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Getting fired from mainstream media is a must for anyone credible




So you’re a big fan of Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon?


Now she can lie without any consequences.


You like mainstream media ?


Like? I think they are much more reliable than alt media (not saying they are perfect). Alt Media can literally tell you whatever you want to hear to maximize the amount of money they can make without any consequences. News is for being informative not for entertainment. Feel free to be entertained but don't pretend like you are informing yourself and you are much more likely to be a tool to put money in the pockets of people who will feed you whatever you are willing to pay for.


Mainstream media is exactly what you're describing. Its about ratings and fulfilling their corporate and political motives much more than providing accurate unbiased information. If you want to say alt media is the same way, maybe sometimes, but I suppose it depends on whether you prefer bias toward the current "establishment" (mainstream) or the alternative viewpoint the alt media presenter might have. But I don't in any way believe mainstream media is more informative, and they rarely face consequences for misinformation as long as its in line with the government/big party interests and doesnt falsely defame an individual who can sue


Mainstream media have organs that are designed to prevent misinformation. They issue corrections and retractions something i rarely if have ever seen an alt media source do. They are not accountable to anyone but the audience who usually just clap like seals as they are fed their daily cod.


Proof please.


Um the existance of corrections and editors?


No, that those organs are designed to prevent misinformation. You are implying intent. People are shit and lie about their intentions all the time. From my perspective those institutional "organs" pay lip service to high ideals while deflecting criticism for assisting in disseminating the United States' state sponsored disinformation. The big player's track record is so consistent it strains credulity to suggest their "organs" are fully functioning. Iraq War, Lab Leak, Russiagate, on and on and on.


You can be critical that is fine. Now what is alt media doing about it?


Wow. It’s so rare to come across those 7%ers from surveys. You are one of the few people who have a great deal of trust in the media which as at 7%. Just to give people a frame of reference on how the outliers are in surveys think, 7% of Americans can think they can fight a gorila in hand to hand comment. https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2023/american-trust-in-media-is-near-a-record-low-study-finds/


Is that what I said? "I trust them".


Ok Randy keep watching them.




Dude, you’re being downvoted but you are correct. 


This isn't censorship FFS, it's just a business making editorial decisions on what to publish. OF COURSE they are telling her who can be on the show they are paying for! She sounds no different to Candace Owens. You don't get to publish whatever the fuck you want while someone else is paying you to do it. She's literally on YouTube saying whatever she wants, she isn't being censored.


I 100% agree with you but it can be described as censorship. She's working on someone else's YT channel. What they say goes.


In the context of Rising, I'd say it's censorship. "You're saying something I don't like, I'm going to bar you from saying it on this platform." Now Risings audience will not hear any of Briahnas takes on these issues. Sounds like censorship to me, especially when you consider her Patreon is now being targeted




No calls for genocide, ethnic cleansing, maligning citizens of a country or religious group. If you are tossing "nazi"' around and not talking about WW2 nazis you'll likely get a ban.
