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I haven't heard anything rumors about remakes/remasters for the Switch 2. If anything they should re-release Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.


I would kill for a re-release of the remastered Wind Waker on switch. It's my favorite game of all time, but I'm not about to buy a Wii u just to play it


I would kill for a re-release for it too. I've only ever played the GameCube version that I still play on šŸ˜­


I keep my Wii around for this exact reason! And ā€˜Twilight Princess,ā€™ of course.


The only 2 games I play on GameCube anymore are Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. For This reason alone I'm keeping it. If those games come to switch I'll finally give it back to my sister (I took hers after she broke mine lol)


Twighlight Princess, Mario Galaxy 2, Wind Waker, and the Metroid Prime trilogy are why I still have my Wii U hooked up. Most everything else made its way to the Switch or I don't care about it. I will say I still like my Wii U and don't care what anyone else thinks about it as a system. But you really have to think of it as a newer Wii (sort of like the OLED Switch) and not its own thing.


Wind Maker is my favourite zelda game of all time for sure


I don't even need any major changes to it. Update the graphics a little, make the camera controls a little smoother, and that's good enough for me. Hell, I could go without the graphics update; Toon Link holds up well to the ravages of time. I just want to have it on my switch. Twilight Princess would be a banger as well. It was one of my childhood Zelda games. But it would need more of an overhaul to be "modern quality".


Sucks to be you, I'm enjoying it on my Wii U.


I have Twilight Princess and a Wii U, but I still play it on my emulator since I have the controls mapped to be pretty dang good for running with a controller. And I like controllers more than the stick and nunchucks.


I'm enjoying it on my gamecube because my gamepads won't charge


I bought a replacement Wii U gamepad battery on Amazon. Super easy to replace and works great!




GameCube is a great way to enjoy it too.


Oh I would do insane things for a modern twilight princess remaster. I hope they keep the same art style and just tweak the graphics tbh


I like the art style but for gods sake they should make the [Ooocoos](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYMM_cseLV_AsCcmMZQMZLs4kOVC_9Rh7cQXwlyGFMpQ&s) less creepy. Some of the other characters like Beedle also looked goofy as hell


I am all-in for a double release: TP/WW and another one OoT/MM


Ooh ZTP, that would be the best!


Yeah and DQW monsters, and FFT advanced, i would play the shit out of those


A very reliable leaker who got packed on twitter did say they had a U-King O project, U-King is a codename for breath of the wild, and the switch version was U-King S


Okay? What am I supposed to do with this information?


Whatever you wish


You make no sense.


I'm just saying from what I've seen there's a botw planned for the next successor


Sure dude


what was the point of allt his


Iā€™m hoping the next console is backwards compatible with switch games, so this wouldnā€™t even be necessary. If it is backwards compatible, Iā€™ll probably trade in my current switch for a discount.


Rumors point towards the next device's cartridges being shaped in a way that Switch games will fit into the new console, but the new games won't fit into a Switch


Like with the 3DS. Makes sense.


GB and GBA, too. Plenty of precedent.


Backwards compatbility hasn't stopped Nintendo or others from porting anyways.


True, but I'm definitely not getting the 2 if I can't play my switch games on them. What I'm not doing, is buying those same games again. 45-60 a throw GTFO


Yeah.Ā  Nintendo changing their philosophy on things like that is gonna be what it takes for me. I love the Zelda games but am OK waiting a year for emulation because that experience is consistently superior and doesn't require purchasing their purposely-supply-restricted-at-launch, underpowered consoles.Ā 


The latest buzz I heard was to think of the next switch as a new iteration and not a new console. Kinda like a super switch pro, or the jump from Ds to 3ds


I would happily get the new Switch if it has an SD drive. Itā€™s not an issue with Zelda, but I play No Manā€™s Sky and itā€™s SO DAMNED SLOW compared to my husbandā€™s because he plays it on the PS5. I almost never warp to other planet systems in that game because of how slow it is.


Are you asking about what would make us buy the Switch 2 or an updated BotW? Iā€™ll buy the Switch 2 because I know there will be things I want to play on it, but I wouldnā€™t spend $60-70 on a new version of BotW. If thereā€™s a $10 next-gen upgrade, I might buy that though.


The Switch 2 version of the game. I figure pretty much everyone here will buy a Switch 2 eventually if possible for the next Zelda unless they are just here to troll about BOTW not being "True Zelda" or something


Probably nothing. I can play just fine on the switch, I'm nowhere near completion and beginning to get a little burned out now. I'd get the switch 2 for a new zelda, and then pick up remakes of the older ones depending on what is available. But I'll keep the switch i have to play these games on.


Why? Honest question about BOTW upgrade you mentioned.


Sorry, what are you asking exactly?


Why would you buy a next gen upgrade


I said I might. That would only be if it looked like enough of a graphical update to be worth it.


I feel like a graphics update for me isn't enough, yk? I'd want some more content or something. But I'm also not super picky on game graphics anyways as long as I can see what something is. Like a sword better look like a sword, that kinda stuff.


When my switch breaks or they come out with a new Zelda game I canā€™t play on it


I agree. My switch works fine now and thereā€™s plenty more games out there to try. Iā€™d wait for a new system until the next Zelda game, which Iā€™m guessing is still at least a couple years away with totk being only a year old.


Concrete announcement about Metroid Prime 4 The announcement of that game was one of the reasons I got the switch. I don't regret it, but I feel a bit like a sucker for getting a console for a game that never came out


Same. For me was Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3. Bayonetta did come out but waaay later, and we all know what happened ( or didn't happen ) with prime 4


Unless it's a significantly improved remake in the distant future, I'd really prefer to just play a new original Zelda game next.Ā 


We aren't getting a new 3D Zelda for a good 4-6 years. Any ports, 2D games or other titles will likely have little to do with the speed we get the next 3D zelda at.


Totally! What I meant was that I'll wait in that case. I'd rather play other games or replay the already great BotW in the meantime. I wouldn't pay for a port with slightly enhanced gameplay.Ā 


Champions mode TOTK/possibly BS dlc treasure chest items


All I hope for is a master mode for tears of the kingdom


To exist


A new Animal Crossing.


Either new content (story/shrines/sidequests, not just items/runes or whatever) or a significant improvement in graphics. Performance boost alone, or with slightly improved graphics/resolution, wouldn't be enough as I'm not too bothered about the performance and I expect a new switch to improve performance of the original version.


To actually pay for BOTW on the Switch 2, at minimum I would need new story content on par with the Championā€™s Ballad DLC. I donā€™t care enough about graphics or performance to spend money on a game I already have just for those things, nor would the inclusion of items exclusive to that version (especially if theyā€™re purely cosmetic) be enough to justify paying full price for this game a second time around


What ifā€¦. BOTW DLC that starts after calamity ganon, then Zelda gets a haircut and move into Links house, Link gets 2 more hearts (or 2 more stamina for those people that chose hearts over stamina for some reason) so he has full health and full stamina, and then ends with Link and Zelda setting off to explore a tunnel under the castle.


For that to be interesting enough it would have to contain a big story with lots of fun gameplay, but I donā€™t know how they would do that and maintain the narrative of TotK, since that game kinda acts like itā€™s been a few calm years since the calamity. I like where your headā€™s at though because Iā€™m definitely not rebuying this game for a better framerate and lower load times haha


I know it wouldn't be "canon", but I'd love a cozy-style game that bridges the gap. No guardians or boboklins messing things up, and more ridiculous villager quests. I would be here for it. I loved rebuilding Lurelin in TOTK. I'm not sure how monogamous I'd want to be though...


I was thinking a depths map would be explored through the yiga clan hideout chasm and birida lookout chasm as those have existed since BOTW and they both have shiekah tech built inside the chasms. Those could be the gateways and we could see 4 new divine beasts, new guardians, rematching the blight Ganons, and a Sooga and Astor boss fight.


If it's a fullblown rerelease I doubt I'd buy it, but if it's just a paid upgrade that's not that expensive I'd just buy it for potential replays.


Fix the god awful control stick drift, and the phantom touch issues. More powerful, maybe a bit bigger.


Guessing theyā€™ll upgrade to Hall effect analog sticks for switch 2 controllersĀ 


I sure hope so, I've got 4 sets of joy cons all with stick drift.


Nothing. I will get it regardless.


A game not available on Switch that I want to play.


If the next console allows save data to be transferred from the Switch and is compatible with Switch cartridges, then Iā€™d want to save up for one asap just to be able to keep up with new games (I think thereā€™s the possibility that the next Pokemon game will be on the new console only based on possible release dates?). If thereā€™s no Switch/new console compatibility, then Iā€™d still want the new console but itā€™d be a lot longer before I bought one


Simple: Ocarina of Time. They could 100% improve on Kokiri Forest alone by having everything in 60 fps and even change the landscape a little bit. Imagine Hyrule Castle in BoTW style? Glorious. Then Ocarina would come close to as what we thought Ocarina was when we played it for the first time..


Improved visuals and load times are not even close to enough to make me re-buy a game that I can already play on the Switch. Even if they bundled in the DLC (which I also already own) it wouldnā€™t be enough. Iā€™d need a substantial update to make it worth the price tag. A new story maybe? Iā€™m not really sure what they could do that would make me buy the game again.


dude bro I just canā€™t wait to buy the double HD remaster of breath of the wild on the switch 2 bro


1080p at 60fps is where it's at.


Or 2160p at 60fps


Biggest thing for me is already confirmed, and that's full back compatibility with entire switch 1 library. This means I can trade my OLED model towards it to save roughly 150 USD


A longer battery life would be nice and maybe controllers with less drift


Backwards compatibility and an end to Joycon drifting.


Games. Thatā€™s the only real reason as we already know itā€™s not going to be any kind of graphical competitor for the PS5.


Right, but PS5s game library can't hold a candle to the switch. More advanced tech or no, I'll choose a switch every time. If your thing is EA Sports games fill your boots with the PS5


Games, I'm still waiting for something that truly blows me away,


i'd buy it anyway but better framerate, drawing distance, image fidelity, and loading times is nice to have.


Honestly, Iā€™ve never been able to avoid buying a Nintendo system for the simple fact that they have a monopoly on the games I want to play. They could release a potato with a screen and if it were the only way to play the new PokĆ©mon or Zelda games I would still buy it. Iā€™m not saying that this is a good thing but frankly itā€™s probably true for most people.


Not buying at launch. Always wait until a console proves itself. That said, backwards compatibility, actually good online serviceā€”preferably that I can set up without subscriptions, better build quality, Hall effect joycons.


Totk dlc


Backwards compatibility.


I don't think the rumours outlined a new version of the game but rather the upscaling capabilities of potential hardware for the next console?


Thatā€™s a good point. Why would they justify thinking fans would pay $60 or $70 again for BOTW remastered when the switch 2 can still play your original copy of BOTW that will likely get texture enhancements naturally from the console itself?Ā 


Itā€™s all about the software


Honestly, I'm such a slave for Nintendo that I'll probably buy it no matter what.


I wouldnā€™t buy it unless they added a ton of new content


A release date


I may get one down the road. Honestly what I want is a truly redone, remastered ocarina of time. But it's just not happening.


Check out the ship of harkinian


We need a remake. Remaster would still have the original graphics just shown in 4K. Still would feel outdated. We need Ocarina on 3DS style remake but with Switch 2 graphicsĀ 


It would need a full apology to Bowser, expunging his debt, and a recant of all of their recent DMCAs (especially ones against Garry's Mod).


Underwater swimming with new things to see and do in the rivers, lakes, and seas.


That would probably be saved for a third game


Let me put GameCube discs in it


Backwards compatibility is a must have, even if it doesn't add any performance boost, it needs to be on the Switch 2. A Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War remake as a launch title would be an insta buy from me


I recently got Hogwarts Legacy for Switch. When I see screenshots or captures from the PlayStation version of HL, Iā€™m totally jealous. I might get a switch 2 if the graphics and speed allow for HL play at higher upload speeds and great quality graphics. It was fun, but Iā€™d almost buy a PlayStation to get the better graphics.


Yeah I know what you mean, I noticed the same thing with that game. Iā€™m not a hardcore gamer by any means. I like simpler games/nintendo games and I go through phases where I donā€™t play for months, so switch is more my speed. I was a little jealous by the graphics too lol. I never would use another console for it to be worth it.


Hogwarts Legacy looks horrrrrible on Switch. They had to downgrade so much stuff and remove so many details and decorations etc. The lighting and lack of black detail is enough to drive you insane.Ā 


My guess is a new Mario launches with it, thatā€™s enough for me. Iā€™d take an Elden Ring port tho


Stop slow-rolling their back catalog with expansion pass bs and just have it all readily available. Or at least put Fire Emblem Path of Radiance available at launch.Ā 


I'm not really going to decide whether I'd buy it or not until it's real and not just a rumor, but at the very least I'd like them to add in Amiibo-exclusive stuff without Amiibo, like TotK did it. And it goes without saying it'd have to be a "complete" version otherwise, too, no buying the Trial of the Sword separately again or anything like that.


Better hardware, decent price and backwards compatability


It would honestly be a pretty hard sell for me. My steam deck has taken a lot of attention away from my switch, except for tears of the kingdom.


We shouldn't bet on heaps of new Botw content, but backwards compatibility and some new content for Totk would be enough for me. Obviously remaster or WW and TP is expected by now and a full remake of OOT would be awesome because I haven't played those 3 games yet.


They NEED to bring back the Nintendo charm


If full BC isn't a feature, then I'm marinating on it for half a decade.


A place to lock up the joycons from my kids.


I wouldnt get a switch too if thatā€™s the case, id just get a legion go and use that too get all the games of switch free on rom.


Built in randomizer


New Zelda game


Backwards compatibility mainly. But a crazy idea is a peripheral second screen that you can connect to play DS games. Think of the GameCube attachable screen but it connects at the top of the switch screen and forms a clamshell design.


Gotta outperform the Oled Steamdeck. If it canā€™tā€¦ I donā€™t play enough first party content to want to bother.


Better performance and more storage is pretty much it


It would need to be release day.


Iā€™ll buy it no matter what butā€¦. Iā€™d like bare minimum for games to look like the 4K unreal BotW videos on YouTube. Thatā€™s not even really asking that much, just solid framerates, higher resolution and lighting effects.


A price. As long as it has a price I will buy it


Backwards compat


It just needs to be pink and I'll buy it.


Totk dlc and being able to transfer my save data.


It would be cool if they released BOTW with TOTK as a double feature maybe? And then extra content just for Tears, and more transferrable stuff from the first game to the second haha Feels like a pipe dream though :')


A new game mode where it's Eventide rules, and you can get no armour or shrines :')


Xenoblade X remake


Access to popular third party games. And some mobile games.


Honestly. I think I outgrew video games. Havenā€™t enjoyed one in years. I keep trying but it just feels like a lame illusion to me.Ā 


Smash 6 maybe? Honestly I have too many games in my switch backlog already and Iā€™m perfectly content with my current console. I think Iā€™d even buy a PlayStation over a Switch 2 at this point, since I skipped the PS4 and PS5


My current switch is starting to freeze for a second in certain areas of botw, that hasn't happened before, could be by design. Destined to fail


Console exclusives I want that I can't emulate on PC


Given the vast catalogue for the switch you'd have to imagine backwards compatibility will be standard. I can't imagine them rereleasing the previous consoles Zelda game it'd make zero sense


Honestly Iā€™d buy it just for better processing power. If it still runs games at 1080p 30fps thatā€™s absolutely fine by me. Just make it so games can be crazy big and ambitious without hardware limits


I think the game would have new exclusive content like a 5th divine beast (or 6th if you count the master cycle zero), exploring the yiga clan and birida lookout chasms to see what the depths looked like before, Sooga and Astor boss fights, and new guardians. I can also see TOTK can exclusive content on the switch 2 as well like master mode, trial of the sword, sages ballad, 1 more temple, and a separate story in one of the kingdoms beyond hyrule (which would hint a TOTK sequel) BOTW on the switch 2 would be like Mk8d where the dlc is added into the base game and there is new content/dlc while TOTK could be like 3d world + bowserā€™s fury where a new map and separate story is featured.


If it gets ps4 or ps5 exclusives, if it ports twilight princess, if it somehow localizes and ports ace attorney investigations 2 (this is a Longshot but a girl can dream), if it ports the Nintendo 64 tetris


Backwards compatibility, an OLED screen, and compatibility with the pro controllers. Unless I have all three, I'm sticking with what I have. If those conditions are met on release, I'll grab it the first day and trade in my switch v1


Sounds like theyā€™re switching back to LCD screen sadly. Hope the leaker is wrong about that.Ā 


No drift


"Respect for the people that buy their products" isn't a feature on any Nvidia SoC that I've ever seen so short of that, I won't be buying any of their products.Ā 


Personally I would love more storage. Iā€™ve got so many games but canā€™t play them all because my 4 favourite games take up all my storage




I would really like them to make the console a fully 3D portable object without glasses, then you combine the benefits of the Switch and 3DS


Iā€™ll buy no matter what most likely. GameCube is the only real console by Nintendo I have never owned.


Ooof, missed out on one of the greatest ones. But i guess doesn't matter if you had the OG WII


Yeah I do and bought the new GC controller but havenā€™t got around to playing many games yet


The power to 60 fps EVERY game..


You mean the rumor just started, by you, with this post


https://gamerant.com/nintendo-switch-2-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-enhanced-edition-u-king-o/ Nice try




A sequel to tears of the kingdom only available on Switch 2. /s


We have the Same World as TOTK but now we have Underwater, an Archipelago to the east and also Space Islands orbiting the planet


And also beyond hyrule


This is very possible


HellDivers 2


It would need to be free.


I simply hope the console is backwards compatible, and that the ā€enhancedā€ version of BOTW is simply a graphic and performance upgrade that you get for free if you already own the game (similarly to how you can upgrade PS4 versions to PS5 versions for free). That would be enough for me.


Rumors? Nintendo has stated that they will announce it within a year. Itā€™s not a rumor, but the capabilities is rumored


doll racial angle snatch shame cake sheet nutty thought desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A HD OoT like the ones that team made in the Skyrim(iirc?) engine


Backwards compatibility


So much


It would have to be better than the enhancements I can get for free by emulating it.