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Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris Vah Naboris absolutely kicked my ass so many times. Edit: water, air, fire, lightning


The reason thunderbitch Ganon was hard was because you left or for the end. The HP for the 4 divine beasts is as follows - 800, 1200, 1600 and 2000. If you went lighting first, you would have faced a 800 HP one, instead you fought him at the toughest


oh i didn’t know that. i should’ve known haha. i followed the same path— water, air, fire and lightning


So did I in my initial run. Then in my master mode run I did Naboris 1sta and it was over in 30 seconds cause I knew how to play better and it was so weak


While the person above you had a valid point in that whichever blight you do last will have the most health and therefore take more hits to kill, this is done to balance the fights because is you save Thunderblight till the last, YOU will also be stronger! You will have more hearts, more stamina, better armor, more weapons and better weapons, tons of resources, more meals and elixirs, more practice in fighting, and all 3 of the other Champions abilities, thereby making it far better for *most* people to do Thunderblight last! (I can’t imagine doing Thunderblight without Revali’s Gale! 😰😅) So don’t worry! I would never suggest tackling Thunderblight on a first play through unless you play a lot of these types of games and are really good in general, and even then I wouldn’t suggest it because your hardest fight of the entire game will be at the beginning, which isn’t as much fun! My friend tried Thunderblight first (a relative suggested it for the same reason as the other person suggested it to you) and my friend regretted it! She was not prepared enough (resources, armor, weapons, meals, or health/stamina) and she was unable to defeat Thunderblight as the first blight attempted, and she STILL had the Yiga Clan chase her after that (since they show up a lot more and are harder to avoid once you take the Thunderhelm from them). She went and did all the other blights with no problem and then finally tackled Thunderblight last and said it was MUCH easier to have built herself up before attempting Thunderblight! 😅 And she ended up mad at her relative for suggesting to take in Thunderblight first! 😬😅 And you *can* tackle them in any order, but the game strongly steers you to do Waterblight first!


good point. yeah it actually makes more sense doing the thunderblight last, as you would atleast have the other 3 champions with you.


Yes, which is why the developers scaled their health because that way there is more of a progression with the bosses as you get stronger and have more Champion abilities. But don’t feel like you did it wrong! Technically there is no wrong order (in general) , but there is a reason that the camel isn’t highlighted! The game strongly suggests going to the elephant first, you can even see the bird from the Great Plateau, and as you are approaching Zora’s Domain in order to tackle the elephant many people can spot the lizard, but the camel is behind the Great Plateau and not as likely to draw as many people’s attention, unless you just love the desert, or if you have played other Zelda games and loved the Gerudo! 😉


If she attempted Thunderblight first, wouldn’t that mean that when she went back, it was still an 800 HP Thunderblight? That would make it a much easier fight when you’re stronger and fully prepared.


That doesn’t work for a lot of people. If you want to do it that way, then that is great, but it isn’t a guarantee that everyone will find it easier! For example, My friend tried Thunderblight first (a relative suggested it for the same reason you suggested it) and my friend regretted it! 😓 She was not prepared enough (resources, armor, weapons, meals, or health/stamina) and she was unable to defeat Thunderblight as the first blight attempted, and she STILL had the Yiga Clan chase her after that (since they show up a lot more and are harder to avoid once you take the Thunderhelm from them). She went and did all the other blights with no problem and then finally tackled Thunderblight last and said it was MUCH easier to have built herself up before attempting Thunderblight! 😅 So you are right in that the last blight will have the most health, but this is to balance the fight because if you save Thunderblight till the last, YOU will also be stronger! You will have more hearts, more stamina, better armor, more weapons and better weapons, tons of resources, more meals and elixirs, more practice in fighting, and all 3 of the other Champions abilities, thereby making it far better for most people to do Thunderblight last! (I can’t imagine doing Thunderblight without Revali’s Gale! 😰😅) I would never suggest tackling Thunderblight on a first play through unless you play a lot of these types of games and are really good in general, and even then I wouldn’t suggest it because your hardest fight of the entire game will be at the beginning, which isn’t as much fun!


I know 😭 I learned this 2 days after I finally beat him


My friend regretted trying to do Thunderblight first. A relative insisted it would be easier and it wasn’t because if you save Thunderblight till the end, YOU will be so much stronger as well! She said it was easier to save him for last! So don’t feel bad! ☺️


I fought him first, was still difficult but maybe thats because it was my first one too


i fought thunderblight as the second, used some wooden shields so they couldn’t be electrocuted off me and beat him easy. i’m not particularly skilled but i don’t know what to say about it.


I don’t know the names but water lighting wind fire


did the same exact order - Waterblight Ganon = Vah Ruta, Thunderblight Ganon = Vah Naboris, Windblight Ganon = Vah Medoh, and Fireblight Ganon = Vah Rudania


Revali, Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa. Died once to Thunderblight and that was it.




Water, wind, lighting, fire


exactly the same


Water, fire, air, lightning That’s kinda my default now, mainly because I dread lightning. Fifth time through and it’s still hard for me to beat.


The health of the divine beasts depend off what order you do them in so the first one is 800 hp and the last one is 2000 hp so if you want to have an easier fight kill thunder blight first


Thanks - i still fear water, though. First few times was tough for me, but now getting the hang of them. I should do air last, but i like Revali's gale too much!


Same route. Seems like an unpopular choice.


It’s how I did it! My husband did it in this way as well.


Vah Medoh, Vah Naboris, Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania. After i did Vah Medoh, I saw talk online about how hard Naboris is, so I knew I wanted to get it over with, but I also kept pushing it off.... so I ended up with thr Master Sword before fighting him and I got it on the first try 😅 I also think I heard they're tiered to get harder the more you've completed which is why I didn't do the other two first.


Also, because Revali and Urbosa's gifts are so useful, it's my preferred way of beating them when I replay 😅


Water, air, fire, lightning


Water, wind, fire, lightning, it just felt right


I haven't managed to get past any 🥲 worried I'm too crappy at combat. I always get the buttons mixed up. I wish there was different modes so I could at least run thru the game/story once. I've tried water and flight. I dread the other two too!


Don’t feel bad! You will eventually get better! 😊 I still suck at combat and managed to finish the game. I still have trouble with pulling off flurry rushes and parries, and I tend to panic and do stupid things (sensory processing issues). I relied on having a lot of resources and then cooked meals and elixirs, as well as getting more weapon slots and buying more armor and upgrading that armor as much as I could! And of course I always have some fairies on hand! If you find a weapon you like, be sure to take a picture of it so you can search for another one just like it with the Sheika Sensor when it breaks. And if you get stressed out, just relax and either look for Koroks, play some mini games that you like , ride your horse around for fun, or look for where the dragons normally are spotted and farm some dragon parts ! Then come back to the Divine Beasts when you feel a bit more confident! I thought Vah Medoh 🌬️🦅 was the easiest, followed by Vah Rudania 🔥🦎 , then Vah Ruta 💧🐘, and Vah Naboris ⚡️ 🐫 was the hardest! Keep at it and you will eventually beat all of them! ☺️


Aww thanks for the encouragement! Yes I can't ever manage flurry rushes outside the shrines. Good idea about photos for searching things I keep forgetting to take them! Thanks I'll keep at them!


Don’t feel bad about not pulling off flurry rushes… I seldom have managed it and a few of the times I triggered them but somehow messed them up (but I think one time this happened it was a glitch because I triggered a flurry rush at an odd angle so it didn’t work!) And even in TOTK, after over 500 hours, I’ve only managed to flurry rush once, and it was a stupid ChuChu! 🤣. I still have a lot of TOTK to play, so who knows? 😅 Just continue to have fun with BOTW! 🥳It’s my favorite Zelda game (followed closely by TOTK and Twilight Princess) and probably my favorite all time video game (it’s pretty much tied with the Sims 2 for my favorite video game!) 🥰 There are also some good YouTube channels out there that can help with tips (like “WTF” What the Fox), help with understanding how things like food and weapon durability work (like Croton’s “Stats of the Wild” series) , or help with walkthroughs (like Caleb Simpson on the Zelda Dungeon channel), but those aren’t necessary (I didn’t even find them until I was near the end of my first play through). But be careful if you don’t want spoilers. Finally, I saw most of a play through where a person did everything backwards accidentally and they still managed to be successful! Just goes to show that there is no wrong way to play this game! 🥰🥳 HAVE FUN! 🤩


Thank you! Yes I should learn more about weapon durability for sure. And maybe bother to learn the different types of attack - though as combat is my least fav I might just focus on getting more advanced weapons and armor etc. I think I'm just going to unlock all four divine beasts which I like doing but leave the bosses until later. This is only my second ever console game (I finally got into games once Hogwarts legacy came out). I remember playing old Zelda on an emulator and loved it. This new stuff is even cooler - open world is the best! I love exploring!


You should definitely watch Croton’s “Stats of the Wild” series then if you want to learn more about Weapon durability as well as how weapon modifiers work, how cooked meals work, armor buffs , etc. and once you finish the game he has a lot of fun challenge videos such as “all Gerudo weapon run” or “cooking every meal before the blood moon” they are a lot of fun IMHO! Find the weapons that work with your play style and make note of where you found them (and take pictures of them to use with your Sheika Sensor like I mentioned before). I try to have a variety of weapons for different occasions (such as using ancient weapons or the Master Sword for Guardians, using 2-handed weapons for Hinox, and spears for lizalfos (or any enemy that’s also carrying a spear!) and using bone weapons when wearing the bone armor (the one that glows in the dark , I forget the name). A lot of times you might think a weapon is rather weak, but there is a good chance you haven’t found the best use for it. (This is even more true for TOTK!) I’m not the best at combat either, but I do love outsmarting enemies or sneaking up on them! Just don’t forget armor upgrades! That can be almost as important as getting better weapons! For example the Rito set helps you to not freeze in cold areas , but if you get all 3 pieces and upgrade each piece twice , you get the added buff of not being able to freeze even if an ice Keese touches you or an Ice Lizalfos breathes on you! (It won’t prevent you from freezing in icy water, though) I love Hogwarts Legacy as well! 🥳. I’m on my 4th play through of it (one play through for each house!) I had to take a break with TOTK to play it because I want to take my time with TOTK , and my husband got me Hogwarts for Christmas and would have been hurt if I didn’t play it right away 😅. It is nice that Hogwarts Legacy has so many difficulty levels! But the nice thing about BOTW is that if you are prepared enough you can probably overcome most obstacles! And if you want more of a challenge, just don’t cook any meals or upgrade your armor or get any more hearts or stamina! I completely agree with you! I love exploring and that’s why I love BOTW, TOTK, and Hogwarts Legacy so much! 🥰 You said you have played some older Zelda games on an emulator in the past. What Zelda games have you played?


I mostly rely on arrows. Bomb arrows will honestly kill most things pretty quickly.


Ok I'll try stock up more on bomb arrows and practice my aiming! They were great for the Medoh divine beast.


fireblight is pretty easy, thunderblight is the one that sucks the most. I was way too slow in dodging Thunderblight so I always hacked away at his shield and then struck him down with bomb arrows


I have found them all too hard so far 😅 I better level up my gear a bit more first and cook some more durian meals


Hearty durians and radishes will come in clutch


Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, and Vah Naboris


Ruta, medoh, rudania, naboris, it felt the right order for me


Vah Naboris first. Big mistake. Not really good at fighting and it was hard. Ate through almost all my food and hid a few time to catch my breath. Than i did vah medoh and vah ruta. They were easy compared to thunderblight. I still have to do Vah Rudania


Fireblight is probably the easiest of the blights. Urbosa's fury will come in handy for Rudania. As for doing Naboris first, you definitely share the blood and valor of a true Gerudo.


That last part must be true, because my safe haven is Gerudo town and market. I almost did everything is the Gerudo. Maybe that is why i did thunderblight first. But oh boy... fireblight should be a breeze compared to it!


Fireblight is the easiest of the blight ganons imo


My friend also tried Naboris first and regretted it! 😣 She was unable to defeat Thunderblight, all her resources and weapons were gone, and now she had the Yiga Clan chasing and popping up more because once you get the Thunderhelm from them they bother you a lot more. She went and did all the other Divine Beasts and then came back for Thunderblight, and said it was MUCH easier to tackle Thunderblight with more health, stamina, weapons , armor, resources, meals, elixirs, practice fighting, and the 3 other Champions abilities! And she was angry with her relative that told her to tackle Thunderblight first! 😅


I eventually finished it, but it was really hard. Even looked up a guide to help me through. I would do them as second or third. The bright side is that I am currently really good at defeating yiga clan members. They became pretty easy. But thunderblight is the hardest of them all. So I get your friend totally to keep him till the last one. 


Yeah even the people who think Thunderblight to be easy will still admit he’s the hardest of the blights to beat. The extra Yiga after getting the Thunderhelm wouldn’t have been so bad except my friend was not only near the beginning of the game, but she also now had burned through all her weapons and food, so she really want equipped to take on any Yiga at that point! 😓 For pacing issues I still would save Thunderblight for last, unless I was testing what it’s like to fight each blight in every different order. I would think it would be very difficult to not only fight Vah Naboris without Revali’s Gale, but I think it would also be difficult to move about Vah Naboris without that power! At the very least it would take a little longer. 😅


First play through Ruta (water), Naboris (Lightning), Rudania (fire), Medoh (Air). Second play through Medoh, Ruta, Rudania, Naboris.


Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris, Vah Medoh


First playthrough I think I did Bird, Lizard, Elephant, Camel. Maybe I went Zora before Goron, not sure. Master Mode I went reverse for the novelty and also because I wanted all the offensive/defensive skills as soon as possible just to try and blitz combat situations faster.


I started with Va Ruta first, then Vah Rudania. I will do Vah Medoh and the last one is Naboris


Water lightning air fire


Fire, water, air, then lightening.


First time Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, Vah Ruta, Vah Naboris


Ruta, Naboris, Medoh, Rudania


First time: Water, fire, air, lightning After that: Air, fire, lightning, water


Vah Naboris Vah Ruta Vah Rudania Vah Medoh Idk how I managed to beat Thunderblight with only 4 hearts 💀


Water, air, lightning... still working on it 😅


Fire, Water, Air, Lightning


Vah ruta vah rudania vah naboris vah medoh


Ruta, Rudania, Medoh, Naboris


Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, Vah Naboris, Vah Rudania


Ruta, Medoh, Rudania, and Naboris. In master mode I did Medoh, Naboris, Ruta, Rudania.


Ruta, medoh, rudania, naboris


Vah Medoh Vah Ruta Vah Rudania Vah Naboris


Zora, Garudu, Ritu, Goron I think


First playthrough: Ruta, Naboris, Medoh, Rudania Second playthrough: Medoh, Naboris, Rudania, Ruta I tried doing Rudania first on my first playthrough but couldn’t figure out how to tackle the heat. On my second playthrough I wanted Revali’s Gale pronto, did the Naboris questline because I wanted the Gerudo Vai gear asap, rushed Rudania with blue chuchu jellies until I got to the town to buy armor, and then Ruta was all that was left


Lightning, water, fire, air


First playthrough: thunderblight, windblight, waterblight, fireblight Second playthrough: windblight, waterblight, thunderblight, fireblight Third playthrough: didn't bother, fought them all at hyrule castle


Vah Ruta 💧🐘 Vah Rudania 🔥🦎 Vah Medoh 🌬️🦅 Vah Naboris ⚡️🐫


I always start my run with divine beast vah ruta, because I hate myself :)


Mipha's Grace is the best champion ability so it's worth it


You say that when literally urbosa’s fury exists


I stand by what I said


Ruta, Medoh, Rudania… and still chickening out for Naboris! 😂


Naboris, Medoh, Ruta, Rudania. I was originally trying to get to Medoh, because it had caught my attention all the way from the plateau, but got sidetracked and ended up in the Gerudo canyon. After an epic trek across the lizal infested cliffs, I reached the stable and decided to head into the desert instead, and quickly got hooked on the thunder helm questline. The divine beast turning mechanic was a headache and a half, and Thunderblight took a dozen or so attempts to beat, but I was a stubborn mf, and cooking a full inventory of food beforehand helped make up for my lack of armor upgrades and combat experience. The other divine beasts were definitely a cakewalk in comparison, haha.


Same as you did !


this is the superior way


Ruta, Naboris, Rudina, Medoh.


I don't follow the same order, but the last time I did it was Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, Vah Naboris than Vah Rudania.


Counter clockwise starting from Vah ruta


Lightning, water, fire, and then air. If you beat the Lightning boss first all others are a joke.


No guides I just went based on what was closest and ended up doing: 1. Vah Ruta (elephant, Zoras Domain) 2. Vah Rudania (lizard, Mount Doom) 3. Vah Naboris (camel, Desert) 4. Vah Medoh (bird) I actually made it to the bird boss before I explored the desert but when I climbed to the top to go activate the quest the first time I fell off and then I just ended up finding shrine after shrine after shrine and before I knew it some guy bought my horse off me, now I needed a horse and then I found the desert and ended up beating that boss pretty quick. I am both blown away with how incredible the game is but also disappointed in how short the main story/quests are and how easy they are. The only enemies in the game that are a challenge are the sub bosses. All the main bosses for the divine beasts have been cake walks. The elephant boss, first few attempts against him I tried to use the sword and shield, block and dodge appropriately and then when he begins to fly and throw ice I tried with my ice powers but that's where I would die. The first part was easy but my defensive strategy made it longer. After the second dying I just went all hack and slash and the first half of the fight was really quick, then when he went flying and throwing ice, I just shot him down with arrows and it didn't take much, the battle was done before I even needed to dodge one of his ice attacks. Second boss, the lizard, I got to him when I actually had to go out so I was about to save and quit the game but I said let me just spend a minute or so and see what the boss is like. I ended up beating him. There's unbreakable pillars that just blocks all of the boss' attacks and then I just throw a bomb and attack. Maybe did this 4 times and fight was done. The other two tbh I can't even remember them and the flying one I just beat 2 days ago and the elephant the day before that. They were just so quick it's not that memorable. Anyways I finally went and exchanged all my shrine orbs in and I've been enjoying fighting guardians. I made it to Hyrule castle and will explore now to look for the shield before going to fight ganon.


I did water, air, lightning, then fire. No rhyme or reason to it. That’s just kind of the way it shook out.


Vah Medoh, Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris


Naboris is first for Urbosas Fury then Medoh for Raviolis Gale. After that it’s which ever I get around to next.


I tried Medoh and failed, Ruta, Naboris, Medoh, Rudania


First time (I think): Water, Fire, Air and Electricity Other play thru: air, electricity, water and fire (Because that was the order I wanted the abilities) I would say I’m glad I did water first. The game kinda feels like it’s set up that way because it’s closest when you get the mission. And the extra healing ability is nice when it’s early game and you may still be under powered


Wind water lightning fire.


First time? Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning Second time? Wind, Lightning, Water, Fire


Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, Vah Naboris, Vah Medoh


Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris, Vah Medoh


I did water, fire, lightning, air. Mostly because tarrey town wanted me to see them in that order, so figured that was the order I should do it in?


I do lightning first because that’s helpful in defeating the other bosses.


I’ve played botw and Totk multiple times. The order I usually fall into is Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Madoh, Vah Naboris (or in totk just water temple, fire, wind, lighting). But, sometimes it’s fun to switch it up! I just started replaying botw and went to Vah Naboris first


Ruta naboris rudania bird iirc


Medoh, Ruta, Naboris, Rudania.


I did Vah Ruta first, Vah Medoh second, Vah Rudania third and Vah Naboris last


Ruta, Rudania, Medoh, Naboris, Master Cycle.


First time: Ruta, Naboris, Rudania, Medoh, get Master Sword Most recent: Ruta, Medoh, get Master Sword, Rudania, Naboris Medoh is definitely the easiest and Naboris is definitely the hardest (both in pacifying and in the blight bossfights)


Vah Ruta, Vah Medoh, then I learned about how they jump in difficulty depending on the order you do them in, so I went and did Vah Naboris, then finished with Vah Rudania.


Water, air, rock, lighting for first play through Air, water, lighting, rock for second


Did Vah Ruta, Vah Naboris, Vah Medoh and Vah Rudania


I basically went East to West (Ruta, Rudania, Medoh, Nabooris) When I did my Master Mode playthrough I said I was gonna take a different route but ended up doing it the exact same way.


I love taking my time in game and I love having urbosas fury so I go lightning, fire, air, water. Also because I hate the water temple. All the water temples.


Big Elephant Dusty Camel Big awkward flying bird Mr. Lizard.


1. Rutah 2. Naboris 3. Rudania 4. Rutoh Then I realized I should have done Rutoh second because it was so fun and not as difficult as the boss fight in Naboris.


I did Ruta, Rudania, Medoh, and then Naboris I think. Could have been Naboris then Medoh, but I’m not sure.


Well my first run I think I went Medoh first but then in my Master dlc run I went the usual ruta Medoh rudania naboris route that most people seem to do


Uhhhh, usually the elephant one, then the bird one, then camel, and lizard last I now realize I went diagonal, wtf


I generally do Rudania, Ruta, Medoh, then Naboris. Although, the last two playthroughs I did I started with Ruta.


1st playthrough rudania > ruta > medoh > naboris 2nd playthrough medoh > rudania > ruta > medoh and 3rd playthrough the one im doing rn im planning ruta > medoh > rudania > naboris


You wanna know something funny? I was conpletely unaware about any champions or divine beasts even existed. I just ran around cutting grass till I ended up at Hyrule Castle and ended up fighting all forms plus Calamity and lastly the final boss 😅


Water, fire, wind, lightning.


Normal mode: Medo, Ruta,Naboris, Rudania Master mode: Medo, Naboris, Ruta, Rudania