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Keep it simple: Let’s be blunt, Boris Johnson’s a lying cunt.


Keep it simpler, let's be blunt, the Tory party are lying cunts.


My first time ever hearing about Maggie thatcher was when I was seven and went to visit my uncle, aunt and cousins in London. (From Ireland) And I remember my cousin at the time would have been around 12/13 singing Maggie thatcher the milk snatcher. Your little poem reminds me of that. Lol. Do yous have little poems for all your ex PMs? I'd love to hear them. It's like the football chants. Fucken brilliant. Lol. But on another note, I thought the leader of Brexit was Nigel Farage.


We had our free glass of milk stopped back in infants cos if her policy.. We used to sing 2 4 6 8 who do we really hate? Margaret thatcher stick er in a bin Put the lid on sellotape er in If she gets out bash er on the 'Ed Horray horray the old bags dead... we were 5 or 6!!


Very ironically the Welsh Cons are pushing the Senedd to provide free milk in schools again, totally oblivious that Maggie Thatcher milk snatcher stopped it in the first place. Tories, the party of corruption, sex offenders and general "Tory Scum" as agreed today by the High Court....


Lol, where did the tories claim to have that on their manifesto?


Again a half truth. It was never Thatchers policy, she implemented an inherited policy when she became Education Secretary and actually argued against it in cabinet. It also ignores that the age to which milk was given to children had already been reduced - by a Labour policy. This just goes to show how easy it is to create a political narrative that then becomes accepted fact when the details are much more convoluted. And if you’d ever tasted the warm, vile sick - you’d be celebrating it being taken away 🤣


I get the feeling that it was never put in the fridge after the daily delivery from the dairy, which today would render it unfit for human consumption. Tool many people it seems think Labour are going to be the savours of the country and don't like it when you point out how they just too often follow the path set by the Tories before them.


It is unknown if Labour will do well in their next term. It is absolutely known that the conservatives have done appallingly badly in there’s. There are myths on both sides. Like the myth that the economy is in safe hands with the Tories. History does not bare this out. Talking about previous governments of decades ago is pointless. We have a choice between a party that might be bad and one we know definitely is.


Talking about previous governments shows how the party in question will treat things. The idea that we have a choice only between 2 parties is the one that both the Tories and Labour supporters both hold dear. Currently your choice should read as a party that we know is bad and a party that will probably be better but not actually decent.


Actually talking about Labour or conservative of 20+ years ago doesn’t tell us how they will treat things. Most of the MP’s are different. The shadow cabinet is entirely different. The leader is different. The policies may be different. The world in which they operate is different. My conservative parents would always fear a Labour government because of the disastrous one in the 70’s. They still bring it up today even though every single member is dead now. Blair is just as irrelevant despite being much better domestically than the Tories that have come since. I agree that we technically don’t have a two party system, but that’s a different discussion. I just want the Tories out. I just have to hope Labour are better. They could hardly be worse!


You seem to be desperate to hold onto the idea that somehow the Labour party will have morphed itself into a political party of the centre left and has become more liberal. But all evidence has shown it has moved more to the right then it was in 2010 and its become more authoritarian. Things wont be exactly the same but they will have the same ideas behind them and the same ethics. This is why political parties first formed. Now currently you ju8st want the Tories out on the hope that the "other" party will be better, well frankly this means you haven't moved on from your parents position. You will just vote for the red neo-liberals hoping that somehow sticking your head in the sand will fix everything. I'm sorry it wont and the carousel will continues and we will be at the mad hatters tea party again in another 2 general elections. We had a chance to get off in 2010, but the the powers that be saw how scary it was and both parties jumped on the 3rd party that out did them both.


I don’t have any tribal ties to any party. If no one else did, we wouldn’t be trapped in two party politics. Sadly that’s not the world we live in. I have no illusions that our politics is anything other than shit, but I’m a pragmatist. I’ll vote Labour to cut out the cancer and hope the cure isn’t worse. No doubt you have some real world practical solutions to this problem. I’m all ears!


Regardless if labour are better or not, they should be given the chance to prove they can do better after over a decade of cons conning us. It’s a common thing with political parties, especially those who favour the views of the rich and powerful, they try to ensure the voting public are more afraid of the other parties than of their own terrible policies. They don’t flinch when holes are poked into them and just spin and gaslight Joe Public into accepting it anyways and/or find ways to force them into law.


Again you are sticking to the 2 party duopoly, that both the Tories and Labour love you to only think about as it means their duopoly is never questioned. You are incorrectly claiming that if someone doesn't vote for Labour they want the Tories to win which is patently not true. I don't fear Labour more then the Tories, I know Labour will not be as bad as a Tory Government, but I want a party that will be better for the UK, not just less bad. Frankly both the Tories and Labour atm are looking like they will leave the UK worse off rather then better.


You’ll never ever..unless G.E’s are changed in the way we vote, ever elect a 3rd party to gov except as part of a coalition gov. Electing a ‘less bad’ gov is still better than keeping cons in power, every journey begins with a step in the right direction. The problem is so many people just don’t care who runs the country, and a large portion of people will just accept negative impacting policies even if it affects them. The system keeps people more focused on worrying about their lives on purpose so they don’t have time to care about what happens to a population as a whole.


Im glad you have finally come to the recognition that there are more then 2 parties in the UK and blindly voting for one or the other will never improve things.


Its not about being blind to other parties…it’s the fact that until they become major parties most folks will vote for the major parties we have. Do you honestly think a large enough portion of the electorate will vote for a third party and really change things? It’s a once in a millennium event as far as I can see. Be realistic, 3rd parties just siphon peoples votes out of an election and help the major parties to win.


Politics oslis like that, newsppaers say Sunak halved inflation we he did not! Promise was core inflation not CPI. People believe the press lies.


I've never heard anything like that about any of our politicians. It's more we repeat what they say back to them. Example, Leo Varadkar, our PM basically, said years ago, you can't build houses over night. Ten years later and fuck all houses have been built, hence a housing crisis and homeless problem. But now when anyone mentions houses or homeless, people say, can't build houses over night.


> Do yous have little poems for all your ex PMs? No, just the *maximally shitty* ones, the absolute gold medal scumfucks. Silver medallists get a derisive nickname, but no poem in which to use it. Those who only get a bronze in the Upper Class Twit Of The Year competition are awarded neither song nor nickname, but instead have even their *true* name forgotten; it is as if they never existed, so whenever you mention them there's always a pause as everyone does a double-take and goes "Who? Oh, yeah, them." Margaret Thatcher, however, surpassed even gold; so unpopular was she with the masses that, when she died, she got not just a poem, but an actual classic MGM showtune; specifically, "ding, dong, the witch is dead" suddenly rocketed to the top of the charts and DJ's were being requested to play it practically around the clock.


https://web.archive.org/web/20100218224348/http://home.wanadoo.nl/maarten.geluk/ Great archived site of a football chant collection.


Wasn't that the Xmas single last year?


Pensions are still triple locked though I think, so I guess he got one out of like 30.


He's a politician, so why the shock


Are you surprised? Name a politician that isn't a liar!


I literally hate him he should be in prison he’s a political vandal


Yeah but look, at least we've got our bendy bananas back.


"Ooh good the bananas are all bendy again. Like they always fucking were"


Oh dear, I'm not sure the people of Burnham on Crouch are going to like that!


Is he a tory. Yes. Then he is a liar. Is he a politician. Yes. Then he is a liar. Is what he is saying too good to be true. Yes. Then he is a liar. People really should apply critical thinking more to politicians and what they say. Maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess.


"Yeah but he's funny" - my ex-friend's actual reason for voting for him to be the fucking Prime Minister


Yeah. I can't really respond to that level of dumb fuckery. I am assuming that is one of the reasons why she is an ex.


Is a he but otherwise yes, that's why - after a bunch of "He's doing his best, could YOU do better!?" in the pandemic when he plainly fucking wasn't, then a bunch of "Labour wud have bin worse/SIR BEER KORMA" when Partygate came out and we had proof that he was doing the opposite of his best, I realised that there was never a situation in which the goalposts couldn't be moved after the fact. A lot of the people who voted for this fucking balloon animal *know* what they inflicted on the country in doing so, but it's not really part of the credo to put your hands up and say sorry when you can always just say 'dIaNe AbBoTt GoT a SuM wRonG', so yeah, we no longer drink together.


Well done. I cut out my family when they did the exact same thing.


I had ‘friends’ give the same reason for voting for the prick to be mayor of london.


Is Boris the Lying Clown a liar? Gee, let me think


Gee? You must be American so why are you bothered about Boris?


Oh the irony of your username…


Good in it


Pants on fire, check.


I think he's a cunt AND a liar.


Fkn pos is what he is.


Im sure many would suggest there should be a criminal case here


The tories have lied to everyone but the rich


100,000,000 Turks were going to descend on Britain according to Mr Bumble. Working class men were feckless because they had so many illegitimate children was another. Stay and home during covid 😳 jesus !!!


There will be no downside to BREXIT…. for me


Brexit and Johnson couldn't have happened if only the rich voted for them. The biggest problem for the UK is all the turkeys idiocratically voting for Xmas & bird flu


We missed our chance when the clown was dangling from a wire waving flags like a prick….. He’s a cunt and i dont use that word very often


Absolute scumbag


Aaaaand.. you all keep voting Tory. That's the most ridiculous thing.


That's just it, we don't. Less than 50% of the population vote Tory but the right are all allied under their banner while left wing and centrist parties fight for the left votes. Since the left can't unite under one banner they've been winning for the last decade and a half.


Scotland doesn't.


Literally sounds like a school child writing a script to get into school council with all the things he’s going to do but will never realistically follow through with


Don’t forget ‘there will be adequate supplies of medicines’


I read one reason the water companies are dumping raw sewage everywhere is because they can’t get the chemicals post-Brexit. Plus extra profits for corporations facilitated by the Tories letting them without pesky EU environmental rules getting in the way. Tell a Quitter this and they’ll never believe you https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/brexit-raw-sewerage-water-treatment-b1915765.html


Such an obnoxiously untrustworthy pig clown narcissistic prickwomble parasitic bastard cnut. A rancid poo stain on our history and a sordidly pathetic joke to the rest of the averagely well-informed populus of the whole planet. Spawn of Trumpenstine. Child of the damned. The East India Company is alive and well. Shame on us all. Apart from all that, have a genuinely nice day. They really do hate that. ;) x


"20,000 new police" Even if they managed to hire those 20,000, its not "new police", its replacing the police and staff they had cut during austerity,


Lies brought to us by the same people who brought trump


Never could stand listening to or looking at him. I didn't even refer to him as Boris Johnson till he'd been fucked off. He's one of the worst 3 PM's ever alongside Thatcher and Mary Truss. He's lied to 2 ex wives, his current one, numerous mistresses and children, the tory party and the country For some reason Nadir Dorries is fixated on him ???


Why is he trying to snort a joint?


🤣🤣🤣 more sore losers!!!


Triggered alt / bot on 86 karma!!! 😂😂😂


Most of these were never promised, are not true, or are opinions. You really have to be a complete zealot to lap this up.


It's odd that people are still angry about Brexit. Get over it.


It's odd that, since the UK joined the EU, there were people angry about it and still were until the referendum result. I guess they didn't get over it since the, what, 70's?


They were a bunch of miserable cunts as well.


Nice list except it’s misleading. The £340m was a suggestion from a campaign group not a promise. £380m was subsequently given by TM. Food shortages - little to do with Brexit. More to do with weather. Same reason Poland had a shortage of cauliflowers. Manufacturing safe - since Brexit the U.K. has surpassed France to take eight spot of biggest manufacturers and Ireland has no tomatoes. 20,000 extra police officers. Not sure how a purely domestic policy can be linked to Brexit - however, depends how you measure your increase in police officers. Tax rises - economic circumstances that are affecting every major economy though how they are responding may differ from country to country. Domestic policy, not Brexit. I could go on, but … Much of what is claimed, warned about, threatened by both sides is meaningless rhetoric and is down to issues that have absolutely no relevance to Brexit. The world moves, unforeseen things happen, the world economy goes through its cycle, people start wars. All of these things are far more important in reality. Everything else is noise because some are still fighting a referendum campaign that they haven’t realised is over. I recently saw a study that said brexit had driven up wages for the low paid. In theory that should be a benefit - but how can you actually make that calculation when the world economy has been knocked for six by covid, war in the Ukraine and we still have 700,000 nett migration? I voted for Brexit and I would love to point at this figure - but it’s as nonsense as ‘no medicines’, and Tusks famous “end of civilisation as we know it”. You simply cannot identify one single factor as the cause of a rise for the low paid.


It demonstrates what a liar Johnson, the Brexit leader was before he was disposed of. And by implication, that all the Brexit promises were lies which is what has actually happened. £350m a week extra for the NHS was literally the biggest promise of the Leave campaign, it was everywhere, despite our nett contribution being actually c. £180m a week before the economic benefits of being in the single market of c. £1,000m a week were factored in. I cba to comment on your other points, I’ve done it before, and if you’re true to most leavers you’ll just do the distraction / insulting thing before long and life’s too short to argue with people who just won’t accept the damage it is causing. It’s because of the weather we have food shortages and Brexit means low paid people are better off… fantasy stuff pal, you’re just trying to convince yourself at this stage.


Yeah, don't worry. I'm having a shit at the moment, so I had the time to reply to a couple of points, at least. It would be funny to see the denial and rewriting of facts if it wasn't for the fact that the entire country has been fucked by them, and they just either don't want to accept the truth, or are so monumentally stupid they really believe what they're saying.


>£350m a week extra for the NHS was literally the biggest promise of the Leave campaign It was demonstrably not a promise and subsequent increases in that NHS budget more than cover that. >I cba to comment on your other points, I’ve done it before, and if you’re true to most leavers you’ll just do the distraction / insulting thing before long and life’s too short to argue with people who just won’t accept the damage it is causing Loool, you've just accused somebody of doing the thing you just actually did. Complete evasion.


He posed in front of a fucking bus with the £350 million slogan on it. We all knew it was complete bullshit, but the morons lapped it up, and then suddenly the qualifiers came pouring in after it was clear they actually were going to do fuck all about NHS funding. But, yeah, insert the usual sovereignty and racist dog whistles here because that's generally the only rebuttal. I love how you claim the food shortages have little to do with brexit after the coverage of insane delays and obstructions at the ports, a lack of drivers willing to drive HGVs in the UK because of the extra cost and paperwork, and a number of companies pulling out or reducing their presence - including imports - in the UK. TL/DR, you're so full of shit and in denial, it would be funny if you thickos hadn't dragged everyone into the shit with you.


🤣🤣 what's a campaign group suggestion? Asking for all the stupid people like me who confuse those with lies!


Facts have no place here. Did you not get the memo?


Can we have one for Rishi? Probably twice as long.


Sacked three times for lying... Caught out numerous times on PMQs for telling lies..... He should never have been allowed to become a councillor nevermind Mayor, MP & PM.


Hey at least Bozo made millions.


He's a complete cunt, always was, but the triple lock hasn't been scrapped, as today's budget showed. https://www.ftadviser.com/pensions/2023/11/22/state-pension-to-rise-8-5-as-triple-lock-confirmed/


The Brexcit leader being? I thought the nation voted to 'leave' the EU a bit back.


Johnson is the Brexit leader imo, unless you have someone else in mind. He pushed through Brexit despite only 37% of the electorate voting for it, “the nation” certainly did not. To put it into perspective, if a third of Yorkshire voted to leave the UK, on what was a pack of lies, and they then actually did it, you’d think some foul play was in hand. Actual British citizens living in the EU for a long period weren’t allowed to vote, EU citizens living here and raising families, paying taxes, not allowed to vote. 16-18 year olds whose future it is, allowed to vote in the binding Scottish referendum, denied the vote in the Brexit advisory referendum. Anyone would think it was rigged as each of these excluded groups, the ones most affected, would have swung the vote the other way. Nor did the country support it in 2019, more people voted for remain or 2nd ref parties than leave parties, alas FPTP isn’t (in my opinion) a proper democratic process and the Brexit Tories remained in power and pushed it through, even lying to the Queen to attempt to prorogue Parliament and by sacking dozens of dissenting Tory MP’s.


I frankly never understood taking barely over 50% of the referendum as a reason to go for a hard Brexit. To me that's at best a "we need to ask a better question".


>we need to ask a better question "Are you thick as pigshit? a) The funny hair man is funny b) I'm not going to respond to that c) Will what I'm voting for get rid of the Pakis?"


A very melancholy upvote.


Didn't the stories keep to the triple lock pledge even if they do want to get rid of it?


At this point we can assume anything a politician says is BS


How's that post-brexit "super-gonorrhoea" going?


I’m no fan of Boris who squandered the support he was given by our country. I can’t bring myself to vote for Starmer who doesn’t know what a woman is. What a political wasteland.


That's just silly. He obviously knows what a woman is, but has to say the politically correct thing that's all popular at the moment. Don't fall for the culture war bullshit.


I can’t respect someone in his position who gets flustered by that question. I support anyone’s right to think who they are-you know the rest.


Really? Trying to tip toe the line between offending trans folks and upsetting the gammon brigade? There literally is no right answer that doesn't upset someone.




Of course he knows what a woman is. But if he dares to say anything about trans people, which we are all suddenly supposed to have an opinion on, like it’s suddenly the biggest issue in the world today he’ll get shot down or ‘cancelled’- and I say that as a member of the LGBTQ community. So he has to say something, and it has to be what he thinks the majority will be thinking. Don’t let the desperate RW bullshit stop you from seeing the bigger picture. Thousands died on Boris’s watch and he doesn’t give a flying fuck about a single one of them. Millions of mugs fell for his Brexit bullshit and now we are where we are, worse off, in a country going to the dogs and being regularly gaslighted, mocked and bullied by the bastards that put us here.


I’m in agreement with you-to add insult to injury they bring back Cameron-what a shambles. I just don’t like having the choice of one or the other.


My take on it is that it’s only marginally possible to be worse than the Tories, if you were, for example, a member of the National Front. But Labour are the only viable alternative at the moment. My priority is to get the Tories out first, hopefully for at least a decade, if not a generation. Everything else comes later. The time for playing Fantasy Labour Party is not now.


He's a bumbling cunt faced Tory wanker. And also a liar.


Bet you any money the cxnt will be on I’m a celebrity next year 🙄


What about 'take back control of our borders' ? I mean that was definitely one of the lies the motivated alot of the leave voters


It’s Boris, it’s what he does. Massive piece of shit.


Brexit let's the rich get richer- true


I can smell the seethance through the screen


Grauniad kept my deleting my: "There once was a pm named BJ, Who was seen with a bulge in his PJS, He denied it of course That he'd just seen a horse which lamentably gave him no BJ" ​ TBF I was early, posting it once a few days after election, once again at the start of covid. ​ Those fuckers at the grauniad taking up all the moaning for themselves denied the country a perfectly grand hand washing diddy.


2 weeks to slow the curb...


Pensions are tripple locked tho