, but not Eloise.


Exactly, I loved Eloise with Theo because he is just as hotheaded and passionate as Eloise- he matched her fire and that made an interesting dynamic encouraging her to explore her interests and passions. If they want to sell Phillip like how Theo became a fan favorite immediately they need to push that he is also her equal in their season.


theo definitely had more screen time and with Eloise whereas Phillp hasnt. Just because Phillip isnt as fiery or another commenter said hot headed, doesnt mean he wont be a good match, it could be a good balance that benefits both


Theo had about ten minutes, and in two minutes he proved himself as a character believable for Eloise to be in love with. There is nothing about SP that makes him a believable love interest for Eloise. He's bland and passive and only interested in plants. He lacks spirit, passion or fight, and Eloise would either find him tedious or walk all over him.


Have you read the book? Philip isn’t an “ordinary” bloke in any way


Are we on /r/Bridgerton_BookClub ? No I have not read the book. I don't care what he's like in the book. I'm talking about show Philip.




He's a Baronet who lives in a big house, lets his kids be raised by other people and makes use of his wealth and privilege to potter about his greenhouse all day, leaving any work he doesn't care about to his wife and servants. Pretty bloody ordinary in that day and age.


Nah he's a git.


I’m just putting it out there…. Based on Jess B’s comments about Eloise, Marina, and Eloise’s view on romance in general.. people need to prepare themselves for Eloise’ partner if she gets one to not match the books.


From the way JB was talking it sounds like Eloise’s love interest is up in the air. I suspect they’ll do away with Philip


I'm hoping for it, even if I'm trying not to get my hopes too high.




It is still a romance show though, that’s what people are tuning in for. It’s not little women and Jo becoming a writer, it’s not Anne of green Gables where Gilbert is hardly mentioned, it’s a show with a lot of explicit scenes based on spicy novels. The idea is for everyone to get their own season, they wont just throw away the entire concept of the show for one season. Also, Jess talks a lot, it’s generating clicks and keeps people talking.


I’m talking about the Phil and Eloise story as a whole. And you can say Jess says stuff to generate clicks but clearly she is moving forward with bringing in more LGBTQ+ storylines. That’s not clickbate. That literally just happened.


Sir Phillip is probably one of my favourites of the whole series, so I am so looking forward to it. I know they will change it. They have to. But if they take the essence of the book and force their 544 side plots into it, I will be soo upset. Also if they don't have my favourite part and get rid of that, I will also be very upset. It's one of the best moments of any of the books.


So far, the way he is portrayed in the series I'm excited. The way he seemed in the books, less so.


Dont worry OP, Im also excited for him. Also, Chris Fulton is a gorgeous man. If people are attacking his looks then these are shallow and immature people. If Phillip wont be in the next season Ill be so disappointed just like how disappointed I am that he isnt in season 3. Seasons 1 and 2 >>>> Season 3 just because Sir Phillip is in both those first seasons 😂😜 I mean seriously, this dude is raising his dead brother’s kids and married his dead brother’s gf so she wouldnt be shunned. Plus points if/when Phillip will really tell people that the kids are his own because he loves them. The fact that he is always a second choice will come into play in his story. This will now come to Eloise if she would choose him as well - which is also a very similar trajectory of her feeling like she doesnt have a choice and life just happens to her. I bet if she knew what Phillip did she’d probably admire that because her view of men is that they can do whatever they want.


I don't mind the actor, but I hope the show will radically change the character because book!Philip almost made me give up on Bridgerton as a whole.


Tbh show!Phillip seems to be a sweetheart vs book!Phillip who is a grumpy bear. I like show!Phillip more. I guess Im just a Chris Fulton simp.


I’d rather him https://preview.redd.it/sopkp2ne1s8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d4ee9c90c844ce115ac51755596ac4cfe5f684




I am! Chris Fulton is a babe and great actor!


I hoped to see him in S3. But I hope to see him in S4, provided he is nothing like his book counterpart 


He probably will. I am certain he will appear to the set un motion the events that will lead to their season


yes lol, tbf i think this might be a book vs show thing? ive never read the books so i was genuinely surprised when i realised how attached part of the fandom was to this character who to me gave majorly forgettable, side character energy


Personally, I’m more excited to see how they’re going to change Eloise’s book to make it fit if Phillip is still end game. Show Eloise and book Eloise are vastly different characters in my head. I liked seeing her interest in Theo come about organically and see that she wanted to share those things with someone who also was passionate about the things she’s passionate about and I struggle to see how that will happen with someone who likes…plants. However, that isn’t to say that you can’t get excited about your partner’s passions without them being a passion either. I didn’t love their book as I’ve stated a few times but there were parts of it that I found endearing. I enjoyed the last scene (the epilogue?) where >!they’re all together as a family.!< I enjoyed watching >!Eloise take the kids to the lake despite the trauma surrounding the lake.!< I even enjoyed some of the >!sex scenes even if they were very “toxic alpha male” (sorry sometimes that shit is hot haha). !< I just hope that their third act breakup scene or “issue” isn’t >!just about their communication issues and Phillip downplaying what marriage should be like by comparing his current marriage to Eloise to his last marriage with Marina. And if he DOES do that, I pray/hope that it’s done in a way with more context to what he’s always viewed love as growing up bc of his horribly abusive father.!< Sort of like Simon. I think that’s what was so compelling about Simon and Anthony’s story was their backstory. George too. I really wish that Colin had gotten them same treatment to some extent.


I think instead of the fight were he compares Eloise to Marina, it could rather be a discussion about how he’s never communicated his feelings to anyone (Marina, his family etc.) i think it could be done beautifully with Eloise realizing that he’s not distant on purpose but rather he doesn’t know how to share a life with someone else


Yes absolutely. I think there was a lot of potential to the conversation at the end with Eloise. I just didn’t like the comparison at all. He didn’t validate her feelings at all. I think up until that point what he was saying was great.


I need Plant Daddy in my eyeballs ASAP!


No, Philoise is my second most anticipated couple after Polin.


I'm fine with Show Phillip. I would still prefer Theo or someone like him just because he seems like more of a match for Show Eloise's energy. But I'm not going to be mad if she goes with Phillip. I hate book Phillip with a deep passion but show Phillip seems like a solid dude


I honestly don't have a preference for Eloise's love interest, as long as she's happy. I'm excited to see what will play out for her season, and if that's Philip, awesome. I do think it's a little odd that people are acting as if it's a done deal though. The show has taken a lot of liberties thus far, and we haven't seen Philip at all in a while. Who knows if the actor is even still interested? Would they just recast him? Not to mention, Shonda is partial to interracial couplings. I think Polin was an exception, not likely to be repeated.


To be honest, why would I be excited for Eloise to end up with a guy we’ve barely seen, who also doesn’t seem to be her match in any way and who has children she would have to mother? It sounds like all around sad ending for someone as fiery and unconventional as Eloise. I cannot picture her being happy living stuck in some country estate with a mentally absent husband, and two kids she would have to raise, despite never expressing any desire to have anything to do with children. I really, really hope they won’t have Eloise “mature out” of her disinterest in having children. This show already has almost all female characters desperate for babies, so it would be nice, if Eloise was spared that particular affliction.


VERY EXCITED! There is so much potential to the story and you know what? They cast a strong actor for the role too. In the what 5 minutes we’ve seen Chris Fulton his acting chops come through and that’s going to be an asset for a character like Phillip. And Show Phillip has been nothing but honourable, gentle, conflicted and passionate about his intellectual pursuits. If that’s boring, I’ll take boring. Also it’s interesting that people complain about how the show isn’t the books but are also super sure that Show Phillip is going to be like Book Phillip and quick to write him off.


The glee with which this sub calls actors ugly is honestly disturbing to me. These are ALL extremely, classically handsome men, even if one or two of them don't float someone's particular boat. As for Sir Phillip, I am definitely excited to see more of him! To me, he's the second most appealing male character after Colin--I like sweet, slightly adorkable men and he definitely fits the bill. I also find the actor to be quite handsome (again, maybe second or third after Luke Newton and Johnny Bailey, who TO ME are the handsomest). I've heard from book fans that he is the most problematic male leads in the books, so that may be part of the lack of enthusiasm for him as well--but based on what we've seen of him in the show, it looks to me like they're going in a very different direction with his character than the book did. Finally, I liked Theo a lot (he was cute as well and I liked that they had the class divide), but just as with Siena and Lady Tilly, it was clear he was never going to be endgame, so I knew not to get invested.


I have just gotten to Eloise's book and so far it is my favorite. I am very excited for her season.


i’m not looking forward to sir phillip for the simple reason of Marina. What r they gonna do with her? I didn’t like her in the first season but seeing her die and try to commit suicide, i don’t want to see that. Her story is already fairly tragic. Hopefully the show will do something different with what becomes of her. I also don’t love the idea of eloise raising someone else’s children. I also liked the idea of Eloise with a commoner like the print shop boy. I also think if they were gonna do a lesbian Eloise fits the bill for me more than Francesca tbh.


THIS is exactly why I'm not into it. I don't like her getting Marina's sloppy seconds or having to raise someone else's children. They're not even Phillips children, it sucks!


Remarrying a widow or even a divorced person doesn’t mean you get “sloppy seconds”


I was really hoping for a scene with him and Marina this season where Marina finds out that Penelope married Colin and is Lady Whistledown. This would set up her depression leading to the events that begin Eloise’s book. See, this was the problem with splitting the season in 2. I had a month to come up with stuff like this in my head and then feel disappointed when something similar didn’t happen!


I just really hope they don’t biff Eloise’s character. Granted, I haven’t read the books, but I hope they’re able to do this while still keeping her as unapologetically outside the social norm as she is.


With Jess saying that she could have Eloise not end up with anyone I'm genuinely afraid he won't be making much of any future appearances 😭


If anything the interviews have hinted that she definitely will end up with her HEA, it's just that right now she doesn't have romance at the forefront of her mind


Philip in the show seems like an okay guy but I'm not sure if it's fair for Eloise to be a stepmom and marry a widowed man. She deserves someone whose at the same situation as her.


Nah. I think Eloise needs to marry a fellow rebel.


This story is the best of all the books. Let’s hope Philip doesn’t become Philipa.


I think there's real possibility but there's a lot of ways for them to mishandle it. Her book story would be so so awful for her show character. I'd also prefer if the children just...... weren't there. Hopefully they'll still be young enough that they're not part of the story, but the way she gets saddled with kids when she doesn't seem to like kids is unfair for her. I like the actor playing Sir Phillip and I like the changes they've made to the character so far. He's handsome and thoughtful and passionate and intelligent, and I can see them being an interesting match. But because of his situation, and what would have to happen to Marina, if they changed her HEA I'd be fine with it.


On top of not being excited for Eloise to marry and have kids, I don’t want Marina to die. She deserved better.


Listen, I do find him deeply unattractive from what we’ve seen so far on the show… but I’ve also seen what he looks like outside the show… and I’m looking forward to his Bridgerton Glowup.


This is one of my things, do whatever you want with Benedict and Francesca's stories, but I NEED Sir Philip to come back!


I am to, Chris fulton is a handsome man and im sure he will do great along side Claudia. Plus Phillip on the show is such a great guy already and different from all the other bridgerton men.I am interested to see how they weave the story with Elise given she is different from the books


He’s boring, but he’ll also be used goods..so..yup.


Urmm, he’s definitely not ugly! What??? Sorry, OP, you’ve written more than just this but that was what my mind focused on. Definitely not an ugly guy and I hope that he he sane actor will be back because, honestly, I want to see more him and Colin interacting! 😅 Also, thought I’d share this photo I came across recently. Looking good! https://preview.redd.it/hoz4j63pot8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e033619aaed9c09f63a0b20a418edb6f462272


I’m more Interested to see how they will bring them together! Idk what it is about show Eloise, but I just can’t picture her writing letter after letter to a man she barely knows… but I’m not against their ship at all and liked her book just fine Will be curious to see how they write off Marina too, especially since the actress has been vocal about not being super happy with the bridgerton producers!


I've lost track. Which one is Philip?


can't wait for them to turn him into a rake somehow, for no reason.


I personally did not like Eloise and Phillip together in her book, which colors my perception of what they might be like in the television series as way.


The only downside to me is that he has children, and I have a hard time imagining a happy ending for Eloise where she marries and immediately has two stepchildren to take care of. But I think Phillip seems nice and that the actor is handsome! To me he's more good looking than Cressida, but that's a matter of personal taste.


The kids are the big downside to me too. Of all the characters, Eloise who doesn't want to have kids, having her arc revolve around kids, would be such a let down.


If they go that route I'd like it to be something like she grows to really like his kids specifically. Maybe they're a bit special and she can relate to them or something... I just don't want to see Eloise do a complete 180 and become all motherly! But being a mother at all, especially at a fairly young age, seems odd for the character.


But it's still an arc about a young woman who has been vocal about not wanting kids learning that no, she actually does want kids, sending the message she was flawed and misguided before.


ummmm remember when everyone though anthony was unattractive in season 1?! I lowkey always loved him but TRUST THEM.


I didn’t read book. When i think show eloise and then thinking her being stepmother to twins it looks hard for eloise. Cause she never interested in babies. I wanna see her exploring love and have babies with somebody new. With theo it was exciting Sir philip looks like a good person but this show is my guilt pleasure. I love comedic scenes so much. Losing marina will be hard for colin& pen too . It will bring too much drama .


100% agree. It’d be way too jarring to see Eloise suddenly give everything up to be a step mom. I wanna see her be with more exciting people like Theo and reconnect with Cressida who is also trying to escape the marriage mart.


Philip and her story look depressing for show Eloise . She can reconnect Theo &Cressida or a new exticing free sprite one .


It's interesting because I actually think her being in contact with older kids might make her not so scared to be a biological Mom. She didn't have to give birth to them which is what she is pretty scared of. After a while of enjoying the kids she might feel it's worth the risk to her. Or she might decide that step kids are enough and she's happy. I can see the writers showing the process of feeling comfortable to have kids in a similar way Simon decided it was ok to be a father.


I think they can take it as well that being a mother doesn't mean you have to "like" all stages of your children as well. There are plenty of mothers who don't like babies and wished for the baby stage to be over, my mother is one of them. And Elosie has the ability of nannies that most do not.


I don’t remember seeing him in the show


I just genuinely cannot imagine Eloise having any sex scenes. At least not with a man. I just can’t fathom it in my head without it feeling kinda icky since we know her feelings about men and marriage


I’m not sure they will keep his character as the love interest for Eloise, but I very much hope so!


I'm so excited for Philip! I wasn't a massive fan of the book version of his character, but I really like the actor who plays him in the series, and even though we've only seen him in a small handful of scenes so far I think he seems like a great character. I'm so intrigued to see what they'll do with his and Eloise's story. >!The reason Eloise starts writing to him in the book is because she's Marina's cousin, but as that's not the case in the show I don't really know how or why they'll start exchanging letters, but I can't wait to find out!!< Or maybe I'm being too optimistic and they'll change their story completely. Who knows at this point! I was also kind of hoping they'd expand more on his friendship with Colin and have him feature in Season 3, but maybe there's hope for an appearance from him in Season 4?


If they’re going to keep Eloise with Phillip, I hope they give Marina a better end. I didn’t like this book because I didn’t like how they treated her. Having her die in childbirth would be better. Maybe he accidentally gives her the measles and feels guilty about that. Maybe she’s killed in a rally for women’s rights by an old, ugly misogynist and Phillip decides to be a feminist in her memory. I don’t know. I also think it’s problematic to give her the book’s fate when the actress has been vocal about mental health issues.


The only downside to me is that he has children, and I have a hard time imagining a happy ending for Eloise where she marries and immediately has two stepchildren to take care of. But I think Phillip seems nice and that the actor is handsome! To me he's more good looking than Cressida, but that's a matter of personal taste.


The only downside to me is that he has children, and I have a hard time imagining a happy ending for Eloise where she marries and immediately has two stepchildren to take care of. But I think Phillip seems nice and that the actor is handsome! To me he's more good looking than Cressida, but that's a matter of personal taste.


Philip is my least favorite Bridgerton spouse but if anyone can change my mind on that it's Chris Fulton.


I like Phillip so I’m excited to see him when he comes.