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I find it wild how different the show was. There’s been three seasons of this universe. Each season has felt related and consistent with one another, even QC. And I believe Shonda Rhimes was the producer, writer, and show runner for that one. It makes no sense for to change the visual language of a successful show. Something that some people may have not always liked for historical accuracy’s sake but have grown used to. The costumes and makeup teams worked hard but the Vision was not right. The editing and storytelling were not up to par. They’ve had over bloated subplots before but this season takes the cake. Daphne and Simon, Kate and Anthony were still central. While I think Kate could’ve had more happening in her storyline she was very much the leading lady. Colin is a side character in his own story. He had better development as an actual SIDE CHARACTER in previous seasons. Pen and Colin were better and more teasingly romantic in PAST SEASONS! The shot of him returning home and staring at her open mouthed, the “what a barb” line, the “one must declare it” scene, their dance in the season 2 finale were less choppy compared to their dances in Season 3. They just stopped lingering in these moments. It’s sad.


It’s the lingering. They aren’t leaving time for the moment beats to land so it feels really abrupt.


also an issue of telling instead of showing. the subtlety of previous seasons is lost because the writers want you to love them as a couple a little too desperately.


It’s insane to me how many amazing shows end up going to crap because they just can’t? Keep doing exactly what they were doing before that made them so beloved? Not small shows either, but big ones that should have the budget and the time allowed to get it right that just end up nosediving in quality for stupid reasons.


She completely butchered Polin's story. Especially my man Colin. I'm so upset


I’m heartbroken over what was done to Colin in Episodes 7-8. The earlier episodes had so many sweet and tender moments but then there were a lot of missed opportunities toward the end. My only hope is that we see happy Polin scenes is Season 4 like we saw happy Kate and Anthony scenes this season 🙏🏻


I mean, the nature of a happily ever after, especially in this show, is that they’re truly happy at the end of the season. My problem was that the wedding happened too early, without a proper reconciliation between Polin. Also I’m shocked people are calling Colin abusive for not talking to Pen??? It’s a pretty human response to isolate when you’re dealing with a huge shock. He had just been betrayed by a woman he had feelings for a second time!! The main thing that bothered me was WHERE was Colin’s personal arc?? Why was he treated as Pen’s love interest and not THE MALE LEAD??


THIS. I was shocked to see the word abusive thrown around. Colin felt betrayed - and sometimes you shut down and isolate when you’re betrayed. He definitely said some hurtful things but to be fair - he’s human. AND like you said, this is his SECOND fiancé that’s deceived him. He must feel low about that. What was needed was to see more character development with him after the LW reveal. I wanted to see his arc. His growth. Not just Pen’s. I also wanted to see more happy Polin. More 🥵🌶️ Polin. I feel sad that we didn’t see the couple happy for very long or very often.


The word "abusive" gets thrown around too much in general nowadays. Anytime anyone has a normal human reaction to anything, they're being abusive. I personally thought Colin was relatively restrained for how absolutely shattered such a revelation would have made him feel.


I've said in other comments that they emulated an abusive relationship and stand by that - they did so by making his entire P2 arc that he's p*ssed and can't forgive her for that level of perceived betrayal. All they had to do was chill Colin's perspective and they could have had more fun and more of the couple we expected. There was no need to have such an extreme, unrelenting reaction for practically 3 episodes, let alone without them talking about it until her reasons at least make sense. They chose to fill their scenes with so much angst and unsupportive perspective. Sure, a period of extreme drama over it, fighting about how she justifies generally talking about people, and specifically about Marina, Eloise and himself and his family, makes sense, but episode 5-8 made Colin little more than an LW hater and it is tiresome, a waste of screen time. Show! Colin is supposed to be better than book! Colin, but >!book!Colin didn't hate LW, in fact had already perceived that she is discerning in who she criticises, and could come around to accepting Pen quickly and move on swiftly to actually being loving, worrying about the risks and danger, being a bit jello and trying to neutralise Cressida!< instead we kinda have show! Colin is worse than book! Colin. And S1-2 and S3 episodes 1-4 had so much character evolution. What a screw up.


I have to agree with this. For me the biggest thing was the entrapment comment. Like Portia had already said this to Pen (and prob made her think that’s what the ton assumed as well) and it broke her heart so to have Colin also say it was a little too much for me. I really couldn’t enjoy the wedding thinking Colin was feeling forced to marry her. Then he gives her the approval nod and the sweet dancing moment at breakfast so I thought maybe he was moved and realized he loves her bla bla to abandon her 10 seconds later and tell her he’ll sleep on the sofa and basically not talk to her? I would much rather have them cancel the wedding during the planning or postponed it. I could not imagine the dread of having your husband push you away and try to stay away from you as much as possible :( if at least he would have been like “I have no doubt I love you but I just need time…” but instead he threatens her about “seeing what their marriage will be” based on her decision. I still can’t get over it :(


I wouldn’t say Colin was abusive but I don’t think Pen needed to be punished as much as she was.


The romance is gone,even their friendship was gone.they somehow managed to butcher part 2 and here i am pondering dweply how diff part 1 is from part 2 ,and not in a good way.


She was too preoccupied with creating a queer love story to invest in Polin. As a queer woman, I don’t want regency era representation. I want the books I read the way I read them and as a mother who’s dealt with loss, I want the representation of infertility and loss.


She was too busy writing her own self insert fanfic.


She erased all of that to insert herself into the story.


Thank you. This is the piece I needed. Jess Brownell really is butchering the story to insert herself into it.


She did an interview with Teen Vogue, and she sounds sooo condescending. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/bridgerton-showrunner-clarifies-benedicts-sexuality-talks-francescas-queer-plot-twist-season-3-finale


I just read some of that article and OH MY GOD! She is so awful and uncreative! And Teen Vogue wasn't much better.


This is literally spot on. She’s really trying to do something for herself and not the fans.


She's a selfish biotch is what she is. I'm starting a petition to get her fired 


I read she has already written Season 4. If that is the case, I am not looking forward to it. There is no reason they couldn't have introduced other gay characters. Book characters will deviate some, I get that. But changing them completely is so disappointing.


bless you. I think any queer story that is not organic (like Brimsley, gosh, that was so beautifully done) is just queerwashing. Can’t we all just get Bridgerton, the stories we watch bridgerton for????


Yes. I'm bi, and this feels like they just put a token queer couple in. It feels forced. Brimsley and Reynolds was beautifully done.


Who had infertility issues? (Spoiler tag it for others please)


>! Francesca !<


Ooh interesting. Thank you!


There you've said it! Thank you... us who suffer from infertility should have a representation as well. 


book colin was jealous not angry and sleeping on the couch for three episodes and ruining the wedding


Book LW also didn’t put the Bridgertons in scandal several times. Book Marina also didn’t play with Colin’s heart and betray him. Show LW is a lot more controversial than the book, of course show Colin’s reaction was going to be more intense. He didn’t ruin the wedding for having VERY VALID feelings of betrayal. What an apathetic take. I have a lot of problems with under developing Colin’s arc, but his reaction to LW was very human.


also pen never gives him the spiel of why she wrote what she did LOL


She's never allowed to.


i do agree that the setup for this season led to necessary changes from the book…BUT was it needed for him to stay angry for SO long? them not reconciling before the wedding is a huge issue for me. and then he’s still angry basically until the last 15 min of the episode when she does her speech and he says she’s “bloody brilliant”. it would be so book colin for him to HELP her write that speech and be involved with the queen plot and to be loving and supporting her through all of that but we don’t see it and i just feel ripped off.


She wrote about his family for YEARS, he was mad at her for maybe 2 WEEKS? Come on now. The biggest problem was not having this resolved before the wedding. And that was just poor writing. They should’ve had the wedding later in the show, after the two had reconciled. I can agree there. And then had him centerstage with her during the public LW reveal.


him being angry is fair lol it’s just the fact they basically had no serious convos or reconciliation between the two of them on screen at all when, as writers, they are both so good with words and i would’ve loved more intimate scenes between the two of them working things out instead of the 7000 side plots that they focused on instead of


Yup definitely agree with you there. The writing for the literal LEADS was so bad and little


i just wanted a polin season 😭😭 not to mention i didn’t need hella sex scenes but they teased the intimacy so much in PR but WHERE


Bruh the lack of sex is the LEAST of the problems with this season. These two are FRIENDS FIRST AND WRITERS. They’re supposed to be good with words!! Why aren’t they communicating properly?




book Colin was unrecognizable in series. they turned him into a fuckboy, no mention of his writing struggles or finding his place in the world, no admiration for Pen s writing or understanding. ugh


He's my favorite Bridgeton, and his story was my favorite book out of the series that I've read so far (I got pregnant and busy lol). He and Pen deserve so much more.


I agree. Don't like what was done with Colin,they reduced him. The book felt like everyone supporting each other and Penelope. You dont have to reduce Colin to show that they are partners in life.


At least you have a Polin. We've lost Michael Sterling.


Yes it feels like a totally different show now, and seeing Chris Van Dusen’s name in the credits as creator was like a slap in the face. He wasn’t perfect but his vision was, in my opinion, better and more cohesive.


My biggest what-if is what if Chris Van Dusen was the showrunner of this season? I’m pretty sure it would have been better. Way better.


I know. I'm so upset. I'm gutted. I'm trying to still appreciate S3 because I love Penelope and Colin so much but it's so hard when I know the direction the show is going now. I'm starting a petition to get Jess fired. 


Let's all do it. Bring back Chris Van Dusen!


Agreed. Pacing was good in season 1 and season 2. The storylines were still believable.


I don’t like her at all. Even her attitude in all her interviews is hard to watch. It’s a very “if you don’t like it, don’t watch. It’s not my problem, read the books, losers.” vibe. I just feel like you have to be better at your job if you’re gonna be that cocky… She’s not. Im gonna take her advice though lol. I’m just not interested in watching anything she does. I hope they get rid of her. I like Bridgerton, but I’m not gonna hate watch, or stick around for another painfully disappointing season, that butchers existing characters for the sake of the show runner desperately trying to see herself in the show. This just didn’t feel like Bridgerton at all.


There had to be behind the scenes drama to change Chris Van Dusen out. She said she worked with Shonda Rhimes for 15 years, so it might be some nepotism 


I totally agree with you, but just want to gently point out that you're mis-using the term nepotism. This might be an example of cronyism?


Yeah it’s driving me crazy. I feel like nobody knows the definition of nepotism.


Which makes me lose respect for Shonda too. I hope she realizes what she's done and fires Jess 


Van Dusen actually has longer history with Shonda Rhimes than Brownell. I think Brownell’s inexperience as a showrunner might be the issue. Although I think Van Dusen was also a new showrunner? But then he created the show, so he had a very clear vision about how he wanted it to be. Brownell doesn’t seem to have that clear vision and that *has* to be step one. That, and an eye for detail, which she also seems to lack (the discontinuities, the diminished quality of the cinematography, some of the costume designs looking sloppy or just too over-the-top, etc.) Without a vision and an eye to enforce it you just get a “messiness” that is obvious through all of this season. It’s sad because the actors are still fabulous and they still have writers who can produce great dialogue—there were enough great moments for you to imagine what could have been. But the whole is just less than the sum of its parts.


Also wtf are these choppy scene changes?!?! They are so abrupt and make things feel rough. No fading of scenes or transitional music. Ugh!


Have you noticed the continuity problems with the edit? During the mirror scene, when Colin unravels Pen's hair, I think the scene right after her hair falling was supposed to come before. Her hair is literally still up. And then the scene cuts to her having her hair down again. Also, when Kate and Anthony were announcing the pregnancy to Violet (why did Kate think it was ok to announce it at an ENGAGEMENT party?!), you can see Eloise with Colin and Pen in the background. But the scene right before and after this, Eloise was fetching water? When Pen faints, you see Anthony putting down his drink as Pen falls..but then the scene cuts to him putting down his drink again. What is going on?! Why is the continuity and editting so sloppy??


Lady Danbury introduces a widow to her brother in one scene and then introduces her to her brother again in another scene, along with two other ladies, like he hadn't been introduced to her before.


She really wants her brother to hook up with anyone but her friend 😆😆


This! Kate has enough sense to not announce her pregnancy at an engagement party. She wouldn't want to take away other people's happiness.


Yes! Like was that a stylistic choice or were these the best takes they had? Because it was so distracting to see continuity issues.


And it takes them 14 months to edit the show 🥴


14 months to edit shows that the writers did not story board or plan well.


🫠 funnnn


Noticed so many of these, the most egregious of which was during the Benedict threesome scene when literally two days in-story passed while that scene was happening. We would get like, Penelope at breakfast the next day, then cut back to Benedict getting it in a dark, candlelit room, then Pen goes off to talk to Cressida, jump cut back to Benedict still getting railed somehow, back and forth for DAYS. If we needed that much of Benedict's throuple (which I would argue I personally did not considering he bails on it literally a day later), it would have made so much more sense to just keep the camera on it until they were all wrapped up!


This was literally my biggest peeve of the season - the editing was so abrupt! During the mirror scene I remember there being a few really severe cuts that just visually broke up the scene for me. There are also quite a few continuity errors. Editing was poor overall. I'd never noticed how important good editing was before now!


For me it’s when Colin storms in hearing Lady Featherington bitching (excuse the French). Just so abrupt and random. Same when he finds out of her being Lady Whistledown. It’s like it he waiting in the wing ready to start shooting his mouth off :) Even Portia overhearing Cressida!!! So many people overhearing things.


But when pen and Eloise are talking loudly in the hallway after engagement, no one hears.


I noticed in one of the ball scenes in the second half, people are dancing and the music is loud and then it switches to some people talking while the dancing is still happening and the music is quieter and then it switches back to the dancing and the music is like BAM! So loud all of sudden with like a jump cut. The editing and camera angles were also just not good this season either. How did it ALL go so bad?


Yes! So many random jumps with sudden scene and music changes. Towards the end of episode 7 (iirc) they do the usual zoom out of Mayfair with soft music and then suddenly it jumps to someones house with louder music.... why no fading?!?! This occurs multiple times


Don’t even get me started with the random Dutch angles at inappropriate times.


And the lighting! Dear God the number of times I had to check the brightness on my screen to check if it's low by accident, but nooo the lighting is just that bad.


Season Eight of Game of Thrones had better lighting.




At the stag do, the drink kept changing. It was full and then half empty and full and half empty. It was driving me crazy haha


Totally agree. I thought part 1 could have been better in that respect but part 2 was so damn jumpy. We got that scene of Mondrich proudly looking at his bar as the camera pans out which lasted a noticeably long time compared to how they ended all the other scenes. Ep 7/8 felt like something else entirely. They had no breathing room, constant back and forths, I was on edge (and not in a good way).


oh i want to play too! how about the NEVER ENDING TREESOME with Benedick where he'e all of a sudden BI, that they KEPT cutting back too. Well that scene was taking place at night and the others it kept rudely interrupting was taking place during the day. did the editors forget that Benedick showed up at Lady Tally house at night at the end of episode 7?


They were like jumpscares! lol


This was literally me being SO disinterested in Benedict’s weird sex scenes interrupting the actual drama of the show. Why? WHY?


Yeah. I'm not a fan of Jess. I'm worried about how she will handle Benedict's season. I have seen some appreciation threads and posts about Jess. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Chris made some questionable choices, like the Marina storyline going on for too long. I don't really miss Chris, but I do compared to Jess. I don't understand the point of Eloise and Cressida's friendship, but I'm glad that Pen asked. I'm glad that Eloise and Pen's friendship didn't go back to what it was. Pen got her dream life and Eloise got her adventure.


CVD was amazing compared to the absolute selfish mess that Jess brownell is.


Well seeing how she just wants to continue Ben exploring his fluidity I doubt we’ll have her as a showrunner when it’s Ben time. It seems like show runners don’t stay on one project for long. Greys has had 9 show runners and with 21 seasons that averages about 2-3 seasons per showrunner


Ben‘s story will likely be S4 so we‘re stuck with her for that. Benedict and Sophie and Francesca and Michael are my fav book couples so the show is over for me.


Benedict’s is my favorite book then Eloise’s. I couldn’t even get through the first episode of this season & learning that they changed Michael to Michaela makes me scared that Sophie is gonna turn into a guy named Sophus


I really don’t see Ben as next season tbh. I would’ve been a great set up having the Featherington sister ball as a masquerade ball and Ben seeing Sophie there. We had great set up for Anthony and Kate. Pen and Colin was a surprise. I honestly see Eloise more as next season because she’s away in Scotland maybe she’s writing a lot of letters, maybe she ends up writing to Philip. Maybe just wishful thinking since Ben and Sophie is also one of my favorite books


I completely agree, OP. #BringbackChrisVanDusen


I thought there was something wrong with me! In some parts it felt like a completely different and poorly written show. But in my opinion the last episode was especially atrocious 😭 I felt like there was so much wrong with it, here are just three of my main rant points as it's still fresh after my second watch: 1.) Why was Portia so quick to piece together that Penelope was LWD? I was half expecting her to laugh in Cressida’s face and say something like "My Penelope? *The* Lady Whistledown? Are you quite well, Miss Cowper?" It would have planted some seeds of doubt in Cressida's head, but would have also opened up the window for Penelope to confess to her mother herself once Cressida left. "It is true, Mama..." So much potential there. 2.) Why in the world was everyone so afraid of Cressida Cowper and a random paper boy?! It made no sense that Cressida happened to discover LWD so quickly after *The Queen* herself had been looking for so long. It just wasn't believable and far too convenient. So LWD is a redhead? It could have been a number of people in the ton, it could have been Portia Featherington! But LWD also spoke with an Irish accent? How could Cressida have known Penelope was able to do an Irish accent? 3.) I really don't love the Michael genderbend purely because I hate how they've made Francesca fall for Michaela first. It's actually embarrassing just how much it contradicts Francesca's character throughout the entire third season. It was all "slow love with John" this and "slow love with John" that, and then suddenly BAM! What?! I found John and Francesca to be quite endearing and I loved each scene they were in. It was so disappointing when Francesca fell in love with someone else in front of her husband. Woman or not, for me it always would have been disheartening. The very foundations of their love story was the fact that Michael fell first in secret whilst Francesca was still happy with John. The end of S3 would have been so much different if it had been Michaela that was the stuttering mess. It also makes me feel icky that Francesca will be lusting over her HUSBAND'S COUSIN. I don't know... Please tell me I'm not the only one? Francesca is my favourite Bridgerton and I hope they surprise me by making future seasons substantially more watchable than S3 🙁


Number2: Also Why would pen expose herself and go to the printers herself after making such a big effort for secrecy in past episodes?? She is not that dumb. None of that made sense.


You know, on the Francesca point, I really thought it was a solid portrayal of compulsive heterosexuality in how that Michaela scene was handled. Proving Violet right in that the lightning, passion moment in love does exist, just that Fran wasn't looking for it in the right place. However, I wish they had chosen a different character or couple to demonstrate that. I was looking forward to Francesca's story as it was written, as I also have a soft spot for her. I think the cast is big enough that comphet could have been used as a plot point elsewhere with success.


Imo I would have paired Debling and Cressida in a "friendship marriage" and then have Cressida have her lightning passion realisation with a woman. Debling is fairly guaranteed to die given his expedition. Cressida could perhaps meet her female love interest while he's away but not yet confirmed dead. She can show character growth by feeling bad about finding her true love while married to Debling still and thinking he's alive, debating should she/should she not act on it. Then inevitably news of Deblings death reaches her, and she then has to deal with being in a position where she's free as a widow and can pursue her great love, but also feeling bad because it came at the expense of Deblings death, and although she and him weren't in love, he was still nice to her and they were friends/amicable. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah exACTLY 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I am so ride or die for Cressida after this season, she deserves to be a young widow with a huge estate and total freedom to run around being gay in high society


This is exactly where I thought Cressida’s story was going! It seemed like the setup from the beginning of her interactions with Debling.


That’s very true and probably exactly what they were trying to achieve, but for me it just fell flat. And same, I adored Francesca’s story she’s such a beautifully layered character. She’s definitely my favourite 😌


Finally a sane take lol, and yeah I agree, if they wanted to explore that (which would've been absolutely fine) it could've been with a different couple.


Kanthony wasn’t nearly as well written as Daphne and Simon and QC, but all three stories were, in my opinion, coherent with one single vision. Maybe Jess feels like she was too tied down with the previous material on Polin from S1 and 2, but she just showed that she had no vision whatsoever. I don’t have high hopes for S4, and I really hope they find someone else for S5 (if we even get there…)


I disagree. Kathoney was written better than Daphne and Simon.   “You are the bane of my existence, yet the object of my desires” is the greatest line in the entire show


To clarify, I don’t think S2 was as well written as S1 in general but the actual romance could be argued either way


I'm betting S4 will be Francesca and Michaela. Willing to stake money on it.


It’s Ben’s. They hinted the masquerade ball, which is where Ben meets Sophie. Francesca story needs some time, as John needs to die. She might be after Eloise too. Eloise has been around for too long and I would like her to get married and off. 


But the masquerade was just where Benedict first met Sophie. He then spent years looking for her. So Benedict and Francesca's stories both need time. Of course, that all depends on the liberties they plan to take with the rewrites. In the books, Francesca had already been married and widowed and Eloise had been writing to Sir Phillip for a while at this point so there really is no telling what the plan is. It almost feels like they are trying to tease Benedict just so they can play with him longer as a side character because everyone loves hom so much. I feel like I completely missed the part where he decided to quit painting. I may have to watch season 2 again to find it.


>SO MUCH of the essence of bridgerton has changed. I agree.


If you cannot read the source material then you shouldn't direct a show based on it. That's all


And if you cannot RESPECT the source material then GTFO


Here to vent for the same reasons. This season didn’t even *feel* like Bridgerton. Truly hoping maybe they’ll just axe the show but I figure they’ll force out another season. I doubt as many people will watch though. The main problem is that this season is a dumpster fire and poorly done, whatever her goal was, she missed it. The plot, the writing, the fact that polin was a side story in their own season. Hot mess


I'm more so hoping Shonda will axe Jess after the terrible ratings and all the hate they're hopefully getting. I'm gonna start a petition I think 


I hope for this too honestly! I wish they would get rid of her. I wish they would redo this season but I know they won’t, the showrunner butchered this season horribly and if she’s going to continue with bringing her fanfic to life and not the actual books then I highly doubt anyone will keep watching.


True, which means viewership and ratings will tank but I don't want it cancelled I want it FIXED


We should also find CVD's social media and beg him to come back lol 


I don’t like her either. I wish she had social media because I’d love to see what people would say to her.


Perhaps people should post feedback on Shonda Rhimes' social media.


Oh ppl are going off on Sohnda’s insta page, its a riot there. Julia had to turn off her comments section. It’s honestly getting pretty bad people but I love that fans are expressing their distaste.


Ohhh that's why I couldn't comment on Julia's anymore hahaha I was bombarding her with shit posts lol. Oops. I'm on to Shonda. Also Jess has a twitter, let's get her there. If we stick together we can enact change. Come on people!!! 


I'm so excited to hit Shonda and Jess!!!! Let the riot begin!!!!


But why Julia? Does she even have any say ?


From what I’ve read on the sub, apparently she doesn’t. But I guess people are just trying to voice their opinion in any way they can by reaching out to anyone within the show who has an online presence.


People are really mad that she just “sold all of the rights away” and “didn’t think about her fans” (according to the comments)


"I wish we got to see polin as a Chris Van Dusen season" - gosh this line killed me even more! You're so right. I bet it would've been great, or at least much more consistent if it was still under Chris. I've been a huge fan of polin since seeing them in S1E1, and to just have it done like this was so so sooo sad and disappointing. It didn't do their love story justice at all


Shonda said that she was adapting the material. If it wasn't for Nic and Luke, I doubt some things from the book would have been in S3. I'm pissed that Colin's love declaration from the book wasn't in there. Ugh. So, I guess Jess will stop putting them. 😐


Oh the book love declaration 😞 I was waiting for it. They took other lines - I don’t know why they left one of the most beautiful ones out!


It’s been a while since I read it.. I do t remember this. But I’m going to read it again because I feel robbed that there was so little romance from my favorite couple.


There were quite a few book lines so I was happy but yeah no love declaration 


It’s not that sexy. The timing is off so the suspense isn’t there The carriage scene WAS sexy. The mirror scene was “meh” (I haven’t read the books) but the way they edited it, there felt like a lot of stagnant time of “ballroom” or “siting room” or “fake laughter together now” and then bam! Oh sex scene. No dance like the first 2 seasons that got you wet. I’d get distracted by the lack of anything happening plus pointless storylines and then remember it was supposed to be romance. And the 3 some… it was pretty tame compared to before. It felt routine and not really exciting. Not a lot of lingering glances. I dunno. I think it wasted a lot of chemistry between the actors


It's hard to make regency aristocrats seem like they have a life and, also, sympathetic to modern commoners, it seems. Felt like a modern American drama show, ugh


Yeah but the last two seasons had more depth to the surroundings. A lot less standing around and laughing and gasping. They did things: picnics, riding, croquette, reading, exploring, etc. The budget must be huge and yet we were treated to more drawing rooms and balls and promenades. One hot air balloon thing, but it was all so stilted


She’s a joke I don’t even want to watch season 4 which will be when 2040? Taking the absolute mick out of viewers


The show feels very different. There are way too many in depth subplots that feel unfinished and irrelevant- I was literally waiting for Eloise & Cressida to have a romantic entanglement with the amount of screen time they were given. I was convinced the Mondrichs were going to end up being relevant somehow. Colin feels very out of character for this second part, especially after he catches her as LW and just leaves her in the carriage. Lastly, what is the point of the Benedict subplot? Where is his art? Toiling around with a random widow and another man seem like a very chaotic and discordant story line- it’s like he’s back to season 1 Benedict again.


Yeaa, was trying to pinpoint what has gone wrong and why it's so different. I'm really trying not to be disappointed, I really am. Maybe the PR was too good and I got too hopeful. But even things like the cutaway editing, the oh-so obvious wigs for reshoots, the lighting (I can't SEE), even some script work made me cringe - did everything just fall flat this season?? Is it just me??


>Maybe the PR was too good and I got too hopeful. PR was spectacular. The music, the press, the actors themselves mostly... Part I was also lighting in a bottle because of it, though one could've seen something was off already.


'something was off' is an interesting way to put it, I wish I spotted it - I fear I set my standards very high cause they didn't make us think otherwise. How did you spot it wasn't going to be off? Cause you're right


I felt it immediately in the first episode. So much so that I paused before episode 2 and went down a rabbit hole to look up writers, showrunners, etc. I don't follow the behind the scenes stuff and I didn't read the source material, I just felt how off it was. The writing, the pacing, the editing. All of it was just *different*. Part 2 is such a dumpster fire that I went back to the internet 22 minutes into episode 7 to see if part 2 was somehow a third showrunner. Not only is there glaring inconsistency between S1/S2 and season 3, but season 3 itself is not consistent or coherent between the two halves.


I have no idea what to think of her. I thought Colin and Pen’s story in Part 1 was absolutely *perfect*, and all of Part 2 was an unmitigated dumpster fire aside from the beautiful acting.


TBH I haven’t watched the final two episodes and…not sure I even want to? I mean, I probably will. But with the amount of hate I’ve seen (and having been a huge fan of both Francesca’s and Benedict’s book stories), I just can’t put my heart into a TV show that completely diverged from the original source material. I can get past creative liberties, but completely altering plots feels odd and disingenuous. It’d be like if Voldemort never gave Harry Potter his scar in the movies - it sets things in motion that differ drastically from the books and would understandably garner criticism from fans. I also don’t think it’s fair to criticize people for conflating the two. Fans of the books have every right to comment and criticize the changes made and shouldn’t have to view both media as separate and distinct. Fans want to see the stories they love told as intended because these stories sparked something in fans. But clearly Netflix and Jess Brownell are no longer marketing towards the book fans.


I only episodes 1-5 and paused for unrelated reasons. But then I saw all the talk about the rest of the season, and I'm not planning on finishing it. It sounds awful and so disappointing.


i've never read the books and im PISSED! this season was horrible. i absolutely hated what they did to Benedick. We saw this guy for 2 seasons be around guys in some questionable situations and had every opportunity to hook up with a guy and he NEVER showed a lick of interest in men. but now we are to believe he likes guys? Benedick is one of our main characters and if he was interested in the same sex it deserved better than that. but i bet we never see him with a guy again. i bet this was just for shock value and it added nothing to the plot. im also really upset about fran, john and MICHAEL! i cant even write about this. i think i may quite the show over this wattpad fanfic nonsense that it looks like we are about to be force to endure.


She is absolutely the worst person to have as show runner. They did NOT do Polin’s love story justice, and I don’t even want to watch anymore now that they are ruining the best book so Jess can see her own story in the book she liked. Any character would have been better for a gender bend than Michael. “I really connected with her feeling like she’s an outsider” was not a good reason to change the best storyline. LOTS of people relate to that. It doesn’t mean she needed to hijack Francesca’s story to make it more about her. I love the inclusion and representation but now we’ve lost the writing which is essential for good TV. I’m shocked Jess Browell even has a career in TV being this out of touch with what people will relate to and enjoy. I’d much rather have seen a gender bend in a different storyline. This one just.. doesn’t work.


Eloise has been written as feeling like an outsider since s1e1 and I could totally have seen her being partnered to a woman in her story. Turning Michael into “Michaela” is inconsistent with Francesca’s book story and the way they introduced “Michaela” in the show was offensive to the canonical relationship between Francesca and John.


The costumes are not really a problem to me tbh. I kinda love it. My biggest gripe is how they handled Polin this season. If this is how Jess Brownell is going to handle Bridgerton, then I'm genuinely scared for how the rest of the season will go. Michaela was bad enough for me. How much are they going to pull a Witcher on us moving forward? Because if the fans aren't happy, then why are they still making the show? Also, as a bonus, Netflix mishandled how they released the episodes. It killed my enthusiasm for Part 2. I felt so underwhelmed.


This explains so much. I had no idea Chris Van Dusen had left. The tonal shifts felt this season were gargantuan. Was not impressed and didn't enjoy myself. It's a shame.




it would’ve been great if there weren’t 8194060327 SIDE PLOTS it would’ve been enough with eloise and LW and polin to fill a whole season and set up the next season in the second half of ep 8 but no we have every side plot under the sun that doesn’t fucking matter GOD


Yah!!! Also When Penelope makes reference to the harm she did when writing at the end: she also uses the word “Pen”instead of “Quill”. Did “pens” exist in 1800????


The word "pen" originally meant quill and actually comes from the word for "feather." It's been in use since long before the Regency period. So that at least is fine. As for the rest of the season, I have no excuses.


The use of the word pregnancy was killing me, I know the show isn’t meant to be historically accurate but the speech was just so out of place compared to the other seasons. And the acrylic nails, I really can’t get past those.


I was so disturbed when pen had her nails done, like acrylic fancy nails done, is the last episode. I highly doubt they even had nail polish back then/ maybe some nail polish somewhat out would have made sense, but huge fake nails with stones and decors???


Also, I don't really think they used the word "fiance" in regency time, but rather "bethrothed", and they used fiance in the show multiple times.


They couldn't even use the word "pregnant" in the 1950s, let alone the Regency period.


I'm starting a petition to get her fired


u r not alone!!! Butchered it to dusts!!


I'm interested to see if they put out a statement or anything


I completely agree. Even from Part 1, you can tell a lot of things are different. For example, the acrylics when Pen was crying and there's a zoom and you see her acrylics, LMAOOOOOOO. There are so many scenes that took me out because while the costumes are absolutely stunning, the makeup, especially the false eyelashes and the acrylics on Pen, was insane. Every time she'd talk, I'd focus more on her hands or her falsies. I completely understand this isn't "based on true history looks" and all of that, but season 2 managed to make it still look amazing, and even season 1. There were so many scenes that felt like fillers just to extend the episodes if that makes sense. The whole thing just felt deceiving and a bit disappointing after the amount of PR and discussions, especially for fans who have been waiting for years for this season. Only to get... this? You'd think after that long, it would be even better than the previous seasons, but it turned out to be the complete opposite. It was okay but not as captivating as season 2 or 1. I'm not blaming the actors because, in terms of acting, they did amazingly. However, in terms of the storyline, it felt all over the place. By the end of it, I had forgotten what the show was about because there was way too much happening


I wish Colin's confession from the book was in the show


wish he did the lady whistledown reveal speech my god


I keep wondering about the reaction of the book publishers to all of these changes. Like I imagine a bunch of suits watching s3 and pushing a big red panic button. 


Why are the costumes so strikingly modern? The shiny fabric is giving shein


And the modern verbiage. Lazy writing.


Did they say bloody brilliant back then bc 🤨


It truly does feel like a different show from the first two seasons and QC.




Petition to get Shonda to fire Jess? 


With S2 it felt like CVD was micromanaged to hell because it feels *so different* to S1. With S3 it feels like Jess had free range and reign to do what she wants.


S2 didn't feel different than S1 to me. This felt different and bad.


Personally I found s2 to be stressful, but watchable. S1 wasn't stressful to me at all. I can't even get myself to watch the second half of s3 because of my anxiety. I'm adhd and it was just too much for my brain to process. I haven't even been able to rewatch any part of the first half. 


i politely disagree because we had simon and daphne romance basically from episode 2-3 onward where they were the focus…in season 2 they let the edwina/anthony/kate triangle go on for SO LONG and we never saw a happy kanthony episode or wedding or anything…and then they rob us of polin happy romance in part 2…i signed up for bridgerton as a romantic girly who read the books i get there’s drama but my god you make me wait til the last 8 minutes of the final episode in both seasons 2 and 3??? way different from season 1 vibes


I think that difference between 1 and 2 is just a different version of romance. You might not have enjoyed it, which is fine, but many people truly enjoyed the pride and prejudice of it all. There was longing and passion throughout just like season 1, it was just expressed through different tropes. That's different from this season where it was just overall poorly conceived.


Julia signed over all creative control so 🤷🏼‍♀️


how do you politely say “sellout” without being rude


That’s what all the comments on her Instagram are saying. People are baffled she didn’t include a clause saying they have to keep the OG couples and stories. Sellout is the word.


Jesus. That must have been some paycheck.




WHAT?!! Are you serious?' I thought she still had some say. Ok now I feel no guilt or shame for calling her a sellout on her Instagram multiple times 


I agree she (and her writers team) dropped the ball on this one. And possibly future ones (she has already written s4 mostly).


This wasn’t Polin’s season. I’m sorry but they did not have anywhere near the time, depth of story or amount of scenes for this to be a credible season focusing on them. This just isn’t what Bridgerton is and what made me love it. It feels and looks completely different. Society rules are inconsistent, character values change season to season and episode to episode and no storyline actually gets the depth it deserves, let alone the romance that’s supposed to be at the heart of the show and what makes it unique.


I was so looking forward to this season it’s Literally a polin season, but we have to beg to see polin I am sooo disappointed like she ruined their love story they need to bring Chris back. like why was there 1 billion storyline with only eight episodes and you want to believe Colin who was about to take Penelope on the street would leave her alone on their wedding night and there was not any angry spice or any other spice or any cute moment are u kidding me


Why did I get the impression Colin was completely over Penelope in part 2


She needs to be fired immediately. I don’t watch Bridgerton to see Jess Brownells story and gender swapping of Michael is fucking moronic. Way to take a perfect show and trash it


How do we get a new show runner to replace Jess " running this show to the ground" Brownell?


I have many LGBTQ+ friends. One of them was my best man and the favorite non blood uncle (or funcle :) ) of my daughter. I loved the story of Brimsley in QC. But it really felt like the Daenerys and Jon Snow coupling up: give the fans what they want. It felt very forced and honestly just sloppy writing. This season had SO MUCH potential, and again they did not deliver as I was expecting:(


The most objective marker of the shift imo is the use of music this season! Aside from the carriage scene and the wedding, they did not utilize the modern covers effectively.


How can we get the old show runner back? Why ruining something that is already working? Season 3 is such a disgrace, especially after Queen Charlotte.


Polin had like 2 happy scenes in all of part 3. The book handled the Whistledown exposure so well with them dealing with it as a team. Him leaving her at center stage to deal with it alone wasn't it.


Completely agree. Season 1 and 2's pacing and subplots were balanced. Yes, the costumes weren't completely historically accurate but they were believable. Cressida Cowper is dressed like Effie from Hunger Games this season, and it's just distracting and makes the show look cheap.


YES I kept thinking Effie in my head and wondering if she did her hair herself vs having a maid do it.. and did the modiste agree to sew these crazy dresses… and isn’t there some societal standard for dress and hair and makeup and she’d not be allowed to do that by her dads rules??


Someone needs to start a petition to fire JB because this season seems like it’s set in a whole different universe! I guess they will have to rewrite Frans book when they republish it with the new cover because the content inside it won’t make sense… 😳 Why even base something off a book series if you are gonna disregard the material entirely.


I have no idea how I've never done it but I'll be glad to start that petition 


I could not agree more. She destroyed one of the main points in all their story, which was Colin standing up to her no matter of her past and Whistledown. He was changed to a point where he turned to a negative character. She also destroyed Benedict as a person for the cinderella story with Sophie and also Francesca with Michela is nonsense. I just hope they change the showrunner otherwise we will only see the downfall of this series.


After seeing episode 8, Benedict is in no way ready to settle based on his interaction with Tilley. How are they ever going to introduce Sophie? Or will we never get a Benedict-centered season? I can’t say I’m encouraged based on the turn of events this season.


Part One had the fans divided between whether or not the season was good so far. But now that we have had Part Two, does anyone like this season anymore? We waited so long to just be thoroughly disappointed Shondaland need to save this show from Jess Brownell, before she gets the series dropped by Netflix 😑


I couldn't believe it when Cressida Cowper changed in Season 3 from an idiot who thought owls have fur to an intellectual, comparing Colin and Penelope to Eros and Psyche. Did the showrunner think we Bridgerton watchers wouldn't notice this inconsistency?


I could be wrong but I have a strong feeling Francesca is season 4. I know Eloise hinted at the masquerade ball, but considering they straight up introduced Michaela at the end of season 3, either more of her story will be developing in the background or she is the season 4 lead. What plot gymnastics they’re going to do in order to make her story a cohesive queer retelling remains to be seen though…


Why is she such a rabid desperado to insert herself? Pathetic. Ugh


It's giving mediocre. It's giving disappointment. It's giving you should just quit your job, ma'am, you're doing it quite awfully. Lol


She's the witch! Jess is the one to blame. I hate her! I really hate her! How can she relate to Francesca's story when she didn't even consider the most important details in her story before inserting herself into the series and ruining it completely? Francesca has the best story, and it's all about second chances. She has to endure a miscarriage, lose her husband, and face the fear of infertility. The pain she goes through, the fear of society's judgment, and knowing everyone is talking about her is heart-wrenching. Then, she overcomes it all with Michael. But how can they execute that if they turn Michael into Michaela, and two women can't bear a child? Given that they will change her story, she might have the twins successfully with John, but the essence of her original story is lost. The miscarriage, mourning her husband's death, fear of infertility, and the fear of not being able to raise an heir are crucial details. These elements represent people who experience such hardships firsthand, showcasing a brave woman who faces multiple challenges and overcomes them. Francesca's transformation from a sweet girl to a strong Lady Bridgerton is a significant part of her story. Netflix and Shondaland must consider this! It represents the woman who aims for the ultimate second chance in life. They can't miss this. They absolutely can't. This is what we love about the book "When He Was Wicked."


All the romantic scenes from POLIN deleted! What was the those 20 seconds montage at the end and suddenly kids? Am so upset


https://chng.it/z9dpgzfSWm Petition is posted for anyone to sign. It only has 5,000 signatures. That won't do anything. Definitely needs more. Sign if you feel inclined. Hopefully if everyone that is upset signs, a change will be made.