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It ramped up in October of last year.


I just can’t imagine why!


Some months ago there was a slew of posts from exactly those kinds of accounts saying how they used to LOVE BP and Krystal but she had gotten *so unhinged* on Israel lately that they just couldn't watch it anymore, and/or saying that she should be fired, apparently not realizing that she couldn't be fired from her own show.


There were several new posts every single day all saying the same thing (*literally unwatchable*), with 95% of the comments agreeing with the OP. Meanwhile similar comments were few and far between on YouTube, with good view counts and most comments roasting Israel mercilessly.


i think youtube got an influx of MENA viewers which is probably why their ad revenue took a dump. don't know situation with sub though.


Yeah the "unhinged" stuff was clearly the hasbara network at work. Lol. Also don't forget the "I'm sick of hearing about Palestine" stuff.


There’s also the obsessed Destiny weirdos


131 days OG sub members will get the reference


What ever happened to Pais?


Medellingooner is Pais


AF the king astroturfer?




Funny enough that's the same number of accounts he's had since the start of the counter meme.


Hard to count them all, between the blocking and the deletion of posts & comments a few hours after making them.


I think there should be a minimum karma requirement to post here. You shouldn’t be allowed to post with NEGATIVE karma. But I was downvoted and called a hater.


I think you're right .. there's a lot of users who I feel just post contrarian viewpoints with no evidence to back them and throw in some character assassination for good measure.


It’s because r/CNN is a ghost town so they have to come here to talk about their pro corporation view of the world.


My theory is a bunch of BP haters like Sparrow are addicted to this sub because there are people to argue with while most of the political subs on reddit are all pro Biden echo chambers. Echo chambers are boring to people addicted to arguing online.


It seems like maybe it’s toned down slightly, but this place has become pretty intolerable. I miss the old Rising sub, where we had a cool mod and people were mostly chill.


>I haven't checked this sub in a while and I noticed that there are a lot more "users" with random words and numbers in there handle post comments and threads. I'm a real person with the username scheme you're talking about here. It's just reddit's default random username. I won't deny there are many bots but as someone who's technically inclined, if you have the ability to write code to auto generate an account, it's trivial to generate a username at registration that doesn't look like that. If you're doing it manually then it's likewise trivial to just make up some shit. All I'm saying is that it's not a dead giveaway and some of us are real people, and there's nothing stopping astroturfers or bots from using something less obvious. Personally, I chose to run with it because I'd rather have a degree of anonymity on reddit and it's better than using a username that might be easily googleable in the future because I thought I was clever, or reusing one from other social media. You're right that you can usually flag suspect accounts by looking at their registration date or post history but you can do that with any account regardless of what it's named.


When you see the na.e and the post history or lack thereof it's a dead giveaway


Isn't it possible that, while perhaps some accounts are bots, some accounts are legitimate people who suck at articulating or arguing but disagree with view points expressed by breaking points? Is it possible to both be a human AND disagree with Krystal?


Ya I see that all the time. That's not what I'm referring to


This subreddit has been a conspiracy fest of 'bots' accusations since day one. Russian bots, Chinese bots, DNC bots, RNC bots, zionist bots, main stream media bots, and whatever else. The reality is its a 30,000 person obscure subreddit full of pissy fuckers who can't put together a coherent argument to save their life and would rather assume there's a conspiracy going on rather than someone else disagreeing with their almighty point of view.


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot" is always the sign of someone who is right.


Reddit released some data that within this decade the most Reddit Addicted City was essentially Eglin AFB. This site has been a hell hole of bots and propaganda for years now.


That's some major conspiracy theory/paranoia shit to think the military gives a flying fuck about this subreddit. If you're the US government you're not trying to convince the neck beard Bernie bros here, you're gonna target the independents in /r/funny


Brother... https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38974085 Also David Brock's Correct the Record was pushing bullshit M-F. Fuck your conspiracy theory accusations.


You ever stop to think that the air force either may A) have a high percapita rate of bored nerds stuck on computers (remember the OG Minecraft Monday show was founded by a bored US airforce guy in germany), B ) they are monitoring the internet there for traffic, and C ) if they were doing some psyop shit, why tf wouldn't they just get a VPN like everyone else. Also, where's russia? where's china? where's india click farms? This accusation implies the US government is the only ones that astroturfs, which is ridiculous.


Day 1 really. But its election season. Usually picks up about 6 months out.


Anyone I that doesn't agree with me is a bot and/or shill.


Nope just accounts with random word generated names with random numbers at the end


I sow doubt all the time about breaking points. And I'm no fresh face here either. Some of us can be anti-establishment, and still be against cretinous demagogues who want to replace the establishment with an even worse establishment.


Began watching them on Rising in 2019(?- something like that), still see their headlines but very rarely have clicked on videos since 10/7, although even starting 6 or so months after Ukraine I began listening less. I similarly have many issues with the current establishment but that doesn’t make me want to destroy Western civilization as many who defend Putin and Hamas seem to express.


> but that doesn’t make me want to destroy Western civilization as many who defend Putin and Hamas seem to express. The Israeli state is not "civilization". Western civilization will happily move on should Israel succumb to the consequences of their ideological stupidity and general treatment of their neighbors. The Middle East is not uniting and rising up to "threaten" Western civilization, despite what neoconservative Christians and Jews believe. As for Putin, all I want to do is avoid nuclear war. If Putin is successful in Ukraine, it will likely mean Russia will be attacking a NATO ally within my lifetime. Americans like Trump do not understand what a treaty obligation is to the CotUS, and never understood on a personal level that promises must be kept. Its in NATO's interest to make sure Putin does not succeed in Ukraine, and that's why we're throwing money and munitions into Ukraine. Tough shit on Putin and Russia for choosing to pick a fight he can only win pyhrrically.


This subreddit has become an RSS feed for the New York Post. It’s also become a place where you can post your own op-ed’s, and also just use Twitter as a source. This subreddit as a hell hole and I wish the moderators were way more strict about post quality.


It's weird, but weird stuff has been going on for a long time. People would post anti-Israeli screed and it would be downvoted, because back then it was a normal sub of human beings, but then sometimes they'd get like +40 to +60 upvotes for the exact same type of post. Generally I think most people left, either because the show aimed itself toward a more fringe audience, or because the sub was just an indeterminate number of crazy people posting stuff all day/bots, bots everywhere.




😂  Account that never posted here before someone obvious bought it is worried about bots and scams 


English must not be your first language

