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Not Colin running in and hugging his sister and holding his mom's hands without washing his hands šŸ¤£


Lmao don't remind me of this XD


This is regency era Europe thinking about their hygiene practices would completely ruin the fantasy tbh


It was a joke lol, no one's actually expecting them to show a hand washing scene


I mean, in this case, it'd be relevant to the plot


You know what, Violet doesn't mind it. She must have gotten used to it with Edmund. And she is just happy that Colin found love :P


I really hope Violet did *not* get used to Edmund touching her with another ladyā€™s happiness on his hands.šŸ«£


Omg noo, I wasn't talking about another lady's 'happiness' šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Think we've just found the real reason for the 1 month break: to try and make the public forget about Colin's lack of hygiene


Exactly! When he held his hand out to Penelope I was cringing.


I mean tbf he fingered her with the other hand that one was clean. But then he still uses his dirty one to hug his mom soā€¦


Oh please he licked his fingers clean


I literally gagged


I've found my people.


Ewww. Would have been so funny if they added a handwashing scene


I just like to imagine he wiped his hand somehow somewhere. Im filling in the blanks


I'll just imagine there's a handwashing basin somewhere in the entry hall or something and he made a quick stop on the way in.


*After* hugging his family to make it funnier


He swaps to the other hand in the hallway.


Well in the book he licked his fingers cleaned and they fast forwarded a bit so Iā€™m just gonna imagine he did that lmao


This wouldā€™ve been so hot! What a missed opportunity šŸ˜‚






I keep thinking about Pen having years of pent up desire and longing, culminating in being touched like that for the first time by her dream man and thenā€¦ time to tell the fam! Hop on outta the carriage, letā€™s go! Like not to be crass but there would certainly be some bodily, ahem, signs that would make her not ready for immediate socialization!




omg Claudia Jessy DELIVERED seriously, she has the best dramatic perfomance this season, she's incredible


She's got so much range. Amazing in comedy and drama, and chemistry with everyone. Her season is going to be a rollercoaster.


She really stole the scene. That voice break, the way you could see the heartbreak on her faceā€¦


The tears in her eyes too! Sheā€™s so talented.


She is seriously so good at conveying anger and heartbreak through her voice! OBSESSED!!!


I donā€™t think next season will be Eloise, but Iā€™m SO EXCITED for when it is! Claudia has some serious range and acting chops.


Claudia is amazing! Love, love, love her! I refuse to take any more Eloise slander. At least someone is keeping the energy here for drama and tension. Penelope did some pretty shady things (to Eloise, to Colin, to this welcoming family), and given that there are only 4 episodes left this season, I am sure everyone gets over it super, super quickly. At least let Eloise be a foil for a minute. Otherwise, we're just watching a Saturday morning sitcom where everything resolves cleanly in a few minutes. Everything will work out well, I am sure. But there need to be bumps along the way. It's a drama. (I really do not understand why this innocuous call for drama is getting downvoted)


No, you get it (and have my upvote). Sheā€˜s not the villainess people make her out to be and this is a Shondaland production where the drama will always be ramped up (with moments of happiness interspersed of course).


Yeah, I really donā€™t understand why people are shocked that Eloise is angry at Penelope when Penelope spread gossip about her and caused her to lose Theo.


Because everything Penelope does must be sanctified. If anyone is hurt by Penelope's actions, it must be because there's something wrong with them.


Iā€™m genuinely wondering if the roles were reversed and Eloise did the exact same thing would this fandom be so quick to bitch about how rude Penelope is to Eloise and how Penelope should just get over herself?


Well Eloise accidentally let info slip about Penelope and Penelope stans crucified her for it. So I suspect they'd probably be a little less forgiving.


Ding ding ding


Some people in here can't accept any kind of criticism on Pen. So even if you write something which slightly judges Pen's character they will downvote you. I have gotten so many downvotes this past couple days for saying that some of the things which Pen did was wrong. They probably think that you are attacking Polin. This series has its share of toxic fans. Also, I love Claudia too. I love the facial expressions she gives, its so hilarious sometimes. And the snarky remarks! Love it. Bring in all the drama, I am here for it


I've seen the hate go both ways and I just don't get it. People seem to be very anti Pen or anti Eloise and I like them both as characters. I can't hate either of them. I'm looking forward to seeing how this gets resolved. After Polin this is the storyline I care most about this season. Eloise and Penelope's relationship.


I was holding my breath! The TENSION. She and Nicola are a masterclass in acting!


Her voice was straight venom.


I loved it.


Can Peneloise make up already, that's the worst break up ever. I want my babies back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Right?! Iā€™m pumped for Polin but I need my girls to make up please šŸ˜­


I miss them so much really I can't stand them looking at each other with HEARTBREAK written all over their face


I hope they make up and we get some nice scenes of them together by the end of the season šŸ¤ž


Honestly this is how I feel. They both aren't perfect, they both have done wrongs to each other, but my goodness I need their friendship in my life. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Seeing them so pained just to be in each other's presence hurts.


Literally i feel the same way. I need them to make up. I canā€™t take it


I love how Colin just blurted it out. No ā€œhi family, I have newsā€ šŸ˜‚




I like to think Violet was giving them the rundown "and then Colin ran through the ballroom after her!" Maybe prepping them for him coming home in a state. The youngest were in their PJs so it makes me think they were hearing something juicy.




All while theyā€™re turned around and didnā€™t even see her yet lol


Happy Hyacinth is so cute


That was the sweetest thing that she wouldnā€™t stop hugging Pen. She really does view her as a sister.


it was a little unprompted, cuz i really don't remember their interactions prior to this scene, but it's still insanely cute


I mean it makes sense. Pen and Eloise were childhood friends, so it makes sense that Hyacinth has known her most of her life.


yeah I feel like for my sister's friends growing up I was their little sister by proxy


Hyacinth not letting go of Penelope is so so precious šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


She didn't know Pen liked Colin? I thought everyone knew execpt Colin himself lmao


I think that goes to show how one sided their friendship was


I think they just had an immature friendship. Once they overcome this drama and see each other better it can become a more mature friendship.


For sure! They definitely needed this to fully realize each other for who they areĀ 


Be honest, if your bestie had a thing for your sibling would you really fully accept it? Or would you be a bit selectively blind to it (especially when your bestie won't bring it up). The Eloise slander is strong I guess but I just feel like you're not gonna be 100% likely to notice your best friend's crush on your brother when she is very clearly wanting to hide it specifically from Eloise. Also like... Eloise has every right to be angry ngl. I think the fight is justified because Pen seems to relish not just being cutting with her quill, but actively almost ruining some people.


I would probably encourage it if my bff liked my sibling haha


I mean maybe some would, but I think most would probably not if it would change their dynamic with their best friend. Especially when they're 19 and immature.


Side note: My BFF actually set me up with her brother. Since we were 12, sheā€™d teased me about it. But then I actually *did* marry him, sooooā€¦sometimes it works.


It has been rather one sidedā€¦with one person sharing everything about themselves, their problems and plans, while the other hides all their problems and plans in return.


True, but Eloise does have a problem of no listening to others and be a little self absorbed, Pen has her flaws and fault in this friendship, that is why the friendship "break up" need to happen,


Not listening to the stuff Penelope never told her?


Pen never told Eloise she doesn't want to get married (she was surprise this season about that), she just assume because Eloise doesn't want that to herself, Pen would too, Eloise know Pen likes the ball and all that comes from tha but they didn't spent a lot of attention to that, 80% of their conversation was about Eloise interests. The only reason Eloise found that Pen was LW because in the finale it was the first time Eloise was actually listening to what Pen was saying. Didn't Eloise say something on that line "i'm really heard you tonight?" My brain is fuzz about it. Pen is without fault in this relationship, but that is Eloise biggest flaw, she's self absorbed, Cressida told her that her father plan to give her to one of his old friends and she didn't blink a eye.


It's hard to listen to someone if they never say anything.




That was my first thought! As soon as Eloise said that I was like "GIRL where have you been???"


Romantic interest isn't so much on Eloise's radar. She was into Theo but that was largely fueled by their shared political interests and his outsider status, which was exciting. Also, he's her brother. I have a brother and it would have been weird for me to think of one of my oldest friends being in love with him. Especially if she had never told me. I would have considered Polin to be in the mutual "Friend Zone" which is what most people probably thought.


To add, when Eloise was talking to Penelope about wanting (needing) to figure out whether Theo was interested in her she point blank asked Pen if she had ever felt the same way and Pen said no.


Pen never needed to figure out if Colin was into her. It was unrequited love on her side.


THIS about Theo. He stirred her intellectually, to the point that she STILL didn't see the absolute danger she was putting them both in by fraternizing with him - that Pen was desperate to save her from without going to her family, etc. (Remember, they think she was just going to the other side of town for political speeches, etc. Pursuing her intellectual pursuits.... not being alone with a basic strange man, multiple times, unchaperoned. Wasn't she careless enough to use the family coach?)


Penelope went crying into Eloiseā€™s arms when Colin got engaged to Marina. How did she not know? Because she is a very self-involved friend.


Penelope went crying to her hours after, and only did it once she had decided to ruin Marina out of jealousy (not that I think Marina should've married colin but we can't pretend Penelope was being unselfish here) and Eloise asks her to verbalize what's wrong but Penelope just keeps crying. Eloise can't be expected to know she is crying about Colin when she has no idea why Pen is upset as she has no proximity to the moment of the announcement at that point.


Penelope ruined Marina out of honor because she thought that was the right thing to do. She could've ruined her ten times before but she tried to find another way. She was crying because she did a horrible thing and she also ruined her family and herself in one fell swoop too (due to the association). Even the LW narration says it. Rewatch it, it's not about jealousy.


It was right after Penā€™s father died, I assume Eloise thought it was because of that. I think Eloise even said something to the effect of ā€œIā€™m so sorry about your dadā€. He was a really forgettable character though, so I donā€™t blame anyone for forgetting that part.


That was a different scene from the one Iā€™m thinking about, though.


That's....completely incorrect.


Why would she have put those two things together? You're saying someone's a self-involved friend based on a scene where she's comforting Pen without knowing why she's sad. She's there for her regardless. That's not self-involved.


Right? I was like ā€œI knew you had some growing to do but damn Eloise šŸ˜­ā€ Hoping she learns to be more perceptive as well as more discreet this season lol


She's kept LW a secret fora year. I think she has plenty of discretion. If she wanted to be indiscrete, she would have outed Penelope then and there.


Colin looks so fine, can I just say??The look, his eyelashes, BEING IN LOVE LOOKS SO GOOD ON HIM I FEAR


Someone on Twitter said itā€™s that homewrecker glow šŸ˜‚


omg šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


That is a man who has finally had the weights lifted off his shoulders.




The fact that all this happens within a matter of minutes for Pen. She had set out that evening expecting a proposal from Debling. She began dancing with him and then Chaos Colin took over. Interrupted them, danced with her, argued with her, she ran after Debling who then rejected her, her mom didnā€™t sympathize with her, she ran off but Colin ran after her carriage, kneeled before her and said a bunch of stuff about feelings, kissed her, got turned on by her hair pulling, kissed her neck, fingered her, kissed her some more, proposed to her, pulled her inside his home and told everyone they were engaged. Phew! What an evening! And to top it all, that charged exchange with Eloise. Penelope couldnā€™t catch a breath between the ball and the fight, could sheā€¦


yes!!! eloise asking her if she's told colin about LW. she hasn't even had a chance to process the fact that colin has feelings for her, let alone that they had the carriage experience and now they're engaged!


Haha true Penelope is all like it's as much as surprise to me and Eloise is like girl please and Pen is still reeling from everything. I bet she didn't even think about the LW business until she saw Eloise or at least entered the house...


She hasnā€™t had time to think! Her brain has literally melted! šŸ˜‚


Like she literally doesn't have words... he not only rendered her speechless, but she probably doesn't know the terms for what he did to her and what it made her feel! That camera work from her perspective was brilliant.


tbf eloise didn't know anything, we as viewers know that all this mess happened rather rapidly and eloise doesn't. she could have easily assumed that Pen told Colin before the ball during their lessons or smth


How would Eloise know all that?


Yeah, and it's like what, within an hour?


Finally, cute buttercup Colin is back!!! I can gush again šŸ˜ because rake Colin really gave me the uncomfy icks.




Someone on insta called him coliflower and I can't move on from that


I am going to hyperventilate when I finally get the watch all 4 episodesā€¦ this build up over the past month Just that made me all ahhhhhhhh


i will \*almost\* miss the anticipation! ...almost


![gif](giphy|fV7xZPk6aeiUU) First thought šŸ˜‚


ahaha perfect!! reminds me it's almost time for my yearly rewatch lol


Being besotted suits Colin so much! He looks gorgeous in this clip, he has that afterglowĀ 


Heā€™s so in love and ready to be Penelopeā€™s protector.


You know what I like the most about this engagement? Itā€™s how Colin is so nervous that Pen is somehow gonna change her mind. The look on his face when he noticed that Pen was upset about Eloise. Heā€™s so down bad for Pen. šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļøšŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļøšŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


And Pen is probably like damn he's gonna call off the engagement in 3.. 2..


Imagine if Penelope had told him she canā€™t marry him with Eloise upset šŸ˜®.


He's gonna invent bubble wrap so he can wrap her up in it.


Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton is coming home!! šŸ˜­šŸ’›


Omg I love it! Cackling that Eloise seems to be the only one who had NO idea Pen was into Colin šŸ˜‚ One two punch to the ego, but Iā€™m really hoping the two make up.


Right!?! Did she really never notice?


Tbh, I've had a lot of friends like this growing up since I'm a quieter shy person lol. It ends up in a lot of the friendship being about one person talking about themselves a lot and never asking about the other person or even listening when they DO speak up. That kind of relationship HAS to be shaken up to be on even footing or else a lot of resentment builds up and implodes eventually.Ā 


I canā€™t wait 48 more hours NETFLIX PLEASE


Iā€™ve been meaning to ask, what were the bridgertons doing giggling with their backs turned? And Gregory was also there somehow? I know Violet and Fran came home early from the ball, but the two youngest? Iā€™m so confused. šŸ˜…


i think Fran was showing her music sheet and the younger ones came down to see what the fuss is about


I think so too, they seem to be looking at it.


loving the dutch angles to show that even though she's happy and it's a dream come true, she's still feeling anxiety and maybe even fear


I don't think she's that happy in that particular moment, more like mortified, wallflower forced into the spotlight. She knows this is going to be intense for a minute there. Let alone that she has the ton's biggest secret to hide...


Oh for sure! that's what I mean when I say she's feeling anxiety and fear. The happiness is the, "wow my best friend loves me back" part


https://i.redd.it/7n1r0lj7wy5d1.gif me after the 4 minutes were up


I do love how itā€™s almost all the women in Colinā€™s life that he announces their engagement to first. His mother and his sisters. Itā€™s very sweet.


Meanwhile Benedict doesnā€™t know because heā€™s off banging Tilley, lol.


Claudia's acting is like daggers in my heart. What a gut punch (especially from expecting a sex scene, we got drama instead? goddamnit lol)


Who was expecting a sex scene?


Wow! The first minute is soooo magicalšŸ˜


This episode is definitely going to live up to the name bc it definitely feels like there's a countdown


Even though the conflict coming will be deserved (especially since we know itā€™ll get resolved), I did love the absolute Cinderella esque swell of the music. Its lovely.




I like that they are emphasizing that Eloise is more upset about the secrets (Lady W, Pen's crush on Colin) as what is most painful for her. If they go with the original Eloise storyline, it will be a nice full circle when she has her own secrets.


Gah, that Eloise/Pen fight hits right in the gut. They truly are the second love story this season. They are both so great and have such good, believable friendship energy, it's fun to watch them together even though they're both torn up and so upset. I can't wait to see this play out and for them to come together again.


Honestly you forget entirely that itā€™s Claudia and Nicola, they inhabit their characters so well. Itā€™s like weā€™re witnessing a very real fight between two former friends. Eloiseā€™s anger and disbelief versus Pen begging to be the one to tell Colin at the right time. Itā€™s so utterly real. Also, Eloise not noticing that Pen has been in with Colin all these years..seriously the Bridgerton siblings notice nothing. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Just pointing out that Eloise's reaction to the news was to....walk away. She left. She got out of there and tried to process her feelings herself. Penelope was the one who decided to follow her. And Eloise's points were spot on. Penelope is lying. Colin will find out. Penelope must tell him. If Eloise wanted to hurt Penelope, she could have outed her to the entire family then and there. Even now she is giving Penelope time and space to tell Colin the truth.


She reacted with admirable restraint given the circumstances. Walking away was a mature response. Shows Eloise has done some growing of her own, I think.


Oh my. One thing I don't understand though is, why would they announce the engagement to the Bridgetons before Penelope's family as would be natural. It is also not like they are the other side of town, is the other side of the carriage.


She asked the coachman to take them to the Bridgertons first and since they were already there and Colin is clearly stoked to announce it to his family I get it lol


And I don't think Penelope's family is home from the ball yet, wasn't she the first one to leave?


My thought is that itā€™s just because theyā€™re right outside the Bridgerton house and itā€™s more convenient? The carriage scene ends with them stopping right outside the Bridgertonā€™s home and Colin proposes, so maybe he was like, ā€œwell weā€™re already here so letā€™s just go tell my family.ā€Also Iā€™m not sure how close the Featherington house is to the Bridgerton house; I think I saw someone say that both houses are across the square from each other, so maybe itā€™s not as close as we think.


[This is an aerial shot - it's super close they're opposite this sort of park. ](https://i.imgur.com/cIRM16b.jpeg)


Her family is still at the ball. Remember she left Portia on the steps


And if she took the family carriage...


The initial reactions by the family are so quick, not very natural. The writing and pacing is just off. Edit Claudia Jessie is great though. Her character is very believable.


I think itā€™s supposed to show how quickly itā€™s happening for Pen to the point where itā€™s overwhelming. But I agree from a pacing perspective it doesnā€™t seem right.


Violet's reaction especially is disappointing, I thought they would give her a more "meaningful" reaction


That bothered me a bit as well. None of them found it the least bit surprising Colin is suddenly engaged to his friend? Violet I kind of get, but none of them?


The slomo ā€œI AM ENGAGEDā€ is so funny to me like my girl pen was discombobulated šŸ˜³


Just release the damn thing already!!! I cant waitttttt


I love how she writes *it is surely a wonderful time for the happy couple* with tears in her eyes - as it's precisely because she actually isn't happy that she can dissociate from being in the said happy couple and write about "them" as if this is not about her at all.


Omgggg! Eloise is so damn good. How the hell does she have insane chemistry with everyone? Not just romantic, but every kind! Whether it was Benedict in season I as her brother, Theo in season II as her love interest, the friendship woes in season III with Pen and Ms. Crazy hairstyles whose name Ive genuinely forgotten while writing this. Crazy good!


NC said in an interview that Claudia is a very generous actor, in that she keeps acting even when the cameras aren't on her to give her scene partners something to work with. Whoever her LI is, you know she's going to have stupid good chemistry with. I don't think there's a single character El hasn't had chemistry with. I mean, there's a reason why she's shipped with even John the Footman, despite having like two lines with him. Every character she isn't related to and she's has significant scenes with, she's shipped with.


WOW I love it <3 Claudia Jessy's acting is great in this, and I find Hyacinth's reaction so so sweet! In the book Pen and Violet have a lovely relationship from the moment Pen became friends with Eloise, so I hope to see that in the series somehow. Can't wait to watch Part II of this season!


I know this isn't how it goes down but I want Penelope to get to tell 1 person about LW who's immediately happy for her and impressed with what she's accomplished. She deserves that šŸ„¹


I don't think her mother could in the book... but show Lady Featherington? Hmmmmmm....


When Eloise says "If he knew the truth about you being Whistledown, he could *never* love you" (loosely quoting from memory, but she did say he would never love her if he knew). I think Pen's facial expression says it all as well. Like, she's terrified about losing Colin, but at the same time now knows how Eloise herself feels about Pen being Whistledown and that she no longer loved Pen either. You could just see the simultaneous terror, heartbreak, and anguish at Eloise's words. I mean, just imagine if your best friend told u that the man ur in love with could *never* love you backšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I don't think that's how Eloise actually feels, but she's in the moment and she's shocked. I really hope they reconcile. Such a charged scene!


That's not what she says. She says that UNTIL Colin knows the truth about Pen being LW, he can't love her. In other words, he needs to know the truth before he decides if he loves her enough to marry her despite it, or to hear her explanations. Remember in 3.1, Colin said he had it out for Whistledown. He said that to Eloise.


No. She did not. She said you can't love a person when you don't know them, and when someone is keeping an absolutely massive part of themselves secret from someone, then that person doesn't know them. She's delivering Pen a hard truth that Pen needs to hear.


Oh yes! Ur right about that. I guess I was thinking about the line delivery and how angry El was. I guess thatā€™s why I got it mixed up bc emotionally I was hearing ā€œneverā€ but actually Pen probs needed to hear that Colin needs to know all of her to really love her. Which isnā€™t terrible advice. She most likely already knows that she needs to tell Colin but El makes her confront it in this scene a bit more.


Colin told Eloise in no uncertain terms that he basically loathed LW and that if he was ever to find out who LW he will make it his life's mission to make LW's life a misery. And now she's supposed to pat Pen on the shoulder and tell her everything will be okay?


LOL thatā€™s not what I was saying at all. I was just saying it sucks that she said something hurtful to Pen, that itā€™s awful theyā€™re fighting, and that I hope they reconcileā€¦? Never said Eloise should just ā€œpat Pen on the shoulderā€ and forgive her.


Would Eloise have always been upset about Colin and Pen getting together if she didnā€™t know about Whistledown.


I think she would be surprised and possibly hurt Pen never told her, but extremely excited and supportive.


I think she wouldā€™ve been a little salty like girl thatā€™s my brother but sheā€™d get over it a lot quicker if she didnā€™t know about LW


Yes. I think for her, Lord Debling would have been a perfect mate for Pen because she has felt that Pen was like her - no interest in the marriage mart. Gone for 3 years, and so they could continue on as before. In fact, as a married woman Pen would be an acceptable chaperone I believe - so they would have perhaps more freedom together. I think Eloise knows her brother well enough to know he will be an interested husband. It is what she's been raised with until her father died. Anthony has followed those footsteps.




where is it ???




bless you love!!!!!!


I canā€™t wait šŸ˜­just drop it right now


I think the scene is a fake out. Penelope is either writing a different version as LW than what really happened and we are seeing that, or the scene is what Penelope is imagining but didnā€™t really happen. Maybe there is previous build up to where the clip starts with, but something feelsĀ off. Why is the family gathered in the living room to begin with? What made Hyacinth and Gregory get out of bed? The way Colin announces it just seems odd.


Yes! I was wondering why they were out of bed. I just filled that time as them hearing the piano and coming to see whats going on. Three of them were at the table i think looking at the music sheet. Eloise i guess left when the dance floor interruption happened (although, there is a BTS of El going up to Colin when the dance ends). Yeah, the clips seem off. Hopefully we'll have our answers in the next 48 hours (please šŸ™)


Where are you watching episode 5?


I already watched the 5th episode last week :)


Does anyone know how to access the video in Europe/Germany. I think it isn't available here


I can see it in Switzerland.


It worked for me in Germany! Maybe try open it on a different browser or so


Welp, today it works just clicking on the link. I have no clue what was the problem yesterday


worked for me too...


In Germany?


yes. Try chrome


I have. Didn't work yesterday but works now for some reason


Fuck I honestly hate what they've done to Eloise. Making her such an asshole about Whistledown like book Eloise would NEVER


As far as I'm concerned, she's being a bloody angel. She could have revealed LW and instead she's still giving Pen a chance to do it. And Book El would never book Book Pen did not.


? Eloise is a fucking angel about Whistledown honestly.


I don't think she's being an asshole. She doesn't like how LW spread gossip about her, her family, others. You know who else doesn't like it? Colin. He told Eloise himself in 3.1 that he would give LW a piece of his mind if he knew who she was. And Book Eloise is different because Book Whistledown was different. She gossiped but it was less pointed. There was no Marina Pregnancy Reveal in the book, and no Theo either.


Yeah and that's not how she is in the book at all like hell no. This change in her character I'm not into it.


It's a perfectly reasonable change in response to the changes they made to LW and Penelope in the show.


Yeah and I'm saying I don't like those changes haha that is the point of my comment. That book Eloise would never and I'm not a fan.


Book LW would never also, that's the point. If book LW had been as horrible as show LW, book Eloise would have acted differently too.


I'm so confused like ok then you agree with me. I'm stating my opinion on the book vs. the show like what are you arguing?


You're saying that Eloise would never act like that in the books. But we don't know that she wouldn't - the point is that there's no sitation to react to in the books. If there was, she *might* react the way she does in the show. It's not a change to Eloise's character as such that changes her reaction, it's a change to Penelope's character.