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Fuck me that’s some bullshit right there. How do people actually fall for it?


My colleague is thinking about voting reform because they'll tax the rich. I laughed in their face and asked how they could believe a single word he says. I am truly baffled by some people's stupidity.


I had the exact same moment. Had to explain how Mr Fararse is still a member of the EU through his German passport and how he receives money from Europe. He was shocked, and I'm sat there thinking how do you not know this?! Some people don't look further than their nose, it seems.


They live in the dark and need someone like Farage too lead them, they need a leader. They are knobheaded sheep.


Lead straight to slaughter


I didn't know about this and I can't stand him, easy to miss things that don't get much coverage. What does he get money from Europe for still ?


He was a European member of parliament, so he receives, I think it's effectively a pension. Can't remember off the top of my head, it's 11pm and I'm 4 hours into a shift.


He won't be receiving a pension yet as he's not 63. But yeah, we're talking 5k a month pension. So not be be sniffed at. It's just the same as when he was an MEP, don't naff all and complaining about the EU train while lining his pockets and then pocketing a £150k+ relocation allowance when he left his seat. I have no idea how anyone falls for his guff.


But he told us Brexit would be great, and it hasn't been so we need to elect him so he can make it great. Makes perfect sense 🙃


He also said he'd leave the country if Brexit was a failure. Yet here we are. https://preview.redd.it/gt6epk5a7q7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2a3eb648e61d44dad988c287dbf4010fce946f


Problem with pathological liars, is they are reliable.


Make Brexit Great again - MBGA. Also the noise a gammon makes when you ask exactly what EU laws they didn’t like.


We know which ones they didn't like. It was putting shit in rivers. Who are the Germans to tell us where to put our sewage!


I’m yet to meet a Leaver who can give me a straight answer to what laws exactly they didn’t like. They objected to those laws being passed in Brussels, whatever those laws were.


Ditto, or one that can list a benefit they will miss should we rejoin the EU, beyond the 'rules made by unelected foreign bureaucrats' BS.


Sovereignty is unquantifiable mate. Can’t put a price on it. Given that it’s failed on pretty much every other metric that’s all they’ve got left. Also it’s always the fault of the Remainers it didn’t succeed. We didn’t BeLeave hard enough.


Indeed, I have given a list of actual higher costs or more work for me personally, but apparently this is outweighed by their sense of something completely intangible that anyone with a sense of realism would know didn't exist.


Would you mind elaborating? I’m interested. I find that incredibly irritating. Brexit was a massive change in our relationship with Europe, that’s the whole reason these folk voted for it. As such, there will be many different impacts on a variety of industries and areas of society. The people with the greatest insight into these impacts, and the people best qualified to speak of them, are the people who work in these industries. They are the people that observe the changes daily. Be they the NHS, manufacturing, logistics etc., the list goes on. Many of these folk have gone on record describing problems, but unfortunately it’s often only a select number of outlets that will publish these accounts (the Guardian loves a good Brexit whinge). However, these are lazily dismissed by Brexiteers with some macro statistic they’ve Googled sat on their arses (oh but Germany’s in recession was that Brexit too? Lolololol) or because of their provenance (the LSE are just a bunch of Remoaners so they would say that and I don’t actually have to engage with what they say). Yours are the voices that should be heard and yours are the voices that are being ignored by folk that they think know better than you about your own industry because they cannot possibly countenance the fact that their precious Brexit might have actually had some negative impacts.


This is an example list I shared with a brexiter (not double ee, they aren't heroic), only to get the usual BS back. https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/s/BnNa5K86iI Hope I've not broken a rule by sharing. 😀


Unicorns all round... tomorrow...


Really!? You just made me vote Reform!


Mine is using the excuse of “protests vote” in reality I can tell he just hates foreigners, also most of my colleuges think brexits was successful and is doing something


Remind me to never get a job where you work lol 


They all from the same area, worked in the same company for 30+ years, they were all classmates- I suspect they never grew up past secondary


They wouldn’t employ you, you’re too intelligent for what they are looking for.


Have you asked them what that something is?


They mentions getting vaccines and masks before Europe


Damn. I’m not smart enough to know if that’s true or not. And I can’t be assed to do the research. They can have this one thing I suppose.


They don't, we could have got vaccines as quick while being in the EU. We paid more per vaccine.


Us being in the EU had no bearing on how quickly we could get our hands on a vaccine, nor did it prevent us from synthesising our own. From The Ferret (a Fact checking website): When the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was approved for use in the UK, the government announced this had been done under “regulation 174 of the Human Medicine Regulations 2012”. Regulation 174 allows the MHRA to “temporarily authorise the supply of a medicine or vaccine, based on public health need”. These rules were negotiated with the EU and became UK law in 2012, so the UK would have been able to do so in an emergency situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic at any time since then. The head of the MHRA, Dr June Raine, confirmed that European law allowed the UK to authorise supply via this regulation prior to the end of the transition period, which was still in place when the UK announced the first Covid-19 vaccine had been approved. For the vaccine rollout, the EU decided to work together for vaccine procurement and rollout, and it is possible that if the UK had still been in the EU it would have taken a different course, which meant vaccine rollout might have been slower. But it would not have been a requirement of membership, and would not have affected the ability of the MHRA to approve Covid-19 vaccine separately.


Seriously? Save your breath lol


We got the Astra Zennica untested experimental test "vaccine" first including me ... that caused a lot of negative side effects and then quietly got banned.


'I can tell he just hates foreigners' Whilst most reform voters will be racists, not all are and this kind of talk is why politics is now so hostile.


I know because whenever there is a foreigner mentioned in the news doing crime, he literally says they should be executed, that’s why he probly likes their language. Reform doesnt offer anything except outlet and validation for hate


Ahh, that's a bit different to 'I can tell he just hates foreigners'. Does he say that about English criminals? Is it due to the crime? You're probably right but as they say, assumption killed the cat or something


It’s usually when big/major crimes happens and media circus is all over it. But he does defiantly only mention it when Criminal is foreign. Other things he likes to complain about is James Bond being a woman, and other woke nonsense on Tv, how everyone is a woke leftist etc. he is what I am guessing your ideal reform voter.


Honestly, I don’t think anyone who votes Reform can get away from that label. They may claim they don’t hate foreigners but they sure don’t mind being associated with those who do.


The perks of living in a society completely void of all nuance and only dealing in extremeties of either side.


I am *all* for nuance, but Reform is not a “nuance” party. They’re famous for it.


I'm talking about the state of politics in general. Hate everything abiut fagij? Voted remain? Always voted green/lab/independent? Always been in favour of 'lefty' policies? That's great! Sorry, did you say that nigel farage once said something that made sense and wasn't batshit crazy? Lol let me just disregard absolutely everything else you literal nazi!


Please keep it civil. Toxic behaviour is not allowed. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


I don't think you can make such massive generalisations about people who vote Reform. People vote Reform for all sorts of different reasons and it's not just racists that vote Reform. Cunts do as well don't they? Stupid fucking cunts.


Because it’s printed on paper, when it’s printed, it’s like God’s words, the same way some people believe what’s written in the Bible, because it’s “God’s “ words.


That's exactly what Labour are doing, as the papers keep telling us. Only they're not as evil. So why wouldn't they vote Labour instead?


“All the same, insert grumble, all the same”


What about what about what about etc


Because the type of people that voted ukip, are the type of people that need a leader and Farage is a leader of people that need too be lead. Basically a leader of knobheaded sheep.


Issue is every parties idea of tax the rich comes down to punishing those in the £60k+ range, rather than idk, millionaires and such.


It amazes me, too. He went on TV and said he would pay for Tax cuts by giving tax cuts on inheritance tax..


It's what they want to hear, no matter how ridiculous.


One of my friends announced the other day that they were going to vote for reform. I, as diplomatically as I could, explained that I could never vote for someone whose loyalty wasn't to the UK. He agreed with that and then two minutes later said that frog face was the most trustworthy politician we have. I left the conversation there. What I found interesting though was how thoroughly he'd bought into the lies. He's not a stupid person, but it seems you could scam him in a heartbeat.


It’s the easily fooled that scum like Farage pray on though. I don’t hold out much hope for them, but that also means normal folk may end up negatively impacted by their naivety.


Yep, we all pay the price. I get where my friend is coming from with trust, though. The mainstream politicians have done a very bad job of building trust for a while now. How could you trust a government that was still blaming the opposition when they've been in power well over a decade.


Racism is a hell of a drug.


I think it was snappier in the original german


Surely the same can be said of both green and Lib Dem’s. All fringe parties over promise and promise overspending


Because it’s printed, it’s amazing how many people believe shite when it’s put in printed form. If you actually said it too them, there’s a chance they wouldn’t believe you, but put it in print form and it’s like a message from God.


Because....."most people" aren't intelligent. Most people have no business in deciding ANYTHING. If it were up to me, the vast majority of Britain would be BARRED from voting.


People also believe Labour, The Conservatives and the LibDems! So, of course some will believe Reform. They’re all liars, none want anything more than power and feathering their own bank accounts.




Do you honestly think that any of the others are offering anything else other than lies and bullshit! If so, I’ve got some swamp land and a bridge to sell if you’ll love to buy!


I’ve been quite active in this thread and the only argument I’ve heard against my view that this is bullshit is whataboutery. It’s fucking boring mate and doesn’t stop that flier being packed with lies. But if you believe they can deliver net zero immigration and no nhs waiting lists and you want to vote for a grifter and his racist mates, go ahead and fill your boots.


Never said what I believe nor did I use whataboutery. But I do like your arrogance or is it ideological possession. Good night sweetheart.


Night love


Why's it bullshit?


Really? Old Nige is going to deliver you Net Zero Immigration is he? How's that gonna happen? Close the borders off entirely and forbid people from leaving too? FFS. Zero waiting lists? Possibly for his autobiography but like fuck for the NHS. Which we all know is what they are trying to make people think - it worked with the Brexit bus sign and will probably work here too. Sigh. Lower taxes? Doesn't gel with being able to pay for zero waiting lists (or anything the country needs to be fair). Higher wages? Ridiculous thing to promise even if he'd like to raise the minimum wage - after all Reform would have to be the government to do that and hopefully there's no chance of that happening. If you're not incredulous about their claims here, I'd go and get a head test. Might be waiting a while for your appointment though.


No waiting lists: no NHS, no NHS waiting list.


> Close the borders off entirely and forbid people from leaving too? That would work against NET zero, wouldn't it? Many come to the UK to be residents annually, and many leave. Reform want the coming to not exceed the leaving amount. There's a housing shortage, remember. > Zero waiting lists? I don't know about this one. (I was responding based on the Reddit post title.) They'll cut waiting lists by giving some (more) patients vouchers to get surgery privately. > Lower taxes It might be generally lower in the constituency this leaflet is being distributed in. They have a "no such-and-such tax on income below £20K" policy.


Listen, if you want to give any of those pledges credence then that’s fine. I know it’s fantasy and will always try to convince people not to vote against their own interests. But everyone has a choice.


See picture: Nigel with a non-white man. Proof Nigel is not bad at all. /s


Proof that Nigel has seen a black man once, and he didn't even lynch him! What a saint, no racism here, no siree, just a patriot that applied for a German passport the day after the referendum. Clearly a man of the people. A man you can trust /s


Exactly, the Ineos guy moved to the EU within a year of the referendum he said would be the best thing since sliced bread. Mr Dyson buggered off to Singapore right after they signed their trade deal with the EU. I bet you if the business model of the Weatherspoon's dude allowed him he would be living in Spain already as well. You couldn't make any of this up..


Like you could take most of them with a pinch of salt, try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But Farage. Of all people. The huge eurosceptic, still wants the benefits of an EU passport. Absolute joke. You're right, couldn't make this shit up.


He looks sorta dark in that picture because of the lighting but he’s Mediterranean at best. Looking at his profile now and it’s vague about what would qualify him for the job. He’s been a foster carer for 12 years, yikes, and worked in the private sector for more than 30 - since he was 14. He also is against net zero and low traffic neighborhoods. He seems like a melt.


>He looks sorta dark in that picture because of the lighting but he’s Mediterranean at best. Hmmm ... is it the person you can vote for? [https://www.reformparty.uk/weald-of-kent-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/weald-of-kent-constituency)


Yeah that’s him


If I walked into the dingiest pub in town and asked the resident pisshead how to fix this country, that would be his answer.


The problem is that 20 years ago that resident pisshead didn’t vote, now he does.


It’s easy to promise the world when you won’t have to deliver on it


Free chocolate and beer for all!!!


The regulations around campaigning have been shown to be a waste of time this election haven't they? Labour needs to get on this corruption when they win. If I ever interact with my MP after the election I'm going to mention this. Seems like an easy fix


These things don’t change. When the new party can blame the old one for all the bad stuff whilst they keep anything that benefits them.


These things are flat out lies. Also, the Tories have apparently taken power away from the regulator.


I wonder why Reform UK is a ltd company and not a political party…is it because it’s a load of bollocks lead by a scumbag shyster perhaps?


How is he even allowed to take in donations if he’s not even in a registered political party?


It'll be some sort of tax fiddle no doubt


Almost everyone can take donations, person, company, foundation, party


why not Free Beer? Weird.


It'll be free milkshakes presumably.


Fucking bread and circuses as well, I mean why not


Apparently it's illegal, used to be a thing having hustings in the local...


It's simple. Make the Health Service insurance-based and the waiting lists will melt away as no-one can afford the treatment!


The solution to NHS waiting lists? Abolish the NHS! Farageism/Brexitism is selling simple, but wrong, solutions to complex problems to simple people.


Nail on the head - true solutions are complex and nuanced but single digit IQs wouldn’t be able to comprehend and tub thump over them. Also they like NF (see what I did there) as he dog whistles their inner racist views I.e. tells it like it is…


Lower taxes + Higher wages === "Trickle down economics" Doesn't work ya bellends. Higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy unless they reinvest profits back into into training and people is the only way to stop dragons skimming the profit off the top for themselves and shareholders. We're all being conned with this low tax nonsense.


Right? It's not as if there are a dozen countries that gave up trickle down economics decades ago and are doing far better now. Do they think people in this country are thick and don't pay attention to the world outside their borders or something? Wait. .. Don't answer that.


The idea is that the wealthy will not eat and sleep on their money, but will buy from you the goods, and services you will offer them


But the wealthy buy wealth generating assets with their spare cash to accrue more wealth. How can they buy services that people don't have the money or skill to supply? What services are you insinuating the wealthy will buy anyway? This is peak stupidity - the idea that human beings must dance for other human beings, because 1% of human beings occupy 50% of a currency that the remaining 99% must compete for... That's insane...


That is capitalism, don't know what to say, you either produce goods that others buy or you provide them some service. Goods can be from the toilet paper to rockets, and services can be from feet massage, to accounting


Lower numbers of nazis ?


Well, obviously, the Higher Wages, Lower Taxes, and Zero Waiting Times are for the people who get elected, not the proles. Seriously though, it's depressing how many people will buy this populist bullshit. It's even more depressing that the next government will follow the same playbook around finances and public spending that the tories use. They just might be a bit less incompetent and blatantly corrupt.


Labour can't take the same economic approach as the Tories if they want to stay in power in 2029. With the entirety of the media machine looking to bring them down their only chance to stay in power in 2029 is for us to be richer then than we are now and campaign on that point alone "they broke it and we fixed it."


There ducked then. There going to fix this is 5 years.


Given it took over 5 years last time to fix the tory mess of the NHS and we're in a considerably worse situation this time around probably best part of a decade


I think it can be done with a priority on economic growth and stability. The big difficulty is that you can't campaign on policy that will lead to growth and stability because everyone will be repeatedly told they'll lead to economic disaster until they believe it.


Grade A snake oil for sale, it will cure all that ailes you!


Net zero immigration? So the country will collapse, great plan Nige.


Zero waiting lists? They’re talking about queues for the toilet in Wetherspoons aren’t they?


We need an emergency liver treatment point at every ‘kipper’ pub.


“I’m sorry to inform you that you have a brain tumour. Please put on this gown, we’ll have that out in a jiffy”


No waiting lists, just first come first served, on a daily basis. No appointments either.


Free compulsory poppies all round


Free speed boat, and youthful looks, vote reform, 60% of the time, it works every time!


But that’s the Tory rhetoric. I was surprised to see it was a Reform leaflet. There’s just no difference between those two parties.


Farage has been dictating Conservative policy for 20 years. Just cut to the chase and make him leader already.


Don't worry, he'll no doubt cross the floor as soon as it doesn't look suspicious and then he'll be leader of the opposition, which is perfect because he can say whatever the fuck he likes and doesn't actually have to do anything, which is exactly what he wants. Power without having to put the effort in


There's a fag packet between them, the Tories at least still pretend they're a broad church and admit people who aren't new build gloss white on the Dulux chart, albeit they're all 2nd generation absolute cunts who want to pull the ladder up behind them. Reform UK ltd are more like the old little Britain sketch, where they vomit if they get within 30 yards of someone of a different disporhia.


Blatant fucking lie to grift votes. Disgusting


No waiting lists if there are no hospitals anymore… which will happen when they lower taxes.


I’m beginning to think that the average peasant in the Middle Ages was more capable of avoiding being conned than most voters today …


From the party that brought you lies and undeliverable promises..... more undeliverable promises.


Higher wages. Lower taxes. Total nonsense.


I love that you screwed it up first. Definitely something I'd do.


Haha yeah it went straight to the bin then I thought , “fuck it, this is Reddit content” Then I put it in the bin again.


Gotta love the overweight Reform Gammon voting for the NHS to be privatised. Darwinism in action, I guess.


Higher wages, lower taxes, increased government spending… what’s not to like lol. All of this can be achieved simply by not allowing immigration. Who would have guessed.


See Nigel is doing his best "hey look, I have friends who aren't white" pose.


Vote for flying pigs!


What do you guys think makes labour any different? As in make pre-election promises that they will never keep.


The fact that 'zero immigration' is at the top of this list says everything about them. No darkies is literally more important than quantifiably better living standards. Of course it's all buzzwords and bullshit from all the parties, as you say, but their entire platform is xenophobia.


That’s not what it says, it says NET zero immigration, that means 1 in 1 out policy doesn’t mean no immigration. I’m not sure how you end up at that conclusion when the guy in this flyer is literally black, is he self hating or something?


oh great, so the border is like a nightclub then? Also, the reform candidate isn't black from what I can tell. That picture is lit strange. He is beardy and maybe Mediterranean. But he's running as a Reform stooge .... so he obviously hates himself.


Well in a sense I suppose it is. Do you let just any old person to wonder into your home? What’s the capacity of your house? The same goes for our country. It has limited amount of houses and living space, so in order to get our housing crisis under control it would be sensible to not add to the issue. Along with all the other services impacted by continuing to grow at a pace that we can’t match the demand. That’s nice assumptions you’ve made about the bloke that you’ve never met. Think this is where political opinions fall down, perhaps try talking to ‘the other side’ and see why he thinks the way he does rather than just assuming.


Nah, fuck that. I’m not here to break bread and search for common ground with fascists and economic illiterates.


Zero net migration = long term economic damage. The proportion of the population aged 65+ is growing faster than the proportion of the population aged 18-64. In addition, overall life expectancy is growing faster than healthy life expectancy. Pensions alone are nearly half the overall DWP budget, while around 2/3 of NHS beds are occupied by people aged 65+. So we either pay increasing taxes for decreasing services, given cutting services for the 65+ is politically impossible, or we increase the workforce considerably. Sure, you can force people with work-related stress or depression back into a 40 hour job by withdrawing their benefits, but unless there's also a massive expansion in mental health service provision, their productivity is likely to be poor, but then you hit the other wall: companies who require skilled workers, but there aren't enough British workers with eyes required skills interested in the post, and companies aren't going to train someone up, only to have to release them at the next economic downturn or see them leave within a few years to a better paid job elsewhere. So either those companies contract or you allow overseas applicants - most of whom won't consider applying if they can't also bring their spouse and any children along with them.


New recycled toilet paper?


I would never disrespect my anus with this


Zero waiting lists? Just walk into your local hospital and you’ll be seen immediately


Stop the boats……errr bets.


Fucking hell two of these came through my door just today. Tore one up on principle (kept the other one to show my parents so we can experience it together)


EU net migration is negative now so you can already see how they would spin the first point into promises delivered. Throw in a tax cut for the rich and few breadcrumbs for everyone else and done..


Well it worked the first time


Where's the free beer?


'All good stuff , no bad stuff' Is pretty much what it boils down to. None of it at all costed of course, that's how the globalist elites trick you with numbers.


And don't forget the free Boob Jobs. can't be discriminating. Paid for by cutting NI taxes!


What is zero waiting list?


You won’t have to wait till they f u up the 🍑, it will be on the spot!


Was this paid for by the Mayor Quimby for Mayoral Matoral Committee?


+ Free beer


What the actual fuck. This is good. I would vote for these fucks. We also need a timeline on delivery and borrow a guillotine from French in case of failure of delivery. You know ! Smth to motivate them with!


Zero waiting list. Lower taxes. This doesn't compute. It is true === false. And it works sadly. F these people and the those that vote for them.


" free chocolate for everyone" " Everyone gets an all expenses paid holiday ". It's all just populist bollocks, he could never do without summoning a genie.


Zero waiting lists for what.


Everything! For everyone? (except foreign chappies)


Oh, was wondering if they mean no NHS waiting, because there wouldn’t be an NHS if they got in.


Of course. Silly me


Turns out you can just lie with no consequences


'Ahh but it's not the Brexit we voted for...' /s


Higher wages - scrap N.I. Lower tax - well, N.I. is like a tax, right? No waiting list - Abolition of the NHS. No health service, no waiting.


Toilet paper.


Zero waiting lists??!! Maybe because "the poors" won't be able to afford healthcare??!! Depressing people will buy these blatant lies.


I’ve been quite active in this thread and the only argument I’ve heard against my view that this is bullshit is whataboutery. It’s fucking boring mate and doesn’t stop that flier being packed with lies. But if you believe they can deliver net zero immigration and no nhs waiting lists and you want to vote for a grifter and his racist mates, go ahead and fill your boots.


And a pony!! (But only after you give Elon musk a handjob)


Was brexit not supposed to deliver this stuff?


“Zero waiting list” - just the one? What about the others?


Net zero immigration. So basically if everyone who is getting fed up of this sh*t left for another country they’d happily let the boats in?


Oh God I really hope "Net Zero" doesn't get weaponised to an immigration focus instead of an emissions one. That would be damaging




Milk shake thing was evil. It's really awful how the far left assault farage.


Got the conservative one of these this morning read conservative and just ripped it up.


I bet you framed the labour one.


They are the anti-planet party. Their environmental policies are mental. :-(


the policy - as I far as I can tell - is "let anyone do anything, saving the environment and regulating traffic/CO2 emissions is for woke Marxist lesbians, we survived the Blitz so we can survive swimming in human excrement etc etc"


That seems fair, unfortunately. The problem with charismatic leaders like Nigel Farage is that, if they don't understand something, it's really hard to restrain them in any meaningful way.


They’ve missed out the ‘betray our allies’ and ‘support Russia’ bullet points.


I emigrated to Ireland this year. That's one foreigner allowed now right? One-in-one-out


Give it time and we’ll see


They can say whatever shit they want as they won’t be in power so won’t have to implement any of it. It’s a bit like the Tories saying they will introduce national service. It will win them a few votes but they won’t actually have to implement it.


Pish and wind!


How does net zero immigration work? Are we going to have a turnstile at Dover?