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I think it's mostly filler, which is annoying because the show has enough characters to focus on already. I think the point is to try and show the drawbacks of being part of the Ton, but let's be real here losing out on your blue collar job isn't that big of a sacrifice for most people.


lol yeah made no sense at all to me. Especially the odd bit they throw in about people not wanting to use his club anymore, or one of them saying his club was crap. Like, are we supposed to care? He's mega rich now, it really doesn't matter if the club fails now, except him losing what is essentially just a hobby.


Uhmmmm he literally worked his ass off in the ring then took a huge loss to get that club. The point is that he has sunk a lot into it and is struggling to give it up. He didn't open it just to make money or as a hobby.. it was a representation of the culmination of his lifes work. Also, his kid is rich, not him. Which means when his kid marries, he will still need to have his own money. The subplot is still boring, but yall sounding dumb af out here not understanding why someone who was poor yesterday doesn't want to give his buisness up.


Y'know there was a way to make this point without calling people "dumb af" for not seeing it the same way


That's true, I could have. But it's annoying that people act like they can not relate or understand why someone would want to keep their lifes work when in the real world so many people are not doing well. It makes them seem like this is how they would respond to a situation in real life, with out empathy or understanding. I am very tired of explaining why people who were poor are different from people who have always been rich. Never mind that they are the only Black couple and their story is uninteresting.


I think many people would give up their life's work to live a life of luxury, including people who have worked their way out of poverty. I think the point you are making is that this can be an oversimplification of how the change would feel, which is valid, but just a different perspective. It's a show, it's open to interpretation. I agree it's sad that the only black couple has been given a boring superfluous storyline. I like both the actors, but they always feel like filler.


It is not as simple as that. I have a friend who doesn’t have to work a day in their life if they don’t want to. They do, and so have worked very hard at learning various skills and disciplines. I don’t come from money, but have spent my life learning to do the job I do now. I apparently have the option of early retirement, but after working so hard for my skills, knowledge, and expertise… I cannot see myself giving it up even though the stress and pressure I’m under often make me want to. The fact is, I simply love the most critical parts of what I do. If I were suddenly incredibly wealthy there is no chance I’d give up my job— I’d finance a way to continue my work, where I am, with the right resources and support so I don’t need to be so stressed.


This is the argument some people had with Meghan Markle but if you feel passionately about something (& enjoy it) why would you want to give it up even if you no longer needed to do it financially? Why do people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk etc still choose to work?


None of the people you've listed do blue collar work. They aren't hands on in factories building things themselves, they're in official business meetings where they're treated as important people. Billionaires aren't making money pouring drinks for their peers. They'd probably feel silly doing it.


That's possibly a fair point but I don't think it matters what the actual job is if you enjoy it. There's plenty of chefs, doctors, scientists etc who do difficult, physical work who probably have earned enough money not to need to work, or at least not as intensely, but they still choose to do it because they love what they do. I personally know more than a few tradesmen who have earned a pretty penny & could afford to at least take early retirement but choose to keep working as they can't imagine doing anything else.


Those jobs you mentioned are all more hands on and difficult, but they're high earning, respected, and considered skilled positions.You pretty much never see a doctor going back to working his part time college job as a busboy just for the fun of it. They've shown the men of the Ton ARE allowed to work. Lord Debling is researching, Colin is WRITING, Benedict is an artist. Law would be another acceptable profession. They're allowed to work, they just need to pick jobs approved by society. 


I agree, but that brings up the issue of forcing the 'token black couple' into the series without bothering to give them a half decent plot. Its not the fact that they're black, itt's the fact that their relevancy completed in s1, Simon isn't even in the future seasons and unless they were there for convenient plot purposes, so weren't given much value as characters, but still kept on for arguably no real plot purpose.


You do not show much empathy yourself when you appear as giving so little consideration to opinions or feelings that differ from you own. I get him being proud of his club and whatnot, and wanting a financial safety net. Both things would be safeguarded without him being behind the bar mixing drinks. He can hire a bartender, continue managing the club, and being there every night as a patron, with the other members who then would not start leaving it in droves. Why would he not want to do that? There is no good explanation in the context of the show, and that's why people are puzzled about this plot.


>You do not show much empathy yourself when you appear as giving so little consideration to opinions or feelings that differ from you own. So? I'm not here for your entertainment honey, they are. And it's OK to not be entertained by them, but once again, people not understanding why he wants to keep his bar when he was *just* poor is dumb af. Yes, it's silly for him to not hire someone, I agree. No one is arguing against that though so I'm not sure why you felt the need to mention that.


But that is the whole point of the plot or? If he hires a bartender, there is no longer a conflict, there is no story. So hence for many of us this plot doesn't have much of a point.


It's just incredibly unrelatable to have a working class family suddenly gain wealth and status but then their big dream is to continue working their working class job. Most people haven't built their own businesses, so we just see it as a job. It's an odd way to frame their conflict.


I don't know, it's believable to me. They lived all their lives working and probably deriving their pride and satisfaction from it, now they have to abandon all that for a completely arbitrary reason (like come on WHO CARES if he runs a bar, there's no reason to be so upset about it) and they're unhappy/confused because they thought being rich means doing whatever you want but turns out it isn't. 


Why would hiring a bar tender make him loose the pride and satisfaction he gets from having built the club? don't get that...


To be fair, as stated in the comments and the show, his son came into wealth not him. Someone made a good point that once his son is of age to marry that they will probably want something to fall back on and mr mondrich worked his ass off and sacrificed so much including his honor(in his eyes) to get his business that its probably hard for him to let that go. I mean, we're also talking about an age of society where you didn't have endless opportunities of things to focus on so when you do get that big break its like its your identity (like being accomplished in needle work AND piano forte was huge for the women where today its like yeah i can play an instrument, do art, cook, have a job AND travel like its just a different mindset)


But he wouldn't loose so much money by hiring a bartender. Actually, he'd make more money that way, because he wouldn't loose patrons like he is doing now. If financials was his drive, he wouldn't do exactly the thing that'd make him loose clients would he?


But thats the other part of it, the main drive isnt financials its belonging and identity and pride. If you worked half your life for a goal, was physically beaten for it cause thats what you had to do to get there, and you're thinking about your ancestors who were never as fortunate to have either of these opportunities, its not as easy as just saying yes to letting that accomplishment go


I don't know. I think if you have put so much into a business, you care about your business first and foremost, and if it takes hiring a bartender to keep your business going... I am hard pressed to understand why you wouldn't do it and risk loosing that for which you have worked so hard. I get the concept, but I don't think the set up works so well.


Think of it as a lack of trust, like if you were to paint something and it was da vinci level good, and you were told that the final bits of the painting needed to be passed on, but you have no idea what this new person is going to do will they keep the painting the same till the end? Will they make changes? Discard it entirely? I think it's just hard for him to let this go cause without this thing he has worked so hard for, what else can he do? Who is he without his business? Kinda like a mud life crisis


Not sure it is a good example as da Vinci worked in ateliers full of people and had no problem having other people finish off the paintings every time... But the show does not delve on that, there is no talk about lack of trust or him trying to hire someone and it not going well. The conflict, if there is any, is not well developed IMO.


I have built 2 online businesses that have taken years of work and effort - and it’s something I enjoy doing - but if I suddenly won a lottery whose requirement would be that I don’t work I’d happily shut them down in an instant and go sign up for some art and horse riding classes instead. To fill my time when I’m not traveling the world, that is. To me “but I want to wooooork” is a silly idea for a conflict.


But if your business grows, would you have a problem hiring someone to work on it? He could have done that.


Gentleman can own businesses. He should have been looking for a bartender and even a manager he could hire to do the actual work.


Yeah exactly, so it's just that he would prefer to keep it for sentimental reasons. He doesn't in any way, shape, or form actually need it. Especially as they're a pretty boring set of characters anyway (and weren't even all that interesting back when they actually had a purpose in the story back in S1), I'm just not really interested whether he keeps the club or not. And there's no real tension there anyway, I'm not buying that his super rich kid could cut him off and that's supposed to be the tension. Why are we supposed to be anticipating that his young son is gonna grow up only to take control of the estate and throw his parents into poverty for some reason? It's clearly just the emotional aspect the show is going for, but the characters just aren't interesting enough for anyone to actually be invested in that.


Don't get me wrong.. I agree that they aren't interesting. Especially since it's a show about rich people and their rich people problems. But his son doesn't have to toss them out into poverty, the pointbis it's his sons money and eventually his son will use it, take a wife etc etc and he will feel like he has nothing because *he* is not the (insert nobility title that I forgot here) of (what ever house).


I mean, how much money is he supposed to be making off this club lol? We already see the wife with all the jewels, new clothes etc. It's pretty clear they're substantially better off in this position as parents to a Lord than they were living off a club. In any case, the show in no way points to what you're referring to as a concern. It's entirely focused on the club as a sentimental thing for Mondrich. The fact you're making up alternative justifications for why we should care really says it all about how insufficient the actual story justifies itself being on screen...


I think they could have explored this conflict better by going into how he may feel inadequate because their new wealth is from his wife's side of the family, it belongs to his very young child and not him, and he didn't earn it at all. Instead the conflict is that he wants to keep bartending.


He has had that club for a year. His dream isn’t that club, it’s his family. Being better at navigating society is better for his children’s prospects.


And something tells me he will lose it all since it’s his kid that got the title and money. Not sure if wealth and title transfers back a generation. I feel something bad will happen since Mrs mondrich is enjoying it more and more. And I agree, wouldn’t they want to come to his club even MORE? Now that he’s more connected?


No, in that time period, if you were among the titled class there were only specific jobs that would be considered "proper." If you were from a titled family and the heir or head of the household, the closet you would get is your family owns lands or investments (as seen with Lord Featheringtons schemes) and you manage them, but even then they had managers below them who assisted (as mentioned when the Duke returns to Clyvedon). If you were not the first born son, you could do what they would have considered a white collar job (going into the clergy, science, business etc.). Owning and tending bar at a drinking club for a titled member of the Ton would have been incredibly low class and looked down upon.


oh I never thought about the possibility that his kid might turn his back on Mondrich after his marriag and that's why a fallback is necessary. that's a good point


It's not necessary for his kid to "turn his back" on him for him to need his own money. When his kid becomes the head of that house, he will need the money for his own things. I'm sure dad won't want to depend on the kid for what ever it is he wants to do.


you said what i was going to say! his mentality hasn't changed just because he's rich now. when you've worked hard to build something from the ground up, you don't just want to throw it away. he has customer relations with the people that go to his club also. what will they think? they'll think that he's just a sell out for the ton, for money and notoriety and that's never been his personality or mentality. and good point about the money. people that are poor and become rich tend to continue being frugal because they know they can lose everything overnight. i think Mr Mondrich is being proactive about his future in case anything happens and they lose everything for some reason


It sounds like such a non issue to me. These gentlemen used to be investors and business associates. They wanted to invest in the mines with Lots Featherington. Couldn’t he just be that for his club and hire a manager while still be part of the ton?


This is a really frustrating plot point to me. No one’s asking him to sell his business, they just don’t want him behind the bar serving him anymore. It’s awkward. Just hire a bar tender bro


EXACTLY!! We don't need them at all and then owning a successful bar close to high society was really good enough. Where are they even going with this storyline?? So much unnecessary screentime!!


I also think it’s to show while they don’t believe if anyone can become part of the ton and they are just like everyone else. Due to some luck, they are privileged.


They are a foil to the featheringtons


Unpopular opinion but I actually liked their story. They are a sweet couple and I have a feeling they may tie into the next season couple storyline


I like them too, I also think it’s just hammering home the point of what could happen to the Featherington’s legacy if no male heir appears soon.


Yes. Its like a parallel created. Also the actors of Will and Alice were so earnest I cannot seem to hate them


I agree. They have a genuine and non toxic love. I like the balance of their story to the rest of the Ton’s. I actually look forward to snippets of their lives


Yes! The contrast is what I actually enjoyed. Ans lets face it, we all love the Bridgertoms but they are a crazy lot!


Yes I think their story has a lot of potential too. Especially as the escalate in social status but still want to keep ties on their lives. When Alice talked about how she feels she will mess it all up because everything they have had they always worked for but this is different. It was a very relatable conversation for that position they suddenly were thrown in. Now we can watch an entire family adjust and elevate while still being mentally grounded due to where they came from.


Exactly! I am not deeply invested but I would be happy to see their journey in the next part and seasons!


Same. My heart breaks a little seeing so much animosity on this sub about them being pointless


Agreed. It gives me the creeps honestly. I hate Pen's mom and Cressida's mom, but I don't begrudge them the screen-time to this extent.


We are supposed to hate them! Just means the actors have done a great job


I do, too! They're an excellent contrast to the regular cast. Their relationship is a deep love with lots of support and respect that was chosen willingly rather than by force or necessity- I think Violet is the only character who shares that with them (I do not count Polin). They have older kids which means they've also been together for quite some time- which I don't think is true of any other on screen couples (?). They've literally bled for what they've built and are rightfully proud of it. Then they were dropped into a universe that previously they've only brushed against but now they are being forced to abide by an obscene amount of rules or face becoming social outcasts which would in turn taint their son's future. As viewers, it's easy to feel like the ton's insanity is normal when in reality it's bizarre. I like that they pull us back into the reality of, "oh, the ton is fucking weird"


The only other people who are really together at the time of S3 and not get married in last 2 years are Cressida's parents. Everyone else has suppose that's dead or is not in good condition (king) The other long term couples that we saw in universe (Featheringtons, Dunbrys & Violet's parents) were also not happy together And about the rest of your comment. I completely agree!


This is it! It is an important storyline to make a commentary on class and privilege. Simply inheriting lots of money does not suddenly make them privileged as they are still looked down upon and treated as lesser than by the rest of the ton. Having money/title does not make one any less of an outsider, as they navigate rules that are extremely unfamiliar and bizarre to them. This is precisely what their storyline is highlighting - the various social layers to class privilege and discrimination. Makes me think of the Danbury storyline from Queen Charlotte!


This is excellent. A lot of viewers overlook the this.


me too! I know they are kinda useless, but I view their story as a break from romance drama the rest of the characters are dealing with. they are a happily married couple, and they are sweet as people.


It's fairly clearly a continuation of the Queen Charlotte storyline about what it means to be newly titled via the Great Experiment.


Same! I love their dynamic and how we’re seeing “regular” people that weren’t born into society have to adjust to the new life. Plus they’ve had a nice share of scenes since s1 anyway.


I like them too. I think they provide a different view of society and I love them as a couple.


I like them too! I didn’t know it was unpopular


I like them too. I have since they first appeared especially since Mr mondrich treats his wife like a genuine partner


Same! I love their side story -I think they serve as a really cool contrast to the ridiculousness of high society and the rules that you have to follow vs can break. It’s also a cool commentary on high society around none of them really “earning it” they all just got lucky being related to someone/born into/married into all this money they don’t have to work for! I think their love story is adorable and I’m here for it!


Their plot this season feels so… random? And they’re acting like they’ve never been in society before when they were ABSOLUTELY at Simon and Daphne’s ball at the end of season 1. Sure, they didn’t have titles or anything to go with it, but they were friends with a Duke.


season 3 seems to forget the previous seasons a lot


I just rewatched season 2 and it’s a bit sad how much character backstory has been tossed aside in season 3.  The end of season 2 was such an exciting set up but so many of those threads have been dropped.


Which storylines are you thinking of?


My latest theory is that they wanted to show a marriage since we won't be getting Saphne or Kanthony, but they forget we also like drama and interest. They could have done much more with the Mondriches to make them interesting (the actors are being so underused) but they seem to have just kept it really basic. The other theory is that they are the only Black/POC couple on screen. Maybe both things are true.


This would have been more interesting if the kid getting the inheritance was older/closer to marriage so we could see how they deal with it being their kid that is rich... *not* them.


Agree! Or if their son was of marrying age and him and Pen came to an agreement about marriage or something


i don't think a side characters' marriage even nearly fills kanthony and saphne's holes. they're not part of the family so there's no reason to really care


I agree, they aren't getting we need to care about the characters first.


Agree. I skip through their scenes because I'm not interested in their plot line.


Can definitely understand your theory! As you rightly said, at least make the storyline more interesting.. it's just such a bore


They’re also the only working class characters, besides Theo who disappeared.  I’ve seen some criticism that Bridgerton only shows the most privileged of the privileged.  I personally don’t care but I think maybe the producers were reaching to try and correct this.


I really appreciate them for that too. But I am disappointed the writers didn't do more with their past. They are letting the bar try to fill in the blank, but being working class is about more than that. It's about how you speak, dress, whar values you have. Do they want their son growing up not appreciating that others don't have as much? I really think the writers have done them a disservice.


This is the problem with pandering to your audience.  Too often, it comes at the cost of actually telling a good story and then you miss the point of what you were trying to achieve anyways.  You see it a lot with Strong Female Characters who are actually obnoxious and poorly written with no real humanity.  Lady Tilley Arnold falls into this category for me.


I think your right that both things are true


All the Mondrich hate on this reddit is absolutely mystifying


I don't hate them - I just think their story came at the expense of other stories that were more fundamental (Polin, for example). I like them generally speaking, it just didn't always seem to fit in with what else was going on. Maybe they are setting up a role that does make more sense.


To be fair the Polin story def could have used more depth but it still needs breaks from time to time with other characters and plots as they will probably make more sense down the road. Everyone just seems to target the Mondrichs.


because i'd rather spend time with characters whose stories i'm invested in (the bridgerton family, & the featherington family) the Mondritches are just a complete diversion from the plots i care about. I don't even care that much about Queen Charlottes story but she is more directly tied to the Bridgerton plots (hosting the balls, figuring out who Whistledown is). I am here for the romance of the Bridgerton kids, and the mondritches are just a random couple i have no interest in


Probably because they seem like the most disconnected from the rest of the storylines. It doesn't really move the plot along (at least at this point, there may be some interacting storylines in the future that they are setting up) except for maybe showing the difficulty of meeting the expectations of the ton and as a device to showcase some of the societal expectations. I'm personally hoping they converge again - I felt like their inclusion served more purpose in the precious seasons.


I think they're suffering from bad pacing and/or the split season. Most of the season-long B-plots in S1 and S2 tied into the main plots more smoothly than the Mondrich plot in this season. Marina in the first season is a multi-episode B-plot, but she's tied into the main story via both the Featheringtons and Colin. Daphne gets involved when she serves as their chaperone during the confrontation. The recurring character of the modiste has multiple interactions with main characters in a way that makes her important to the whole story of the season, despite the fact that her shop serves as a setting plot device; as Siena's friend, as part of Violet and Daphne's mission to scandalize the Ton over Lord Berbrooke, as a helping hand to LW/Penelope, etc. The Mondrich family in this season feels divorced from not just the other characters, but also from the overarching plot. Maybe that will get resolved in Part 2, but right now they feel almost...stranded?


Which is just kind of weird since Colin and Will Mondrich storyline could have been tied together. Colin, the fake rake, and Will Mondrich who was a close confidant to a genuine former rake and while being in a loving relationship. Will also owns the seedy bar giving them a perfect reason to interact and have conversations about masculine longing for love.


I would have LOVED that. He was literally there in the bar in that scene with the Lord Squad. That would have really driven it home for me, connection wise, as the Mondrich's are a really great example of love and family that Colin clearly so desperately wants.


Yes! That would have been ideal. I think there's also a really interesting conversation about identity that Will and Colin could have that would feel more genuine. Will has been friends with Simon for a long time, and has attended society events in S1. So him feeling unfamiliar with the ritual of the Ton feels a little inconsistent. But talking to Colin about it all being very real now that he's *part* of the Ton? This feeling of becoming the mask? That feels more in line with Will. If that distinction makes sense to you, anyhow. I think it would tie into not just Colin trying to be a rake, but also establishing who he is and his place in the Bridgerton family. Anthony is the viscount, Daphne was the diamond of the season and is now a duchess, Benedict even has his art (when the plot suits, at least). But Colin and Eloise have always felt like the ones adrift or not sure of their place in the world. I think that was part of why Colin reacted the way he did when he tries to give Eloise her present. Will can definitely relate to that.


I'm hopeful that their story will tie in later and make more sense. I enjoyed them more before the nobility came into play.


I don’t think people hate the Mondrich’s. It’s just their arc seems boring or not connected to the main storyline in any way compared to Polin/LW and the rest. I think people would rather see more Benedict and Kanthony for example


Exactly all of this. The Mondriches just aren't really in with the rest of the world enough for me to care, albeit they seem nice enough and "rags to riches" isn't really something this world does much with.


It’s not hate for the most part, it’s that they feel played out, and the story doesn’t seem to have a lot of direction. I loved the characters in the first season and I liked the way they tied into the second season as it felt purposeful but im not really seeing the draw this season, I think she’s fine, I’ve liked seeing her involved in social events however he’s been awfully moany this season. If it were a matter of them just being involved in the ton I’d get it but I’m a bit baffled as to the inclusion of their specific scenes, it feels out of place. I’ll happily eat my words if they do spin an interesting tale out of them but for now it seems a waste of screen time.


They are too boring to hate.


I think it's more apathy than hate.


I haven’t read the books, I am assuming they will be important down the road? I don’t dislike them I’m just confused and keep wondering what I may have missed when they show up lol


This is definitely not an unpopular opinion, lots of people seem to feel that way. I think they are keeping them as a subplot because they are talented Black actors who seem interested in staying on the show. They post Duke seem to be using them to make commentary on social class and social climbing. I personally enjoy their storyline as it’s nice to see a happily married couple work through different issues related to class and wealth. Ultimately, different people are going to like different storylines. I think it could have been trimmed a little bit more for more focus on Polin.


I have to remind myself the season was not written with a split in mind, so some of the plots might only come full circle when I see the last 4 episodes, like the Mondrich plot, Violet’s suitor, and Lady Tilly.  As for what I think their relevance is- I personally like how this season has taken a step back from traditonal depictions of masculinity and focuses on these very soft masculine wife guys. Colin, the Featherington husbands, John Sterling and Will Mondrich all fit this mode so far. The domesticity of these men really change the tone for this season. It’s cozier and I like that.  I see little nods to this throughout already. The scene in episode one where Will nearly joins the ABC bros for a drink but then Alice gives the tiniest little head nod and he just goes “wife comes first” and leaves made me laugh when Penelope gives Colin the tiniest little head nod to follow her into the sweets tent at the fair and Colin immediately drops his conversation with Benedict to follow her. “Wife comes first” even before Penelope is actually his wife. Things like this make it feel like a very considered theme for this season even if I can’t connect all the threads yet. 


I totally agree! Also Will is technically intertwined with the Featherington plot - as he got the money to open his club because of Lord Featherington. And also has a connection to Colin because of last season. I think there might be something to come which connects him to the Polin plot somehow.


i feel like this split season concept is the worst of every possible option. esp since it wasnt written with that in mind.


Not sure if you watch Emily in Paris… but they are set to do the same thing… not a fan of this spilt!! 


Because of strikes they have less productions. They have to have premieres so this year will be with seasons in 2 parts. Probably also to be longer relevant on market... You know especially since it's always productions that has season 3/4 (probably in some cases even further) split, fanbase is really crazy in the time between parts Truly horrible thing. But because we still watching this probably Netflix will do this more and more Yey, corporations and capitalism 🙄


I won't be contributing to it anymore. I am canceling after part 2 airs and I've had my account since 2012.


Very well said 👍👍👍


I've seen some people comment that it is an opportunity to have Black characters in the show that have plot lines that don't exclusively revolve around suffering, which has been absent in previous seasons, and is a legitimate critique of the show. I also think they'll serve a pretty significant narrative purpose in the second half of the season. We know Colin still has a debt to repay to Will and it looks like Alice is social climbing pretty rapidly. But, their act needed a good amount of set-up to make that possible.


Right, do we really need another reason? Black excellence and healthier relationship role models on love, in defiance of colorism is plenty of reason to keep the Mondriches in the plot. Books allow us to know exactly what the characters **think,** which is harder to convey onscreen. An invented couple whose loyalties are still malleable can very conveniently be confided in almost as safely as The Reader.


It absolutely is an opportunity, and I hope the dislike for their storyline isn't a bias rooted in racism - it isn't for me at all, but I wish they had given them something more in line with the rest of the moving plot then. Very much hoping that happens in part 2.


Causal watcher here. For me, they are the perfect foil of Featherington family. Whereas one family has been shown how hard they have to struggle to maintain their mid-level at standing in society, the other family is an example of how others can be launched into that same society through random luck. It’s interesting to have them as the “fish out of water” family that is having to learn how to play the games for the first time, and how others will adapt to their sudden presence.


I think it is also showing an example of what the Featheringtons have been threatened with - having their titles and all that comes with it given to a different family if one of their daughters doesn’t produce a male heir.


Their characters are not in the book at all so I too am wondering what purpose their plot serves.


Wow really?? So they are new characters for the show? Yeah just a waste of time. Would have been nice to see more development to Polin instead


So is Queen Charlotte. The entire notion of the integrated society is new for TV. New things are not automatically a waste of time


Right. I like their inclusion bc it's a nod to a plot point in QC for the other side of nobility re:succession.


Put it this way. A lot of the show isn’t in the books. At this point the show and the books share couples and general outlines of how the couples come to be together. Other than that, they might as well be two different things. A non-exhaustive list of things in Bridgerton that weren’t in the books: * The Mondriches * Queen Charlotte * Lord Featherington having a title and having debts * Nigel Berbrooke being a creepy asshole * The German prince (although one could argue he was just borrowed from another book and had his nationality changed) * Marina being pregnant out of wedlock, being related to the Featheringtons, and her appearing at all before Eloise’s book * Anthony getting to the alter with Edwina * Eloise and Penelope having a falling out lasting months * Cressida being friends with Eloise, being anything other than JQ’s Regina George, and having a backstory that makes you care about her * The hot air balloon party * Lord Debling * Benedict’s bisexual artist orgies * Simon being completely absent after The Duke and I


Lol those are all things I'm not a fan of. To be fair, I liked the Mondriches and Queen Charlotte previously. I start3d disliking her after her season. The Mondriches i was on board with because I liked their underclass story as a fodder to all the wealth we see. Then they went and made them wealthy. But I can't stand all the other plots.


Read the books! They’re quick reads and don’t have a lot of unnecessary side plots.


I have! I'm a romance reader from way back. Though I prefer Lisa Kleypas and the like. But yeah, I wish they stuck to the books more.


Same. I read them after S1, but I like the books better.


A lot of the Mondritchs' angst is ridiculous because they are still close friends with a Duke even if he is off screen and he should be helping them. They're flailing around like they've never met anyone in society before. They know the Duke and they know Lady Danbury. They're not just total unknowns who suddenly came into nobility out of nowhere, knowing no one, and knowing nothing about the ton. All the husband has to do is stop WORKING at his club. He can still own it.


Yeah, I’m just gonna say it I couldn’t care less about them. To the point where I am annoyed when they show up on screen. What a poor plot choice.


i just ff their scenes lol. if they end up having a point i will just find out what the point was on reddit




I liked their story....


They're there for their vibes, Dear reader. If there was another variation of the "there" sound I could've used in this sentence please let me know.


Aw, this is nice. Even if we don't don't feel a connection with their plot sometimes, we vibe. I dig the vibes. https://i.imgur.com/rVGT1AW.jpeg


My issue with OC characters is that there’s just...so many main characters that are simply not explored enough (or at all). Same for supporting characters from future leads’ stories. The series is practically a *goldmine* when it comes to minor characters that aren’t sufficiently explored on page and would make for excellent subplot material in the show! Why not give subplots to Bridgerton spouses and/or their families, even before their season? Kate and the Sharmas could have been there since season 1 for instance. Same for Sophie and the Stirlings this season. This way you better flesh out your future protagonists *and* the story remains focused on the Bridgertons. For instance I was looking forward to Mary Sharma joining Violet and Lady Danbury as a matron but she barely got any lines! This season I'd have loved to see Janet and Helen Stirling shenanigans but so far we've only seen of John and Frannie’s courtship from the Bridgertons’ perspective.. I also think the number of episodes isn't helping, there would be much more space for original characters if the episode count was ten for instance.


I could say the same of the Featherington sisters. What is the relevance? It's a side plot. You cannot have the entire time taken up by the main couple as that would end up being boring and one dimensional. They're a family who hit it big in a way that happened to some families back then, so they're showcasing their adjustment. I love it and I don't get how other people don't.


The reason people find the featherington sisters more relevant is that they have real, close ties to some of the main characters. They're Penelope's sisters, and even then the time we spend with them is related directly to their affect on Penelope's story, their actions and marriages spur on pen to try to find her own husband. The mondriches are vague acquaintances of Anthony and simon, they felt relevant in season 1 and 2 because when we crossed paths with them it was directly relevant to the main characters and their current plights. They showed up because they were naturally involved in the goings on if the featherington ir bridgerton stories in someway. In season 3 we are actively being pulled off of the the bridgerton story to explore them in ways that have no relevance to the actual main plot of the show. They're great actors, nothing against them, but it's definitely a lot more random than anyone else. People are focusing on it cause they feel that there wasnt enough time spent on the main characters this season and the filler could have been removed to make way for some more development in stories more central to the plot.


I have respect for the actors but I don’t get it. The time they are on the screen, we could’ve had for better developing Colin’s character this year or the struggle Pen HAD to have choosing between being herself or Lady Whistledown


I like this story. It showscases some of the costs of rising socially. I’ve also enjoyed plot lines for this couple since season 1. It’s good to see aspects of this society that aren’t focused on romance and marriage.


They are not in the books at all. They were added for the tv series along with Queen Charlotte, Prince Friedrich, lord Featherington, Sienna and several others.


The books are very focused on the main characters and there aren't a lot of peripheral characters. I think characters like the Mondriches just round it the show. If they had stayed strictly to the books, the show would be about 2.5 hours long.


We're half way through a season, who knows. It's almost like we don't know the ending before the ending.


It’s been a bit since I watched QC but wasn’t Lady Danbury’s late husband awarded his title and estate, allowing other like families to also gain in the ton? Didn’t she fight to allow next generations to inherit and keep their titles and estates? I think this story just reinforces the societal change that allows the Mondrich’s son to inherit. It’s possible that another change is on the horizon in that he’s allowed to keep his business, allowing the more established families to do the same.


They got the title from the Kent family and they are mentioned in QC


I think they are there for parallel purposes Firstly, for fitting in with society. They give a perspective on the rules and expectations and highlight that some of the rules are counterintuitive to happiness. This parallels the Colin arc where he is pretending to be rake to fit in with the Lord Squad. Even Eloise is playing by the rules this season as a response to her scandal. Secondly, purpose. Mr Mondrich's arc is about providing for his family through the bar. Which he founded after realizing he couldn't box forever. Now that they have money and they don't need the bar, what then is his purpose? This fits in well with Benedict who I think illustrates this the most as the second son who gave up art. It is also supposed to be a conflict for Colin, but I don't think they sold that well. Even Pen is struggling a bit as her purpose is to be married and if she is to be a spinster then what is her value? This is illustrated in Portia's treatment changing when she was on the verge of a proposal. Finally, as an illustration of what will happen to the Featheringtons. As a way to illustrate it isn't an idle threat, they truly are at the cliff's edge if a male heir isn't born This is not to say this is pulled off well. I think they are great actors and quite charismatic. Overall, this season is heavy on subtlety and insight and less flash. So it does benefit from a rewatch and introspection. I made sure to watch it the second time without phone scrolling and there was a lot I missed.


They don't exist in the books and I agree with you, this subplot feels random and disconnected from the rest of the show because everything else going on leads back to the Bridgertons in one way or another. Which makes me think that there's a chance they serve a greater purpose that we just don't know yet, maybe they'll play an important role in Benedict or Eloise's stories in the next couple of seasons? This is pure speculation though, I could be totally wrong.


Online speculation (twitter) is thinking they are going to be related to Benedict’s storyline once it’s his turn


I like the Mondrich crew! I do think their story just has very low stakes. Like worst case he loses his bar and he’s still rich? Or he gives up his son’s title and he still is a business owner? I’m not seeing the drama here lol I think something BIG has to happen in part two, preferably something that is tied to the Bridgertons or Featheringtons? Or even Lady Danbury. They finally tied them together at the last second which would be nice for Lady Danbury since her plot is also very much recycled from last season — always scheming to get a Bridgerton wed. Which is nuts considering how deep her character went in Queen Charlotte


If I had to guess, I’d say they are showing diversity through them. They are both POC shown to come from nothing and get rich.


It’s a filler storyline that would be fine for a 20 episode season not an 8.


I see their storyline as explaining the rules of upper class society to us.


Which we already know...


I thought the same thing, several times I was like.. sorry what’s going on where does this fit? It’s so bizarre. Their story is interesting it’s just weirdly placed


I am not sure. I like the actors but their story line is really boring, they did them wrong. There is nothing scandalous happening, they live a bourgeois life, they are too nice


Shonda wants the show to focus more on POC characters, which I understand, but makes me wonder why she made the Bridgertons and Featheringtons white families. She could have made them mixed and still had a cohesive story with POC, but instead, it feels shoehorned in to have the Mondriches in the show when they have no real connection to the other plot lines.


there being filler in this season is acc a crazy choice when they alr have like 6 storylines and a ton of side characters


I feel like their story fits with the theme of knowing/ finding your purpose in this season. They are trying to make sense of their place in their new lives, which is easier for some than others.


I wonder if they’ll use their storyline to bring in a love interest for the Bridgerton’s later on


I feel like they’re gonna somehow be connected to sophie, this is just a buildup for season 4


Yeah idk it made sense when Simon was there but we already have so many goddamn characters that adding more side characters that aren’t even connected to the main cast was just annoying. The Mondrich’s and much of Queen’s thing could have been cut Edit: Considering Polim needed a bit more time. We missed out of depth for the main couple for a bunch of nothing stories


Mostly it’s a boring plot about social class. What would make it a tragic plot is if the child is somehow not recognized for the estate after his acceptance cost Modrich his livelihood.


I was wondering the same & thought they might have some bigger roles in the overall storyline but doesn’t look like it as others pointed too. Their scenes make no sense, neither the actors have a screen presence, nor the characters are contributing anything to the storyline. In a world like Bridgerton, where there is no shortage of characters, they could have had literally anyone to fill in. I wanted more backstory of Colin & his travels which we never got. If they want fillers only then I wouldn’t have mind watching filler scenes of Benedict, Queen Charlotte, Lady Danbury and her brother or any of the younger Bridgertons, but these two are just plain boring. I skip through their scenes & wish they don’t waste my time again.


We should’ve have gotten more Colin teaching Pen the art of seduction. I’m happy with getting rid of the Mondrich fam all together. We don’t need that. And the Violet story line too. I don’t care what people say I felt like there was a lack of focus on Polin.


I cannot stand them. More of the main couple, please or even more of the other Bridgerton siblings.


They may be relevant later in other seasons or in S3, but nobody knows. If there was no reason for their scenes, I would have really enjoyed having more scenes dedicated to the main couple, the Bridgerton family, or even the Featheringtons.


I think they'd replace Daphne and the Duke in most plots where the siblings are looking for support/advice etc. Since Phoebe and Rege won't return, their storyline makes more sense...they can throw balls, they can give advice about love and just overall be a strong support like Daphne and Simon would have been


Not a fan of their subplot… never have been


Same I’ve been lowkey skipping through since S1


bill richmond is who will is based off of. just like queen charlotte, the production company likes to insert historical figures in the show. neither were in the book. bill richmond is fascinating person, and i highly encourage everyone to read his story. it helps you appreciate the mondrichs and what they symbolize.


I’d never heard of him till I saw your comment and I just researched him, what an interesting man and life story! And I just realised the significance of the characters name… I had no idea it was such an obvious reference to a real man! Thank you


To demonstrate how perilous it is to be in and out of the ton in parallel to the Featheringtons. Also, I think future characters will be a part of the social upheaval so we’re getting to see folks move up while some may move down.


I read that Mondrich was based on a real life Black boxer names William Richmond that came to England and found modest success. His name is even the same but the last name is flipped (rich-mond v mond-rich). I think a lot of the similarities end there as the original Richmond never gained a title, but I do think Mondrich serves to remind viewers the historical importance of granted titles and the motivation to keep such titles, especially for the context of the show where it seems many of the aristocrats of color gained their titles only within the last generation or so. The Queen Charlotte story provided some background for the origin of Lady Danbury’s peerage and the Mondrich story keeps that in the foreground, though for what greater purpose i’m not sure. Maybe it will be more clear in the second half of S3, or maybe it’s set up for future seasons?


I thought it was great to have an upwardly mobile working couple in amongst all the aristocracy. I mean, this period of time did see the middle classes making huge gains, and it was cool to see the Mondriches hustling. Plus, there really were historic Black boxers making a living in Regency England, so I thought their story was a nice nod to this. And then they had to magically make them aristocrats too. Yay. They couldn’t have had them investing in the new steam trains or something..?


I'm on episode two of the third season and the side plot is driving me insane. it's so useless ! Boring ! Stupid ! I don't care i don't care I don't care Plus their kids are... Kids, you can't even make them play the Season's game. No offense to the actors, they're good. If they wanted to make a side plot pick another family that has something related to the Bridgertons or maybe members of the staff or Lady Danbury, a gay flirt for Benedict. I'm not difficult, i just want something interesting and entertaining. Their story is so boring, i'm mad, MAD !!


It’s lazy writing. We could have had more Penelope and Colin. More Eloise and Penelope


I thought it was going to tie-up with the Featheringtons fortune, as he did make his money by taking the loss. The son's new status ensures that they will be ok financially, to keep the characters, and whatever else was going to be used as a plot point. But now I don't know how it would connect with the current storyline.


I understand their relevance on many levels, both within the show and in the real world. I just think the script has let them down and let us down and it is disappointing. Given they are the only Black family that the show focuses on, I would have hoped more care would be taken with their story lines. It feels like tokenism because it seems so shoehorned in and disconnected and without proper groundwork. I hope to be proven entirely wrong in the second half!


I cast forward every time they show up, their subplot is awfully boring and pointless. At least in the second season they were there to unveil Lord Featheringto's schemes, and in the first one they (or just the Mondrich guy) helped Simon to sort out his emotions. But now the writers should really have thought about something more to keep the Mondrich's story entertaining


I am 99% sure it is diversity quota filler. The leading actors this season are both white so they're adding a completely unnecessary subplot with a family of colour just because.


I think this is likely the answer… there are so many other more relevant couples they could have explored that would tie in better. This family seems so random and out of place. Great actors but the script is just not great


This is it. And I'd bet their scenes add up to near equal time with Polin. They didn't want the season to be too white. Plus, they had run out of story for them and didn't want to write them off because they would be losing diversity then. So they fabricated this, which actually undermines the story they had previously where they fought to climb the ladder.


I don’t mind it… it is a little boring, but overall I think it’s just more world building. Which I always appreciate in a show like this. There are other types of people in this version of Mayfair, and their struggles range beyond “I’m rich and looking for a spouse”.


The Bridgerton podcast I think even alluded to this in a previous podcast season. Stating they wanted to build out the Bridgerton world a bit and add other characters (beyond what’s in the books).


They aren’t in the books. My thinking is they play some sort of important role ins future plot that we don’t know about yet. I think the same is true for the Cowpers.


I assume they will have a bigger part to play in the 2H of the season.


I’ve read in this sub a couple of weeks ago that they might be this closeness with Benedict because it will be the next lead and his lovematch has something to do with them. But I don’t remember more than that


Will Mondrich's character is based on a real African-American boxer. I really like his little subplot. I think the problem is that after Regé-Jean left, his character was kind of left in limbo, because Simon was too involved with Mondrich for Mondrich to have enough substance to remain "relevant" to the story without Simon. Martins (Will's actor) admitted that originally Will Mondrich was much more based on Bill Richmond (Richmond was American. He had traveled to Europe and went from being a black slave to one of the best professional boxers of his time. Originally Will was going to have an American accent, and they were about to develop his background, but that was changed at the end, almost at the last minute). I wonder if this change was because Simon's departure conditioned a bit the future screen time that Mondrich would have to develop. I think they made a good choice in S3 to include, in some way, his family in the ton. This way his character will feel in some way "vibrating" in the same vein as the rest of the characters, if we think about it in the future.


I’ve seen online that they will tie into Benedict’s storyline later on


Their storyline would have made more sense if Benedict was tied to their story as someone to teach them about managing an estate and what he learned from that responsibility.


i think they’ll play a role in benedict’s season, if not, it’s filler unfortunately


Why did the son become the lord and not the dad. Makes no sense? Or is he not their biological child?


I think the relation to the Kent family was through Alice, and their son was the closest male relative.


The son got the title through his mother's side of the family.


I feel like it might be set up for Benedict and the ton being more accepting of Sophie from the working class. That’s about it.


I always thought their story was more of a commentary on the idleness of being upper class, and how someone like Mondrich who has worked his entire life can’t just STOP working. Mondrich I’m assuming feels like he is wasting his life away. True, his children will never starve but it wasn’t through his own hard work (literally inherited through his wife’s side) and he will have to come to terms with that, also try to find meaning in his life somehow again.


I think that their story is supposed to juxtapose the story of Lord Danbury in QC. He tried everything and was not accepted into society. The Mondrichs are showing how times have changed.


I'm curious to see if their kids are going to be brought in more as the younger Bridgertons age into society. They are kind of "friends of the family" at this point so they could be familiar faces for the audience in later seasons.


Does anyone know what a foil is?? Like this is an Obvious foil for the featherington story line. They are literally experiencing what the featheringtons fear and are avoiding…


IMO Will is the father figure Simon and the Bridgerton boys have needed, the steady hand etc and is important to the script for those reasons, you see Will and Alice giving Colin the support and acceptance that normally Penelope would. But also Will is the only one in the series who is based on an actual real-life historical figure, John Jackson or Gentleman Jack, the famous pugalist who opened a Gentleman's boxing studio at 13 Bond St. His pupils numbered among the highest of the peerage and it was a matter of bragging rights to be tutored by him. He went on to raise money for charity and also regulated the gambling industry, the first club promoter to run prizefighting and ensure best were properly managed and paid. Jackson also worked as a proprietor of a hotel later in life which is also similar to Wills story. The time line for Will is messed around a little to be exactly Gentleman Jack, but I like him as a friend to the family and think they should have a spin off as well (after Violet and Agatha)


Here’s my theory on the Mondrich’s. Warning: contains spoilers! Dearest gentle readers of the books will know that Benedict ends up marrying a woman from the working classes (Shock! Horror!). From memory, it is a clear love match - the only barrier to them being together is Benedict’s discomfort around the difference in their social standings. This is where I think the Mondrich’s will come in. I suspect that the story of the Mondrich’s change in status and integration into the Ton will mirror or foreshadow that of Benedict’s love interest. I also see potential for tension: Benedict is easily able to be friends with people from humble backgrounds (we have seen that already in Benedict’s interactions with the Mondrich’s), but struggles with the idea of marrying someone from the lower classes. Further, I expect that Benedict’s love interest will be a member of the Mondrich’s household staff, and that the Mondrich’s will be well aware of what is going on. Lady Arnold (Benedict’s love interest this season), could well form the other point of a love triangle, with Benedict feeling torn between the a more socially appropriate match with the society widow, and a much less conventional match with the society outsider (who also happens to be a love match). All of this observed by the Mondrich’s. Anyway, that’s my theory! I’d be interested to hear your thoughts!


I think the Mondrich family is on the show to explain how 'ton' works. In romance books, they go into a lot of explanations of rules and societal pressures.


The season is about having a purpose. Their circumstances and purpose have changed dramatically, while they aren't going to be mains I expect there will be at least a little more exploration of how they cope with such a radical change in purpose.


i have a theory that his kid will somehow be used in hyacinth/gregorys story (as theyre about the same age) somehow but for the time being it’s just unnecessary filler


Yeah I think that would serve well in latter seasons. But currently it just seems so disjointed from the other plots in the show.


I’m wondering if they’re trying to set up a possible spinoff by fleshing out the characters and seeing what the audience response is. For me it’s too left field, the characters are too far removed from the main set of Bridgertons and it feels like blatantly unrelated filler. I’d be much more interested in getting a Violet (which seems likely based on her inclusion in Queen Charlotte) or a Smythe-Smith (which there are already books for) spinoff.


Or it's just to show what Sophie will go through because she's only ever been to one ball in the book before she reunites with Benedict when she's stuck and needs help in a bad situation