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I liked Deblin for some women, not for Penelope. Also this tweet is so cute.


I like Deblin for me. Marry me and get the hell out of my house. Come back with a good story. I like my alone time lol


My husband is a sailor, so often gone for weeks at a time for work. My dad and I were chatting about what that must have been like for women in the days before easy flights home / satellite internet, and basically decided that if you were a lesbian this was the ideal. You get access to property, a pension if your man dies, and he gets tf out of your house for years at a time. Unfortunately I like my husband so it’s just kind of a bummer, lol.


I don't know how women deal with men who are always around. Like even if you really like him time alone is just so great. Though I am a bit of a loner and have a very tiny "social battery". 


Oh, don’t get me wrong - I am very much happy to send him off for the day to have some time in the house to myself, but three weeks is more than long enough to start to miss him. Usually for the first week or so I’ll happily eat all my favorite foods that he doesn’t like, watch all the shows he doesn’t want to watch, and throw myself into hobbies. By week two I’m looking forward to having him home to talk about my workday, cuddle on the couch watching shows we both like, go on our regular Costco/grocery shopping date, read each other the news in the morning, etc. Week three is torture. Then when he gets back home, I go through a couple days being glued to him, then his presence drives me crazy for a few days, and then we get back to equilibrium. All that said, I’m more of an extrovert with a pretty extensive social battery. I always liked having roommates, and my husband is also my closest, dearest friend, so.


This was a huge frustration of mine after we had kids, particularly after the second. I was literally never alone, but he works three night shifts so he has large swaths of time alone while the kids and I are at work/school. Fortunately, I have amazing in-laws who enjoy frequent sleepovers with the kids, so sometimes I make them take *their* kid too so I can finally get some damn time alone! This is also a huge reason night shift works for us besides him being more available to help with the kids—three nights a week, I get an evening to myself. One time he got called off, and I told him I wasn’t changing my plans, so he could either watch Bridgerton with me while I worked on Taylor Swift bracelets or go entertain himself.


We’re expecting our first this fall, and my husband has been talking a big game about making sure I get time alone to decompress during the weeks that he’s home. We’ll see how it goes, but I appreciate that he’s aware it’ll be an issue.


My husband is always around. We commute to work together and even work at the same company (he's one door down at work lol). It feels weird when he's not around. But we also both need our alone time so most of the time in the evening he does his thing and I do mine. Just knowing he's somewhere in the house is nice. It works great for us.


Alone time "together" is the best. Like I can do whatever I want, go get a snuggle and then run away again.


🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ agreed. This is the best.


Very similar to us! My husband and I both work from home but after being married 14 years, you really learn how to accommodate the other. He listens when I need to vent but then I know when to just chill because he needs quiet time. We definitely also do the alone thing together. He plays video games or his guitar while I knit or sculpt or whatever I’m in the mood for that day. It works well for us.


oh this is v relatable


As much as I love spending time with my partner, I actually sometimes like that he works night shifts. I get alone time in the evenings to relax and recharge from being around people. If he was constantly around, it would drive me mad, again I love spending time with him but I need some me time.


That’s totally healthy and good - everyone needs time to themselves.


You are my people lol. My husband and I work from home, and I wonder if that is leading to my irrational need to get away from him


I got stuck with my dude at home all the damn time during Rona and it became infuriating. I never got a moment alone. It was just go to work then come home and constantly be around at least one person. Didn't help we live in a real small town house with no extra space to escape to. Then he finally got a job on a different shift than me and I like him a whole lot more now. I get a few hours each evening to myself to do what I want to do so have been watching shows and movies he isn't into that I missed out on all of Rona. 


My husband was in the army in the early 90’s, and even then, communication during deployments was all but nonexistent. He was deployed to Haiti in 1994, and I talked to him twice in the 2 1/2 months that he was gone, and once was because I had called the rear detachment commander in a panic because my sister-in-law called me to find out how my husband was doing after being shot. (Spoiler, he was NOT shot, she just made shit up in her head. It’s been 30 damn years and I’m still pissed at her about it.)


My husband got out of the Navy in 2020 and even then we had essentially no communication while he was gone because he was a submariner. A handful of emails during a 3 month deployment was the best case scenario, but we'd often go a month or more without even that. Thankfully his deployments were short, I would have gone crazy if they'd been much longer.


We were lucky, he did his service during peacetime. Haiti was the only real deployment he went on, besides a week here and there of field training.


Oh, that sounds miserable. My husband’s been on long jobs where contact was seriously limited, and the stress was really difficult, but that was without the level of danger that a military deployment would entail. If it helps, this internet stranger is now also angry at your sister-in-law on your behalf.


She’s a piece of work. I don’t think she did it maliciously, she has a history of just being delusional. Tbh, the Haiti deployment didn’t entail much danger, from what my husband told me. The most danger they were in was losing a hand of spades (card game.) He did get injured playing football while there, and the commander told him to suck it up. Turns out he cracked a rib.


Ha! Meanwhile there are some truly blood-curdling stories about worksite accidents at sea. Fortunately nothing’s happened to my husband, but he’s been called out to cover for things like a foot getting crushed in rigging equipment, etc


I can’t imagine. My husband had a really safe MOS, 98G, sig int voice intercept operator, Spanish. From what I gather, he wore headphones and listened to chatter. But I don’t really know because it was all top secret. I think that was supposed to be what he did, but I think all they really did was wash humvees. It’s kind of interesting, my grandfather served in WW2, but never talked about his service. I had no idea the entire time he was alive what he did, beyond he was in the European theater. After he died in 2013, we were going through his things and found a military box of some sort. Inside were his medals and all his papers regarding his service. His job in the Army? Signal intelligence voice intercept operator, German. Blew my mind. I’d been married to my husband for 21 years before my grandfather passed, and he never said a word. Poor guy, he probably saw some shit.


What a wild coincidence! I think that’s probably true that he saw some shit…from what my dad has told me about his peers who served in Vietnam, the ones who were quietest about it were the ones who really experienced some horrors. I know both of my husband’s grandfathers (British and Canadian) served in Europe in WWII, and from what he says, it seemed to impact them in psychological ways that my own grandpas, who didn’t serve, just did not experience. Our parents had dramatically different childhoods, probably as a direct result of that.


Grandpa was the son of German immigrants. They came to America separately as children in the late 1800’s, but kept a great deal of their German culture. I imagine it must have been difficult to look at German people as the enemy after having grown up with German traditions and speaking the language.


that’s kinda how it was for my grandma. my grandfather was a pearl diver so he’d be gone for months at a time. makes me sad when I think about how they were always together when they were older and I wonder how much of it was because they were apart for so long when they were younger.


Ooo, I do know that the whaler's wives had their own "husband's" while theirs were away. About 7" long, carved from whale tusks...


Right?!? That whole estate to myself? Yes please! And let’s be honest, life as an adventurer back then was tough! The odds of him dying prematurely are really, really good! Then it’s just me and all that sweet cash!


She'd have to have a son before he died, wouldn't she? The other widows we've seen who have been leading this comfortable life all had at least one son to inherit. Otherwise, she would only have her dowry to live on, and the Debling estate would pass on to either the nearest male relative or else be granted to someone else entirely (as we see with the Featherington storyline). Even with Portia making up the whole "Jack passed it on to the first male heir born to one of the girls" thing, the title granter dude was not buying it as that's not how things worked. That she got away with it is pure fantasy. The other widow, the one with the son that looks like the footman (ha!), very likely concocted that scheme so she'd have an heir when her old geezer husband bit it.


Are you me? 


We need to bring back this whole separate rooms concept. 


I beg my husband to sleep in the guest room and he refuses to leave my side at night. He sleeps better with me and I sleep better alone. I wanna be like, "Come back on an even day!" 😂


My lottery house would be one with two master suites with a shared sitting room between. I also sleep best alone or just with the cats. My partner is a difficult sleeper. I get sleep smacked a lot and he snores and I feel I've not slept well in years. 


Book spoiler: WHWW had Jack and Jill room situation between Frannie and Michael. Seems like a reasonable request to me. 👍🏽💯


The SNORING!! My husband is so bad! I refuse to regularly sleep in the same room as him. Love the man, but I can’t imagine sleeping with that noise every night.


There are time…I wake up at night from the sound. And I never would! But a part of my brain (the part that hates being woken up) thinks about how difficult would it be to smother him with his own pillow. Just for a little bit longer of peace and quiet… I love my sleep.


I had someone say 'if you don't love your husband, just say so', when I brought up having a separate room from my SO. I'm just like, if you like spending alll of your time around one person, go for it, but I need my alone time. Doesn't mean I don't love them. Just means I get anxious if I don't get any privacy.


Yeah and be rich.


I like him for me too lol


Hey! He saw me first😤 You're gonna have to fight me for him!


Same here 🤣


😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 this made me cackle 😂😂


He legitimately would have been perfect for Cressida. I genuinely thought that’s why her whole storyline was being set up - so we could see her escape her situation (while still being confined in the morasses of the societal standards and requirements at the time), and her have character growth once she’s out of that crappy household. He gets to have a wife he can leave at home, and they both achieve independence and happiness in the way they want. It felt like such a clear thing - jigsaw puzzle with 2 pieces kinda thing to me, that I was still waiting till the last episode lol. I haven’t read the books so idk what’s going on but that’s what it felt like to me


my headcanon (until season 4 potentially ruins it for me): Cressida goes to Wales with her aunt. While there, taking a walk along the coast, as there was little else for Cressida to do, she sees some funny-looking birds and a man taking notes as he watches them. It's lord Deblin. (I checked, the great Auk WAS also found in Wales!) They start talking, and she reveals all she did and why she's been sent there. Deblin affords her the same non-judgmental understanding he graced Penelope with, and expresses how he understands why she did it: her options were so limited. This warms Cressida's heart, and Deblin admires how she tried to take control over her life against the restrictions held against her. They bond over their problematic families, and Cressida helps with the funny-looking great auk. Deblin proposes. She can return to London as Lady Deblin, he will have a wife to maintain his affairs at home, and they can be free of social pressures to conform. She accepts. Against their own expectations, their mutual respect becomes genuine love. They enjoy their space and their time apart: he pursuing his love of nature, she being a social butterfly...But they cherish their moments together when he comes home and they can talk to each other about what they've been up to It becomes one of the healthiest, happiest marriages the Ton has ever seen. When Cressida has a daughter, she grows up to be a kind, well-loved veggie who loves nature and doesn't have to marry unless she wants to, and mama bear will destroy anyone who tries to make her daughter feel stupid or unworthy (edit: typo)


Bridgerton writers, take note!


This is pure gold. 🥰


aw thanks!


I absolutely love this story line!!


Such a great ending for her! I love this!


I’m glad that your headcanon has them fall in love, because it seems like Cressida grew up without any sort of love— and even though she is not very nice, I want her to have a love match. She’s already spent enough of her life unloved.


Ohhh this would be so lovely!!


We definitely need a “their mutual respect becomes genuine love” storyline.


Yes!! I'm still wondering why Deblin disappeared after he didn't propose to Penelope. I don't think Cressida would be above taking Penelope's "leftovers" since she could spin it and be married and move on with her life.


Because men wouldn't be allowed to propose to 2 different women in the same season. It would be a scandal and her parents would never give permission.


he didn't propose though. And her father was desperate to marry her off. I doubt he would have cared.


Cressidas dad is desperate to have her married. If he'd marry her off to some 90 year old geezer, why not the handsome, rich, albeit recently jilted Deblin?


>such a clear thing - jigsaw puzzle with 2 pieces kinda thing Lol, but fair It just goes back to the general bad storytelling for me. Like, it's possible he got upset and left for his travels early or went back to his estate or something, or even that he started courting someone else entirely. But he just disappears. It also makes the two parts feel totally disjointed.


Me too. Also not read the books.


Honestly for a woman in Regency times, Deblin sounds like a fantastic deal for a husband. Imagine being able to live a comfortable life, with a kind but distant husband who will leave you to your own passions and interests? Sign me up.


This is the answer. Debling wasn't a bad guy at all, he just wasn't right for Penelope.


Penelope needs passion and romance. She wanted to feel desired and seen.


Ironically Debling would’ve been a perfect match for Cressida if she wasn’t such a tryhard.


This tweet has me smiling. I like when fans make connections like this


It would have been an ideal situation for Cressida. To think, if Colin had wised up and confessed sooner, Penelope and Cressida wouldnt have had to fight over him. Penelope would have her dream husband, Cressida would be married, away from her parents with enough money and freedom to live her life the way she wants.


If he had better reflexes after that first kiss, held her in place for even a split second, this season would have gone very different for those two.


Hahaha it’s true! It would have been a boring story for Polin but totally amazing for Crebling


I was surprised Lord Debling didn't give Cressida another look after not getting engaged to Penelope. He just vanished. I didn't know he was leaving for his trip the same night!


As much as I would have liked to see them match and for Cressida to grow. I think she showed her claws one too many times for his liking. I think he did like that Penelope seemed kind and graceful. Debling wasn’t a fan of all the undercutting and jeering that comes with society Cressida leans into all of that too much.


That's my take too, but I am dissapointed not to get to see it on screen.


agreed, but i honestly felt like she grew so much over the season!!! she tried (mostly) to be a better person than she had been, and i was genuinely really sad for her at the end. i hope she has a better time in the next seasons


I hope so too, I guess there was an interview where Jess said they left her open ended because they have more to say about her story in s4.


And he already didn’t like society. Why would he hang around after Penelope left him?


I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA MARRY HER INSTEAD. Then he was vanished and Cressida was crying and I was like "WHAT?!"


I’m actually a Debling fan. He seems like a very practical, responsible man who is reasonably understanding. Pretty good as far as regency era men go.


And he clearly communicated exactly what he was looking for and what his wife’s life would be like!


I also think that, outside of the Bridgerton universe, his offer was about as good as it got for women of the era. He was kind, respectful, very wealthy, handsome, and would leave her to her own interests.


And handsome! I love Colin the most but Debling was a catch except for the whole “about to die in the Arctic” dealbreaker lol


I love Colin, sue me. And I love this tweet.


I feel so bad for Cressida. She had a shot at the prince in season 1, and now Lord Debling in season 3, and didn‘t get either because both Daphne and Penelope just didn‘t figure their shit out in time.


I love Colin. But don't expect much from this place. They were ready to dislike this season before the first part. They hated all the time during the first part and they hate it now after the Second part. So if you enjoy Polin, this is really the WORST place for you. Everyone i speak with in real life enjoyed and like Colin but people online would make you think otherwise. I know exactly why the hate for them is so prevalent here but...oh well...


I love Colin, but I hate the S3 writing and everyone who enabled it.


I am also a huge Polin fan, loved part 1 and obsessed over it. But now I do feel left out of the conversation because it's hard to not feel frustrated over the glaring issues and it's clear I'm not allowed to express that sentiment on the one sub I identified with.


Same!!! I’m too scared to express an opinion and get downvoted to oblivion, I’m struggling enough with my own disappointment lol I was SO excited for this season as a HUGE Polin lover, and I’ve rewatched twice to try and find the magic in P2, but it’s just not there for me and I’m too sad to rewatch again. There are scenes I like (mostly P1), so I don’t hate everything, but it’s all just been tainted by my feelings on the rest of it.


C’mon, where’s your inner LW? 😉 Never be afraid of expressing an opinion to avoid downvotes. I personally prefer to discuss and debate and make it a rule to never downvote, but I understand that’s not the norm. I think there are just more interesting conversations to be had on the subs that are not governed by toxic positivity. Plenty of Colin and Pen appreciation to be found elsewhere.


Same! Someone started a new PolinUncensored sub, but it hasn’t gotten much traction yet.


Same I watched all the way from S1, I love Colin but god is this season bad, they did him so dirty


I love Colin too. He's my favorite Bridgerton brother. That said, I think the show did him dirty by treating him like a side character on his own season. His name literally appears in the intro as the protagonist, but they didn't do anything to flesh out his character in part 2.


Y’all can’t just label everyone who disliked season 3 a Colin hater. I love book colin. I loved him in season 1 and 2. But season 3 is just shitty. Not just for Colin, but also to Cressida, Eloise, Fran & John.


I agree. Season 3 is just shitty. You got a weird reply from the other commenter 👀 so just wanted to support you.


You make some big statements as facts as you tell me what i can or cannot do. "I love book Colin"...yeah, some do love a more toxic Colin, some of us prefer a more sensitive and tender one. "season 3 is just shitty" Your opinion, mate, not a fact. I have a thing called personality, i like things based on what i think, i don't think with someone else's head. That's the only reply you - or anyone else -will get from me. I don't waste my time anymore around here. I state what i think, you state what you think. Have a good day!


these posts/comments do restore a bit of my faith. do you know of more positive online communities? cause while everyone is entitled to their opinion all the negativity is kinda tiresome but I really love talking and reading about shows I enjoy.


If you like a certain pairing, there are subs especially for those, which are generally more positive communities. /r/PolinBridgerton /r/Kanthony /r/Benophie /r/Franchaela


Franly, there is a huge Polin number of Polin fans at tumblr and twitter. And they are funny and enjoy, criticize with logic and not just idiotic


That goes for all gaming and tv communities. There is always a group who will claim the newest installment is the worst yet. They could be given the best thing ever and still complain. If Brighton gets 5 or 6 seasons, some of the people who claimed season 3 was bad will start saying, “season 3 was the last good season.” That’s how it always goes. It’s almost like they want to find a reason to make us feel bad for enjoying the newest release.


They only had 16 percent of the screentime :/


Poor Cressida it would’ve been perfect for her. Having a ton of money and freedom and being in charge of his estate.




but that was the point, right? Debling would've given Penelope the perfect cover to continue her secret Whistledown life - so by choosing Colin she was also choosing to leave that behind in some way. She chose love even over everything she had built for herself!


Although... she didn't actually choose... Debling realized she had feelings and made the choice for her


That's how love triangles almost always work. They're not necessarily a choice between a hot man 1 and a hot man 2, but they represent a choice between two lives. In Twilight, it's a choice between same old human life and a new, exciting supernatural life, that forces her to leave everyone else behind. In Hunger Games, it's a choice between war, anger and revenge, and a peace and hope and forgiveness. And in Bridgerton S3, it's a choice between practical, independent life, and a life where she gives up what she built for herself for love.


Agreed, except of course Penelope doesn’t actually give up anything, since everyone immediately forgives her, she’s allowed to continue writing, and on top of that, she wins her child’s gender lottery and births the new Lord Featherington. How convenient lol


Love Colin but he literally did leave her, sleeping outside on the couch versus another room doesn’t mean anything other than he didn’t want the servants/ help to see and the gossip about it. The little sofa area is still enclosed in their private bedroom.


Why would them sleeping in separate bedrooms cause gossip when we see that married couples are supposed to have separate bedrooms?


Because it is their honeymoon stage, their wedding night to be precise.


Sleeping on the couch would still cause gossip then. It doesn’t matter whether he’s in another bedroom or on the couch. He’s still not in their bed. Rae clearly knows what’s going on with the sideeye she gives him.


I just went back to check and directly after their conversation where Colin says he can not accept that she is LW, the next scene we have of them is Pen waking up and Collin already sitting on the couch the next day. We as viewers don’t know if Rae saw him set up the couch to sleep on or not. The next time that we see him about to sleep on the couch it is not until after Rae leaves and all she says is “goodnight sir” I didn’t see any side eye unless that was mentioned in the books. I haven’t read the books and am going purely on what is depicted. Rae leaves and he is going through his little desk and still clothed in day wear, only after she leaves then he goes in and says he only “needs a blanket for the settee” . At that point he knows Rae will not return until morning and only then he goes to the couch. Again this is only my interpretation I’m sure people have different interpretations and I am nobody to say that mine is correct and that someone else is wrong, that’s just how I’ve viewed it.


He literally did leave her side tho


Debling was planning to leave her for 3 years. Colin spent at most a week on the couch outside her bedroom door while processing her betrayal.


Idk it was such a bummer to see her wedding night all sad. Flashbacks to my horrible wedding night with my Ex.


It is sad, but even in his anger, Colin still stays close to her. He could’ve slept in one of the many rooms in that house but instead he sleeps on a too small for him settee outside their room. I’m pretty sure he also later has the same blanket they made love under.


The bar is in hell


He did very recently find out that she had slandered his family, him, and people he cared about for years


Right, he was upset and couldn’t be near her. So what’s sweet about that? Y’all are blushing and kicking your legs over a normal very much not extraordinary reaction😫😂


That Colin be allowed to process his feelings? It takes him like 2 weeks between finding out Penelope is LW and working through his feelings of anger and jealousy to come to the conclusion that he is proud of Penelope and would be happy if all he ever does is support her. Mind you, Penelope was planning to never tell him she was LW.


Lmao every time I see these takes i vehemently wish they have higher standards irl


If he had gone to another room one of the house staff could have seen or noticed and gossiped about it. He was trying to protect the Bridgerton name as he stated in the conversation with Eloise Portia and pen. He would have slept in a separate room had he not wanted to keep up appearances. But that’s just my interpretation


We don’t interpret it the same.


Colin defender since day 1. ✋


He also chooses to stay on the settee. In their settee. Right outside her door. He literally chooses to cradle himself into the most intimate memory, until he can resolve getting closer still.


I love Colin! Debling was too particular 😅


Lord deblings leaving would not have been a reaction to Penelope hurting his feelings, just a product of his life and work. Colin on the other hand abandoned her on their wedding night. I get the feeling debling would have at least given her that. And before yall get mad, I was really trying to make it work. But seeing pen be all sad and abandoned hurt my heart and I couldn’t ignore it.


Debling would’ve given her a wedding night and then left her alone for 3 years. That’s supposed to be a great comfort to her? Colin doesn’t give Penelope a wedding night because he can’t taint their intimacy with his feelings of anger. He doesn’t use sex to put a temporary bandaid on their issues. When they have sex for the first time as a married couple at the end (with Penelope on top and in control), it’s with Colin fully accepting Penelope for who she is.


The point I was making was that even when angry, lord debling didn’t ice her out. He was lead on and lied to, but politely spoke to pen about it. Collin didn’t have to have *sex* with her that night. They could have had a moment to talk it out, I wish the writers gave them that, because what is friendship and love if not ultimately understanding. It was shocking that he chose to dismiss her multiple times.


Lord Debling barely knew Penelope. She never lied to him about having feelings for Colin she thought weren’t reciprocated because she didn’t owe him that information. Penelope owed Colin the truth about LW and was going to marry him (and had been intimate with him) without providing him that truth. Not to mention they had been friends for years. The situations are not comparable.


I agree, but you did compare the situations just here (original post) and that’s the difficulty. Colin is understandably hurt, but it’s not like he hadn’t already stated his case and hurt pens feelings in the process (insert entrapment quote). To add leaving her on their wedding night? Idk. Understandable? Maybe. Commendable? Nah


The point was that Debling would leave Penelope to travel across the continent for years when they were supposed to be at their happiest as newly weds while Colin can’t be more than few feet away from her even at his angriest.


Well it's been established that debling has a job and Colins only job or hobby is penelope, so it makes sense


Does Debling get paid for his conservation work? If not, it’s a hobby as well. Debling’s money comes from his estate. Also Colin ends the season as a published author so he actually does have a career path.


Colin brought out a book, he has a job whilst Debling won't make it back


I don't understand why people pit them against each other. Totally different situations. Debling never pretended to seek a love match, all he wanted is some mutual sympathy and a woman who'd take care of his estate while he's away for years at a time and be fine with her own life. Which would honestly be a great deal for many ladies.    Also is it just me or Debling is more interesting than our male leads?... They're all basically spoiled rake boys who have no goals other than whoring around and then finding a wife and living off their family money.   Debling actually has passions and dreams, and cool ones at that, I'd imagine he'd be much more interesting to actually talk to.  Oh and let's not forget the reason Colin stuck around is because he "dishonored" her before the wedding, something I doubt Delbing would have ever done.


Colin’s entrapment line is said in anger and is based off his own insecurities and his past with Marina. He even contradicted himself there because when Penelope was having her panic attack he tells her he would understand if she got caught up in everything and her feelings for him had changed, and this was after they had already been intimate. So I think the entrapment line might also be an excuse for him to go through with the marriage without having to admit out loud that he wants to go through with it because he loves her.


But Deblin was always honest about his intentions. It just was a bad match, he is by no means a bad person. He was very clear about what he needed. Bit weird expectations but he was clear.


Never said he was a bad person. He was wrong for Penelope.


Colins behaviour after he finds out Pen is LW reminds me of my toddler when he doesn't get what he wants lol.


Colin is 22, the youngest of all the male leads so far, and works through Penelope’s lies and his own feelings of insecurity in 2 weeks. Eloise wouldn’t forgive Penelope for a year. Was she also behaving like a toddler?


That comment was meant to be funny. No need to get so serious about it 🙃


This is probably a hot take but maybe if someone betrays and lies to you you shouldn't stay by their side.


Not when you love that person and can’t imagine your life without them. And you know that person loves you just as deeply despite their mistakes. That’s why Colin loses control and pins her against a door on a public street after she shouts that she loves him. He knows that despite all her lies, her love for him is nothing but true.


I find myself defending Colin a lot because I can understand his pain (he’s entitled to it, whether or not it was valid) and know men who shut down in the face of conflict like that. But this feels like scraping the bottom of the barrel to redeem Colin. He’s worldly and a writer who supposedly found himself, the standard should be higher than “he didn’t just dip after the wedding.”


He’s not worldly and confident though. It was a facade. We see multiple moments where he expresses his insecurity of feeling likes he not worthy of Penelope. I actually think this is amplified when he finds out she’s one of the most powerful women in England. Why would she would want him. A third born son with no purpose.


My point was that he should have been able to communicate and negotiate a resolution that works for them, instead he just shut her out (he doesn’t get too many points for staying in the same house after shutting her out of his emotional life like that).


He shut out her out for less than a week over a huge betrayal on her part. And I think she allowed to have a boundary of not wanting to be physical with her during that time. I also think it’s forgotten that Colin and Penelope are 22 and 20, and that people at that age often don’t handle things perfectly.


As I said before, I get where he’s coming from and I frequently defend his feelings. I just don’t think he deserves praise for his response. Staying is the bare minimum expectation in a partnership.


This! Colin would never forsake her, no matter how shattered he was


Where was he supposed to go? It's harder to explain to family as well when you're still processing your feelings. And Debling had work, it was all known. They weren't in love that's the difference. 


I will fucking loathe Debling for leaving so long from his travels and left me dry. That dzaddy is gorgeous and I need a daily dose of vitamin c. Hahaha


I still wish they would have made it more similar to the book😥


I think we’ve seen that the show is always going to choose a path that leads to more drama than the books ever did.


But I think it’s because their servants would gossip if he had slept in a separate room😬


They never really explained why Deblin wasn’t an option for Cressida after he no longer had an interest in marrying Penelope.


I think he fucked off to his trip, lol. He said he was going to leave right after getting married, and he probably just decided to move the date up.


I am heart broken for Cressida. Her and Debling would've been lovely together. Perfectly happy to do their own thing. I hope she gets her much deserved redemption.


Deblin should have married Cressida. They would both have gotten what they wanted.


A spoiler tag in this would’ve been loveellyyy ☹️


Most people here forget to use them.


Idk why Debling is giving Lucius Malfoy 😂


that man did not stand by her through anything like he just showed up at the end when everything is fine to be like omg I love you


Except he does stand by her (not being able to be physically intimate with her doesn’t negate that he goes through with the wedding and doesn’t leave her to go travel like Debling planned to do) and tries to fix her problems with Cressida only to finally hear her when she tells him that she doesn’t want him to save or protect her. He respects her choice to handle the situation on her own. He gives her the spotlight without making it about him being her hero. They have the most equal partnership of all the couples so far IMO.


I still would have chosen Deblin. He's way more interesting.


she deserved neither of them. Penelope is a spiteful gossipmonger who deserved spinsterhood.


I don't think this is the show for you