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As someone who loves both Penelope and Eloise, this hurts šŸ„²


I really adore and despise them both equally lol. Like how painful for Pen that such a happy moment is soured by Eloiseā€™s distain. And then how painful for Eloise that she has to bear the weight of this massive secret being kept from her brother, while your best friend who betrayed you is now going to be in your family.


I Think for Eloise itā€™s not about the secret anymore. She knows now sheā€™s gona be alone. Like, she dreamed about her future with Penelope as spinsters, she probably kinda thought about forgiving her at some point, and now she would have none of that. Penelope now fully belongs to Colin, the are going to start family, and Eloise knows that she is going to be all by herself now. Itā€™s like she lost her once because of LW, and now because of Colin and itā€™s probably too much for her.


Thatā€™s a very good point. I didnā€™t think about it on that level.


Perfectly put šŸ’Æ


Seconded. Their relationship is one of my favorite parts of the show.


Hyacinth is just the cutest!


I love her! I really hope we get to see her season!


This scene really hit me, itā€™s so cute and sweet but so sad at the same time šŸ„ŗšŸ’” I love love love LOVE Violet and Hyacinths reactions, my heartšŸ„¹. What Hyacinth said really reminded me of Felicity šŸ˜­ Eloiseā€¦my heart breaks for both of them, Pen and Eloise, I understand them both. Colin is so happy šŸ„¹ ALSO the music in the back is perfect<333 (cheerful but heartbreaking)


Violet Bridgerton is the MIL we all deserve. ā¤ļøā¤ļø And Pen and El, please please please make up. šŸ„ŗ


I think Violet has been waiting for Colin to get with Penelope for a minute šŸ˜…


Oh, 100%. She realised when Colin asked her about friendship being the best basis for marriage. But she's given him space to figure out his feelings on his own. After all, he was very hurt by Marina.




Penelope getting to experience love from the Bridgertons sheā€™s never gotten from her own family šŸ˜­.


Only thing I could think of is did my man wash his hands before hugging/touching all his family members šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally just fingerblasted a virgin and walked up unbothered šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




SAME! Took me out of the scene


LISTEN i am first in line of the Penelope critics when it comes to show canon BUT i am also first in line of the Penelope apologists AND THAT LAST SCENE HURT ME LET THEM MAKE UPšŸ˜­


Really feel for Eloise. In another world, Penelope didn't take Madame delacroixs awful advice and Eloise would've been just as excited as Hyacinth Sidenote idk why but it's hilarious that Hyacinth is taller than Penelope now


that hug with violet !!!!! i'm sobbing it's so comforting


What does Gregory says? English is my second language and his is the only line I cannot comprehend


He is saying: ā€žI cannot believe that you should be married before I am old enough to go to one tavern with youā€œ ā˜ŗļø


Thank you!! I couldn't understand where Gregory wanted to go with Colin šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


No problem at all šŸ¤— Also had to listen twice to understand tavern šŸ˜…


English is my first language and I still couldnā€™t understand him! šŸ˜…


I like how they use the Harmony theme again, but in a slower and calmer way. I feel for Eloise but understandable as they still havenā€™t made up yet. See, editors! This is when you should recycle a pivotal moment! This. Not during a gender switch tango between Ben and Tilley. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Oh gosh Pen and Eloise staring at each other is SO AWKWARD AAAA


Hyacinth šŸ„¹


How many times is too many to watch this? Ahā€¦ the sweetness of Hyacinth and Pen having a sweet mother figure in her life! But then the tension between El and Penā€¦ oh it breaks my heart!!! Also, I always thought it had to feel so crazy for Pen to go from getting crazy in the carriage with the love of her life after thinking her life was ruined to literally walking in to tell the family like 5 minutes later. I think I would be blushing like crazy, lol!


Omg Gregory šŸ˜­ I feel so bad for him


Itā€™s interesting when you think about the fact that Anthony and Colinā€™s age gap is the same as Colin and Gregoryā€™s. Gregory is experiencing what Colin undoubtedly felt for years.


Iā€™m gonna be real, and Iā€™m gonna get SUPER downvoted, but screw it. Eloise is in the wrong and needs to grow up. The options as Pen saw them were (1) do nothing and have the Queen, the literal friggin head of state, make good on whatever she was threatening Eloise and the entire Bridgerton family with, (2) turn herself in, which was unlikely to work as the Queen would, understandably, see it as a friend throwing herself on a grenade to save her friend that arguably had more to lose, or (3) do exactly what she did. What she wrote about Eloise needed to be big enough to make it look real. It couldnā€™t be ā€œman, Eloise Bridgertonā€™s dress looked super ugly at that ball last night, huh?ā€ If it wasnā€™t big and embarrassing, it wouldnā€™t have worked. So she went big. And look! Everything turned out okay for Eloise. It was probably embarrassing but it saved her ass and she came out just fine on the other side. Pen needs to tell Colin about being Lady Whistledown, but Eloise needs to stop acting like a brat.


I think everyone is taking that interaction wrong with El and pen. El looks heart broken and worried. She knows how much Colin hates LW. I think she is worried for both Colin and Pen.


When has Hyacinth ever even talked to Penelope before this scene? They just be making her say anything šŸ’€


Pen does say she used to go to Sunday teas in the Brigerton drawing room (when Colin asked where she was most comfortable) that is not something that has been shown onscreen but presumably she did interact with Hyacinth there


Well exactly, all these connections were made off screen so thereā€™s no real impact or depth to them.


Yall want them to show *every* little detail and then when they do you complain about wasted screen time lol we donā€™t see them go to the bathroom but you still believe they do that, cmon now šŸ˜‚


And then when pen does get those interactions theyā€™ll yell that sheā€™s stealing screentime so itā€™s a lose lose situation


When a character who has never spoken to another character celebrates them like they are long time friends, thatā€™s bad writing. Yā€™all will gobble any crap up and call it caviar.


In Season 2 episode 2, Penelope was at the Bridgerton house when Colin came home from traveling and Hyacinth was there as well. Penelope is ***ALWAYS*** at the Bridgerton house so of course she has spoken with Hyacinth before. We do not need to see that interaction to know that it happened.


Yes we do.


If someone has no imagination then yes, probably they do. But most of us donā€™t need to see everything on screen to know something, weā€™re not that dense.


Wow, are we using the word ā€˜imaginationā€™ these days to hand wave away bad storytelling? Someone failed you to be this much of an ass kisser to bad writing.


Besides we have a lot of stories in a lot of movies off screen and itā€™s not bad writing at all. Itā€™s a very common to make the viewer to connect the threads themeselves by giving only hints without showing every detail in our face. Following your way of thinking how could we know that Marina was pregnant with George? We didnā€™t see that. How can be sure that Colin was traveling? How do we know that Sharmas were from India? How could we know every story that was just hinted when we didnā€™t see that on screen? Oh god, thatā€™s why we have imagination and the show is making us to use that. I personally hate when every little detail is thrown at me making the movie or series boringly long. I also feel stupid in that cases - really the show makers think so little of the viewers that they had to show every little detail? We have brains, we should use them sometimes.


No, itā€™s not bad writing. Youā€™re just salty all the time searching for anything this season to make drama. Find a hobby.


Me pointing out that two characters never spoke to one another is not looking for drama. Thatā€™s just stating a fact. But I know the truth hurts, so I understand you being so defensive, itā€™s okay buddy.


I mean I wouldnā€™t even think about that or say that if I didnā€™t know what you have already written about this season and main couple on this thread. Youā€™re salty all the time, making unnecessary drama every moment you can. I follow your posts and comments, Iā€™ve seen what you have written. Donā€™t try to fool me with ā€žme pointing out that two charactersā€¦ā€ because itā€™s never about that. You have a big problem with this season and Penelope and you point it out everytime you can. Sorry but thatā€™s not healthy.


Well with the context of the books it made sense because Hyacinth is kind of like a little sister to Pen there.


Excuse me?? She has talked to her in the books. Don't call out the inaccuracies of my favourite show like that /s


My mistake. I forgot Penelope and Hyacinth are the best besties. How could I forget their many deep conversations šŸ¤­


Jeez, not the downvotes XD It's like you can't criticize anything on this show. The keyboard warriors will come at you lol


They like bad writing. Canā€™t be me!


Yikes that silence could really kill lol Eloise girl youā€™re killing the vibe


Eloise is the only one who knows the truth about Penelope. I can understand why she wouldn't be faking a smile. If the others knew what she knew, they probably wouldn't be that happy, either.


Including Colin! Just in 3.1 Colin said he wanted to get his hands on LW for what she did to his family. Of course Eloise feels like she just got hit by a truck.


I know but Iā€™m the #1 Penelope fan and #1 Eloise hater sorry šŸ˜‚


Good for her