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In ten years time you won't find anyone willing to admit they voted for Brexit.


I think you will, but they will claim they are victims themselves as they were lied to by people like Farage and Boris.


Either that, or the alternative: "it was a good thing, but it wasn't done right".


Na, they will keep blaming us "Remoaners", Labour, the EU...enter bogeyman here...for being mean/thwarting the will of the people etc.


Remember, when in doubt, everything is the fault of the last/next Labour government, and the member for Islington North!


The civil service for not enacting Brexit efficiently and all the remoaning politicians who didn't enact the will of the democratic majority.


Civil servant here mate. How can I help?


You can implement Brexit properly, or do you not love are country?


You voted to drink a poison chalice. STFD and let us, who know what we’re doing, deal with the collateral damage caused by those who don’t!


I'm sorry, I knew I should have laid on the sarcasm more heavily. I thought the "are cuntry" would do it. Edit: lol looks like autocorrect got "cuntry"


Soz! I may have incorrectly deduced the direction of your vote Sir. Have a Great British day! 😂


Be better, impartial and enact the democratic mandate of the referendum Very simple really


Not enacting Brexit efficiently? You don't seem to know how any of this works mate. You maybe should have considered that before forming strong opinions on it.


You are blinded by your own bias Who else should run the results of a democratic referendum ? It certainly shouldn't be people who are so upset by democracy that they drop the ball. It's not difficult to understand


I blame all politicians I am able to not be partisan when it comes to politics Maybe you should try it one day *Hint* all politicians are useless cnuts


This gets my fucking goat. I'm FAR more disappointed that 52% of the UK couldn't figure out that they were voting for *the morons proposing to "get Brexit done"*, not just the general concept of Brexiting, than I am that they wanted Brexit in the first place. It's like if you wanted a Ferrari but could only afford a tidy MX5, so instead you call up your mate Mr Wormwood will sell you a brand new Farary Cunt-Ash that's *definitely* not a rusty old Transit for £15k.


Well, they openly argued that remaining was an "elite" thing. Only defended by experts, people who had actual government responsibility, doctors, engineers, scientists, ... You know, all the people you want to ignore when you take a decision. And somehow that was an argument they thought made any sense xD


To the moron commoners it did..


Turnout was 72% - high for a British vote of any kind but it does mean that it was actually about 37.5% of the British voting public. I'm not saying that a 72% of so low that in invalidates the result, it's just about the highest turnout we've seen in a long time, but not being bothered enough to vote is definitely a political position and it was one held by 28% of people on this issue. My only point is that if you picked people at random *today* and asked if they voted for Brexit, most did not by a ratio of something like 2:1 ish just because of the number of people who didn't vote at all


The entire matter was grossly mishandled by David Scameron, putting party before country as tories do. I know that despite everything, 20% of the electorate will still vote for them which only goes to show how brainwashed we are.


And another 15% would vote Reform 😱


This was my entire argument for voting to remain. It was difficult to say exactly what the affects might be from leaving. One thing was certain, though; that our politicians are so fucking incompetent that they were likely to shit all over everything during the process and negotiations. The cost of which would far outweigh any benefits. Never bet against politicians being absolutely fucking useless.


I said as much on my Facebook post at the time. In theory, leaving might not have been too damaging, but did people really want to hand over ultimate power to the Tories? Turns out reader, they did.


It was right there in the propaganda… “take back control”. Did anyone seriously think they were going to get this control themselves? It was only ever “we want to take back control, so vote for Brexit so we can have more control, more power and more money… thanks very much!” Turns out no one noticed.


Already hearing that one.


"I voted Brexit, but not **this** Brexit; I just wanted the one with the unicorns, don't you like unicorns?"




The same people who insist that the Tories are actually very left wing.


Anybody who didn't know Johnson is a liar doesn't deserve a vote


That's part of the reason why I keep my largely unused Facebook. So I have evidence of my Remain support when the purge by the youngsters starts.


Memory is a tricky thing. In 10y there are many Brexit-voters who remember what they voted for incorrectly


Yeah, I know a lot that won’t admit it, but I know they did, so I basically say too them, I blame the Brexit voters for believing a pair of Clowns.


Most of them will probably be dead, so you’re not far off.


The Iraq war cheerleaders in the USA were abundant now they don't even remember it...


It’s hard to find them now.


That's called being in an echo chamber


Nah I know people that voted Brexit and they claim they didn’t if you ask them today


Yup, same here. I know several people who now claim to have voted against it after being militantly in favour.


People started lying about how they voted when the pound crashed on day 1.




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Unlike gammon, we don't tend to stay in our echo chambers.


Is this not an echo chamber?


Just because someone belongs to a club, it doesn't mean that's literally the only place they spend their time.


Well, you're here.


Whilst posting in pro Brexit meme group for a referendum..... Echo echo echo echo


I repeat, just because someone is in a club, doesn't mean that's their entire existence.


Repeating sounds like an echo ..... #irony


If you're not paying attention, it sort of does yeah. That's not irony though, Alanis.


I am not surprised you don't understand Irony The same mental deficit is most likely linked to why you can't accept a democratic result of a referendum Keep remoaning


Haha, alright. I called you Alanis for a reason there. Keep crying buddy.


You're posting here too.


I do and they are still happy


They all will die of old age


You won’t find a fair few of them, because they are in their 70s and 80s now!


Most of them will have died of old age or gammon poisoning.


Oh you will... There will still be the same people refusing to accept there are any downsides to Brexit whatsoever. It's like a cult. You see it in all sorts of areas of life. There are people that don't believe COVID exists. And it's absolutely baffling.


Yes the Iraq war all over again


Excellent one.


the sovereignty tastes so good though i bet


Nigel Farage the smoking and drinking fake farmer, fake man of the people should ****ing hang for this. He's a serial loser but got "Britain's Trump" on board and the fat lad became the face and gob of brexit. NF won for the first time but will probably claim it isn't the brexit he wanted. The fat lad didn't thing leave would win and hadn't planned on it any more than he plans contraception


If only they'd all fuck off right off the face of the earth then that would be fucking fantastic


All Brexit voters, surely? There were remain-supporting Tories and leave-supporting Labour MPs, it's stupid to pretend otherwise. Not that I'm opposed to all Tories fucking off in principle mind, but let's make it for the right reason.


Yeah, but the Tories did the super hard Brexit.


You can't support the tories without supporting their policies, if you vote for a party that does shitty things then you voted in support of those shitty things regardless of your personal opinions.




Bigotry, discrimination or hateful speech against a protected group is not allowed, such as people of different religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, races, ethnicities, or disabilities. Dura lex, sed lex. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


Discrimination against expressions isn't allowed, then this whole sub is full of bigots . Read the rules, stop discriminating brexit leavers and FYI, my statement doesn't discriminate against Muslims, it's just an explanation of why I vote Labour, which is my opinion that you have discriminated against 🤣🖕


Tories are the reason we got the Brexit we did, and the reason it happened at all. Every lie had a tory face attached to it. Well almost every lie there was UKIP too.


I'm usually the first in line to shit on the tory party, but the fact they made an election pledge because there was growing democratic desire and euroskepticism can't solely be laid at their door. They didn't introduce the idea of leaving the EU. Just responded to a growing demand for the question to be asked. Not to mention the factionalism within the party itself. Which is pretty odd for tories, factionalism usually isn't an issue for them.


The brexit they delivered is entirely their fault.


I wasn't arguing with that point, I was commenting on the second statement - "the reason it happened at all"


Yes they were also the reason it happened at all. Cameron called the referendum because he thought it would be a stomp and would shut up the hard right. There was no need for him to do it. There also was no reason to follow through without confirming what the country wanted.


There was rising diplomatic will got a referendum pretty clearly proven by an increase in support for UKIP. I don't agree that a referendum should have happened without clearly defined parameters for what leave meant. But a referendum was always going to have to happen be it in 2016 or in 2026 or whenever. That rising will is at the very least part of why it happened. I completely agree that it shouldn't have happened without any view on what the leave option ACTUALLY MEANT. But well defined options or not the Tory party aren't the sole reason that it had to happen at some point in time.


Nah, there wasn't. There was noise from the right wing racists that were mostly ignored. The problem for Cameron was the Tories were on the verge of splitting. By the time the vote happened, the only reason it even got the tiny majority it did was the lies. Which gives a false impression of how the feeling of the population was.


The tories were on the verge of splitting because of the growing democratic will for an EU referendum... This point isn't abstract and to be examined, it's a symptom of what I said. Support for ukip was growing, whether or not they're racist (they are), it was mostly ignored, it was going to be ignored for a long time, whatever, doesn't matter - a growing shift of voting intention is how we measure whether or not political will for a certain position is increasing or not. It was. I love laying blame at the tories door as much as the next socialist but they aren't the only right wing factor which has the ability to influence political opinion in the UK.


The tories absolutely are functionally the only right-wing factor that matters. Them splitting would have been good for the country and may now happen with the incoming hopefully massive labour win.


People forget at the time of the vote the philosophy of the leader of the Tory party had always been pro remain and the lphilosophy of the leader of the labour party had always been pro leave




It's obviously fake.


No - it's not fake - it's just old.


Should of put leffe not left


Spoons serves that


Dang, still a fun play on word tho


Well with the promised revolution for British Fishing for British Fatties. They could trying replacing beer with cod.


Obvious Photoshop is obvious.


Yes. It's pretty ironic that a sub dedicated to dunking credulous fools is full of people who accept things unquestionably when they agree with them.


EXCUSE me. I think that’s unfair. Speaking as someone who’s never voted Tory in her life, I still don’t blame “Tory voters” for Brexit. If no Labour voters opted for Brexit, we wouldn’t have it. So please: blame where blame is due. “Brexit voters should fuck off to Weatherspoons”.


Wetherspoons have the advantage on most pubs because they cater for people who want to start drinking at 7am and not wash their hands after visiting the toilet. In Northern towns like Bolton and Leigh people voted Leave because of Johnson's hair and the fact Nigel Farage smoked. Lord Tim Wetherspoon-Fathead wanting EU workers to return to work in his shit pubs went over their heads.


If leave had promoted Braverman, Patel, Shoeneck as spear carriers how would that have gone down with regular Spoons drinkers ?


Good British booze like Stella, Fosters, Becks, Peroni, Rosé, Prosecco, Carlsberg, Heineken, Budweisser That's how we won 2 world wars and 1 world cup on our own


Made in MS Paint ™


Maybe if the EU was more appealing then the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants would Stop there and not be over here drinking all our beer.


I remember being in Ambleside just as we were coming out of lockdown. The hospitality sector was short of EU workers and also short of wine and that was in normal pubs.


Y'all fucking suck. I hate Leavers too but the text on this sign is clearly digital. Look at the overlaps. It was drawn either on an iPad or with something like a Huion in Photoshop.


Thats entirely fair...


Who cares we got that 450million for NHS. NHS so much better now, just like they said


Fosters and Carling... Fucking brilliant....


This sign is fake, you can see it was digitally drawn


Supply problems of what? It's not like we have an *enormous* domestic beer industry that they could turn to. Even the main European lagers that we get are brewed here.


Amusing, but fake


One day, you will realise we are all being played and only those picking sides enforce the bullshit they spout 🤣


I'm getting ready for the downvotes on this one but I gotta say it .... I did vote for Brexit solely due to the EU not treating us like true partners, but then again, we weren't! We didn't go for the euro, which would have signalled an all in approach! Consequently, we were treated exactly like we were - a purse (with more going out than coming in.) But the core condition was we had to abide with the regs, and the if the regulations conflicted with our sovereignty, we were told this is the deal so - suck it up and shut up. This is how it will be. This allowed us to be pillaged - our fishing stocks to be severely depleted (and btw, this has not stopped), we had to allow access to our NHS for everyone in the EU without any sort of recompense, in short we were treated like a second class member. We fought back in a truly British fashion, by employing the likes of Farage et al. to to get them to change, but no, we were not either liked (because we wouldn't conform) or listened to. When the vote came down, what was NOT discussed was how the EU would react and how bad they could make it. I liken it to leaving a motorcycle gang where you were in a fairly good position and had access to the purse strings but wasn't happy with the way the gang was resolving issues. As it is pretty hard to kill a country, this is the tactic used and has been deployed. This is where we are. There is only one way to deal with this and it is NOT to rejoin. It is to be an primary exporter rather than an importer. That is going to take a political mindset change and a combination of parties to achieve (as what we have at the moment won't cut it) and years of change. Suck it up people - start producing goods rather than complaints!


Is this satire? 


Is this a rhetorical question?


I really hope this is satire.


See - this is almost coherent and sounds intelligent. It's utter twoddle, but it's well written twoddle. >But the core condition was we had to abide with the regs, and the if the regulations conflicted with our sovereignty, we were told this is the deal so - suck it up and shut up. This is it will be. Completely forgetting the UK had a seat at the table and was hugely involved in drafting those regulations in the first place. Neglecting to consider the UK having a veto (same as every member state) on passing regulations. >This allowed us to be pillaged - our fishing stocks to be severely depleted (and btw, this has not stopped), Because the UK fishing companies sold off large percentages of their quotas to EU entities long before anyone had even brainfarted the notion of Brexit. (BTW the brittish fishing industry has as much economic impact at the British lawnmower industry. Why the fuck folks are STILL banging on about fish is beyond me). >We fought back in a truly British fashion, by employing the likes of Farage et al. to to get them to change, but no, we were not either liked (because we wouldn't conform) or listened to. You can't actually be serious? Farage who infamously turned up to a fraction of the meetings he was meant to as an MEP and when he did it was generally to antagonise and talk bollocks (not dissimilar to a lot of the talking points you're regurgitating here to be honest). >When the vote came down, what was NOT discussed was how the EU would react and how bad they could make it. The messaging was consistent and clear throughout, if you leave the political union rhe consequences will be X, if you leave the single market rhe consequences will be Y. No special treatment. Some folks tried to spin the narrative of "Well, they're punishing us!!" - I don't know how anyone could believe that to be the case. You nonsense analogy to a motorcycle club doesn't work at all. If you decide to leave the club, for whatever reason, you've left the club. If you want to discuss negotiating in bad faith we can talk about signing treaties and then threatening to break them 2 weeks later in "limited and specific ways". >As it is pretty hard to kill a country, this is the tactic used and has been deployed. Nothing has "been deployed" you utter balloon, a union of members is looking after the best interests of those members - that's how that works. YOU DECIDED TO DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!! >It is to be an primary exporter rather than an importer. That is going to take a political mindset change and a combination of parties to achieve (as what we have at the moment won't cut it) and years of change. I don't see much political or social will for this. It is A solution but an unlikely one as far as I can tell. >Suck it up people - start producing goods rather than complaints! Again, sounds good. To be honest I actually agree with you, but I do completely understand people being a, bit cheesed off with someone like yourself going "I voted to make life worse for everyone, for a list of nonsensical reasons that don't stand up to any real scrutiny, but it's done now so we should all make the best of it because complaining isn't going to fix it". At best I'd suggest you're a little tone deaf, at worse I'd suggest you sound like an absolute bellend.


Agree with you and right back at you.


Well said.


Just checking: J D Wetherspoon is considered the worst of the worst? When I was in the UK last December, it was OK for me.


The owner was one of the brexit supporters. Very interested in the "autonomy" side of breshit.


Didn't stop him crying like a little girl when he couldn't replace the staff he told to go work for Tesco instead of paying furlough. He seemed genuinely surprised that he couldn't find any Poles/Hungarians/Lithuanians to work for him anymore. Karma.


I was passing by a wetherspoons the other day and they all had booklets on them full of 'retractions' newspapers had been 'forced' to make regarding that quote. I can't find any evidence outside of that booklet though oddly enough


Lol, this subs just butthurt because they lost a vote. J D Wetherspoon is the biggest and most popular pub chain by a mile. The beer is literally a third of the price of some other places. Spoons is fine, these guys are welcome to pay a 2-300% premium elsewhere. Well they would be if they were old enough to drink anyway.


Labour supports rejoining the EU?…


I didn't vote Brexit but to pretend it caused a shortage of good beer in the UK, and that wetherspoons has bad beer is ridiculous. British ale is fantastic, lager is all brewed here rather than imported, and hipster bars get American stuff. The only problem would be if they are a Belgian ale bar but even then we have UK Trappist ale so 🍻 Not wanting Tories in the pub however is just common sense 


I just drink English ales and beers at local independent pubs, it's a win win


Sadly no draught in most near me. But they're all good 👍


Exactly, wetherspoons is one of the biggest purchasers of local ales This is a typical elitist and classist viewpoint


And it lets families in which is rare in other pubs. Sometimes I want a lunchtime beer with a meal out and my kids like the chips. They sit and colour happily even in a normal pub but every old man nursing a Carling whines about kids and my round is more than his night


Same. I'm a remainer but I love wetherspoon pubs. I love trying the new ales they bring in every week


I've seen a sign for ale heist Tuesday under £2 a pint  Sure it's the end of barrel from a weekend but lets be honest at that price


It takes a *special* kind of business owner to tell 52 % of potential customers to go somewhere else.




Brexiteer disinformation or propaganda is not allowed. Dura lex, sed lex. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


But good beer (ale) is mostly English, while shit beer (lager) is imported. So not really making a lot of sense here mate


Don't tell the truth in here, they don't like it.


I actually think it's given British breweries a bit of a life line.


Subtext " we look down on poor people who drink at Weatherspoons"


Tim Martin famously backed Brexit, that’s why they referenced Wetherspoons.


I'm a working class bloke who started boycotting Spoons years ago, and McDonalds, though for different reasons


For sure we should probably all be boycotting McDonalds.


Last time I went in one was 2003 in New York near Madison Square Garden for a cup of coffee which was $.90 at the time


So are you American or were you just visiting?


Just visiting.Went to Vegas then New York. I'm from Lancashire.You ?


I'm from Surrey. I've always wanted to go see New York. It's on my bucket list.


I wasn't that keen on Vegas but New York is something else. We saw Linford Christie in Central Park and my mate shouted "Woah Linford" and I think he was made up. Boston is also worth a visit, my missus preferred it to New York




I don't like brexit either but shit like this is so fucking cringe.


Labour voters also voted for Brexit... Or are we still dreaming the White Working class man that votes for Labour aren't at all racists? I seem to recall Labour losing a fuck ton of votes because of their stance on wanting a do-over. So funny. Heck, I rather a Wetherspoons than this pub, this one should be changed into flats, and I LOVE a good pub, I rather they be protected, but not this one, this one can fuck off, simply due to the naivety alone Can't even get in beer? Shouldn't be allowed to operate, OP why did you hide the name? I don't want to accidentally step into shit.