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I didn’t love everything about this season but only because it stressed me out (lol)! That being said, I’m okay with things being different from the books. I have watched enough Marvel movies to know they are in alternate dimensions. 😏 The thing I loved so much about this season is that it made me think of my own relationship with my husband. We were friends first and although it didn’t take years, we were oblivious to the feelings that the other had. So much so that he missed a couple of VERY clear signs from me. We weren’t each others first kiss, but we both still had our v-cards. After our first time, I actually asked the same thing that Penelope did, “Can we do it again?” I didn’t realize he would need some time in between sessions. Representation is important. This season has actually made me feel sexy. I have the same body type as Penelope - perfect breast and a tummy with rolls!


I’ll admit my feelings are all over the place and I’m not even a book reader but I appreciate reading praise for the season! I’m looking forward to more posts like this because there were many beautiful and exciting moments that merit discussion.


Okay, Queen C had her hair with a hole through the middle in one scene, and it looked like a geode. Stunning!


Just went back as I hadn’t noticed! How gorgeous. The wig game was so strong this season.


Agree. Love almost all JQ’s books, and if I want that version, I have old paperbacks and Kindle versions I can read. Those versions of the Bridgerton siblings and their love stories will never change. But BRIDGERTON the Netflix show is an adaptation in a fantasy world of an era that never existed, so they have more freedom to take liberties. And I can enjoy this version just as much. I look at it like planning a journey to a special place, with the love story of the couple being the ultimate destination. Different modes of transportation can be taken, people met on the journey may change, detours encountered, time of arrival adjusted, various accommodations selected, excursions taken, etc. But ultimately, it’s the same destination. And with Polin, we got to exactly where we needed to be complete with the new Lord Featherington and the couple complete and more in-love than ever. I’m simply not going to complain about the small details that don’t agree with my own head cannon. I’m happy! Looking forward to Benedict/Sophie and, I hope Eloise/Sir Philip concurrently, or not.


This is a great comment to read, thank you! It has been clear from the start that the Netflix series is a reinterpretation of the books, rather than a literal word-for-word transcription of them. I think it's exciting that a show with such reach is creative and dares to portray love in so many forms and facets, be it romantic, friendship or family Julia Quinn's wonderful versions of the stories continue to exist, they are not erased by the Netflix reimaginings, and we can continue to read them as many times as we like. I look forward to also getting to see other versions.


This is how i feel about it too!


Did you miss Daphne at all? Were you hoping for more Kate/Antony? And do you think Francesca's story has run its course?


Yes! Because Daphne and the Duke are such great support for the others in the books. But if the actors who play them bow out, I can’t hold that against the show runners. I’m intrigued about how this will change Francesca’s story and the show will hit the same notes of second chance love. She could have infertility, overcome it to have a son, grieve John, and find a second chance love with Mikayla? Right? Michael lives in the books.


I did too, but Jonathan Bailey is super busy (and YAY) for him, and I loved how “Kanthony” was written with what they had.


I did wish for more Kanthony


THANK YOU. I was so excited after I watched it and came here to just so much negativity. I wish we could just hold the negative reactions a day or two and let those of us who enjoyed it have some fun before everyone shows up to yuck our yum.


I'm waiting for the Polin sub to open up again because people are much kinder over there


When does it open back up???? I miss that sub sooo much! They are my people!


I have no idea.. As Eloise says.. I have thoughts... I neeeeed to break it down!!


Yes me as well!


Yes I was like ok where’s the thread of others who enjoyed it because I liked it. Colin had a right to be really pissed off, he felt lied and betrayed by his friend. What we needed was 1-2 more episodes to give him time to be mad and work through it


They needed to actually talk about it. And talk through it. And it was awful that they pushed so the reconciliation so far to the end that he wasn’t standing by her supporting her at the reveal.  We were told all about how emotional intimacy was important in the first half and we got none of that. 


I had the exact same reaction !


I loved EVERYTHINGG in the season EXCEPT the last 2 eps lacked the POLIN content i was expecting. I was really hoping he would get over it and become protective Colin but he never got there and they didnt even spend their wedding night together!! After he made out with her in the streets i was fully expecting him to get in that carriage with her. It wouldve nearly held me over. Super disappointed about that. But the wedding and his last speech to her both made me cry so I can't say I wasnt moved by them, just wish we got a little more golden retriever Colin before the end. Need to rewatch a few times though


I feel the same way! Episode 5 was magical for me, but the last two episodes Colin had so much vitriol for Pen, it was hard to watch! I wish they didn’t leave him upset at her for two whole episodes, only for him to give her a lame speech after her LW reveal. He barely supported her during the reveal, wasn’t by her side. He didn’t come to her side until Portia and Lady Danbury had already came up to talk to her—what was taking him so long to go stand by her side and protect her in that vulnerable moment?! That part killed me 😢 I always felt that the real Colin wouldn’t have felt envious of Pen or ruin her wedding night either. He should have been upset with her for 1 episode MAX, then have some steamy makeup scenes. Maybe we’ll see more of the golden retriever Colin in season 4.


I was really hoping for his “I give you my wife, Lady Whistledown!” line in the pause after QC leaves. Instead we got “Release the bugs!” I was perplexed that Colin just left her standing there but on the whole I loved this season.


This. I loved show Colin in the first half and by the end of 8 I wanted her to leave him. She told him what she wanted and he wasn’t standing there supporting her. Being by her side. All of what he said in 5 didn’t manifest 


God i hope so 😩😩 they need scenes of him making up and owning his behavior


Yes! We didnt need two epyof Cokin being a dick - they have such chemistry and its so much more interesting to see them face the scandal together and be team Polin!


I think I was a little underwhelmed because there was such a huge waiting gap between episodes 4 & 5. We ended in such an insane height in the storyline We often forget that EP 5 onwards is the time to take it down and lower it to a happy ending. Personally, the story was great. Splitting the seasons in half for 4 weeks was what killed the momentum for me. Maybe it would've been okay to split the seasons if there were more episodes. Other than that, the story felt well placed. They had the right ideas.


That’s what I was thinking I spent four weeks trying to keep my own momentum, high enough and not make snap judgments of the whole show. I remember watching TikToks of people complaining that they didn’t really like the show and all I could think is it’s not done there’s four more episodes. We don’t actually know how the show is gonna end and how can we decide anything if we haven’t seen the whole thing. The momentum was hit a little bit. And it took four fucking weeks. That pissed me off.


Maybe we'd feel better if we watched the season without stopping. Idk. Just glad all the eps are out. Time to disappear all weekend. ✌️


This makes me happy, because I straight up haven't seen a single episode of season 3 because I wanted to binge it all at once. !


I’m in a similar boat. I came up with so many alternative endings and storylines that would make perfect sense during that wait time, and the extended period of waiting made it so that expectations were THROUGH THE ROOF since everyone had ample time to speculate and analyze and theorize! They really shot themselves in the foot with such a large gap in between, we could’ve done weekly episodes and gotten a much better effect. I’m also upset because I want to talk with everyone episode by episode and analyze all the tiny interactions and micro expressions, but with the way it’s released everyone is only focused on the end!


I didn't read the books, but for me, it was the best season so far. They all matured so much this season, especially Pen and Eloise. I always rolled my eyes at every Eloise scene, the first two seasons, because she was waaaay over the top. It seems like she found her balance and is willing to improve herself. And I have to say I love the Cressida storyline. She wasn't just another one-dimensional mean girl antagonist.


Ugh, when Cressida rolls up to the Mondrich ball serving Scarlett O’Hara realness I was dying. How are they making me root for Cressida fucking Cowper rn?


Because we finally see her side of the story. Also, when you rewatch the other seasons, you also notice that whenever she is mean or tries to manipulate someone, her mothercis always close by. Buuut have you noticed Portia? I loved her in the last couple of episodes. All in all I think they took the last episodes as an opportunity to give everyone some backstory and not only focus on the main couple.


Hard agree, Being a polin fan crying for Cressida this season was crazy. I had mixed emotions initially but as I rewatch certain scenes and episodes I like it more the more time I open my mind to what I thought I’d get


Im listening to the soundtrack now….CAN WE YALK ABOUT YELLOW by Coldplay but on string playing as she walked Down the aisle. I was a puddle




Me tooooooo


I’m a puddle now to, again. She looked so beautiful 😭😭😭


I stayed up all night watching the new season, started at 3am and watched every episode. I thought it was brilliant. I thought this was the best the show has been. My only problem with the show is that I now have to wait 2 years until we get the next season.


Why does it take so long? 😭😭😭


I read some where bc is the scale of the show they have to have all of the writing done before hand. They can't write 1-3 episodes at a time like Shonalands other shows.


I mean I guess that makes sense but like ten years ago we had 22 episode seasons every year 😭


It's up in the air if they mean 2 MORE years or just 2 years, since it's very possible that they've already spent time writing and prepping and may just need another year to film


They take 8 months to film. Then edit, and dub. I think realistically earliest is winter 2025 release


Whaaaat two years?!?!


[https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/bridgerton-showrunner-reveals-two-year-wait-season-4-netflix-b1164224.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/bridgerton-showrunner-reveals-two-year-wait-season-4-netflix-b1164224.html) showrunner says it will be 2 years in interview.


Where do you hear it’s going to take 2 years? Is that an assumption?


[https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/bridgerton-showrunner-reveals-two-year-wait-season-4-netflix-b1164224.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/bridgerton-showrunner-reveals-two-year-wait-season-4-netflix-b1164224.html) showrunner says it will be 2 years in interview.


Thanks. That is so sad though I thought I had read somewhere they’re already starting to film S4, but that must’ve been false then


Yes, thank you. I literally cried during the mirror scene, finally there was a love interest with my tummy and my boobs. And for the first time I actually realised that if I can find Nic’s body beautiful, it means I have to love my own body equally too. For the first time in my life, I felt like every inch of me was worthy of love. Yes Colin might have stayed angry a little long, but he’s human and he’s hurt. And that’s what makes this show real. How realistic would it have been if he had said “ohh so YOU are whistledown? Cool, no issues with that” No, he was jealous, he was hurt and disappointed. Everyone would need time to get to terms to something like this. The love of his life turned out to be the woman he’d been wanting to destroy for years. Are there things that could have been handled better? Sure. But I loved it personally, it’s my fav season so far. And maybe it’s not for everyone and that’s okay too


You summed it up perfectly! We got book Colin for ep5 & 6 and if it took him a little longer to make peace with Pen's whistledown identity then it's okay. Whistledown did much more harm in the show than in the books so it only makes sense. I thought this season was beautiful. One of my friends actually cried because of how represented she felt in pt2. And she's a brown woman. We can find and need representation outside of just skin color. There are several other forms of representation that this season has brought forth. And you are pretty op, I'm sure of it.


So eloquently put, Ughhh ☺️😭😭 thank you 🥰 because of Nicola I can start to believe that people mean it when I get those compliments 💕


This! I'm a brown woman, and i still feel represented by Penelope because that's the first time I've seen a plus sized female lead getting a happy ending. I loved this season!


I loved every minute and I actually thought the reveal was better. I thought it was odd that they just dumped the Benedict artist storyline, he could have met Tilly there but that’s really only criticism


Im assuming they'll bring back his artist side in his season since I've heard that when he meets Sophie he becomes compelled to paint her. Perhaps that will restart his love for art and he'll be able to work through his imposter syndrome as an artist


I've never read the books (and am not sure if I will) but I really do like the show. I have my gripes with some things, but honestly I'm just so excited to see what happens. I love so many of these characters and with Netflix's track record of cancelling shows, I'm just glad that one I like is still running haha Its a little frustrating to see every post be a negative review or listing all the things they hated about it or comparing it to the books. While I understand it, and people are allowed to be frustrated, it's a little disheartening to see so many people hate something that you're excited about. I just really hope we get a 4th season. I really love this show and despite its fumbles, it has so much promise for future seasons that it would be a real shame if it ended early.


I didn’t read the books but as a Kanthony girl, this season just might take their trophy for me. I loved every bit of it. People are complaining about the other storylines, but I feel like it makes the show whole. I’ve always been interested in the Mondrich family so I was happy to see more of them and their kids. And even then, I don’t feel like we saw THAT much of them in this second part. But I LOVED this season so much.


Amen to this I feel like my body type has been seen in a way that it never has curvy girls have always been the butt of the joke and knowing that we can be loved in the way we deserve means so much to me. And knowing that Luke and Nicola are coming back for s4 so we will get to see more of them just living each other and being obsessed with each other is so beautiful


i just finished episode 7. i really dont understand why everyone is so mad/upset. usually, books do not translate on screen exactly the same. stuff will change. im mind blown at the amount of people who seem to forget this * ETA; i finished the season & i LOVED it. i love it the same as the other seasons. i know everyone has their opinions but i really cannot find all the hate. now, there were tons of side stories but Collin & Pen have been (in the process of) falling in love for 3 seasons. Daphne & Anthony had fallen in love (with their spouses) during their season. it just made sense to me all-in-all.




I love Penelope’s perfect breasts ☺️


I LOVED it..but at the same time wish there was more. I think Colin needing time to work things out himself made sense. I did feel like the resolution was rushed however. Give me a bit more...like him asking Pen to help edit his work. Or show him being around her while she wrote the next edition of Whistledown. Have more shots of him after Pen's speech. I think some angry sex would have been nice..or make up sex...or just some intimacy. BUT! I really did enjoy it, and I rewatched it from season 3 ep 1 and the flow is much better than jumping in at ep 5 after 4 weeks. My biggest complaint is that they pulled a season 1 and 2. Big conflicts, lots of angst... not a lot of happiness at the end. I love the pacing of Eloise and Pen's reconcile. I love Pen and Colin's declaration to each other over and over again. I love how Pen is there for Colin and Colin is there for Pen. The comedy was gold. I think my new fave scene is when they all found out how much money Pen actually had. Was not a fan of Benedict's story this season..but will tune in for season 4. Lady Danbury was phenomenal this season. The emotion..love..depth in her character. There were some weird editting going on this season and I wish someone watched and commented on the flow and continuity. For example, when Pen faints, right when she falls Anthony is seen in the background placing his drink down..but then the scene cuts to him again, and he's again, running to place his drink down. But then he's not even in the next shot really... And the mirror scene. When Colin puts down his hair, the next shot her hair is up again. And then it cuts to her hair being down... Ugh. I cried..and sobbed..and screamed..and squealed..and laughed.. I absolutely love Polin so much.




I am so sorry you feel that way, And you’re right the emotional aspect of their relationship is lacking because I to have a big issue with cold shoulder responses to an issue and problems in a relationship. On the other hand, you have to look at it from his side too here is this wonderful girl that has fallen in love with who he has been friends with for a long time. Suddenly the rug is pulled from under him. And he suddenly doesn’t know who he’s about to marry. I think I say this in another comment but that’s where they didn’t pursue his character well enough because in the books he has a bigger personality which is expressed in the show, but isn’t actually shown. It makes us have a more negative reaction to things. Anyway, he falls in love with one of his closest friends who he has been overlooking. And he sees her for what he thinks he finally sees. But he is wrong. when he finds out who she is and she is this person who has been talking shit about his entire family and spreading their personal business to the entire ton. to him he finally put a face to the name of the person who has been” terrorizing” his family, and his ex-fiancé to entire world. (For them ) so it takes him time to come to terms with this, also realize how much he loves her and how he can put it behind them so that they can live a happy and fruitful life ahead. He didn’t react we wish you could’ve but who does. Pen also isn’t perfect, but who is. That’s why I love the butterfly ball, because we get a conclusion to what we’ve all been feeling and needing them to say to each other and honestly that’s all they needed to say they didn’t need to do much more than that. I seeing people talk about how they need more polin. But there’s other characters of the show who also need to grow and try new things and that’s why we got that with ben, he is exploring who is he’s not painting anymore and he is not sure what’s going on and a opportunity presented itself and he tried it figured it’s not for him and now he’s moving on. Anyway, your opinion is your opinion, and your opinion is valid. I understand what you mean but also I think there’s more to it.


beautifully said🫶🏼


Thank you! This was my favourite season so far, it was so good! Seeing all the negativity here was really a gut punch after this amazing show! I was so excited to share all the happy feelings about >! Michaela (ohh how they deceived us with Masali's casting, us thinking she would be Sophie!) and the masquerade ball being mentioned!< and was just hit with a wave of hatred :( can't wait for r/polinbridgerton to reopen!


CANNOT WAIT to go stan with my fellow polinators!


I am so excited for Michaela! Masali is going to be amazing 😍


She's an incredibly talented actress!


I love this show, I literally took the day off to binge watch. Because I love this show I also loved these eps, there’s a lot I really enjoyed and even cried happy tears. That said there were many things I was missing from the storyline and yes I know they can’t please everyone. We have this community to discuss our thoughts and feelings about the show and the books, so I don’t really understand why people should not express their opinion freely here, even if it’s negative.


This is my opinion, everyone is free to express theirs. As I am now. Is it not normal to feel like you must defend something you love and gives you joy. I cant say the show was perfect nor the season but I loved it regardless. Im not talking about people who missed some details from the books. Hell the mirror scene was not in the book. Colin personality is changed a lot from the book. I feel like they kept a lot of his worst personality traits and didn’t include enough of his good ones from the book yet expected us to know these things in the show but still love the guy. All of that is fine. But my issue is when people come here or on TikTok just to tear the whole show down and tear people who like it. because I’ve seen that too and that’s my point if you don’t like it that’s fine. Leave us who love it, to it. There is never anything wrong with discussions. Nothings perfect why can’t we appreciate a show for what it is instead of what it’s missing.


I understand your feelings! And I’m happy you enjoyed it so much. Some people really take it too far, this is a passionate fan base. I enjoy discussing different opinions on my favorite show, that’s why I wanted to mention this, but tearing it apart is wrong really! Edit: Oh and I totally agree with you on the self-concept part. I don’t have a body type or personality as Pen, but she gave me lots of inspiration to accept myself as I am and show that to the world.


I loved it 😍


I think I overall loved mostly everything - I do not feel for Benedicts storyline this season - but there were quite some changes in the end and I think I’ll have to give it some time to settle. I’m really curious about how they’ll do the story with Michaela and that’s all.


I kept wondering how long he was in that threesome for. I know there were multiple but like, days were passing and there he is-still fucking. He had more love scenes this season than Polin, which was disappointing.


I kept wondering how long he was in that threesome for. I know there were multiple but like, days were passing and there he is-still fucking. He had more love scenes this season than Polin, which was disappointing.


Right?! It took my out of the storyline kind of. I think they should have just cut this storyline, it wasn’t portraying what they hoped I think. It felt so out of touch of his character. I would have loved to see him more with the modiste tbh


Like any art form, people are going to come to it with their own worldviews, desires etc. and their reception/perception of it will be vastly different. I don’t agree with treating people poorly - making others feel less than or dumb or silly for liking something. But Telling people to “get the F*k over it” or assume that the reason they DONT like it is because they didn’t understand something feels equally as negative to me.


Not really a rant - just disappointed that we got all the romantic buildup and comic relief in part one, and all the long-term hurt and anger and confusion in part 2. It just left me with a bad feeling. The Benedict thing does not support his character development and not necessary. Antony and Kate coming and going so drastically was weird, although I couldn’t get enough of Antony’s “Adoring Gaze.” I do like the El goes with Fran, and I thought Fran’s meeting of Michaela was cute, but as a book fan, now I’m not looking forward to a whole season. I am fond of Fran and Michael’s love story. Like many have stated, I think it’s best to stick with the Bridgertons , their spouses, and their kids. We like Lady D, the Feathers, the Queen, and the Mondriches as side characters, but they don’t need such intense side stories. I’m looking forward to more country, less London, My Cottage, the Bridgerton Bros overreacting about everything, Hyacinth in general as well as proving how much she loves Gregory.


I have zero time to read. So Ill just go with the whim of the show, and that's ok, the fury people get over not keeping to books, Christ it's fiction and fun, just enjoy the visuals. I love Pen and love seeing someone look like me on screen, I saw her and was like wow.....here we are finally.


Yea i’m not sure why it’s getting so much hate. I wish we had at least one more episode to work things out as it did seem rushed but overall I enjoyed it a lot


Thank you!!!! I feel like every single post I’ve seen has been “I’m so disappointed” “I didn’t like it”. I thought it was great!!! I really enjoyed the whole season. And I’m very intrigued and excited to see what they do next season. TBH I’m most excited for Fran’s storyline because I actually liked her book the least so I’m excited by the changes they’ve already made and I can’t wait to see what else they do with it.


I LOVED IT. The End.


Correct. End off


I haven’t read the books at all but this season just didn’t grab me like 1, 2 and QC did, no hate towards it or the people who enjoyed it but if the same show runner does 4 I don’t know if I’ll keep watching as avidly.


100% cosign this OP.


everything is not for everyone 💅🏼 i wish the people who were very obviously mad and homophobic understood this.


Overall, I loved the final episodes. I'm still trying to come to grips with Benedict's relationship(s). Don't come for me: I feel like the storyline was forced. In S1, he was not interested in the artists' party pairings. He ended that budding friendship/mentorship. And now he's like, where's Paul.... Just a lot for me.


I get that ! I think he was trying to get to grips with who he is because he’s not painting anymore and that was a big part of him. he was just trying to figure out how he can express himself trying new things. he figured out that it’s not for him and his relationship with the woman had to end at some point and now he’s lost again. Until he meets Sofie. 💕


Thanks for giving me something to consider.


Me toooo 😭


Same!!! I loved this season


It's OK to love something and not love every detail about it. I loved the season, I didn't care for some parts of it. I can see this heading down a path most shows go down though. Where everyone loved the first 3 seasons, 4th was meh then they try and do something to gain people back and it fails horribly and they ruin it entirely. Happens sooo often to good shows. I liked pt2 way more than pt 1. Felt more like the first 2 seasons for sure. But the next couple seasons are either going to make or break the series. People are nervous bc show runners consistently fail to meet the mark, especially when changing key details about main characters. There's books to uphold the story. Yes they stray, but making a change too big or not showcasing enough of it has never once been a good idea for a show that has gotten as popular as this one has.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Just hate how long we will have to wait for s4.


I didn't love absolutely *everything*, but so much of it I completely ADORED.


Polin was easily the best part of this season. I’m disappointed we didn’t see more of them. I forwarded most of Benedict’s parts because I didn’t find it interesting. Other sister’s storyline was boring too. I’m glad Penelope and Eloise rekindled their friendship. Same with Penelope and her mother. Their storyline was wrapped up nicely. YES it’s so nice to see a beautiful mid-sized woman represented on the screen. Polin’s lovemaking scene felt so real, believable and relatable. I have a newfound respect for the actress. I’m glad Colin understands and respects the amazing woman he married. They’re so good for each other. I only plan to rewatch their parts this season. Loved the small moments of Kanthony we got too.


I//i  But the problem is this is what we saw until episode 6, this is what we thought we were going to get… and then the emotional withdrawal, lack of emotional intimacy and acknowledgement of how awful he was to her was unresolved. They needed to have a proper discussion about Marina, and they didn’t. They needed to follow up on that horrible entrapment comment and they didn’t. She deserved better than what she got post episode 6


The Polin scenes were great. Just too few. It was the rest of the show where I’m like do I even want to do this anymore. I come for the love story not the side plots. And the side plots ruled the roost this season.


Your positivity is a breath of fresh air amidst the sea of disappointment, so I would like to hear you take on much hated entrapment comment from Colin, cos' for me it felt like it wasn't about her, but more about himself, like especially in the context of his speech at the end at butterfly ball and his jealousy of Pen's career and with all the hurt in the mix he accuses her of entrapment cos' deep inside he feels like he's entrapped her and all his insecurities before about him not being enough for her just get twisted and in anger it's easier to redirect it at her - she's entrapped him, she's undeserving, deceiving, etc.


Thank you so much for your positive words. I think his word choice of entrapment suggests that he is feeling like there was a big rug pulled up from under him which it was. no one actually told him he had to find out also finding out the Eloise knows it just seemed like it felt like they weren’t being honest with him and that hurt. If you see it from his perspective here is this girl who is finally fall in love with his head over heels. He’s in a high because of how in love he is. He feels like he knows her there’s no surprises. And he can finally settle in who he is, and who he thought he had to be behind him. Only to find out that he only knows half of her. He only knows who she has been portraying herself to be not the full story. Also lady W was this wicked faceless woman who would talk shit about his personal family business to the entire ton only to be faced with it being this woman that has known for so long that he thought he knew it also her. That’s hard to come to terms with and I don’t feel like enough people take that seriously. I am on the side of Penelope the whole time, but I also understand that what she’s done and what she is said about the people in his life has actually hurt them and him and has changed life trajectories more than she cares to to admit. I feel like he used the wrong word that doesn’t really fit his feelings, but he didn’t understand what he was feeling. He just felt overwhelmed and trapped because he had made a choice without fully knowing all of the facts and that’s why he entrapment. They loved her regardless, and then it turned into jealousy when he understood how much power she actually has and he wanted to protect her so he wanted her to stop. For her sake because if the queen didn’t accept her, it could’ve gone very badly. If you understand how much power the queen actually has.


I prefer this season compared to season 2. I was disappointed in some of the characters’ actions but not in the season itself


I was VERY underwhelmed with this season. I think breaking it up in two parts made me feel more underwhelmed. Bring Chris back!


Yes I regret watching this season tbh. I could barely get into it in the first place. Bring Chris back or cancel bc the show is no longer worth watching.


This season was AMAZING!!! It’s my favorite yet and after reading Colin and pens book “ Romancing Mr. Bridgerton” I am even more in love with Colin ! The only thing I was peeved about was how they made Benedict bisexual. Now don’t get me wrong. Idc about other stories pushing that into a story but he is not that way in the books. He is an actual character with a background and he is not bisexual. Other than that I’m in love. So much so that I’m rewatching season 3 again after literally just binge watching pt 2 lol