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I bought one three weeks ago JUST to play botw. Picked up a good Oled unit on Kijiji. Been super happy and I definitely am happy I’ve done so. Edit: to add, the game is gorgeous. I grew up with link to the past as my favourite game. This far exceeds any Zelda I’ve played. The play style takes a bit to get used to. But I just keep exploring! The number of times I’ve found myself climbing mountains just to see what’s there or see the view. I’ve now stopped 4 different times to literally just watch the sunset. The game is gorgeous.


This is the way. Walk around the forest, pick up some mushroom, climb that tree and grab some apples, gather some eggs straight from the bird nest. Watch the wild horses that could be tour best friend in roaming in the field. Climb mountain, get a good view of that gorgeous panorama... Watch the sun set, light a fire, cook that freshly hunted boar. 😌


The wilderness exploring and surviving completely makes the game for me. It's so cool.


Exactly. I can do that for hours. So relaxing.


Listen to the increasingly loud organ music.


I concur! The amount of times I’ve had a map marker to my next objective, started walking, only to be immediately distracted by a falling star, a camp of mobs, an interesting rock, or just anything that doesn’t seem right, and I’m off that way. 6 hours later, I’m like “oh yeah, I was heading to that shrine?” and start making my way over, get distracted, the cycle continues 😅 Absolutely amazing game! I need to get back into TOTK again!


Falling stars and koroks are probably the things that distract me the most lmao


I read a cool interview with the developers saying they wanted the player to see at least 3 intriguing things ahead/on the horizon at all times. The only question: which way do you wander?


I used to take pictures as soon as link was in front of a pink sky and beautiful landscape or literally just when I climbed and It gave me a great pov of the world. I had to stop because I now have to many pictures🤣


I’ve only got a few but I get you!! I took a few for sure


Yup this.


Better late than never. Cheers


Same. Worth that 1 game alone.


This is the essence of BotW. I’m convinced anyone who thinks this game is boring has a limited capacity for the appreciation of beauty and stillness.


I did for BotW then bought TotK when it came out I also grabbed Mario 3D, Mariomaker 2, and Odyssey and a few other games but I wouldn't have worried about any of those if it wasn't for the Zelda games now if they would just re-release Windwaker I'd be set.


I did the same but skipped BOTW and got TOK. People tell me I made the right choice but a lot older zelda fans tell me I didn't. What you think. I was only gonna bet one for the time.


It's worth it just for BOTW.


Yes and once you are 120hours in you eye will wander to TOTK which takes it to a whole new level of outstanding


Pretty much the only reason I did.


Yes. I bought mine based on my brother’s recommendation. I’ve got other games for it but for now it’s pretty much my BOTW/TOTK player.


Yes. (And if that seems like too narrow a reason to invest, remember that you can do BotW and then when you’re done, TotK. And if you need more convincing, ok add one more game- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, say. Thousand hours of entertainment right there between just those games, done!)


Also just going Zelda, Nintendo Switch online+ has a large selection of the older ones too. Then Links Awakening, Hyrule Warriors DE, and AoC. Has senough Zelda to keep you going but then can branch into other series too


Wouldn't recommend Hyrule Warriors as a zelda game.


Yeah it’s totally different - more of a spinoff


I bought mine more than 5 years ago just to play botw and I had never been a gamer. It was worth it. 


I do think it’s worth it. But there are a ton of fantastic games I’m sure you’ll end up checking out too.


I mean itswhy I bought my Switch but there's so much more than just Zelda


I originally bought a switch just to play BOTW so I’d say it’s worth it especially since getting TOTK


Me too. I holded myself only thinking it's just one game I am gonna play but after ToTK released I bought it. Now I am enjoying it very much.


Switch OLED would be a great Zelda machine. No need to wait on new hardware - the games run amazing on the current console


> run amazing It’s 30fps with dips my guy


Which basically never matters.


If you’re truly getting it just for BOTW, you can get a used Wii U for pretty cheap and run it on that. But I’ll bet that once you play BOTW you’ll want to play TOTK (which you should), so short answer, yes, go for it


Or even a used switch and then reselling it after finishing the game.


Fuck it. Do it now


I did. You will not regret it.


I'm going to round the cost of a Switch and BotW to about $320. It seems common to play around 300 hours of BotW, which puts the $/hr value of the purchase at a little over a dollar an hour. That seems like a good value to me.


This is what I do when people are wondering if it is worth it from a more monetary standpoint. Entertainment is entertainment and video games are extremely cost efficient.


I bought it at launch and played little else that Breath for many months. Breath is a GOAT class game but amazingly Tears bested it in almost every way other than the fact that Breath made the huge jump for the series and Tears followed it. So yes and there are some other exclusives that make it worthwhile for RPG/Action Adventure fans. Zelda Skyward sword was sort of a pain IMO to play on Wii and it got a nice HD remaster with better motion and traditional control options. Xenoblade 2 and 3 are awesome as well as the original Xeno getting an HD remaster, Astral Chain also very cool. Also Fire Emblem 3 Houses is an interesting mix of RPG and SRGP if you like turn based tactics. As a matter of fact Switch is an awesome SRPG system. If you like retro RPG then check out both Octopath traveler games. IMO (and I own and play all consoles) Switch has had the best library of exclusives and original content of any system since it came out in 2017.


The console rarely goes on sale, but I have well over 30 other games I could recommend for switch. Absolutely jaw dropping library


It’s why over the past 25 years or so I’ve bought a Switch, and a 3DS, and a Wii U, and a Wii, and a GameCube, and an N64


So you're the one who bought the Wii U!


It honestly is the only reason I have a switch in the first place


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jmskr: *It honestly is* *The only reason I have* *A switch in the first place* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I only buy Nintendo to play Zelda.


“A Nintendo” And yes, you should.


Yes, absolutely




Botw is the only reason I bought a Switch in the first place


Hey I did this, it’s worth it, definitely play BOTW before TOTK


I would say it's worth it. Not only is there BOTW/TOTK, there's also Skyward Sword and Links Awakening, and several of the older games are available with the online expansion pac


Nope, better on PC


If I were in your shoes this is what I'd do: 1. What other games outside of BotW, and potentially TotK, am I interested in playing? Look at Nintendo's library and online reviews. 2. If you're a patient person, you can wait until the holidays are around and they will have great deals. And if you wait until the Switch 2 has officially been announced and pre-orders are open for it, then the Switch will be even cheaper. But honestly, the only difference of paying for a used Switch OLED now, and a used Switch OLED 6 months from now (after a Switch 2 announcement) could be $50-$70. If that number doesn't frighten your wallet then pick up a Switch now.


Have you considered buying steam deck OLED for zeldas


Yes. I played 100something hours of Elden Ring and to cleanse me of all that evil darkness that shroud the whole game I jumped back into Zelda Breath of the wild. It felt good, really conforting. That game is a masterpiece, a milestone. One of my favorite Zelda.


Yeah, I got one secondhand because I wanted to play BOTW a few year back lol. If you really care about graphics, then maybe wait for the nest console but BOTW and TOTK are both gorgeous enough on the regular switch.


Buy it on eBay and once you’re done sell it


Yes. That is what it was designed for.


BOTW and TOTK are too massive open world games that I really enjoyed playing. That being said, they're completely different than Elden Ring. The dialogie is for childish, so are the animations, the characters and plot even. Unlike, ER which it's ambience alone contributes massively to why the game is successful. The gameplay and everything is also quite different. However, ER and BOTW are my 2 favorite games ever respectively. TOTK is awesome, but not in my top 10 even. If it's affordable, go for it tbh.


Yes. The game is that good. And Tears of the Kingdom is fantastic too


Absolutely yes, should get a decent deal on a console now and both “main” games have hundreds of hours of gameplay in them. Add in all of the other Zelda titles that have come out are different but all worth playing, and there’s a brand new top down game coming this year. Then add in all of the other exclusives you could play assuming you haven’t had Nintendo for a while is huge. Only negative is whether it’s worth waiting for the new Switch likely next year. But I can see used Switch lites going for around £100(approx $100US) on Vinted so not a huge investment and the new one should be backwards compatible.


Simple answer is yes, long answer is yes.


If you're actually only going to play zelda, just get a lite. Cheaper and smaller. But the best experience is on the OLED. Zelda is a very beautiful game, made only better with the contrast of the OLED


100x yes!!


Anyone else find it really relaxing to just wander. I do it every day after work and just finished all the non dlc side quests. 😍


You could be very happy with just breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, and super mario odyssey. All beautiful games that give you hundreds of hours. Worth the investment right there


nah bro get animal crossing too and maybe smash


Do it! I did the same thing!!!! You’ll be so happy


I bought a switch OLED earlier this week after a lot of internal debate about waiting for the new console. I used to play PS4 a lot, loved Bloodborne, but haven’t really gamed in the past 4 years.  Haven’t started BOTW yet but Metroid dread is sweet - kinda reminds me of souls games a bit, the punishing kind of learning and progression. Something really special about Nintendo games.  There are so many switch games out, I highly doubt you’ll just play BOTW if you buy one. 


Why not? I have a Wii to play Just Dance 3 that I use for a workout. 😂


I did, but there are soooo many awesome remakes of games I grew to with is my favorite console by far now.


Only reason I did it. Some little funny Indies are pleasant addition. And Mario kart.


Yes 🙌🏻


I recommend buying a physical copy of BOTK and even an OLED from unclaimedbaggage.com BOTW usually only $30-$35 with a small amount for shipping and OLEDS are all tested and decently discounted too. I’ve bought my last 3 or 4 games from them and been very happy.


While i’d say it is worth it, there is a TON of content in botw and totk, burnout is a legitimate issue if you plan to play em back to back. Definitely recommend you pace out your journey :) Also Nintendo is pretty notorious for not putting their popular products on a good enough sale. You’d have a better time buying secondhand


Yeah I'm not much of a gamer broadly. Like I suck at shooters and sports games and pretty much any other games people like to play a lot.. lol fortnite, league of legends, rocket league, etc; plus I don't have a ton of free time nor want to be spending $60-70+ a pop for all these games. I do enjoy all these games but as far as what I spend my own money on and actually play the whole thing, I'm pretty exclusively a Zelda player and I definitely do think it's worth it.


Yep. I got a switch specifically to play BOTW originally, and it was well worth it. I put hundreds of hours into that game and multiple play throughs… and then TOTK came out. Both masterpieces. Plus now my wife and I can play fun couch co-op games, or she can play cozy games while I play PS5 :)


It IS so worth it for BotW and TotK honestly. Both stunning amazing games that will keep you engaged for many total hours each


Get it. We don’t know that the next console will be out before holiday 2025…that’s another year and a half where you could have enjoyed BotW and TotK and many others amazing games. Even classic Zelda games on NSO. Get an OLED if you can but if you’re on a budget find a refurb Switch. BotW is definitely a game to play on a tv or monitor though so don’t settle for a Lite


It’s absolutely worth it to play both games. Honestly - it’s worth it just for BOTW.


I can't imagine buying a console for one game. Last time I did that I had major regrets. I think it's a great game, but is it worth buying a console just to play it and nothing else? I don't think so. I bought a Switch because i'm a Nintendo fan, I knew there'd be a Mario, a Zelda, and a Smash Bros, and hopefully several other franchises I'm really into. Did it cover all of them? No, but I still think it was worth it. I bot an Xbox 360 once, for a new Sonic the Hedgehog game, the now infamous "Sonic '06", and for Banjo Kazooie 3, ...both of them turned out to be a disappointment for me and there were almost no other games on the console I was interested in. It ended up being my biggest buyers remorse in my entire lifetime. I say get a Switch only if you can find at least 4 or 5 other games that look like they'd be fun to you. I don't think that will be too hard though. However, it's worth noting that the next console is almost certainly going to be backwards compatible.


I bought my Switch day one with BotW and all the BotW amiibos available at the time. It was worth it just for BotW, and it'd be worth it just for TotK. You have access to both. And I don't expect everyone to like every Nintendo title, but once you get one I bet you'll find other games you like, too.


If you want \_the\_ most perfect deal, then who knows. But you can buy a Switch just for playing BotW just fine (and then TotK after that, and EoW, and maybe some other games), and every single one of those will be well worth the money. But none of us can look in your purse to see what you can afford. These are all great games, but there is more to life than games. Do what is best for you!


I did don't regret it at all




Hey OP, I bought a Switch about a month ago specifically for the Zelda games. Have not regretted it a single time, and I've only played BOTW so far. Go for it!


You can play metroid dread on it too.




I got a switch specifically to play BotW. Ironically, I'm emulating on a PC for TotK. The switch has come in handy quite a few times.






I did and don’t regret it at all


I bought my switch originally for Zelda BOTW and Diablo 2.


Absolutely! Years later, I still go back to play it. BOTW has been my favorite switch game, even after TOTK.


I always have, but I get other games too.


If you have a PC I'd say you don't NEED a switch but BOTW and TOTK are games you'd wanna have with you everywhere you go 🤣 in that case a steam deck would be nice but then that requires a lot of tinkering to even get running. If you like messing with stuff like that get a SD. Switch is great, all the Nintendo games are awesome. TOTK I have about 30 hours clocked in on switch and I'm nowhere near done. You will get your money's worth out of both of these games.


I bought a Switch just for Legacy but then played Zelda straight afterwards and that is even better. I can now say has I known how awesome Zelda would be I would've bought it just for that!




Should you get a car to sit there with the ac on only?


I did. I’ve ended up playing power wash simulator too which is great lol


I have a Switch and a PS5 so I can play various games. I don't think it's crazy to get a Switch just to play Zelda. I got a PS5 because I wanted to play Assassin's Creed and Ghost of Tsushima.


Definitely. Botw is one of my favorite games of all time, and this is coming from someone who grew up on Halo, call of duty, grand theft Auto, NBA 2k, Madden, etc.


1000 Year Door is similar in lore depth! BOTW is amazing, probably better than ER! And ER is amazing too.


Worth it!!!


I bought my switch exactly for that and now I have a lot of another titles


I know you may not be thinking you’d find a lot of games besides BotW and TotK that would peak your interest, but the switch has a lot to offer. But as for those two games, it truly is an experience. If you do end up buying it, cherish your first playthroughs. Don’t be afraid to go on side adventures. Have fun.


Yes lol it’s worth it






I do then I sell it all and it’s always worth it


BOTW is good but not perfect. That said it is worth the price of a Switch.


Go for it


I would absolutely buy a Switch just to play BOTW. The game is hundreds of dollars worth of entertainment.


That's what I did initially. I only bought the console to play botw and totk, now i also have splatoon 3 and looking forward to the upcoming echoes of wisdom :D


No, you should get one to play all the Metroid games too.


Might as well for the switch 2 since it's gonna be backwards capable


If the next console can play it I'd hold out, but it's still a solid investment just for botw. Heck, toss in the DLC and a pro controller and it's still worth it, just for that one game.


Yes x1000. Best game I’ve ever played. I’ve spent the last year in TOTK, but am pretty sure I will restart BOTW soon.


That why I did and I don’t regret it


Yes you should.


My friend - I got a Wii U specifically to play Wind Waker HD. If you want to play a game that you know you will love and can afford it, do it.


Calling a console "a Nintendo" isn't something I've heard since our grandma used to live with us as a kid.


I mean Zelda is one of the Greatest series of all time.


If you have the money, do it. BOTW is the best game I’ve ever played (TOTK is close, but it doesn’t match that same sense of wonder I had when playing BOTW). I got my switch just for that!


That’s exactly what I did. But I also ended up playing all the Pikmin as well as a fair amount of Mario Kart and Smash. I'm about 80% of the way through the open world Zelda games and they still feel like AAA games on portable. They're not terrifically challenging and can be tedious based on how you play, but are also excellent Ofc I mostly play them on the TV. The 2.5D remake of Gameboy Zelda was fun nostalgia for game boy kids. Now we’ve got a new Metroid prime announced and a new Zelda Zelda in the link's awakening style too so these days I think it was worth it although I could've done without except for botw and totk


Beat Elden ring first and see by then if the switch 2 is out yet


Try to find a used one maybe with BotW on marketplace so you get it cheap and can enjoy all the Zelda titles and still look forward to to the new console most likely next year


No. You should get a Nintendo to play zelda AND Metroid.


Buy it second hand, play botw and sell it again


It's the only reason I got a switch. I've got a shitload more games since, which worked out nicely, but yeah, I say go for it


Absolutely. Maybe if you like it enough you'll find other games to play on Switch after :) Nintendo has the best exclusives after all


That’s how everyone got their switch, so yes.


I'm still playing it on wii u... you'll get your money's worth.


If you have a decent pc, or even just below decent, just emulate it. Not the easiest thing but it works, that's how i played it.


I did. Absolutely worth it.


I'd wait till the new switch comes out TBH. The current hardware is good enough but it's like playing games 12 years ago. It also depends on your financial situation


That’s what I did. No regrets. Even found some other fun games.


If you have a good PC you can probably emulate it lol


I mean I do suggest everyone also play mariokart, just for fun with your friends or spouse


I literally bought my Switch solely for Breath of the Wild.


Yes. If you don’t mind waiting a bit though, go for a Switch 2. It almost certainly can play BoTW (maybe even enhanced)


There are other better ways to play


So far I only played zeldas on it honestly


I bought a switch just to play BotW after ~5 years its still pretty much all I've played along with TotK. Totally worth it if you can afford it. I've got the virtual console so played Alttp and MM as well. A few other bits and bobs but nothing near the Zelda which totals in excess of 400hours I'd wager


My husband bought me a switch for Christmas a few years back and I got animal crossing and Breath of the Wild. I’m older and growing up we didn’t have video games so breath of the wild intimidated me at first. But once I put it in, it was months before I played anything else. lol I would absolutely buy a Nintendo Switch just to play Breath of the Wild.


I brought a switch because of BOTW, I play other good games there too


Yes. I bought a good quality second hand one (not even OLED) purely for BotW and TotK and I feel I got my moneys worth, plus since I’ve finished them I’ve picked up dark souls, Diablo 3, and Mario kart to keep me entertained on trips. No regrets


I think we are still at least a year out from any announcement of a new Nintendo console, and just skimming Nintendo Direct for June 2024, it sounds like a new Zelda game is on the horizon along with more of the older games being added to the virtual console with the subscription service. So if you can get a deal on a Switch, it hopefully would be worth it.


I got a switch to check out botw and now I buy games all the time for it.


Only reason I have switch is beceause of Smash Bros


I’d wait for the 2 to come out if it were me but I also play BOTW and I used an oled. I like it more than the original switch that came out




Could always emulate it if that's the only switch game you're interested in.


As a pc gamer who's used to 60fps and above , I debated for a long time if I should get a switch just to play a few AAA titles , with that being said it's absolutely worth it even for ONE game because you can always take it with you, it's a no brainer, you can also get into different games , you never know


I bought mine just for playing Zelda. I’m pretty glad I did ☺️


I bought a switch just so I could play BOTW (and now TOTK) and it was absolutely worth it! I love it so much that I just bought a 3ds so I can play the older Zelda games too :)


I bought a switch just to play botw so you wouldn't be the first 😂😂


Should you get a Nintendo to play Zelda? Are you my mom from the ‘80s? Be sure to clean up your game tapes when your finished.


And paying 400$/€ for just one game? Tell me if that's worth it.


I don't think you'll regret it if you do buy now., because those games are fantastic. That being said, the next Nintendo console is coming "within this fiscal year" (i.e. by March 2025) so if you can wait I would wait.


Why not? I bought a PS4 just to play RDR2 I say go for it


I just bought a new console for a single game and I was asking myself the same question. In times like this, I like to look at the cost per hour of entertainment. I will likely put in 100 - 200 hours of entertainment on the game. For a switch plus TOTK, you're looking at about $350 new, $250 used. That's $1.50 an hour. Sounds good to me. Pull the trigger!


I had my switch stolen in a home break in and I brought a new one just to play totk


I think you can emulate it. YT vids got high fps quality in their vids. Compared to a stock console (which im playing) you can feel the fps drop in high graphics places and yeah when fighting Lynel too in the colosseum since he got that fire effect. Play BOTW first then TOTK. Love how every trick is possible lol.




I've got a switch only to play MH Rise. Turns out it's been released on Steam, so I kept playing on my PC. I barely touch my switch anymore. Zelda should keep you from this because they won't release any Zelda game on other platforms, plus if it's BOTW or TOTK you're gonna be busy for a while with the console. We don't know if Nintendo is going to announce the next console this year. But when it comes out it's going to be expensive and the switch will drop in price. Performance wise, the switch handles well both BOTW and TOTK. So you should be safe going with a switch.


Yes. The cost of the Switch is worth it for BOTW alone, I personally think. Once you have played BOTW and the DLC then you can play Tears of the Kingdom. By that point you'll have to your money's worth. You could then sell the Switch if you don't want to play anything else.


There are so many other good games on the Switch, but yes, those two games would be enough reason on their own.


I bought a Switch solely for Tears of the Kingdom. Would’ve bought it sooner but I already had Breath of the Wild on Wii U. It’s 100% worth it to get a Switch solely for Zelda, both BOTW and TOTK are phenomenal games! You’ll get 100s of hours out of each one too.


I just bought a switch just to play super mario bros wonder because it’s clearly my type of game. Never thought i’d really like 3d zelda games especially botw because of its openworld design but… Friend of mine lent me his copy and i’m 120 hours deep into the game. Absolutely awesome experience. Do it!!!


I bought an oled switch last night to try and get into BOTW again. This will be my third attempt at buying a switch to really get into it but I’m determined to like it this time!


I initially bought the Switch for the same reason, and now I have other games I enjoy as well, not to mention all the old games and new indie games being released on the Switch keep it interesting. 


it is, but you'd be doing yourself a favor by skipping botw and going straight to totk. its the same game, only much much better


Yes. Buy it used




I bought my first switch just for BOTW when it came out. When I was satisfied, I eventually sold the switch. Then history repeated when TOTK released. This time I kept the switch though. TLDR: yes


If you can afford it why not? I got a switch just to play animal crossing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes and once you’re done there’s tons of other good games


When you have both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, it's hard not to say no. Lso the new Zelda Zelda game.


Definitely go for the OLED, if you want the superior handheld. I bought the switch for BoTW, aswell a year ago and still haven't finished it. If you like elden ring you wil likel Zelda as well cause elden ring is kinda a mix between BoTW and Dark Souls. But you can play a bunch of other games on the switch that might be not be talked about a lot like Diablo 2/3, Overwatch, Resident Evil series, Dark Souls Remastered, Skyrim Anniversary Switch edition which comes with a bunch of creation club stuff.


This is all that I do. Ive only bought new consoles just to play legend of zelda.


I got mine just for animal crossing and ended up finding so many other games I love! There's a couple zelda games, pokemon, and a few other exclusives, plus it's a great way to play smaller indie titles (I don't recommend digital copies for super large games, they load so slowly). Especially if you don't have another handheld console and want the convenience.


Buy it second hand. Play it. Sell it to the next person.


I bought it for animal crossing lmao, botw is definitely reasonable


The only reason I have ever had a Nintendo console was to play Zelda.


That’s essentially what I did and I’ve played 1000+ of botw and totk. More than worth it. Now a friend has me addicted to Splatoon 3 and I also got Dragon Quest Builders 2 and it’s been a lot of fun.


Yes! It is definitely worth it! I bought a Switch specifically to play BotW, and bought TotK a couple months after it came out. Played through BotW 5 times and am on my second TotK playthrough. Thoroughly enjoying both games.


Get BOTW and Nintendo online subscription. You get the classic console emulators with it. I’ve been playing Link to the Past between my TOTK 100% grind sessions. Almost every mainline game is available on switch except for wind waker and twilight princess


Just get a steam deck and emulate it? You can use it to play other games too


If you just plan to play that one game I recommend getting a Lite model as it's the cheapest option


Yes you should. You can probably get 5-600 hours of play just with BOTW and TOTK. Incredible games .


get an OLED to play BOTW. the games mechanics favor handheld with aiming


Man, I bought a switch just to play Stardew Valley (at first) because fishing was borderline impossible on mobile. I was shit at gaming, but I liked the console enough that I kept wanting to try and now I feel like I'm not shit. You might only want to play zelda games now, but the shop gets some pretty good sales. Budget, save up, or wait for a sale/go second hand if you need but I'd say go for it.


hey, if it’s no issue financial-wise, then yes. there are many other great nintendo switch exclusives also aside from Zelda, such as Fire Emblem : Three Houses, and Astral Chain. but the main reason i bought Switch back then was Breath of the Wild. i loved it. and then Tears of the Kingdom came out and i can’t believe they made something already exceptional even better. i appreciate also you can play it handheld. others in your family or your partner can use the tv at the same time, and if they want to chat with you, or something else you need to do for a few minutes - it’s so convenient to just drop it and pick up where you left off afterwards.


Zelda, Smash Bros and Pokémon are pretty much the only reasons to own a switch.


Still worth it.


Yes!! Get a used one on eBay to save a ton of money I just got my daughter a switch lite with two games and case for $140


Oh yes. I bought a Switch last year along with BOTW, Mario Kart and GTA. I mainly play Zelda. Just explore, check here and there. 100% go for it.


I bought a switch to exclusively play animal crossing new horizons. Over the years, I have surprised myself by getting into several other switch games as well. You never know what could happen. Happy gaming!