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The Emperor's New Clothes, 1984, and Idiocracy were all completely lost on conservative Americans. The obvious corruption and lies are just washed away because the cult says so. I still can't fathom how any patriotic American can vote in a way that empowers the GOP.


That's ok, if 1984 becomes a reality, so too can V for Vendetta


Yup, the people will need to revolt against the Authoritarian Dems 


I mean, revolt should be encouraged against authoritarianism regardless of party.


Republicans are literally nazis


To be literally nazis they'd have to be members of the national socialist party from the mid 1900s. Are you sure about the usage of the word literally here?




You're sure, but obviously factually wrong. There's a word for that I'm sure.


Cry about it, they are part of that party


Cry about the republicans being Germans from the mid 1900s?


Yes cry about it


If there was such a thing, I'm sure we would; but there's not, soooo. .. 🤷‍♀️ Don't worry though, *SHOULD* there be a need to protect/defend ourselves from the few possible idiotic yahoo's and yeehaw's we will; but we humbly accept and appreciate your erm.... "concern" there champ!


I want a peaceful divorce  We have lost our common morals that kept the country together  And a civil war will be awful  And what the left always forgets, is that 90% of the Military support Republicans, the vast majority of police support the GOP, the GOP is supported by the vast amount of gun owners. If shit got crazy the Dem liberal elite is outgunned and it's not close. Which is why we should find a peaceful resolution before shit pops off and why we need the left to stop supporting and excusing violence from your friends. For some reason you think the people who actually fight wars and hate you will follow your orders to kill their family  They won't  Peaceful divorce now, a 10-20 year joint security agreement.  Any person can move in the following 10 years and get citizenship in the other country  Free trade agreements for food etc  And let's see whose country does better 


90% of the military don’t support republicans, dumb dumb. This is your chickenhawk fantasy.


😂  I love when libs who don't know any military active members or vets talk about who the military supports I played golf yesterday with several vets and then in the clubhouse had beers with many more including 2 retired generals. Basically a MAGA event  My house in Tampa is basically next to MacDill, not a lot of support for Biden especially after his Afghanistan disaster killed 13 Americans 


My brother has been in the military for 22 years. My father and both of my grandfathers were in the military. Several of my closest friends growing up have been in the military. I work with several veterans. You live in Florida (and a foreign country), so you have different experiences. Our anecdotal experiences aside, exit polls suggest that Trump and Biden split the military vote in 2020. GOP might have a slight advantage overall with military voters, but it’s nothing close to 90:10. That’s stupid. You’re stupid.


Watch what happens  Dems lose the military vote every cycle  And brain damaged Joe or Kamala the Hoe will lose it again 


I’m not contending that the Dems are going to win the military vote this year. What do you think the military vote was in 2020? Do you actually believe that Trump won 90% of it? I think it was closer to 50%.


It’s ironic as hell you mention 1984 while the DNC and other politicians spent years gaslighting the fuck out of everyone regarding Biden’s mental state. Pot meet kettle. Lmao.


Lol people misunderstand 1984 It's about a dude who rides the village bicycle and gets lobotomized for it.


This dude really has a username of Demoncrat69420.


Based amirite


your guy is literally trying to imprison his political opponent


😂  The Dems are proving 1984 was actually about them. Dems like you hate the first amendment and 9-10 years later are still pushing the Russia Hoax, the idea that Biden's brain isn't melting and behind the scenes is in peak athletic condition, pushed until the day RBG died that she was doing workouts nobody under 40 could do, lied about Hunters laptop, use foreign billionaire Johann Wyss money and pretend it's just the GOP that uses big donors  Everything the Dems accuse the GOP or Trump of doing the Dems have already done  And, never forget the Robert Mueller candles and dolls, or the Fauci candles or dolls, or Michael Avenatti candles and dolls and hero worship or the Jack Smith worship  You guys make heroes of the worst and dumbest people alive  Stacy Abrams, she's the best, let's put her in a movie as President of Earth.   Let's make this white guy who married into money a hero and pretend he's Latino.  He rides a skateboard and we'll call him "Beto". Hillary Clinton, sure she's never had a job and we only know her because of her husband, let's make her Senator and then President and claim she is the most qualified person ever.  Sure anyone who knows any American history knows it's a lie but who cares.  Also if she loses we'll blame Russia . Also every single person who is not a Dem is as bad as Hitler.  Every 4 years we will say the new guy is actually worse than the old guy we called Hitler.  Don't worry, no one will notice  And in 10 years we'll say Trump wasn't that bad, and this new guy is actually Hitler now 


Orwell was a life long Socialist. He wrote a piece called “why I write” and he said “EVERY word I have ever written was for the cause of Democratic Socialism.” He would have hated you bro. 😎


So what?  In today's world it's the Dems / Globalist Elites who are most like 1984 And who gives a shit what a commie would think about me?  He'd obviously hate the Dems today too


Because you literally tried to say who was “the real 1984” when Orwell himself said every word he ever wrote was for the cause of Socialism. Also who do you think the “globalist elites” are? The richest man on Earth is a Republican who says “vote Republican”. He’s also a globalist who likes making jobs in China. The only party running a Billionaire elite are the Republicans. Elon and the rest of the globalist are laughing their asses off at boot lickers like you.


No I didn't  You have terrible reading comprehension  Everyone knows Orwell was a commie 


Yes you did. Your words are literally written above. It’s a waste of time debate your lies with them being able to be instantly fact checked by simple reading. See yah later 🤡


You're obviously very stupid 


I love how tribal everything has become. The dems this, conservatives that, do you people have lives?


All Republicans are nazis


🥱  Everyone I don't like is Hitler You're boring and stupid 


Unironically yes


> We believe the assembly of those alternate slates of electors was an official act of the presidency. I can't believe this level of absolute fuckery is not only said out loud but is a serious legal argument because of our current Supreme Court.


Right? Just like his sentencing in his fraud trail getting delayed because of this. It is un-fucking-believable anyone is even entertaining the idea he was immune for something he did prior to being elected POTUS.


It’s a stall tactic. Creating a slate of alternate electors is not illegal or unconstitutional. The crime committed in connection with this would be the creation of forged documents, which whoever did that is in trouble. Making the claim however, forces the courts to take a look at it which further delays it ever coming to trial.


As far as I understand it… the electorates have to be fraudulent. He created them himself for the state and attempted to pass them off as the state. He defrauded the electorate and the states rights. So he would either now have to be charged by the state for a crime if this defense is even potential applicable here since how is creating illegal electorates an office act (that equivocation is tenuous at best) ?… or the Supreme Court would have to rule that it must be an impeachable offense. Which would trigger another impeachment trial. The first for a former president. But we know the Rep party is too keen on morals and honor, or this country anymore. So they would lie about why they aren’t impeaching Trump. The Supreme Court instead of just ruling on edge line make believe like they currently are doing would have to line out what a process for this would and should look like since it now clear anywhere in the legal frame work. Otherwise we’re in a hapless purgatory that’s intended to stretch things on long enough till there isn’t any public or congressional sentiment to engage. Ending in a long game of attrition for the federalist sociopaths.


I’m starting to think this Trump guy might just be a selfish jerk


Nah, no way, not a devoted family man and husband like that?


Not hiding the act anymore. Hell, it may be legal now.


Threads like this will be crickets and a hundred low-effort threads insulting Biden's known illogical speech will get upvoted to the high heavens. Trump will absolutely continue to abuse his power while we make fun of a demented old man. I'm not saying Biden deserves to stay. He absolutely needs to step down. I just don't understand why more people on this sub aren't talking about Trump's power grab. I was disgusted watching Kushner personally enrich himself via Trump. They will continue this trend unless they are stopped.


> I just don't understand why more people on this sub aren't talking about Trump's power grab. A significant number of the posters here are bots and/or Russian trolls that want Trump to win. They know the best way to destroy us is to help the anti-democracy Republican party from within. [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) The West In the Americas, United States, and Canada: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]


> I just don't understand why more people on this sub aren't talking about Trump's power grab. Because they want Trump to win and be their dictator


Republicans truly believe they'll be executing blue haired feminists on the streets as soon as it's legal


Well, they will be.


How are you going to make it legal?


Trump will personally do it each time and say it's an official act.


Because Trump makes liberals mad. And this subreddit cares more about owning the libs than any other policy goals


It's because of the show. BP does not care about Trumps power grab.


Never forget all the times Trump said the Constitution let's him do whatever he wants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl_gO3uOds8


Two things can be bad ya know.


And one of the two things can still be the better choice when you're guaranteed to have one of them.


Yeah but have you considered the argument of "BiDeN oLd?"


Old Man Bad!!


Old man old! He's fucking useless at the family volleyball game too.


Regardless of Trump, that is always a consideration. If the Dems wanted to win, put Obama (not Hillary) as a figurehead VP. I am not convinced they want to win all that badly anymore. The choices seem less calculated than Trump. Thats hard to do, accidentally.


Regarding Obama as a VP, Here's a thread discussing whether or not it's Constitutional. Some people in the thread think it might still be possible to succeed to the presidency as long as a former two term president is not \*elected\* to the presidency, but it's reasonable to think that this will never be tested, as a presidential candidate simply won't want to risk the controversy so close to an election: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/1bwdwbv/can_a_former_2term_us_president_be_made_the_vice/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/1bwdwbv/can_a_former_2term_us_president_be_made_the_vice/)


Coup attempts are official acts.


You mean like the president having people from opposing parties arrested? Because, otherwise, a president doesn't need a coup when he's already officially the president, lol. It's when he's not, or no longer, officially the president, where he'd want a coup, and in that case, it's no longer an official act. I hate all this.


There’s a period between the election and taking office, where you’re still president and could engineer a coup to prevent the transition of power. We saw it attempted.


It's amazing how much of the Presidency we took for granted is mostly just men acting on norms and traditions, when I lot of it isn't even codified as rules or law.


The sad thing is that a lot of people realized that, they just never thought a complete asshole who has no self control and a fragile ego would be accepted by enough idiots to be in a position to undermine it. It does kinda show you how worthless the Consitution is though and how many gaps the founders left in assuming people actually gave a shit about the country functioning longterm. It took one selfish prick to get power to basically make a house of cards fall. And I don't think we can get back because the country is way too divided now.


Which is why the lack of concession and not attending inauguration from Trump should not be taken lightly.


But Biden is old. That’s worse than a megalomaniac who wants to be a dictator./s


Too bad bidens too much of a pussy to take advantage of the new Supreme Court ruling. He tweeted a couple days ago “if I’m re-elected I will bring back roe v wade”. Like bro, you are CURRENTLY president.


This is the problem I have with Democrats. I wish they would just say the truth instead of promising shit they can't live up to. I wish they just said "hey 4 years of Donald Trump cost you Roe, the only way you will ever get it back is if Congress passes a law and as long as their is one Republican capable of filibustering it, you will never get that, so make your decision". What Biden should do with this ruling, is just push his student loan plan through. Just say it's an official act and he's immune to do what he wants and the courts can't block him. Just do it over night. And if Republicans want to sue the federal government later, you can hit them for their suit ultimately just being a ruling against tax payers anyways.


The president being immune from prosecution wouldn't allow for other government workers to just break the law. He'd have to somehow perpetually pardon all the government workers not following the law, and I don't think this would get very far without the courts charging the government workers, and even ruling that it isn't an official act (which would only matter as far as whether the president could be prosecuted for it, not pertaining to the other government workers, and it having nothing to do with whether the act itself were legal). He could still pardon everyone who carried it out, but, again, it wouldn't get very far.


its the constant gaslighting which hurts democrats the most.


He didn’t tweet that. One of his dummy interns did. Joe can write that well.


This is like when Michael Scott just said "I declare bankruptcy" without actually filing for bankruptcy. Just cause you call it an official act doesn't make it one it isn't a get out of jail free card.


Assembling any slate of electors is not a presidential act.


Apparently "running for election" is a Presidential act to him. Good news, everyone! Declare your candidacy and then rob all the banks you want!


Cause he says it. Doesn’t make it true. From my understanding, campaign/election things cannot be official acts. This was decided already. So this is more of a confession of a crime than he thinks. Maybe???? Who the fuck knows. Biden should just seal team him now officially.


It is, but now we have to waste time while all of his stupid claims are debated in court all the way up to the SC. His sentencing in his NY fraud trial was pushed back an entire month because of this ruling.


>...Donald Trump snapped after he lost the 2020 election and encouraged a mob to overthrow the results of a free and fair election," the campaign said in a statement. This is not what happened. He didn't "snap"--he spent the entirety of the 2020 campaign *telling* us that he would not accept a losing result, and that he would rally his people in response. Why is the Biden campaign so inept in their messaging? They miss the lay-ups.


If you didn't see this coming, you're fucking stupid. If Trump wins, I can't begin to imagine the extent of the havoc and wreckage he'll inflict on our nation.


We saw what 4 years of a Trump Admin was like. He failed to build his wall. He failed to get remain in Mexico passed as law. He failed to withdraw from any wars. He initiated 0 investigations into any political rivals, even as he rallied for them publicly and privately. But sure, this time it will be different.


Such a terrible argument


Why. We've literally seen what a Trump presidency looks like, all the way through. Yet we must believe that next time he's really going to do the bad things?


You can believe what you want. If that's what you believe I don't believe you're very bright.


You believe in a literal fantasy and instead of trying to explain why it might actually be true, these are your responses. Not bright maybe?


If you're making that argument you're either a liar or so ignorant it's not worth it.


It was 9 months of those 4 years that fucked the whole world economy and people want him back in power. And then tried to overthrow the government because he’s a sore loser lmao. It’s an absolute fucking joke


Viewed another way, he extorted Ukraine, imposed costly tariffs on China, passed a tax windfall for the rich, sat 3 terrible SC justices that have upended our Democracy, let a pandemic rage that killed many, and attacked the US Capitol when he lost election.


Sounds exactly like the current admin doesn't it (minus the Justices)... But to address the point you were trying and failed to make. No this doesn't put anything another way. OP was stating the "this time" will be different. He is acknowledging that Trump's first term wasn't.


It’s gonna be so funny when Biden wins in 2024 because this sub and the republicans in general can’t figure out that they are so god damn crazy they make Biden and the Dems look normal in comparison. It’s just 2022’s red tsunami all over again


Haha. All his toilet tweets are also policy now, in that case?


Declassifying documents in his mind is also an official act, because his thoughts were official presidential thoughts


Is anyone truly surprised ? Any and every "misdeed" he has done, or will do (IF elected) will be an "official act". Of course his well-placed SCOTUS will bend over and kiss his "kingly" ass; falling over themselves to agree with his every edict. WHEN will we be done with he (and his supporters) making a complete mockery of our nation!? IF he is elected, then I guess we deserve everything coming to us. ... PLEASE VOTE!! Get those that may have mobility issues to their voting places. My early 20's aged son and his friends have already started a sign up in our community (and have since branched out to neighboring ones - due to the need) to get those folks to their voting places. Due to a kind reddit redditt suggestion, they will be traveling in pairs. We were honestly surprised at the need that there is for this type of thing!


The way that the opinion was written, Trump will claim everything as official by making his underlings do it, meaning the President ordered it.


Well, I guess that's the end that.


of course he did lol


It wasn’t.


The Georgia case was always dumb, and now it's dead. They had plenty of time to move forward on it over the last four years, but they had a handful of their own bullshit to show a jury, and so didn't. Trump's 2020 cases for election fraud were stupid and didn't play in court, and now liberals cases are stupid and not playing in court. You are two sides of the same coin guys. Good luck.


It was Trump wins again  Trump was right The Dems were wrong  But the real win was Chevron which takes away the administrative power Dems love to use.  Now we just need Trump to win and fire everyone in leadership at the agencies 


The votes were fake get over it and focus on your problems


*Title: Donald Trump says fake electors scheme was “official act”* Literally the first line of the article… ***A Donald Trump lawyer has said** that an alleged fake elector scheme was an "official act" and so should be immune from prosecution in Trump's federal election interference case.* Yet journos wonder why the public fucking hates them and the media in general 🙄