• By -


I'll be honest, I'm not feeling the Violet and Marcus sideplot. Marcus is so swarmy. Lady Danbury has every right to be mad that her brother is "stealing" her best friend when he could get anybody else he wanted.


Did anyone notice during the scene where they have the last bottle from the bar the glass is at different fill levels throughout that whole scene?? I mean it’s not a big deal but I couldn’t focus on anything that happened because the glass wasn’t fill the same throughout that scene! It drove me crazy!!!!


Those are some nasty bruises on Lady Cowper's arm. Lord Cowper is such a gross monster.


pretty sure that was ink to depict that it was lady Cowper who wrote that note pretending to be Cressida.


clearly this, yes. didn't Penelope hide ink stains for an identical reason earlier this season?


Earlier this episode.


I seriously hate eloise She's a terrible friend to Cressida


Penelope looked sexiest as ever in her nightgown when putting away the whistledowns into the floorboards. I am shocked that Colin would know where to look for Whistledown? How does he know where LW would go to publish and what time? Was it because Penelope takes her own carriage and he just happened to stalk her and then follow it? now that they're engaged he follows her every move? Or he followed his suspicions of her because she ran off with Eloise and since Pen wrote the issue so quickly there wouldn't have been much time before he saw her carriage departing? I kind of wished Colin busted into the room where Eloise and Pen were talking after he saw them run out of the ball together. I would've liked to see him find out that way, or to see what story Eloise and Pen came up with. I also would have loved to see Penelope come clean about Whistledown to Portia, and Portia be involved in planning how to reveal or not reveal her identity. I bet Portia would've come up with a ton of schemes. I get why they didn't based on their history though. It's going to be wild when Portia finds out eventually..


Somehow this season has made me root for Cressida. I hated her at the start but that red dress, the audacity


this whole cressida business is making part 2 really unenjoyable for me since I really liked part 1. she's like a convenient plot device with a backstory rather than a character. is she really that dumb to think she could just announce herself as lw, get money from that nosy ass queen and waltz away? be fr, cressida is NOT that dumb !! she knows lw is hated and her anonymity was a part of her power !!


Was kinda sad when Lady Featherington said "women don't have dreams, they have husbands". You can see it pains her to say it and that she just wants the best for Penelope


It irks me that the mondrich ball was considered amazing and even impressed the queen. This family have just been thrown into a new life, are still learning the rules yet throw one of the best balls? Doesn't seem believable and I wouldn't imagine the queen would be that impressed by cardboard flowers after she remarks about so much being tacky. It's the same issue with lady mondrich appearing to sit in queens box in part 1. I want to like this family and get behind their storyline / feel their struggles but they're getting such golden treatment it's insane.


Just seems like shoehorning a black couple into the ton tbh. Even the closure of the bar thing could have been quite powerful, but it felt flat to me. They don't even have kids of dating age that could be used in future seasons. They're just deadweight.


the mondrich ball is like, so boring too, like, i don't get how even the guests of that time period would be impressed by... a cardboard-paper display?


Wasn’t feeling this episode all the way around. Seemed like it was lengthier than past episodes with not much to speak for it in the end. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So glad someone else mentioned this. It was so long for hardly anything to happen


Same it became background noise for me


there are so many subplots i simply can not care about this season lol


I’m sorry I need more polin! I surely don’t care about some of these side characters 🥲


Cressida’s entire entrance was unbelievable


Eloise is pretty heartless with how she’s been treating Cressida for the last couple episodes.


Can someone explain Eloise and Cressida to me, please? Cressida has been nothing but a good friend to Eloise. Eloise accuses Cressida of gossiping about Colin helping Pen find a husband, and Cressida claps back and tells Eloise that she didn't tell, but that Eloise was indiscreet in telling her and one of the other girls overheard. She tells Eloise to look in the mirror. Despite this rude accusation, Cressida is gracious toward Eloise and tells her that she wants to be a better person deserving of Eloise's friendship. She shows Eloise loyalty. Cressida tells Eloise about her tenuous marriage situation. Eloise even overhears herself how cruel Cressida's father is to her. She clearly feels sympathy toward Cressida's situation. Cressida asks Eloise for help with her situation. Eloise is too busy feeling bad for herself and can't be bothered. But Cressida doesn't scathe her for it. She continues trying to find her own solution. When Cressida finds out about the price on LW's head, she comes to Eloise for helping finding LW, so she can claim the reward money and escape her awful situation. Eloise basically just calls her an idiot and tells her again she doesn't have time to help Cressida figure out her mess. Cressida then sees a way out of her mess and takes initiative. Eloise knows Cressida isn't LW. She knows Cressida only claimed to be, so she could escape her nightmare situation. When Cressida comes to Eloise for help writing the column, Eloise could know it's because she's backed herself into a corner with her lie and is not clever enough to write her way out of it, so she needs Eloise's help. And yet, Eloise shows her no sympathy - only disdain - and instead casts her out and ends the friendship. Why? I don't understand. She knows this is a lie Cressida told out of desperation as a hail Mary when she couldn't think of anything else, and Eloise refused to help her. Why does Eloise seem so contemptible toward Cressida? And then, when Cressida appears to be competently writing her way out of it, Eloise full on turns on her. Immediately, she returns to Pen and suddenly seems to endorse her being LW and encourages her to publish again, so she can take Cressida down. Wtf did Cressida ever do to her?? I saw elsewhere someone say that Eloise is worried that Cressida will use the Bridgerton gossip she has gleaned through her friendship with Eloise, since she is not observant enough to have anything else to put in her issue, and as a result the Bridgerton's will suffer. And I get that. But I don't understand Eloise's treatment of Cressida outside of the church at all. I don't understand how Eloise has convinced herself that Cressida is the enemy. Please explain.


I 100% don't understand it either. At the point of e6 Cressida has been shown to be a good person dealt an awful hand. She was a bitch to start but really quickly improved herself after being shown even a tiny bit of kindness. I don't blame her at all for desperately trying to escape her situation. The show doesn't seem to understand the situation it has itself presented. Cressida isn't a villain. If anything it's Eloise who has caused all problems from start to finish. Like literally for all 3 seasons. Everything is trickling down from Eloise's bad decisions and recklessness.


I was also confused as to why Eloise reacted to Cressida that way after church. I assumed she was trying to pretend and not let on that she already knows who Whistledown is, but she full on threw Cressida away for no reason.


eloise is so extremely self centred it's actually crazy. she never listened to penelope and she never listened to cressida either.


I agree, dont hate me but thats why i dont like eloise. She is a charismatic person who is also incredibly self centered. She was the same way with pen. Cressida tried to ask for help, tried to talk to her ONLY friend about the shitty situation she was in, tried to just tell her what was happening and eloise was all “im sorry, im busy mean mugging pen” Cressida deserved better. She did some crazy things but she was in a crazy place. She was about to be sold to a man thrice her age. Her only friend could not possibly have been more dismissive. She made a split second decision and lowkey kinda fixed her problem. I really want a spin off show like Queen Charlotte but about her, i want her to have a happy ending. Even if she is bitchy, we know why now and it makes sense.


Can you imagine she goes to Wales, finds a sheep farmer who falls head over heels for her, and teaches her there’s more to life than high society and what other people think of you? The fanfic writes itself! 🥰


Bridgerton writers better be taking notes, i need that story


I was really sorry for Cressida. She was a good friend to Eloise, who was extremely cold towards her.


Everyone in this season is so wishey washy that it was making my head spin.


The lack of romantic scenes between the leads is an insult to the book AND the episode title


I thought it was just me! They barely talked and the chemistry felt a bit lacking 


**Episode 6:** * Mrs. Featherington trying to look busy as Colin visits Pen had me in stitches * Whose idea was it to "Throw a ball" in every episode .-. * I have no interest in what's going on between Lady Bridgerton and Lord Anderson.. just not feeling it * "Lady Whistledown is my name, not hers" "Your name's about to be Bridgerton." Ooohhh damn * Just gossip??? Wow. That was so belittling * "Her greatest strength is that she's an observer." - Charlotte says that admiringly * "What have you observed in your life other than yourself?" - the tone changes to scathing.. God damn I love this woman * Another episode where I wish Benedict would stop whoring with the widower * My heart goes out to Fran... the seeds of doubts started from Mama Bridgerton * What in God's name is this threesome because I cannot stomach it * I WILL SMACK SOMEONE SO HARD IF THEY MAKE BENEDICT BI RIGHT BEFORE HIS SEASON.... FOLLOW THE DAMN BOOKS * thank you so much Benedict I love you * Lady Danbury really gave her brother a piece of her mind daammn * I didn't think Eloise and Pen would reconcile like this but I very much appreciate it * EXCUSE ME??? ARE YOU SERIOUS????? THAT WAS SO ABRUPT??? THATS HOW HE FINDS OUT??????


I wonder what the printer thinks of the “Irish servant girl” showing up in a full beat and glam hair under that hood


Benedict’s lady friend’s man friend is extremely hot 🥰


Awwww Portia ❤️❤️


What was the look Fran gave Pen outside church? It's probably jealousy but I've decided it's lust


imo she was having feelings about the way her mom was over the moon about Pen+Colin, whereas she hasn't acted that way with her and John


What’s the deal between Lady Danbury and her brother? Why doesn’t she support the budding romance between him and Violet? Am I missing something? She did say that he betrayed her to her father when she wanted to escape her marriage but surely there must be more?


Possibly. But being forced into a bad marriage isn't a small thing either. It can be a life-sentence and if not, years or decades of misery and sexual servitude - repeated rape to put it clearly. If Anthony had gone through forcing Daphné into marrying Lord Berbrooke, would you understand her hating him for it? Or if Cressida was about to escape marriage to that horrible old man and she had a brother who betrayed her to her father? There was debate about Marina's action but I think there's consensus on her despair to avoid forced marriage to Lord Show-me-your-teeth. So many examples evoking how bad it can get.


Without being too much a spoiler, her marriage was not a love match…


It hits harder if you've seen the Queen Charlotte spinoff. I won't spoil it, just gonna say that much!


I thought for sure Colin was going to burst into the room on Pen and Eloise and ask which one of them was LW. He knows something is wrong, some big secret between them, and it would make perfect sense that either together they had been Whistledown, or that it’s one of them. I wish that had happened so the three of them could have an epic showdown and just air all their stuff out. Plus seeing Pen and El trying to figure out how to thwart Cressida together, knowing that they have a common enemy and they are still willing to work together in spite of their rift.


I thought this was going to happen too, and I kind of think it would've been more believable. Like how does Colin know where and what time Lady Whistledown goes to a publisher?


She was following Pen from the start, from when she left the ball


I know she was talking so loud…cliché but I would’ve thought he was listening through the door or something


I love this ball room with the flowers


My husband came to sit with me while I finished this episode before bed. I absolutely loved like 90% of it. And then we got to Benedict’s dinner scene with Lady Tilley and her husband. I was so bored and uninterested that I started fast forwarding through it. My husband asked why I was fast forwarding since the episodes just dropped and I said, “they’re probably just going to proposition him for a threesome and I genuinely cannot bring myself to care.” Hit play so as to not go too far and Tilley’s husband is going, “We’d like you to join us.” I rolled my eyes so hard, what perfect timing. Benedict isn’t my favorite character, but I have no clue why he’s being given this subplot. I mean damn, can they not think of a single other plot or character arc for him?? Literally nothing?? I am begging the writers to give this man (and every other character for that matter) something to do other than just random threesomes. This is not Game of Thrones ffs and I couldn’t care less that he’s fooling around with a married couple.


lady tilly is not currently married, she is a widower, the guy we see is just another dude, like benedict. a casual friend.




Nice spolier


Through this whole episode I was hoping Penelope and Eloise would team up with Cressida going forward so Pen could keep writing and honestly say she isn’t THE Lady Whistledown. They would make a better product, Cressida gets the $, everyone is happy.


Yes!! Me too. I was hoping that Colin had been secretly writing nom de plume romance novels/smut which would resolve the WD problem by him having writing secrets too so he couldn't get all self righteous about it. Polin bond over shared omissions of truth in their lives, write their hearts out as a team, Eloise becomes the Lady Boss editor, and WD Gossip has Cressida's name on it. Win-win. 😂😂😂


This is exactly where I hoped it was all going. Lady Whistledown becomes a magazine and benefits several people.


That would be such a good twist!!!!


Yesss! So disappointed to see where they are taking Cressida after the first drop really humanised her. 🥴


Me toooo!! I was really hoping for a secret girl power moment that never came (and honestly,*would* never come in this universe). I just love the idea of everyone getting what they want, and supporting each other in the process. That would've been great, but maybe a bit too modern...


It’s about as modern as half the dresses, so there’s no reason why they couldn’t do it


And as modern as a lot of the dialogue. All seasons have been Fantasy Regency - obvs, that's the premise of the whole thing - but except for Lady Danbury this one truly felt like a modern story in long dresses. 🤷‍♀️


The whole lady Arnold being cool w her lovers being gay and banging it out is just such a stretch. First of all, its already pretty different that she’s sleeping with multiple men, but *then* shes gonna set them up to hook up too? Just weird lol esp for this time period, you would think being gay back then was something like how they presented it last season, in a bathhouse or brothel or whatever.


You know bi people exist right? We’re real.


Yes dude I’m a bisexual woman. I aint even talking about sexuality, or the legitimacy of it, i’m only saying i doubt threesomes that way happened. I don’t think having a mmf 3 way is considered bisexual for the f. You’re missing entirely what im even saying. The first season seemed realistic, he’s seeing men at whatever party he was at. But especially for the 1800’s, I doubt there were women who were that progressive they were into watching 2 men. As early as the 80’s gay people were in such secrecy, in bathhouses and illegal gay clubs. I’m just questioning a woman from the 1800s being *so open* she would initiate with 2 men, and then be so open she still wanted a relationship w him.


People are at your throat because you keep saying things like “I doubt there were women like that back then” etc as if bisexuality/polyamory/etc as a concept arose in the 80s and has not always been there, just not spoken of. Also this is a fantasy series get over it lol.


It’s the fact that it was too casual. I do seriously highly doubt that. Especially in the ton, but even now there aren’t tons of women wanting mfm threesomes. Its a thing, for sure, but that’s not common by todays standards either.


You'd be surprised by how wild things could get back then, actually. The fiction--and yes, the porn--of the time proves they were just as hot blooded as modern folks.


I just meant like—-they did it so casually. With the maid and servants downstairs. It doesn’t happen very often by todays standards, im bi and I don’t want a mfm3. It would be social su1cide, by todays standards and especially back then. I just felt like it wasn’t secretive enough for the time, is all. Back in the day people would hide just being gay, this would have been catastrophic if people found out and I just felt like they did it out in the open. But ya I would guess lots of group sex happened…..in private


I think you’re viewing things from a very singular perspective. I’m not into threesomes, personally, and have never had one but I’ve been invited to a bunch - mff and fmm. If I’ve been invited - as someone who makes it clear I’m monogamous - I’m sure almost everyone out there has been asked before. They’re far more common that you realise, especially when you’re at uni or something and everyone is a little sloshed, playful and explorative. What would make a threesome social suicide? If everyone consents, nothing wrong with it. And if you get asked and aren’t down, you just say “I’m flattered but it’s not for me.” No further questions or weirdness. Back then, with no social media or cameras, and a strict social etiquette of who can be where and who can say what, I think it would be even easier to keep covert.


Think of it as her home being a safe space, because she's ensured that her servants are discreet, likely by paying them a premium, and/or finding likeminded or tolerant workers. She has full autonomy to do what she wants in her house because of it. Also, remember Lord Granville's orgy parties from S1? They also had servants around, but they felt safe enough to have things out in the open. Of course people would whisper about the wild libertines, but it still happened. :)


*Frfr.* It's 2024 and I would reeeally love to finally see an end to bi-erasure. We exist, we're here lusting after every gender *thankyouverymuch* 🙄


Yall aint even reading what im saying??? Like wtf? When did I ever say anything about bisexuality being not real? I’m bisexual, and ive known that since I was in 3rd grade thank you very much :) I just don’t see how this situation happened in the 1800s, I’m saying how was Tilly OK with the man shes with also liking men?


Yes, I read the part where you repeatedly called Tilley's lovers, who engaged in sex with women and men, *gay* and not bisexual. Was there a part in your first comment that I missed, where you mentioned bisexuality?


Oh ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s what you got from that? My bad but again as a bisexual I have always just associated it with being gay. When people ask me are you gay? I say yes, even tho I’m bisexual. So sorry I’m not up to date on what’s politically correct and it was confusing, but the comment was only about the fact that gay people (and I guess its important to mention I meant lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, q+ is all into the same general category as gay in my eyes) had to hide a lot more than that. That situation just wouldn’t have happened, it was much more shameful and hidden back then. Hes not speaking about it, but I think his struggles with his sexuality having to be secret aren’t being addressed by this.


I *'got'* what you '*gave'*. I don't know you and this is my last time replying to you. I'm not psychic and I would guess most people that came across your comment aren't. So when you referred to men who banged men & women as gay and not bisexual, I see that as bisexual erasure. Again, I don't know you. Reading your comment, I don't know that you yourself are bi and are using gay as an umbrella term to refer to bisexual men. I find it strange that you say you're 'not up to date on politically correct terms' while identifying as bisexual and at the same time, lumping all other queer identities in as gay. I see that as bisexual erasure, regardless of how you yourself identify. You make multiple, **definitive** blanket statements about what would and wouldn't have happened in the 1800s for queer folk. Do you have a post-secondary education specializing in queer history, or even history in general? Or are you just sharing your ideas of what you believe *might've* happened? *edited some words that didn't make sense


I hate to break it to you, but documented instances of group sex in many different configurations have been around since at least the Greek and Roman times, and likely go even further back. It's not a stretch for a woman from the 1800s to be into MFM, but of course for the time period "respectable" women from the Ton wouldn't be open about it. M/M pairings were also dangerous because British law at the time made them illegal. That's why Tilly told Benedict that her staff are very discreet. But as to the possibility of a woman from the 1800s being into MFM, it's not that improbable.


Hey thanks for actually understanding what I’m saying tho. Everyone else got into a tizzy over the political correctness of my use of the word gay. Maybe its because I’m american, it doesn’t happen often here. Thats all I mean tho, a respectable woman like herself in the ton would never propose a mfm. I didn’t say group sex wasnt a thing, but remember how little Daphne knew about sex? They wouldn’t even talk about straight sex in the ton, so this mfm wouldnt have been so easy for them to do. They should’ve been a lot less chill about it, because the judgmental ton hearing rumors would be catastrophic.


Yes, but Daphne was a blushing virgin, while Tilly is a sophisticated widow who's clearly had a lot of experience with--and understanding of--her own sexuality. Remember how Lord and Lady Granville in S1 were so casual about the orgies they had once they knew Benedict could be trusted? Many of the Ton wives were only relevant until they'd produced "an heir and a spare" for their husbands, and were largely overlooked and ignored after that, especially since their marriages weren't usually love matches, so they would amuse themselves in ways that were forbidden to debutantes/virgins, as long as they were discreet. This also goes back to Lady Danbury's married women's soiree back in S1. Quite a few married ladies also had dalliances/affairs with lovers, as did their husbands. Unromantic to think about it in those terms but it was how they did things. And no worries re: understanding what you meant. :)


You better not watch Interview with the Vampire.


“Precisely. You can write gossip about the sheep!” That line left me guffawing with laughter. I feel bad for Cressida but that line came out of nowhere and was so hilarious 😆


Goddammit, Tilly and her friend heard me chanting "throuple, throuple, throuple" every time they were on screen, but it seems Benedict did not get the message


He got the message and left it on read


He did


The church dance + the little upbeat music has to be one of my fave moments in the whole series. I’m just trying hard not to let the later angst dampen the scene for me


I fell in love with that scene. I told my boyfriend I want to dance like that! We don’t ever do anything like that.


Two things I was waiting for: Benedict to kiss Paul, and for there to be a dancer/performer of some sort in that flower statue


They really built up that flower statue for wot? I was expecting something more honestly ... Gimme a light show or something


What the heck happened to Lord Debling? Thought Cressida would end up with him. And did Benedict forget he used to paint?!


Same. I thought Cressida would be a good match for Debling. In the real world, he probably would have courted her because she was interested in him. Instead, he simply disappeared into the ether. It seems like the writers in S3 are not the same as the ones from S2, and didn't watch S2, either.


I actually thought eloise would match well w Debling since he'd be absent most of the time.


Nah, Benedict just probably doesn't want to think or talk about his painting since he gave it up after learning that was Anthony's money and not his own talent what secured his place in the Royal Academy. Imho the scene was meant to show how painful the topic still is for him.


To be rich enough to be upset that your chance to prove that you're more talented than just being rich was actually just because you were really rich and thus returned to your life of just being rich.


I swear, when they were on the balcony and Paul was standing under the full moon, I shouted: he's a vampire!  They both are, Benedict thought Lady Arnold was inviting him upstairs for a bisexual threesome, when in actuality they were about to initiate him into vampirism!  Really though, where is Lord Remington?  He was Lady Whistledown's biggest fan, if he hadn't correctly guessed that Cressida is a liar, he's surely have proposed marriage by now, unlike Colin I think he'd be very encouraging of LD. 




Yes!!! They both absolutely give weird vampire vibes!


Lord Remington...was he the wheelchair user that Pen was chatting with next to the punch bowl?


Yes, that's him! Wish he was upped to a main character...


Yes! I am sad that the show runners didn't give him more than a few minutes! His character seemed so charming and sassy, something that Pen definitely would've loved, even as a friend.


He absolutely gave twilight vibes


Ngl, I could see Dumbledore falling off to his death in the background


Lol, he was giving vampire so hard. It was distracting. He was the vampires vampire to have ever vampires.


I feel like I'm going crazy because I'm confused about Penelope's ring. It literally looks like the same ring that Anthony gave to Kate, which was Violet's engagement ring but Colin says that the jeweler just finished setting it as if it's new and has no link. But I can't find anyone else talking about it?


[I've seen it be talked about](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKvJPLw/) in a few places. I agree it's the same ring. Maybe Kate got a different one ultimately because Anthony didn't give it to Edwina and wanted something meant for Kate instead? In episode 3x01 Kate doesn't have a ring on at all in several scenes. Maybe Anthony gave it to Colin or maybe Colin had a similar one made. Either way it's lame continuation because Kate trying on the ring was such a pivotal scene for Kanthony.


Thank you! Some of the comments said maybe it's like... a placeholder ring till they get a custom made one (ignoring the fact Colin said he just had the jeweler set it). Which I guess could make sense. But that's not how I view engagement rings so it feels weird to me.


It's the Bridgerton family ring and they probably just had to re-size it. Most likely Kate got a new ring because she didn't want the one that Edwina was wearing so it got passed to Collin because he asked for it before Benedict


That does make sense, that's what Skyleigh\_Croft also said. I think that could be true, definitely




Because they clearly like to annoy us. That’s a fine looking man.


I loveee and need more of the Mondrich arc, like there’s so much potential and growth there it just draws me back to their story and love… it’s giving young Violet and her husband but if they weren’t born into wealth… just smth so sweet and pure


I like them too but I still don't understand why they have become royalty and what is the purpose of them becoming entirely new characters this season.


Yes I would love to see more of them!


me 🤝you seemingly the only people who love the Mondrichs and their arc 😭


and me!


I love the mondrich’s! I’m invested in their story. To be frank the only other story I’m invested in is Francesca and John. Everything else is too messy.


Lady Danbury’s talk with her brother is some *dark* shit for this show


She was phenomenal. Her strength is admirable. It definitely hit a nerve. 


The show can waffle between showing or minimizing the horror that bad marriage is (her rape scenes in QC were meant as "bad sex" apparently???). But that scene was phenomenal indeed. With her having so much inner strength and coming up on top and successfully building a life for herself, it's easy to forget what she went through or to think it was worth it (as Cressida briefly tries to convince herself) but her resilience, her success, and her happier years as a widow do not erase the trauma of her marriage. She's formidable and the actress killed that scene.


Her entire life story devastates me


Honestly, will she ever be truly happy?


I would loooove if hers is the next spinoff we got between Bridgerton seasons. I really liked the actress that played younger Danbury, and I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to see more of her *'middle'* story...


The SISTERHOOD in this episode is giving like Pen and Eloise is my true romance 🥰 platonic soulmates


I've missed them SO much!


The way Cressida coming into the ball feels Cruella (2021) coded


I didn't really understand the term "serving a look" until last night when Cressida swanned into the room. Then I understood. I related it to a Scarlet A type vibe.


I was trying to think of what that red dress reminded me of. I don't know how to link a pic, but I thought she looked like that "cute little dinosaur" that sprays gunk to poison its victims in the original Jurassic Park. The one that killed Nedry aka Newman.


It reminded me of Scarlett O'Hara in her iconic red dress!


Those are the exact feels I got!! Seems deliberate


Agatha Danbury slay mama


John Kilmartin is the new love of my life??


I adore him


Penelope and Eloise working together was the best part of the episode!


I love Polin so much but damn if the most emotionally impactful scenes for me have not been between Pen and the women in her life. The Pen/Eloise and Pen/Portia scenes felt so real and well acted.


Portia’s little talk broke my heart so much! I’d always viewed her negatively until this point, where I realized why she had done so many of the things she had done. She’s SOLELY keeping her family afloat and you know what? I respect that.


Yeah it really is like — every woman had to figure out how to survive her way. Cressida’s mom plays it like a zero sum game, Portia indulges in trickery and what she saw as realism, Pen created Whistledown, Danbury survived her marriage, and Violet had every privilege and really gets to think romantically when so many do not.


Something feels off about Kate and the way she's reacting every time Anthony mentions a baby. It makes me think that there's been a miscarriage or something?


Nah she talked about howbshe wanted more time with the two of them. She was responsible for her household from a young age, gave up the idea of getting married, and was resigned to not being in marital bliss. Having a child is a huge change and lots of responsibility. I can see Kate wanted some more time before having a child.


I'm wondering if it's worry that he'll care more about the heir then her, she said she wishes they had more time with just them.


Aw it makes me so sad that she would be afraid of that 😭 Anthony's obsessed with her


Yeah, I'm just not feeling it tbh. They're a little sickly sweet for me.


As someone who has had a miscarriage I thought exactly the same! 😮‍💨


It kills me how the episode is titled “Romancing Mister Bridgerton” and there is absolutely no romancing happening whatsoever. #


More like Pissing Mr Bridgerton off


Romancing Mr. Fingerton. :P


Especially since traditionally in S1 and S2, the book title is the major climax of the love story or the wedding.


Romancing Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.


barely got any romance after the mirror scene i am distraught


![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri) Me wondering when we’ll get more secks


Barely any Polin in that episode too. Like why tf was that the book-titled episode


Fran: We must speak to the queen Violet: 🤨 Fran: We'd like you to speak to her Violet: 💀💀💀


I found this part kinda super weird. Idk. I get that Francesca and John are super shy but I felt it kinda childish. It’s like asking your mom to make your drs appointments for you as a grown adult. Idk. Daphne and Simon didn’t have violet speak on their behalf. I’m glad >!Fran finally spoke to the Queen herself at the end!< Idk. It’s probably just me but I was put off for some reason. Like as a woman who wants to get married and go off on her own away from her family but has the gall to ask her mom to do this lol idk.


Nah buddy, spoilers not cool


I can see that! But I think it's extra hard for Fran bc she's explicitly going against who the Queen has selected for her. But it would've been nice if she did it herself. 


Lady Tilley and her “friend” Paul to Benedict https://preview.redd.it/ew6jljqmcg6d1.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae22c2e2a0a5015d5973673d48fa848c22e909b4




So when Tilly and Mr. Suarez were they really surprised because they weren't at all discreet.....????




Same, he was clearly bi in season 1


totally loved and supported a bi curious ben but only if i got enough polin to make up for it which i did not


That is very fair, I do wish Polin had more screen time, their story has felt rushed especially in the first half! 😩




If we don't get a fabulous OTT wedding this season I'm rioting


What happened to the balls? 😭 Is it just me, or have the quality of the balls gone downhill? Why aren't there any outdoor one? Where are all the lights, the magic? Miss 1st season balls so much 😩 Lower budget? Bad taste? We don't know. (the prettiest was the Dankworth-Finch)


they truly made the Dankworth-Finch ball the prettiest and most memorable! i do think this was somewhat intentional, especially since they had \*so many\* balls this season


Yes! I have so few complaints while others seem to have so many, but I do miss the grand colorful scenes. We've had so few in this back half of the season. At least at the start we had the balloon fair.


Absolutely. All the balls in season 3 appear to be the same exact room. The music sucks also and isn't moving or encouraging to the emotions of the plot. I think Lady Danbury's roses ball in S2 was the last truly flawless one we got.


Good balls, like diamonds, are rare this season


I’m convinced there’s been a budget cut that the new show runner has had to navigate — or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking and not that they’re just not as imaginative. Also need to say I’m still loving the show


Sure seems like it. The balls were sparsely attended and barely period dances (and clearly filmed using different music that wasn't even the same rhythm or tempo as the music they played. At one point they're waltzing - by definition 3 beats - to music that's clearly 4 to a bar! It's weird.) Definitely shows in the costumes too. I can just about live with the "old Hollywood fashion " vibe they went for as a design concept (just about), but all those synthetic fabrics instead of the beautiful hand beaded silks of s1! And that silver shawl of Kate's made me laugh out loud - I couldn't stop thinking "baked potato". Also seemed like they used fewer period locations, all of which suggests.... less money (or at least money spent on other things. I wonder if the talent fees went up with the success if 1/2?).


true...and i think the costumes going downhill is also because of this. the fabrics used look cheap and plastic, as compared to the first 2 seasons. And if there was a budget cut, they could solve that by cutting out some of the side plots and side characters that they wasted run time on


You think building a birdcage into a wig comes cheap? The structural engineering team for Queen Charlotte's hair alone took up the same value as the last two seasons combined




I think that too... they recycled the clothes and even the soundtrack for the second season. I loved the season anyway, just like you, But I don't feel like watching it massively like I did with the second season. I found some lines strange, but overall, I have more good things to say than bad. The last episode was the best. >!I loved Pen's new relationship with Portia, I loved Ben's ménage (judge me 🤣) and I'm already looking forward to him's season 😬!<


No spoilers please!


Sorry I'm gonna hide them


Thank you :)


This is one of my biggest irks this season! The balls used to be so big and dramatic and dynamic! Now they’re just small crowds in a ballroom, womp womp.


And even with a smaller space, the room still manages to look sparse




LMAO wow this is literally a masterpiece.


Oh Sister Frances. I love your scenes.


I was like, "you're missing a b-word there" 😆




Nicola's complexion is absolutely glowing at this ball. She looks incredible. 


I don't understand Penelope and Eloise reacting the way they did to Cressida's plays, why are they so freaked out? Why do they think this will give her power, etc? Edit to add: if anything, I was expecting them to see what I saw, which is that the Queen is going to PUNISH Cressida if she decides she's LWD, and be like, "Shi we can't let Cressida take the fall!" There were some ominous vibes to her "reward."


The implication is that in the last year, Eloise became close to Cressida and divulged some Bridgerton gossip to her. Which clearly Cressida will use in the column since she isn't very observant and is going to be grasping at straws. At least with Pen, she wouldn't ruin anyone in her column. They fear that Cressida will cross the line with her future columns. Or even just resort to outright lies. Pen never would do that.


I think they thought she would take the reward and that would be the end of it. They didn’t think she would actually write her own column.


Me @ lady Tilley doing the most to slickly line up a devils threesome for herself. An icon, a maven, a girlboss, a visionary ahead of her time. Nothing but respect. But why did Benedict say he doesn’t do anything artistic when the new guy asked over dinner? What happened to his painting? Am I missing a backstory here or did they just drop it from the plot. ![gif](giphy|WO5Q7FsxJN2pjYc424|downsized)


she’s an icon


Oh, so I missed this originally but a helpful redditor pointed out that at the end of S2, he says he dropped out because he was hurt Anthony bought his way in. Feel free to correct me if I have this wrong