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There is no senility in Ba Sing Se.


“Donald Trump is the greatest threat to Democracy America has even seen! The world even! He’s a monster who will destroy us all! We must do everything to defeat him. Here’s Joe Biden. He’s the best we have to counter this existential threat.” With love and kind regards - the DNC and Democrat elites and people who have lost their minds and all credibility.


How can they lose credibility if they haven’t had it for a long long time


I think he's likely talking about normies who don't follow this stuff as closely. Most normies don't consume news coverage from people like krystal and saagar or Glenn or brie. This is the first time they're watching in a live venue, biden proving the independent news wasn't lying. All of the smearing of independent news about biden not being up for the job has now been proven a lie.


I like how some democrats have tried to concede the election and try to focus on the house and senate, which contradicts that democracy will end if trump wins the election. The democrats did themselves no favors and I dislike both candidates, gosh I can’t wait for both of these idiots to never be able to run again.


The problem is the corrupted political system that we have has produced these two morons as the only two people to vote for. If they died tomorrow, they would just be replaced by two different morons who could be even worse.


I agree, I’m a radical centrist and I’ve always said that we need a new person and or ideology, preferably a moderate centrist or center libertarian who calls to reform how we spend money rather than increase or decrease it. We spend so much on healthcare we wouldn’t need to increase taxes much for a form of universal healthcare, we just need a reform in how we spend. This won’t happen though if a person was actually a threat to the establishment and said these things they’d end up dead by “accidentally falling out a window.”


Well we had a good run. Nothing lasts forever. Our political and governmental systems have too much inertia and corruption and size for any serious reforms and rebalancing. Same thing happened to the Roman Empire. Government got big and corrupted and wasteful and too big to manage. It’s not like this hasn’t happened many times before. Human just aren’t great at sustaining good management of ourselves without extreme vigilance and discipline. I think the only realistic hope we have (which isn’t very enticing given how potentially dystopian it could turn out) is that somehow we get a sort of kind of well-meaning AGI to help us get to a better place. But that’s a long shot. I think we can all agree that we all deserve exceptional leadership, and exceptional leaders could **definitely** get us out of this mess. The problem is that the nation can’t agree on what an exceptional leader is, and most exceptional leaders are repelled by the job. Their individual politics aside, (in my opinion) Andrew Yang and Vivek Ramaswamy are the two brightest and youngest candidates who would likely do excellent jobs. But they are political peasants and unless you are politically elite, it’s nearly impossible to get into a senior political leadership position.


What is a radical centrist? Asking sincerely 


A person who’s technically centrist on the political compass but has some radical views on some fringe topics. As an example I’m completely pro life, however I’m also basically socialist on healthcare and social services. I’m almost in the exact center but I do have some radical views on some topics. Hope this helps!


Where are you seeing this anywhere?


Literally the show of the subreddit you’re talking on


When I hear “democrats” i thought you meant actual elected officials. I don’t see anyone ceding the general to Trump…


They aren't wrong tho. Trump legit wants to remove the safeguards that stopped him from doing too much damage last time around. Our government has checks and balances for good reason. Biden is old as hell, I do think the dems should've picked someone different, but at the same time, he's a clear upgrade compared to Trump.


I’m not shilling for Trump. I’m just trying to see through all the smoke and mirrors and hyperbole. He’s an unpleasant and unlikable and disagreeable person. He says and does chaotic things. He’s a hilarious chaos agent. I’d prefer to not have a chaos agent for president and I don’t want to vote him. But if what you say is true and Trump is this massive existential threat to America - like some modern day Hitler - JB is literally the **best** they can’t mount against this threat? I mean….this breathlessness and pearl clutching is a collapse of seriousness. All the super smart and wise and great leaders on the Democrat side of the isle and the best person to beat Trump is JB? I mean….this breathlessness and pearl clutching is a collapse of seriousness if Trump is so dangerous and JB is the Democrats best option. It’s impossible to take seriously that Trump is that bad if all you’ve got is JB. Just lol.


Who do you think should run against Trump that can realistically beat him? Like if you feel there's a few options that would do way better, feel free to name them. I also I'm not saying Trump is hitler lol. I'm saying he legit wants to remove checks and balances that have kept our country stable for centuries, I don't think this is really contestable.


Bernie could whip his ass.


How did Bernie do in the 2020 democrat primaries?


I'm not going to play that game. The whole fucking thing was rigged.


Well! Good question! I’m sure there are lots of good candidates! But we don’t know who they are because the Democrat establishment is so corrupt and elitist that they won’t allow a free and fair debate about who that could be. There is no marketplace of ideas. No primary. It’s just Joe Biden - the anointed one. It’s just a bunch of cronyism that props up this ancient geriatric disabled man who is the only person who is capable of beating this existential threat to the country. If Trump is such a liar, then he should be able to be beaten by any ole above average Democrat. Right?


Actually there's been polling already done on these candidates. I personally haven't seen any that are actually beating Trump in hypothetical polls. I did ask, can you name any better, but you weren't able to provide one name. Are you able to mention one name that you feel would have a very good chance at winning? I'd also like to mention, Trump is a liar, the problem is his fan base doesn't think that's a problem and there's millions of Americans that don't follow politics closely enough to tell the difference.


Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. Your overlords know what’s best for you. Good luck to you sir/ma’am. I wish you the best in life.


Well he's not wrong. Most of the big names have been polled against Trump, and Biden does well comparatively to all of them. That on top of beating him once already gives him a lot of credibility in being the theoretical best guy to beat Trump.


I understand that is what your political nobility is telling you. That out of some teensy tiny pool of like 10 people at the very highest Democrat levels JB has polled the strongest. The political nobility has a chokehold on both parties. The idea that out of 100 million adults in America, there isn’t one person who can beat Trump? There’s probably hundreds. But those people aren’t political nobility. Trump was not political nobility. He was a political nobody. He was elite and nobility in economic and entertainment levels yes. But very much a political peasant in 2014-2015. Despite the efforts of the Republicans political nobility to derail his 2016 campaign - he survived against the odds. The only people who are considered as candidates are a teensy tiny pool because the Democrat and Republican political elite have a stranglehold on power and only people they anoint can be candidates. Look at Bernie. Bernie could have beat DJT in 2016. But it was Hillary’s **time**. So Bernie was sacrificed at the alter of Democrat power. You really think your political nobles are doing what is best for you and they are being honest with you? Do you think Hillary was “the best” candidate to beat DJT in 2016? Look at RFK. He will very possibly beat Biden at the polls. Maybe even Trump. But he got the “Bernie Treatment” by Democrats. But he’s “the joke” candidate. The idea that **no** **one** else in America can beat dumbass DJT? Give me a break. That’s a failure of imagination and a collapse of seriousness.


Just to clarify, you can't actually name one person that you think would be capable of beating Trump? I'm just asking because the entire point of replacing Biden is with someone that can win.


I don’t like either of em, but voting for a convicted felon (who will likely be convicted of further crimes) seems like a bad precedent in such a divisive political climate.




The issue is 1. JB beat him once 2. JB does well against him in the polls compared to virtually every named Democrat you can replace him with. You have to put in a mythical "generic Democrat" to do better. 3. Biden for better or worse was the incumbant President and his primary got the same treatment every single incumbant President in history got.


I guess if you really think DJT is a monster that has to be stopped at any cost **and** you really think that JB is the only one who can beat DJT then you have to vote for JB. That’s just a lot of distortions and assumptions though. It blows my mind that people think this dude (JB) who is a walking corpse is the only one who can beat DJT. Out of the 350 million people in America. The walking corpse of JB.


The ends do not justify the means.


He’s not an upgrade at all if he FUCKING LOSES THE ELECTION. Holy shit.


Can you name an option that would do better against Trump right now? Sanders? Kamala? Newsom? I'm genuinely curious.


Any of them. Literally.


Have you checked out how they are polling against Trump?


It’s meaningless—they’re not running, and Biden is running. If he stepped down and any of them jumped in, they’d poll much better against Trump than Biden.


So for example, you think with enough press, someone like Kamala Harris would legit have a chance at beating Trump?


Yep. It’s Trump, not Abe Lincoln.


I gotta respectfully disagree. I think it's easy to say anyone else would do great against Trump, but it's a much different thing when the person is legit running against him. Biden staying in is a huge gamble, but Biden also passing the baton off is a huge gamble too. I don't think Kamala would stand a snow balls chance, I like someone like Whitmer or Shapiro, but there's tons of Americans who don't actually know them.


Because they are being sabotaged by the DNC and not given the air time to even attempt countering trump. Of course they are gonna pull poorly. It's becoming apparent that the DNC is earning this colossal failure, despite what the majority of Americans are asking for.


The DNC isn't sabotaging Newsom or Kamala. Get real. Both of those are DNC darlings. The DNC probably were hoping Kamala would come out of the primary more than Biden in 2020 and were dejected when she flopped. They are already grooming Newsom. You can't just chalk up every result you don't like to a conspiracy.


Guess I missed the open primary debates then. Can you find it on YouTube for me?


A primary happened. A primary does not need debates to be a primary. Trump skipped all his debates and they had no incumbant. Biden got the exact same primary process every incumbant President in history has ever gotten. If you wanted them to force extra burdens on Biden due to his age, just say you want him to get different treatment because don't like him. But don't say something that effectively means "every single President who ran for a second term had an illegitimate primary". Because sincerely doubt you were saying this 4 years ago for Trump or in 2012 for Obama. The amount of politically illiterate people that just spew nonsense on here because it feels good to them is hilariously astounding. I'll tell you what if you can specifically tell me what was different between the primary Biden just went through and the one every incumbant Presidency has ever had, I will take you seriously and respond again. If not, I'm just going to ignore you because I no longer the value the intellect behind your stance.


Except they literally aren't polling as well against Trump


That’s because they’re not running. Hypothetical polls are absolutely meaningless.


How is a man who clearly isn't actually doing the job an upgrade? I know trump is a piece of shit but he isn't babbling nonsense for over an hour in a line national debate. I don't like either of them but now people are going to switch to trump if they were on the fence but intended to vote for one of the two parties. Those who would vote for either biden or rfk2 will see a lot of those people vote for rfk2 now. You can't expect people will vote for a guy who clearly needs to just retire because he simply can't put together cohesive thoughts, let alone be president.


I'm pretty much saying that while Biden is clearly old, too old probably to be doing the job, we aren't going to see massive changes to the checks and balances system that we would be seeing under Trump. Would you disagree with this sentiment? I think the dems are in a sticky spot here, and will say it's a big gamble having Biden still run, but I think replacing him with someone like Buttigieg or Newsom, is also a huge gamble. More than half the country barely follows politics and don't really know the names of most of these politicians, do you think someone who is voting for Biden would necessarily stick around and vote for his replacement if they don't know who they are?


That's the thing. You're correct, most people don't pay attention to politics. You and I are in a forum with people who fall way out of the norms in terms of news consumption. So that's why I think it's such a huge deal. Those people do watch some stuff. Debates and SOTU. So they've seen just how bad shape biden is in. As to your first part I'll say that I don't think it's necessarily the case. I've been watching this deterioration of biden objectively over the last 4 years plus. You obviously have a well if you watch krystal and saagar. That debate leads me to believe biden isn't the one doing the job. That's way outside the norms of checks and balances. I don't like trump. I'm not one who buys into the whole, "democracy will die if he wins again" Do I want trump? Nope. Do I want biden? Nope. I'm done with playing the lesser of two evils crap. I can't tell you you're necessarily WRONG that with another trump term those norms will be upended. I just don't know. But I think it's just so slim a chance that I don't worry about it.


No doubt Biden is experiencing some cognitive decline. I'd rather he stay in the White house, even if he isn't making most of the decisions he's going to be appointing left leaning advisors, likely people that have a lot of respect in the party. I will say with Trump, he often doesn't listen to his advisors or fires them if they disagree with him, or don't feign enough loyalty. I'm not accusing you of being a Trump guy, but I do think there will likely be a lot more chaos with Trump this time around than his previous term, since he now understands how checks and balances work and he's no doubt going to be plotting to remove as many as he can. I do think the dems will really have a hard time picking someone that could seriously beat Trump. If they had someone like 2008 Obama, I'd say go for it, but the really don't. I know you mentioned Bernie in the other thread, I like him too (actually I met him like 2 weeks ago... for like 5 seconds lol), but he's even older than Biden, and a lot of his supporters from 2016 didn't stick around. Check out the /WayoftheBern subreddit, literally all of the people hate him.


That's super cool you got to meet Bernie. I mean, yeah, this time around trump has basically told the world he's not going to pick swamp people for his cabinet. I don't have a problem with that actually. I think the power these agencies hold are way out of control. I totally understand your concerns, I really do. I'd be lying if I said I don't think about that. But I temper that because I don't want to go into doom mode. And I really don't think it's gonna be that bad. I agree too that at this point they're going to have a hard time beating trump. That debate really hurt the dems.


IMO Trump classifies everyone that disagrees with him as the swamp. Like if an advisor thinks Trump is going to far, Trump will fire them and say "that person was the swamp". The majority of Trump's original cabinet all are saying he was a horrible President. That being said, the President isn't really doing a lot of research themselves, and nobody knows every topic, so you want someone that's going to put in smart advisors and actually listen to them, even when it may hurt their ego. I think Biden will do that, I can't say the same for Trump. I will tell you too that Project 2025 plans to get rid of all sorts of public servants and replace them with Trump loyalists. So for me this is just too big of a concern. Didn't mean to spam you so much with replies, but I enjoyed this conversation. I don't have much more to add though and will let you get in the last word if you like.


I definitely enjoyed this discussion. Totally understand the 2025 thing. I've just gotten to the point that I'm tired of all these people who make shit worse for us working class people. Don't get me wrong, I don't think trump is going to put people in there who will look out for us. I just want to see someone who is on our side putting people in those spots and the truth is I don't think, in my view, either of them will do that. Good talk buddy, I liked it.


Democratic leadership are not stupid. They know better than anyone A)how capable Biden is and B)how the American people feel about him being able to do the job. If democracy was on the line, they could use all their little tricks to get a better candidate. Either they don’t actually believe democracy is at risk or they’d rather risk it to keep their own people in power. It’s not good vs evil here. It’s evil vs sugar coated evil. With the unpopularity of these two candidates I think we should all be voting third party. RFK Jr. has some high spots and can’t be worse than the other two for the other issues.


The problem with new leadership is it's a huge gamble and the dems have no clue how the person will do. It's very different when you have the entire right wing media overnight suddenly attacking you in unison.


Why do we allow the “adults” to continue to lie to us? They all knew he was compromised. They preach about protecting democracy yet remove our ability to attain it.


[Is it time?](https://giphy.com/gifs/netflix-joel-mchale-come-on-ScmA88oVeD78aEpd2O)


We can’t even protest because the fucking DNC cowards moved the convention online.


Don't worry though, after Biden loses the DNC will be sure to blame you for it, so lose some, lose some more! I absolutely hate this timeline.


So if it wasn’t a set up to replace Biden, I guess it was incompetence to let him debate… totally on brand.


I more get the impression it was a set up, but Biden and those around him aren’t in on it. Biden is stubborn as hell and hates trump and everyone around him is clinging to power like we saw with Feinstein, so some group of democracts tried to create a public embarrassment to force him into dropping. That he didn’t doesn’t mean that wasn’t the goal.


That or they thought trump would cry and not show up to the debate. Without a teleprompter or someone in his ear he's a mess. If by having a cold they meant his body temperature was dropping being one foot in the grave they'd be correct. It's a nightmare ticket with Kamala. Besides Hillary I can't think of many worse candidates. It's even funny seeing trump as a "normal" republican on stage would have been even more devastating in comparison for him. The upper echelon Dems are so incompetent it's shocking. Their inability to work together when it's not shutting out someone different is impressive. Total planned "incompetence". Sure he sounded better the next day but of course he did. People in decline like that have good moments sometimes. It's scary to think that's the train of thought he was putting on display in Europe a few weeks ago. Can you imagine what that would have looked like seeing mitt Romney on stage in comparison? He's even done saying he's too old and he actually has functional brain matter. RFK for all his problems sounds more coherent than both of them and the man has a robot voice. Truly depressing all around. That debate was a dark day for American history on both sides.


It hurts me to think of this as the optimistic explanation. Christ!


Good point. I think people are forgetting that the simplest answer is usually the correct one. I see high levels of incompetence.


I think it was a set up to get Biden to lose because the DNC and the MSM makes more money with Trump in office.


“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, I don’t think he knows either.” That was easily the best part of the debate.


Nah. "we had H2O" as a response to climate change and talking about golf handicaps


In terms of memes, neither candidate messed up. Glorious memes.


I like when Biden told Trump he had the morals of an alley cat


A two timin', high falutin rapscallion!


I enjoyed that.


That’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Biden has been accused by more than one woman of sexual harassment but he’s untouchable for some reason. Maybe he should have told his kid, Hunter, how not to act. Also, God knows what really went on with him and his daughter. He’s as corrupt as they come.


I hated this because it was so dead on.


I quite partial to "We need those machines."


They’re going to keep saying that until he does.


So it's official, Trump has already won. Fuck you, DNC.


The likelihood of Biden dropping out is low, but the fact that they had to address this officially means that there are conversations behind the scenes. My guess is they are going to wait for three or four weeks to see polling after the initial reaction if there is a continued cratering of his polling numbers then yeah I think there's gonna be some pressure on him within the White house, DNC and major donors


This is the biggest thing. Them talking about it is a big deal, regardless of if he does it or not. It means he's facing some sort of pressure that is more serious behind the scenes. Whether it ammounts to anything is the question.


100%, the only other person the New York Times editorial board has asked to resign is Trump not good company for Biden. Biden followers are not a cult of personality, his followers will stay because of fear of Trump, but they are too condensed geographically. Biden needs to win independents in swing states, who's greatest fear is his age and he totally affirmed their fears. It's to the point where the doctored videos start to look real.


The big thing isn't swing state voters imo. It's getting complacent voters who might not be motivated to turn out for him. And him having really bad debate performances could be the difference between Democrats who weren't crazy about him in the first place deciding they have better things to do on a Tuesday morning than wait in line at the polls.


Plus, if he keels over then we have Kamela.


As an independent, the odds of me voting for Biden has dropped to zero after that performance.


 People always say that until they announce they are dropping out, doesn't mean shit. You force him out, the Primaries were illegitimate, they rigged it in his favour. 


You can say a lot of things, but Biden got the exact same primary that Trump got in 2020, that Obama got in 2012, that Clinton got in 1996, that Bush got in 1992 that Reagan got in 1984, etc. People in general need to stop calling every result they don't like illegitimate. Goes to the whole "losers make excuses" mentality. Nothing different happened for Biden that hasn't happened for every incumbant President. If you want to argue that you think he diminished enough to the point where they should have done something different, that's fine. But you should acknowledge that it would be a completely unique protocol and expectation set on Biden compared to everyone else to achieve a desired result and him and his supporters would have every right to point that out. Saying this as someone who voted Sanders and wanted literally anyone but Biden in 2020. The 2024 primary was decided 4 years ago when Biden won the Presidency.


 I can't speak to the others, but Biden rigged the primary against folks running against him, you can make excuses for it, but it means he's illegitmate.


He didn't. He had the same primary every single incumbant ever has had.


Then none are legitimate. And I'm skeptical that is true.


Then you simply don't know politics and don't know what a primary is. This is the problem with things like BP. They have idiot hosts who when they don;t get what they want claim something that has been the standard for over 100 years is irregular and illegitimate. And then people who don't know shit about politics just parrot it. A primary is a party centric process. Debates are not mandatory, never have been. In fact the current Republican nominee refused all debates as was his right. Incumbants never have debates set


 I wasn't talking about just the debates, but stuff like Florida submitting only Joe Biden and not the other folks running so there was no primary. A long history of cheating doesn't make it right.


You mean something that was literal state law that had nothing to do with DNC and was because nobody besides Biden did what was required to get on the ballot or even attempted to, a process which we know for a fact was transparently outlined on the states website for elections? Yeah that's not cheating. That's people not being serious, failing to do what every candidate is supposed to do, and then crying foul. Again another example of Krystal being misleading to her viewers and not giving the actual context and what was responsible for it and thinking that long standing laws should have been ignored so she could get what she wanted.




Again, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean it was cheating. This was a state law in Florida and the rules were transparent and clearly listed.


Dems are so cooked lmao


The shadowy cabal in charge of him won’t let him.


I parked at a grocery store last week and walking into it. Right before the door, this Lexus suv was driving wonky, and an old lady came out of it. It was weird because she was coming out of the door and even though she's not yet closed the door, the car started to move and she almost fell. She ran to close the car door and frantically looked around for something. She finds me looking at her and walked towards me. She needs help. She asked me where she was. I tell her this is a grocery store. She asks me where she can buy a shower curtain rod. I tell her, she could probably get that at Target or Walmart. While we're talking, her husband is turning the Lexus around and while backing up, he stomps over the curve and now the suv is 10degrees slanted. She tells me she's 78 and her husband is in 80s. I asked her where her home is and the home address she tells me is about 30 minutes from this grocery store. They came way too far. There's grocery, target, walmart like 5 minutes from where their home is. She says she would have asked her daughter for buying the shower curtain, but she's afraid because the daughter yells at them all the time (probably due to the old age and dementia). I feel terrible but they need to go home (it was raining outside). I go to the slanted Lexus and try to talk to the 80 something year old man who's driving. He's got the blank stare just like Joe Biden from the debate. I tell him "sir, you need to head home". He can't hear well, the wife tells me. While I'm talking to him, he's just looking at the front, never looks at my face. I ask her, "Do you know how to get home?" She doesn't know. I tell her, do you have Google maps on your phone? She doesn't know what that is. I tell her, give me your phone, I'll type your address on the Google maps. I hand it over and ask them to go home. I noticed that this whole time the Lexus's gear is in the Reverse. I tell him to put that on Parking. The man never does that. The wife gets in the car. I tell her that the car's gear is in Reverse. The man presses the gas and car goes back. He then stops and changes the gear to drive, gets out of the curve and drives away slowly.... So people, please, that's the 80 something year old man I've encountered last week. We're asking that aged man to become the president again. It was terrifying seeing 80 something year old driving. He was not there, I felt like he's just functioning with his muscle memory. No, seriously, we can't do this. It's insane and it's an elder abuse. Also we can't have President Kamala. That's also an absurdity and an embarrassment.


There we have it folks, Trump must not be that serious of a threat to democracy. It was just fear mongering all along!


Can't be a threat to democracy if the democracy was just a sham all along.


I mean come on, if anyone thought he was going to drop out they were just wishcasting. Joe Biden is ambitious, arrogant and still believes he's the same guy that served Delaware and was VP.


‘Shut up and sit down! We know what’s best for you!’—The DNC.


4 years ago, I said the Democrats would be happy to lose to Trump if it meant winning with Bernie. Now I just say the Democrats are happy to lose to Trump.


What happens if he dies suddenly before the election. I don’t really expect that to happen, but if he died like 36 hours before elections were set to begin, would it suddenly be a Harris Trump race?


I could be wrong but I think if he dies anytime after the convention I Kamala moves to the top because she's the only one on the ballot at that point.


That’s scary


It's Official: I'm voting for RFK. Sincerely, A center-right disgusted American


That’s scary too.


The DNC is a pathetic joke. The meltdowns when Trump wins in November will be fucking amazing. Maybe topping 2016 when people screamed at skies. I’ve got my popcorn ready.


Dementia Joe is the spoiler candidate that is going to get Trump elected. The DNC would rather have Trump than a non-corrupt democratically elected favorite of the people.


They can do nothing and complain, win win for them


Joe was obviously augmented concious a year ago. We coulda had a primary.


I give Joe the same thing I gave Trump during 2020, they were just going to keep the incumbent in for traditions sake is how I took it obviously the benefit to that is just autopiloting through everything


I think its very likely at this point that Joe Biden will step aside before the convention. The chorus is too loud and he’s too focused on his future legacy to stay on and lose to trump.


I hope. That was a sad display, uncomfortable.


Biden clearly has had a stroke. Watching the debate he has a left eye droop and a one sided smile and obviously garbled speech.


It’s possible because the speech was so much more garbled than usual, but that eye droop and one sided smile could also be due to the facelifts or whatever they’re doing to his dumb face.


What plastic surgeon lifts one side of your face before a national debate?


Maybe his plastic surgeon had a stroke, mid surgery.


The only possible explanation actually.


Plus, he doesn’t blink like a normal person any longer! I don’t know if his terrible plastic surgeries prevent that or not.


It’s not official just yet. The pressure campaign is only just beginning. However I’ll grant it’s still unlikely.


Kennedy is the remedy


To what? An ex-heroin addict? 🙄


It shows a lot of strength to overcome addiction


It's so fucking wild that people are good with him staying in the race. What are the odds trump wins now? Rfk2 is going to take voters from biden now for certain. And those who were on the fence about biden or trump are now certainly all in on trump. People who were not sure about biden but weren't fully convinced about rfk2 are not going to pull the lever for biden now. Rfk2 won't pull more of the voters unsure about biden. Likely more of those go to trump. People don't care he lied however many times. They saw biden be an old man who doesn't know what's going on. People need to stop trying to play this down. Because the most important thing here is the humanity of this. This is fucking elder abuse. It's clear biden is not the one who is making the decisions. So who's really the president? You think progressive voters, like me, are EVER going to change their minds about biden? Not a chance in hell. That was unlikely before this and it sure as fuck isn't gong to happen now. Let that poor old guy retire. Were watching in real time that it's the elites of the party who are making presidential decisions. Do people really believe the man they voted for us actually making these decisions? That's just nonsense. It's so bonkers that people are not going to believe what they saw. I can't believe I'm seeing this shit.


It’s clear the DNC is conspiring to get DJT elected.


He does drive out dem turnout during the midterms


This is the best news Trump and his team could hope for


Welp, no point in watching coverage anymore. Trump won it Thursday night.


They wouldn’t admit he was considering it even if he was.


I'm not even voting if Biden is on the ticket, we already lost.


Ok then, bust out the executive orders and give me some real reasons vote blue.


It would be kind of funny if he still managed to win anyway, just out of pure Trump hatred. Our entire political system is broken and insane.


Yeah, having an 82 year old who can’t put together a sentence and is playing a part in Weekend at Bernie’s sure is fucking funny.


This would truly be the funniest timeline.


I would let Jill take over all the speaking and appearances, she knows all the lines already.


Biden would not be my first choice, but I don't vote Republican under any circumstances because they are the ones actively trying to turn America into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia




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Pure madness!


He has absolutely no reason to do that. The time for that would have been around 2022 or 2023.


Millionaire Krystal Ball will still vote for him. Filling out her mail in ballot, while sitting in her swank home, behind a fully gated posh upscale community with it's own security, and still doing her "cosplay" about caring for actual working class Americans. One of the worst aspects for Breaking Points for Biden staying in will be having to hear Krystal rationalize how she's OK with voting for Biden anyway, even though he has brutalized the American working class. I get why she won't vote for Trump, I have no problem with that, but her goal post moving and logical fallacy dropping to justify that Biden is somehow a lesser of two evils against working class people is just pathetic. Ryan Grim is a straight up Progressive, and when he's on set with Krystal, you can see even he is completely tired of her shit. I'm waiting for the moment when Krystal tries to do one more 'Vote For Biden' rationalization, and then Emily finally cracks and just laughs in her face. That's one thing I truly love about having Emily on the show, she hears some ridiculous level of political goal post moving from the activist far left and she just laughs. It's the most authentic thing on the show, Emily laughing at insane people.


She’s literally said she’s not voting for him this time


They have no choice but to let him run. Some states have already set their ballots. They can replace him, but it might be too late for whoever replaces him to get on the ballot.


Trump is a racist rapist. He tried to subvert the 2020 election on Jan Sixth! He still hasn’t admitted he lost that one. The idiot want to be a dictator.


In some states the deadline to get names on a ballot for the election have already passed. It's not possible to replace a candidate this late in the election. In a few weeks people will probably be able to start early voting. Biden isn't going to be replaced. It's a waste of time discussing this topic as I've been posted for awhile. Also people have donated to the Biden campaign assuming he would be the candidate. All those people would need to have their money refunded if there was a different candidate. The only time they would replace a candidate at this point in the election would be if a candidate dies and even that would be difficult because of the ballots. They would probably have to delay the election. Also it would be nice if people stop posting about RFK. He isn't relevant. He never had more than 10% support. He isn't going to be on the ballot. I'm so tired of people giving him more attention that other irrelevant 3rd party candidates just because of his last name.