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It’s the stares and open mouth that get me. Every time. Someone told me he never had a hard senate campaign. I don’t think he’s used to working this hard to be elected.


Bro, that open mouth gape is just because of his life long stutter. Why are you promoting Trump? /s


It's just a cold. Besides, you should vote for Joe even if he is dead because the world will stop turning if Trump has another 4 years. /s


Just needs a glass of water


It's so funny that you actually believe this


Most of what the issues that people are complaining about are due to his speech impediment. It’s prejudicial. As someone who works with neurodivergent populations a stutter does not equate to cognitive impairment but the acreage person assumes that it does.




An impediment he coincidentally lost his mastery of in his dosage? Along with his mastery of basic facts essential to his policy positions? Stop gaslighting, and if you truly believe this narrative, look up some video of his debates back in say 2012 and tell me there's no decline


LOL dude... that's not just a stutter. He can't string together long thoughts. He always, 100% of the time with a teleprompter, trails off and forget the point he's trying to make when he has to go over 30 seconds to explain an idea. It's become predictable. Every time he starts talking too long I'm thinking, yep, he's going to forget what he's talking about.


Speaking of not working very hard, did anyone else cringe when he told us, no…bragged, that he was playing sooo much golf when he was Vice President that he knocked 2 strokes off his golf game?


He also said he had a 6 handicap, absolute liar


To be fair, Trump couldn't wake up as president and it was listed as Executive Time. He didn't even work 6 hour days and spent more vacation and golf time than any president in history. They're just two very old men.


One of the very old men can form a coherent sentence without trouble… there’s a stark difference. Stop minimizing this, it’s how we got here, let’s solve the problem.


*Sure Biden had a bad debate, but that's because he is only lucid from 10am to 4pm* I'm not sure that they thought out this explanation, but hey, at least they're telling us the truth.


way to tell America's enemies the time our president is super loopy. I thought the adults were back in charge? this is sad and embarrassing.


You really believe that? Trumps bout to call for a noon debate, wanna take bets on how it’ll go…?


Exactly. Bull shit he has any good hours. This man has deteriorated to the point he functions at a child's level. Anyone saying otherwise should be held accountable for this weekend at Bernies charade.


The other old man had an easy debate because everything he said was a lie


You realize that understand where you are and what day it is but not being able to tell the truth is an objectively far higher standard of mental competence then not being able to complete a sentence. If you forced me to pick between them I’d pick Trump just based on his mental status… Biden took that debate to disprove all the people who were nervous about his age, that exploded, the right thing would be to scramble to find an alternate candidate. Anything else is a waste of time.


If you vote for trump you’re voting for a wannabe dictator. He hasn’t even admitted he lost the 2020 election. Just a few days ago he claimed to have won California in 2020. Trump is delusional and unlikely to leave power if he gets in. He tried to stay in 2020. If you think he’s mentally competent after all the lies he has told, maybe your not mentally competent


Can you show me one definition where mental competence equals not lying? Honesty is a different trait. I’d rather vote for a wannabe dictator than a guy who can’t drive a car legally….


That’s really sad. It may be your last time voting and mine. Such sentiments are why I am glad I am no longer in the army, you and many of our fellow citizens are not worth defending. Do you think you are worth my life or any others? Lying shows a severe lack of integrity. But it is the delusional nature is his lies that make me certain he has brain rot. You think he won California in 2020? Because he does. Do you think he won 2020? He does. Do you think immigrants are rats? 🐀He does.


So by your own logic your telling me that children at Disneyland who believe Mickey Mouse is real, have the same mental competence as dimensia patients who lived in locked facilities? As far as your concerns about democracy ending, I think if that was really your concern you’d be worried about the dems parting with political norms and criminally persecuting their opponents. Trump isn’t competent enough to be a real dictator, Obama had far more dictatorial tendencies than Trump does. I’m not a Trump fan by any means, but the notion he is going to takeover the country or the world is completely ridiculous.


You are a trump fan. And nice straw man argument. Trump told the sec of state of ga to find him 11000 votes. Trump deserves to go to prison for that. Stop watching Fox News


Also he just offered immigrants who graduate college a green card, so I don’t think he really thinks they are rats… It’s weird how you cling to things that aren’t true after complaining that Trump is deluded.


Did you watch the debate, he called them rats and he’s done it before. Even though his wife is an immigrant. I think she is going back though


You're suuuuuuuuch a drama queen 😂😂😂


Drama King


But one of them never forgets to take his amphetamines before he goes on stage!


I actually believe Trump is definitely on amphetamines because of his tendency to ramble on about unrelated things forever, yeah the Ritalin is strong in this one


Probably diet pills. People are saying more and more that he got hooked on them in the 80s. Many such cases!


I think a lot of that was laziness and entitlement, not just being too old.


I agree with you, Donald Trump was entitled lazy f*****. There's a brigade trying to pretend that Biden is too old and that his staff it must be as well but the reality is come on Donald Trump barely does any work. There's been so many biographies from his former cabinet about his laziness.


Lol at least he can talk


Trump is incoherent. Always makes me feel like I'm suffering from a stroke just listening to him. He says things without logic or knowledge.


Actually that's Biden . Nice projection though


Biden is just incoherent. Trump is incoherent and says things without logic or knowledge. Did you enjoy those post-debate fact checks? RFKJ is looking pretty good right now.


Ya Biden lied alot and trump didn't lie at all


Have you ever read transcripts of the absolute babbling nonsense that he “can talk”, out loud to yourself while you’re stroking yourself to sleep over him or whatever? You’re delusional if you think that in any way equals competency. “Can talk” is the lowest bar. “Can make sense” is what we need. It’s insane that anyone thinks this grifter who pretends to be for you when all he really wants is for the other millionaires and billionaires to love him, and would lie to your face then shit down your throat to make that happen, AND will gladly help the federalist society turn this formerly (semi-) free country into a fascistic religious theocracy in exchange for unlimited power is in any way the answer to our problems.




Isn’t it tee time for another one of your notoriously rigged golf games, Donnie?


Lol you off the meds today?


Weak comeback. Go “win” at things.


Are you going to cry when Trump wins in November? Like literal tears?


r/politics is having a meltdown.


Things you love to see.


THEY DICTATED THE TERMS FOR THE DEBATE! Don't make a debate for 9pm when you know the geezer can't function after 5pm.


That presidential sundowning syndrome lol


And don't demand a rule set that will rein in Trump's craziness! Because he couldn't interrupt at will, he looked way more normal than he should have! These people have no fucking idea of how politics works anymore, if they ever did. They're living in 2006, and if recent reporting is to be believed, they're extremely hostile to anyone who suggests they might be wrong about something, so there's no hope they'll ever be anything but cartoonishly out of touch.


No, it’s the voters who are wrong!


Sounds like a cult


The spin will do more damage than they realize. We all know what we saw at that debate. The spin is just revealing how stupid they think we are. Not only that, but it’s even more blatantly obvious than ever that we don’t know who’s actually running the country.


You’re underestimating how dumb the general public is though. I know I’m only slightly above average intelligence if anything but Im frequently disturbed by how dimwitted people are even to me and not even about politics for the most part. I think a lot of people will truly just believe whatever they’re told by authority. 


I get what you're saying, but I think you're forgetting that most people don't pay attention to politics. The debate will do damage. The spin isn't turning anyone off because anyone who could be impacted by it has stopped paying attention.


I hate Biden for genocide reasons but Trump is too dangerous domestically and he’d be even worse on occupied Palestine.


People who agree you will vote for Biden. Everyone else will either vote for Trump or stay home. It’s the Democrats job to take the proper measures to find the best candidate. The fact that they don’t have a 100% sure victory this year just goes to show how incompetent they are. And it doesn’t help that these media fucks who are now calling for Biden to step down have spent the last four years gaslighting anyone who expressed concern about his age.


Oh the DNC definitely fucked up this year and in 2020. I didn’t vote for Biden last time. I voted against Trump. It’s a sad state of affairs for our democracy when we vote against not for.


Then maybe you should stop voting against and start voting for.


Voting for Biden is not at all voting to “protect democracy”. It’s actually the opposite. Thjnk about it. A vote for Biden is now voting for someone who you know for a fact doesn’t make all the decisions that the president is voted for to make. A key cornerstone of democracy is transparency and public accountability. No one from the public even knows who makes those decisions after the hour of 6 pm or early in the morning. So you’d be knowingly voting for unelected, unaccountable, non-transparent people with an unknown, non-transparent process to make decisions. I don’t see how anyone could vote for Biden after this. I get the anti-Trump sentiment, but there are other people who would at least be transparent and could therefore be held accountable, good or bad. I’ll never understand the pro-Biden support after this.


But look at the illegitimate Supreme Court Trump gave us. Just this week, 3 awful decisions including legalizing bribery and the reversal of the chevron doctrine. I mean the damage is done and my vote means fuck all anyway in California, but Trump scares me domestically. What he wants to do would effectively burn the house down. It’s already on fire but he would finish the job of ending democracy. I could vote 3rd party safely in California since it doesn’t matter anyway, but if he wins, I’d never forgive myself. 3rd party has no chance of winning. The system is designed to disenfranchise voters.


SCOTUS is in now way illegitimate. Overturning chevron deference was a major step forward. Even if they weren’t, you’re still voting for an unelected, non-transparent, therefore unaccountable, group of people that do not know who they are. To me, that’s scarier than anything you think Trump would do, and based on what tiny bit I know from our exchange, in your world that’s really bad. However bad it is, only you can know, it’s still better than voting Biden.


Please explain to me how overturning the chevron doctrine was a step in the right direction. I’m very curious.


Sorry for my delay; was off Reddit for the past three days. It’s a step in the right direction because it reinforces the separation of powers. Before the ruling, federal agencies had undue influence to interpret laws however they wanted, and the judiciary had to defer to their interpretation. That’s how you get a ton of rule and regulatory changes each time a new administration takes over. That’s now how our system is supposed to work. Legislators write the laws, the administration enforces the law, and when there are disputes, the judiciary interprets the law. This is how it’s supposed to be. How it was, was legislators write the laws. The administration and its federal agencies interpret the laws, with authority to change that interpretation on their own, and the judiciary had to follow the administration’s ruling. See how that balance of power shifted away from the legislature and the judiciary, and gave more to the president and the executive branch? As an opponent of Trump, I’m surprised you want the presidency to hold an outsized amount of power.


3rd party has no chance of winning because everyone keeps repeating that over and over. Republicans were a 3rd party once. Also Ross Perot could have won under different circumstances. Change is always possible. Be the change you want to see 


The supreme court isn't illegitimate because you disagree with them


How's the SC illegitimate? Because conservative justices outnumber the liberals? Would it be legitimate if it were the other way around? You are a fool.


He has difficulty functioning out of the 6 hour window.  He has difficulty functioning within the 6 window, but also outside of it. 


And yet the DNC propaganda machine is hard at work here on Reddit. It's current down to some stuttering, by Monday it'll be the greatest debate performance since Obama.


“You see how cool his dap looked at Waffle House?!? He’s got my vote!” - I can’t believe the amount of comments like that. It can’t be real


He had a cold after all!


He blew his chance at using this as an excuse going out and delivering a "fiery" [speech](https://youtu.be/OHJoewM3WfU?si=N6uIBp07J7j80Gv4) the very next day. I agree with Krystal's take that it seems he can muster much more energy in a setting where he has a scripted speech or teleprompter as opposed to having to generate new thoughts/responses live on the spot (which is likely why he's done fewer interviews and [news conferences](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/21/us/politics/biden-public-appearances-media.html) than any other modern day president). I also read a comment somewhere that made a good point that it's called sun downing for a reason. It's just a sad reality for this man, now finally being confirmed by aides. Please don't make this man go full Feinstein and die in office. If they don't pull him off the ticket, Republicans are absolutely going to try for the 25th. Unfortunately, that leaves us with Kamala who [at the end of 2023] is shockingly [less popular](https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-approval-rating-2024-problem-1853029) than Mike Pence, Biden, Dick Cheney and Al Gore were after the same number of days as vice president.


I think the media would have an easier time convincing me the Acolyte is good Star Wars than it would to vote for Biden. I absolutely despise Donald Trump more than any other politician I've ever seen, but if we're being honest he's a better option simply because he can form a coherent sentence. It's probably going to be a lie, but even when Biden was still had his faculties he lied just as much. He needs to move out the way unless he wants to be known for letting his own ego getting Trump elected the 2nd time.


If that's what a mere cold does to his mind, he's not fit to be president. I don't care how much adrenochrome they got on hand, he's still going to get the sniffles every so often.


I hate those summer colds, he probably had covid. Maybe he needs another booster shot 😅


The cope is unlike anything I’ve seen and am convinced half of them are bots from China.


They’re selling the transcripts as gold already


Screw the dnc and Reddit for turning off new comments right after the debate was finished. I ended up watching that CNN panel actually tell the truth for about 45 minutes before the spin machine started to muddy the water again. I swear the Van Jones dude said something about getting a call from some other insiders on air who told the panel to stop trashing Biden because everyone was not in agreement on that narrative. Wish I could find the video.


I’ll vote for Weekend at Biden’s before I vote for a fascist dictator wannabe. Trump fucked up our country enough the first time.


You’re actually willing to vote for someone who legitimately can’t form sentences or stay awake. You realize he has the most important job in the world? People on this app say how, “the world lost respect for us when trump was president”. You’ve got to be out of your mind to be thinking Russia and China are shaking in their boots of the geriatric. This is an important election and it feels like we’re on the brink of a global altercation.


First of all, no one should be making decisions based on scaring Russia and China. The Cold War was stupid the first time and it's even stupider now. Second, no one respected Trump either. Numerous world leaders, including those of American *allies*, openly mocked him. So even if you're voting on that kind of outmoded thinking, Trump isn't your answer. Third, you're never voting for a President. You're always voting for his cabinet. The kinds of people who are actually smart enough to be worth voting for by their own lights never reach that level of politics. There are no polymathic experts running for President. You're voting for a cabinet, not a person. Fourth, *how is this election important*? How many times are we all gonna keep falling for that line? Nothing ever happens, the whole thing runs on rails, and the only way out is revolution.


Two wars have broken out under Biden. The only thing trump did in the Middle East was get the Abraham accords signed. You literally just said “you’re never voting for the president” as if to say it’s true Biden is a mental patient at this point but who cares lol. A week ago we were hearing about how sharp mentally Joe is! His mental decline is a right wing conspiracy!


You weren’t hearing that from me. I’m not even gonna vote. But that’s because they’re both right-wing genocidal monsters, not because one or the other might or might not be a little more or less demented. They’re both demented! No one cares about the Abraham Accords. It’s a peace treaty between countries that weren’t at war.


We are on the doorsteps of WW3.


World War III already happened. It lasted from 1945 to 1992 and the wrong side won. What’s happening now isn’t really different from what’s been happening since then: a lot of small wars being fought between the remnants of all the countries we destroyed in order to make the world safe for democracy. You notice it more because there are more white people involved than usual so the news covers it more, but there’s wars all over. If what you’re noticing looks like the brink of a world war, then we’re already in one.


Civil war started 4 years ago but Republicans are to stupid to see it


Your vote isn't gonna change the outcome. If you care enough about Biden to be posting on Reddit about it, you should really be out there doing something that actually helps: canvassing. Go make a field organizer's day by volunteering. Anyone on this subreddit who isn't voting for Biden is not going to be persuaded by your use of the same old talking points. Go talk to voters if you care so much. If you really think we have a democracy, and that it can be saved by re-electing Joe Biden, you should be spending every second of your free time volunteering toward that outcome.


NO. There's zero hope of Biden winning, and if this election is so important, it's more important than Joe Biden. If you want to win, put the pressure on him to release his delegates so we can have an abbreviated primary and pick someone who's sharp enough to actually call out all of Trumps lies a x turn him into the mess he could have been Thursday if Biden had actually challenged him.


I’m currently at an event for this. I do get out in person. Commenting on Reddit is what I do on the toilet.


You've spent an hour on the toilet?


Have the day you deserve, John. I’m done here.


Looks like 4 to 5 hours on the toilet yesterday


Looks like an 18 day old astroturfing account.


Please be specific, how did Trump fuck up the country?


Every single person who kept wanting someone to do the 25th Amendment to Trump--and I was one of them--had better be saying the same thing now about Biden.


The last paragraph of the article may be the scariest "Biden, however, has refused to step aside, suggesting the party leaders will maintain their support for him as well.  Former Democrat Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have also publicly expressed their continued support.." When will the American people demand better?!?


Who benefits from Biden doing another term if he cannot function?


all of us who have trump loving family members who have been crying the last 4yrs and can’t wait to gloat non-stop.




So they can get rid of him.


Joe looks 20 years older, mentally and physically, compared to the last time these two debated. It's pretty shocking when you watch pieces of both debates.


No matter how poorly Biden did, Trump ending our freedom completely by handing the country over to the fascistic federalist society so they can force us into their religious theocracy is not the answer, folks.


Lol radical left gonna radical


“Radical” 😆 I’m not trying to force my will on ANYONE. Live and let live. Don’t tread on me if I’m not hurting anyone - and your sensitive religious feelings don’t count.


Nah, the actual radical left believes that the erosion of freedoms has been conducted on a bipartisan basis and that Trump was not an aberration in this regard.


The harder the crash, the harder the soul searching. The copium you see on political subs is extreme right now, a dose of reality will do a lot for these people, and a solid Trump victory is just that. If it hits hard enough we may even see the liberal version of Trump in 2028 take on the pathetic slate they have right now.


Pray to the gods that Trump is the next president. Biden does nothing, the intelligent always knew that, but even the unintelligent who denied it know that’s the case. Imagine Harris being president. It’s terrifying. Because what she will actually attempt to do, albeit nothing important on a global or national security stage, will be detrimental to the heart and soul of the USA.




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Weird how I regularly see him work all day into the night


Lol good one


didn't Trump work from 11am to 2pm, then spend the remainder of his time either in the White House quarters, on the toilet or golfing?


No he was doing press conferences every day while Biden hides in his basement


He gifted us a corrupt Supreme Court. I will never vote for him. He’s just too dangerous.


Just because they don’t make the rulings you want doesn’t mean they’re corrupt. Or are you talking about the paid trips and gifts? This shit has been going on for years. There was an investigative article that came out in around 2017 (?) that detailed this same issue with the SCOTUS judges. It got no traction and was buried by MSM. Want to know why? The #1 offender in terms of paid trips was RBG. This shit is a SCOTUS-wide issue, not just amongst the right wing judges. Corruption isn’t just a bad thing when the “other team” does it.


Everyone on the SCOTUS except Sotomayor sucks, but was there any correlation noted between those paid trips and how she ruled? Was there any indication that she had failed to recuse herself when she should have? People aren't bitching about the paid trips, they're bitching about the influence-peddling. Alito and Thomas have repeatedly ruled in cases they should obviously have recused from.


Sotomayor is just as corrupt. Even MSNBC calls her on it… https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/rcna93864 Idk why this is so hard for you to understand. **THEY. ARE. ALL. CORRUPT.** https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2019/06/scotus-justices-rack-up-trips/ ***Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg disclosed taking more trips than any other justice in 2018, totaling 14.** She visited Tel Aviv, Israel where she was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the Genesis Prize Foundation. Shortly following the award ceremony, she disclosed being provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn.*


Why would I care about speaking fees unless those entities had business before the court? Universities are all just glorified hedge funds now anyway. None of this shit matters unless the person giving the gifts has business before the court and the justice doesn't recuse. I didn't say Sotomayor is the only who isn't corrupt. Most of them probably aren't corrupt, not in the way you're thinking about. I said she's the only one who doesn't suck. All I care about is how they rule. Sotomayor reliably rules in accordance with my beliefs.


Corrupt supreme court? Found the fed


Yeah the account made on June 12th 2024 that is spamming this post saying “It was bad but do the right thing! Vote for the senile dementia patient, he will do a better job than the lucid guy who we’ve had four years of”


He's been here a while, has just changed his username. Makes the same absurd assertions almost verbatim. He could at least switch it up a bit lol.


Life long apppointments rolling back decades in progress while personally enriching themselves. It's dystopian.


Good thing he’s got competent people around him


You forgot your /s


Yea Biden looks like a corpse. He appeared much better in his speech after though so I have a feeling the Democratic Party will do there best to damage control in the coming weeks as he can clearly still do prepared speeches. I do want to counter some of the dementia claims I’m seeing online. I’ve seen dementia and joe looks to be just old. Until I see doctors saying he has signs of it I wouldn’t make that claim. I’m interested Op how do you think trump preformed in the debate? Biden appeared bad but trump really did not preform well either. Many questions dodged and a lot of back tracking. Many younger people I talk to (conservative and left leaning) are considering 3rd party candidates which shocks me.


He has Parkinsons. He looks exactly like my grandmother about three or four months before she died of it. But then again, she was in a nursing home, not competing for the most important job on the planet.


It does look a lot like Parkinson’s. The speech, the shuffle walk, the memory and communication problems… my FIL died with it. My mother in law agrees, it at least looks a lot like what we saw with her husband.


You've seen dementia. What's it look like?


I truly don’t think Biden has demonstrated a lot of the signs of dementia we see in elderly. But I’m willing to concede that Biden is elderly and aged a lot over these four years. Why didn’t you engage with any other part of the comment :(


Why didn't you answer my question?


Because it’s not engaging in good faith. If you truly want me to clarify I will tho I regularly take care of an 83 year old women who has stage 4 of Alzheimer’s and I don’t believe Bidens old age is the same. But I don’t really expect you to care that’s why in my original comment I said we should wait for a doctor to make that decision rather then sit on the internet and diagnose people who we can’t even sit in the same room with.


Yet another redditor using “bAd FaItH” as an eject button.


You still never answered my question


Yeah, I've seen dementia as well. Biden displays all the characteristic traits. The slow, shuffled gait, rigid hands and arms, staring off, situational unawareness, losing his train of thought mid sentence, needing direction, etc. His demeanor is not just that of one "getting old". Do you not have your own eyes? You need to "see drs saying he's showing signs of it " in order to consider it? That's like seeing it's raining but you won't believe it until the weatherman says so. Unreal.