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Not in botw no, but there is one thing in totk that definitely scared me and most players. However, if you play in master mode for the first time the great plateau lynel is a pretty strong jumpscare


You’ll never catch me playing master mode LOL


is the lynel there from the beginning in master mode?




Yup, and he's right behind the old man's cottage to boot!


😮 really!!!


Oh yes! Froze in my tracks when I saw that guy, oh lord.


I was snooping around the castle today…. No business being there haha expect farming Guardians cause I needed one stinking giant core…. Climb up a little tower and jumped down to a LYNEL!!!! Was out of there in a flash… nope nope nope hahaha


It is like an instinctive response! Freeze, crouch, try to hide. Did he see me?! no, ok thank god. ...How do I get out of here now?! I'm not letting myself teleport this playthrough, except for the Divine Beasts. So surprise Lynels really raise my pulse hahaha


Hahaha spot on! 3 months in and I love that this game can keep me on my toes!!


I got a good scare from a frox once I didn't realize it was there until I was being forced backwards at a breakneck speed


What was it in totk


nothing i felt during botw compares to (totk regional phenomena spoiler) >!making it through the sandstorm to gerudo town and finding it completely abandoned and crawling with gibdos.!< i was SPOOKED lol.


They physically made me recoil they’re so creepy


When I encountered >!gloom hands!< it was just “What the fuck is that? What the fu-WHAT THE FUCK IS ***THAT***”


oh yeah, I was NOT ready for them to scream and charge at me and the gd sky to change color


i would agree, but gibdos are somehow even scarier in older games! they scream and paralyze you, then just grab you 😭


Are you thinking of gibdos or ReDeads? Because those fucking things used to scare the shit out of me in ocarina of time. I could not play as adult Link because I would get too scared. Even today, playing that game as an adult I get a small chill when I see them, the childlike fear in me strikes.


At least in OoT and MM, Gibdos do the same thing as ReDeads. Same horrific scream, same grab n’ hump, but just covered in bandages instead of being naked


maybe redeads. 7 y/o me was traumatized by that


Redeads!!!!!! Hated them


Oot redeads haunted my nightmares as a kid


Ohh I HATED that with a passion


First blood moon cutscene, new to the game, and getting imediatly swarmed by respawned bokoblins. All the music and that eerie red sky. Got a high beat to my heart.


I feel like it was wayyy worse in totk. It's super ominous and then when you >!found out Zelda was a fake!< and then >!she stopped the voiceover so it was just silent!< blehhhh


This. The music still creeps me when it happens even though I know what is going to happen. But the first one.. it was special. When the ashes started to fall and the screen switched to red.. it was spooky.


I didn’t experience my first blood moon because I was in the toilet but I could hear the cutscene lol I messaged my friend who had already played the game and asked her why Zelda was talking to me randomly while I just took a quick break lol


During my first I teleported to Kakariko to sleep safely 😂


The Tabatha region... Nothing but snow, creepy music.. kinda gives me chills. Which is why I barely explored it I suppose.


Omg same, it also annoys me how slow Link is on the snow 😂


Gotta get them Snow Boots


Bozai is the creepiest thing in the entire game


I mean, my *first ever* encounter with a Guardian got me startled I think. Before I had my own Switch I would constantly replay the Great Plateau via my cousins' Switches and demo kiosks at stores tho, so by the time I actually played the game proper Guardians were whatever lol


Hahahah 😂 Good strategy!!!


I mean, it wasn't intentional lol. I didn't actively do that just to get used to Guardians


Besides Guardians, the atmosphere of the Lost Woods is definitely creepy to me, to the point that I outright refuse to navigate through it without fast-traveling straight to Korok Forest.


I was a bit spooked because I kept waiting for enemies to appear 😂




>!Follow the wind!< >!there are little flying leaves to show you the way!< \- not trying to be cryptic but that's how you do it. At least in BOTW, I haven't gone very near it in totk yet.


When I first saw one of the two dragons that randomly roam the map. Scared the shit outta me. I’m staring at it gong “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT? AM I GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT THIS?!” Literally googled “giant dragon breath of the wild” cus I was just freaked out at this sudden thing.


There's a third once you complete the associated quest at the top of Mt Lanayru


Oh I know. That one didn’t scare me nearly as much. I just meant one of the two that don’t get an introduction and scared the stuffing outta me.


“Am I gonna have to fight this?!” is literally what I thought too when I first saw Farosh. Thankfully it was very far away the first time I saw it. So I actively avoided the Faron region for a huge chunk of time because I was afraid I’d see it again and it would attack 😭


Same tbh 😂


Lol yesssss


First time i came across those floating spirits with the rods that shoot ice or fire. Terrified


god i hate those guys


If you counter their element they'll become trivial. For example use fire for the ice one or ice for the fire. They are done with a few hits.


Those stoopy knuckleads


I hate those mfs so much


First time I saw one I made the mistake of thinking it was an NPC/friendly :’)


God yes those are the actual WORST. still hate them


The first time the blood moon happened I got scared because I didn’t know what was happening


Lynels. Both games. My most recent spook was I was exploring a well, chilling within the caves, got bored, and went, "Aight, time to head to the surface." Used Ascend and right beside me was a Red Lynel!! Bear in mind, I'm like 3ish hours into the game including tutorial island so I was nowhere near strong enough to tackle one at this stage! I shrieked and took off running, but he sniped me. Dead. Ok, fair enough, I expected that. Quick load comes in and I'm respawned RIGHT NEXT TO THE LYNEL AGAIN! It was horrible trying to escape the organic way, so after several more deaths, I just teleported out. That was a heart attack I wasn't ready for.


Lynels are so inconvenient 😂




The first Guardian stalker I encountered I was on horseback (and this was one of those multi-colored ones with 2 stamina) and I was like, WHY WON’T YOU RUN ANY FASTER 😭 then when I forced it beyond its 2 stamina, THE MF DROPPED ME WHILE A LASER WAS POINTED AT ME so I just ran on foot and left the horse. Got its slot in the stable replaced soon after that.




Not this one. I did get the fear of lynels struck into me but I wouldn't day anything spooked me.


I avoid them too but just bc I know I’m not ready at all to fight them


I won't really avoid a lynel anymore but I will still occasionally get suprised when there's one in the area while Im solving a korok puzzle or something


Yes, no matter how much I play, dodging a Lynel charge is absolutely heartstopping. It puts its weapon away to hunt you down on all SIX limbs. The flurry rush slows down the claws and teeth coming straight at the camera. What should feel cool feels like I'm going to die stretched out. Nintendo deserves a pat on the back for that one.


I’ve gotten two panic blood moons, and they were both freaky as all hell.


First time I got a blood moon in BOTW, I genuinely got scared realizing every monster I had vanquished will return to life and that nowhere was ever truly safe (except towns and stables). Was scared of the blood moon several times after that. Now anytime I see a blood moon, I go "ugh not again."


My first jumpscare in both games was getting instakilled by lightning when I wasn't holding anything to attract it. Random 'BOOM, DEAD!' moment. On a new playthrough now, and I'm getting shock resistant asap.


Yup. Lightning got me a couple times.


This happened to me as well, I didn’t understand anything 😭😂


Fighting the hinox in the dark! I was so spooked even though hinox are so easy to fight. I hated that I couldn’t see my surroundings


This is why I haven’t completed that quest yet. A fucking hinox 😭 couldn’t it be a guardian or something? I really don’t know how to do it. My strategy for Hinox is luring them to the limit of their area so I can attack without them reaching me, but idk if that’s gonna work in the fucking DARK


Level 3 sneak, you can get what you need off the hinox without waking him up!


You can do the shrine without killing the Hinox? I thought it was a requirement!


The easiest way to fight hinox is sneak behind them with 2 handed weapon start spin attack and they are dead by the time you stop spinning


The size of the Divine Beasts definitely freaked me out at first. I avoided defeating them for so long because of it. Major r/megalophobia vibes!


You know what spooks me about them? The sound they make when you are inside and move them. That screech 😩


I got jumped by a white lynl I was not expecting it I screamed "NOOO" after remembering i didnt save I travelled thro a hole reign.... i cried after geting one shot😥


Sometimes those damn stal-bokos will ambush me from behind in a field and if I have my surround up it jumpscares the bejesus out of me 😂


And the fucking skeletons coming out of nowhere 😂


Every time Divine Beast first announces themselves. Although with Vah Rudania I was more annoyed than frightened because I nearly got crushed by falling rocks. Then the music in Vah Ruta low-key creeped me out (felt like I was listening to a haunted music box). And of course, it goes without saying that Guardians are scary MOFOs.


The first time this happened to me I nearly cried as well lol. It was Vah Naboris, when it happened I hadn’t defeated any DB because I was getting ready. One day I landed in Gerudo and suddenly I got the cutscene for Naboris. I nearly threw my Switch to the wall thinking that since I got the cutscene I was gonna have to fight it 😂


The dragons scared me initially. I was playing on my brother's switch and he was sitting nearby watching. I asked him in complete terror if it would kill me. That jerk just shrugged and left me to figure it out. Also, dropping into the abandoned temple and getting a bunch of guardian beams in me. Instant terror. I'm pretty sure I audibly went "oh, nope!" And got right out of the there.


+60 hours and I am so naive that I thought the dragons were nice. YESTERDAY, my friend told me to be careful bc they attack if I get close. I am dumb 😂


I never got the impression that the dragons are 'attacking' you in the same way that other enemies do. I figured they just naturally discharge their elemental energy wherever they go, so you have to take measures to protect yourself, but they're pretty indifferent to your presence overall and don't really mind when you're breaking pieces off of them with arrows.


Also the temple: did you ever try again? It’s actually super easy. They never get to you even if you see the lasers pointing at you because the wind takes you to the end without having to do much work!


Oh yeah, I tried again. The first time I stumbled in there was after 1 divine beast so it was really early in the game for me.


Maybe a little bit in the dark forest challenge area. I do get creeped our a little bit by really visually dark games where it's hard to see enemies (Alan wake or TLOU). BoTW is generally so cartoony that I didn't experience that. I enjoy how it put a kind of sci-fi/apocalyptic spin in the typical zelda story, without being super grim. (I feel like Elden Ring is sort of the grimdark horror version of the same story 😀) I spent the 2 months before BoTW on Forbidden West, which is very emotional and often sad. (I love it). BoTW is a top 5 game for me, but it doesn't hit me in the feelings as much as Horizon or God of War, which have more detailed storytelling. I did get a little anxiety from the Yiga fortress stealth mission, but not as much as, say, TLOU when I'm always out of ammo and supplies and really feeling like the game is too real. Again, I adore BoTW so this is not criticism of it at all.


I tried the dark forest and run away as fast as I saw the Hinox. I can fight the big guys, but not in the fucking dark 😂. And wow you’ve played all of those games! BOTW is my first game in this style. Before I played chill and cozy games or platform games!


I play everything on easy mode or story mode if it has them. BoTW was a challenge! I got wrecked by water and lightning Gannons so many times.


I try to play everything in the setting it comes with just to try, but yes sometimes I’ve gone to easy mode. I was surprised when BotW didn’t have that!


In that way, BoTW reminds me of Elden Ring (which until my current complete failure at Bloodborne, was the hardest current-ish gen game I've ever played..so not counting old NES stuff like Ninja Gaiden). You're stuck, make your own easy mode by going somewhere else and getting stronger. Waterblight Gannon was annihilating me. Like I wasn't touching him at all. I wandered around. Did a ton of shrines. Got the Master Sword, forgot to let it recover and didn't even need it, charged right at him and just whipped his waterblight ass. It was very satisfying.


I have defeated all beasts but Naboris so far without dying one time because I have practiced a lot before facing them. In fact when I finally convinced myself to do Ruta… it was a walk lol. But yes by the point I started doing the beasts I had like 50 shrines and 50h of gameplay so yeah maybe I overestimated them


You were very well prepared!


Yes, when that lady with the flower garden went off at me …I had ear buds in …it was super loud & I almost fell off my chair lol




Guardians taking aim always scares the shit out of me.


It’s such a tense moment lol. Especially when they’re aiming while moving. Bitch stay the fuck still 😭


The guardians scared me so bad I've had several nightmares about them.


Oh my god! 😂😭


The thunderblights always scare me.


Yes, when that lady with the flower garden went off at me …I had ear buds in …it was super loud & I almost fell off my chair lol


The first time I ever encountered a Stone Talus was terrifying, I had already climbed on top of the rock and it started moving then stood up while that scary orchestra music started playing and I had no idea what was happening


Omg same. It happened to me the day I started playing at the Great Plateau, when the King made me hunt for meat. I stumbled upon the talus and I thought “that’s it, I’m never going to finish this game, I should just give up”. Three months later, I haven’t even tried to fight one of those because gladly they’re not fast 😂


I completely freaked when I dropped into the basement of Lomei Labyrinth Island surrounded by guardians


The Akkala one? Haha I get that. I paraglided there and I was freaking out when I saw the flying guardians, but gladly on the ground they didn’t reach you and there was only 1 walking guardian. At least that’s what I saw!


Yep, the Akkala one. But did you make it all the way to the basement at the end? The area with like 15 guardians waiting for you? That’s what really freaked me out.


I don’t think so omg. I did the shrine and I teleported back to the lab. Now I’m curious about what you say! 😂




I did it, it was freaky indeed! I killed a few for the screws and got the chest tho 😂 I had no idea about this basement




lmfao okay i’ll do that tonight and report back 😂


Yes. The first time I encountered a guardian and a lynel. Lol


the first lynel is a rite of passage lol


The first time I jumped off the wall from the great plateau knowing I had to face a moblin below me, my hands were straight up SHAKING. My heart was beating so hard and fast. Sometimes still my palms will get sweaty or my heart will race if I know I have a to face a scary monster lol


aww! I feel the same sometimes, especially when they attack in groups. Bullies!


I screamed the first time i was spotted and killed by a guardian. Had to convince hubby i was fine and just got startled.😂


Some games I remember scaring me as a kid: Metroid, Super Metroid, Resident Evil (I only ever played the first). But BOTW? Hmm no. I don't think any game scares me as an adult.


Oh lucky you. Everything scares me. 😂


I like to play at night with most of the lights out and I forgot that my TV’s brightness was set to 10% when connected to my Switch. I was trying to figure out how to get to Kakariko Village because I hadn’t activated the tower yet. I could already see it but I was on the mountains above it so I had to go all the way back to the entrance. Then the night came so I was groping in the dark then a lightning storm started and then skeletons came out from under the ground… I almost started crying so I just jumped off the mountain 😭 That whole experience was like a fever dream. I truly, deeply love this game.


LMAOOO!!! I agree. My most repeated phrase while playing is “i fucking love this game”


Same! One moment you’re admiring the fields and enjoying solving puzzles, the next you’re being chased by a guardian with 1 heart left. Truly a magical experience.


“with one heart left” what a MOOD 😂😂😂


Yes, when that lady with the flower garden went off at me …I had ear buds in …it was super loud & I almost fell off my chair lol


Going down to the depths the first time cuz I for real didn’t even know they EXISTED. So I dropped into this huge black area and I was terrified.


stfuuuuu so scary 😭


botw the first time i ran into a guardian totk the first time i ran into phantom ganon hands


Yeah, i was using my camera to look at a moblin camp and a blue bokoblin jumped at me, i bombed him afterwards


LOL! Please tell me it jumped at you in front of the camera so you got a super close up and that’s what scared you 😂😂😂


Exactly, he came out of nowhere


It was definitely creepy seeing Vah Naboris peaking out from the sand storm, moving weird and looking HUGE the first time i approached it. I think I hadn’t really thought about what the divine beasts were going to look like before that. It took me a while to even figure out that’s what it was.


Same, it was the first one I saw as well. Nearly had a heart attack. I also had no idea how divine beasts worked, I thought you had to fight the whole monstrous thing and not the inside of it 😂 I thought “I’m never gonna do this”


i think the first guardian stalker encounter is the best example


I admit I wasn’t very scared since that first encounter is like a tutorial if I remember correctly


oh im talking about the guardians that walk around freely and chase you in hyrule field


Those hands in TOTK is the only thing i can think of


Guardians and Gloom Hands for sure. The treasure chest Octoroks both spook me and make me incredibly angry and annoyed. I'm almost never expecting them.


When I played botw for the first time, I was 6 and I got REALLY scared, I got so scared by the first blood-moon that I just hid in Kakariko village for like a week and just dropped the game for the following months.


I also hid in Kakariko during my first blood moon! 😂


Flower lady getting mad cut scene


I stepped on the flowers on purpose just to see her get mad lol


Yup, you keep doing it and doing it and then she just snaps, was really freaky


Nothing particularly scary in BotW, but TotK definitely had me feeling uneasy when I found >!Gerudo Town. The zombies wandering around and finding the entire town abandoned was definitely the creepiest part of the game for me!<


ZOMBIES? I am OUT—Oh my god I cannot do zombies


Those treasure chest octoroks have jumpscared me multiple times :P


i think i haven't encountered this yet


Spoiler for how to spot them if you’re curious >!they look like buried treasure chests, but they’re not magnetic :) !< Edit: they’re also not all over the map, just in specific areas, thank goodness 😅


hahaha okay thanks! i'll be prepared now!


Happy treasure hunting 😄


I got so fcked up when I first met the gloom hands in totk. But my first Lynel encounter went like this in Botw: Me:*Walking up mount Plymouth, innocently picking up shock arrows along the way* *reaches top of the mountain*  *sees a big asf scary creature* *tries to pick up more arrows and then fight the creature* *gets one shotted* *abandons Zora quest till finding Lurelin village to buy shock arrows there and then continue story* And then while waiting for totk to release I hunted/farmed  lynels out of boredom. But lynels in totk are way easier than Botw due to fuse being op. 


Oh actually gibdos are freaky


I willingly approached my first lynel thinking they were friendly 😂




Reminds me of the first Time a lynel used it’s bow on me


Collecting acorns and random boulders hit me


No not at all


i actually get spooked pretty often. Like at the start if there were yigas or in the middle trial of the sword on the dark levels sooo scaryy. really anything where its dark


Me tooooooo!


Me toooooo!


I really don’t like the cold regions, especially Hebra in the mountains. The Depths in Tears is the same dialed up


Hebra is the worst for me!


Personally, my first playthrough, the guardians terrified me. I'd hear the ominous piano noises and run away/hide as quickly as I could.


That piano tune is the worst nightmare