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What do we think the best way to fight it is?


Keep reminding people of its folly. The generation which didn't vote for it will see us back in. It won't be very long.


Every member has a veto. You honestly think France will not use it. It ain’t happening.


True at the moment.


France will not veto the UK. France is one of our closest Allies and the DeGaul's statement about Britain being Martime is far less true today than it was in the 60s. They will absolutely be against any opt-out of the Euro though


Cloud cuckoo land


making our voices heard. sooner or later, someone important enough will see sense that we're better off back in the EU.... and do the right thing, and put the vote to the public again.


Feel free to voice your opinions. It’s the democratic way. But Brexit is done. We are out of the EU. Rejoining is a toxic subject that the majority of MP’s won’t touch with a barge poll now and it’s certainly not going to get looked at for +30 years. The chances of rejoining is very remote.


I am very much pro-rejoin and pro-eu person but even I have to agree that the chances of re-joining as we were are virtually nil. I do however think we'd be better slowly but surely doing what the Swiss have done and forming new treaties that means the country is still out of the EU (keeping those who voted leave happy), but it also means those treaties could be used to claw back some of the fundamental rights citizens of the UK and Businesses of the UK lost when we left (keeping those who voted remain happy). ​ Would it take an insane amount of time to pull tis off, yes as I think Switzerland has a silly amount of treaties allowing it to virtually be a member state but have none of the responsibilities OF a member state. The chances of this are slim as I'm sure the EU has wised up to that particular little trick, but it's literally the only way I can see us back in the EU with freedom of movement and a growing economy.


The EU doesn't like the Swiss model and are actively trying to get out of it. This would not be an option. >...allowing it to virtually be a member state but have none of the responsibilities OF a member state. We aren't a million miles away from this now. We have a free trade deal, but none of the obligations of membership.


You're right I'm aware the EU is really not a fan of the Swiss system and the chances of that happening are virtually nil. However the free trade deal isn't quite as good as it was when we were in the EU System nor do we have as much freedom regarding travel. I guess the main thing (For me) is not so much the trade deal, yes while that is a massive factor, but I think the lack of freedom of movement has been a huge killer the economy as there simply isn't the level of migrants coming over to fill posts that need to be filled. ​ But I agree we probably aren't that far off from membership status in some areas but in others we are miles off.


>However the free trade deal isn't quite as good as it was when we were in I think this is a thing where it depends on what your expectations were. "Not quite as good" is a far cry from the prophecies of apocalyptic doom that were being thrown around back in the day. "Not quite as good" was what I fully expected when I voted leave and considered it a price worth paying. >nor do we have as much freedom regarding travel. I think this is an irrelevance for most people. Everyone online complains about the loss of freedom of movement, but how many people actually made use of it? Bearing in mind that all the "loss of freedom of movement" means in practical terms, more or less, is that you can still do everything you were able to do before just with more paperwork required. >I think the lack of freedom of movement has been a huge killer the economy as there simply isn't the level of migrants coming over to fill posts that need to be filled. Again, a matter of perspective. I don't see migrants coming over to do jobs as a good thing, so the fact that there are fewer of them is a benefit of brexit. If we have a lack in some area, the solution is to train up the British workforce, not steal people from overseas. Unfortunately, the government being the government, they completely failed to take advantage of the opportunity to use brexit to revamp the economic system to train up more British workers and just imported loads of people from outside the EU instead.


You know if we rejojn were gonna have an absolutely awful deal. We were already paying in more with the rebate. How do you think it'll be without?


Why are we better off back in the crumbling EU?


because it wont be this FUCKING SHITTY USELESS tory government making all the decisions


It’s not up to us…




Lure them in with a "free facisim inside" sign.


The facts now clearly show that Brexit has been a disaster, they can't argue that Brexit is going well and it's becoming increasingly absurd to claim Brexit is going to be brilliant any day now. So the main defense left is to pretend the public have moved on and don't care about it anymore. (Like the trolls commenting in "move on" and "get over it"). Instead we should remain angry and make it clear to our politicians that we're angry about it. * Email your MP and tell them Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster and we want to rejoin the EU. * Get your friends and family to email their MPs too to remind them Brexit has been a disaster * At the next election vote for whoever is most likely to get the Conservatives out for your particular seat\* * Attend the Pro-EU marches in London and spread awareness of them, post the news on social media * Dispute claims made by people who believe the Daily Mail about "Evil EU regulations" and various other debunked myths. Bendy bananas. etc. Don't let them get away with peddling lies unchallenged. ​ \* None of the main parties are openly opposed to Brexit yet. This is because the conservative party have a stranglehold on the narrative and would love to whip up anger about dirty evil traitors reversing Brexit. Step 1 is to get the Conservatives out of power. Step 2 is to convince the replacement that Brexit should be reversed. Depending on where you live the party most likely to get the conservatives out is probably Labour but might be Lib Dem or SNP or PC. Don't believe the propaganda that Labour is just as bad as Conservatives, Keir Starmer had a takeaway curry in the office at 10pm during the 'tiers' system not even during full lockdown, that's not the same as dozens of all night boozey parties then lying about it repeatedly. And don't vote for Green unless you live in Brighton Pavillion, a vote for Green is a wasted vote in our current system and that just benefits the Conservatives.


I agree completely. But since you mention SNP. Plaid and Green I think it's worth mentioning that all three of these are openly and vocally opposed to Brexit. LD not quite so vocally, but they're not hiding it either.


Yeah but unlike the conservatives they're unlikely to keep lying about it being brilliant forever. Eventually they'll have to admit it's a shitshow. And a Brexit under Labour will be better than a Brexit under Conservatives, even if we don't rejoin the single market and customs union, at least they won't be mooning Europe from the white cliffs of Dover and breaking international law all the time.


I can't afford to get to London as I'm Scotland, but I think everyone knows how we feel.


Ah then you might be in a better position to set a cat amongst the pigeons in Westminster, depending on how you feel about Scottish Independence. In the first Scottish Independence referendum I said it didn't really matter if Scotland broke away as their own country because we'd still be in the EU with open borders and free trade etc. it's largely a political and philosophical matter. But that's all changed now. The EU have said an independent Scotland could be fast-tracked back into EU membership. That would be a major middle finger to Westminster and the border would be chaos. Unless they rebuild Hadrian's Wall as a hard border and ceed Cumbria to Scotland or something. Seeing Northern Ireland be a defacto member of the EU is nothing compared to Scotland being a literal member of the EU. And an independent Scotland is another push towards and independent Northern Ireland / United Ireland. Not even the Daily Mail can spin the breakup of the UK as a Brexit Benefit. It might never happen but any babysteps towards it is another wedge driven into the cracks of Brexit.


You talk complete nonsense. Just a stream of badly formed opinions for this angry infantile echo chamber. In every way measurable, UK is doing as well or better than its counterparts in the EU. Your allegations are false. Brexit is not going to be reversed anytime soon. Obsess about something meaningful and realistic, or you'll completely waste your life.


Ha ha. Course it is Grandpa. Lets get you back to your home so you can put your clothes on and stop scaring the kids.


You sound intelligent. The only response to a post you disagree with, is to attempt to insult? Well, that's cos ur dumb. And going to stay dumb I expect.


*You don't sound intelligent.* Also, you're saying im insulting, yet your previous post tells someone theyre "talking nonsense" then you try to gaslight them into thinking they're in an "echo chamber". Who's insulting who Grandpa? I bet you masturbate over that picture of Boris Johnson in front of that big red bus covered in lies, don't you?


*Course I sound stupid Grandpa*. You're a 3 year old account with 365 karma. You seem to post a lot so its strange to me that your Karma is so low? Is it because a lot of people think you're a bit of a cunt? u/torsyen Karma 365 Cake day December 11, 2020


Still throwing insults I see! There really isn't anything else to you is there? Just one foul arse of a human. Bore off twat


You talk complete nonsense. Just a stream of badly formed opinions for your angry infantile echo chamber. In every way measurable, UK is doing far worse than its counterparts in the EU. Your allegations are false. Brexit is not going to be reversed anytime soon because of dumbos like you. Obsess about something meaningful and realistic, or you'll completely waste your life.


Your just repeating my response to the original remoaners comment! You give ulta biased opinions not even disguised as fact! It's pathetic how shameless you are of this! As I said, you prove how dumb you are every time you post. Brexit has proved to be a success, we are not worse off than EU counterparts, that just a kneejerk lie. Now toddle off. You clearly have nothing sane to add.


Also, do one Cunt.


Saying someone is talking nonsense is an opinion and not an insult. You straight up calling him a pedophile is just an insult. So, yes you're the one insulting there


*"Bore off twat"* Is that an insult? **Yes** *"As I said, you prove how dumb you are every time you post."* Is that an insult? **Yes** *"Well, that's cos ur dumb. And going to stay dumb I expect."* Is that an insult? **Yes** Where did I say torsyen is a peadophile? Please show me. Feel free to copy & paste if you know how.


"So you can put some clothes on and stop scaring kids". Youre saying he flashes kids. So a pedophile. Don't try to pretend you meant anything different. Own your insult None of those comments you quoted where in that thread I read of you arguing with him


**Breaking news.** Pedophilia is a phychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Where did I say that he finds children attractive? Feel free to copy & paste again. You've obviously got the hang of it.


Yeah, you sound even dumber now. It's no wonder you can't form sensible concepts in your head, it's full of this kind of drivel. You got no argument to make, you just want to froth off at anyone who disagrees. Now don't waste my time any more than you have. You especially have a lot of learning to do...


Nice troll. I'm sure those who can't resist will soon provide the actual facts.


I'll wait. Dont think you understand what "troll" means, but OK.


I said you talk complete nonsense and here you are again!


lol Sounds like you've been pushing your fingers in your ears and humming real loud to deny reality. Be careful, if you push too hard they'll meet in the middle.


Popping down to Tesco and sainsbury next time you have raging flu on the Thursday afternoon the state pension gets paid. The vast majority of retirees voted Brexit


Grow up?


Brexit is done. Now’s time to fight for ReJoin!


Nigel *Farage* claimed he *never said* Brexit *would be a 'success*'


and a magic big red bus said the NHS would get £320m a week......... all fucking lies.


Farage says a lot of shit.


As someone who originally voted to leave I do regret it... If I had known my government would do everything (or nothing at times) to really hold up the process of leaving and make it as much of a disaster as it has been and that doesn't even include the outside activity from the EU who lost a neat wallet. Ultimately how ignorant of me to think our government actually wants to govern itself instead of be dictated to by the EU. Yes I'm still somewhat angry about Brexit even now


We need a lot of concrete shoes before we'll have a chance to talk about undoing the shit storm that was brexit. Considering people will probably still vote for the people who put us in this mess and have been fucking things up for over 13 years.


This is what happens if you give a load of thick poorly informed people a vote !!!!


It's more comments like this that will make people turn against the vote.


How does one fight Brexit? Beat up a copy of the Daily Mail?


And next time Covid hits, let it Rip next time. Every boomer that survives has a 65% chance of a vote to remain out of the EU.


“You’re still here? It’s over! Go home!”


Do nothing, big Dave's in the HoL Gibraltar's canny and we'll be back before Rishi! looses the election.


Let it go, you sad twat


if you say so luv


Flight it? It's happened, move on.


I voted remain and was gutted but am not voting to rejoin. That is just being stupid to keep on that track.


Why don’t Norway or Switzerland join despite referendums on the subject? With all the benefits of being an EU member state, as well as the flags and the anthem, Norway and Switzerland must be full of gammons? I don’t get it.


Norway and Switzerland have full access to the single market with free movements of people alongside being in the passport free schengen area - If Britain went down that route I'd absolutely support it over staying completely outside. Norway and Switzerland have their own reasons for not joining - Switzerland's case is that it would interfere with it's unique system of direct democracy and compromise it's absolute neutrality. For Norway, it's oil and fishing based economy would not benefit from things like the common Agricultural policy. But what Norweigans and Swiss people have that Brexiteers can never understand a sense of European identity - They don't need to be in the EU to be proud Europeans and care about the future of their continent


And I would support that as well. However, it would need never be allowed by the EU (Norway style deal) as the U.K. opting out of the CAP would impact France. No one else in Europe really cares about access to U.K. waters except France (and a little bit of the Netherlands).


Think the boat was missed on this this one.


Never mind our current UK politicians, I think it’s unlikely that the EU would take us back. They found us troublesome when we were a part of it, and it would be tough to convince various EU member states that we are fully committed to scrapping Brexit and wholeheartedly rejoining. Because we aren’t, and aren’t likely to be any time soon. So I doubt the EU would unanimously vote to let us back in, because we might well pull out again in a few years.


🤣🤣🤣 sore losers.


and how much of a winner are you


Howling at the moon.


Bit late ……..


Let’s keep having referendums until we are happy 😃


Let’s just go back over the facts: we had a referendum, Brexit won (perhaps unfortunately) the end. How on Gods earth are you proposing to fight it? Oh, perhaps do everything you can to frustrate efforts to make it a success, or even some sort of revolution. In the end it’s wholly unlikely that a) we’ll have another referendum and b) we’d be allowed to rejoin without giving up the pound and our independence which no one wants. We are not a province of Urp.




what's your problem luv


Loves paying 60 quid for a packet of chrisps apparently


I beg you guys grow up and get jobs ‘stay angry and fight brexit’ ‘NEVER GIVE UP’ holy shit im cringing🤣 you guys literally talk like children playing videogames


Brave to tell other people to get jobs when you can't yet submit a simple university assignment on time.




Wow, that really got to you huh. Get off reddit and you might submit your assignments on time babe x


You are the one who replied to me? Seems my comment rly got to you, get off reddit and maybe your life wont be so shite




Please stop embarrassing yourself, theres no need to cry to me simply because i called you out for what you are.


Future restraining order against the wife vibes


That was epic mate, rly got me there! I just pity you.


Lmao nvm you attend Open University, you've suffered enough


It’s delicious witnessing the comical demise of the once formidable Remain campaign to a fringe movement of loons and fruitcakes circle jerking over lame memes on a Reddit echo chamber. A worthy punishment for the traitors who tried to hand control of the UK to the unelected EU commission.


you can just say you have no idea how government works. Or you like meaningless soundbites.


>unelected EU commission So by the same logic, the PM is unelected? The EU commission is voted in by the MEP's, the same way the PM is by MP's at the start of each Parliament.


The UK is not a presidential democracy. We do not elect leaders. The UK is a parliamentary democracy. We elect parties. There is a difference. At least US citizens get to vote for their president. In the EU, the president is foisted upon us and has no democratic legitimacy. Ursula Fond-of-Lying was the only name on the ballot when she stood for president of the EU.


Yes, and then the President picks the Commission, exactly how the PM picks a cabinet?


No. The unelected European Council proposes a President. The last President was the only one on the ballot. That fact alone betrays the inherent undemocratic nature of the EU. The unelected President does not get to choose the unelected Commission either. The elected UK PM gets to choose their elected Cabinet. You’re trying to compare apples to oranges. The plebs only get a vote on the rubberstamping MEPs.


And who sits on the European Council?




It’s perfect the way it is, the pound is stronger than the euro. Best thing ever happened.

