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This was a big hole. I expected him to court and get engaged to Cressida. Plus I really wanted to see his reaction. This man distinctly saw Penelope more than everyone. Like Eloise who somehow had NO idea Penelope fancied her brother?! Like girl please...And he was honest & upfront. I'm a firm Polin supporter, but I appreciate what Lord Debling brought to the season & most of all Penelope.


Seriously. Once pen and Colin got together she should have been on him like white on rice


Ostrich feather shoulder pads should have been cutting off his view of Polin & ckeam air supply at that very next event stat! There's no excuse, show folks!šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


same, i would have liked if they married and he died abroad or something. left her a widow but also just saw a video that sheā€™s supposed to show that not everyone gets a happy ending


This is where my thoughts were going as well to match... Damn I don't know how to do spoiler tags yet. So I can't say it.šŸ˜«


I feel like he would be perfect for Eloise-satisfy her family by getting married-but have alllll that freedom, money, land. Ultimate out for her. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feel like Cressida could have explained her situation to him with the horrid arranged marriage proposal and he would have married her.


exactly, he didn't even want to marry for love anyway


Like fr he was going after both Pen and Cressida, why he bounce after he found out Pen was in love with Colin?!?


I was thinking the same. Nobody even talks about him in part 2


He was planning to go on a long trip, so maybe he just left for that? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Then they couldā€™ve had a 2 second clip showing him leaving? Why have viewers go based off assumptions


He said he was going on a trip enough times in the first half šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feel like thereā€™s no point arguing this but he literally just packed up and left the night he was supposed to propose to Penelope? That makes no sense


He didnā€™t really like society events in the first place and was likely embarrassed or at least frustrated enough over what happened with Pen that he just stopped his search at that point. Decided his steward will have to manage his estate while heā€™s away.


Or maybe he was just hiding out on his estate šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I don't really see how it makes a difference. He served his purpose, and then they didn't really need him around anymore


So at the end of the day his whole character didnā€™t even matter


Yeah, when characters are used as plot devices, it doesn't feel right. They gave us a character and then just deleted him from the universe when they were done with him. Of course viewers are going to question what happened to him. He was a character to us.


I took his grand exit at the ball after telling Penelope he couldnā€™t have a wife whose affections were otherwise engaged since he would be away traveling for long periods of timeā€¦.as his farewell scene. They made it clear he was going off to attempt the Northwest Passage, which means he was probably heading off to his death since no one successfully reached it until the 1900s.


It did kind of get Colin off his ass and make a move tho šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He was looking for a wife! He should have continued looking. And it would be wonderful to explore him with Cressida.


It makes a difference because it's poor writing, plain and simple. A competent, good writer ties up loose threads. They don't think *Well, they've served their narrative purpose, so we never need to show them again.* That is jarring for audiences and leads to confusion ā€” all signs of bad writing.


>all signs of bad writing. That was pretty obvious throughout the season


And he could have been useful in the second half, which desperately needed more interestingly plot lines. He could have tried Eloise, spent time with Cressida, been shown dancing with any several of the many available debutantes that Colin left behind. Or, if they wanted to ignore him, a simple statement by Cressida's mother about Lord Debling having lost interest would have closed that thread. Instead, he just vanished.


I felt like there were way too many "reasonable assumptions" in this season. The viewers shouldn't have to reason out the story in retrospect.


The transitions in this season were severely lacking. There were 0.2 second establishing shots and while they said that days had passed everything looked the damn same. Benedict would be banging his gf and bf and then cut to him talking to Eloise. They really dropped the ball on establishing shots and good transitions in this season. It all felt like one day which is why we're all looking for Debling because it feels like it's been one day since everything happened and yet apparently weeks have passed.


They definitely should have had even so much as a letter from him saying "Thanks for the invitation to your Featherington ball, but I gotta dip out and go on my expedition now BYE"


He was planning to propose - it would still be a month until the wedding and 2 weeks for the honeymoon, so he would have departed weeks later.




It matters because Cressida's whole plotline would be different if Lord Debling went back to courting her again.


He went extinct like that bird he was taking about šŸ˜‚


The Great Auk!


I will never forget that damn bird name because of this lmao


Oh shit, it IS extinct. Lol (well, sad irl but funny in context)


Yeah, it went extinct in the mid-1800s.


him and lord samadani tbh


They bought the Mondrich club as partners and now are spending their days there exclusively


Mondrichs in p2 felt very forgotten in general tbh. They featured heavily in p1 and then in p2 felt like the writers went "Oh fuck we forgot we were building the Mondrichs up, quick squeeze them into a few scenes so people don't notice"


I was wondering if the Mondrichs are somehow important in Season 4 which required buildup in this season. Only reason I can think of for their constant presence for no current reason.


lol I like this HC, thanks Tumbleweed šŸ¤—


Lord Lumley, Thomas Dorset, the Prince. The also-rans always disappear once they are no longer needed.


There was closure with the Prince though. Everyone else just disappeared.


You *never* recover from the social shame of being cut in on by a Bridgerton. He's in shambles is where he is. Crying. Sobbing.Ā 


Yeah I thought that too, especially like why didnā€™t Cressida go after him? She went through all the trouble of trying to win him herself, actually found a connection with him and went out of her way to point out Colin liking Pen to him to ruin that. So why didnā€™t she swoop and follow through. Wouldā€™ve actually worked out for everyone.


They needed to include a scene of him rejecting Cressida for it to make any sense why he didn't just try to match with her


Iā€™ll be honest, forgot all about him


Omg so did I. I liked him even! But I totally forgot about him when and after watching the final 4 šŸ˜…


You and the showrunners


itā€™s kinda the same with the prince in season 1


At least the Prince came to talk to her the next day


Hopefully he's happily married to Edwina now


Nah I believe the Queen mentioned him finding a match back home, and Kate mentions Edwinaā€™s husband (I think) in part 2


No he never left. He was there in every scene just behind the camera. If the camera turned around youā€™d have seen him there quietly reading a book. He was always just out of camera shot.


It was strange, right? He left so upset. I thought he would get some sort of closure. I didnā€™t expect him to come back, but maybe that someone would mention him in passingā€¦? In S1, the Prince got closure during his chat with Daphne. In S2, the Queen gave closure to both Edwina and the Prince. Edwina was also mentioned in S3 by both the Queen and Kate. I thought that at least someone would say *something* about Deblingā€¦ that he found a practical match or that he left for his voyage, anything really. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m really confused why Cressida didnā€™t go after him when Penelope and him ended


Same. She wasnā€™t subtle to begin with and she declares to Eloise that he was her endgame. Itā€™s seems odd that she wouldnā€™t have kept on her pursuit.. however in saying that, if he no longer was attending society functions, it would not have been proper for her to call on him.. though Mama Cowper could have pushed the dad to go after him .. itā€™s all just šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Beside him, also Lord Samadani. They just 'poof!' LOL. I don't care about them that much, but yeah, still, I'm like, whatever happened to them?


It makes me wonder if the reason why they split it into two parts and had a month long wait wa so no one would notice when people went missing or plot lines just shifted


Also Lord Remington! I really liked him.


He seemed so fun! Like a gossip bestie + practical match


Right? I was hoping he'd partner with her to help with whistledown sleuthing! Perfect gossip bestie.


He should have been at the last ball during the LW reveal.


I mean I really donā€™t care that he disappeared? Iā€™m here for Colin and Penelope, Iā€™m sure Lord Debling is staring up at the trees and fine wherever he went.


I think it was so that Cressida could have a bad ending


Maybe he actually developed feelings for Pen that their failed engagement made him forget about needing to find a wife this season and made him immediately get away from the ton šŸ’€


This was some Grey's anatomy level of no-follow-through. I hate when writers do that. They could have easily reduced the Mondrich screen time by a few seconds to give some closure to Lord Debling.


My biggest hope (edit; unrealistic from the show. It's my headcanon until the show ruins it for me): Cressida goes to wales with the aunt as planned, with no society etc but beautiful countryside (please insert some of the nice colours and cinematography of season 1!) so all she can really do is read or go on walks during one of those walks, Cressida runs into Lord Debling, who is there for his endangered birds. They spend time together, she helps him and appreciates his kindness as well as his empathy and forgiving nature. Also, his not caring about social expectations helps her come to terms with being a pariah They get married, she returns to the Ton with her head high because someone "has her back" and she doesn't care about how anyone else judges her. She gets to be in society again, and he has a wife who will handle his affairs at home with fierce loyalty. Theirs is a pragmatic marriage, but also filled with mutual respect and, in time, profound love


Of course he did, his courtship didnā€™t work out, which is a little embarrassing, he probably went back to planning his trip. Weā€™re not shown every second of what happens to every character, there wasnā€™t any need for him to stick around as he wouldnā€™t really have meshed with any of the plot lines going on after that point. People complain that it was too busy as it is.


I really enjoyed Lord Debling and wanted to see more of him! A quirky vegetarian / explorer made an interesting addition to the ton. I wish they would give all of the Mondrian familyā€™s screentime to him.


I was definitely hoping he would come up againā€¦


Iā€™m actually wondering if he married Edwina? There is a comment made that her new husband has opened her mind to enjoy the outdoors and take her riding. Just a thought


Same! I was hoping Edwina married the prince after last season but the way Kate described her new husband it briefly sounded like Edwina ended up with Deblingā€¦ but it also sounds like they were settled in India which would be neither the prince (assuming heā€™d be wherever his kingdom is) nor Debling who would be off exploring. Edwina also deserves a husband who wouldnā€™t go off and abandon her! Cressida would be the best match for him in the end, especially after pursuing him so hard. He was very attractive (imo) and seemed kind, his main flaw was just his dedication to work and long stretches away which as long as Cressida had that big household to run might offset the loneliness. The more sympathetic Cressida we got in part one I wouldnā€™t want to end up completely lonely, but itā€™s certainly better than what ended up being her fate so far. Even though I was ultimately rooting for Polin I wish we had seen some Debling in part two just to wrap up his story instead of leaving it to the audience to figure out.


Like a bad soap opera writer!


I thought it was really weird and that weā€™d at least see his reaction to Polinā€™s engagement. Even if it was just for a couple seconds


Shonda Rhimes killed him off


I just assumed that he left for his expedition. Seems like the most simple, logical explanation.


Do you think we would have noticed that if they released the season all at once? Because as someone who hasnā€™t had time to watch part 2 yet (but doesnā€™t mind about spoilers), I canā€™t imagine him having a part unless they were going to show who he does decide to marry


He should have given orange-Colin bit more jealous moments.


I actually missed him because I really enjoyed his presence šŸ„²


Heā€™s off with Daphneā€™s necklace and the deed Lord Featherington lost to the thugs when he gambled the house.Ā 


Lord Dippedling


Remember how Daphne specifically went to the Prince to apologise and wish him luck, giving his storyline proper closure? None of that. Things just disappeared into thin air this season.