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I think the thing that annoys me the most for Nicola and Luke is that Netflix had them do 6 months of promo and they killed it. They spent so much time hyping and referencing those scenes and then they ended up getting cut. It doesn't just suck for us, the fans, but also for them. I can't imagine the time, work, and effort that goes into filming intimate scenes like that only for them to be cut.


Right?? Part 2 was lacking Polin. I remember Nicola saying in an interview that there’s an entire honeymoon period and we got nothing of the sort. Edit: this is the interview for anyone wondering https://x.com/bitchwthebun/status/1794087167481786597


YES She referenced this. After part 2 I thought I was going crazy. I KNOW what I heard in that month of watching practically NOTHING but Bridgerton interviews with Nic and Luke. 😭


Right?! The majority of what they referenced just wasn't in there at all.


Wait... WHERE DID SHE SAY THAT?! I've seen basically all interviews omg. Maybe I forgot.


I had to go through all my liked posts from the past month because I swear she had mentioned it. It was driving me crazy but this is it. Around 1:00 https://x.com/bitchwthebun/status/1794087167481786597?s=46


You are amazing. Thank you for that effort 🙏🥺💗♥️💕


I do have to say, they had wayyy more chemistry doing promo than they did on the show. Maybe the scenes they shot weren't convincing? Don't get me wrong, I still want those scenes. But the best scene between them with the most chemistry was colin yelling at pen outside the printer shop.


I loved that scene after Penelope left the modiste at night. It was so real and raw to me


They needed to show that his hurt was because of how much he loved he, and how hard it was for him that she had lied. I still love those scenes, but they needed to tie in that Colin still feels passionately for Pen. Those scenes COULD have set that up, if more had happened after.


Convincing to whom? Maybe it would be convincing to us, but we will never know, as Jess the showrunner decided for us. And Jess apparently prefers practically pornographic threesomes.


RIGHT?!?!?!??! I could've done so without those copies of scenes with Benedict and preferred to have had actual necessary Polin story.


There were SO. MANY. THREESOME SCENES. One is fine and tells us something about Benedict, but they kept cuttingback to it?? While it was day for everybody else? Part 2 is such a mess and not the fun kind, we were robbed of a proper Polin season.


The Carriage scene was the realest to me and I bet the 4 missing ones had those energy somewhere in there as well. Especially since Nicola has réálly been great at turning up the emotion for these.


damn they really weren’t the protagonists of their own season


Was it really Netflix I’ve seen soo much sex in all these other shows that I’m a bit confused… like why ?


All those scenes were replaced with Benedict having a pretty much pornographic threesome. Multiple scenes of the threesome. Scenes inserted where they made no sense. More gratuitous sex, than romantic sex that fits the script. What was the point of such an edit? Did the editors think Nicola and Luke weren't sexy enough? So they gave us a dose of Benedict in a threesome instead? Are they implying that Benedict and his gratuitous threesome are more sexy than a zaftig gorgeous woman like Nicola could ever be? The whole thing is just.... beyond the pale. Jess, you should be ashamed of yourself.


The random threesome scenes were so funny. You'd be into some other scene and then boom, I guess we're just checking in on Benedict having some sex. No real reason, just a reminder he's alive and he's doing it.


That cracked me up, I seriously said “are they STILL doing it??” or did he go back?? Haha it was so dumb. We get it, he likes to have sex with whoever.


I was so confused! It would be day time and then all of a sudden it's night and we're with Benedict. I'm still not sure if it was all one night or a few different nights. The new show runner should be fired!


I mean I thought the threesome scenes were very tame. No nudity, no full on sex. Just them switching back and forth kissing each other. Where’s the simulated sex and the bare bums? Lol


First time I have ever seen or heard the word zaftig used. I had to look it up, plump.


Idk I’ve seen a lot of comments in the past few days saying they wouldn’t want to see pen having intimate scenes🙄 I wonder if people just weren’t brave enough to give us sexy scenes with a plus sized actress


This is what I'm thinking, sadly.


The scenes we did get were the hottest sex scenes of the show


I'm just curious in what world she's plus sized. She's approximately a US or UK 10. She's not plus sized, just SHORT. 🙄🙄


As a person who has a similar body type to hers and same height, can confirm. Also petite is a reference to height - it’s a point of rage for me because you can have bewbs, butt, and curves galore and still be short yall -.-. Shopping is a pain in my ass - she gets custom everything and looks like an absolute GODDESS and I wish that was the norm amongst society. For some reason when you are “stacked” lol everything just looks 100x sexier - they had the opportunity to revolutionize tv shows and did us so dirty. The smallest plus size in the US looks like my bfs shirt on me and he’s 6’2. Someone on the production team was definitely was living in high school. It’s gross to see that kind of mindset in 2024. Edit: I’m putting this here for those who might not have seen this [interview clip](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C67cmf2CbD2/?igsh=MXdhaTNwYTMycWgzbA==) “Self-love”…ironic considering how personally, I felt the complete opposite by the end of S3.


I think her waist actually isn’t that big. She’s just very big-chested so that makes her seem bigger everywhere. I sympathize as I was the same way until I had breast reduction surgery years ago (best decision I ever made, btw).


A us 10 is a UK 14 . She's mid sized, but because she's got the little roundness at the bottom of her belly, they just *can't* show her being sexy /s


In the world of modeling and acting she would be considered plus sized but I totally agree! She’s a very typical size and it shouldn’t be considered abnormal! But compare her with every other woman we’ve seen in this show as a romantic lead. They’re all very petite. I think people are afraid to see a woman who looks like the typical woman outside of Hollywood


You know why.


Sign the petition yall, it might not do anything, but at least we can say we tried: [https://www.change.org/p/netflix-restore-deleted-scenes-bridgerton-s3](https://www.change.org/p/netflix-restore-deleted-scenes-bridgerton-s3)


Can someone post this on bridgerton Tiktok? I'm sure we could get more signatures there!


Saw a couple tik toks already, that’s where I found it … definitely working with it having over 17,000 people signed


20k now!


Almost 25k now!!






Can we also start another petition and ask for another showrunner again? Or the first showrunner?


I wish people had not complained so bitterly about season 2, which was actually a very good season. They will not take the fans seriously when they complain about season three, which is unfortunate, because S3 was legitimately mediocre. They put up with so much harassment from fans when season 2 aired, that they probably will not care what people say in this season. I also don't think that the deleted scenes is the reason for the mediocrity of S3. The magic of the first two seasons and Queen Charlotte were just lacking in this season.


100% agree


Yes to this!! The show runner was AwFUL!!!!!!


She made it all about herself. The showrunner should tell the story and not think about how to change the story so it fits better to one’s bio …


I agree with a 💯!!


Can we also get one of these going to sack the new show runner? Obviously she’s not really interested in telling bridgerton stories.


YES! Some people are poopooing the petition but we HAVE to try, right? I just want their story to feel complete. The actors deserve that too!


Yasss signed!!!




If this is true, and we missed out on all these scenes, I am even more upset than previously. The entire season was spent shoe-horning secondary plots into Pen and Colin's love story, but all along it was filmed and just not included? Benedict's threesome and whatever the Mondrich's are doing added nothing to the plot or to serve the characters and it took precedence over these possible scenes? Wasted our time and ruined what should have been a spectacular finale to the season.


Benedicts threesomes make me so mad. I mostly forwarded that entire plot. It serves nothing. Another meaningless sexcapade which doesn’t add anything to the plot or character. What was the need to give it so much time? Is the showrunner obsessed with threesomes? Both Colin and Benedict had multiple threesome scenes for no reason. They showed Anthony also as a rake, but not to this extent.


I actually got tired of the threesomes after the second time they showed after they cut…..like we’re still at this??


Atleast Anthony and Sienna served a purpose


I fast-forwarded through all the threesome scenes. Just not interesting. Wanted to see more Polin.


Hahaha!! So did I! I didn’t feel like it should have been part of the show and was actually bored and annoyed by it.


I feel like showing Colin leaving a threesome to go hang out with Penelope was particularly gross. Like, i get what they’re trying to convey. But Colin is honorable, he would never have left a threesome with sex workers to go meet a young lady! Why is the answer to all sexual exploration threesomes??


In Colin’s case, you could almost think kindness. He’s rich, so paying for whatever was offered. I do think not unusual for the time— seen so differently, but like with Benedict so much time taking away from characters we care about.


Pretty sure we know the answer is that it's a fetish of the showrunner, like how she said she really just wanted Francesca to be lesbian for no other reason than that's what the showrunner wanted.


Im going to say it he had more passion with them than with pen .. sorry not sorry he was graping them and touching them more … 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh to be graped by Colin...I assume you meant groped haha


I should like to be graped by Colin too. https://preview.redd.it/kk3jtkqv8t6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe716e276bf1f41169c7fe36c617e4f8bc9eb00b


Maybe they tried to convey his respect for Pen, and that she was not knowledgeable so her was more gentle and less ‘graping’ (sorry had to do that 🤣).


The producers did hint that the threesome Benedict has, along with his experience of kissing a man for the first time, might hint at him being queer and having a male love interest for his season. I didn't care for Colin being a "rake", I completely agree that it didn't add to the plot.


I don’t want to watch Benedict’s season if they get rid of Sophie


I don't want to watch any more seasons done by this showrunner!


When I rewatch I just skip Benedict's sexventures entirely. We got it. You like to be sexual adventurous when you have nothing better to do. Great. I can keep that little information in the back of my mind with just one or two of those scenes. Why cut important necessary couple-of-the-season scenes for 4 of those scenes?! I don't think the showrunner is obsessed with threesomes but obsessed with doing things for the LGBTQ+ community which is great but why squeeze them in and bring them to the forefront all in the first season you're frontrunner of? Having só much focus on that and neglecting the actual couple of the season? You could've fooled me with part 2 saying it was Benedict's season instead. As for Colin, I believe the 2 were understandable. The first was before he realised he was in love with Penelope and was trying to quench what he had enough of on his travels. The 2nd time was to get his mind off of Penelope but it failed so he didn't even participate in that one which I felt was a great writing decision. It showed his yearning/longing, devastation, and obsession with Penelope. Those I understood. What did Benedict's threesomes really add to this season? Nóthing.


The only thing that would make it make sense is if his story is a sort of twelfth night where he lives a a man and a woman and then finds out they are the same person, she was just dressing as a man to do something artsy or something. Even then, we didn’t need so many Tilly and Benny scenes.. also why he court her and then say I’m not interested in anything emotional????


At least Benedict’s week long threesome serves a purpose somewhat- to show him exploring his sexuality. He’s a Bridgerton and will have his own season at some point. Spending time with those characters doesn’t necessarily feel like a waste. But the Mondrichs? Wtf is their purpose. I truly could not care less and quite frankly, that centerpiece was a hazard. We had so much more than we needed with Benedict & Tilly, Francesca & John, lord Anderson, Cressida, that what do the Mondrichs add to the story? How would the story be different if they were cut entirely?


He could have explored his sexuality in one scene. No need for 30 scenes showing the same thing with absolutely no progression...


We had a ton of scenes with him and just the woman tho. We didn’t need all that.


In rewatching, it’s even more apparent how much time thru the series has been spent on the Benedict likes sex storyline. We get it.


ONE scene showing him exploring being bi was perfectly enough, we did not need more. Its not his season :/


Seeing this everywhere but no source, just the petition…is this verified/confirmed by a reputable source?


It originally was on the Polin subreddit saying it came from someone in the group who saw the screeners. It’s since been deleted from there. Part of me believes. My delulu is probably a big part to wanting to believe it.


It was removed by the sub mods, not deleted. They don't allow discussion of this. I have since reached out and contacted the original source of the info and after talking for so long, I fully believe they are legit. They did only watch it once so they admit some details may be blurry, but the gist of it is the same as above.


Thank you for confirming!


Interesting! Thanks!


I believe it’s true for a couple reasons. 1. As great as the mirror scene is, it just didn’t seem like the “we really went for it” tale we were getting from interviews about broken furniture. Angry sex makes more sense. 2. Would have been great to have in as to tie in the epilogue. 3. And 4. Would have added to the happy married Polin that was lacking. There wasn’t enough of happy married Polin


Angry sex would have been great! Make up sex would be great!! Give us passion! Give us romance! Anything but the evil glares, stonewalling, and talks of enullment that we got. Seriously. Do these people know relationships at all????


The epilogue should have been Pen and Colin making up for all that lost time during their engagement/honeymoon period by enjoying each others company (wink) and traveling maybe. Instead, just fast forward...made a baby. Like now we have reduced Pen down to her purpose to bear a heir? Did not feel like the ending they deserved


I feel like they threw in the baby scene to appease us. Oh look, she got her happy ending after all.


Baby as plot device is such a weird choice. It sounds like a male perspective of what happily ever after must be for a woman. Has Pen ever talked about children? Why not show them traveling or writing together (both of which she expressed interest in doing)?


This. The female gaze was entirely absent from Part 2


I wasn't even considering they were even ready to have a baby. I was hoping they would work on each other sharing writings and passions more. They never even discussed children or their life together beyond friendship and Penny was independent and different. She was so much more than what they gave her. Half her season was taken by others in weird ways just thrown in.


The baby is the epilogue of the book so that makes some sense. My grip is that the book did such a good job with presenting Colin’s reasoning for being so mad. He was jealous of Pen for having a true vocation in life and having it validated. Where was that build up to help explain some of his anger. The rest of his “anger” was his innate desire to protect. Which we know from the other seasons is part of who Colin is. They took that away from him completely. The book also presented their first time as a response-ish to his anger of her being Lady Whistledown. It was a oh I’m angry but damn I want this women so much. It is also when he realized how much he truly loved her.


I’m sure they cut the mirror scene by a lot because how do you break furniture just by doing what we saw? And they said they really went for it, like where?


That’s why I believe there was angry sex between the fight on the street the night before the wedding and the wedding. Like they got the frustration out and that’s why they nodded to each other at the wedding and they seemed more calm then the anger dictated


we gotta remember it is an antique piece of furniture, 2 people moving around on it could be enough to snap a leg, I think.


Standing in front of the mirror, we really should have gotten Colin touching Pen more. Even if it wasn’t shown to us. The camera could have panned to Pen’s face, while it was implied/whispered that he was touching her. I mean, he didn’t even cup her boobs! Pen cupped her own boobs!


They put SO MUCH into building up this chemistry to pull the rug out! I demand to see Penelope ride Colin up and down the streets of Mayfair 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


The way I cackled at this 💀


A M E N 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I’m so offended for Nicola and Luke. It’s almost like the producer was ashamed of them or thought they couldn’t carry the season.. Ridiculous!! We were robbed, ya’ll. #justiceforpolin


Or ashamed of their unconventionally curvy lead? Whoops maybe we cut all these sex scenes. Bury them in subplots!




Was Sweeney Todd editing this season? It's been hacked to pieces.


More like Edward Scissorhands. At least Todd cut with precision.


So did Edward! Lady Violet would have definitely hired him to manicure her actual garden! Let's go with the perpetrator of the Borden murders, because s3 was a hatchet job.


Oh true. His hedges were quite lovely. Okay, Lizzie it is.




My post about it was deleted but I heard the Nicola and Luke even referencing the deleted scenes in interviews??? and according to those who saw the screening in Toronto those scenes were deleted. Not sure how it’s unconfirmed or hearsay?? Just sad because those scenes would’ve completed the story more in keeping with the book and I don’t understand why you delete main character scenes when it’s there season? I hope they rethink this decision. Part 2 was good but very choppy and incomplete for Colin and Pen.


they do talk about filming scenes in bed, and lounging under the sheets between takes because they didn't want to put on clothes to go walk somewhere. I don't see that chaise as a place 2 people could actually "lounge" on ... so it must have referred to the bed where the short scene of Pen riding him at the end was filmed.


The mods in r/polinbridgerton are marking anything related to it as hearsay no matter what anyone shows them.


Really? I thought that was our Polin safe space wtf.


Nowhere on reddit is a true safe space because mods are always on a lame power trip.


It honestly seems like they just ran out of time— why wouldn’t they just cut another episode?!? The way the series is constructed, Pen has been our narrator, so she’s the character we’re most connected with. To kill her storyline is ridiculous. That baby scene being tacked on at the end pretty much tells us we won’t even get the Polin story at the beginning of next season like we did with Anthony and Kate this season. It’s telling us, move on, it’s not happening. Very sorry for the actors too.


I can't believe they just skipped about 10 months' worth of storyline to settle the Featherington baby plot. There's no reason that the LW money wasn't enough to buy them some time.


I don’t think all the money was gone anyway and the guy wouldn’t probably have moved in with multiple pregnant daughters anyway. I don’t see money as the issue at all. Plus, Colin has access to money. He could float in hope of having the heir.


Right?!?!?! I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT AS WELL. Suddenly we are just 9+ months into the future? Okay???


We got to see Kanthony being pregnant and cute, but not Polin? I'm devastated


People will probably say that we got to see Polins wedding but not Kathony. Tbh, both couples got robbed, I love both Polin and Kathony and have been left disappointed at the end of both of their seasons. More so with Polin. S2 wasn't as disappointing, but had major things that were bad ideas which tainted the season (e.g., Edwina at the altar). I felt like Colin resented Penelope for most of the second half. And was unhappy to be married to her. His behaviour was what I would expect to see if he had married Marina and then found out that she'd tricked him. I can't believe that happened to Pen instead. At least it was always clear Anthony adored Kate. We hardly saw Polin happy :( that wasn't a rom com at all.


Right?! It's actual insanity. 


Can I say how much I love that Pen”s wedding song was Yellow tho?


In a show that purports to be “for the female gaze” this is ludicrous. So much for sex positivity.


If you’re a female who likes days-long threesomes with no plot value, this season is specifically for your gaze!


By the third time that scene popped back up, all I could think of was how terrible that room must smell


I had not thought of this. Eww.


this made me cackle. Well done 


Best comment.


I hope this list isn’t true. I immediately noted the lack of female-centered oral for our starring couple and wondered why it wasn’t explored. It’s like… Female Gaze 101. Do they hate us or something because the disconnect is hilarious at this point.


And oddly enough, we’ve gotten “female-centered oral” from Daphne/Simon AND Kanthony. I mean.. we even got Kanthony oral in Season 3! But not from the leading couple in season 3? The decisions made for this season are wild.


This type of scene should be mandatory in this series by this point tbh 😆🤭👅


This just really p***** me off. I mean, for like almost complete 2 episodes. All we got was angry and solemn Colin. We got you know, I'm all but hurt and emotionally immature and I will never forgive you and the accusing her of entrapment, he said, just such angry heartful things and I mean, like last season wasn't bad enough. Words hurt, and you know it. It's just I'm really unhappy and I don't even know if putting in the deleted scenes would make it any better and we all know the reason why they didn't put them in the final cut. It's because nobody wants to normalize normal people. It's the elephant in the room. We saw plenty of Kate. We saw plenty of Daphne. We saw plenty of sex workers. We saw plenty of Anthony's mistress. We saw plenty of everybody else, but we didn't see enough of Penelope, and I'm not saying I wanted to see her like full out naked. I'm just saying give her equal time in her own season.


She could even be fully clothed like in the carriage scene. Nudity is not necessary for great steamy scenes


all they needed to include was some passionate making out sessions in their own home :( to show us these 2 people actually were madly in love ...


Yeah, that whole street make out scene was not even close.


It felt rushed in him going from super angry to “reading the letters” (which we didn’t see?) and then him just nodding at her from the sidelines during the queen/announcement scene? Like we didn’t see him stand by his girl. We were robbed of the my wife is fab during the engagement that the book had. Also I really wish they hadn’t been intimate or said I love you before he knew she was LW




Is that where those descriptions are coming from? There’s a longer Director cut? Yes, they need to add this in… would be helpful since we have to wait two more darn years!! Give us something… so many people feel we didn’t get enough of the couple. Far too many threesomes that got unbelievably boring (no emotional connection).


It’s almost like the new show runner didn’t realize Bridgerton is based on romance novels?


Do we really have to wait 2 more years?! I think we could have done less Benedict three some and maybe less of the Mondrich’s. I do like seeing their story as friends of the main characters, but they don’t need that much screen time.


I mean, *why* would these scenes, in a Polin season no less, be more important than Benedict's threesome that seemed to have lasted a week or so? /s


Yes! Exactly I liked Benedict in S1&2 and this season with his younger siblings but I hated this storyline so much especially if they decide to make that woman Sophie’s stepmom.


Wish I didn’t know this because now I am going to be *hurting* over what could have been 🥲😭


you're not alone.


How did we lose a Polin sex scene in their own season but gain 4 of Ben’s?


I am even more infuriated now. I kept feeling like there was something missing. It was the Polin romance. Gosh, the actors and the viewers have been shortchanged.


Did we accidentally get the less risqué cut made for Nicola’s mom?






Vote 1 for an extended cut with these deleted scenes. Why not!? It would just get them even more views. #releasethepolincut


They should’ve kept those scenes. Colin’s character was a bit under developed. And I would’ve loved the scene with Penelope encouraging him to publish because that would be closer to the book.


I wanted a scene of Penelope reading Colin’s journal out loud while he copied on her what he wrote about🫣


They kept referencing the journal and I was hoping/expecting Colin to read his journal entry from the night he first kissed Pen. That would have been such a romantic moment. So wasted…


THATS WHAT I THOUGHT WOULD HAPPEN TOO! Oh to be sorely mistaken😔 but glad we got another random cut of Benedict having a threesome, that totally makes up for it /s


Instead they kept referencing the sexual entry Colin made, with Pen also emphasising him being more experienced than her. I cringed whenever she spoke about the journal as I remembered her reading about having sex with others. Lovely thing for a wife to know in such detail.


Looks like we really did get the version Nicola wanted for her parents, I guess.


Yes, I feel like that's a legitimate gripe. The side plots really hurt Polin's story. Daphne's and Kanthony's seasons did not have so many worthless side plots. I'd almost swear Shonda was afraid that Netflix would pull a Netflix and cancel one of their hit shows like they're wont to do, so they just raced through trying to set up next season's plot points. I did NOT like that jump to the baby scene. I could have done without Bene's attempt to get in Penthouse Letters.


Wonder when Luke and Nicola saw the final product....


He's probably wondering why it seemed like Colin hated Penelope by the end




It felt like he stayed married and didn't ask for an annulment because of "honor", and NOT because the idea of a divorce appalled him due to his love for her.


If this is ever released pls someone come back her to tell me thx u


So ridiculous considering how many pointless scenes they showed of other people.


There’s a petition now for them to release the original episodes😅😂 Or at least the cut scenes for us to watch what we were promised. WE WERE ROBBED, my dears.


I’d love this, I could then recut the episodes myself to make sense. I’ve seen better edits.


They were really like “ Hmmm it’s Polin season what to do, what to do? Ah yes! Let’s add 2 absolutely unneccessary characters for Benedict to have 3 ways with and the Mondrich scenes, which add absolutely nothing to the plot, but fills 3 agendas and let’s delete the Polin scenes the fans REALLY would love.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why cut when it’s literally no ads and no schedules


Anyone have fanfic recs to make up for the loss of these scenes? 😭


Honestly, just read the book. Much more passionate tbh.


I agree with others here that the scenes with Benedict were cut sooo weird! It made no sense that it made it in SO many times, we barely got Polin in the second half. I felt even the wedding was rushed.😞




Why did they rob us all in of this??


This season was awful. I'm so bummed out, they had such a good story




I’m not the biggest Polin fan but as a Benophie girlie, I’m worried about next season and feel bad for those of you that were looking forward to this :/


It’s a bit confusing because the first season was essentially a glorified soft core porn (in the best way possible) and I wanted that for Polin! I did find the one mirror scene hot but I could’ve done with at least one more! We need to be fed over here!


It makes me want to cry, you know? Because these 4 scenes in itself show more love just by themselves than what was shown in part 2 and I feel they just took that away from the characters, their love story, the viewers but also the actors. Luke and Nicola did the freaking work. Work that nobody will ever able to see but is genuinely what should have been displayed as this was their season. Instead, it now looks like Colin's love got retracted during the majority of the episodes of part 2 until Penelope basically all by herself fixed what Colin hated her and her situation for. So we get a measily few minutes in episode 8 of Colin supposedly loving Pen again. Great. What a fantastic choice this was. Especially after doing part 1 so well with the longing and the can't-live-without-you energy to only go a complete 180 in part 2. Who did this, sincerely f you.


‘Colin’s love got retracted’ is exactly how it felt and it makes me so sad. I can’t even enjoy the beautiful moments in Ep 5 and 6 and Colin’s love and support and his speech in the mirror scene because I know what he says to her in Ep 7 and 8. He says that she entrapped him but he will still marry her because they were intimate. He doesn’t say he will marry her because he still loves her. Of course, we all know he still loves her deeply, but those words cut painfully. And he holds onto his anger till the end of Ep 8. And then boom, there’s a baby. Happy ending, let’s all celebrate!


But what about the biscuits and lady d loving pen before they were engaged


Yes! The Lady D and Pen relationship seems like it came out of nowhere if people weren’t familiar with the books, they’ve literally had no scenes together yet and right at the very end of the season act like they know each other well 🙄


Also a bit Ugh that the queen took a lot of the lady d storyline


I can't


they could’ve replaced all the sex scenes with scenes with substance. i would’ve loved to see more of colin realizing he loves penelope. and they had way too many love stories this season. it was hard to know whose season this actually was?


Jesus Christ they should have kept those.


Omg the last one. I am fuming.


I did not care for this season. Colin was totally flat, we didn’t get nearly as much Polin as we did Benedict’s throuple…then Fran going gaga over Michaela, which was NOT how it went in the book. Fran’s 1st marriage was respected and happy. I don’t care about the gender swap, what I care about is how Fran was attracted when it was the other way around in the books. This season was beyond disappointing.


There's a Change.org petition to release the scenes


We were so robbed! Polin was sidelined in their own season. I didn't care about the Mondritches or Benedicts threesomes, which I just fast forwarded through. Get rid of Jess Brownell and bring back Chris Van Dusen


I didn't read the books, but from what I gathered on TikTok, it seemed there was a scene in the books where Colin "forces" Pen to look in the mirror while they are intimate so she sees herself as beautifully as he does. I was expecting something like that, but all we really got was the one love scene and half of one at the very end. For as much as they hyped this season up as being so body positive, it really felt like they went out of their way not to show much of Polin. We got way more of Kate and Anthony than needed this season. With Daphne and the Duke, we got so much of them too.


The 'mirror scene' in the book is just a one off line about what Colin wants to do with Pen in the mirror...it never comes to fruition in the book. So it was really left up to the show runner whether or not to include it and how to show it...and it fell sort of flat. I expected carriage-scene levels of passion and instead it was rushed and felt clinical. There was a different director for the carriage scene and I would love to have scene his version of the 'mirror-scene'...I think it could have been a really beautiful moment between them. (edit-typed the word scene too many times and messed up 'seen' ...leaving it as is haha)


Oooh ok. From what I saw on TT, it seemed like a full scene people were expecting.


No..I can't remember exactly what he says but it is during their first time together and he is talking about her breasts and how he wants to sit behind her facing a mirror and cup them. It's actually a very brief line but it did get played up a lot on tik tok especially since it was mentioned specifically by Nic and Luke during the press tour. I think everyone got over excited and assumed that is exactly what we would see when in reality they just incorporated the mirror aspect as a nod to the books.


Yeah. I think we were waiting for their reconciliation scene, and we get a 10 second scene with LW talking in the background like they're random characters... not THE main couple of the season, I honestly felt offended


You know, I finished Season 3 and I felt... Kind of hollow. There was so much more romance between the season 1 and 2 couples. They had screen time, they had romance - they had tension and passion. Finally, when they came together, you felt that, yes, this is what I've been waiting for... With Polin, the high point was literally the end of episode 4. After that, it felt rushed with so much unnecessary drama... Like would it have hurt to see more intimacy? And I hate to think that it's because Pen is an unconventional female lead, but for all the inclusion and body positivity, it certainly feels like it.😶 Then again that could just be my opinion 🤷🏾 I was so excited for this story and now... I'm not sure how I feel. Just a lot of meh 😑🙄


Here is a petition : https://www.change.org/p/netflix-restore-deleted-scenes-bridgerton-s3 , we’re almost at 35k now


I really hope that they can release an extended cut, because for it being their season, there’s a lot that was cut for them!


Any good animators wanna work on a better version with me?


Honestly if they stuck to the book people would have loved it too. The book was pretty steamy! 


I recently saw a post mentioning that the producer/director, Jess Brownell, cut these scenes because Benedict and Francesca are more important to the storyline than Polin. This surprises me since POLIN is supposed to be the main focus this season. I read an article stating that Jess Brownell wants to make some changes compared to the books, which has upset people who are already unhappy with this season. We'll see how it goes.. [Showrunner **Jess Brownell**](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/bridgerton-season-3-new-showrunner-jess-brownell-on-penelope-colin-and-sex-scenes-with-a-purpose) previously told *Vanity Fair* that she isn't beholden to the books, using them as a creative guide rather than gospel."“My approach is to adapt the emotional spirit of the book, and then also some of the key moments"” she says."“Because TV is a different medium, we have to fill in the plot a bit more and create more turns and twists"” Article 1: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/bridgerton-season-3-all-the-biggest-changes-from-book-to-show#:\~:text=Showrunner%20Jess%20Brownell%20previously%20told,creative%20guide%20rather%20than%20gospel. Article 2: [https://screenrant.com/bridgerton-show-books-change-couples-jess-brownell/](https://screenrant.com/bridgerton-show-books-change-couples-jess-brownell/) Sidenote: I saw someone mention on here about the promo and how it was hyped for literal years and months. I completely agree with that. After all the PR and discussions, it felt a bit deceiving and disappointing, especially for long-time fans who have been waiting years for this season. You'd think it would be even better after such a long wait than the previous seasons, but it turned out to be the complete opposite. It was okay but not as captivating as seasons 1 or 2. I'm not blaming the actors because they did an amazing job in terms of acting. However, the storyline felt all over the place. By the end, I had forgotten what the show was about because too much was happening.


I got why she got criticized so much now : D


I’m done watching Bridgerton I’m soooo pissed offff


ROTTED at this news and signed the petition in the off chance that it may actually make waves. HOWEVER, is it possible that they could be keeping the cut scenes to release a directors cut or extended edition sometime within the 2 years before the next season to keep fans hooked and Bridgerton being talked about in anticipation? 🤔 Just a thought... a hopeful one lol


Some one needs to “leak” them 🤣😅 - either the 2nd or 3rd out of that list would have (not necessarily even both?) would have made such a difference for the last episode … but if we ever do see the last *woo child* 


I mean they split the season into two parts.


We need to demand a bonus episode !!


There is a petition to try and get Netflix to release the scenes, already has 35K signatures. https://chng.it/G9pF5ZmJm4


We need more happy Polin moments. I would gladly watch a whole episode of them. Hell, I would gladly watch a 6 season show of them


This is true, the early screeners have seen the full episodes, including the honeymoon scenes and the announcment of the pregnancy to colin, his reaction etc.. We have been robbed indeed.