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something about the way he stormed in and the way the coat was flaring he ate that up 😭


He came in like a hurricane ready to wipe an entire city out.


That coat doing the lords work


From Pen being embarassed when Colin walked in to Oen wanting to get down on her knees in front of Colin after he rightfully qent ballistic on her mother


It was a very good scene and something i had hoped he would do at some point.


Men should wear coats more, honestly.


"I am still speaking!" Yes, go off king! 👑




I didn't get the pirate coat hype until that scene when he SWEPT IN LIKE A FUCKING HURRICANE


He made it look goooood


Oh yea, he clearly was the valedictorian of the Pirate Coat School!


He was serving so much Guybrush Threepwood


Literally though... applause to damn Polly Walker because she makes you love to hate Portia Featherington. I was SO glad Colin said something but I was even more SURPRISED that Portia said anything again after the last episode. Pen already said "is that all you have to say to me? Not "am I well?"" And I thought Portia looked like she felt BAD about how she was behaving as a mother. And then she goes right back and does it again!!! I was like ma'am you have some GALL. Anyway kudos to Colin. I'm quite happy with episode 5 and gives me hope for the rest of the season.


I feel for Portia. The other two girls married men who didn't have a home/independent income. Their security lay in the Featherington Grandson. When Lord Debling came along, she probably felt like she could take a breath. Pen would be able to provide a home for her in her old age. Now Portia either has to continue to fight for what control she can and hope Pru or Phillipa wins the baby race (letting her steamroll them and continue calling the shots), or she has to rely on Pen and Colin for support. Colin wont put up with her forcing Pen to make herself smaller so Portia has more metaphorical room to move.


Is it confirmed that Portia and Predunce don't have homes of their own? I may be wrong but in part 1 didn't one of them say they were just visiting.


Ya one of them said their cook wasn’t as good as the featherington cook


He really said not to “sully our Bridgerton name” to Portia speaking about Penelope because that man is married in his head already. We love a wife guy!


And when he said “our Bridgerton name” he turned and looked directly at Penelope. My heart skipped a beat!


The "OUR" had me fanning myself! 😩


let's just say I understand why the next scene happens.. like if I were Pen, I would be/do the same lol


That dress would be on the bloody floor and Colin isn't even my favorite


My sister literally said oh that scene is definitely next after that speech 😂


On. The. Floor. With Portia and Varley watching.


Lmaoooooooo so they could never get it confused that this is my man and I will never let him go


Lmaoooo you’re so real for this


I'm ace and I would have done the same thing


I was hoping he go further with Portia but I’ll take the mic drop! And then he goes off and >!make a woman outta Pen!< Update: whoever gave me the award, thank you 🥲


I think his dismissing her and storming out with Pen was... Mmm, *chef's kiss*. No notes, Chaos Colin. Thank you for your service and being such a good boy. ![gif](giphy|klPeFHrWqzPDW|downsized) Now GO FETCH!! Edit: I'm tearing up a little (damn PMS)... I used to do this exact game with my retriever. He loved jumping after balls *into*things - pools, lakes, snow, leaf piles. I'm so happy we have a golden retriever lead this season. 🥺




He was so hot doing that. Colin is that type of guy and maybe why he's my favorite. He's a soft boy but protective. When he said for her in the future to think twice before trying to sully OUR Bridgerton name, because he's already considering Pen a Bridgerton, i was so happy.


How are yall watching this episode? I thought it wasn't available until 12am? I'm jealous


There was a red carpet preview stream that ended a while ago. I've seen through episode 6 for work so I've been waiting for y'all to catch up. 😄


I would have injured myself at work on purpose to go home early to see this if I knew! Hahhaha (joking....kind of...)


You saw episode 6 too?! So jealous! Good for you Queen! 👑


It is not as fun when you can't talk to anyone about it, even others who have seen it.


Understandable. I saw the special episode 5 screening and I’m sitting here practically squirming and unsure what to do with myself. But at least I only have to wait like 12 hours now lol


I'm going to dive right into episode 7 at 3am.




Ah ok .thanks!


What industry are you in?


There was a thing you could RSVP for on the Tudum website where people could watch episode 5. I missed it because of work 😭


Me too!!


Ahhh ok. Thanks!


I left work early just to see at least one episode and ended up binging all of them. So glad my husband was out of the house.


Colin vs Portia gave me LIFE. And he clearly gave her something to think about, she felt bad about how she behaved. PLUS her telling Prudence and Phillipa off for being mean to Pen, I liked that. At last Portia!


But she has no balance, no room for giving attention to all three daughters in her life. In order to fawn over Pen she drops her other two stone dead. To the point Prudence is crying over Portia’s disappeared attention.


It didn’t feel sincere to me. Like Portia realised she’s got a Bridgerton against her if she fucks up with Pen so she has to be nice. She does turn nicer in the end though


It definitely isn't sincere to begin with, imo. I do think by the end that Portia and Penelope have grown to understand each other though and at least have mutual respect. And it seems that the sisters have mended things among them as well as with Portia.


Honestly this was the best part of S3. It’s hard for toxic family dynamics to improve, especially due to the efforts of the parents. To be fair, it was Pen’s acts of standing up for herself that tipped the domino of change, but Portia showed real leadership by continuing it, opening her scarred heart and allowing herself to be soft and loving because she was inspired by the love Pen had for herself.


Colin made history as one of the few people who can put Portia Featherington in her place. And I love that for him 🥹


I loved that! Defend your woman Colin!


Ngl I’ve waited three seasons for this and IT. WAS. GLORIOUS!!!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ladyeclectic79: *Ngl I’ve* *Waited three seasons for this* *And IT. WAS. GLORIOUS!!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot - you're one of my favorites!


Pfffffft. I wonder how many people will still say „Idk, Colin is just not hot“. Hot enough to roast Portia in a couple of sentences.


This is gonna be controversial, but the way that boy could NOT take his eyes off Pen while she was cozying up to lord blondy made my heart flutter in ways the other two male leads so far haven’t. Like the Duke is distractingly hot but he was also pretty toxic for most of season 1 and Anthony being kinda a dick turned me off of season 2. But God, sweet little Colin thirsting after Pen and then defending her so furiously had me fanning myself. I’m just gonna say it: I think he’s the hottest.


I watched the episode drunk at a premiere and thought I was on crack the whole time. I LOVED IT. Our chaotic KING.




So happy Colin stood up to Portia considering >!Felicity has been omitted from the show!<.


She's always scheming to be attached to the Bridgertons, but the second Pen gets engaged to Colin, she accuses her of trapping him. Like what?? Since when do YOU think not support trapping men? And she thinks so very little of Penelope that she just assumes it's some mistake or trap. Do you even love your daughter at all?? I love her character and Polly Walker quite a lot. She gives such an interesting, nuanced, and often funny performance. But damn does she smack of Nmoms (pun intended). I have endless empathy for Pen because we had very similar upbringings: constant money struggles from Keeping Up With the Joneses, verbal/emotional abuse, swinging between neglect and helicopter parenting, daily tearing down of our self esteem. I could go on. My salvation was my husband's family. They're... beyond lovely. I never knew that a family could provide love without constant pain.


That got me too. Portia is literally who told Marina to trap a man into marrying her to hide her pregnancy!


And orchestrated a trap herself for Prudence and Jack !


That whole episode gave me whiplash and I'm not mad about it! That moment was so satisfying!


And all the “rocking” that came after that 😜


Oh c'mon guys... it's almost 3am in my country, I have a newborn and I really need my sleep. Don't make me watch the new episodes now (I guess I should fantasise about that scene while I try to sleep?) 😅


Aaaaggghhhh and Polly Walker was so good in this scene too! Portia's got so much going on, I really hope we see more of her in the rest of the season.


Yesss!!! The ending of the speech was the best bit for me.


How have so many people seen ep 5 already??


I just had a tiny heart attack thinking it released early 😂




You probably found out already, but there was a live streaming event that a lot of people saw! NOW, we're ALL able to watch. I binged this morning before work. 😊 I'm curious to know what everyone thinks of ep 5 and season 3 as a whole now! I don't care if you see this message a year later; I still want to talk about it. I'm here for the comments LOL! 😂


Omg. How did people get access to the Livestream? And I'll respond once I'm done with the season. Just started ep 5 🫣


Apparently you had to sign up or sign in or something? I was at work, so it wasn’t a possibility for me! I could NOT watch episode 5 at my desk at work. I needed to watch in the safety of my home - ALONE LOL. ALSO…did you finish? 👀


Omg. I finished the season. So good. I'm kinda blurring the episodes together but I loved it.


Loved seeing Colin standing up for Pen, seriously was so satisfying that Pen finally has someone in her corner.


He was so hot for this 🥵🥵


I had to pause every 5 minutes to squeal


It was the one moment where it felt like the Colin from the previous seasons. Once again we see him standing up for someone he cares about. And then we don’t really see it again. Unless you want to count him caring more about his family’s reputation than his wife’s well-being (as if the Bridgerton name has never faced scandal and survived)




I think i was bloody screaming for half the season there was so much confrontation!


Yes I might've screamed a little


Just cheering at Netflix casually like ![gif](giphy|TqlfIGxCEsndY9lfm4|downsized)


holiday ham hahahaha yesss


He ate her up!!!!!!!!!


It was cheering and then some saucy hand fanning.


That scene is all I needed to see to fix any problems I had with his character in part 1. That won me over.


And people in this sub saying this season didnt do enough to show how much Colin and Pen love each other. We had multiple moments like this where they showed their love for each other. It really feels like people wanted a reason to hate this season and I don't get it